KVN on the topic of ecology. Ecological KVN in primary school

To understand the question “how to clean a toilet,” you first need to study the nature of plaque formation. No matter how strange it may sound, but main reason its appearance is hard water. Chemical substances, which are part of it, when washed off irregularly or incompletely, or not thoroughly cleaned, remain on the surface of the bowl, gradually accumulating and turning into a problem.

Cleaning the toilet is a mandatory procedure in every home.

Lime deposits most often appear on damaged plumbing fixtures. That is why it is necessary to monitor not only the cleanliness of the toilet, but also its integrity. For example, few people know that the formation of cracks can be caused by hot liquid, which some housewives do by pouring various high-temperature waste into the toilet. Plaque easily and quickly accumulates in the cracks that form.

A stone in the drain hole and on the rim of the toilet is formed when there are small children in the family who do not know how or are not accustomed to using the flush button after each trip to relieve themselves. The urine remaining in the device contributes to the abundant deposition of yellow plaque, which leads to urinary stones. Important! It is impossible to remove urinary stones with a regular brush or detergent. This requires more effective and aggressive measures.

How to clean a toilet

The range of cleaning products for plumbing today is quite wide. In addition to industrial chemistry, many housewives actively use folk remedies. We suggest considering both options.

Most specialty drugs contain strong acids, chlorine or alkali. Their use requires special care and protection of hands and respiratory organs. Aggressive cleaning products quickly deal with dirt, so most housewives give them the palm.

  • Oxalic acid from deposits on toilet walls

The drug can be purchased at a hardware store or pharmacy. The powder is applied to a wet cloth, which is used to rub the problem area. You can also pour oxalic acid into the toilet and leave it overnight. This component is often included in professional chemicals, for example, in Sarma and Sanox Ultra.

  • Phosphoric acid removes rust and limescale

A 5% solution of the substance copes well with stains. It can be poured not only into the device, but also into the tank. Phosphoric acid does not harm plastic pipes in any way. The operating time of the liquid in the tank is 15 minutes. Afterwards, all walls and surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a rag, and the water is washed off. You can buy the reagent at a car dealership or in the radio department, because it is used for soldering.

Chlorine is good for cleaning and disinfecting toilets

  • Chlorine disinfects and bleaches

Bleach, which contains chlorine, is most often used in public toilets, where its persistent pungent aroma is present. Antibacterial properties and whitening, along with a low price, make the product especially popular and in demand. It is not recommended to regularly use products containing chlorine at home, as they can damage ceramic products. In addition, chlorine is dangerous to human health. In isolated cases, Whiteness – good helper. On a regular basis – not recommended. Pour into the bowl for 30 minutes, then wipe the surface with a brush or sponge and rinse off.

  • Hydrochloric acid = Domestos, Silit Bang, Toilet duck

It is recommended to use a solution of hydrochloric acid as a very effective remedy for cleaning the toilet. However, it should be noted that it is very dangerous. It is better to use professional chemicals that contain this substance. In addition, manufacturers take care of user safety by equipping containers with dangerous liquids with comfortable thin spouts and child protection. And the fact that the products have a thick gel consistency also simplifies the process of treating plumbing fixtures.

  • Pemolux for plaque and urinary stones

The cleaning powder contains surfactants, soda, marble chips and fragrances. It's effective, but also very dangerous drug which can cause chemical burns. Before use, all water is pumped out of the toilet, the product is sprinkled on dirty areas, wiped with a sponge, and rinsed off. It should be taken into account that the powder scratches the surface, as a result of which microcracks may appear, into which dirt will subsequently become clogged.

When choosing a product, be sure to focus on the composition

When choosing between one means and another, you should not focus only on price. Main criterion- this is the composition. The most popular bathroom cleaners:

  • Stork;
  • Domestos;
  • Comet;
  • Sarma;
  • Silit;
  • Dressing Duckling;
  • Chistin.

At the same time, household chemicals for the restroom can be made in the form of a powder or gel, oxygen-containing, abrasive and even containing minerals Dead Sea. You should choose according to age and nature of contamination. It is important to remember about the dangers of fumes, rubber gloves and regular preventative measures, which will help avoid extreme situations.

The best preparation for daily toilet hygiene is special tablets for the tank or gels for flushing. They have a pleasant smell and color. Most are attached with inside rim. Save time on cleaning latrine and do not harm your health, because during tedious scrubbing you have to make not only effort, but also breathe in harmful fumes. An additional plus is the absence of negative emotions.

It’s not scary to let guests into a clean restroom. The latter will not feel disgust when using someone else’s latrine.

How to properly clean a toilet without professional chemicals? Carefully, carefully, using rubber gloves. All other subtleties and nuances depend directly on the chosen reagent.

  • Baking soda is a universal cleaning agent

Any will do. Food or caustic. Easily copes with dirt on the surface. Any. From the toilet to the sink or bathtub. Sprinkle onto contaminated areas and leave overnight. In the morning, the bathroom is cleaned with a brush or sponge. Everything ends with washing off. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. Another way to use baking soda involves having vinegar in the house. Soda is poured into the device for 30 minutes, then filled with vinegar. During the reaction, the surface is wiped with a brush. This method allows for simultaneous disinfection and removal of limescale and rust.

Baking soda is a good helper in cleaning stains

  • Vinegar for limescale

250 ml of 9% vinegar is heated to 50 degrees in a container with a closed lid. Add 1 tbsp to the solution. soda and a drop of iodine. The resulting product is poured into the toilet bowl, which is soaked for two to six hours. Afterwards, the device is treated with a brush and rinsed well with several runs of water.

  • Citric acid as a cleaning agent

Citric acid crystals, like vinegar, are good at removing plaque and urinary stones. To do this, pour the product into a bowl and leave it overnight. You should pay attention to the condition of the crystals; they must get wet, otherwise they will not work. The ideal consistency is porridge. The amount of citric acid is selected depending on the area of ​​contamination. If the procedure helped partially, it can be repeated. Some housewives add wood ash to citric acid, which provides a foam effect.

  • Coca-Cola

Regular Coca-Cola will help make your toilet shine. The fact is that it contains orthophosphoric acid. It is the one that removes plaque and stone well. Soda is poured into the toilet bowl overnight. So it is guaranteed to give a positive result.

Coca-Cola contains orthophosphate acid

  • Mustard powder is an excellent antimicrobial drug

An ideal product for daily bathroom cleaning. It can not only disinfect, but also wash away greasy film. To do this, take 1 tbsp. mustard powder, 100 g starch and 1 tbsp. citric acid. Mix with water to a pasty consistency and apply to the walls and rim of the toilet. After a few hours, wipe with a sponge or brush. The product will not overcome old plaque and rust, so it is recommended as a preventative.

The following tools will also help in the fight for cleanliness:

  • borax;
  • tablets for cleaning dentures;
  • vitamin C;
  • hydrogen peroxide + ammonia.

All of them are poured or poured into the bowl of the device and left overnight. This is followed by treating the surfaces with a brush and rinsing in the form of rinsing. To do this, just press the button on the drain tank.

Bottom line! Folk remedies are safer than professional ones. However, the former require more effort when cleaning plaque or rust and are more suitable for regular preventive measures. Folk remedies are safer for health. Professional cleaning is more effective. Which ones to choose? It is up to each housewife to decide regarding the degree and nature of contamination, as well as her own preferences.

A good cleaning result is ensured not only by the correctly selected detergent, but also by a clear sequence of actions. So, wash the bathroom correctly.

  1. Cleaning the area around the toilet so that nothing gets dirty or splashed, and subsequently spoiled by aggressive chemicals.
  2. Cleaning all things from the cistern, including working tools used during cleaning, as they may fall into the toilet bowl.
  3. Before cleaning, water is removed from the toilet. A plunger is used for this.
  4. Sand accumulated at the bottom of the bowl is also removed using a plunger and a bucket of water.
  5. Warm water, which moistens the walls of the bowl, helps to facilitate the removal of dirt. Attention! The water should be warm, not hot.
  6. Apply the cleaning product to the inside of the toilet, including under the rim. The amount of time that should be waited to obtain the desired result is indicated in the instructions on the packaging of the drug.
  7. While the product is working, you should proceed to cleaning the external surfaces of the device and the restroom as a whole. For this you can use the same product as for the bowl.
  8. Thorough treatment of the seat - washing and wiping dry.
  9. Processing the hinges on which the seat is attached. Rougher cleaning is also possible - with a brush, hard or metal sponge.
  10. The next glass in line is the lower part of the toilet.
  11. Now you can return to the surface of the bowl, filled with gel or covered with powder. It should be rubbed well with a brush or sponge, focusing Special attention the area under the rim where the greatest amount of dirt, bacteria and germs accumulate. Next, you should work the drain well to the bottom.
  12. Finally, the toilet lid is closed and the soap is washed off with water. We can assume that the bathroom has been cleaned.
  13. There is no need to rinse the brush additionally, but it should be dried before placing it in the tray. To do this, just put it under the toilet lid. This will prevent bacteria from growing in the tray.

If desired and have time, many housewives remove the toilet lid and seat and wash them separately. To do this, simply unscrew the two mounting screws.

Don't forget about the toilet seat

Before starting work, you should stock up on the necessary equipment:

  • long and durable rubber gloves that prevent hands from coming into contact with the surfaces being cleaned;
  • detergent for cleaning the bathroom;
  • sponge;
  • toilet brush;
  • refreshing spray;
  • cleaning tablets for plumbing fixtures;
  • paper towels or microfiber cloths.

Once the strategic plumbing fixture has been cleaned, you can move on to cleaning the surrounding area. The dirtiest place in the restroom is behind the toilet. He is not visible. It is difficult to reach. However, it also needs to be cleaned periodically, especially if it is used as a storage area for household chemicals and cleaning accessories.

Where to begin? Step by step:

  • freeing up space;
  • removing debris with a broom or vacuum cleaner;
  • disinfection with household chemicals;
  • washing with a damp cloth;
  • cleaning all jars and bottles by washing or wiping;
  • drying the area with a disposable towel to remove excess moisture and stains;
  • placement of all items in their places.

The same actions must be taken in relation to the areas around the plumbing fixture. The floor and tiles in the restroom must be disinfected! Again, do not forget to use rubber gloves. It is important not to confuse them with others, such as those used when washing dishes or cleaning floors in the rest of the home. A little trick will help with this - the color of the product. Initially, you should buy gloves of a different color. They must be stored in the same toilet room, after washing well after each use.

Cleaning the toilet does not end with cleaning the toilet. It is necessary to wash all hard-to-reach places

Warning! You should never wash the toilet lid or seat with a brush. Thus, it is possible to spread microbes concentrated in the bowl over all surfaces, which can lead to contamination, infections, and allergic reactions in the form of itching and rashes.

Important! Household chemicals, including those used for cleaning toilets, should be stored out of the reach of children and animals. It is recommended to use the drugs according to the instructions.

Preventive measures

Rust, stone and plaque are a consequence of the lack of regular or proper care behind the toilet.

To prevent their occurrence, just follow these recommendations:

  • “no” to constant flow of water - the drain tank must be in good working order;
  • “yes” to devices that maintain cleanliness: balls, capsules, discs, tablets, washing gels, attached under the rim of the seat;
  • a ban on fatty foods thrown into the toilet;
  • weekly treatment of the bowl with a cleaning reagent;
  • regular use of a brush soaked in soapy water;
  • timely cleaning at the slightest contamination;
  • chlorine-containing products are intended only for excessive dirt and not more than once a week;
  • use of separate gloves, rags, sponges and other equipment for cleaning;
  • preventive cleaning before guests arrive and after they leave;
  • closing the toilet lid when there are pets in the house.

By performing regular cleaning and taking preventive measures, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of not only plaque, stone, rust, but also various types of infections. Now you know, .

Plumbing is exposed to aggressive influences. This is especially acute for the toilet. The appearance of plaque, orange stains, and unpleasant “odors” are problems that can be encountered if you do not wash your plumbing fixtures in a timely manner. Let's take a closer look at how to clean the toilet.

What causes urinary stones?

Such deposits are considered the most stable. Their appearance on the surface of sanitaryware indicates that the drain is not working or the owners forget to flush after themselves after toilet procedures. And water contains many minerals.

During operation, they interact with urinary stones, forming a durable, hard coating of gray-orange color. How to clean a toilet mechanically If this is not possible (high risk of splitting the plumbing), then acid-base solutions are used to wash it.

Why is plaque formation dangerous?

The appearance of urinary stones on plumbing eventually leads to a decrease in the drain hole, which threatens complete blockage. Removing such plaque will be a real problem, you will have to change the plumbing. This will cost much less than cleaning in several stages with different means.

You should know that if urinary stones form quickly enough, this means that the plumbing is outdated and its surface has become rough. Such sanitaryware is changed or washed more often.

Safety at work

Since it is possible to clean a toilet from urinary stones when working with acids and alkalis, protective equipment should be used. In some cases, you can get by with gloves, and when working with particularly harmful substances, respirators and goggles are used. This will prevent burns to the respiratory tract. Since it is possible to clean a toilet from urinary stone at home (photo attached) folk ways, then let's start with them.

Baking soda

The powder is poured onto the contaminated areas for 12 hours (preferably overnight). This makes it possible to increase the efficiency of this method. In the morning you should clean it with a brush and then rinse with water. If the dirt is not completely gone, you need to repeat the procedure.

Typically, baking soda is used with other cleaning products such as vinegar and citric acid.


How to clean a toilet from urinary stones with vinegar? Most effective method will use a solution of vinegar and baking soda. This method should be used at night, since in case of heavy soiling it will take 8 hours to achieve perfect cleanliness.

Take a glass of vinegar, heat it to 40 °C, add 2 teaspoons baking soda, everything is mixed until completely dissolved. The resulting solution should be applied with a brush to problem areas. After 12 hours, rinse with warm water. Greatest effect can be achieved by first pumping out all the water from the sanitaryware and pouring more solution. Don't forget about the respiratory system and eyes.

Lemon acid

Many housewives have encountered this powder for cleaning scale.

And the question immediately arises of how to clean the toilet from urinary stone without boiling water? It’s simple, sprinkle generously on the soiled areas, lower the lid, and let stand for 2-4 hours, depending on the degree of contamination. Then wash it off hot water, if necessary, clean with a brush.

For greater effect, pump out the water from the plumbing and carefully pour in boiling water. And 2-3 packets of citric acid are already added to it. Give time to react and wash off in the same way as the first option.

Imported soda

These drinks contain a large number of citric acid. For example, "Coca-Cola", "Fanta", "Sprite". Therefore, many housewives began to use them to clean earthenware, while at the same time showing their children how “healthy” soda is. So how to clean a toilet from urinary stones at home using this method? You will need 2 to 3 liters of soda. It should be poured overnight. In the morning, you will need to go over the contaminated areas with a brush and rinse with water.

Oxalic acid

Modern housewives have hardly heard of such a substance. In fact, this is one of the most effective ways. If you managed to purchase this, then feel free to use it. How to clean a toilet with this product?

To do this, you will need to use a damp cloth or sponge to apply the granules to the areas of contamination and leave for 1-2 hours, depending on the degree of neglect. Next you will need to rub it with a brush and rinse with water. This method is easy to restore the whiteness of your plumbing fixtures.

Hydrochloric, orthophosphoric acid

This method is not suitable for plumbing with plastic pipes of the drainage system, it will corrode. Since cleaning the toilet using this method will require the use of acid, you should use protective equipment: gloves, a respirator, goggles. A solution of 33% is used.

The liquid is applied to the areas of contamination. Reaction time - 15 minutes. After this, everything is thoroughly washed off with a brush and water. This method is very effective, but work with hydrochloric acid should be done carefully. Phosphoric acid is used in the same way.

Battery electrolyte

Few people have heard that electrolyte can be used for household chores. For example, it is suitable for solving the question of how to clean a toilet from urinary stones. Folk remedy This plan is quite effective. The electrolyte contains hydrochloric acid and distilled water. You can purchase it at any automobile store. The product is poured onto the contaminated areas. Afterwards you need to wait 10-15 minutes and rinse off the product with a brush and water.

Specialized means

The household chemicals market offers a wide range of finished products for plumbing.

These reagents contain different kinds acids and alkalis. Let's look at the most popular means:

  • Powders. Abrasives. Such means are used for mechanical impact. Apply them with a brush or sponge. May contain chloride compounds. The most famous powders: "Pemolux", "Komet".
  • Liquids. Such products are applied to areas of contamination, given time to react, and then washed off. For example, "Whiteness", "Sanox".
  • Gels. These products are more effective due to their ductility. Unlike liquid, they flow more slowly along the walls of sanitaryware, which allows them to corrode plaque as much as possible. Gels are applied under the toilet rim. According to the instructions for use, time is given to react. Then, using a brush and water, they are washed off. The most famous: "Domestos", and others.
  • Creams. Apply to areas of contamination; additional use of sponges with abrasive for rubbing and cleaning is possible. Time is given to react and it is washed off. One example is "Sif".

Why are ready-made products interesting? Their reaction time with plaque is 30 minutes. Therefore, their popularity is justified. But if the ready-made reagents have run out, and you urgently need to clean the plumbing, then folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Any method will be more effective if all water is removed from the toilet and the products are applied directly to the contamination.

Prevention of plaque formation

Since clearing a toilet from urinary stones at home is not an easy task, it is better to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner. Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a wide range of such products:

  • Pills. Placed in the drain tank. Contaminants are quickly washed away, including under the rim. At the same time, they also serve as flavoring agents.
  • Gel blocks. They are attached under the rim of sanitary ware. They also serve to prevent contamination and prevent the formation of bacteria.

You should also periodically wash the plumbing fixtures and ensure that the drain is in good working order. Leakage of water will cause plaque to form. And the lack of a flush will turn into a disaster for the cleanliness of the toilet.

Few people like to clean the bathroom, but the question of how to clean the toilet regularly arises among housewives. After all, this plumbing product is the most contaminated due to many factors. In addition to its main purpose, and therefore getting dirty with feces, rusty and dark stains and limescale often appear on the inner surface of the toilet, and microbes accumulate and multiply under the rim.

To simplify the cleaning process, you need to understand how to properly wash a toilet and how you can clean it quickly and effectively. Moreover, in addition to store-bought cleaning products, you can use many homemade products that will cope with the cleaning task no worse than expensive powders and liquids. It is also important to know how to prevent the appearance of contamination, which will help to always keep it clean.

Reasons for the appearance of deposits on the surface of the toilet

Before you figure out how and with what to clean the toilet from stone and plaque, you need to understand why it gets dirty so quickly and often. Moreover, ugly dirty marks appear not only under the rim and on free surfaces, but even where there is always a certain level of water. There are several reasons for the appearance of deposits:

  1. Hard water. It is its composition, which is supplied to houses and apartments, that affects what color it becomes inner surface plumbers. Even if it seems that the water there is clean, the ceramics gradually turn yellow and red.
  2. Rust. Poor water quality can provoke the deposition of rusty stains on the surface of plumbing fixtures. As a rule, they occur if the pipes have not been changed or cleaned for a long time, and it is difficult and time-consuming to wash them out.
  3. Urine stone. The composition of human urine and feces also affects what color the inside of the toilet is painted. Thorough rinsing and regular cleaning of plumbing fixtures will minimize such contamination, but it will still appear over time.

The reason for the constant appearance of dirty marks may be the use of metal brushes or coarse abrasives, which scratch the surface of the earthenware and provoke deposits in these scratches. Better take the strong one detergent, but apply it with a soft brush.

Cleaning a toilet can be a disgusting chore, but at least it's not difficult, right? In fact, there is a relatively simple and consistent approach to this work. The right way lies through preventing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Moreover, The right way cleaning will save time and energy. In our review, you will learn how to properly clean a toilet to keep your toilet clean.

First of all, remove all excess around the toilet. Cleaning a toilet is always a messy job and there is always a chance of splashing detergent or toilet water outside the toilet. To avoid additional washing of things and unnecessary hassle with cleaning, we recommend that you first remove all excess around the toilet. Remember to remove items from the top shelf of the tank to avoid personal care items falling into the toilet while cleaning.

Wash and use detergent

Wash the toilet with the lid to prevent subsequent water splashing. Use your choice of dry, liquid or gel detergent and add it inside the toilet. Try to apply the toilet cleaner as close to the rim as possible, as this is where most of the dirt accumulates.

Clean the outside of the toilet

While the cleaner soaks in and fights dirt, you can clean the outside of the toilet. Start from the top to prevent streaks and drips on the washed surface. Spray the cleaner onto the tank, seat, handle and wipe dry. Wash the toilet lid inside and out. Finally, wipe down the toilet glass. Start from the sides and work your way forward.

Cleaning the toilet lid

The toilet seat should never be neglected. This is the part of the toilet that is constantly in contact with humans, so it must be thoroughly cleaned. Raise the seat. Spray the toilet seat, lid and rim with cleaner. Wipe down the lid, seat, and seat hinges at the back of the toilet. Some hinges are installed openly, making them easier to clean.

Cleaning the toilet from the inside

It's time to clean the inside of the toilet. Always start by cleaning under the toilet rim first. Look under the headband to make sure any stains or dirt are removed. Now move on to the flat part of the toilet (the bowl). Finally, thoroughly wipe the toilet opening down to the bottom. All this can be done with a brush, but if you buy a special brush for cleaning the toilet, the work will be easier. Now you can close the lid and flush the toilet.

Removing the consequences of cleaning

Wipe up any drops of toilet cleaner and water that may have appeared during the cleaning process. Convince the cleaning tools and the accompanying garbage process. Replace the removed parts, if any. Enjoy a clean toilet free of germs and bacteria.

Wear safety glasses before cleaning the toilet. This solution prevents splashes eau de toilette and cleanser into the eyes. You can also use gloves to prevent direct contact.

Flush the toilet with the lid closed to prevent splashing.

Do not use soft sponges when cleaning the toilet. Sponges are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which is already abundant in your bathroom. Paper towels remain the best option, since you throw them away after use. If you are using reusable wipes, wash them immediately. hot water with chlorine.

Clean plumbing is an indicator that it is regularly maintained. The toilet is used frequently, so a variety of contaminants accumulate in it. If small deposits are not removed in a timely manner, they will harden and will not be so easy to get rid of. The main problems encountered when cleaning a toilet are limescale and urinary stone.

Limescale (or water stone) is formed from calcium and magnesium salts found in water. These are plaques and yellow-orange stains that appear in flush areas, on the bottom of the toilet, under the rim and even on the lid. The more time passes between scheduled cleanings, the thicker the layer of deposits and the more difficult it is to clean them. Limescale deposits also need to be removed regularly or

Urine stone is the result of sedimentation of minerals contained in the urine. If you periodically forget to rinse off the water, unsightly streaks form on the walls, and then the stone turns gray-yellow.

The appearance of deposits is also promoted by:

  • hard water,
  • cracks and irregularities on the surface
  • leaking tank

Attention! Besides the unaesthetic appearance, stone in the toilet is a source of unpleasant odor and a favorable environment for bacteria.

You can clean the toilet from limescale and urinary stone using improvised means that can be found in any home. In particularly advanced cases, if the toilet is old or has not been cleaned for a long time, you will have to resort to aggressive chemicals.

Rules for cleaning the toilet

  1. Take care of protective measures. Be sure to wear gloves on your hands, and if you use caustic substances, wear a protective mask to avoid inhaling the fumes.
  2. Remove the water from the toilet, scoop it out with a ladle or use a plunger. Soak up any remaining residue with a cloth. This must be done for better effectiveness of the applied products.
  3. Apply the chosen product for several hours.
  4. Wipe off deposits with a stiff brush or brush.

Removing thin and medium plaque

Cleaning with soda and vinegar

This fairly strong product will help remove the middle layer of limescale and urinary stones.

  1. Heat the vinegar to a temperature of 40 degrees. This produces a pungent odor, be careful!
  2. Add soda: 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of vinegar.
  3. For greater effectiveness, add iodine.
  4. Pour the sizzling mixture into the toilet until it covers the sediment. Place toilet paper soaked in vinegar under the toilet rim, where stone also accumulates.
  5. Leave for 8 hours or overnight.
  6. Clean off the deposits with a brush. Hard-to-reach areas can be cleaned with a toothbrush.
  7. Rinse off the composition with water several times.

Citric acid can dissolve a thin layer of urinary stone and limescale.

  1. This method does not require removing water from the drain.
  2. Pour 2-3 bags of acid into the toilet and close the lid.
  3. Wait 2-3 hours.
  4. Rub thoroughly with a brush and rinse with warm water.

If all the plaque is not dissolved in one use, repeat the method 2-3 times and not a trace of dirt will remain.


Application is simple:

  1. Pour the bottle into the toilet without water.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave overnight.
  3. Rinse with warm water and then use a brush.


Baking soda will help clean a toilet with minor stains. It is better to use calcined one.

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on dirty areas
  2. Leave it on all night
  3. In the morning, rinse with warm water

Coca Cola

You can also remove yellow plaque and rust stains with Coca-Cola.

  1. Pour a large bottle of soda into the drain hole
  2. Leave it overnight
  3. Clean with a brush and rinse with water

Household chemicals

  • Powders. The most popular: “Komet”, “Pemolux”, “Chistin”, “Biolan”. Their action is based on the abrasive effect. Some contain chlorine. They are easy to use, but you need to remember that mechanical action leaves micro-scratches on the earthenware. Over time, they will become clogged with dirt, so in order to extend the life of your plumbing fixtures, it is better not to use powders.
  • Liquids. For example, “Whiteness”, “Sanox”. They are poured onto the site of contamination and left for some time to act, then washed off.
  • Gels. This form is most convenient for cleaning: due to their thicker consistency, they slowly flow down the walls of the toilet, corroding plaque. The gels are applied under the toilet rim, exposure time is about 30 minutes. Then a brush is applied and the product is washed off. Gels contain strong acids and alkalis. For example, “Toilet duckling” contains 15% hydrochloric acid, so it will do an excellent job of removing stones in the toilet. Domestos is mainly used for disinfection.
  • Creams. It acts like a gel, but has an even thicker consistency. The cream is applied with a sponge or brush to the contaminated surface, given time to act, then washed off. The most famous is “Cif”. Creams are more economical in consumption and have a gentle effect on the surface.
  • Tablets for the tank. Used to prevent limestone and urinary stones, and also provide a pleasant smell and cleanliness with every rinse. The tablet is placed directly into the tank, and with each flush it colors the water bright color. Clear water is a signal that a new tablet is needed.

Removing thick plaque with strong acids

If no folk remedies or cleaning products help, you can use strong acids. These are extreme measures that should be used rarely and the exposure time strictly observed, since such chemicals can corrode the enamel and harm pipes and plastic parts.

Oxalic acid

Moderately toxic organic acid. A popular cleaning product for plumbing fixtures in the times of our grandmothers. Provides perfect whiteness and effectively removes stone. Nowadays it can be purchased at construction stores. Before use, carefully read the instructions and wear thick rubber gloves.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour powdered acid onto a damp cloth.
  2. Apply to contaminated areas. If you need to clean the drain, dissolve it in water.
  3. Wait 1 hour, during which time the plaque will dissolve.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with water using a brush.

Is inorganic acid medium strength. Using it, you can not only clean the toilet from stone, but also remove rust from the internal parts of the tank. The main advantage of this acid is that it does not damage rubber and plastic elements. Mode of application:

  1. Pour 100-150 ml of acid into the tank and into the drain hole
  2. Wait 15 minutes
  3. Rinse with plenty of water and clean with a brush.

Hydrochloric acid

This is a very strong toxic agent. Will remove stone instantly but should be used with extreme caution. Before use, wear safety glasses, a respirator and thick rubber gloves. The vapors of this acid are also dangerous!

Mode of application:

  1. Apply liquid to the walls and pour half a glass into the drain hole.
  2. Exposure time – 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse with plenty of water

Attention! This method is not suitable if you have plastic pipes installed; they will leak due to acid damage.


Battery electrolyte is produced on the basis of sulfuric acid; it can be found in any store for car enthusiasts. This strong and very dangerous product perfectly dissolves limescale and urinary stones. It can only be used in in rare cases. The method of application is similar to the method with hydrochloric acid: apply, leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water. When using, follow all safety precautions, avoid splashing the product, as you can get chemical burns.

Preventive measures against limescale and urinary stones

  1. Clean the toilet at least once a week with special cleaning products. The frequency of washing depends on the number of people who use the plumbing fixtures.
  2. After each use, drain the water and use a brush if necessary.
  3. Do not allow the tank to leak. To do this, make minor repairs or replace drain fittings in a timely manner.