Numerology for the year according to zodiac signs. Personal numerological horoscope for zodiac signs

Don't let others rule over you - this is the motto of the coming year. His lucky number is two, but each of us has our own. It all depends on the date of birth.

Movement and energy will rule the world in the next 12 months. To succeed, you must demonstrate honesty and sincerity. You will need the ability to compromise. The family theme becomes especially relevant. The main priority is preserving home traditions. Devotion to feelings, loyalty, gentle and attentive attitude towards loved ones are qualities that are important to remember. In general, 2018 is energetically changeable and, of course, still unstable. But at the same time, it is the final year of transition from difficulties to renewal. It promises to be easier, more positive and more comfortable compared to the previous one.

How to calculate a number?

Add up the number of the day and month of your birth, add 2 to the result - the date of 2018. If you get a double number, reduce it to a single digit by adding both digits.


Heavenly body: Sun. Colors: golden, orange. Keyword: Start.

For people of the year 1, 2018 becomes the foundation for the next nine years. The period is favorable to leaders, strong personalities, and those who strive to be noticed by everyone. Selfishness and arrogant opinions about others are completely unacceptable. If you are ready to think constructively, the year will bring prospects and lucrative offers. Success is on the side of people who are capable of doing good deeds. The energy of one can support everyone who relies only on themselves, but at the same time does not devalue the actions of their partners. To achieve your goal, you have to keep your emotions under control, no matter what happens. When starting any project, you need to carefully calculate your strength and plan any actions. And many new proposals and topics are expected, so you will have to learn to prioritize correctly. If we talk about novels, dating in the first six months is unlikely to have a chance for a long-term relationship. The second half of the year is much more suitable for dating and love.

Recipe for success: I make my first endeavors and accept success.

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Heavenly body: Moon. Colors: grey, silver, blue. Keyword: expectation.

Two – movement, energy, passion. Everything that you sowed earlier, both good and not so good, begins to bring bonuses in 2018. Therefore, in the first three months there is still an opportunity to analyze the events of recent years and bring things to the finish line. This is not the best time to move up the career ladder. In order not to ruin your position at work, you should show restraint and tact. Make decisions by trusting your intuition. No matter what happens, learn to be patient and know how to wait. Good luck will smile on those who are used to working in a close-knit team, because the energy of the deuce presupposes close cooperation. Look closely at the situation, pay attention to the smallest details. In personal and romantic relationships, try to maintain balance and always find a compromise. In hopeless situations (unfortunately, there will be many of them), go with the flow. The year will delight those who are patient and delicate, kind and diplomatic. In your desire to start a family or make acquaintances, be especially careful in the spring and at the end of the year.

Recipe for success: no matter what happens, I believe in the best.

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Planet: Jupiter. Color: reddish brown with gold. Key word: joy.

Three is the energy of material well-being; it promises the implementation of previously conceived plans. This year, you get what you believe in. If it brings you joy and prosperity, give it to people and you will receive it a hundredfold. For you, 2018 is a time of success and breakthrough in many areas: both business and personal. This is a period for self-expression and creative realization. In every activity it is necessary to look for a reason for joy and enjoyment of beauty. Alternate work and rest wisely - this is the only way to achieve your goal. You should not react too emotionally to some of the failures that are possible in the second half of the year. If you don’t pay attention to your mistakes and try to find ways out of an unpleasant situation, then the period will be favorable for purchasing and arranging a new home. The vibration of three as a personal number of the year carries sensuality, passion, and sexuality. Therefore, there will be a temptation to have affairs and flirt. But do not forget that you must observe moderation in everything. Be careful, don’t rush headlong into the pool.

Pledge success: I love life and thank you for every joyful moment.


Planet: Uranus. Colors: emerald, green, khaki. Key word: prudence.

For fours, the time has come to celebrate new beginnings. Everything that was accumulated on the dream shelves, that was not realized, now has a chance to turn into reality. From the very beginning of the year, pleasant surprises await workaholics. And those who believed that they were victims until now will be disappointed. The reward will come to everyone who makes the effort. Taking on challenging activities, being enterprising and proactive can pay handsome dividends. But you shouldn’t forget about rest and health, especially in winter and mid-summer. The year will finally give fulfillment of desires, return lost chances, acquaintances and rehabilitate in the eyes of seemingly lost friends. But for this you should think about personal discipline and action planning. In the second half of the year, you should be careful about spending and investing money. You can only invest in reliable projects. In your personal life, 2018 is unlikely to bring an avalanche of intrigue and passion. Quite the contrary: existing relationships will be strengthened.

Recipe for success: I use every opportunity, everything works out for me.


Planet: Mercury. Color: blue. Keyword: change.

Changes are in the air, and everyone around you begins to treat you differently. You should not break off old ties and rush into new relationships, no matter whether it concerns your personal or professional life. Victory awaits those who are not afraid of change. Already at the beginning of the year, it’s worth reconsidering your plans, clearing out your closets, doing some general cleaning, and even changing your hairstyle. Look for bold ideas in everything, this is a direct path to success. Just make sure that your actions do not harm anyone, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided. Be active, but not fussy, and be vigilant in business. The year, of course, is not without its pitfalls, but it can bring many joyful moments to motivated people. Nevertheless, an important feature of the period is that surprises, alas, are not always pleasant. Therefore, be vigilant and careful. The proverb “God protects those who are careful” could not be more relevant. Overall, 2018 promises to be interesting and eventful. In a love relationship, it is necessary to seek compromises and not give reasons for jealousy.

Recipe for success: I welcome new things and enjoy current events.


Planet: Venus. Color: blue. Key word: responsibility.

Meetings not only with relatives, but also with friends, partners, and classmates become important. And you, if your number is 6, will be the center of communication. The world begins to revolve around you, just have time to turn in all directions of life. And it promises a lot, especially to people who think and are not lazy. This year you should be disciplined about everything: things, your own promises. In order for the period to pass successfully, it is necessary to pay increased attention to loved ones and family. Sunday lunches, dinners, joint walks and trips - all this will come back as bonuses. In 2018, taking care of the home is at the forefront. You, of course, know the expression “Happy is the one who happily devotes his energy to work and his evenings to his family.” It is in the direction of respect for loved ones and partners that all actions should be directed. Providing a reliable rear is the main task for the coming year. Then the sharp corners in professional activities will be smoothed out. But the most successful period will be for people in creative and legal professions.

Recipe for success: My home is a calm haven.


Planet: Neptune. Color: violet. Keyword: spirituality.

The time has come for enlightenment and information. There are exciting travels ahead, meeting friends, understanding and discovering new qualities and sensations in yourself. This is a period for inner growth. No matter what you do, you won't be able to jump over your head. Remember, happiness is achieved by those who follow spiritual knowledge. The year is ideal for revising feelings and relationships - this applies to business, intimate, family, friendships and partnerships. Constantly engage in self-analysis, evaluate your every action. Any step now should be carefully considered. You should not show increased business and social activity, since in 2018 it is better not to count on special luck and luck in matters of career growth. It is enough just to calmly and thoughtfully do what you worked on earlier. Stop working on new projects. Don't start a business even if you wanted to run your own business. This is a period of spiritual improvement, searching for one’s purpose and learning to work in a team.

Recipe for success: I find answers to all the questions that concern me.


Planet: Saturn. Colors: lemon, brown. Keyword: well-being.

Eights will have great success. The year has come for achieving our goals. The period is favorable for travel, new experiences, gaining knowledge and information. Gain experience, exchange skills with colleagues, communicate with professionals. If you haven’t been able to find a job yet, rest assured that the opportunity to find a vacancy will appear very soon. Just note that inaction will not produce noticeable results. But it’s worth making an effort, and everything will work out. The main thing is not to forget: the law of profit works according to the law of return. The New Year will generously reward many. Financial opportunities will increase, and a friendly atmosphere will be felt in the house. Excellent trusting relationships will be established with family and friends. Family will become your stronghold. 2018 is rich in romantic acquaintances for bachelors and unmarried ladies. Single people will have a chance to arrange their personal life. But remember: you should be assertive and active so as not to miss your bird of happiness.

/ Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 by date of birth

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 by date of birth, horoscope for 2018 by zodiac sign and year of birth, astrological forecast for free, online, without SMS and without registration

Astrological forecast by date of birth for 2018 for you if you were born on the dates listed below in any year. You can read this horoscope for 2018 for free, without SMS and without registration. In this horoscope for 2018, according to zodiac signs and year of birth, I use the transits of the planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter) and the Lunar Nodes to the Sun. The astrological forecast is compiled for those people who will have the most important transits (conjunctions, squares and oppositions) of the listed planets to the Sun in their natal chart in 2018. Harmonious aspects are less significant - trines and sextiles are described in horoscopes for each zodiac sign separately.

Passing aspects to the Sun, Uranus gives the need for change and freedom, Neptune instills uncertainty and calls not to become attached to material things, Pluto deeply transforms the personality, Saturn requires humility and responsibility, Jupiter provides favorable chances and gives expansion of opportunities, and the North Node directs to to its purpose.

And if in the astrological forecast for 2018 you found your birth number, then what is described in the forecast will be relevant specifically for you. It is not necessary that all the events described in astrological forecasts will happen in your life in 2018. There may be 1-2 events from the above, but for some people the changes will be noticeable mainly only on a psychological level.

Also presented here is a general horoscope - the author's astrological forecast for 2018 for all zodiac signs, which includes a description of the movement of the planets in the zodiac and aspects between the planets in 2018 - this astrological forecast is for everyone.

If you were born on the following dates of any year, then this astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 by date of birth is for you: The last number is inclusive. All forecasts have an adjustment of plus or minus 1 day.

The last number is inclusive. All forecasts have an adjustment of plus or minus 1 day.

there is no forecast for February (see forecast for zodiac signs for 2018)

there is no forecast for May (see forecast for zodiac signs for 2018)

If your birth number is not in the horoscope, it means you have no significant transits to the Sun in 2018. But you may have transits to other planets in your natal chart, which can be calculated individually -. The sun practically does not change the degree of the zodiac on the same dates in different years, and other planets in the birth chart (Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) can be located anywhere, so I have no way to create a horoscope based on them, based only on the date and month of birth.

You can calculate the position in the zodiac signs of the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter at the time of your birth using free online services on my website -. You can check the astrological influences on all planets in your natal chart using this online service:

Please review the entire astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 to the end, because for those born on your date, there may be not one forecast, but several! Also, any forecast may continue for the next 2019.

1. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (conjunction, square and opposition Uranus Sun).

In 2018, Uranus will invite you to change your life; you may have to take risks, discard what has outlived its usefulness and no longer brings you satisfaction. This could be partnerships, friendships, work, or place of residence.

The symbolism of Uranus transits is freedom, the desire for the new, the unknown. Life in 2018 will encourage you to show independence. And if you had any situations where you had to endure something, then in 2018 you will have a chance to free yourself from the oppression of circumstances, to break the shackles that did not allow you to move forward. And if you are not afraid to take risks, then in 2018 you will be able to overcome many years of internal and external restrictions.

Although at first you may perceive the changes of 2018 with great anxiety and distrust, you may experience internal tension, and situations will seem shaky, events may, at first glance, be unpredictable and unexpected. But Uranus will not destroy what is truly yours; it will only remove what is unnecessary that prevents you from following your path. And here it is important for you to analyze your motives that guided you in the past when choosing one path or another. And if you have cheated on yourself, then Uranus will correct it.

Uranus' transit across the Sun can open up channels of creativity that you didn't even know existed before. You can begin to perceive yourself in a completely new way. In 2018, you may develop new interests, make unusual acquaintances, or receive unique, useful information.

2018 is a good time to allow yourself to become free. Listen to yourself, throw away all the rules and conventions, choose new, unknown paths based on your inner needs and desires! Treat changes as new opportunities and in the future you will appreciate this time as an important turning point for the better.

Also, the changes of 2018 may be difficult or even painful for you if Uranus occupies an unfavorable position in your natal chart or there are other stressful influences along with the transit of Uranus (which can only be determined individually).

January 15 - 23
April 15 - 23
July 17 - 25
October 18 - 26

2. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (conjunction, square and opposition Pluto Sun).

Pluto is the slowest planet of all the planets in our solar system and the changes that it proposes, and sometimes forcibly imposes, are often very large-scale and important.

In 2018, Pluto invites you to radically reconsider your life - to take a deep and thorough inventory. Anything that is damaged, you must either repair or discard. This can apply to any area of ​​life - marriage, any relationship, work, etc.

In 2018, you may experience disappointment, which is the result of self-deception. Such disappointment serves the purpose of turning you face to your true desires and needs. If at some time in the past you betrayed your ideals, perhaps sacrificed something or acted in selfish interests, now you must “return to yourself.” Pluto calls for complete acceptance of all your “parts” in yourself, even if these “parts” seem weak to you, or not as accepted in society (you can read in more detail about accepting your “parts” in horoscopes for each specific zodiac sign) . In 2018, you need to engage in introspection, try to accept yourself entirely and discard unnecessary things from your life.

Also in 2018, you may be involved in situations where you passionately want to take possession of something or someone - to hold, subjugate, manipulate, dominate, take revenge, etc. at any cost. Be careful that obsession with any ideas or feelings does not become the only meaning of your life and does not lead to the destruction of the lives of other people.

In 2018, you will be faced with the need to finish old chapters of life that you have already outgrown. If you cling to the past, change can be painful. In the most negative version, if you resist change with all your might, Pluto can give suicidal thoughts. But Pluto transits do not call a person to physical death, but require internal transformation from him, i.e. “death” of some negative beliefs, outdated views. The changes of 2018 can be compared to a surgical operation - at first it may hurt, but then it becomes easier; you need to remove the “outdated” or “unhealthy” in order to free up energy for a new life, a new experience.

In 2018, you will undergo a radical revision of your “I”, a reassessment of your own personality. In a positive sense, Pluto, transiting to the Sun, charges you with powerful energy potential; you can perform actions that previously seemed unthinkable to you.

You will be able to handle large-scale projects; your importance and popularity may increase, especially if you are a socially active person and know how to take responsibility for your life. In 2018, you will be able to strengthen your will and realize your spiritual strength. This positive influence of Pluto will be more relevant for Capricorns, because... Pluto makes a conjunction aspect with their Sun. For Cancers, Aries and Libra, the transit of Pluto will most likely bring some tension, they will have to make more efforts to stabilize their lives.

You will most likely be able to understand the significance of the changes in 2018 years later. Under the influence of the events of 2018, in the future you will reevaluate and change your usual psychological stereotypes. In 2018, it is good for you to engage in self-analysis, various spiritual practices that help you free yourself from fears and develop confidence, or consult a psychologist.

The changes of 2018 may be difficult or painful for you if Pluto occupies an unfavorable position in your natal chart or there are other stressful influences along with the Pluto transit (which can only be determined individually).

This forecast

January 9 - 11
April 9 - 11
July 11 - 13
October 12 - 14

3. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (conjunction, square and opposition Neptune Sun).

Neptune will aspect your Sun in 2018. The Sun in the natal chart symbolizes the consciousness and ego of a person, and Neptune, the planet that blurs boundaries, has no form. And in 2018 your ego should “dissolve” and your consciousness expand. This can happen due to the development of unconditional love in you, and also if you engage in spiritual development, charity, or creativity for the sake of creativity itself, and not for the sake of prestige or profit. In 2018, Neptune will bring you favorable opportunities only in good deeds of the spirit, but not in material achievements. If you have selfish motives, it will harm you, complicate your path, and you may get lost in the maze of your own conclusions.

Neptune in 2018 can bring ambiguity, blurriness and uncertainty into your life. You may feel as if you are in a thick fog with no way out. You will be characterized by confusion, a “suspended position” or a desire to escape from harsh reality into the world of illusions, especially if you are an anxious and emotionally unstable person. Serious difficulties with self-realization may arise. You will not be able to stick to your intended goal, something will go wrong, people around you may deceive you. In 2018, there is a danger that you may find yourself in situations that at first glance seem romantic and alluring to you, and in the end, when the “rose-colored glasses” fall from your eyes, you will experience deep disappointment.

But this ambiguity that Neptune creates around you in 2018 calls on you to turn to yourself and understand all your most subtle and deepest motives. If something eludes you, does not go according to plan, then this is a reason to ask yourself - is this really my path? What guides me as I strive towards this goal? Am I deceiving someone or myself? And answer these questions honestly.

If you are being deceived by people around you, also ask yourself - perhaps I am happy to be deceived myself? Don't want to see obvious facts? Or perhaps it is my irresponsibility or frivolity that is to blame for the deceptions directed at me?

Neptune is the planet that gives the most subtle influences, and at first glance it may seem that it leads astray and involves you in uncertain situations. But if you dig deeper into yourself, then the reasons for the obstacles and difficulties will become clear to you, because... these reasons are within you. You are simply deceiving yourself, you do not want to look objectively at what is happening in your life. If you, putting aside selfishness, selfishness and self-pity, assess the situations of 2018 with an unbiased mind, you will be able to find the best way out for yourself and for others. And as a result, your intuition will strengthen, and you will become a more conscious and wise person.

In 2018, you can become kinder; life will awaken compassion and mercy in you. There are likely to be situations in which others will need your help, or in which you will be forced to sacrifice yourself, take care of someone, show compassion and forget about your needs for a while. But the sacrifices you make must be from the heart, and not out of weakness or for profit, so that Neptune will accept them.

During Neptune's action, changes can occur very slowly and imperceptibly, so refrain from drinking alcohol, tobacco, psychedelics and any situations that cloud you in 2018.

If you put aside selfish motives, be honest with yourself and with the people around you, in 2018 you may discover creative potential in yourself, you will feel that something very important is happening, but it may be difficult for you to convey it in words. Inspiration will come to you, an increase in creative powers, you may have mystical visions, prophetic dreams, and heightened intuition. In 2018, you may develop new talents; you may discover an interest in photography, music, painting, or some other type of creativity. Perhaps you will start studying an unusual subject, for example, take up meditation. Your mood will be romantic and there is a possibility of falling in love. There may also be trips to the sea and travel. In general, in 2018, if you show inner honesty, something may happen in your life that will expand the boundaries of your Self and bring spiritual and creative growth.

The changes of 2018 may be difficult or painful for you if Neptune is in an unfavorable position in your natal chart or if there are other stressful influences along with the Neptune transit (which can only be determined individually).

This forecast is for all those born on the dates below in any year:

March 3 - 7
June 3 - 7
September 5 - 9
December 4 - 8

For people born on March 3, June 3, September 5 and December 4, this influence of Neptune will be relevant only at the beginning of 2018.

4. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (conjunction, square and opposition Saturn Sun).

In 2018, Saturn may create restrictions in your life, force you to overcome obstacles, be content with little, or make some sacrifices. An energy decline is likely. New burdensome responsibilities can cause a pessimistic attitude; you may feel undeservedly forgotten and lonely. It may seem to you that there is too much work to do, that no one appreciates your merits, and the demands of life are increasing every day. There is also a possibility of health problems, especially with the musculoskeletal system, teeth, hair or skin.

Saturn is the God of time and the situations of 2018 may make you wait a long time for the results of your activities. Perhaps Saturn will encourage you to reconsider your plans, look at the situation objectively; many things in 2018 may require changes. Saturn is responsible for our material physical world - and he is the most important teacher here on Earth. Saturn does not allow you to break away from reality and go into the world of illusions - if in 2018 you try to build “castles in the air” or let things take their course, then Saturn will harshly return you from Heaven to Earth. And in this case, his lessons will be difficult for you.

It is important during this period not to become depressed, but to take responsibility for yourself and your life, and for those who envy you. The burden that life puts on you in 2018 is not light, but if you show moderation, patience and self-discipline, your character will strengthen, in the future you will feel as if you have matured and found an inner core.

The lessons of Saturn may be most harsh for you if in the past you were irresponsible, undisciplined, if you went with the flow and chose the easy path. Saturn encourages you to learn to plan, limit yourself if necessary, take on any work and not be afraid of difficulties. Give up laziness and self-indulgence. Where Saturn passes, it is necessary to restore order, create a system, a hierarchy, dismantle old rubble, show precision and attentiveness. In general, in 2018 you will be required to take a serious and patient approach to all your affairs, relationships, and connections.

Analyze the situations of 2018, they happened for a reason. Remember that sometimes the delays that Saturn causes are necessary to notice something important that was missed in the past. Or the obstacles that have arisen on the way are created in order to turn you onto a better path in the future. Or perhaps you need to correct some of your past shortcomings. If the purpose of Saturn’s lessons is not yet clear to you, do not despair, over time everything will fall into place if you are patient.

The worst thing you can do in a situation where Saturn is testing your strength is to become angry with people, with life, become disappointed in yourself, begin to feel sorry for yourself and give up. In this case, 2018 may become a painful period in your destiny.

In 2018, restraint, modesty, resignation and hard work will help you survive difficulties. But don’t try to redo all the work at once, set priorities, save energy, which you already have little of right now. Set up a daily routine, a diet, do your work responsibly, and don’t be afraid of new responsibilities. Don't rush time, do what you can do, don't look too far into the future - live in the present, but don't forget to plan your current affairs. You must understand that your life depends on your actions and actions, but within the framework that fate has determined for you. Those. You need to humbly accept what you cannot change and act when it depends on you. And in the future, all your merits will definitely be appreciated, all your efforts will not be in vain, you will receive Saturn’s reward - a reliable position in life, strengthening your authority and self-confidence! The reward is well worth the effort. Encourage yourself with the thought that this period is just a difficult stage that you need to go through with dignity and, having survived it, you will become stronger and wiser!

The changes of 2018 may be especially difficult and even painful for you if Saturn occupies an unfavorable position in your natal chart or if there are other stressful influences along with the Saturn transit (which can only be determined individually).

If Saturn is strong in the natal chart and does not have tense aspects, then in 2018 you may experience a decrease in immunity, or you will encounter minor obstacles in business, fears, or slight disappointments.

And with a particularly favorable location of Saturn and your high spiritual development, in 2018, through difficulties, perseverance and patience, you will still be able to achieve success in self-realization, resolve problems that have arisen and even strengthen your position.

For all those born on the dates below in any year:

March 21 - 31
June 22 - July 3
September 24 - October 4
December 23 - January 2

5. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (Jupiter Sun conjunction).

Jupiter's transit of the Sun occurs once every 12 years. You can remember what was significant and important about you about 12 years ago, most likely, luck will come from about “the same direction”!

In 2018, Jupiter will bring you new opportunities for self-realization, good luck, self-confidence and added optimism. You are likely to experience an increase in: communication, acquaintances, travel, information, or creative powers, authority, respect or finances. And for some people, 2018 will be the year of fulfillment of their cherished desire. Your dream may come true in the area of ​​life that is important to you, where you direct your main life potential.

In 2018, you may travel or study foreign languages; there is also a chance that you will want to receive additional education. In 2018, you can receive important information that will be useful to you in the future. It’s very good to start implementing some new project in 2018, or start training.

In 2018, your social life may become active, the right people may appear in your environment who will direct you on the right path or simply help you in business. Also, with regard to legal matters, everything will be fair and successful for you.

It may not be so significant and obvious for those people in whom Jupiter is weakly expressed in the natal chart, has few aspects, and in general is not emphasized in the birth chart (which can only be determined individually). Also, this transit of Jupiter in 2018 may not give you new opportunities - if there are tense transits from other planets, but in this case, Jupiter will help to successfully resolve the problems that have arisen, or will support you in a difficult situation or save you in a dangerous situation.

For all those born on the dates below in any year:

November 6 - December 4

For those born from November 19 to December 4 inclusive, this influence of Jupiter will be noticeable at the end of 2018 (October-December). Those. those born closer to November 19th will feel this influence in October 2018, and those born closer to December 4th will feel this influence in December 2018.

6. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (conjunction of the Northern Lunar Node - the Sun).

In 2018, life pushes you to fulfill your destiny, directs your thoughts and feelings in the right direction. This important time occurs once every 18 years. You need to pay attention to what thoughts and ideas will appear in your mind, what you want. Listen to yourself and follow your desires to realize your life potential and your talents. Do not resist your desires that come from within, listen to yourself, to the signs from the world around you, and do not pay attention to generally accepted social norms. A person is happiest when he follows the path of his heart - doing what he loves, living with a loved one, doing as he wants. Perhaps some of you in 2018 will engage in self-realization, feel your path, realize your true desires or meet your other half, destined by fate, or this fateful influence will direct you to the work of your whole life!

For all those born on the dates below in any year:

July 19 - August 8

For those born closer to August 8, the above will happen at the beginning of 2018, closer to July 29-30 - in mid-2018, and for those born closer to July 19 - at the end of 2018.

If you were born on the dates listed above, and something described in the astrological forecast happened to you in 2018, be sure to leave your comment. Describe the event, indicating the date of birth. This is very important to me and will help in making astrological forecasts in the coming years! And of course it will add enthusiasm to my work!

The forecast for the year was developed according to the author’s methodology (contains a description of all the most important transits and progressions for the coming year, taking into account the features of your birth chart). This forecast will help you not only find out the likely development of life situations in the coming year (from now and for the year ahead), but most importantly, it will give a guideline in your spiritual (personal) development.

General horoscope - the author's astrological forecast for 2018 for all zodiac signs, free, without SMS and without registration, online.

In 2018, the situation in the sky will change. Two slow planets will change their zodiac sign. Uranus will move from Aries into the sign of Taurus, and Saturn will finally enter the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

The planet Pluto still follows the zodiac sign Capricorn, testing the strength of all cardinal signs (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra). Pluto requires change, transformation, and the passage of Pluto through Capricorn brings changes into our lives in all strong and established structures. People who personify “power”, leaders at any level, especially feel the influence of Pluto. Pluto helps earth and water signs strengthen their position, authority and material well-being (the exception is Cancer, since Pluto makes a tense opposition aspect to this sign).

The planet Neptune is also in an unchanged position in 2018. Neptune is passing through the zodiac sign Pisces, its abode. Neptune calls us to creative and spiritual development, to reveal the secrets of the universe and charity. For water and earth signs, Neptune helps develop compassion, unconditional love for all things, realize creative abilities, and can also bring them moments of bliss and inspiration in 2018 (Virgo is an exception, since Neptune makes a tense opposition aspect to this sign).

The planet Uranus will change its zodiac sign in 2018. Uranus will be in the zodiac sign Aries from the beginning of 2018 until May 15. From May 15, Uranus will enter the sign of Taurus, and from November 6, it will return to the sign of Aries. And only from March 6, 2019, Uranus will finally move into the zodiac sign Taurus.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, it is always “for” changes. The changes that Uranus offers in 2018 will be more stressful and disturbing for people born under the zodiac sign Cancer, Taurus, Libra and Capricorn, because... These signs are prone to conservatism; they do not like change. Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will more easily accept the changes proposed by Uranus in 2018. And the most significant changes await Aries and Taurus, because... Uranus makes the most significant aspect with the Sun in their natal chart - the conjunction.

Saturn will leave the sign of Sagittarius in December 2017, and in 2018 this planet will pass through the zodiac sign Capricorn. Sagittarius and those people whose zodiac sign is Sagittarius is expressed in their natal chart, as well as all mutable signs (Gemini, Pisces, Virgo) can breathe a sigh of relief, the lessons of Saturn are over for them, but the most important thing is that these lessons are learned and applied to them benefit! Now Saturn takes on the cardinal signs.

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and in this sign he feels great, this is his element - hierarchy, order, patience, responsibility - all these manifestations will be required by Saturn in 2018 from cardinal signs if they want to fit harmoniously into society. Saturn will bring the most significant changes to Capricorns in 2018, because... Saturn makes the most significant aspect with the Sun in their natal chart - conjunction. But Capricorns are naturally responsible and patient, so this transit of Saturn across the Sun will not be too difficult for them. The transit of Saturn in 2018 may become the most problematic for Cancers and Aries, because... these signs do not really like to take responsibility - Aries are impulsive, impatient and do not like restrictions, and Cancers are timid and vulnerable. Libras, although indecisive, know how to wisely distribute responsibility and, if necessary, can show patience. But their easy-going nature may not be very pleased with the harsh lessons of Saturn. Saturn will add seriousness to Libra in 2018.

Jupiter will pass through the sign of Scorpio for almost the entire 2018, and only on November 8, Jupiter will move into the zodiac sign Sagittarius - its abode. The period from the beginning of the year until November will be successful for water signs of the zodiac, and the period from November to the end of 2018 will be successful for fire signs. But especially this influence of Jupiter will bring good luck to Scorpios and Sagittarius. The transition of Jupiter into the sign of Sagittarius at the end of 2018 will bring new trends to public life - it will become more active and eventful. Jupiter in its sign welcomes the desire to learn, learn new things, develop large-scale ideas for a better future, the desire for the unknown, the ability to instruct, and guide people on a bright path. Jupiter in Sagittarius will help all people who personify “teachers”, bring knowledge and a positive attitude to the masses, as well as all religious and spiritual figures.

In 2018, Pluto and Jupiter will form a sextile aspect to each other. This beneficial influence will bring good luck and social advancement to Scorpios and Taurus, as well as to those people who have planets in these signs, especially personal planets (Mars, Venus, Moon, Mercury). You can find out where the personal planets are located in your natal chart on my website from free astrological online services - “Astrological Online Services”. Also, Sagittarius and people with Jupiter expressed in their natal chart can count on success in public affairs. The influence of the sextile of Pluto and Jupiter will be especially relevant from January to mid-May and from mid-August to mid-October 2018.

The trine of Neptune and Jupiter, which already occurred in 2017, is repeated in 2018. As I wrote earlier, Jupiter is somewhat similar to the influence of Neptune, these planets have the same abodes - they both talk about expanding boundaries, only Neptune gives a larger expansion on a more subtle level. And Jupiter gives a more conscious expansion on a local scale - a new vision of one’s prospects, new opportunities, luck on the material plane. This trine of Neptune and Jupiter can bring good luck, favorable changes in worldview, insights to Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio, as well as to those people who have the signs Scorpio and Pisces expressed in their natal chart. The influence of the trine of Neptune and Jupiter will be relevant from May to mid-September 2018.

If your birth number is not in the horoscope, then you will not have significant transits from the planets to the Sun in 2018. But you may have transits to other planets in your natal chart, which can only be calculated individually -. The sun practically does not change the degree of the zodiac on the same dates in different years, and other planets in the birth chart (Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) can be located anywhere, so I have no way to create a horoscope based on them, based only on the date and month of birth.

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The zodiac constellation under which a person is born indicates his individual characteristics, which include character traits, negative aspects of character, main trends of the future and strengths. Astrologers try to create individual horoscopes that include the date of birth, as well as the person’s name. Only with the help of an individual approach can you create a “picture” that is not general, but accurate. Already now you can create a correct individual horoscope by date of birth, as well as name, for free for 2018, allowing you to determine what the coming year of the Yellow Earth Dog has in store for the representative of the stars.

The zodiac circle has 12 zodiac representatives, all of them are divided into 4 groups:

Each of the elements has its own individual characteristics, as well as disadvantages. Knowing the tactics of behavior and life attitude of a representative of the zodiac constellation, born under the sign of a certain element, you can learn to control fate, “bypassing” life’s troubles and directing life only in a positive direction.

To create a reliable individual horoscope by date of birth for free for 2018, you just need to enter your own data. Let us determine what individual characteristics the starry firmament has endowed on representatives of various elements.

Sagittarius, Leo and Aries fall under the influence of the Fire element. The distinctive features of these star representatives are activity, impulsiveness, and powerful energy. The advantages of Fire can also be highlighted:

  • ambition;
  • determination;
  • self-confidence;
  • independence;
  • sincerity;
  • activity;
  • desire for leadership;
  • ability to manage.

All zodiac representatives of Fire do not like slowness; they always act decisively and confidently. The presence of any stagnation or contradiction in their life can make them angry. Fire loves to be the center of attention; he knows how to properly command and distribute responsibilities.

Among the negative qualities of Fire are:

Representatives of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are considered water zodiac constellations. You can create an individual horoscope for the next year 2018 by year and date of birth for free to determine that Water is the most emotional, sensitive and empathetic sign of the element. Representatives of the zodiac sign will always come to the rescue; they know how to sympathize not only with their loved ones, but also with strangers. The advantages of Water are:

  • diligence;
  • excellent intuition;
  • hard work;
  • paying special attention to all the details of fate;
  • responsibility;
  • loyalty to ideals.

There is no need to think that Water cannot stand up for itself and its rights; if it doesn’t like something, then it decisively and even hostilely fights against any troubles. Water can intuitively distinguish lies, betrayal and hypocrisy. The offender who inflicted a mental or physical wound on Water will never be forgiven.

There are also negative aspects to the character of Water. This:

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are born under the zodiac constellation of the Earth. The starry firmament endows the Earth with such positive qualities as calmness, balance, and rationalism. In addition, the advantages of the Earth can be called:

  • practicality;
  • honesty;
  • perseverance;
  • patience;
  • hard work;
  • reliability;
  • conscientiousness.

The Earth is always determined, zodiac representatives always rely only on their own strengths, without hoping for help “from above.” The determination of the Earth is sometimes amazing; if it has set a certain goal for itself, then with slow steps it will still come to its realization.

When creating a personal and accurate horoscope by date of birth for free for 2018, it is important to know about the shortcomings of the Earth. These include the following features:

  • n haste;
  • lack of fantasy and imagination;
  • stinginess;
  • cold;
  • increased demands on one’s own person;
  • dryness;
  • immunity to life changes.

Air signs include representatives of Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra. Such constellations have excellent intellectual abilities, are able to quickly perceive any information, think quickly and adapt perfectly to any conditions. Airs have an excellent memory, they are sociable and inquisitive. Among the advantages are:

  • erudition;
  • ease;
  • mobility;
  • sincerity;
  • love of freedom;
  • contact;
  • the ability to easily perceive any changes;
  • cheerfulness.

Air is one of the most intelligent representatives of various elements. The stars endow Air with unique thinking abilities, which, combined with a sober mind, can lead the representative of the stars to unique success.

Of course, Air is also endowed with characteristic disadvantages, for example, such as:

What sources do you prefer to use to forecast your personal prospects? There are many of them - numerology, the Tarot system, horoscopes for 2018 of the Earth Dog... Choose the one that you find most convenient and reliable for yourself. Better yet, familiarize yourself with them all, because different sources emphasize different aspects of our lives.

Having all the information, you will be able to properly plan your future, avoid annoying mistakes and generally live an interesting and enjoyable life. Moreover, the Earth Dog is an excellent Mistress of the Year: loyal, wise, positive. With it you can not only exist normally, but also move forward, expanding your horizons and enriching your mind and soul.

Here you will find a zodiac horoscope for 2018 with a detailed forecast for all fundamental areas that are invariably important in the life of every person. The horoscope takes into account all significant astrological factors, which is a guarantee and guarantee of the objectivity of the information presented. From it you will learn how best to act in the coming year, what to watch out for and what to pay special attention to.

The astrological Dog is serious, fair, sincere. It will push us to truthful judgments, adequate actions, and humane decisions. And the eastern horoscope for 2018, which you will find here, will help you understand what exactly this should be and what you can count on while she (the Earth Dog) rules the roost.

Here you will find the love horoscope for 2018. This is a free service that will allow you to get answers to very important questions. After all, personal life is one of the most vital aspects of our existence. The horoscope provides objective information and recommendations that are relevant specifically for you; from them you can glean a lot of useful information.

How to plan your life next year? What achievements should you count on, and what should you put off until more favorable times? Tarot forecast for 2018 by date of birth provides comprehensive answers to these and other questions important to your life. This is a free service that you can use online.

What will 2018 be like for people whose patron by birth is the astrological Dog? Presumably, not bad, in some ways even successful. Many of them will be able to make the world around them at least a little better. Although, of course, problems will not be avoided, and therefore it’s time to read the horoscope of those born in the year of the Dog in order to draw useful conclusions for the future.

Living through a whole series of events during each year, and then analyzing them as part of our past, we inevitably come to the understanding that different years were “colored” by a certain mood, messages, and specific goals. But nothing can be changed in the past. But if you know in advance how to get into the right “stream” of energies and motives, then you have the opportunity to live the next 365 days of your life as meaningfully, usefully, and meaningfully as possible. This knowledge is provided by numerology, which allows you to calculate your personal number, and now we offer to do this for free for 2018.

Alexey Fandeev, astrologer:

Calculating numerology for 2018 is quite simple: to do this, you need to add up the numbers of the new year - 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 = 2. The number 11 has great power; in numerology it is considered magical and symbolizes global changes in society. It is worth recalling the 11-year cycle of solar activity, which, according to Chizhevsky’s discovery, has a great influence on the Earth. Therefore, people whose birthdays are divisible by 11 this year are in for a fateful year. 11−22−33−44−55−66. The number 2 is a complex, very complex number, symbolizing the feminine and masculine with a predominance of feminine characteristics. It stands for Svadhisthana chakra - the chakra of well-being and sexual energy. She is like a magnet of our desires. Therefore, the coming year is a year of social change and revealing our true desires. Many people can gain worldwide fame, new world spiritual leaders will appear. Someone will go into circulation. This year will provide new opportunities for real goals and desires. World discoveries and catastrophes will occur. There will be social revolutions and new ideas for the development of humanity will appear. This year is for socially active people who have been waiting in the wings. Risk, courage, turning everything around and starting again - this is the motto of this year. Let's look at the personal numbers of the year according to the zodiac signs.

Aries: 3

Not a step in place! You begin to move forward more meaningfully, successfully overcoming obstacles. There's definitely a holiday on your street. The year of three is very suitable for finally taking care of yourself for your beloved. Everything that you have long dreamed of doing, but have never gotten around to, will be appropriate. Numerology for the year says that this is a great time to try to realize all your deepest dreams and desires. Question yourself with passion and, based on the information received, conclude: “I can achieve this!”

Pay special attention to how projects started two years ago are progressing. If there are none, then you shouldn’t start something long-lasting.

Taurus: 4

Remember the fable about the ant and the dragonfly? So, numerology for the year says that you will have to play the role of an ant with all the ensuing consequences: painstaking work awaits you with a minimum amount of entertainment. I would like to remind you that the jumping dragonfly came to a rather bad end. The main task that the year of four sets for a person is to consolidate what has been accomplished, stabilize what has been achieved, strengthen the foundation on which you will then build the house of your success. You shouldn’t wait for gifts of fortune, but you can achieve a lot on your own.

Gemini: 5

Time to collect stones. Numerology for the year promises that this year you will reap a good harvest from what you sowed earlier. Admire the fruits of your efforts and move to a new level of quality of life. Don't stop there and cling to your favorite habits.

The main task of the year is to expand your horizons as much as possible and gain as much new knowledge as possible. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to move forward. You can go right or left. Keywords of the year 5: new impressions, acquaintances, travel.

Cancer: 6

It may seem to you that progress towards your goal has slowed down, but in reality this is not the case. The main task of the year is to resolve personal problems. The first numbers on the list of priorities are relatives, close people, and friends. It is absolutely necessary not only to enlist their support in all endeavors, but also to listen to their advice.

This year, the most successful plans and projects will be suggested by your inner circle. Therefore, analyze your environment. The year of six opens up the broadest prospects for you in terms of strengthening relationships. The expended energy will not go into emptiness.

Leo: 7

Seven makes it possible to understand the reasons for previously made mistakes, which will certainly help correct them. In order for this to work, it is necessary to turn off all channels of external information. Listen to other people's opinions as little as possible and trust your intuition as much as possible.

In the year of seven, she will be your best guide. Just give yourself the attitude of “trusting” your experience and instinct. The motto of the year seven is - if you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything (maybe it will work out).

Virgo: 8

Events take a decisive turn. Numerology for the year says that you need to try to take from life everything that is due to you. You deserve it, and it doesn’t really matter how: through hard work, high intelligence, innate abilities. The main thing is that the time has come to get your dues from fate.

Try not to miss any of the opportunities that loom on your horizon: in the year of eight you can take any height. Be as confident as possible in yourself, and you will very quickly see that those around you will be literally hypnotized by the power of your charm.

Libra: 9

The time has come to draw conclusions. In the year of nine, you should not take decisive steps towards career growth. You don't have enough potential for this. You are at the end of an epicycle and have almost exhausted your “well of ideas.” The Year of Nine recommends taking a close look at any changes in your life. Perhaps a person or event has already appeared on the horizon that will play a decisive role in the new epicycle.

Revisit all the projects you started a while ago. Everything that goes neither shaky nor slow can be finished safely and without regret. Apparently, there is no hope of getting anything from them anymore.

Scorpio: 10 – 1

Numerology for the year tells this number that it is time to move forward. 10 is fortune, 1 is leadership. A year of change, progress, implementation of the most daring undertakings. Everything that was planned, but not implemented, should be taken out of the closet of doubts, knocked out the dust, cleaned, ironed and started wearing. The key to success will be a clear formulation of the goal that needs to be achieved.

Look very carefully at any offers coming your way. Any of them could become a determining factor for success in the coming years. Your well-being depends on how attentive you are to the prospects for change. The theme of the year is independence. The style of the year is individuality.

Sagittarius: 11 – 2

Fateful year. Corresponds to the numerology of the year. You may be drawn into global social projects and movements. Time to grow socially. It’s good to reconsider your desires and start a new life. Everything that happens this year is fatal in nature and laid out for 12 years in the future. From career to personal relationships.

Don't be afraid to start from scratch. Beware of inaction. On the stage of life is your exit!

Capricorn: 12 – 3

12 signs of the zodiac, 12 hours of day and night, 12 main Olympic gods, 12 biblical tribes, 12 apostles... 12 is considered super-perfect, symbolizing the divine circle circling the Universe. This is the number of the world order of the cosmos and spirit. What created our system is beyond human logic. Therefore, advice for Capricorns: be in flow with the Universe. It is this year that you will either be taken out or introduced into the value system that you can handle.

Engage in your internal development in order to take the highest point on Olympus. And number 3 advises you to start banishing routine from the celebration of life. The time of your gods has come. The only question is: what do you believe in? Therefore, your success in 2018 depends on your self-confidence.

Aquarius: 13 – 4

According to Aramaic numerology, 13 is the number of love. A symbol of love given by God. In this context, 13 is the union of two souls, destined by fate. This is a strong and strong union of two loving hearts. The time has come for single Aquarians to experience true love, and for those who are in a couple to test the strength of their union. Time of epiphany: “He really loves me” or “How many years have I been wasting time on a stranger to me.”

Try to understand what is bothering you in your relationship with your partner and try to solve this problem. If you decide to break up with your partner, it is better to do it in a civilized manner, without excesses, otherwise you may acquire an enemy for the rest of your life; If you met an interesting person this year, don’t expect decisive action from him and don’t force things yourself. Be patient and try to get to know him better.