Buzova and Shurygina turned television into a latrine. Buzova and Shurygina turned television into a latrine Protest against Buzova, Shurygina and Panin

Recently, among viewers of domestic television there has been growing dissatisfaction with the product they are fed from blue screens. Moreover, both ordinary citizens and celebrities who once shone in television studios are indignant.


Thus, artist Leonid Yarmolnik criticized information policy on television. “The standard of what is possible and what is not allowed has fallen below the plinth. Now they show who lives with whom, who stole what from whom... This is not interesting to me, so I only go on television if I understand that I will bring real benefit.” , he said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

“In general, television has become a latrine where people come to show off their snout. I don’t want that,” he made a disappointing diagnosis of television. Vadim Manukyan, a member of the expert council for the development of the information society and media under the State Duma, agreed with the artist.


“Leonid Isakovich is right in many ways. For a whole year I never tire of repeating that something obscene is happening with television..

“First, five broadcasts talk about the raped Shurygina, then unsightly details of Panin’s intimate life are taken out of the archives, and the presenter Buzova is invited to the main channel of the country. Fortunately, they realized it in time, they say they don’t need such hype,” he listed the dubious heroes of Russian screens.


“And these scandalous shows with celebrities, where every time they shake out their dirty laundry. Several programs with Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife were not enough, they decided to highlight the far from rosy details from the life of the already deceased Shukshin and Mishulin. How long?”, concluded Vadim Manukyan.


Recently she became a co-host of the show “Baby Riot”. Although her job has changed, her style of speech has not. She continues to act as if she still lives on the reality show "Dom-2". In general, viewers were tired of her constant antics and scandals and decided that they no longer wanted to watch low-quality content, the site says.

Protest against Buzova, Shurygina and Panin

Blogger Vadim Manukyan created a petition and demands that Olga Buzova be removed from the channel, and along with her the annoying Diana Shurygina and Alexei Panin with his dubious reputation. Internet users gladly supported the initiative. In their opinion, it’s time to get rid of the same people who are doing something unknown.

Society is also unhappy that every year during the holidays they are asked to look at Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Philip Kirkorov and other wasted celebrities. People demand spectacle and something new.

Journalist JoeInfoMedia Lesya Melnik reminds that she plans to win all the awards in the world.


The scandalous talk show “Baby Riot” with Olga Buzova on Channel One may be closed. StarHit magazine reports this with reference to an informed source. There is no information on the channel’s social media pages that “Baby Riot” will no longer be aired.

Currently, the program is not included in the channel's broadcast schedule. Earlier, a message appeared on the show’s page on social networks about the postponement of the show’s airing time. The day before, instead of “Woman Revolt,” the channel aired the program “Time Will Tell,” and viewers were promised to show the next episode of the program on Monday, December 11, the 360 ​​TV channel reports.

Why the program Babiy revolt on First was closed: watch the video

The program was not aired on December 6th. The editors reported that the show was being postponed to another time, but StarHit reporters found out that “Baby Riot” was planned to be closed permanently. However, there is no official information confirming this yet.

Why the program Babiy Revolt on First was closed: what is the program about?

The first episode of the new television project, which was called the female answer “ProjectoruperiHilton,” aired on November 27 at 12:15. “The daily information talk show “Baby Riot” is a woman’s view of everything that happens in the world. Five female presenters with different destinies and different views on life will gather at one table to see the most interesting and relevant in the news flow. The “Baby Riot” program will not only tell you about what is happening in the world, but also explain why this is happening,” said the press release.

The program “Baby Riot” aired on First about two weeks ago and immediately became scandalous. First, Olga Buzova (31) was offended by the fact that she was constantly interrupted, then she clashed with TV presenter Archie (37) because of his post on Instagram, well and the latest scandal occurred with Tatyana Vasilyeva (70), who accused Olya of narcissism.

Five female presenters with different destinies and different views on life will gather at one table to see the most interesting and relevant in the news flow. The “Baby Riot” program will not only tell you about what is happening in the world, but also explain why this is happening.

Yulia Baranovskaya, Sofiko Shevardnadze, Olga Buzova, Tatyana Vasilyeva and Elena Abitaeva will focus on current news, significant political events in the country and in the world, as well as the loudest scandals in show business. Live, the presenters, together with studio guests, will discuss how the world lives today and the main characters of news feeds.

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