Scenarios for KVN environmental events in kindergarten. KVN on ecology in kindergarten

Olesya Tselovalnik
KVN for senior preschool age"Nature Experts"

Program content.

1. To form in children a consciously correct attitude towards objects of living and inanimate nature, the formation of elements of environmental consciousness and culture;

2. Instilling a love of nature, education careful attitude To her;

3. Development of collective and creativity, imagination, outlook during the game;

4. Cultivating goodwill towards each other.

Equipment and materials: pictures of animals: dog, monkey, fox, cat, bear, elephant, woodpecker, shooting gallery, hamster, parrot, squirrel, hippopotamus; “Take care of living things” cards; pictures: alive and not Live nature; diplomas; pictures depicting animals listed in the Red Book, certificates, musical accompaniment, refreshments.

Presenter: Yes fun game. It's called KVN! Club of cheerful and resourceful people!

Jokes, laughter, question, answer.

The whole world knows that game!

Well, it's time for us to start,

I want to wish you

So that you can be friends

So that they laugh, don’t be sad,

So that there is no sadness,

So that all questions are answered!

Today we will hold an environmental marathon, it will test your knowledge.

How interesting it is to know a lot! Show all your friends your skills!

TO intellectual competitions ready?

Forward friends to new victories!

You and I have talked a lot about protecting water, air, land and animals, and now we’ll see which of you can be called the best expert and defender of nature.

Children from preparatory group"Rainbow" and p. gr. "Daisies".

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They won't always be able to defend themselves,

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

Let's save the planet

There is nothing more beautiful in the whole universe,

All alone in the whole universe,

What will she do without us?

Jury presentation. The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect.

They had to evaluate battles more than once!

1 competition “Team Presentation”. (Name, motto, emblem)

Competition 2: Warm-up. "Question answer"

Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering them. You cannot shout out; points will be deducted for this.

Let's listen to the question:

1. Which insect has ears on its legs? (at the grasshopper)

2. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)

3. What are the names of birds that fly away to warmer regions? (migratory)

4. How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

5. Who was red in summer and turned gray in winter? (squirrel)

6. Who carries their house on their back? (snail)

7. What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)

8. What bird is called “forest radio”? (magpie)

9. Can a penguin be called a bird?

10. Where does the longest earthworm live?

11. Which tree has a white trunk? (birch)

12. What is the name of an ant's house? (anthill)

13. What is the longest insect called? (stick insect)

14. What vegetable was brought to Russia from America?

15. What feathers help birds fly? (flight)

16. Why is the red book called red and not green?

3 Competition “Living - Inanimate Nature”

Teams need to sort all the pictures into three groups:

Group 1: pictures that depict non-natural objects.

Group 2: pictures depicting all objects of living nature.

Group 3: pictures that depict all non-living objects.

Game with the audience “Who Screams How”

The teacher names the animal or bird, and the children name how they scream.

1. Pigeon - coos 2. Duck - quacks 3. Eagle owl - hoots

4. Crane - croons 5. Crow - croaks 6. Sparrow - chirps

7. Bear - roars 8. Horse - neighs 9. Sheep - bleats

10. Bee - buzzing 11. Cricket - chirping 12. Mosquito - squeaking. 13. Pig - grunts.

4 competition. "Homework".

Speaking in defense:

1 team (group “Solnyshki”) – reservoirs

Team 2 (group “Rainbow”) – forests

Team 3 (group “Daisies”) – animals

Team 4 (group “Buttons”) – air.

5 competition “Name the rule” (cards)

6th competition “Ecological situations”

One day a wizard decided to turn a thick, dark spruce forest into a birch grove.

What do you think this led to?

The wizard decided to drain all the swamps?

What did this lead to?

The wizard decided to rid the forest of foxes.

What did this lead to?

The wizard decided to make sure that the weather was always sunny and warm.

Where it leads?

7th Pantomime competition

Each team is given a card with the task of depicting an animal. 1 wild animal, 1 domestic animal, 1 bird.

Then a pantomime is shown, and the opposing team guesses the animal. The task is carried out to the music.

1 team: tiger, cow, parrot

Team 2: elephant, pig, rooster

Team 3: monkey, cat, woodpecker

Team 4: bear, dog, penguin

While the jury is summing up its results.

Trick riddles.

1. Crows when asleep

Dear, kind...

2. Who is gnawing on a pine cone on a branch?

Well, of course it is...

3. Who is about to fly off the flower?



4. Skillfully weaved a web between the branches (spider)

5. There's a big fight in the chicken coop!

Who are the instigators? Two... (roosters)

6. In the summer I wandered through the forest,

Ate raspberries... (bear)

7. Runs quickly through the forest out of fear... (hare)

8. In the garden in an old tank,

They croak loudly... (frogs).

9. Very slow and quiet

Crawling along a leaf...



Let's take care of our beautiful earth, our common Home. Take care and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a part of nature! The forest or the river will get sick, and we will feel bad. Do not harm a tree, a cat, or an ant! Don't hurt each other! A person must be kind!

Publications on the topic:

Goal and tasks. Teach children to distinguish between living and inanimate nature. Clarify children's ideas about the properties of water and air and their role in life.

KVN for children of senior preschool age on moral and patriotic education “Experts of the Native Land” KVN for children of senior preschool age on moral and patriotic education: “Experts of the native land” Preparatory group Prepared.

Musical and educational game “Experts of the Native Land” for children of senior preschool age Children enter and perform a Chuvash dance " White Swan"(sit on chairs) Presenter: Hello children! Yra kun pultar now! Do you know.

"Natural phenomena". Lesson summary for senior preschool children using ICT Presentation “Natural Phenomena”. Purpose: To introduce various natural phenomena; develop visual memory, visual-figurative thinking;.

Entertainment “Nature Experts” Goal: - To consolidate children’s environmental knowledge - To develop logical thinking, speed of reactions, ability to work in a team - Educate.

Scenario educational game“Experts of Pushkin's fairy tales” for children of senior preschool age authors-developers: methodologist Korobeinikova.

Title: KVN on ecology in kindergarten for the preparatory group “Shumit” green Forest»
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scripts, KVN on ecology, School preparatory group

Position: teacher of the first category
Place of work: MBDOU No. 1 “Zvezdochka”
Location: Kemerovo region, Berezovsky city, Kirova street 7a

KVN on ecology in kindergarten for the preparatory school group “The Green Forest is Noisy”

Prepared by: Staseeva T.M.

Preparatory group teacher

Target: Formation of environmental knowledge and ideas, the beginnings of an ecological worldview

Tasks environmental education:

· Systematize and deepen knowledge about living and inanimate nature.

· Teach to understand cause-and-effect relationships, show the relationship of plants and animals with each other and with their environment; show the diversity of living organisms and their communities; to form the idea that man is a part of nature, his life depends on the state of natural objects, on the environment, and their preservation is the responsibility of man.

· Form a friendly attitude towards living beings in the process of communicating with them.

· Cultivate responsiveness and communication skills.

· Develop the ability to create and maintain the necessary conditions for plant growth and animal life.

· Teach children to interact correctly with nature.

· Develop the ability to rationally use Natural resources

· Develop interest and love for native land, form ideas about environmental problems cities. Introduce the cedar pine monument to wildlife in the city of Berezovsky.

1. Presentation of commands:

Name, motto

- “Stand up in order” (each player has a letter, children must stand up so that they can read the team name: “Beryozka”, “Dubochek”

2. Blitz survey.

For the team "Beryozka"

1)Which tree's leaves turn yellow earlier than others?

2) Which mushroom is dangerous for humans, but useful for some animals?

3) Why does a squirrel need such a bushy tail?

4) Which birds arrive first in the spring?

5)Where is the ear of a grasshopper?

6)Who is considered the king of beasts?

7) Why does a hedgehog carry apples on itself?

8)What kind of snake spits?

9)What color is our planet when viewed from space?

10)Who is jokingly called oblique?

11)Who is called Patrikeevna by his patronymic?

12)Which bird is called a gossip?

For the team "Dubochek"

1)Which animal's footprint is similar to a human one?

2)Which berry is the healthiest for the eyes?

3) Why do mice chew everything?

4)Which bird lays eggs in other people's nests?

5) How many legs does a spider have?

6) What is the name of the small horse?

7) From the flowers of which tree do you get the best honey?

8)What kind of bird is state symbol Russia?

9)Model globe- What is this?

10) Who did the ugly duckling turn into?

11)Which of the animals has the surname Toptygin?

12)What bird is called the forest doctor?

3. Captains competition

(homework: story about your team’s tree)

4. Physical exercise “If I were a tree”

Our feet are roots. They keep us on the ground, look for water for us and grow deeper and deeper. Our skin is bark. It is hard and tough, covered in bumps and furrows. It protects us from injury. And everyone will understand that it is impossible to cut on this skin. Our hands are branches, they reach towards the sun. Birds can rest on them and even build a nest (raise their hands up). Our fists are kidneys. Every spring our buds open and leaves appear.

I am a good green friend of all people and birds,

I extend my hands to everyone and many, many hands

(clench and unclench palms)

How wonderful it is to be a tree. In the summer heat to provide coolness and shade. And the breeze will blow and we will sway, barely audibly talking to each other.

5. “I know five names...”

On the board there are pictures with objects: flower, conifer tree, deciduous tree, wild animal, inanimate nature (mountain), precipitation, bird, insect.

The captain selects three players from his team who choose

Any picture is called, for example, five names of colors.

6.Assessment of people's situations in nature.

1) One of the girls noticed that it was quiet in the forest and even the birds weren’t singing. It was completely boring, we needed to turn the music up louder.

2) The girls came to the forest for strawberries, there were a lot of berries. One of the girls noticed that Sveta was not with them and she did not see it. And they decided to pick bushes with berries and show her.

3) “Here is a fire pit. Let’s light a fire here,” Sasha suggested.

“Why here? Let’s go under that tree, it’s more comfortable there,” the girls objected.

4) The guys dug a hole under the bush and put all the garbage in it, which

stayed after their rest.

7.Black box

It contains items that take a long time to decompose

Orange peel - 2 years

Plast. Bag-10-20 years

Tin can - 80-100 years

Plastic bottle - non-degradable

8. Dramatization of the fairy tale: “Everyone is needed in the world”

Once, in a forest clearing, insects quarreled: a butterfly, an ant, a ladybug and an earthworm. They argued for a long time about which of them was the most useful and decided to go to the owl so that she could judge them.

Owl: -Okay, let's go in order. Here you are, ant, how are you useful?

M. - I clean the forest from pests. Where there are anthills, the forest is healthy and clean.

Owl - Okay, you're really helpful. Well, butterfly, what benefit can you bring?

B. - I fly from flower to flower, transfer pollen, which then causes fruits and berries to grow.

Owl: Yes, I see you are useful too, stay with us. Queue ladybug.

B.K.: I destroy harmful aphids that eat the leaves of trees and bushes.
Owl: And you, ladybug, are very useful. Look, there is only one earthworm left, what use is it?

Ch. – And I’m very great benefit I bring: I dug up all the earth with my underground passages, loosened it, and this makes the plants grow better.

Owl: What happens? You are all very helpful and very important.

Everyone, everyone in the world is needed

And midges are no less needed than elephants

We need everyone in the world, we need everything

Who makes honey and who makes poison

You can't do without ridiculous monsters

And even without evil and ferocious predators

Bad things for a cat without a mouse

A mouse without a cat does better things

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone,

We still really need each other.

And if someone seems superfluous to us

This will of course be a mistake!

Everyone in the world is needed

And all children must remember this.

9. Where have we come?

1) We are walking through tall grass, there are flowers all around, butterflies are fluttering, bumblebees are buzzing, there are no trees or bushes (meadow)

2) It has become darker and cooler, the grass is not so thick and tall, trees are growing (forest, grove)

3) There is almost no grass underfoot, deciduous trees are becoming increasingly rare. There are prickly needles and cones on the ground. (coniferous forest)

4) It smells like mud, frogs are croaking, mosquitoes are flying in clouds. (swamp)

10. Regional component (presentation)

Acquaintance with a monument of living nature - cedar, which became the first tree in Siberia with the honorary status of “Monument of Living Nature”

11. Reflection.

Let's create our own tree, which we'll call the oath tree.

(Multi-colored leaves have been prepared different shapes and a tree without leaves).

Children attach a leaf to a tree and take an oath. For example:

- I swear not to destroy birds' nests, etc.


  • identify the level ecological culture teachers
  • to form in the minds of the teaching staff the significance of environmental problems, an understanding of the need for everyone to participate in their positive solution;
  • need for environmental education.

Form of conduct: game - environmental KVN

Rules. Two teams play. The one who first gave the ready signal gets the right to respond. (for this you can use signal cards). To evaluate the work of the teams, an independent jury:

  • Sivokhina E.V.
  • Kovaleva T.A.
  • Sokolova L.V.

You are given one minute to think about each question.

Equipment: 2 gaming tables, signal card, reproductions of paintings by I.I. Shishkina "Morning in pine forest» , I.I. Levitan « Golden autumn» , I.E. Grabar « February blue» , P.P. Konchalovsky "Lilac" , A.K. Savrasova "The Rooks Have Arrived" , K.S. Petrova-Vodkina "Morning still life" , musical compositions.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear teachers. I'm glad to see you all. KVN between teams will take place today "Berry" And "Fruit" .

Well, it's time for us to start.
I want to wish you in KVN,
So that you can be friends
So that they laugh and don’t be sad in KVN.

So that there is no sadness,
So that you answer everything in KVN.
So that the jury is happy in KVN.
The players are dealt cards.

The one who receives the card with the image takes part in the game. Teams playing "Berry" And "Fruit" . Each consists of six people. The teams choose a captain.

The teams announce their answers with a signal card.

  • warm-up,
  • puzzles,
  • questions,
  • zoo theater,
  • captains competition,
  • painting,
  • poetry,
  • rearrange the letters
  • Burim,
  • songs.


Which flower blooms first? (Coltsfoot.)

Which mushroom is the most poisonous? (Death cap.)

Which bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance.)

Which coniferous plant loses its needles in the fall? (At the larch.)

How many years does lingonberry live? (300 years.)

What bird can run along the bottom of a pond? (Dipper.)

Is a whale a fish? (No, a mammal.)

What kind of fish builds a nest? (Stickleback.)

Which plant is used to treat minor wounds? (Plantain.)

Does a tree grow in winter? (No.)

It is bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost. What kind of berry? (Rowan, viburnum.)

Blue jacket, Yellow lining, Sweet in the middle. (Plum.)

She is not afraid of the cold, she is not afraid of the blizzard, the sharp peak, but is called... (spruce).

Lives 300 years or more

She is photophilous

Completely unpretentious to the soil,
Two needles, then -... (pine).

Blooms later than all the trees,
Its flowers are medicinal,
If you brew them, you'll get a cold
You won't be sick anymore. (Linden.)

This bush in the forest caresses the eye,
The leaf is complex, pinnate,
The fruit is small
It contains a great variety of vitamins...
Have you guessed it? Who is this? (Rose hip.)

Both the leaf and the buds - everything heals,
And juice is a healing raw material.
It makes noise from the wind if it blows.
The beauty of Russia is its trunk. (Birch.)

A broom is prepared for the bath,
The leaves sit firmly like this,
Its fruits will feed the beasts,
If you are strong, they will compare you with him. (Oak.)

He gas and dust - he absorbs everything,
This work is not easy in the summer.
For this he is highly appreciated
"Air Medic" name. (Poplar.)

What is her name, who knows?
There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling,
Evil spirits, drives away filth,
If the stake is clogged.


She welcomes spring - puts on earrings.
A green scarf is draped over the back.
And the dress is striped. You will know... (birch tree).

Whose fluff is flying around the city? In the middle of June there is snowfall.
Passers-by scold him, And it's the wind's fault. (Poplar.)

  1. Why does spruce always have a sharp top? (Because the spruce, while it is alive, continuously grows in height all the time, and others forest trees Having reached a certain age, they stop growing in height, but their trunks begin to expand in width. The rounded top of the crown is the first sign of cessation of growth in height.
  2. The wood of which coniferous tree is very durable and resistant to rotting? (Larch. Buildings from it are known, millet

existed for 300-500 years or more (in Siberia, Lithuania, Switzerland. Poland.) In 1958, during a drought on the Danube, when the water level dropped, larch piles of a bridge built by the Romans at the beginning of the 2nd century were discovered. Drevesish turned out to be undestroyed.)

3. What are annual growth rings and what can be determined from them? (An annual growth ring is all the layers of wood cells formed in the spring. By the annual growth rings you can determine the age of the tree. By the thickness of the rings you can determine the conditions in which the tree grew different years life. Narrow growth rings indicate a lack of moisture, shading of trees and poor nutrition. The countries of the world can also be determined by the tree rings. They are usually wider on the side of the tree that faces south and narrower on the side that faces north.)

4. Is it possible to determine the age of all trees and shrubs by their growth rings? (No, not everyone. For example, saxaule produces several

tree rings (during rainfall), which does not allow

we need to determine the age of the tree)

5. Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? (Rowan, maple,

aspen, bird cherry, etc.)

6. Which trees have the same names as flowers?

Clove tree, tulip tree.)

7. What is the most terrible enemy of the forest? (Forest fire.)

8. What benefits do birds bring to the forest?

(Owls destroy harmful rodents and insects. One owl eats 12-14 mice a day. Cuckoos in large quantities exterminate furry caterpillars. Woodpeckers destroy the larvae of harmful insects. Larks, swallows, swifts, flycatchers, wagtails, tits, wrens, warblers, redstarts, robins, nuthatches, pikas, blackbirds, nightingales bring food to their chicks from 300 to 600 times a day, feeding them great amount harmful insects and their larvae.)

9. What is called nature reserves? (Reserves are specially designated areas of territory where flora and fauna are studied and preserved intact.

Currently total number reserves, national parks and protected areas worldwide are about 800.)

10. Name the highly poisonous plants of the forest? (Yew is a coniferous tree, all parts are poisonous; wolf's bast is a shrub, very poisonous, especially the berries; euonymus is a greenhouse bush, the bark, leaves, fruits are poisonous; all poisonous, or hemlock is a herbaceous plant, the whole plant is poisonous, especially the rhizome, The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was poisoned with hemlock poison; belladonna (mad cherry, sleepy stupor)- a herbaceous plant, all parts are poisonous, especially the fruits; the juice of this plant was previously used by fashionistas to enlarge their pupils.)

11. Why do frost cracks form on tree trunks in forests and parks? In which month is it more common? (Frost holes appear from sharp fluctuations in temperature of day and night, when the trunks are very

warm up and cool down at night. Usually the cold splits trees on frosty February nights.)

12. What was the first paper made from? (The first sheet of paper is obtained from the bast of the mulberry tree. The main raw material for paper production in Russia is spruce and aspen wood.)

13. Which known medicinal plant was traditionally used to sterilize maternity rooms by burning its branches? (Juniper.)

14. Why is the birch tree called the pioneer of the forest, and the birch forest - temporary? (Birch is the first to colonize open spaces, clearings, and burnt areas. It is not afraid of bright sun and frost. Young fir trees settle under its crown. When the spruce grows up, it displaces the birch.)

15. Why does the forest die when old hollow trees are cut down? (Birds lived in the hollows of old trees, the bats. They exterminated harmful insects of the forest. There were no nests - there were no birds. The young forest dies from harmful insects.)

16. Name the basic rules of behavior in nature. (You should never try an unfamiliar plant; it can be poisonous. You should not make noise, as you may disturb normal life forest inhabitants. You can’t pick flowers knowing that you’ll never put them in a vase (after all, it’s not too soon to go home). You should not walk bareheaded in the sun, it could happen. sunstroke. You cannot swim if the body of water is unfamiliar; there may be sinkholes and deep places, cliffs, glass, stones and snags at the bottom. You cannot drink water from an open reservoir; it must be boiled. Do not break bushes, small trees, or branches.

You cannot catch butterflies, bugs and other small forest inhabitants.)

What trees have names in them? food products, fruits? (Arbutus- in Crimea, western Transcaucasia, belongs to the heather family, evergreen, ornamental, fruits are edible red berries, similar to strawberries; candy tree - in the subtropics, fruit and ornamental plant, the fleshy thickened stalks are eaten, they contain a lot of sugar and are used for fillings in the confectionery industry; breadfruit - Indonesia, Ceylon, similar to oak, the fruits are rich in starch, similar in taste to potatoes, consumed boiled and fried, the fruits, subjected to fermentation, turn into a dough-like mass in which flat cakes are baked, hence the name - "breadfruit" ; chocolate tree - Mexico, even the Aztecs knew how to prepare a tonic drink from its seeds (cocoa, coffee tree - Africa.)


And this stage is the most fun. Here you offer it to teams! depict animals, birds, insects, correctly convey their habits and behavior.

Possible tasks:

  • crane flying south.
  • duck with a brood.

During the preparation of the teams, a game reception is held "Apple" . Take an apple in your hand and say: “The whole apple is our Earth. Three quarters of the land surface is occupied by water. With these glories, divide the apple into four parts and remove three of them. One fourth of the Earth's surface is land. If you divide a quarter into two eighths, one eighth of the Earth's surface represents that land on which there is practically no soil. This is Antarctica high mountains, deserts and that remaining one-eighth is covered with soil, but part of this territory is occupied by cities, towns, roads, etc. If this figure of eight is divided into four more parts, only one part will represent the surface of the land that is covered fertile soils. But soil is a very thin layer of the earth's crust. To imagine how fertile the Earth is, you need to cut off the thin skin of an apple.” .

Captains competition

Assignment for captains: draw a prohibitive sign of behavior in nature that we can use, and tell us about it. The captain can receive advice from the team. Music plays while the titans are working.


Name the artists and the name of these paintings: I.I. Shishkin "Forest distances" , "Morning in a pine forest" ; I.I. Levitan "Gold autumn" ; I.E. Grabar "February Azure" ; P.P. Konchalovsky "Lilac" ; A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" ; K.S. Petrov-Vodkin "Morning still life" .

I came to say hello to you,
That the sun has risen, that it is a hot light
The leaves fluttered,
Tell me that the forest has woken up, all woken up,

Every branch, every bird perked up
And full of thirst in spring.

The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily walking around,

Sprinkles the branches with new silver. S.A. Yesenin

The leaves trembled, the maples swayed,
Dust flew from the golden branches...
The winds rustled, the green forest gasped,
The dried feather grass whispered with an echo...

S.A. Yesenin

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They don’t regret anyone anymore... S.A. Yesenin

There is no time here, mighty and beautiful,
The magical forest was noisy and green,
Not a forest, but a whole diverse world,
Filled with visions and miracles. F.I. Tyutchev

White birch tree under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a delicate border
The leaves bloomed like a white fringe.

And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence
and snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles branches with new silver (Yesenin)

Pure heavenly azure,
warmer and the sun is brighter became.
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's gone for a long time again. A.N. Pleshcheev

Rearrange the letters

Rearrange the letters to get the name of the plant:

  • sow (ash);
  • rezabyo (birch);
  • ansio (aspen);
  • drawbar (lily of the valley);
  • pump (pine);
  • rogoponik (plantain)

Using the suggested rhymes, make up the following quatrains:

  • birds are borders, forests are heavens;
  • buds are leaves, stems are furniture.

Who knows more songs about trees, bushes, herbs, flowers? (Teams will have to recognize the song from the intro and sing the verse of the song)

Why are you standing there swaying, you little rowan...
Little Christmas tree...
Herbs, herbs, herbs did not have time...
The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree...

Oh, the viburnum is blooming...
A million, a million, a million red roses...
Old maple, old maple...
There was a birch tree in the field...

Curly, green maple-
Apple and pear trees bloomed
Oh, curly rowan...
A snow-white cherry blossomed under the window...
Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley...

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 9

Ecological KVN“In union with nature” for children of the preparatory group

Educator: Kolchirina Elena Mikhailovna

Kizel, 2017

Target:to form elements of environmental consciousness and culture in children.


consolidate children's knowledge about nature;

generalize children's knowledge about natural communities;

develop the ability to solve riddles about natural communities,

name natural communities (field, meadow, forest, etc.) by their constituent plants and animals living in them;

continue to formulate speech, teach coherently, and answer questions succinctly;

intensify lexicon children;

develop reaction speed, intelligence, logical thinking, erudition;

captivate children and evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities;

cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game, teach to follow the rules of the game, the ability to listen to answers and complement them.

Materials and equipment:

Ø pictures from the life of nature;

Ø equipment for the game “Guess Who?”;

Ø pictures with rules of behavior in the forest;

Ø panel with bird feeders;

Ø team logos;

Ø crossword;

Ø chips;

Ø cut pictures.


Preliminary work:

Memorizing poems, proverbs, asking riddles about nature and weather; conversations with children about endangered animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book.

Tabletop and didactic games about nature and weather: “Edible and inedible”, “Field, forest, vegetable garden”, “Fishermen and fishes”, lotto “Domestic and wild animals”;

Consideration of the encyclopedia “Animals and Plants of Our Nature.”



Good afternoon, Dear friends! We welcome you to the Club of the cheerful and resourceful! Our KVN today is called "In union with nature." A wonderful writer and great lover of nature M. Prishvin wrote:

“We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. Fish needs water, birds need air, animals need forests, steppes, mountains, but man needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.”

What awaits us today an amusing trip along ecological paths. Ecology is the science of home, of nature. And nature is ours big house, and we all together must maintain order in it. The teacher reads the KVN motto:

“You are a man who loves nature,

At least sometimes feel sorry for her.

On pleasure trips,

Don't trample its fields.

In the station bustle of the century

Hurry to evaluate it.

She is your long-time good doctor,

She is the ally of the soul.

Don't burn it recklessly.

And don't exhaust it to the bottom.

And remember the simple truth

There are many of us, but she is alone.

Preparing for the game

The presenter distributes elements of cut-out pictures to everyone present. On command, the players begin to assemble the whole picture: for example, some get a sun, others get a drop. Children who have parts of the same picture are united into a team.
So, today there will be two teams participating in the game. And a jury will judge them. Let me introduce the members of our distinguished jury.

Presentation of the jury members.

The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect.
They had to evaluate battles more than once!

The jury will award one point for each competition.
I ask the teams to take their places. Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! Let's start the game. So - forward to victory!

Competition "Warm-up" (question-answer)

It is a blitz survey. Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering them. You cannot shout out; points will be deducted for this.

In one minute you need to answer as many questions as possible larger number questions. For each correct answer 1 point. The jury announces the beginning and end of the competition with a sound signal.

Questions for the “Sunny” team:

When does a squirrel store nuts? (autumn)
. What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer climes? (migratory)
. What do you name a baby horse? (foal)
. What animal can be called long-eared? (hare)
. What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
. When in the sun White snow sparkles? (winter)
. What is one word for animals that live next to humans? (domestic)
. Is a dog a wild animal or a domestic animal? (homemade)
. Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)
. When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)
. What does a butterfly eat? (nectar)
. Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain)
. Name the baby hens (chicks)
. What do they mainly eat? migratory birds? (insects)
. What do you name a baby pig? (pig)
. When do the leaves fall from the trees? (autumn)
. Who weaves a web in the forest? (spider)
. When does the ground under the snow rest? (winter)
. What in one word are the animals that live in the forest called? (wild)
. What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)
. What insect has ears on its legs? (at the grasshopper)
. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)
. Which birds come to us first? (rooks)
. How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
. Who was red in summer and turned gray in winter? (squirrel)
. What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)

Questions for the Droplet team

When does grandpa dig potatoes? (autumn)
. What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
. What in one word are the animals that live next to humans called? (domestic)
. Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)
. What do you name a baby cow? (calf)
. When does an icicle drip and melt? (spring)
. Which animal has a red coat? (from a squirrel, fox)
. How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
. Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
. When does river water freeze? (winter)
. Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
. Is a lion wild or domestic? (wild)
. Which insect has red wings with black dots? (at the ladybug)
. When do strawberries ripen? (in summer)
. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
. Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (insects)
. What is the name of the ants' house? (anthill)
. What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)
. Who carries their house on their back? (snail)
. What animal has spines? (at the hedgehog)
. When is the harvest from fields and gardens harvested? (autumn)
. What is the word for the birds that spend the winter with us? (wintering)
. When does a butterfly fly over a field? (in summer)
. What bird is called "forest radio"? (magpie)
. What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)
. What do you call a person who protects the forest and keeps order? (forester)
. Which tree has a white trunk? (birch)
. What is the name of an ant's house? (anthill)
. What mushroom is called the forest predator? (chanterelle)
. What animal is similar to a hedgehog? (porcupine)

The floor is given to the jury, which announces the total score.

2 Relay competition "Bird's Canteen"

You need to remember which birds fly to the feeder in winter and place their images on the panel.


How to call the birds you chose in one word? (wintering) Pictures of which birds were left on the table? How to call them in one word? (migratory).

3rd competition “Ecological training” - “Guess whose voice?”

Team representatives take turns naming the birds.

(singing of a nightingale, magpie, cuckoo, woodpecker, sparrow, tit, raven, owl, bullfinch).

The jury evaluates the results of the training.

Musical pause

4th competition “How to behave in nature”

The presenter reads out the situations “How to behave in nature.”

1 situation for the “Sunny” team

A girl was walking in the forest on an early spring morning.
- Oh, look what I found. Nest!
- And there is an egg in it.
- Maybe we’ll take him home and we’ll have a chick.
- We will take care of him!
The girls took the egg with them.

Host: Did the girls do the right thing? Why do you think so?

Children: Wrong. The chick will die because it needs its mother's warmth.

Situation 2 for the “Droplets” team

The boy was walking along a forest path, saw a hedgehog and decided to take him home.

Host: Did the boy do the right thing?

Children: Wrong. Wild animals cannot be taken home; they may die in captivity.

5th competition "Ecological signs"

Each team receives 4 signs. The guys must determine the name of each of them.

1st team:

1) - Don't leave trash.

Educator: Why can’t you leave trash in the forest?

Did you know that most of garbage takes a very long time to decompose, for example:

Orange peel - 2 years;

Plastic bags - from 10 to 20 years;

Tin cans - from 80 to 100 years;

Plastic bottles do not decompose at all!

2) - You can't make noise in the forest.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Do you know that you can see many interesting animals in the forest, provided that you behave quietly and do not scare them. Deer and squirrel are afraid of noise.

3) - Don't catch butterflies.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Do you know that you cannot kill any animals, because they are part of our natural environment. Animals that require special protection are special attention, because they are either very useful or very rare.

4) - Don't break branches.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Do you know that plants retain a huge amount atmospheric pollution and dust, in addition, they dampen noise. Trees, absorbing pollution, purify the air, but they themselves get sick and die. Remember that if you break even one branch, the tree may dry out!

2nd team:

1) - Don’t touch bird’s nests.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Do you know that birds abandon nests that have been touched by humans and never return to that place. If there were eggs in the nest, then chicks will not emerge. If there were chicks in the nest, they will die without a mother.

2) Don't light fires

3) Don’t destroy anthills

It’s not for nothing that ants are called forest nurses. Ants are omnivores - they are universal predators and scavengers. Actively eating the larvae of harmful insects - beetles, butterflies.

4) - Don't pick flowers.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Did you know that over the last 100 years people have threatened 25,000 plant species with extinction? Among them are lilies of the valley, bells, snowdrops, oak anemone, lady's slipper, which blooms only in the 18th year of life, and many others.

Summing up the results of the “Ecological Signs” competition.

Let's think together: will our forest be worse if, walking along the path, you break a twig or step on a fly agaric; Will you make a wreath of flowers that grow in the meadow? (Children's answers)

Yes, nature will be worse! After all, every twig broken in vain or trampled mushroom is a small wound inflicted on nature. And nature has a hard time healing even the smallest wounds.

6th competition "Crossword"

The teacher asks riddles to each team in turn. Guess the riddles, and we will write the answers in the crossword puzzle, and then we will see what word we got in the highlighted cells.


1 fluffy cotton wool
Floating somewhere.
The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes (Clouds)

2 In winter he dresses in a white caftan,
In spring - in a green sundress,
In the summer - in a colored dress,
In autumn he wears a golden cloak. (Earth)

3 Himself scarlet, sugar,
The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon).

4 The blue tent covered the whole world (Sky)

5 Worth a flatbread
On one leg
Whoever passes by
Everyone will bow. (Mushroom).

6 The red-haired cheat lives in a dense forest. (Fox).


Educator:What word is in the highlighted cells? (Take care)

What does this word tell us?


1. Not a rider, but with spurs
Not an alarm clock, but a rooster that wakes everyone up.

2. Flies all night - catches mice
And when it becomes light, the owl will go to sleep in the hollow.

3. It flies, squeaks, and rings very subtly.
He doesn't miss the chance, he sits down and bites (a mosquito).

4. Water craftsmen build a house without an axe.
House of brushwood and mud and dam (beavers)

5. The red-breasted, black-winged one loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash he will appear again (bullfinch)

6. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.
Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village (fox)

Educator: What word is in the highlighted cells? (HELP)

What does this exciting word tell us?

The fact that sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes great harm environment.

Let's take care of our beautiful Earth, our common home. Take care and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a part of nature! The forest or the river will get sick, and we will feel bad. Do not harm a tree, a cat, or an ant! Don't hurt each other! A person must be kind!


Let's save the planet -
There is nothing like it in the entire universe,
There is only one in the entire Universe,
It was given to us for life and friendship!
Our planet Earth.
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys!
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter the clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her!
We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.
We need such a planet!

The jury sums up the results

In our Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, the team won... it is awarded... The team receives incentive prizes...
Jury: We tested you for glory,
And the winners by right
Worthy of praise. And awards
Now we are very happy to give it.

Awards are being given

Thank you for your participation,
Here are souvenirs for your luck!
Look, admire, accept,
Choose whatever you like!

In our Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, the team won... it is awarded...

KVN is over, friends, goodbye!
I want to say goodbye to everyone:
There are so many of us living on Earth
And we can take care of nature alone!

Oksana Shabanova
KVN on ecology for senior preschool age “Friends of Nature”

Program content:

1. Instilling a love for nature, nurturing a caring attitude towards it;

2. Develop logical thinking, observation, attention;

3. Develop an understanding of diversity natural world; formation in children consciously correct attitude to objects of living nature;

4. Contribute to the development of children's environmental culture;

5. Create a fund of favorite songs, thereby developing an ear for music.

Enriching the vocabulary: forest orderly, forest drummer.

Activation of vocabulary: birdhouse, needles, wintering birds.


1. Emblems for each participant.

4. Ecological signs.

5. Crossword.

6. Cards with images of birds and animals.

TSO: tape recorder, magnetic board.

Preliminary work:

1. Making riddles, memorizing poems about nature and weather;

2. Observing birds and trees while walking;

3. Conversations about the inhabitants of nature;

4. Board and educational games about nature:

lotto “Domestic and wild animals”, “Who lives where?”, “Name the birds”, “The fourth odd one”.

Educator: Good afternoon guys! Today we will go to visit nature. And to do this we need to jump over the stream and walk along the path (children complete tasks). So you and I found ourselves in a clearing in the forest. Guys, let's listen to the voices of forest birds (children, listening, talk about what they hear there).

Look, guys, I see footprints here, let's try to guess whose they are. And to make it easier to guess, I will ask you riddles:

1. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest. Walks boldly and easily, spreading its horns wide (elk);

2. The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring. And in winter, under the howl of a wolf, Sleeps in a snowy hut (a bear);

3. He looks like a shepherd. Every tooth is a sharp knife! He runs, baring his mouth, ready to attack the sheep (wolf).

Vosp: Well done boys! Guys, I suggest you take part in an environmental KVN that will test your knowledge. Are you ready for competitions? (Yes)

I remind you of the rules for conducting KVN:

1. Listen to the question or task to the end;

2. If the children of one team do not know the answer to a question, then the children of the other team answer;

3. The participants' answers will be evaluated by the jury.

Jury presentation.

Play: The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect. They had to evaluate battles more than once! For each competition the jury will award one point, which is equal to one chip. We begin.

1 Competition “Team Presentation”

The teacher asks the children the name of their team.

1 Team. The children answer in chorus: “Team – “Chamomile.” Team captain - Anya. Our motto: “Nature faithful friends! We are friendly, like one family! They came to play in KVN to know more about nature!”

Team 2 - “Bee”, children answer in chorus. Team captain - Misha.

Our motto: “Each of us will protect nature, our soul hurts for every tree!”

2 Competition Warm-up “Question and Answer”

Play: I'll tell you a riddle, the team that guesses it first will start answering the questions first. We can’t shout out, we raise our hands. And so, listen carefully: “He walks importantly on the grass, and comes out of the water unscathed. Wears red shoes and gives soft featherbeds.”

1 What is the name of the bees' house?

2 Who sleeps upside down?

3 What does a hedgehog do in winter?

4 Who is called Patrikeevna by his patronymic?

5 What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands?

6 At what time of year are strawberries harvested?

7 What birds come to us in winter?

8 What bird is called the “forest drummer”?

9 Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees?

10 Which tree has needles?

11 What animal is called the “forest orderly”?

12 What mushroom is called a forest predator?

Well done boys.

3 Competition “Pantomime”

Each team is given a card with the task of depicting an animal. Then the child performs a pantomime, and the opposing team guesses the animal. The task is carried out to the music.

Team 1: dog, fox, monkey.

Team 2: cat, bear, horse.

4 Captains competition.

The captain of the 1st team selects pictures depicting wild animals hibernating. The captain of team 2 selects pictures with wintering birds. Team members name animals and birds.

Physical education lesson “Song of Little Red Riding Hood”

If it's long along the path,

If it's a long time along the path

Stomp, ride and run,

Then, perhaps, then, of course,

That's probably true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,

You can come to Africa.

And in Africa the rivers are this wide,

And in Africa the mountains are so high,

A-and crocodiles, hippopotamuses,

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh and a green parrot!

And as soon as, only, only,

And as soon as on the path,

And as soon as on the path

I'll meet someone

Then to the one I meet -

Even the beast, - I believe, I believe, -

I won’t forget, I will, I will,

I'll say hello.

Ah, hello, rivers this wide,

Ah, hello, mountains this high,

A-and crocodiles, hippopotamuses,

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh and a green parrot!

But of course, but of course

If you're so lazy

If you're so shy

Stay at home, don't go out.

You don't need roads for anything,

Slopes, mountains, mountains,

Gullies, rivers, crayfish.

Take care of your hands and feet!

Why do you need a sea this wide?

Why do you need the sky to be so high?

A-and crocodiles, hippopotamuses,

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh and a green parrot.

5 Competition “The Fourth Wheel”

A child from the team takes a card and explains why some object is superfluous.

6th competition “Explain the sign”

Environmental signs are laid out on the tables. The teams take turns explaining the meaning of each sign.

Vosp: They did it quickly, well done. You know the signs perfectly!

7 Competition “Solve the crossword puzzle”.

Vosp: Guess the riddles, and I will write the answers in the crossword puzzle. Then we will read the word that appears in the highlighted cells.

1 I’ve been buzzing in the morning, waking up the flowers. I'm circling, I'm circling, I'm driving honey.

2 He walks with his head up,

Not because of a proud disposition,

Not because he’s an important count,

But because he...

3 Cunning cheat, red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is...

4 What kind of helicopter is this that takes off? Over lakes, meadows, over flowering fields?

5 The muzzle is mustachioed, the coat is striped. He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water.

6 A log is floating along the river.

Oh, how furious it is!

To those who fell into the river,

The nose will be bitten off.

7 You stroke - he caresses, you tease - he bites.

Play: What word is in the highlighted cells? (NATURE)

What does this word tell us? Nature is everything that is around us. These are air, water, plants and animals. Sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes great harm to the environment. Guys, we should not offend a cat, a bug, or a sparrow. A person must be kind! Let's take care of nature, our common home. Take care and love all living things!

Summing up the game