Air pollution. Air pollution

2.1 Electric power industry

2.2 Ferrous metallurgy

2.3 Non-ferrous metallurgy

2.5 Coal industry

2.7 Gas industry

2.11 Food industry

2.12 Agricultural industry

3. Self-purifying atmospheres


1. Atmospheric air

Atmospheric air is a natural mixture of gases in the surface layer of the atmosphere outside residential, industrial and other premises, which developed during the evolution of the Earth.

The first scientific pile, which summarizes ideas about the atmosphere, belongs to Aristotle, who suggested that the Earth has the shape of a ball and therefore the air shell surrounding it should be spherical. This is expressed by the word “atmosphere” (in Greek “atmos” means steam, breath, and “sphere” means ball). This word was introduced into Russian science by M.V. Lomonosov.

Apparently, at first, the atmosphere of our planet consisted of volatile substances formed in the bowels of the earth: hydrogen, water, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia. Free nitrogen released as a result of volcanic activity was converted into ammonia. The conditions for this were the most suitable: excess hydrogen, elevated temperatures - the Earth’s surface had not yet cooled.

The thickness of the air shell that surrounds the globe is at least a thousand kilometers - almost a quarter of the earth's radius. The mass of this shell is rounded to 5 x 10 15 (five quadrillion) tons. Although this is equivalent to less than one millionth of the mass of the Earth, without an atmosphere life on the planet would be impossible. A person consumes 12-15 kg of air daily, inhaling 5 to 100 liters every minute, which significantly exceeds the average daily need for food and water.

In addition, the atmosphere reliably protects a person from numerous dangers that threaten him from space: it does not allow meteorites to pass through (about two hundred of them burn up every day over Moscow alone), protects the Earth from overheating by allowing a certain amount of energy to pass through, and evens out the difference in daily temperatures, which could be approximately 200K, which is unacceptable for the survival of all earthly creatures. An avalanche of cosmic radiation hits the upper boundary of the atmosphere every second. If they reached the earth's surface, then everything living on Earth would instantly disappear.

The main consumer of air in nature is the flora and fauna of the Earth. It is estimated that the entire ocean of air passes through terrestrial living organisms, including humans, in about ten years. Air is necessary for all life on Earth. A person can live without food for five weeks, without water for five days, without air for five minutes, but the normal life of people requires not only the presence of air, but also a certain purity of it; human health, the state of flora and fauna, and strength depend on the quality of the air. and durability of any building structures and structures. Polluted air is destructive to waters, land, seas, and soils.

For a long time, people considered air to be a simple substance, and only in the 18th century. French scientist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier established that air is a mechanical mixture of various gases. The atmosphere has a complex structure. The troposphere is directly adjacent to the earth's surface. It extends to an altitude of 8–10 km above the poles and 18 km above the equator. In this layer there is continuous mixing of air both horizontally and vertically, which leads to a decrease in temperature as it approaches the Earth by approximately 6.5 ° C for every kilometer. The troposphere contains 75% of the total mass of the atmosphere, the main amount of water vapor and the smallest particles of impurities that contribute to the formation of clouds.

The upper boundary of the troposphere (at an altitude of about 11 km) is the tropopause - the region in which the temperature stops decreasing.

Above the tropopause, the stratosphere extends approximately 50 km. It is characterized by weak air currents, few clouds and constant temperatures (–56°C) up to an altitude of approximately 25 km. Above that, the temperature begins to rise (on average by 0.6°C for every 100 m) and at the level of the stratopause (45–54 km) reaches 0°C.

The atmosphere determines the light and regulates the thermal regimes of the Earth, contributes to the redistribution of heat on the globe. Radiant energy from the Sun is practically the only source of heat for the Earth's surface and is partially absorbed by the atmosphere. The energy that reaches the Earth's surface is partially absorbed by the soil and water bodies, seas and oceans, and partially reflected into the atmosphere.

The gas shell protects the Earth from excessive cooling and heating. Thanks to it, there are no sharp changes on Earth from frost to heat and back. If the Earth were not surrounded by an air shell, then within one day the amplitude of temperature fluctuations would reach 200°C: there would be intense heat during the day (above 100°C), and frost at night (-100°C). There would be an even greater difference between winter and summer temperatures. It is thanks to the atmosphere that the average temperature on Earth is approximately 15°C.

The gas shell saves everything living on Earth from destructive ultraviolet, x-rays and cosmic rays. The upper layers of the atmosphere partially absorb and partially scatter these rays. The atmosphere also protects us from “star fragments”. Meteorites, the vast majority of which are no larger than a pea, under the influence of earth's gravity crash into the planet's atmosphere at enormous speeds (from 11 to 64 km/s), heat up there as a result of friction with the air, and at an altitude of about 60–70 km for the most part burn out. The atmosphere also protects the Earth from large space fragments.

The atmosphere is also important in the distribution of light. The air of the atmosphere breaks the sun's rays into a million small rays, scatters them and creates the uniform illumination to which we are accustomed. The presence of an air shell gives our sky a blue color, since the molecules of the basic elements of air and various impurities contained in it scatter mainly rays with a short wavelength, i.e. violet, blue and cyan. As you move away from the Earth, and consequently, as the density and pollution of the air decreases, the color of the sky becomes darker, the air envelope acquires a deep blue, and in the stratosphere a black-violet color.

The atmosphere is a conductor of sounds. Without it, silence would reign on Earth, human speech would be impossible.

2. Anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere

Atmospheric air is polluted by the introduction or formation of pollutants in it in concentrations exceeding quality standards or the level of natural content.

A pollutant is an impurity in the atmospheric air that, at certain concentrations, has an adverse effect on human health, plants and animals, other components of the natural environment, or causes damage to material objects.

Atmospheric air quality is a set of physical, chemical and biological properties of atmospheric air, reflecting the degree of its compliance with hygienic and environmental air quality standards.

The hygienic standard for atmospheric air quality is a criterion for the quality of atmospheric air, reflecting the maximum permissible content of harmful (pollutant) substances in the atmospheric air, at which there is no harmful effect on human health.

An environmental standard for atmospheric air quality is a criterion for the quality of atmospheric air, reflecting the maximum permissible maximum content of harmful (pollutant) substances in the atmospheric air, at which there is no harmful effect on the natural environment.

Maximum permissible (critical) load is an indicator of the impact of one or more harmful (pollutant) substances on the natural environment, exceeding which can lead to harmful effects on it.

A harmful (pollutant) substance is a chemical or biological substance (or a mixture of them) contained in the atmospheric air, which in certain concentrations has a harmful effect on human health and the environment.

According to regular observations of Roshydromet, over a 5-year period (2003–2007), the annual average concentrations of suspended substances, sulfur dioxide, phenol and formaldehyde decreased by 5–13%, ammonia, carbon disulfide, hydrogen fluoride and soot - by 16–13%. 37%. Over the same period, the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide increased by 5–11%. Over a 10-year period (1988-2007), the concentration of carbon monoxide increased by 11%, nitrogen oxide by 3%, and nitrogen dioxide by 18%.

Air pollution levels in cities remain high. In 2007, the annual average concentrations of any of the regularly monitored substances exceeded the MPC in 187 cities, home to 65.4 million people. The concept of suspended solids exceeded the MPC in 71 cities (3.8 million people), nitrogen dioxide - in 93 (9.4 million people), benzo(a)pyrene - in 39 (8.6 million people).

Maximum one-time concentrations exceeded 10 MPCs in 66 cities, including average monthly concentrations of bene(a)pyrene in 25 cities. In seven cities (Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Magnitogorsk, Omsk, Sterlitamak, Norilsk, Tomsk) single concentrations above 10 MPCs of three or more substances were observed.

In 2008, the gross emission of harmful substances from stationary sources into the atmosphere in the Russian Federation as a whole amounted to 18.66 million tons. The largest contribution to air pollution (in terms of emissions) was made by electric power industry enterprises (29.1% of total industrial emissions), non-ferrous ( 22%) and ferrous (14.6%) metallurgy (Fig. 1).

2.1 Electric power industry

Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere amounted to 4345.7 thousand tons (solids, sulfur dioxides, carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, etc.). The largest emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere were noted in 2008 at the following enterprises: Novocherkasskaya GRES - 131.4 thousand tons, Cherepovetskaya GRES, Suvorov - 89 thousand tons, Primorskaya GRES, Luchegorsk 73.6 thousand tons, Ryazanskaya GRES, Novomichurinsk - 66.5 thousand tons, Omsk CHPP-4 - 65.6 thousand tons, Omsk CHPP-5 - 60.5 thousand tons.

Rice. 1. Share of industrial sectors of the Russian Federation in emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air in 2008

2.2 Ferrous metallurgy

Emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere in 2008 amounted to 2188.9 thousand tons. The largest amount of pollutants into the atmosphere was emitted by the largest enterprises in the industry: JSC Severostal, Cherepovets - 374.8 thousand tons, JSC Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works " - 327.8 thousand tons, JSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" - 217.3 thousand tons, JSC "West Siberian Metallurgical Plant" - 205 thousand tons.

The processes of smelting cast iron and processing it into steel are accompanied by the release of various gases into the atmosphere. Dust emissions per 1 ton of pig iron are 4.5 kg, sulfur dioxide – 2.7 kg, manganese – 0.1–0.6 kg. Together with blast furnace gas, compounds of arsenic, phosphorus, antimony, lead, vapors of mercury and rare metals, hydrogen cyanide and tarry substances are also released into the atmosphere in small quantities.

The source of air pollution with sulfur dioxide is sintering factories. During ore agglomeration, sulfur burns out from pyrites. Sulfide ores contain up to 10% sulfur, and after agglomeration it remains 0.2–0.8%. The emission of sulfur dioxide can amount to up to 190 kg per 1 ton of ore (i.e., the operation of one belt machine produces about 700 tons of sulfur dioxide per day).

Emissions from open-hearth and converter steelmaking shops significantly pollute the atmosphere. When smelting steel in open-hearth furnaces, dust is formed during the oxidation of a metal charge from slag, ore, limestone and scale, which are used to oxidize the charge impurities, and from dolomite, which is used to fill the hearth of the furnace. During the boiling period of steel, metal vapors, oxides of slag and metal, and gases are also released. The predominant part of open-hearth furnace dust consists of iron trioxide (67%) and aluminum trioxide (6.7%). In an oxygen-free process, 3000-4000 m3 of gases are released per 1 ton of open-hearth steel with a dust concentration of an average of 0.5 g/m3. When oxygen is supplied to the zone of molten metal, dust formation increases many times, reaching 15–52 g/m3. In addition, the melting of steel is accompanied by the combustion of certain amounts of carbon and sulfur, and therefore the exhaust gases of open-hearth furnaces with oxygen blast contain up to 60 kg of carbon monoxide and up to 3 kg of sulfur dioxide per 1 ton of steel smelted.

The main feature of the converter process is the production of steel from liquid cast iron without the use of fuel. Steel boiling according to this principle is carried out in converters with a capacity of 50, 100, 250 tons or more by blowing oxygen through liquid cast iron, which ensures the combustion of unwanted impurities, such as manganese, phosphorus and carbon contained in the cast iron. The process of producing converter steel is cyclical and with oxygen blast lasts 25-30 minutes. The resulting flue gases consist of particles of oxides of silicon, manganese and phosphorus. The smoke contains a significant amount of carbon monoxide - up to 80%. The dust concentration in the exhaust gases is approximately 17 g/m 3 .

Most modern ferrous metallurgy plants have coal coking shops and coke oven gas processing departments. Coke production processes pollute the atmospheric air with dust and a mixture of volatile compounds. In some cases, for example, when operating conditions are disrupted, significant amounts of untreated coke oven gas are released into the atmosphere.

Air pollution with dust during coal coking occurs during the preparation of the charge and loading it into coke ovens, unloading coke into quenching cars and wet quenching of coke. In addition, wet extinguishing is accompanied by the release into the atmosphere of substances that are part of the water used.

Industrial accidents in this industry lead to an aggravation of the environmental situation in the region. The construction of high-power facilities with insufficient attention to the issues of aspiration, ventilation, dust and gas purification leads to constant emergency emissions of a significant amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

2.3 Non-ferrous metallurgy

Large non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises are located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Murmansk, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan, and the Primorsky Territory. Enterprises in the industry have a significant impact on the formation of the environmental situation in the areas where they are located, and in some cases, completely determine it. In many areas with developed non-ferrous metallurgy, an unfavorable environmental situation has developed.

The largest amount of pollutants in 2008 was released into the atmospheric air by the following enterprises: JSC Norilsk Combine - 2139.5 thousand tons, JSC MMC Pechenganikel, village. Nickel - 197.4 thousand tons, JSC Severonickel Combine, Monchegorsk - 99.3 thousand tons, JSC Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant - 86 thousand tons, JSC Svyatogor (Krasnoyarsk Copper Smelter) - 75 8 thousand tons, Sredneuralsk Copper Smelter JSC - 71.4 thousand tons, Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur Plant 52.6 thousand tons, Achinsk Alumina Refinery JSC - 47.3 thousand tons, Combine JSC Yuzhuralnickel", Orsk - 39.6 thousand tons, Ufaleysky Nickel Plant - 33.8 thousand tons. Atmospheric air pollution is characterized mainly by the release of sulfur dioxide (75% of total emissions into the atmosphere), carbon monoxide (10.5 %) and washed (10.4%). Sources of formation of harmful emissions during the production of alumina, aluminum, copper, lead, tin, zinc, nickel and other metals are various types of furnaces (for sintering, smelting, roasting, induction, etc.), crushing and grinding equipment, converters, loading points , unloading and transfer of materials, drying units, open warehouses.

2.4 Oil industry

In 2008, the largest volumes of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere were noted at the following enterprises: JSC "Surgutneftegas", NGDU "Lyantorneft" - 105 thousand tons, JSC "Varvsganeftegaz", NGDU "Bakhilovneft", Raduzhny - 56.1 thousand. t, NGDU "Luginetskneft", Kedrovy - 16.8 thousand tons, NGDU "Tomsneft", Nyagan - 15.2 thousand tons, NGDU "Vasyu-ganneft", Strezhevoy - 14.7 thousand. t, JSC LUKoil Uralnefte-gaz 14 thousand tons, JSC Yuganskneft, NGDU Mamontovneft, village. Pytyakh - 13.2 thousand tons. Typical pollutants generated during oil production are hydrocarbons (44.9% of total emissions), solids (4.3%). A significant share of pollutant emissions comes from gas combustion products in flares. The degree of oil gas utilization, depending on the deposits, ranges from 52.3-95%. At the main fields, where all the necessary facilities are available, 80–95% of associated gas is used.

Oil refining industry. In 2008, oil refineries emitted 769.75 thousand tons of pollutants into the atmosphere. The largest emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere were noted at the following enterprises: Novokuybyshevsky Refinery 76.6 thousand tons, Omsk Refinery Production Association - 58.4 thousand tons, NOVOIL JSC (Novoufimsky Refinery) - 55 thousand tons, Kinef JSC » - 55.4 thousand tons, Kirishi, Ufaneftekhim JSC - 50.7 thousand tons, Angarsk Petrochemical Company JSC - 47.9 thousand tons, Yaroslav-neftesintez JSC - 44 thousand. t, Ryazan Refinery - 41.6 thousand tons, Kuibyshev Oil Refinery, Samara - 381 thousand tons, LUKoil-Volgogradneftepe-rerabotka JSC - 37.6 thousand tons, Norsi JSC, Kstovo - 30 ,3 thousand tons.

Oil refining industry enterprises significantly pollute the atmosphere with emissions of hydrocarbons (23% of total emissions), sulfur dioxide (16.6%), carbon monoxide (7.3%), and nitrogen oxides (2%).

In 2008, 74 accidents occurred at oil refineries, including 4 that led to environmental pollution.

2.5 Coal industry

The environmental situation in coal-mining regions is affected by 140 mines, 80 open-pit mines, and 41 processing plants. In 2008, 545.3 thousand tons of harmful substances were released into the atmosphere.

2.6 Engineering industry

Mechanical engineering enterprises are located in many regions of Russia, mainly in large cities and towns, including Moscow, Leningrad, Kaluga, Irkutsk, Tomsk, Rostov, Tver, Bryansk, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Kursk, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Novosibirsk , Ulyanovsk, Orenburg regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Bashkiria, Mordovia, Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Buryatia.

In 2008, engineering enterprises emitted 460 thousand tons of pollutants into the atmosphere. Enterprises in this industry pollute the atmosphere mainly with solid harmful substances, as well as sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides.

2.7 Gas industry

In 2008, gross emissions of gas industry enterprises into the atmosphere amounted to 428.5 thousand tons of harmful substances (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, etc.). The largest emissions were noted at the following enterprises: DP Severgazprom - 151 thousand tons, Sosnovogorsk gas treatment facility, Ukhta-9 - 84.7 thousand tons, Astrakhangazprom, village. Aksaraysky - 73.1 thousand tons, Permtransgaz, Bardymskoye MG LPU - 55 thousand tons, Permtransgaz, Mozhzhenskoye MG LPU - 51.7 thousand tons.

According to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia, in 2008, 26 accidents occurred on main gas pipelines, and 16 on condensate and gas pipelines.

2.8 Construction materials industry

This includes the production of cement and other binders, wall materials, asbestos-cement products, building ceramics, heat and sound insulating materials, building and technical glass. In 2008, the volume of harmful substances released into the atmosphere by the industry as a whole amounted to 396.6 thousand tons. The emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by enterprises of the building materials industry are produced mainly in the form of dust and suspended solids, carbon oxides, sulfur dioxides, and nitrogen oxides. In addition, the emissions contain hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, vanadium pentoxide, xylene and other substances.

Major sources of air pollution are the following industry enterprises: Cement plant, Vorkuta 23 thousand tons, Maltse nekiy Portland cement JSC, Fokino - 14.2 thousand tons, Urelasbest plant, Asbest - 7 ,8 thousand tons, Ulyanovskcement JSC - 7.6 thousand tons, Mordovcement JSC, village. Komsomolsky - 6.9 thousand tons, Oskolcement JSC, Stary Oskol - 6.2 thousand tons, Novoroscement JSC, Novorossiysk - 6.2 thousand tons.

Around factories that produce cement, asbestos and other building materials, zones have developed with high levels of dust in the air, including cement and asbestos, as well as other harmful substances.

2.9 Chemical and petrochemical industry

The main sources of harmful emissions into the atmosphere are the production of acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric, etc.), rubber products, phosphorus, plastics, dyes, detergents, artificial rubber, mineral fertilizers, solvents (toluene, acetone, phenol, benzene ), oil cracking.

In 2008, the volume of emissions into the atmosphere in the industry as a whole amounted to 388 thousand tons. Among the enterprises whose activities significantly worsen the quality of atmospheric air in their locations include: JSC "Balakovo Fibers", Balakovo, Saratov region . (toxic effects are associated with emissions of carbon disulfide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide), Sintez JSC, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. (tetraethyl lead), "Biryusinsky GZ", Biryusinsk, Irkutsk region. (coal ash), JSC "Sivinit", Krasnoyarsk (carbon disulfide, hydrogen sulfide), JSC "Apatit", Kirovsk, Murmansk region. (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides), Onega hydrolysis plant, Onega, Arkhangelsk region. (coal ash), JSC "Visco-R", Ryazan (carbon disulfide), JSC "Silvinit", Solikamsk, Perm region. (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides), JSC "Azot", Novomoskovsk, Tula region. (ammonia, nitrogen oxides), Khimprom JSC, Volgograd (vinyl chloride), AKRON JSC, Novgorod (ammonia, nitrogen oxides).

2.10 Wood and pulp and paper industries

The negative impact of the pulp and paper industry on the environment is largely determined by the low technical level of basic technological processes and equipment.

In 2008, emissions of pollutants from industry enterprises amounted to 351.9 thousand tons. In the Irkutsk region. in the areas where three pulp and paper production plants are located (Bratsky LPK JSC, Ust-Ilimsky LPK JSC and Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill JSC) there are high concentrations of specific pollutants in the atmospheric air; These enterprises account for 5.4% of the total emissions into the atmosphere from the region's timber industry.

2.11 Food industry

The impact of food industry facilities on the atmospheric air is determined by the fact that, in addition to the common set of harmful substances released from enterprises into the air (solids, oxides of sulfur, carbon and other liquid and gaseous substances), the industry is characterized by technological processes accompanied by emissions of strong-smelling components (cooking, frying, smoking, processing of spices, cutting and processing of fish), dry products of animal origin, carcinogenic substances.

In 2001, the Main Geophysical Observatory named after. A.I. Voeikova and St. Petersburg compiled a list of the most unfavorable cities in Russia in terms of air pollution. The studies were conducted in 89 major cities of the country. The championship in pollution is held by Moscow and St. Petersburg, followed by large industrial centers of the Urals and Western Siberia, with Lipetsk taking 13th place. Tambov and Belgorod are recognized as the environmentally cleanest cities in Russia in terms of atmospheric air conditions.

2.12 Agricultural industry

Sources of air pollution are livestock and poultry farms, industrial complexes for meat production, enterprises servicing equipment, energy and heat power enterprises. Over areas adjacent to premises for keeping livestock and poultry, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other foul-smelling gases spread over considerable distances in the atmospheric air.

In crop-growing farms, the atmospheric air is polluted by mineral fertilizers and pesticides when treating fields and seeds in warehouses, as well as in cotton gins.

2.13 Photochemical fog or smog

The fog itself is not dangerous to the human body; it becomes destructive only if it is overly contaminated with toxic impurities. Smog occurs in autumn and winter (from October to February). The main danger is the sulfur dioxide it contains at a concentration of 5-10 mg/m and higher. On December 5, 1952, a high pressure wave arose over the whole of England, and for several days not the slightest breath of wind was felt. However, the tragedy took place only in London, where there was a high degree of air pollution - more than 4,000 people died there in three or four days. British experts determined that the smog of 1952 contained several hundred tons of smoke and sulfur dioxide. When comparing air pollution in London these days with the mortality rate, it was noted that mortality increases in direct proportion to the concentration and air of smoke and sulfur dioxide. In 1963, smog descended on New York City and killed more than 400 people. Scientists believe that every year thousands of deaths in cities around the world are linked to air pollution.

2.14 Transboundary air pollution

Transboundary air pollution is air pollution resulting from the transfer of harmful (pollutant) substances, the source of which is located on the territory of a foreign state.

According to the Law “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” (2009), in order to reduce transboundary air pollution from sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances located on the territory of the Russian Federation, Russia ensures the implementation of measures to reduce emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, and also carries out other measures in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection.

Successful cooperation in this area for more than 20 years between the parties to the Convention is an example of global action in the field of environmental protection.

The Convention is one of the key instruments for environmental protection. It provides a science-based framework for gradually reducing the damage caused by air pollution to human health and the environment.

In 2008, the Protocol on Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants was concluded within the framework of the Convention. It represents an important step towards reducing emissions of substances that can have harmful effects on human health and the environment.

3. Self-purifying atmospheres

The air ocean has the ability to self-clean itself from pollutants. Aerosols are washed out of the atmosphere by precipitation, ions settle under the influence of the electric field of the atmosphere, as well as due to gravity. A particle 10 microns in size travels from the mouth of a pipe 45 m high to the surface of the earth in 1.4 hours. During this time, at a wind speed of 2 m/s, the emission from the pipe will be carried 10 km, particles of smaller diameter will settle at an even greater distance. Sedimentation is facilitated by their sorption on the surface of larger particles. In the absence of precipitation, aerosols fall out as a result of contact of the lower layer of air with the earth's surface and objects located on it. Thus, air currents carrying pollution are purified when they meet a forest on their way. Not only solid particles, but also volatile substances are deposited on trees

Due to turbulent movement, the surface layer of air is constantly renewed, so a significant amount of aerosols is deposited on the surface. Thus, on 1 m 2 of land near St. Petersburg, as many aerosols fall as are contained in 250 m of the ground layer of air, while a layer 250 m high is cleared per day. This value is conventionally called the purification rate.

The processes of self-purification of the atmosphere are associated not only with precipitation and the formation of downdrafts, but also with other meteorological phenomena.

Any pollution causes a protective reaction in nature aimed at neutralizing it. This ability of nature has been thoughtlessly and predatorily exploited by man for a long time. Industrial waste was thrown into the air in the hope that it would be neutralized and recycled by nature itself. It seemed that the total mass of waste was as large as pi, but in comparison with protective resources it was insignificant. However, the pollution process is progressing sharply, and it becomes obvious that natural self-purification systems will sooner or later not be able to withstand such an onslaught, since the ability of the atmosphere to self-purify has certain limits.

Conclusions: the impact of atmospheric pollution on the environment and human health

Animals and plants suffer from air pollution. For example, waste from copper smelters - chlorine, arsenic, antimony - causes the death of domestic and wild animals that eat food poisoned by these substances. Severe diseases in livestock are observed from fluoride compounds. Copper and zinc released from factories onto the ground can completely destroy grass cover.

The impact of sulfur dioxide and its derivatives on humans and animals is manifested primarily in damage to the upper respiratory tract, under their influence the destruction of chlorophyll in plant leaves occurs, and therefore photosynthesis and respiration worsen, growth slows down, the quality of tree plantations and agricultural productivity decreases. crops, and at higher and longer exposure doses the vegetation dies.

It is estimated that the total amount of sulfur dioxide emissions into the atmosphere of our planet from thermal power plants, metallurgical plants, oil refineries and other anthropogenic sources increased 4 times from 1905 to 1965 and has now reached 150 million tons. Of this amount, up to 110 million tons (more than 70% of global sulfur dioxide emissions) occur in European countries, the United States of America and Canada. Given that the use of solid fuels, in particular brown coal (which has a high sulfur content), is constantly increasing, a corresponding increase in sulfur dioxide emissions should be anticipated.

Air pollution poses a threat not only to human health, but also causes great economic damage. The presence of sulfur compounds in the air accelerates the corrosion of metals, the destruction of buildings, structures, cultural monuments, and deteriorates the quality of industrial products and materials. It has been established, for example, that in industrial areas steel rusts 20 times, and aluminum deteriorates 100 times faster than in rural areas.

Emissions harmful to humans and nature can travel in air currents over enormous distances. For example, it has been established that emissions from industrial enterprises in Germany and Great Britain are transported over distances of more than 1000 km and fall into the territory of the Scandinavian countries, and from the northeastern states of the USA into Canada. The harmful effects of environmental pollution are also affecting our country. Thus, according to the UN Economic Commission for Europe, 4 times more sulfur flows across the Russian border in air flows from west to east than in the opposite direction.

In Russia, the most unfavorable from the point of view of public health are still cities with a high concentration of industry. A polluted atmosphere causes an increase in the number of respiratory diseases. The state of the atmosphere in different areas of industrial cities affects morbidity rates. For example, in Moscow, the predisposition to bronchial asthma, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and chronic otitis is 40–60% higher in areas with high levels of air pollution. The highest prevalence rates of bronchial asthma are recorded within the Garden Ring, in the northwestern and northeastern parts of the capital.

In Novokuznetsk, the risks of health problems for various groups of the population under the influence of air pollution were studied. The studies were carried out at the Institute of Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. According to stationary studies, the maximum one-time and average daily concentrations of atmospheric air pollution in residential areas exceeded the maximum permissible for dust by 4.2-8.6 times, sulfur dioxide - by 2-10, carbon monoxide by 1.9-7, nitrogen dioxide - in 2.7-16.3, hydrogen sulfide – in 1.4-9, phenol – in 5-17.6, soot – in 4.2-24.7, sulfuric acid – in 1.1, formaldehyde – in 2 -8.3 times. The dust samples contained up to 36 microelements, including toxic ones such as lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, antimony, and zinc. Studies have shown that morbidity rates in children of all age groups, both boys and girls, are especially related to the level of air pollution. In the most polluted area, diseases of the respiratory system are 2.1 times higher than the city average, skin and subcutaneous tissue - 2.7 times, blood and hematopoietic organs - 2 times. A comprehensive assessment of the health status of children, carried out on the basis of an in-depth medical examination of schoolchildren aged 7-11 years, showed that the total number of healthy children in the highly polluted area was 6.6%, in the control area - 19.9%. More than a third of students in the contaminated area have functional disabilities, 60.5% suffer from various chronic diseases. 20.3% of children living in an area with high levels of air pollution had high blood pressure (in the control area - 9.7%), 47.7% had anemia (in the control area - 19.3% ).

A study of the prevalence of allergenic diseases among children in Novokuznetsk showed that the greatest number of them is observed in areas with high air pollution (5.6 times compared to the control area). Moreover, in these areas, a large number of severe forms of allergies in combination with other diseases have been noted.

According to the researchers, all of these pathologies are associated with exposure to dust, sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid and nitrogen dioxide. A high correlation of the above diseases with total air pollution was constantly observed.

The age factor is of significant importance for lung diseases in a polluted atmosphere. If the appealability of people with pulmonary pathology under 19 years of age is taken as 100%, then in the age group of 20-29 years it was 109%, 30-39 years - 250, 40-49 years - 302, 50-59 years - 549 and 60 years and older - 449%. At the same time, in men, the lowest incidence rate is observed in the age group of 20–29 years, in women – up to 19 years. In older age groups, incidence rates are higher in men than in women.


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7. Israel Yu. A. Ecology and control of the natural environment. – M.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984. -528 p.

8. Kondratyev K. Ya. Key problems of global ecology. – M., 1990. – 454 p.

9. Novikov Yu. V. Nature and man. – M.: Education, 1991. – 223 p.

10. Shandala M. G., Zvinyatskovsky Ya. I. Environment and public health. – Kyiv: Health, 1988. – 152 p.

Changes in the gas composition of the atmosphere are the result of a combination of natural phenomena in nature and human activity. But which of these processes predominates at present? In order to find out, we will first clarify what pollutes the air. Its relatively constant composition has been subject to significant fluctuations in recent years. Let's consider the main problems of controlling emissions and protecting the cleanliness of the air basin using the example of this work in cities.

Is the composition of the atmosphere changing?

Standing next to a smoldering garbage heap is like being on the busiest street in a metropolis. The danger of carbon monoxide is that it binds hemoglobin in the blood. The resulting carboxyhemoglobin can no longer deliver oxygen to the cells. Other substances that pollute the atmospheric air can cause disruption of the bronchi and lungs, poisoning, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. For example, when you inhale carbon monoxide, the heart works harder because not enough oxygen is supplied to the tissues. In this case, cardiovascular diseases may worsen. An even greater danger is the combination of carbon monoxide with pollutants in industrial emissions and transport exhausts.

Pollutant Concentration Standards

Harmful emissions come from metallurgical, coal, oil and gas processing plants, energy facilities, construction and utilities industries. Radioactive contamination from explosions at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and nuclear power plant in Japan has spread on a global scale. There is an increase in the content of carbon oxides, sulfur, nitrogen, freons, radioactive and other dangerous emissions in different parts of our planet. Sometimes toxins are found far from the place where the enterprises that pollute the air are located. The situation that has arisen is an alarming and difficult to solve global problem for humanity.

Back in 1973, the relevant committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed criteria for assessing the quality of atmospheric air in cities. Experts have found that people's health depends 15-20% on environmental conditions. Based on many studies in the 20th century, acceptable levels of the main pollutants that were harmless to the population were determined. For example, the average annual concentration of suspended particles in the air should be 40 μg/m 3 . The content of sulfur oxides should not exceed 60 μg/m 3 per year. For carbon monoxide, the corresponding average is 10 mg/m 3 for 8 hours.

What are maximum permissible concentrations (MPC)?

The resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation approved the hygienic standard for the content of almost 600 harmful compounds in the atmosphere of populated areas. pollutants in the air, compliance with which indicates the absence of adverse effects on people and sanitary conditions. The standard specifies the hazard classes of compounds and their content in the air (mg/m3). These indicators are updated as new data on the toxicity of individual substances become available. But that's not all. The document contains a list of 38 substances for which a release ban has been introduced due to their high biological activity.

How is state control carried out in the field of atmospheric air protection?

Anthropogenic changes in air composition lead to negative consequences in the economy, deteriorating health and reducing life expectancy of people. The problems of increasing the flow of harmful compounds into the atmosphere are of concern to both governments, state and municipal authorities, and the public and ordinary people.

The legislation of many countries provides for before the start of construction, reconstruction, and modernization of almost all economic facilities. Standardization of pollutants in the air is being carried out, and measures are being taken to protect the atmosphere. The issues of reducing the anthropogenic load on the environment, reducing emissions and discharges of pollutants are being addressed. Russia has adopted federal laws on the protection of the environment, atmospheric air, and other legislative and regulatory acts regulating activities in the environmental sphere. State environmental control is carried out, pollutants are limited, and emissions are regulated.

What is MDV?

Enterprises that pollute the air must conduct an inventory of the sources of harmful compounds entering the air. Usually this work finds its logical continuation when determining The need to obtain this document is related to the regulation of anthropogenic load on the atmospheric air. Based on the information included in that MPE, the enterprise receives permission to emit pollutants into the atmosphere. Data on standard emissions are used to calculate payments for negative environmental impacts.

If there is no MPE volume and permit, then enterprises pay 2, 5, 10 times more for emissions from pollution sources located on the territory of an industrial facility or other industry. Standardization of air pollutants leads to a reduction in the negative impact on the atmosphere. There is an economic incentive to carry out measures to protect nature from the entry of foreign compounds into it.

Payments for environmental pollution received from enterprises are accumulated by local and federal authorities in specially created budgetary environmental funds. Financial resources are spent on environmental protection activities.

How is air purified and protected at industrial and other facilities?

Purification of polluted air is carried out using different methods. Filters are installed on the pipes of boiler houses and processing plants, and there are dust and gas collection units. Through the use of thermal decomposition and oxidation, some toxic substances are converted into harmless compounds. The capture of harmful gases in emissions is carried out using condensation methods, sorbents are used to absorb impurities, and catalysts are used for purification.

Prospects for activities in the field of air protection are associated with work to reduce the flow of pollutants into the atmosphere. It is necessary to develop laboratory monitoring of harmful emissions in cities and on busy highways. Work must continue to implement systems for capturing solid particles from gaseous mixtures at enterprises. We need cheap modern devices for purifying emissions from toxic aerosols and gases. In the field of state control, an increase in the number of posts is required to check and regulate the toxicity of vehicle exhaust gases. Energy industry enterprises and motor vehicles should be switched to less harmful, from an environmental point of view, types of fuel (for example, natural gas, biofuel). When they burn, less solid and liquid pollutants are released.

What role do green spaces play in cleaning the air?

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of plants to replenishing oxygen reserves on Earth and trapping pollution. Forests are called “green gold”, “the lungs of the planet” for the ability of leaves to photosynthesize. This process involves the absorption of carbon dioxide and water, the formation of oxygen and starch in the light. Plants release phytoncides into the air - substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes.

Increasing the area of ​​green spaces in cities is one of the most important environmental measures. Trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers are planted in courtyards, parks, squares and along roads. The areas of schools, hospitals, and industrial enterprises are being landscaped.

Scientists have found that plants such as poplar, linden, and sunflower best absorb dust and harmful gaseous substances from industrial emissions and transport exhausts. Coniferous plantings emit the most phytoncides. The air in pine, fir, and juniper forests is very clean and healing.

The Earth is shrouded in an atmosphere that protects it from the ultraviolet rays of the Sun. Thanks to the atmosphere on our planet, climate, oxygen and weather are formed. Without oxygen, no organism can survive on the surface of the Earth. Environmental science today deals with air pollution issues. The atmosphere of our planet suffers from regular emissions of harmful gases and heavy metals, which disrupts climatic zones.

Causes of air pollution

The main reason for this is the regular release of various chemicals into the atmosphere. This happens due to natural phenomena and human activities. And the latter plays a huge role in this. Hydrocarbon fuel and its combustion during the operation of power plants and internal combustion engines are the main causes of air pollution.

Due to human activities, harmful gases such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon dioxide and dust are released into the atmosphere. Huge manufacturing enterprises emit millions of tons of dust and particles into the external environment. Carbon dioxide is one of the sources of pollution; it is classified as a gas that has a greenhouse effect. Such gases are nothing more than a layer that prevents the Earth and space from carrying out normal heat exchange functions.

Values ​​used to assess pollution:

  • vapor concentration in the air (average);
  • standard deviation;
  • impurity concentration.

Impact of air pollution on humans

Poor quality air leads to deterioration in human health. This problem especially concerns residents of large cities. They experience nausea, headache, drying of the mucous membranes, and in rare cases, death occurs. In such cities, rates of asthma, allergies, and diseases associated with the upper respiratory tract are increasing. Air quality also negatively affects flora and fauna.

The atmosphere, as an ecological component, is a layer of air in the subsoil and above its surface, within which the mutual influence of all environmental components (including the air itself) is observed. Therefore, air pollution affects changes in the composition and properties of natural components and human health.

Pollutants enter the atmosphere from natural and anthropogenic sources.

Substances emitted from natural sources include: dust of plant, volcanic and cosmic origin; dust arising from soil erosion; sea ​​salt particles; fog; combustion products from forest and steppe fires; gases of volcanic origin; various products of plant, animal and microbiological origin, etc. These pollution create a natural background.

As industrial production grows, anthropogenic pollution of the Earth's atmosphere increases.

Currently, in industrialized countries, over 2.25 kg/person of various pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere annually, including 1.5 kg/person of gaseous and 0.75 kg/person of solid substances.

Emissions from power plants consuming coal are especially dangerous - they amount to 133 million kg per year of sulfur oxides, 21 million kg of nitrogen oxides, 5 million kg of particulate matter, which are mainly the cause of acid rain..

The distribution of the share of harmful emissions between industrial sectors in individual countries is different (Table 2.1.).

Table 2.1
Emission content (in %) of various industries in developed countries (based on 1991 data)

The level of air pollution in cities is especially high; for example, in 1996, 171.1 thousand tons of harmful substances entered the atmosphere of Moscow from stationary sources, and 204.4 thousand tons in the Moscow region.

The dynamics of changes in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere of Moscow are presented on rice. 2.1.

A clear trend towards an increase in the total amount of pollutants is visible. The main source of air pollution (Fig. 2.2.) became road transport - it accounts for up to 83% of emissions of harmful substances into the city's polluted air. Car exhaust poses a particular danger to architectural monuments located along major highways.

Rice. 2.1 (left). Dynamics of changes in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere of Moscow
Rice. 2.2 (right). Main sources of urban air pollution

Comparison of concentrations of some gaseous pollutants for rural areas and cities of Russia, presented in table 2.2, shows that a critical situation has arisen in cities regarding this air quality indicator.

Table 2.2
Concentrations of some gaseous pollutants for rural areas and cities of Russia

Toxic contaminants in the air Emission sources Concentrations (mg/m3)
in cities in rural areas
Carbon monoxide, CO Fires, car exhaust 5,0 0,1
Sulfur dioxide, SO 2 Coal combustion, oil refining, H2SO4 production 0,2 0,002
Nitric oxide, NO In engines, in power plants, combustion 0,2 0,002
Nitrogen dioxide, NO 2 Combustion, oxidation, in power plants 0,1 0,001
Ozone Atmospheric, photochemical reactions 0,3 0,01
Methane Natural gas, decay processes 3,0 1,4
Ethylene Car exhaust 0,05 0,001
Acetylene -"- 0,07 0,001
PAN Atmospheric oxidation of aldehydes 0,03 0,001
Aldehydes, C 3 -C 8 Car exhaust 0,02 0,001
Total hydrocarbons (except CH 4) -"- 2,0 0,005
Ammonia Rotting 0,01 0,01
Hydrogen sulfide -"- 0,004 0,002
Formaldehyde Incomplete combustion 0,05 0,001

These figures indicate that the ecosystems of a large city can no longer fulfill the function of providing it with clean air.

Cases of exceeding maximum concentrations of up to 10 MPCs were registered in 70 cities of Russia.

Atmospheric pollution and saturation of the biosphere with heavy metals is progressing. It is estimated that over the entire history of human society, about 20 billion tons of iron have been smelted. The amount of iron in structures, machines, equipment, etc. is now estimated at approximately 6 billion tons. Consequently, approximately 14 billion tons are dispersed in the environment due to corrosion and other processes. Other metals dissipate even more significantly. For example, the dispersion of mercury and lead accounts for 80–90% of their annual production. When coal is burned, some economically important elements are released into the environment along with ash and waste gases. For example, more is supplied than is extracted from the subsoil: magnesium - 1.5 times, molybdenum - 3 times, arsenic - 7 times, uranium, titanium - 10 times, aluminum, iodine, cobalt - 15 times, mercury - 50 times, lithium, vanadium, strontium, beryllium, zirconium - hundreds of times, gallium, germanium - thousands of times, sodium - tens of thousands of times.

“Secondary” pollutants have become a particular danger in cities. Atmospheric photochemistry is characterized by the formation of undesirable compounds that serve as the basis for photochemical smog. The main products of these photochemical reactions are aldehydes, ketones, aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide - CO, acid oxides CO 2, SO 2, NO 2, organic nitrates and oxidants - ozone, nitrogen dioxide, compounds such as peroxyacetyl nitrates, etc. It is known that peroxyacetyl nitrate ( PAN) strongly irritates the mucous membrane of the eyes and has a negative effect on the assimilation apparatus of plants. Irradiation of olefins and aromatic compounds results in the formation of significant amounts of aerosols. The listed acid oxides oxidize and, reacting with water, form acids. The problem of acid rain has become really noticeable not only in industrial cities, but also everywhere in urbanized areas of cities.

Every year, millions of tons of acids and other pollutants fall with precipitation, which is dangerous in terms of global changes in the chemistry of the natural environment. Emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO 2) from industrial exhaust gases also cause great economic damage, since such a valuable substance as sulfur is lost. The world's proven reserves of this raw material are close to depletion. At the same time, the amount of technogenic sulfur entering the atmosphere in 2000 amounted, according to various sources, from 275 to 400 million tons.

The atmosphere is the gaseous shell of the Earth, the mass of which is 5.15 * 10 tons. The main components of the atmosphere are nitrogen (78.08%), argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.03%), and the remaining elements are To very small quantities: hydrogen - 0.3 * 10%, ozone - 3.6 * 10%, etc. According to the chemical composition, the entire atmosphere of the Earth is divided into the lower (up to TOOkm^-homosphere, which has a composition similar to the surface air, and the upper - heterosphere, of heterogeneous chemical composition. The upper atmosphere is characterized by processes of dissociation and ionization of gases that occur under the influence of solar radiation. In In the atmosphere, in addition to these gases, there are also various aerosols - dusty or water particles suspended in a gaseous environment. They can be of natural origin (dust storms, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, etc.), as well as technogenic (the result of productive activities person).The atmosphere is divided into several spheres:

The troposphere is the lower part of the atmosphere, in which more than 80% of the entire atmosphere is concentrated. Its height is determined by the intensity of vertical (upward and downward) air flows caused by heating of the earth's surface. Therefore, at the equator it extends to an altitude of 16-18 km, in temperate latitudes to 10-11 km, and at the poles 8 km. A natural decrease in air temperature with altitude was noted - on average by 0.6 C for every 100 m.

The stratosphere is located above the troposphere to an altitude of 50-55 km. The temperature at its upper boundary increases, which is due to the presence of the ozone belt here.

Mesosphere - the boundary of this layer is located up to a height of 80 km. Its main feature is a sharp drop in temperature (minus 75-90C) at its upper limit. Noctilucent clouds consisting of ice crystals are recorded here.

Ionosphere (thermosphere) It is located up to an altitude of 800 km, and is characterized by a significant increase in temperature (more than 1000C). Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, gases are in an ionized state. Ionization is associated with the glow of gases and the appearance of auroras. The ionosphere has the ability to repeatedly reflect radio waves, which ensures real radio communication on Earth. The exosphere is located above 800 km. and extends up to 2000-3000 km. Here the temperature exceeds 2000 C. The speed of gas movement is approaching a critical value of 11.2 km/s. The dominant atoms are hydrogen and helium, which form a corona around the Earth, extending to an altitude of 20 thousand km.

The role of the atmosphere in the Earth’s biosphere is enormous, since it, with its physical chemical properties provides the most important life processes in plants and animals.

Atmospheric air pollution should be understood as any change in its composition and properties, which has a negative impact on human and animal health, the condition of plants and ecosystems.

Atmospheric pollution can be natural (natural) and anthropogenic (technogenic),

Natural air pollution is caused by natural processes. These include volcanic activity, weathering of rocks, wind erosion, massive flowering of plants, smoke from forest and steppe fires, etc. Anthropogenic pollution is associated with the release of various pollutants during human activity. In scale, it significantly exceeds natural air pollution.

Depending on the scale of distribution, various types of air pollution are distinguished: local, regional and global. Local pollution is characterized by an increased content of pollutants in small areas (city, industrial area, agricultural zone, etc.). With regional pollution, significant areas are involved in the negative impact, but not the entire planet. Global pollution is associated with changes in the state of the atmosphere as a whole.

According to their state of aggregation, emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are classified into: 1) gaseous (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, etc.); 2) liquid (acids, alkalis, salt solutions, etc.); 3) solid (carcinogenic substances, lead and its compounds, organic and inorganic dust, soot, resinous substances and others).

The main pollutants (pollutants) of atmospheric air formed during industrial and other human activities are sulfur dioxide (SO 2), nitrogen oxides (NO 2), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter. They account for about 98% of the total emissions of harmful substances. In addition to the main pollutants, more than 70 types of harmful substances are observed in the atmosphere of cities and towns, including formaldehyde, hydrogen fluoride, lead compounds, ammonia, phenol, benzene, carbon disulfide, etc. However, it is the concentrations of the main pollutants (sulfur dioxide, etc.) most often exceed permissible levels in many Russian cities.

The total global emissions of the four main atmospheric pollutants (pollutants) in 2005 amounted to 401 million tons, and in Russia in 2006 - 26.2 million tons (Table 1).

In addition to these main pollutants, many other very dangerous toxic substances enter the atmosphere: lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals (emission sources: cars, smelters, etc.); hydrocarbons (CnHm), among them the most dangerous is benzo(a)pyrene, which has a carcinogenic effect (exhaust gases, boiler furnaces, etc.), aldehydes, and primarily formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, toxic volatile solvents (gasolines, alcohols, ethers) and etc.

Table 1 – Emission of the main pollutants (pollutants) into the atmosphere in the world and in Russia

Substances, million tons



Nitrogen oxides

Carbon monoxide

Particulate matter


Total world


Russia (landline only




Russia (including all sources), %



The most dangerous air pollution is radioactive. Currently, it is caused mainly by globally distributed long-lived radioactive isotopes - products of nuclear weapons tests conducted in the atmosphere and underground. The surface layer of the atmosphere is also polluted by emissions of radioactive substances into the atmosphere from operating nuclear power plants during their normal operation and other sources.

A special place is occupied by the release of radioactive substances from the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in April - May 1986. If the explosion of an atomic bomb over Hiroshima (Japan) released 740 g of radionuclides into the atmosphere, then as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, the total release of radioactive substances substances into the atmosphere amounted to 77 kg.

Another form of air pollution is local excess heat input from anthropogenic sources. A sign of thermal (thermal) pollution of the atmosphere are the so-called thermal zones, for example, “heat islands” in cities, warming of water bodies, etc.

In general, judging by official data for 2006, the level of air pollution in our country, especially in Russian cities, remains high, despite a significant decline in production, which is associated primarily with an increase in the number of cars.


Currently, the “main contribution” to air pollution in Russia is made by the following industries: thermal power engineering (thermal and nuclear power plants, industrial and municipal boiler houses, etc.), then ferrous metallurgy, oil production and petrochemical enterprises, motor transport, non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises and manufacturing building materials.

The role of various economic sectors in air pollution in developed industrial countries of the West is somewhat different. For example, the main amount of emissions of harmful substances in the USA, Great Britain and Germany comes from motor vehicles (50-60%), while the share of thermal power engineering is much less, only 16-20%.

Thermal and nuclear power plants. Boiler installations. During the combustion of solid or liquid fuel, smoke is released into the atmosphere containing products of complete (carbon dioxide and water vapor) and incomplete (oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, etc.) combustion. The volume of energy emissions is very large. Thus, a modern thermal power plant with a capacity of 2.4 million kW consumes up to 20 thousand tons of coal per day and emits into the atmosphere during this time 680 tons of SO 2 and SO 3, 120-140 tons of solid particles (ash, dust, soot), 200 tons nitrogen oxides.

Converting installations to liquid fuel (fuel oil) reduces ash emissions, but practically does not reduce emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides. The most environmentally friendly gas fuel, which pollutes the air three times less than fuel oil and five times less than coal.

Sources of air pollution with toxic substances at nuclear power plants (NPPs) are radioactive iodine, radioactive inert gases and aerosols. A major source of energy pollution of the atmosphere is the heating system of homes (boiler installations) produces little nitrogen oxides, but many products of incomplete combustion. Due to the low height of chimneys, toxic substances in high concentrations are dispersed near boiler installations.

Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. When smelting one ton of steel, 0.04 tons of solid particles, 0.03 tons of sulfur oxides and up to 0.05 tons of carbon monoxide are released into the atmosphere, as well as in small quantities such dangerous pollutants as manganese, lead, phosphorus, arsenic, mercury vapor etc. During the steelmaking process, vapor-gas mixtures consisting of phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and other toxic substances are released into the atmosphere. The atmosphere is also significantly polluted at sintering factories, during blast furnace and ferroalloy production.

Significant emissions of waste gases and dust containing toxic substances are observed at non-ferrous metallurgy plants during the processing of lead-zinc, copper, sulfide ores, during the production of aluminum, etc.

Chemical production. Emissions from this industry, although small in volume (about 2% of all industrial emissions), nevertheless, due to their very high toxicity, significant diversity and concentration, pose a significant threat to humans and all biota. In various chemical industries, atmospheric air is polluted by sulfur oxides, fluorine compounds, ammonia, nitrous gases (a mixture of nitrogen oxides), chloride compounds, hydrogen sulfide, inorganic dust, etc.).

Vehicle emissions. There are several hundred million cars in the world that burn huge amounts of petroleum products, significantly polluting the air, especially in large cities. Thus, in Moscow, motor transport accounts for 80% of the total emissions into the atmosphere. Exhaust gases from internal combustion engines (especially carburetor engines) contain a huge amount of toxic compounds - benzo(a)pyrene, aldehydes, nitrogen and carbon oxides and especially dangerous lead compounds (in the case of using leaded gasoline).

The largest amount of harmful substances in the exhaust gases is formed when the vehicle’s fuel system is unregulated. Correct adjustment allows you to reduce their number by 1.5 times, and special neutralizers reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases by six or more times.

Intense air pollution is also observed during the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials, at oil and gas processing plants (Fig. 1), during the release of dust and gases from underground mine workings, during the burning of garbage and burning rocks in waste heaps, etc. In rural areas, sources of air pollution are livestock and poultry farms, industrial complexes for meat production, spraying of pesticides, etc.

Rice. 1. Paths of distribution of emissions of sulfur compounds in

area of ​​the Astrakhan Gas Processing Plant (APTZ)

Transboundary pollution refers to pollution transferred from the territory of one country to the area of ​​another. In 2004 alone, the European part of Russia, due to its unfavorable geographical location, received 1,204 thousand tons of sulfur compounds from Ukraine, Germany, Poland and other countries. At the same time, in other countries only 190 thousand tons of sulfur fell from Russian pollution sources, i.e. 6.3 times less.


Atmospheric air pollution affects human health and the natural environment in various ways - from a direct and immediate threat (smog, etc.) to the slow and gradual destruction of various life support systems of the body. In many cases, air pollution disrupts the structural components of the ecosystem to such an extent that regulatory processes are unable to return them to their original state and, as a result, the homeostasis mechanism does not work.

First, let's look at how local air pollution affects the natural environment, and then global pollution.

The physiological impact of the main pollutants (pollutants) on the human body is fraught with the most serious consequences. Thus, sulfur dioxide, combining with moisture, forms sulfuric acid, which destroys the lung tissue of humans and animals. This connection can be seen especially clearly when analyzing childhood pulmonary pathology and the degree of sulfur dioxide concentration in the atmosphere of large cities. According to studies by American scientists, at a pollution level of 502 to 0.049 mg/m 3 the incidence rate (in person-days) of the population of Nashville (USA) was 8.1%, at 0.150-0.349 mg/m 3 - 12 and in areas with air pollution above 0.350 mg/m3 - 43.8%. Sulfur dioxide is especially dangerous when it is deposited on dust particles and in this form penetrates deep into the respiratory tract.

Dust containing silicon dioxide (SiO 2) causes a serious lung disease - silicosis. Nitrogen oxides irritate and, in severe cases, corrode mucous membranes, such as the eyes, and easily participate in the formation of toxic mists, etc. They are especially dangerous if they are contained in polluted air together with sulfur dioxide and other toxic compounds. In these cases, even at low concentrations of pollutants, a synergistic effect occurs, i.e., an increase in the toxicity of the entire gaseous mixture.

The effect of carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) on the human body is widely known. In acute poisoning, general weakness, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, loss of consciousness appear, and death is possible (even after 3-7 days). However, due to the low concentration of CO in the atmospheric air, it, as a rule, does not cause mass poisoning, although it is very dangerous for people suffering from anemia and cardiovascular diseases.

Among suspended solid particles, the most dangerous are particles smaller than 5 microns, which can penetrate the lymph nodes, linger in the alveoli of the lungs, and clog the mucous membranes.

Very unfavorable consequences, which can affect a huge period of time, are also associated with such insignificant emissions as lead, benzo(a)pyrene, phosphorus, cadmium, arsenic, cobalt, etc. They depress the hematopoietic system, cause cancer, and reduce the body's resistance to infections, etc. Dust containing lead and mercury compounds has mutagenic properties and causes genetic changes in the body's cells.

The consequences of exposure of the human body to harmful substances contained in car exhaust gases are very serious and have a wide range of effects: from coughing to death (Table 2). The toxic mixture of smoke, fog and dust - smog - also causes serious consequences in the body of living beings. There are two types of smog, winter smog (London type) and summer smog (Los Angeles type).

Table 2 Impact of vehicle exhaust gases on human health

Harmful substances

Consequences of exposure to the human body

Carbon monoxide

Interferes with the blood's absorption of oxygen, which impairs thinking ability, slows reflexes, causes drowsiness and can cause loss of consciousness and death.


Affects the circulatory, nervous and genitourinary systems; probably causes a decrease in mental abilities in children, is deposited in bones and other tissues, and is therefore dangerous for a long time

Nitrogen oxides

May increase the body's susceptibility to viral diseases (such as influenza), irritate the lungs, cause bronchitis and pneumonia


Irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, causes coughing, disrupts lung function; reduces resistance to colds; can aggravate chronic heart disease, as well as cause asthma, bronchitis

Toxic emissions (heavy metals)

Causes cancer, reproductive dysfunction and birth defects

The London type of smog occurs in winter in large industrial cities under unfavorable weather conditions (lack of wind and temperature inversion). Temperature inversion manifests itself in an increase in air temperature with height in a certain layer of the atmosphere (usually in the range of 300-400 m from the earth's surface) instead of the usual decrease. As a result, the circulation of atmospheric air is sharply disrupted, smoke and pollutants cannot rise upward and do not dissipate. Fogs often occur. The concentration of sulfur oxides and suspended dust, carbon monoxide reach levels dangerous to human health, leading to circulatory and respiratory disorders, and often to death. In 1952, in London, more than 4 thousand people died from smog from December 3 to December 9, and up to 3 thousand people became seriously ill. At the end of 1962, in the Ruhr (Germany), smog killed 156 people in three days. Only the wind can dispel smog, and reducing the emissions of pollutants can smooth out a smog-dangerous situation.

The Los Angeles type of smog, or photochemical smog, is no less dangerous than the London type. It occurs in the summer when there is intense exposure to solar radiation on air that is saturated, or rather, oversaturated with car exhaust gases. In Los Angeles, the exhaust gases of more than four million cars emit nitrogen oxides alone in amounts of more than a thousand tons per day. With very little air movement or calm in the air during this period, complex reactions occur with the formation of new highly toxic pollutants - photooxidites (ozone, organic peroxides, nitrites, etc.), which irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and organs of vision. In only one city (Tokyo) smog caused poisoning of 10 thousand people in 1970 and 28 thousand in 1971. According to official data, in Athens, on days of smog, mortality is six times higher than on days of relatively clear atmosphere. In some of our cities (Kemerovo, Angarsk, Novokuznetsk, Mednogorsk, etc.), especially in those located in lowlands, due to the increase in the number of cars and the increase in emissions of exhaust gases containing nitrogen oxide, the likelihood of the formation of photochemical smog increases.

Anthropogenic emissions of pollutants in high concentrations and over a long period of time cause great harm not only to humans, but also negatively affect animals, the condition of plants and ecosystems as a whole.

The environmental literature describes cases of mass poisoning of wild animals, birds, and insects due to emissions of high concentrations of harmful pollutants (especially in large quantities). For example, it has been established that when certain toxic types of dust settle on honey plants, a noticeable increase in bee mortality is observed. As for large animals, toxic dust in the atmosphere affects them mainly through the respiratory system, as well as entering the body along with the dusty plants they eat.

Toxic substances enter plants in various ways. It has been established that emissions of harmful substances act both directly on the green parts of plants, entering through the stomata into the tissues, destroying chlorophyll and cell structure, and through the soil on the root system. For example, soil contamination with toxic metal dust, especially in combination with sulfuric acid, has a detrimental effect on the root system, and through it on the entire plant.

Gaseous pollutants affect the health of vegetation in different ways. Some only slightly damage leaves, needles, shoots (carbon monoxide, ethylene, etc.), others have a detrimental effect on plants (sulfur dioxide, chlorine, mercury vapor, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, etc.) (Table 13:3). Sulfur dioxide (502) is especially dangerous for plants, under the influence of which many trees die, and primarily conifers - pines, spruce, fir, cedar.

Table 3 – Toxicity of air pollutants to plants

Harmful substances


Sulfur dioxide

The main pollutant, poison for the assimilation organs of plants, acts at a distance of up to 30 km

Hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetrafluoride

Toxic even in small quantities, prone to aerosol formation, effective at a distance of up to 5 km

Chlorine, hydrogen chloride

Mostly damage at close range

Lead compounds, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides

Infects vegetation in areas of high concentration of industry and transport

Hydrogen sulfide

Cellular and enzyme poison


Damages plants at close range

As a result of the impact of highly toxic pollutants on plants, there is a slowdown in their growth, the formation of necrosis at the ends of leaves and needles, failure of assimilation organs, etc. An increase in the surface of damaged leaves can lead to a decrease in moisture consumption from the soil and its general waterlogging, which will inevitably affect in its habitat.

Can vegetation recover after exposure to harmful pollutants is reduced? This will largely depend on the restorative capacity of the remaining green mass and the general condition of natural ecosystems. At the same time, it should be noted that low concentrations of individual pollutants not only do not harm plants, but also, such as cadmium salt, stimulate seed germination, wood growth, and the growth of certain plant organs.


The most important environmental consequences of global air pollution include:

    possible climate warming (“greenhouse effect”);

    ozone layer disruption;

  1. acid rain.

    Most scientists in the world consider them to be the biggest environmental problems of our time.

    Possible climate warming (“Greenhouse effect”). The currently observed climate change, which is expressed in a gradual increase in average annual temperature since the second half of the last century, is associated by most scientists with the accumulation in the atmosphere of so-called “greenhouse gases” - carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), chlorofluorocarbons ( freov), ozone (O 3), nitrogen oxides, etc.

    Greenhouse gases, and primarily CO 2, prevent long-wave thermal radiation from the Earth's surface. The atmosphere, saturated with greenhouse gases, acts like the roof of a greenhouse. On the one hand, it transmits most of the solar radiation inside, on the other hand, it almost does not allow the heat re-emitted by the Earth to pass out.

    Due to the burning of more and more fossil fuels by humans: oil, gas, coal, etc. (annually more than 9 billion tons of standard fuel), the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere is constantly increasing. Due to emissions into the atmosphere during industrial production and in everyday life, the content of freons (chlorofluorocarbons) increases. The methane content increases by 1-1.5% per year (emissions from underground mine workings, biomass burning, emissions from cattle, etc.). The content of nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere is also increasing to a lesser extent (by 0.3% annually).

    A consequence of the increase in the concentrations of these gases, which create the “greenhouse effect,” is an increase in the average global air temperature at the earth’s surface. Over the past 100 years, the warmest years were 1980, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2006 and 1988. In 1988, the average annual temperature was 0.4 °C higher than in 1950-1980. Calculations by some scientists show that in 2009 it will increase by 1.5 °C compared to 1950-1980. A report prepared under the auspices of the UN by an international group on climate change claims that by 2100 the temperature on Earth will rise above 2-4 degrees. The scale of warming over this relatively short period of time will be comparable to the warming that occurred on Earth after the Ice Age, which means the environmental consequences could be catastrophic. This is primarily due to the expected increase in the level of the World Ocean due to the melting of polar ice, reduction in areas of mountain glaciation, etc. By modeling the environmental consequences of a rise in sea level by only 0.5-2.0 m by the end of the 21st century, scientists have established that that this will inevitably lead to disruption of the climate balance, flooding of coastal plains in more than 30 countries, degradation of permafrost, waterlogging of vast areas and other adverse consequences.

    However, a number of scientists see positive environmental consequences in the proposed global warming.

    An increase in the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere and the associated increase in photosynthesis, as well as an increase in climate humidification, can, in their opinion, lead to an increase in the productivity of both natural phytocenoses (forests, meadows, savannas, etc.) and agrocenoses (cultivated plants, gardens , vineyards, etc.).

    There is also no consensus on the degree of influence of greenhouse gases on global warming. Thus, the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (1992) notes that the climate warming of 0.3-0.6 observed in the last century could be due primarily to natural variability in a number of climatic factors.

    In connection with these data, Academician K. Ya. Kondratiev (1993) believes that there is no reason for a one-sided enthusiasm for the stereotype of “greenhouse” warming and for putting forward the task of reducing greenhouse gas emissions as central to the problem of preventing undesirable changes in the global climate.

    In his opinion, the most important factor in the anthropogenic impact on the global climate is the degradation of the biosphere, and therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take care of preserving the biosphere as the main factor of global environmental security. Man, using a power of about 10 TW, has destroyed or severely disrupted the normal functioning of natural communities of organisms on 60% of the land. As a result, a significant amount of them was removed from the biogenic cycle of substances, which was previously spent by the biota on stabilizing climatic conditions. Against the backdrop of a constant reduction in areas with undisturbed communities, the degraded biosphere, which has sharply reduced its assimilating capacity, is becoming the most important source of increased emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

    At an international conference in Toronto (Canada) in 1985, the energy industry around the world was tasked with reducing industrial carbon emissions into the atmosphere by 20% by 2008. At the UN Conference in Kyoto (Japan) in 1997, the governments of 84 countries signed the Kyoto Protocol, according to which countries should emit no more anthropogenic carbon dioxide than they emitted in 1990. But it is obvious that a tangible environmental effect can only be achieved when combining these measures with the global direction of environmental policy - the maximum possible preservation of communities of organisms, natural ecosystems and the entire biosphere of the Earth.

    Ozone layer depletion. The ozone layer (ozonosphere) covers the entire globe and is located at altitudes from 10 to 50 km with a maximum ozone concentration at an altitude of 20-25 km. The saturation of the atmosphere with ozone is constantly changing in any part of the planet, reaching a maximum in the spring in the polar region.

    The depletion of the ozone layer first attracted the attention of the general public in 1985, when an area with reduced (up to 50%) ozone content, called the “ozone hole,” was discovered above Antarctica. Since then, measurements have confirmed widespread depletion of the ozone layer across virtually the entire planet. For example, in Russia over the past 10 years, the concentration of the ozone layer has decreased by 4-6% in winter and by 3% in summer.

    Currently, the depletion of the ozone layer is recognized by all as a serious threat to global environmental security. Declining ozone concentrations weaken the atmosphere's ability to protect all life on Earth from harsh ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation). Living organisms are very vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, because the energy of even one photon from these rays is enough to destroy the chemical bonds in most organic molecules. It is no coincidence that in areas with low ozone levels there are numerous sunburns, there is an increase in the incidence of skin cancer, etc. For example, according to a number of environmental scientists, by 2030 in Russia, if the current rate of depletion of the ozone layer continues, additional cases of skin cancer will occur 6 million people. In addition to skin diseases, it is possible to develop eye diseases (cataracts, etc.), suppression of the immune system, etc.

    It has also been established that plants, under the influence of strong ultraviolet radiation, gradually lose their ability to photosynthesize, and disruption of the vital activity of plankton leads to a break in the trophic chains of the biota of aquatic ecosystems, etc.

    Science has not yet fully established what the main processes that disrupt the ozone layer are. Both natural and anthropogenic origins of “ozone holes” are assumed. The latter, according to most scientists, is more likely and is associated with an increased content of chlorofluorocarbons (freons). Freons are widely used in industrial production and in everyday life (refrigeration units, solvents, sprayers, aerosol packaging, etc.). Rising into the atmosphere, freons decompose, releasing chlorine oxide, which has a detrimental effect on ozone molecules.

    According to the international environmental organization Greenpeace, the main suppliers of chlorofluorocarbons (freons) are the USA - 30.85%, Japan - 12.42; Great Britain - 8.62 and Russia - 8.0%. The USA punched a hole in the ozone layer with an area of ​​7 million km2, Japan - 3 million km2, which is seven times larger than the area of ​​Japan itself. Recently, plants have been built in the United States and a number of Western countries to produce new types of refrigerants (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) with a low potential for depleting the ozone layer.

    According to the protocol of the Montreal Conference (1987), then revised in London (1991) and Copenhagen (1992), a reduction in chlorofluorocarbon emissions by 50% was envisaged by 1998. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” (2002), the protection of the ozone layer of the atmosphere from environmentally hazardous changes is ensured by regulating the production and use of substances that destroy the ozone layer of the atmosphere, on the basis of international treaties of the Russian Federation and its legislation. In the future, the problem of protecting people from UV radiation will need to continue to be addressed, as many of the CFCs can persist in the atmosphere for hundreds of years. A number of scientists continue to insist on the natural origin of the “ozone hole.” Some see the reasons for its occurrence in the natural variability of the ozonosphere and the cyclical activity of the Sun, while others associate these processes with rifting and degassing of the Earth.

    Acid rain. One of the most important environmental problems associated with the oxidation of the natural environment is acid rain. They are formed during industrial emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, which, when combined with atmospheric moisture, form sulfuric and nitric acids. As a result, rain and snow become acidified (pH number below 5.6). In Bavaria (Germany) in August 1981, rain fell with the formation of 80,

    The water of open reservoirs becomes acidic. The fish are dying

    The total global anthropogenic emissions of the two main air pollutants - the culprits of acidification of atmospheric moisture - SO 2 and NO 2 annually amount to more than 255 million tons (2004). Over a vast territory, the natural environment is acidifying, which has a very negative impact on the state of all ecosystems. It turned out that natural ecosystems are destroyed even with a lower level of air pollution than that which is dangerous for humans.

    The danger is, as a rule, not from acid precipitation itself, but from the processes occurring under its influence. Under the influence of acid precipitation, not only nutrients vital for plants are leached from the soil, but also toxic heavy and light metals - lead, cadmium, aluminum, etc. Subsequently, they themselves or the resulting toxic compounds are absorbed by plants and other soil organisms, which leads to very negative consequences. consequences. For example, an increase in aluminum content in acidified water to only 0.2 mg per liter is lethal for fish. The development of phytoplankton is sharply reduced, since phosphates, which activate this process, combine with aluminum and become less available for absorption. Aluminum also reduces wood growth. The toxicity of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, etc.) is even more pronounced.

    Fifty million hectares of forest in 25 European countries suffer from a complex mixture of pollutants, including acid rain, ozone, toxic metals, etc. For example, coniferous mountain forests in Bavaria are dying. There have been cases of damage to coniferous and deciduous forests in Karelia, Siberia and other regions of our country.

    The impact of acid rain reduces the resistance of forests to droughts, diseases, and natural pollution, which leads to even more pronounced degradation of them as natural ecosystems.

    A striking example of the negative impact of acid precipitation on natural ecosystems is the acidification of lakes. It occurs especially intensively in Canada, Sweden, Norway and southern Finland (Table 4). This is explained by the fact that a significant part of sulfur emissions in such industrialized countries as the USA, Germany and Great Britain fall on their territory (Fig. 4). Lakes are the most vulnerable in these countries, since the bedrock that makes up their bed is usually represented by granite-gneisses and granites, which are not capable of neutralizing acid precipitation, unlike, for example, limestone, which creates an alkaline environment and prevents acidification. Many lakes in the northern United States are also highly acidified.

    Table 4 – Acidification of lakes in the world

    A country

    State of the lakes


    More than 14 thousand lakes are highly acidified; every seventh lake in the east of the country has suffered biological damage


    In reservoirs with a total area of ​​13 thousand km2, fish were destroyed and another 20 thousand km2 were affected


    In 14 thousand lakes, the species most sensitive to acidity levels were destroyed; 2200 lakes are practically lifeless


    8% of lakes do not have the ability to neutralize acid. The most acidified lakes in the southern part of the country


    There are about 1 thousand acidified lakes and 3 thousand almost acidic lakes in the country (data from the Environmental Protection Fund). A 1984 EPA study found that 522 lakes were highly acidic and 964 were borderline acidic.

    Acidification of lakes is dangerous not only for populations of various fish species (including salmon, whitefish, etc.), but often entails the gradual death of plankton, numerous species of algae and its other inhabitants. Lakes become practically lifeless.

    In our country, the area of ​​significant acidification from acid precipitation reaches several tens of millions of hectares. Special cases of lake acidification have also been noted (Karelia, etc.). Increased acidity of precipitation is observed along the western border (transboundary transport of sulfur and other pollutants) and in a number of large industrial areas, as well as fragmentarily on Vorontsov A.P. Rational environmental management. Tutorial. –M.: Association of Authors and Publishers “TANDEM”. EKMOS Publishing House, 2000. – 498 p. Characteristics of the enterprise as a source of air pollution MAIN TYPES OF ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACTS ON THE BIOSPHERE THE PROBLEM OF ENERGY SUPPLY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMANITY AND THE PROSPECTS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY
