Iranian princess Anis al dolah biography. The photo and biography of the Iranian princess Anis al-Dolakh shocked everyone

Everything about everything. Volume 3 Likum Arkady

Why do we only see one side of the Moon?

Since man appeared on Earth, the Moon has been a mystery to him. In ancient times, people worshiped the Moon, considering her to be the goddess of the night. Today, however, we know much more about what it really is. We can even see the “reverse”, or, as it is also called, the “dark” side of the Moon in photographs taken by Soviet and American scientists. Why are we unable to look at the far side of the Moon from Earth? The fact is that the Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, that is, a celestial body smaller in size than our planet revolving around it. One full revolution of the Moon in orbit around the Earth is approximately 29.5 days.

It is remarkable that the Moon rotates around its axis in the same amount of time. That is why from the Earth we can only see one side of it. To better understand how this happens, try the following experiment. Take an apple or orange and draw a line on it dividing it into two halves. Imagine that this is the Moon. Then extend a clenched fist in front of you, which should represent the Earth. Now turn the “Moon” with one side towards the “Earth”. Continuing to keep the “Moon” facing the “Earth” with the same side, make it complete a revolution around the “Earth”. You will see that the “Moon” will turn around its axis, and from the “Earth” only one side will still be visible.

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The constant satellite of our planet not only makes us think about the eternal, but also gives us food for thought. Why do we only see one side of the moon if all celestial bodies rotate around its own axis? Maybe this is part of some kind of conspiracy, but back side Is there some kind of secret alien base or traces of colonization by an ancient civilization located on the satellite?

How did the Moon appear?

The Moon is a massive body caught in the Earth's gravity zone. Exists several theories of its origin:

  • Was captured by gravity several billion years ago.
  • It was formed as a result of the combination of several hundred meteorites that fell under the influence of gravity.
  • It is a part of the earth's crust that broke off as a result of a collision with a meteorite.

Today, a very popular theory is that Once there was a collision between the Earth and a small planet with an unstable orbit.

According to another version, the culprit of the cataclysm is a meteorite that passed “tangentially” and directly knocked off part of the earth’s crust.

In the first case, the Moon must represent a part of this very planet. In the second - part of the surface of our planet, under the influence of centrifugal force, formed into a sphere.

The whole problem is that we are talking about events that took place billions of years ago. Now we cannot talk with confidence about events that took place a thousand years ago, let alone such colossal periods.

Why doesn't the moon fall to the earth?

The Moon simultaneously rotates both around the Earth and around its own orbit. As a result, two forces interact:

Thanks to the interaction of two forces, our " eternal companion"can't fly away from us. But it also cannot fall to the surface of the planet, for exactly the same reasons.

If one day this state of balance is disrupted, a terrible cataclysm may occur. But we are talking about cosmic quantities; no person has the power to influence them. At least at the current level of scientific development.

Thanks to this pleasant coincidence, the Earth has a satellite. And thanks to another coincidence, in the form of an identical period of rotation around the planet and around its axis, we only see the “bright” side of the moon.

Why does the moon glow at night?

But why is the side facing us always “bright”? After all, the Moon does not have its own luminary that would illuminate it according to some schedule.

And to delve into further description, better remember the school physics course:

  1. The sun's rays can be reflected from surfaces.
  2. After reflection, the angle of propagation of the rays changes.
  3. Despite contact with the surface, the reflected light travels further.
  4. The number of rays that will continue their path depends on the ability to reflect.

At night, the Earth turns the other side to the Sun, so in our hemisphere it begins dark time days. But nothing prevents the Moon from contacting the nearest star.

Direct Sun rays fall on its surface. Some of it remains there, their energy goes to heating the lunar soil. No wonder its temperature can exceed a hundred degrees.

But a small part of the rays is reflected from the surface and directed towards us. Thanks to this phenomenon, there is another source of light in the night sky.

Why don't they fly to the moon anymore?

The second half of the last century was marked by real hysteria, into which the two powers were drawn. It's about "moon race" , when Americans and Soviet citizens were striving for the same goal - to be the first to land on the moon.

The USA unconditionally won this competition, which is more offensive - not a single Soviet cosmonaut ever set foot on the surface of our satellite. This is despite the fact that “ dark side“Humanity first saw it precisely thanks to the apparatus made and launched in the Union.

But decades pass, and no one really aspires to the Moon anymore.

This is motivated by a number of reasons:

  • Lack of funding.
  • Basic experiments and research have already been carried out.
  • There is enough surface data that needs to be processed for the coming decades.
  • Flights are extremely expensive.
  • There is no one else to compete with and thus prove their superiority.

Some of the arguments sound pretty plausible. But, on the other hand, more than one, not even two expeditions were sent to the Moon. There were more of them. And then everything stopped. And no other country tried to land for another reason to be proud.

Tacit agreement seems to be All countries in the world were able to agree on one issue. Maybe somewhere out there, at a distance of about 300 thousand kilometers, there really was contact with something unknown and humanity was opaquely hinted at what further research would entail?

These are just conspiracy theories, but after a jerk to the side, all countries “turned on the back foot” and stopped so actively developing their space programs. Perhaps we really are not welcome there.

The invisible side of the moon

The lunar cycle is 28 days, almost everyone remembers this. The problem is that 28 days fit both periods of rotation - around the Earth and its own axis. It's such a coincidence, but because of it, we are forced to constantly observe only one half of the celestial body.

Due to the current situation, a person will never be able to see the “dark side” while on the surface of the Earth. In fact, it sounds like a challenge. And it will be nice to know that humanity passed this test with dignity.

Thanks to unmanned expeditions, we have photographs and detailed maps that “invisible” half. From the point of view of “science for science’s sake,” this is an unprecedented achievement, but if you think about practical application received data.

True, there is one positive point. We made sure that there was no alien space fleet lurking behind the Moon, that its surface was not dotted with someone’s bases. This is a consolation for paranoids and dreamers.

Above natural phenomena I’m either too lazy to think about it or don’t have time for it. And why we see only one side of the Moon, and why the seasons change - all this was once explained, but too long ago.

Video about the position and rotation of the moon

After watching this video, you will understand why the Moon always faces the earth with the same side:

Recently, incredible “beauty” has amazed the Internet. Photos appeared on the Internet Iranian princess, whose name was Anis al Dolah. It is known that the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, photographed his wives with open face and thanks to this, information about the beauty of that time has reached our days.

IN Lately By social networks Many photographs of Iranian princesses have circulated, accompanied by explanatory text saying that this is a symbol of the beauty of Iran of those years.
And many probably believed in the very specific tastes of the Iranian ruler Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, because these princesses were assigned to his harem, reports
But did oriental beauties really look like this?

What is known about the biography of the princess
Anis al-Dolyah was the beloved wife of the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar, who reigned from 1848 to 1896. Nasser had a huge harem of wives, whom he, contrary to the laws of Iran at that time, photographed with their faces open. It was thanks to Nasser ad-Din’s passion for photography and his easy attitude to strict rules modern world I learned about what the ideals of beauty were in Western Asia in the 19th century.

Anis al-Dolyah was considered the most beautiful and sexy woman that era. The corpulent lady with fused eyebrows, a thick mustache and a tired, sullen look had almost 150 admirers. However, Anis belonged only to the Shah. For admirers unearthly beauty al-Dolyah could only dream about her, learned. Some men, by the way, could not come to terms with their evil fate and committed suicide because unrequited love that tormented their hearts.
In 19th-century Iran, a woman was considered beautiful if she had a lot of facial hair and was very fat. The girls from the harem were specially fed a lot and were practically not allowed to move so that they would gain weight. Anis al-Dolyah met all the standards of attractiveness of that time.

Interesting fact. Once Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, during a visit to St. Petersburg, visited the Russian ballet. The Shah was so impressed by the ballerinas that upon his arrival home, he ordered skirts resembling tutus to be sewn for all his many wives. Since then, Nasser’s spouses wore only short fluffy skirts, revealing their husband’s appetizing pleated legs around the clock.

What's the catch?
Why are these women so different from the concept of beauty of that time that we could read about and even see in films?
In fact, these are not Iranian princesses, not the wives of the Shah and... not women at all! These photographs depict the actors of the first state theater, created by Shah Nasruddin, who was a great admirer European culture. This troupe played satirical plays only for courtiers and nobility. The organizer of this theater was Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, who is considered one of the founders of modern Iranian theater.

Recently, incredible “beauty” has amazed the Internet. Photos of an Iranian princess named Anis al Dolyah have appeared on the Internet. It is known that the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, photographed his wives with their faces open, and thanks to this, information about the beauty of that time has reached our days.

Recently, many photographs of Iranian princesses have been circulating on social networks, which are accompanied by explanatory text stating that this is a symbol of the beauty of Iran at that time.
And many probably believed in the very specific tastes of the Iranian ruler Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, because these princesses were assigned to his harem.
But did oriental beauties really look like this?

What is known about the biography of the princess
Anis al-Dolyah was the beloved wife of the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar, who reigned from 1848 to 1896. Nasser had a huge harem of wives, whom he, contrary to the laws of Iran at that time, photographed with their faces open. It was thanks to Nasser ad-Din’s passion for photography and his easy attitude to strict rules that the modern world learned about what the ideals of beauty were in Western Asia in the 19th century.

Anis al-Dolyah was considered the most beautiful and sexy woman of that era. The corpulent lady with fused eyebrows, a thick mustache and a tired, sullen look had almost 150 admirers. However, Anis belonged only to the Shah. Admirers of the unearthly beauty of al-Dolyakh could only dream about it, learned. Some men, by the way, could not come to terms with their evil fate and committed suicide because of the unrequited love that tormented their hearts.
In 19th-century Iran, a woman was considered beautiful if she had a lot of facial hair and was very fat. The girls from the harem were specially fed a lot and were practically not allowed to move so that they would gain weight. Anis al-Dolyah met all the standards of attractiveness of that time.

Interesting fact. Once Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, during a visit to St. Petersburg, visited the Russian ballet. The Shah was so impressed by the ballerinas that upon his arrival home, he ordered skirts resembling tutus to be sewn for all his many wives. Since then, Nasser’s spouses wore only short fluffy skirts, revealing their husband’s appetizing pleated legs around the clock.

What's the catch?
Why are these women so different from the concept of beauty of that time that we could read about and even see in films?
In fact, these are not Iranian princesses, not the wives of the Shah and... not women at all! These photographs depict the actors of the first state theater created by Shah Nasreddin, who was a great admirer of European culture. This troupe performed satirical plays only for courtiers and nobles. The organizer of this theater was Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, who is considered one of the founders of modern Iranian theater.

The plays of that time were performed only by men, since Iranian women were prohibited from performing on stage until 1917. That’s the whole secret of the “Iranian princesses”: yes, this is the Shah’s harem, but in a theatrical production.

Recently, incredible “beauty” has amazed the Internet. Photos of an Iranian princess named Anis al Dolyah have appeared on the Internet. It is known that the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, photographed his wives with their faces open, and thanks to this, information about the beauty of that time has reached our days.

Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar ruled for 47 years - from September 17, 1848 and died at the hands of an assassin at the age of 64. He had a huge harem of women, and the best of them was the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah.

The Shah himself loved photography and always photographed his wives in the harem.

It must be said that in that century Anis al Dolyah was the ideal of beauty. Back then, men loved fat women with fused eyebrows and mustaches. In order for them to gain weight, they were forced to eat constantly and barely move.

Anis al Dolah had almost 150 ardent fans who lusted after her. It is noteworthy that many of them went crazy and committed suicide from the irresistible beauty of the princess.

By the way, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar also visited Russia. In St. Petersburg he saw ballet for the first time. He really liked this type of art. The dance impressed the Shah so much that upon returning to his homeland, he ordered skirts similar to tutus to be sewn for his wives. After his visit to Russia, the wives of the shocking Shah began to wear only such skirts.