Iranian princess Anis al dolah biography. Iranian Princess Anis Al Dolyah: biography, historical facts, details from life, photos

To the question Why do we see only one side of the Moon asked by the author User deleted the best answer is

Answer from Flush[guru]
tak ten ot zemli padayet na lunu i ona zatmevayetsya

Answer from Gray hair[guru]
Since man appeared on Earth, the Moon has been a mystery to him. In ancient times, people worshiped the Moon, considering her to be the goddess of the night. Today, however, we know much more about what it really is. We can even see the “reverse”, or, as it is also called, the “dark” side of the Moon in photographs taken by Soviet and American scientists. Why are we unable to look at the far side of the Moon from Earth? The fact is that the Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, that is heavenly body smaller ones.
sizes than our planet orbiting around it. One full revolution of the Moon in orbit around the Earth is approximately 29.5 days. It is remarkable that the Moon rotates around its axis in the same amount of time. That is why from the Earth we can only see one side of it.
To better understand how this happens, try the following experiment.
Take an apple or orange and draw a line on it dividing it into two halves.
Imagine this is the Moon. Then extend a clenched fist in front of you, which should represent the Earth. Now turn the “Moon” with one side towards the “Earth”. Continuing to keep the “Moon” facing the “Earth” with the same side, make a complete revolution around the “Earth”. You will see that the “Moon” will turn around its axis, and from the “Earth” there will be still only one side of it is visible.

Answer from skinny[guru]
it's all about how the sun illuminates it.

Answer from Yoshiko[guru]
I'm still wondering how this happens lunar eclipses. I understand the sun: the moon covered the sun. And what covers the moon, there is nothing between us.

Answer from ~Messenger of Heaven~[guru]
By the way, I heard this version: on the other side of the moon there is a base of UFO ships. people tried to fly there, but they won’t let us in

Answer from Dmitry Chirkov[guru]
rotation periods coincide

Answer from Kenshi Hemuro[guru]
Because the moon does not rotate on its axis

Answer from Pavel Kulikov[newbie]
Since this is the good side, and the evil one hides behind it and feeds power from the shadows))) XD

Answer from Destroyer[newbie]
Why are there more craters on the visible side of the Moon than on the far side?
After a massive bombardment by meteorites, the Moon's center of gravity changed.
The more massive side of the Moon entered gravitational
interaction with the Earth. The tumbler principle.
The moon stopped rotating, only vibrations called
– libration.

Answer from Alexander Green[guru]
this is how nature wanted it, why is not our business, why is it not for us to judge

Answer from Kghhy grfgf[newbie]
The period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth, when it occupies a consistently identical position among the stars when observed from the Earth, is called a sidereal month. It is 27.3 days. The rotation of the Moon around its axis occurs at a constant angular velocity in the same direction in which it revolves around the Earth. The period of rotation of the Moon around its axis is equal to the period of its revolution around the Earth - 27.3 days. That is why from the Earth we see only one hemisphere, which is called the visible hemisphere, and the other, hidden from our eyes, the invisible hemisphere is called reverse side Moons.

Answer from Oleg Pestryakov[guru]
Regardless of whether we see the Moon at full moon, when it is illuminated by the Sun, or when it is partially or completely in shadow, the Moon always faces the Earth with one side. Moving around the Earth along a complex trajectory and returning to its original place approximately once every 11 years, the Moon simultaneously rotates around its axis so that one of its sides is always turned towards the Earth. This probably happens because the center of mass of the Moon is shifted towards the Earth and does not allow it to rotate freely. It even sways like a roly-poly, thanks to which from the Earth you can see slightly more of the surface of the Moon than half of it. It was possible to look at the other side for the first time on October 7, 1959 (7/X/1959), when the Soviet automatic interplanetary station Luna-3 successfully photographed the far side of the Moon. This is what the first photograph of the Moon looks like, taken on October 7, 1959 by the Luna-3 station. Not very high quality, but it was the first... View of the Moon from the reverse side. Strictly speaking, the Moon is very slowly, but still moving away from the Earth, and in a few hundred million years it may leave it if humanity does not want to hold on to it by that time and does not learn to correct its orbit...

As the earth's satellite moves along its orbit in the first quarter of the lunar cycle, the apparent distance of the Moon from the Sun begins to develop. A week after the new moon, the distance from the Moon to the Sun becomes exactly the same as the distance from the Sun to the Earth. At such a moment, a quarter of the lunar disk becomes visible. Further, the distance between the Sun and the satellite continues to grow, which is called the second quarter of the lunar cycle. At this moment, the Moon is at the farthest point in its orbit from the Sun. Its phase at this moment will be called the full moon.

In the third quarter of the lunar cycle, the satellite begins its reverse movement relative to the Sun, approaching it. shrinks back down to the size of a quarter disk. The lunar cycle ends with the satellite returning to its original position between the Sun and Earth. At this moment, the consecrated part of the Moon completely ceases to be visible to the inhabitants.

In the first part of its cycle, the Moon appears above the horizon, together with the rising Sun, it is at the zenith by noon and in the visible zone throughout the day until sunset. This picture is usually observed in and.

So everyone appearance the lunar disk depends on the phase in which the celestial body is at one time or another. In this regard, such concepts as a waxing moon, as well as a blue moon, appeared.

A person is drawn to the unknown, the mysterious, the unknown. The far side of the Moon can be considered one of these mysteries. A unique phenomenon in solar system- the earthly observer sees only one and in certain time a “piece” of the other side of the Earth’s only natural satellite.


The phenomenon, which many consider mysterious (only one lunar hemisphere is visible from Earth), is quite understandable. This is due to the synchronization of the earth and lunar orbital periods. Perhaps the Moon once revolved around the Earth differently. But as a result of interaction over millions of years, Earth's gravity had a significant impact on the orbital period of its satellite. Thus, it turned out that the Moon makes a complete revolution around its axis in the same time as around the Earth.

Nowadays, there is a not very correct idea about the harem and the shah of ancient times, notes the online publication The shocking details of the life of the concubines in the harem surprised everyone. It was generally accepted that women in a harem were famous for their beauty and lived in wealth, but all stereotypes were dispelled by the princess from Iran Anis al Dolyah.

Back in 1848 and for 47 years after, Shah Nasser Karjar ruled in Iran. He was famous for his eccentricity and strange preferences. There were more than 100 women in his harem, and his most beloved wife was Anis al Dolyah. Iranian princess was considered one of the most beautiful women countries.

Recently, incredible “beauty” has amazed the Internet. Photos of an Iranian princess named Anis al Dolyah have appeared on the Internet. It is known that the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, photographed his wives with open face and thanks to this, information about the beauty of that time has reached our days.

Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar ruled for 47 years - from September 17, 1848 and died at the hands of an assassin at the age of 64. He had a huge harem of women, and the best of them was the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah.

It must be said that in that century Anis al Dolyah was the ideal of beauty. Back then, men loved fat women with fused eyebrows and mustaches. In order for them to gain weight, they were forced to eat constantly and barely move.

Anis al Dolah had almost 150 ardent fans who lusted after her. It is noteworthy that many of them went crazy and committed suicide from the irresistible beauty of the princess.

By the way, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar also visited Russia. In St. Petersburg he saw ballet for the first time. He really liked this type of art. The dance impressed the Shah so much that upon returning to his homeland, he ordered skirts similar to tutus to be sewn for his wives. After his visit to Russia, the wives of the shocking Shah began to wear only such skirts.

Still, whatever you say, over a century of ideas about beauty, even more so - oriental beauty, have changed terribly. The same concubines of the Shahs a hundred and a little more years back and now - just heaven and earth, writes However, no one claims that one is beautiful and the other is not. Everyone definitely has their own tastes. Perhaps, before, a lady’s mustache really was not a rudiment, but a highlight...

Unlike Amira al-Tawil, Fatima is the wife of the current king of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud, so her appearance is strictly regulated by Muslim norms. There is very little information about Fatima, all that is known is that she is one of the four wives of the head of Saudi Arabia, whom he keeps in custody. own home. To understand how high a privilege this is, one must bear in mind that Abdullah married more than thirty times, but most of the monarch’s wives live away from his chambers.