Are Circassian Circassians genetically related to Europeans? Circassians or Adygeis, Adygs are the ancestors of Ukrainians

Adygs are one of the most ancient peoples North Caucasus. The closest peoples related to them are the Abkhazians, Abazins and Ubykhs. The Adygs, Abkhazians, Abazas, and Ubykhs in ancient times constituted a single group of tribes, and their ancient ancestors were the Hutts, Kaskas, and Sindo-Meotian tribes. About 6 thousand years ago, the ancient ancestors of the Circassians and Abkhazians occupied a vast territory from Asia Minor to the modern border of Kabarda with Chechnya and Ingushetia. In that distant era, this vast space was inhabited by related tribes who were at different levels of development.

Adygs(Adyghe) - the self-name of modern Kabardians (currently numbering more than 500 thousand people), Circassians (about 53 thousand people), Adyghe people, i.e. Shapsugs, Abadzekhs, Bzhedugs, Temirgoyevites, Zhaneevites and others (more than 125 thousand people). Adygs in our country live mainly in three republics: the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Republic of Adygea. In addition, a certain part of the Circassians live in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories. In total, more than 600 thousand Circassians live in the Russian Federation.

In addition, more than 3 million Circassians live in Turkey. Many Circassians live in Jordan, Syria, the USA, Germany, Israel and other countries. There are now more than 100 thousand Abkhazians, about 35 thousand Abazins, and the Ubykh language, unfortunately, has already disappeared, because there are no more Ubykhs.

Hutts and helmets are, according to many authoritative scientists (both domestic and foreign), one of the ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adygs, as evidenced by numerous monuments material culture, linguistic similarities, way of life, traditions and customs, religious beliefs, toponymy and much more.

In turn, the Hutts had close contacts with Mesopotamia, Syria, Greece, and Rome. Thus, the culture of Hatti has preserved a rich heritage drawn from the traditions of ancient ethnic groups.

About the direct relationship of the Abkhaz-Adygs with the civilization of Asia Minor, i.e. Hattami, as evidenced by the world-famous archaeological Maykop culture, dating back to the 3rd millennium BC, which developed in the North Caucasus, precisely in the habitat of the Circassians, thanks to active connections with their kindred tribes in Asia Minor. That is why we find amazing coincidences in the burial rites of the powerful leader in the Maikop mound and the kings in Aladzha-Hyuk of Asia Minor.

The next evidence of the connection of the Abkhaz-Adygs with ancient Eastern civilizations is the monumental stone dolmen tombs. Numerous studies by scientists indicate that the carriers of the Maykop and Dolmen cultures were the ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adygs. It is no coincidence that the Adyghe-Shapsugs called the dolmens “ispun” (spyuen) (houses of the isps), the second part of the word is formed from the Adyghe word “une” - “house”, the Abkhaz word “adamra” - “ancient grave houses”. Although Dolmen culture associated with the ancient Abkhaz-Adyghe ethnic group, it is believed that the very tradition of building dolmens was brought to the Caucasus from the outside. For example, in the territories of modern Portugal and Spain, dolmens were built back in the 4th millennium BC. distant ancestors of modern Basques, whose language and culture are quite close to the Abkhaz-Adyghe (we talked about dolmens above).

The next proof that the Hutts are one of the ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adygs is the linguistic similarity of these peoples. As a result of a long and painstaking study of the Hutt texts by such prominent specialists as I.M. Dunaevsky, I.M. Dyakonov, A.V. Ivanov, V.G. Ardzinba, E. Forrer and others established the meaning of many words, and identified some features of the grammatical structure of the Hutt language. All this made it possible to establish the relationship between the Hutt and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages.

Texts in the Hattic language, written in cuneiform on clay tablets, were discovered during archaeological excavations in the capital of the ancient Hatti Empire (the city of Hattusa), which was located near present-day Ankara; scientists believe that all modern North Caucasian languages ​​of autochthonous peoples, as well as related Hattic and Hurrito-Urartian languages, descend from a single proto-language. This language existed 7 thousand years ago. First of all, the Abkhaz-Adyghe and Nakh-Dagestan branches belong to the Caucasian languages. As for the helmets, or kashki, in the ancient Assyrian written sources Kashki (Adygs), Abshelos (Abkhazians) are mentioned as two different branches of the same tribe. However, this fact may also indicate that the Kashki and Abshelo at that distant time were already separate, albeit closely related, tribes.

Besides linguistic relationship, the closeness of the Khatt and Abkhaz-Adyghe beliefs is noted. For example, this can be seen in the names of the gods: the Hutt Uashkh and the Adyghe Uashkhue. In addition, we observe the similarity of the Hatti myths with some plots of the heroic Nart epic of the Abkhaz-Adyghe. Experts point out that the ancient name of the people “Hatti” is still preserved in the name of one of the Adyghe tribes, the Khatukaevs (Khyetykuey). Numerous Adyghe surnames are also associated with the ancient self-name of the Hutts, such as Khyete (Khata), Khetkue (Khatko), Khetu (Khatu), Khetai (Khatai), Khetykuey (Khatuko), etc. The name of the organizer and master of ceremonies of the Adyghe should also be correlated with the name of the Khatts ritual dances and games “hytyyakue” (hatiyako), whose duties are very reminiscent of the “man of the rod”, one of the main participants in rituals and holidays in royal palace Hutt State.

One of the irrefutable proofs that the Hutts and Abkhaz-Adygs - related peoples, are examples from place names. Thus, in Trebizond (modern Turkey) and further in the north-west along the Black Sea coast, a number of ancient and modern names of places, rivers, ravines, etc., left by the ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adygs, were noted, which was noted by many famous scientists, in in particular, N.Ya.Marr. The names of the Abkhaz-Adyghe type in this territory include, for example, the names of rivers that include the Adyghe element “dogs” (“water”, “river”): Aripsa, Supsa, Akampsis, etc.; as well as names with the element “kue” (“ravine”, “beam”), etc.

One of the major Caucasus scholars of the twentieth century, Z.V. Anchabadze recognized as indisputable that it was the Kashki and Abshelo, the ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adygs, who lived in the 3rd - 2nd millennium BC. in the northeastern sector of Asia Minor, and they were related by common origin to the Hutts. Another authoritative orientalist is G.A. Melikishvili - noted that in Abkhazia and further south, in Western Georgia, there are numerous river names based on the Adyghe word “dogs” (water). These are rivers such as Akhyps, Khyps, Lamyps, Dagaryti, etc. He believes that these names were given by the Adyghe tribes who lived in the distant past in the valleys of these rivers.

Thus, the Hutts, who lived in Asia Minor several thousand years BC, are one of the ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adygs, as evidenced by the above facts. And we must admit that it is impossible to understand the history of the Adyghe-Abkhazians without at least a quick acquaintance with the civilization of Ancient Khatia, which occupies a significant place in the history of world culture. For the Hutt civilization could not but have a significant influence on culture. Occupying a vast territory (from Asia Minor to modern Chechnya), numerous related tribes - the most ancient ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adygs - could not be at the same level of development. Some have moved forward in economics, political order and culture; others defended against the former, but these related tribes could not develop without the mutual influence of cultures, their way of life, etc.

Scientific research by specialists in the history and culture of the Hutts eloquently indicates the large role they played in the ethnocultural history of the Abkhaz-Adygs. It can be assumed that the contacts that took place over thousands of years between these tribes had a significant impact not only on the cultural and economic development of the ancient Abkhaz-Adyghe tribes, but also on the formation of their ethnic appearance.

It is well known that Asia Minor (Anatolia) was one of the links in the transmission of cultural achievements and in the ancient era (8th - 6th millennium BC) cultural centers of the productive economy were formed here. It was from this period that the Hutts began to grow many cereals (barley, wheat) and raise various types of livestock. Scientific research in recent years irrefutably proves that it was the Hutts who first received iron, and through them it appeared among the rest of the peoples of the planet.

Back in the 3rd - 2nd millennium BC. The Hutts began to develop trade significantly, which was a powerful catalyst for many socio-economic and cultural processes that took place in Asia Minor.

Active role in activities shopping centers local merchants played: Hittites, Luwians and Hutts. Merchants imported fabrics and chitons to Anatolia. But the main item was metals: eastern merchants supplied tin, and western merchants supplied copper and silver. Ashurian (Eastern Semites of Asia Minor. - K.U.) traders showed particular interest in another metal that was in great demand: it was 40 times more expensive than silver and 5-8 times more expensive than gold. This metal was iron. The inventors of the method of smelting it from ore were the Hutts. From here, iron metallurgy spread to Western Asia, and then to Eurasia as a whole. The export of iron outside Anatolia was apparently prohibited. It is this circumstance that can explain the repeated cases of its smuggling, described in a number of texts.

The Hutts not only influenced related tribes living over a vast area (up to modern territory settlement of the Abkhaz-Adygs), but also played a significant role in the socio-political, economic and spiritual development those peoples who found themselves in their habitat. In particular, for a long time there was an active penetration of tribes speaking the Indo-European language into their territory. They are currently called Hittites; with their noses they called themselves Nesites.

In my own way cultural development The Nesiths were significantly inferior to the Hutts. And from the latter they borrowed the name of the country, many religious ceremonies, names of the Hutt gods. The Hutts played a significant role in education in the 2nd millennium BC. powerful Hittite kingdom, in the formation of its political system. For example, the system government structure The Hittite kingdom is characterized by a number of specific features. The supreme ruler of the country bore the title of Hutt origin Tabarna (or Labarna). Along with the king, an important role, especially in the sphere of cult, was played by the queen, who bore the Hattic title Tavananna (cf. the Adyghe word “nana” - “grandmother, mother”): the woman had the same enormous influence in everyday life and in the sphere of cult. - K.U.).

Many literary monuments, numerous myths, translated by the Hittites from Hattic, have reached us. In Asia Minor - the country of the Hutts - light chariots were first used in the army. One of the earliest evidence of the volitional use of chariots in Anatolia is found in the ancient Hittite text of Anitta. It says that for 1,400 infantrymen, the army had 40 chariots (there were three people in one chariot - K.U.). And in one of the battles 20 thousand infantry and 2500 chariots took part.

It was in Asia Minor that many items for caring for horses and training them first appeared. The main purpose of these numerous trainings was to develop the endurance in horses necessary for military purposes.

The Hutts played a huge role in the establishment of the institution of diplomacy in the history of international relations, in the creation and use of a regular army. Many tactical methods of military operations and training of soldiers were used for the first time by them.

The greatest traveler of our time Thor Heyerdahl believed that the first sailors on the planet were the Hutts. All these and other achievements of the Khatts - the ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adyghe - could not pass by the latter. The closest neighbors of the Hutts in the northeast of Asia Minor were numerous warlike tribes - the helmets, or Kashki, known in the Hittite, Assyrian, Urartian historical sources throughout the 2nd and early 1st millennium BC. They lived along south coast The Black Sea from the mouth of the Galis River towards Western Transcaucasia, including Colchis. Helmets played an important role in the political history of Asia Minor.

They made long trips, and in the 2nd millennium BC. they managed to create a powerful union consisting of 9-12 closely related tribes. The documents of the Hittite kingdom of this time are full of information about the constant raids of the Kaskas. They even managed to capture and destroy Hatusa at one time (early 16th century BC). Already by the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. the casques had permanent settlements and fortresses, they were engaged in agriculture and transhumance. True, according to Hittite sources, until the mid-17th century BC. e. they did not yet have centralized royal power.

But already at the end of the 17th century. BC, there is information in the sources that the previously existing order among the Kaskas was changed by a certain leader Pikhuniyas, who “began to rule according to the custom of royal power.” Analysis of personal names, names of settlements in the territory occupied by the Kaskas shows, according to scientists (G.A. Menekeshvili, G.G. Giorgadze, N.M. Dyakova, Sh.D. Inal-Ipa, etc.) that they were related in language to the Hutts. On the other hand, many scientists associate the tribal names of the helmets, known from Hittite and Assyrian texts, with the Abkhaz-Adyghe ones.

Thus, the very name Kaska (Kashka) is compared with the ancient name of the Circassians - Kasogi (Kashagi (Kashaki) of ancient Georgian chronicles, Kashak - Arabic sources, Kasog - ancient Russian chronicles). Another name for the Kaskovs, according to Assyrian sources, was Abegila or Apeshlayans, which coincides with the ancient name of the Abkhazians (Apsils - according to Greek sources, Abshils - ancient Georgian chronicles), as well as their self-name - Aps - ua - Api - ua. Hittite sources have preserved for us another name for the Hattian circle of Pakhhuwa tribes and the name of their king - Pikhuniyas. Scientists have also found a successful explanation for the name Pokhuva, which turned out to be related to the self-name of the Ubykhs - pekhi, pekhi.

Scientists believe that in the 3rd millennium BC. As a result of the transition to a class society and the active penetration of Indo-Europeans - the Nesites - into Asia Minor, a relative overpopulation occurs, which created the preconditions for the movement of part of the population to other areas. Groups of Hutts and Kasques no later than the 3rd millennium BC. significantly expanded its territory in the north east direction. They populated the entire southeastern coast of the Black Sea, including Western Georgia, Abkhazia and further in the North - to the Kuban region, the modern territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic to mountainous Chechnya. Traces of such settlement are also documented by geographical names of Abkhaz-Adyghe origin (Sansa, Achkva, Akampsis, Aripsa, Apsarea, Sinope, etc.), common in those distant times in the Primorsky part of Asia Minor and in Western Georgia.

One of the notable and heroic places in the history of the civilization of the ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adygs is occupied by the Sindo-Meotian era. The fact is that the main part of the Meotian tribes in the Early Iron Age occupied vast territories of the North-Western Caucasus, the region of the Kuban River basin. Ancient ancient authors knew them under the general collective name “Meotians”. For example, the ancient Greek geographer Strabo pointed out that the Maeotians included the Sinds, Torets, Achaeans, Zikhs, etc. According to ancient inscriptions discovered on the territory of the former Bosporan Kingdom, these also include fatei, psess, dandarii, doskhs, kerkets, etc. They are all under common name"Meots" are one of the ancestors of the Circassians. Ancient name Sea of ​​Azov Meotida. Lake Meotia is directly related to the Meotians. In Adyghe this word sounds like “meuthyokh”; it is formed from the words “utkhua” - darkened and “hy” - sea, and literally means “a sea that has become cloudy.”

The ancient Sindian state was created in the North Caucasus by the ancestors of the Circassians. This country covered in the south the Taman Peninsula and part of the Black Sea coast to Gelendzhik, and from west to east - the space from the Black Sea to the Left Bank of the Kuban. Materials from archaeological excavations carried out in various periods in the territory of the North Caucasus indicate the proximity of the Sinds and Meotians and the fact that they and their related tribes have been in the territory since the 3rd millennium BC. spread to the current borders of Kabardino-Balkaria and Chechnya. In addition, it has been proven that the physical type of the Sindo-Meotian tribes does not belong to the Scytho-Sauromatian type, but is adjacent to the original type of Caucasian tribes. Research by T.S. Conductorova at the Institute of Anthropology at Moscow State University showed that the Sindians belonged to the European race.

A comprehensive analysis of archaeological materials of the early Sindian tribes indicates that in the period of the 2nd millennium BC. achieved significant success in material and spiritual culture. Scientists' research proves that already in that distant period, animal husbandry was widely developed among the Sindo-Meotian tribes. Even during this period, hunting occupied a prominent place among the ancestors of the Circassians.

But the ancient Sindian tribes were engaged not only in cattle breeding and hunting; ancient authors note that those Sinds who lived near seas and rivers also developed fishing. Research by scientists proves that these ancient tribes had some kind of cult of fish; for example, the ancient writer Nikolai Domassky (1st century BC) reported that the Sinds had a custom of throwing as many fish on the grave of a deceased Sind as the number of enemies killed by the person being buried. Sinds from the 3rd millennium BC began to engage in pottery production, as evidenced by numerous materials from archaeological excavations in various regions of the North Caucasus, in the habitats of the Sindo-Meotian tribes. In addition, other skills have existed in Sindik since ancient times - bone cutting and stone cutting.

The ancestors of the Circassians achieved the most significant successes in agriculture, cattle breeding and gardening. Many cereal crops: rye, barley, wheat, etc. - were the main agricultural crops that were grown by them from time immemorial. The Adygs bred many varieties of apples and pears. The science of horticulture has preserved more than 10 names of Circassian (Adyghe) varieties of apples and pears.

The Sinds very early switched to iron, to its production and use. Iron made a real revolution in the life of every people, including the ancestors of the Circassians - the Sindo-Meotian tribes. Thanks to iron, a significant leap occurred in the development of agriculture, the crafts of the entire way of life of the ancient peoples. Iron has been firmly established in the North Caucasus since the 8th century. BC. Among the peoples of the North Caucasus who began to receive and use iron, the Sinds were among the first. This is evidenced by the fact that ancient authors recognized the Sinds, first of all, as a people of the Iron Age.

One of the largest Caucasus scholars who devoted many years to studying the ancient period of the history of the North Caucasus, E.I. Krupnov pointed out that “archaeologists managed to prove that the ancient bearers of the so-called Koban culture (they were the ancestors of the Circassians - K.U.), which mainly existed in the 1st millennium BC, had all their high craftsmanship could only be developed on the basis of the rich experience of their predecessors, on the previously created material and technical base. So basic in in this case and was the material culture of the tribes that lived in the territory of the central part of the North Caucasus back in the Bronze Age, in the 2nd millennium BC.” And these tribes living in this region were, first of all, the ancestors of the Circassians.

Numerous monuments of material culture discovered in various regions inhabited by the Sindo-Meotian tribes eloquently indicate that they had extensive connections with many peoples, including the peoples of Georgia, Asia Minor, etc. and their trade was at a high level. It was during the Iron Age that it reached the highest level of its development. In particular, evidence of exchange with other countries is, first of all, various decorations: bracelets, necklaces, beads made of glass.

Scientists have proven that it was precisely during the period of the decomposition of the tribal system and the emergence of military democracy that many peoples began to have an objective need for signs to run their households and express their ideology - the need for writing. The history of culture shows that this is exactly what happened among the ancient Sumerians, in Ancient Egypt and among the Mayan tribes in America: it was during the period of decomposition of the tribal layer of these and other peoples that writing appeared. Research by specialists has shown that it was during the period of military democracy that the ancient Sinds also developed their own, albeit largely primitive, writing.

Thus, more than 300 clay tiles were found in the places where the Sindo-Meotian tribes lived. They were 14-16 cm long and 10-12 cm wide, about 2 cm thick; were made from raw clay, well dried, but not fired. The signs on the slabs are mysterious and very diverse. Specialist on Ancient Sindica Yu.S. Kruzhkol notes that it is difficult to abandon the assumption that the signs on the tiles are the embryo of writing. There is a certain similarity between these tiles and clay tiles, also not fired, Assyrian - Babylonian writing, confirms that they are monuments of writing.

A significant number of these tiles were found under the mountains. Krasnodar, one of the areas inhabited by the ancient Sinds. In addition to the Krasnodar tiles, scientists from the North Caucasus discovered another remarkable monument ancient writing - Maikop inscription. It dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. and is the oldest in the territory of the former Soviet Union. This inscription was studied by a major specialist in oriental writings, Professor G.F. Turchaninov. He proved that it is a monument to pseudo-hieroglyphic biblical writing. When comparing some signs of Sindian tiles and writing in the publication of G.F. Turchaninov, a certain similarity is revealed: for example, in Table 6, sign No. 34 represents a spiral, which is found both in the Maykop inscription and in the Phoenician letter.

A similar spiral is found on the tiles discovered in the Krasnodar settlement. In the same table, sign No. 3 has an oblique cross, as in the Maykop inscription and in the Phoenician letter. The same oblique crosses are found on the slabs of the Krasnodar settlement. In the same table in the second section there is a similarity between letters No. 37 of the Phoenician and Maykop writing with the signs of the tiles of the Krasnodar settlement. Thus, the similarity of the Krasnodar tiles with the Maikop inscription eloquently testifies to the origin of writing among the Sindo-Meotian tribes - the ancestors of the Abkhaz-Adygs back in the 2nd millennium BC. It should be noted that scientists have discovered some similarities between the Maykop inscription and the Krasnodar tiles and the Hittite hieroglyphic writing.

In addition to the above monuments of the ancient Sinds, we find a lot of interesting things in their culture. These are original musical instruments made of bone; primitive but characteristic figurines, various dishes, utensils, weapons and much more. But the emergence of writing, which covers the period from

III millennium BC to the 6th century BC.

The Sindhi religion of this period has been little studied. Nevertheless, scientists believe that they worshiped nature even then. For example, materials from archaeological excavations allow us to conclude that the ancient Sinds deified the Sun. During burial, the Sinds had a custom of sprinkling the deceased with red paint - ocher. This is evidence of Sun worship. In ancient times, human sacrifices were made to him, and red blood was considered a symbol of the Sun. By the way, the cult of the Sun is found among all peoples of the world during the period of decomposition of the tribal system and the formation of classes. The cult of the Sun is also attested in Adyghe mythology. Thus, the head of the pantheon, demiurge and first creator of the Circassians was Tha (this word comes from the Circassian word “dyge”, “tyge” - “sun”).

This gives reason to assume that the Circassians initially assigned the role of prime creator to the Sun deity. Later, the functions of Tha passed to Thashho - “ main god" In addition, the ancient Sinds also had a cult of the Earth, as evidenced by various archaeological materials. The fact that the ancient Sinds believed in immortal souls is confirmed by the skeletons of male and female slaves found in the graves of their masters. One of the significant periods of ancient Sindica is the V century. BC. It was in the middle of the 5th century. The Sind slave state is created, which left a significant mark on the development of Caucasian civilization. Since this period, animal husbandry and agriculture have become widespread in Sindik. Culture reaches high level; Trade and economic ties with many peoples, including the Greeks, are expanding.

Second half of the 1st millennium BC in the history and culture of Ancient Sindica is better covered in written sources of antiquity. One of the significant literary monuments on the history of the Sindo-Meotian tribes is the story of the Greek writer Polyenus, who lived in the 2nd century. AD during the reign Marcus Aurelius. Polyenus described the fate of the wife of the Sindian king Hecataeus, a Meotian by birth, Tirgatao. The text tells not only about her fate; from its contents it is clear in what relationship the Bosporan kings, in particular Sitir I, who reigned from 433 (432) to 389 (388) BC, had with the local tribes - the Sindians and Maeotians. During the period of the Sindhi slave state, the construction industry reached a high level of development. Solid houses, towers, city walls more than 2 m wide and much more were built. But, unfortunately, these cities have already been destroyed. Ancient Sindica in its development was influenced not only by Asia Minor, but also by Greece, which intensified after the Greek colonization of the Sindian coast.

The earliest indications of Greek settlements in the North Caucasus date back to the second quarter of the 6th century. BC, when there was a regular route from Sinope and Trebizond to the Cimmerian Bosporus. It has now been established that almost all Greek colonies in Crimea arose not in empty space, and where there were settlements of local tribes, i.e. Sinds and Maeots. There were Greek cities in the Black Sea region by the 5th century. BC. more than thirty, actually from them it was formed Bosporan Kingdom. Although Sindica is formally included in the Bosporan kingdom and is strongly influenced Greek civilization, the autochthonous culture of the ancient Sindhi, both material and spiritual, developed and continued to occupy a prominent place in the life of the population of this country. Archaeological materials found on the territory of the Sindo-Meotian tribes eloquently prove that the technology for the production of various tools, weapons, objects made of bone and other raw materials, many monuments of spiritual culture are of a local nature.

However, jewelry items not produced locally were also found in large quantities, which indicates the development of trade between the Sindians and Maeotians with the peoples of Egypt, Syria, Transcaucasia, Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, etc.

Sindian cities became centers of political and cultural life. Architecture and sculpture were highly developed in them. The territory of Sindiki is rich in sculptural images, both Greek and local. Thus, numerous data obtained as a result of archaeological excavations on the territory of the Sinds and Meots - the ancestors of the Circassians, and some literary monuments indicate that these ancient tribes wrote many wonderful pages in the history of world civilization. Facts indicate that they created a unique, original material and spiritual culture. This original items jewelry and musical instruments, high-quality buildings and statues, our own technology for the production of tools and weapons, and much more.

However, with the onset of crisis in the Bosporan kingdom in the first centuries of our era, the time of decline of the culture of the Sinds and Maeots came. This was facilitated not only by internal reasons, but also, no less, by external factors. From the 2nd century AD. there is a strong pressure Sarmatians to the areas inhabited by the Meotians. And from the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd century. AD Gothic tribes appear north of the Danube and the borders of the Roman Empire. Soon attacked ready and Tanais, one of the northern cities of the Black Sea region, which was destroyed in the 40s. III century AD After its fall, the Bosporus fell under the control of the Goths. They, in turn, defeated Asia Minor - the homeland of the Hutts, after which the ties of their descendants with the Sindians and Meotians - related tribes - were significantly reduced. From the 3rd century. The Goths also attack the Sindo-Meotian tribes, one of their main centers, Gorgippia, is destroyed, and then other cities.

True, after the invasion of the Goths in the North Caucasus, there has been some calm in this region and a revival of the economy and culture is taking place. But around 370, the Huns, Asian tribes, invaded Europe, and primarily the Northern Black Sea region. They moved from the depths of Asia in two waves, the second of which passed through the territory of the Sinds and Maeots. The nomads destroyed everything in their path, local tribes were scattered, and the culture of the ancestors of the Circassians fell into decay. After the Hunnic invasion of the North Caucasus, the Sindomeotic tribes were no longer mentioned. However, this in no way means that they have left the historical arena. On foreground those related tribes that suffered least from the invasion of nomads emerge and occupy a dominant position. These next stages in the history of the ancient Circassians will be discussed in the next section of this work.


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Engels F. Origin of the family, private property and states // K. Marx and F. Engels. Op. T. 21

Engels F. The role of labor in the process of transformation of a monkey into a man // K. Marx and F. Engels. Op. T. 20

They lived in the Caucasus in almost the same places since ancient times: the first historical information about them dates back to the beginning of the 6th century BC.

The name “Circassians” was given to them by the peoples around them, but they always called themselves “Adige”. Klaproth derives the name “Circassians” from the Turkic words: “cher” (road) and “kesmek” (cut off), so “Circassians” is a synonym for a robber. But the name seems to be older than appearance Turkic tribes in Central Asia. Already among Greek historians the name “kerket” is found, which is attributed specifically to the Circassians. The Greeks also called them “zyucha” (in Appiana).

In ancient times, the territory of the Circassians, in addition to the western Caucasus, extended to. Back in 1502, they occupied the entire eastern shore up to the Cimmerian Bosphorus, from where they were driven out by the Russians and Tatars. ABOUT ancient history Very little data has been preserved about the Circassians. What is certain is that they gradually survived a whole series of cultural influences, starting with the Greeks, Persians, Byzantines, Turks and ending with the Ottomans and Russians.

According to ancient descriptions dating back to the 10th century, they dressed in Greek silk fabrics and adhered to the religion of magic. Byzantium gave them Christianity, and General terms historical life The Caucasus, this open road of peoples, created that social system of militant feudalism, which remained intact until the era of the struggle with Russia.

From the 16th century, the first detailed description of the life of the Circassians came to us, made by the Genoese Interiano. He depicts a conglomerate of independent tribes organized on feudal principles, societies consisting of nobles, vassals, serfs and slaves. The latter served as an item of trade even with. The free knew only hunting and war, undertook long-distance campaigns, even on , constantly fought with neighboring Turkic tribes, and in between they slaughtered each other or raided the peasants who were hiding from them in the mountains and had formed alliances for protection. Their bravery, dashing horsemanship, chivalry, generosity, hospitality were as famous as the beauty and grace of their men and women.

The life of the Circassians was full of rudeness and cruelty. They were considered Christians, but made sacrifices to pagan gods. Their funeral rites were often pagan. The Circassians adhered to polygamy, their life was so full of bloodshed that until the age of 60 the nobles did not dare to enter the church.

The Circassians did not know writing. Their only coin was pieces of matter, although precious metals They valued it by using huge bowls of gold and silver during feasts. Their lifestyle (housing, food) was simple. Luxury manifested itself only in weapons and partly in Rodezhda.

In the 17th century, another traveler, Jean de Luca, finds in them a huge change that has occurred in less than one century. Half of the Circassians already profess Mohammedanism. Not only religion, but also the language and culture of the Turks deeply penetrated the life of the Circassians, who gradually fell under the political influence of the Turks.

At the conclusion of the Peace of Adrianople in 1829, when all Turkish possessions in the Caucasus passed to Russia, the Circassians (whose territory bordered on the Kuban River), who had previously been dependent on Turkey, were to become Russian subjects. Refusal to submit caused a long war, which ended with the emigration of the majority of Circassians to and the forced eviction of those remaining from the mountains to the plain.

In 1858, there were up to 350 thousand Circassians on the right slope of the Caucasian ridge, of which 100 thousand were noble. At the end of the war, up to 400 thousand people moved to Turkey. By the end of the 1880s, all Circassians numbered 130 thousand, of which most of(84 thousand) - . Of the actual Circassians (Adiges) in the 80s, there were about 16 thousand Abadzekhs, 12 thousand Bzhedukhs, 6 thousand Beslenevites, 2.5 thousand - all in the Kuban region, and even in the Black Sea province up to 1,200 people.

The Adyghe people belong to the Adyghe peoples. Initially, the Adyghe tribes had many other names: Zikhs, Kaskas, Kasogs, Circassians, Kerkets and Meots. Also, historical data point to other ethnonyms of the Adyghe people - Dandria, Sinds, Doskhs, Agris and others. The Adyghe sign “settler” confirms that the people belong to the Cossack society.

That is why some call the Circassians Kasogs or Khazars, as a derivative of the word “braid”. Today, many Adyghe people living in the Caucasus retain ancient customs and grow long braids.

Culture and life of the Adyghe people

In ancient times, the Circassians lived in large family settlements with more than 100 inhabitants. At the same time, one could meet very small family communities of 10 people. From time immemorial, the head of the family was the father, and in his absence all responsibilities passed to the eldest son. Women never decided on important issues and did not even have the right to sit at the same table with representatives of the stronger sex in order to taste the prepared food. At that moment, while men hunted, fought, traded, women cleaned the house, raised children, and prepared food. Young girls with early age were trained in needlework, housekeeping and other women's duties. Boys were trained in military affairs from an early age.

The dwellings of the Circassians were built from tree branches. In such buildings, a foundation was not used so that the house could be quickly built and assembled just as quickly - in war times this was simply necessary. The Circassians built a fireplace on the floor of their houses, which provided them with warmth and food. If guests came to the house, a special room was allocated for them - kunatskaya, and in wealthy communities entire houses were erected for guests.

The national clothing of the Circassians was very colorful and picturesque. Women wore floor-length dresses and harem dresses. A beautiful belt was tied at the waist, and the dress itself was decorated with various embroidery. This silhouette and style of the dress emphasized the beauty of every woman.

But the men's suit was even more colorful. Men wore a beshmet, a cherkeska - a long caftan without sleeves and with a cutout on the chest, a bashlyk, a burka and a hat. The Circassian had sockets for cartridges sewn on it. Wealthy and powerful Circassians wore white Circassians, and ordinary men wore black ones.

The national and most favorite dish of the Circassians was lamb, and there was practically no bread in the houses. People ate food own production- cheese, butter, milk and fruit.

The Adyghe people were famous for their embroidery skills. They beautifully decorated their clothes with gold threads. Many made beautiful glasses from bull horns, decorating them with silver and gold. Military science was reflected in the skill of creating saddles for horses; they were very durable and light. Also, the Adyghe people are masters of making ceramic dishes - cups, jugs and plates.

Traditions and customs of the Adyghe people

The traditions of the Circassians are connected with their way of life and their very attitude towards it. It is impossible not to say about wedding customs of this people. Weddings were performed exclusively according to class equality. The young prince could not marry a simple girl - only a princess.

As a rule, there was one wife, but in some families polygamy was allowed. There was one rule in both the female and male lines - the eldest should tie the knot first. The groom's friend looked for the bride, after which the groom's family paid the bride's family a bride price. Most often, horses, sheep and other animals were used as bridewealth. If an Adyg entered into a marriage, then this marriage should be eternal. Bride theft, or rather kidnapping, was quite common among the Circassians. This custom took place in a rather humorous manner, and the whole family knew about the upcoming abduction.

Another interesting Adyghe custom is atalystvo. According to this custom, parents could give their minor child to be raised by another family and return to native home he could only after reaching adulthood. The main goal of such a custom is not education, but a friendly union between families.

Adygs are one of the indigenous peoples of the North Caucasus. They have been living on the territory of modern Adygea for several millennia, being direct descendants ancient population these places. They are reluctant to leave their homeland: the vast majority of Circassians (a little more than 95 thousand people out of 125 thousand) live in Adygea, and a little more than 20 thousand live in the neighboring Krasnodar Territory. And only a few thousand people moved to Turkey and the Middle East. However, the Circassians remain faithful not only to the land of their ancestors, but also to traditions, the observance of which is one of the requirements for a worthy person.

How society was built among the Circassians

In the old days, the Circassians were divided into many subethnic groups. By the twentieth century, these differences had practically disappeared, and now they speak of a single Adyghe people, sometimes using the synonym “Circassians.” The Circassians themselves call themselves "Adyghe". One of the largest groups within the Circassians are the Adygeis (along with the Kabardians or Shapsugs).

Despite the commonality of traditions and culture, the Circassian tribes in the old days differed in their method of governance. Some of them managed to introduce the beginnings of democracy and limit the power of the nobility. In these so-called democratic tribes, everything was ruled by elected elders. But in aristocratic tribes, princes led. However, what was common was that the life of the Adyghe tribes was based on a strict class hierarchy. Princes ruled, nobles fought, seizing other people's lands and defending their own, peasants and household slaves worked. Misalliances were not allowed: the prince could not marry a commoner.

A person of each class had to follow the rules prescribed to him. For example, the high-born Circassians practiced atalichestvo: while still children, princely children were sent to the family of a noble person. There they were brought up, became acquainted with their rights and responsibilities (the code of conduct of the Circassians was called “Khabza”). The young prince appeared in his father’s house only after reaching his 16th birthday, and his daughter almost before marriage. Proper upbringing is still valued among the Circassians. A person must be cultured, moral, respectful and brave. For those who do not know how to behave properly, the Adygs still have a saying: “Aren’t you an Adyghe?”

Education of military valor

The main character traits of the Circassians, for which they were famous outside their land, were courage and military skill. They were raised as young Circassians from childhood. Over the cradle of a newborn boy, the grandmother sang songs about how brave and dexterous he would be. The grown-up child was put on a horse, taught to throw a knife, handle a dagger, and then shoot with a bow. The Circassians were skilled horsemen and sharp shooters. Anyone who showed cowardice in battle or fear of death was subjected to a humiliating procedure: they put on a dirty hat, put him on a sick horse, and paraded him around like that. Laughing at such a person was not only not prohibited, but also welcomed. The coward became an outcast, an outcast.

Perhaps, it was only with his courage that a real Circassian could attract attention to himself. Modesty was considered a virtue. The Adygs say: a person can only be in the spotlight three times in life - at the moment of birth, on the wedding day and on the day of death. Each of them is accompanied by its own traditions and ceremonies.

Having a baby: everything goes according to the rules

The fact that a child had appeared in the house was signaled by a flag hung on the roof of the house. A motley flag signifies the birth of a girl, while a plain flag indicates the birth of a son. Until the baby is one year old, his paternal grandfather must plant a tree in the yard of his house. The new family member himself will later take care of him. As this tree grows, so does the child gain intelligence and education.

The Circassians prepare everything necessary to care for the baby only after his birth. It is not customary to do this in advance. According to tradition, all bedding is brought by relatives on the mother's side. It is believed that sleeping on linen prepared by the father's relatives is a bad sign (in the future it will bring misfortune to the child in marriage). But the baby’s paternal grandmother puts him in the cradle.

Circassian wedding: the main thing is desire

Surprisingly, it is precisely in the matter of marriage that the Circassians, who are strict about observing traditions, demonstrate respect for freedom and rationality.

The girl is allowed to choose the groom according to her heart. The explanation for this is simple: the family should be strong and happy, divorces are not encouraged. And the best foundation of a strong family is love and mutual respect.

The process of choosing a bride or groom can be quite lengthy. Young boys and girls look at each other at holidays and festivities. Then the girl goes home and receives young people in her room. They get to know each other and talk. At the same time, they have quite a lot of freedom: a guy can visit several girls, and a girl can receive several guys. Having made a choice, the man comes to the woman he likes and proposes. If she agrees, a wedding day is set. True, even on this day she can take back her word - until the guests enter her house. It is not customary to be offended by a refusal, because this is done in a delicate manner, without explaining the reasons.

Like many others Caucasian peoples, the parents of the bride and groom are not present at the wedding. The young people are in different houses, in the company of their friends. The groom's relatives bring a certain symbolic amount to the bride's house - as a sign of respect, and not as a ransom. In turn, her parents transfer her to new house daughter's dowry. The bride's relatives are not supposed to stay in the house of the newly-made son-in-law for long, a couple of hours at most.

At the same time, the Adyghe wedding is cheerful and joyful. The bride is showered with sweets, grains and coins, and walks on silk to the house. When entering the house, they take her in their arms so that she does not accidentally step on the threshold under which the souls of their ancestors live. Everyone gives each other gifts. There are other customs - comic ones.

For example, the groom’s grandmother leaves home: they say, the new young mistress will drive me out of my family. The bride, in turn, persuades her to return, gives her sweets and assures that everyone will respect and love her grandmother. The "negotiations" end with hugs and a return home.

In the Adyghe family, a woman occupied a fairly high place. Yes, she obeyed her husband unquestioningly, but she was not allowed to beat or punish her, she was considered the mistress of the house. And although the Circassians have been Muslims since the end of the 18th century, polygamy was not welcomed among them and was rare.

How to see off on your last journey

Funeral rituals also developed quite a long time ago. They are based on Muslim customs. Prayers are read over the deceased and wrapped in white cloth; after the funeral, his clothes are distributed to loved ones. However, these rituals also contain old, pre-Islamic features. For example, in the first three days after the funeral, you cannot cook in the house of the deceased: neighbors and relatives bring food. Mirrors are hung in the house of the deceased, and the women of his family wear black. And although Islam usually prescribes not to cry over the dead, the Circassians do not follow this recommendation. Children are not allowed to attend the funeral: they are taken away from the house in which the accident occurred.

Traditions in modern times

Modern Adygs still honor many ancient customs. It is not customary to eat a lot, talk a lot and express your feelings in public. It is not considered shameful to ask for help from neighbors and relatives, who are obliged to come to the rescue. The traditions of hospitality are also respected: the guest is prepared with the best dishes, given the best place and everything is done to ensure his safety even on the way home.

Maria Andreeva

© A. Bersirov

History of the Circassians

11:47 16.10.2012

Millions of people of different nationalities, religions and races live on earth. German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel wrote the book Philosophy of the Soul. In his work, he argues that the Circassians belong to the main branch of the Caucasian race. He allocated in Caucasian race also the Caucasian race as a separate branch, including Circassians and Georgians. The scientist believed that it was the Caucasian race that contributed to the advancement of Caucasian history.

Our fellow tribesmen always called themselves Circassians; they considered the Circassian language their language. With their worldview, attitude, relationships with people, in society, they are grateful to the Adyghe etiquette, which regulated actions and dictated the rules of how one should live. Few knew our ancestors as Circassians; many nationalities called us differently - Chersi (in Chechen), Sherkesi (in Turkish and Arabic).

If we turn to history, then the Circassians, Abkhazians and Abazas as a linguistic family and ethnic group appeared a long time ago; their origins date back to the existence of the country of Khatia, where the Hittites lived. Khatia included countries such as Anatolia, which was located on the territory of modern Turkey, Georgia, Abkhazia, Krasnodar Territory and Adygea. The population of Khatia consisted of such nationalities as Abeshla and Kishpeks. It is believed that it was they who became the ancestors of the current Circassians, Abkhazians and Abazas.

There is a possibility that it was the word “kishpek” that became a common derivative for the names of all other small tribes, such as Keshags, Kasogs.

Immediately after the Hittites in the 8th-7th centuries BC, the era of the Maeotians begins. The country of the Meotians was densely populated. It included such tribes as the Sinds, Akheyrs, Kerkets, Zikhs - the ancestors of the Circassians.

The Adygs have always lived in their homeland. There are no recorded cases in history that anyone other than them lived on the lands of the Circassians. It was believed that the territory of Circassia extended from the banks of the Don to the Greater Caucasus Range. In the east, the borders extended from the Sunzha River to the mouth of the Terek River.

Several thousand years have passed since then. Millions of people died, lands were conquered. In those harsh years, the Circassians took part in continuous wars. The Circassians were subjected to numerous raids by their neighbors, who coveted free access to the sea and a favorable climate. But her valiant sons constantly repulsed their enemies. The Russian-Caucasian War lasted exactly 101 years, from 1763 to 1864. In this bloody war, the Circassians suffered heavy losses. According to many researchers, history Russian Empire does not know similar analogues of the Circassian resistance. They confronted their enemies, defending their independence. Based on this, there is no country as such under the name “Circassia,” because the Circassians spent more time defending the honor and dignity of their small country than establishing its sovereignty. It is still impossible to say exactly how many people died in this war, but we can say for sure that during the Russian-Caucasian War only 10% of the population survived. The rest were expelled from their homeland to a foreign land - to the Ottoman Empire.

Today Circassians live in the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea, and they also live in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, in North Ossetia. They all call themselves Circassians, but when it comes to clarification in documents, they distinguish themselves as Circassians, Kabardians, and Circassians. Our neighbors call us all the same, and not only them: people abroad are very familiar with our history.

More than three million Circassians live abroad, most of them live in Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Jordan and many other countries in the Middle East. There are many Circassians in Eastern Europe and America. More than 800 thousand Circassians live in Russia.

As before, the Circassians are divided into many tribes. Those who live in their historical homeland include the Shapsugs - residents of the Black Sea coast, Bzhedugs, Abadzekhs and Kamergoyevites who today live in the Republic of Adygea, Besleneyevites and fugitive Kabardians living in Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardians living in Kabardino-Balkaria, and , finally, the Circassians, who to this day profess Christianity and live in North Ossetia in the Mozdok region, Stavropol and Krasnodar territories.

The Adygs are one of those peoples who have made an invaluable contribution to the development and transformation of our culture. The Circassians had influence in the development of science and infrastructure in countries such as Syria, Jordan and Egypt. These facts are not unfounded, since the ancestor of the Kabardian, Beslaneevsky, Temirgoyevsky, Khatukaevsky princely families - Inal Svetly (Nehu), according to some information, was the Sultan of Egypt and Syria, from where he returned to the Caucasus and tried to unite the Adyghe tribes. Inal was the founder of the Circassian feudal state in the first half of the 15th century. His reforms on the internal governance of Circassia, the introduction of the institution of 40 judges contributed to the political consolidation of the Circassians. Inal united the Circassians and related Abkhazians and Abazins. His place of residence was the Taman Peninsula.

The connection between the Circassians and Russians can be traced back to the times of Kievan Rus. The Circassians made a feasible contribution to the development of military affairs in Tsarist Russia. It is worth noting the Supreme Prince of Kabarda - Temryuk Idarov, who was the great-great-grandson of Inal - the ancestor of the Adyghe princes. Temryuk ruled Kabarda from the mid-50s. XVI century until 1571. He was known as the initiator of the conclusion of a military-political alliance between Kabarda and Russia (1557). After Temryuk gave his daughter Guashchane (Maria) to Tsar Ivan the Terrible as a wife, his ties with the Russian government became even stronger.

History remembers Temryuk as a brave warrior who preached justice and the laws of knightly honor of his native people - the Circassians. Under his leadership, for the first time, an Adyghe-Russian military fortification was built at the confluence of the Sunzha and Terek. Temryuk left behind a bright legacy - descendants who, going to serve in Moscow, showed themselves brilliantly in the political, military and diplomatic fields.

A worthy successor to Temryuk’s policy was his younger brother, Kambulat Idarov, who ruled Kabarda for 12 years (1577-1589). Kambulat headed the Kabardian embassy to Moscow in 1578, as a result of which Kambulat received a letter of grant from Ivan the Terrible, which stipulated the conditions for the Idarovs to come under the protection of Russia. Kambulat Idarov was the organizer of the defense of the southern borders Russian state.

A bright Circassian spot in the history of Russia is the youngest daughter of the Supreme Prince of Kabarda Temryuk Idarov - Guashchane (Maria). On August 21, 1561, the Russian Tsar, Ivan the Terrible, married her for the second time. It was this marriage that cemented the military-political union of the Russian state and Kabarda. Maria Temryukovna and Ivan the Terrible had a son, Vasily, who died in infancy.

The grandson of Temryuk Idarov, Dmitry Cherkassky, was a prominent Russian military man and statesman. Under his leadership, Vyazma and Dorogobuzh were liberated from Polish-Lithuanian troops. Five years later, Dmitry defeated the hordes of the Polish prince Vladislav near Mozhaisk. During the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612, Temryuk was the closest associate of Dmitry Pozharsky. He was nominated for the royal throne as a relative of Ivan the Terrible, but in favor of Mikhail Romanov he refused to put forward his candidacy.

One of the most educated people of his time was Ivan Cherkassky, a prominent statesman and military figure. Ivan had a chance cousin founder of the new royal dynasty Romanov Mikhail Fedorovich. Ivan Cherkassky, commanding the Large Regiment, defeated the pretender to the Russian throne, the Polish prince Vladislav, on the outskirts of Moscow. Ivan has been the Chairman of the Government since 1633. In 1638, Ivan Cherkassky was appointed chief commander of the Russian army. In addition, he headed the Streletsky, Foreign orders, the State Court and the Great Treasury. It was Ivan Cherkassky who first created the Pharmacy Order.

The confidant and closest associate of Peter the Great - Mikhail (Aley) Alegukovich Cherkassky - is of particular pride to Circassian people, since it was Mikhail Alegukovich who became the first Russian generalissimo on December 14, 1695. In 1679, under the leadership of Michael Russian army kept the Ottomans and Crimeans from invading Ukraine, and caused them significant damage.

No less high ranks another representative achieved royal family Cherkasskikh - Alexey Mikhailovich Cherkassky. From 1719 to 1725 he was the governor of Siberia. As a senator, he was awarded with orders St. Andrew the First-Called and St. Alexander Nevsky. In 1740 he was appointed Chancellor of Russia. His signature is under these important documents as treaties on the alliance with Prussia (1740), Great Britain (1741), the convention with Denmark (1741) and under many others. Even his enemies recognized him for his honesty, integrity and steadfastness in defending the interests of the state.

The hero of numerous Circassian folklore stories was the Supreme Prince of Kabarda - Kurgoko Atazhukin. During his reign, the famous Battle of Kanzhal took place (1708), in which the Circassians completely defeated the Crimean-Ottoman army. Circassian warriors under the leadership of Kurgoko Atazhukin defended their political independence with dignity.

The era of the principality ended in Kabarda with the departure of its leader, Kuchuk Zhankhotov (1809-1822). He became the last Supreme Prince because the position of Supreme Prince was abolished in connection with the final establishment of the Russian administrative and judicial systems in Kabarda (1822). Despite this, Kuchuk remained the recognized leader of the nation until the end of his life.

The descendants of the Circassians distinguished themselves not only in politics, but also in the development of new lands and drawing up detailed maps. Alexander Bekovich-Cherkassky came from the princely family of the Bekmurzins. Among the young officers, Peter the Great sent him abroad to study naval affairs. Alexander was the one who first compiled detailed map Caspian Sea. Three years later, Peter 1 sent Bekovich-Cherkassky to Khiva, where the life guard captain of the Preobrazhensky regiment died as a result of the betrayal of Khan Shirgazi.

The great Russian naval commander, admiral, commander of the Black Sea Fleet - Fyodor Ushakov was a descendant of the Adyghe prince Reded. He developed and applied maneuver tactics, winning a number of major victories over the Turkish fleet in the Kerch naval battle, near Tendra and Kaliakria. In 38 naval battles he won 38 victories. In addition, Fedor Ushakov was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church On August 5, 2001, as a holy righteous warrior, Admiral of the Russian Fleet.

The prototype of the hero of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov’s poem “Izmail-Bey” is Izmail-Bey Atazhukin - a social and political figure of Kabarda. His achievements were the capture of such fortresses as Izmail and Ochakova (1788). Received the Order of St. George IV degree and a diamond medal. He took part in the negotiations to conclude the Treaty of Jassy with the Ottoman Empire (1792). Ambassador of Emperor Alexander I to the Caucasus. Known for advocating the peaceful integration of the Caucasian peoples into the Russian Empire.

The Circassians played a huge role in literature. The ancestral roots of the brightest educators of the North Caucasus begin in Circassia. Thus, in the Adyghe enlightenment, the name of Shora Nogmov occupies a special place. Historian, folklorist, writer, linguist, the first founder of Kabardian writing. At one time he was a mullah, a clerk in a Cossack regiment, and a teacher at an Amanat school in Nalchik. Author of the book “History of the Adyghe People”.

It is difficult to find a person who has never heard of the double-headed snowy Elbrus, but few people know about the first person in history who conquered the eastern peak of Elbrus in 1829. He turned out to be a Circassian - Kilar Khashirov. He accompanied scientific expedition Russian Academy Sciences under the leadership of General Emanuel. Afterwards, he was called one of the founders of Russian mountaineering.

Sultan Kazy-Girey also left his mark in the history of the Circassians, who managed to connect military activity with literature. From numerous notes it is known that he was friends with the master of Russian literature, Alexander Pushkin, who highly appreciated the literary abilities of the Adyghe writer. His works “Atazhukay Valley” and “Persian Anecdote” were published in two issues of the Sovremennik magazine (1836). The most competent literary critic of all times and peoples, Vissarion Belinsky, in a review of the publication of the new edition, noted that “the work “Atazhukai Valley” is remarkable as the work of a Circassian who speaks Russian better than many of our honorable writers.”

Emperor Nicholas I called Sultan Khan-Girey “Circassian Karamzin.” The talented researcher’s works “Prince Kanbulat” and “Circassian Legends” belong to Peru. Khan-Girey was confident that as part of Russia the Circassians would receive “a new, elegant life through education.” Just as well as in literature, he understood military affairs. He was the commander of the Caucasian-Mountain half-squadron in St. Petersburg. Participant in the Russian-Persian War (1826-1828).

With their indisputable heritage, the ancient Adygs left behind what we today call the Adyghe education, Circassian, Nart epic. This is not the most full list something that almost the entire Caucasus adopted from the Circassians. And the most important thing is that no one forgets who it all came from. Circassians have always been considered a very calm, peaceful and freedom-loving people.

No matter how much grief the Circassians experienced, how many tears and losses, no matter what country fate threw them into, they never forgot their roots, history, historical homeland and their language.

Based on materials from the book: “Adygehamre ahem I’m habzehamre”

Khakunov Mukhamed

Historical figures are indicated according to data from the project:

"Famous Circassians (Circassians) in the history of Russia and Kabarda"

Milail Galushko,