Rituals for a lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipse rituals

The day of the Solar Eclipse is especially important for people who want to attract luck, love into their lives and dream of fulfilling their own desires. With the help of special ceremonies, rituals and conspiracies, you can get rid of internal fears and complexes and become more confident and decisive. On this day, you cannot start important things and make responsible decisions, since the Solar Eclipse enhances negative factors, and a person risks making an irreparable mistake. At this time, you need to meditate, get rid of accumulated negative emotions and reflect on the topic of your life purpose.

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Rituals for a Solar Eclipse

A few hours before the Solar Eclipse, you need to take a contrast shower, then lie down and relax, imagining that all fears and phobias are leaving the body, turning into light energy and leaving behind a feeling of lightness and joy. When the eclipse begins, you need to say the following spell: “Just as the solar disk is covered by the Moon, so fate has blocked my path to my goals. When the lunar disk leaves the Sun, everything unnecessary will leave me. And I will be strong and bright, like a luminary heavenly! All my wishes come true, and my money increases. So be it!"


Rituals for a Solar Eclipse or during the period of eclipse corridors (the time between lunar and solar eclipses) help get rid of circumstances that interfere with development, and also help eliminate specific problems of a psychological nature (fears, phobias, complexes).

Procedure for “Repentance”:

  1. 1. You need to light a wax candle, purchased in advance in the temple, 10-15 minutes before the start of the eclipse, and place it on your right - for men, and for women - on your left. You need to lie on your back on the floor, without crossing your arms and legs, completely relax and close your eyes, without thinking about anything.
  2. 2. Analyze your own shortcomings 5-8 minutes before the eclipse and determine the reason for your failures.
  3. 3. At the peak of the eclipse, you need to mentally forgive all offenders, repent to higher powers and say the following words: “I leave all my problems, failures, disappointments, fears and negative emotions in the past. I ask forgiveness from heaven for all my sins and sincerely repent of my actions.” actions that hurt someone."
  4. 4. A few minutes after the peak of the eclipse, you need to imagine a clear picture of a happy future in your imagination: all goals have been achieved, the person feels in complete harmony with the world around him and has everything he needs in this life to feel happy.

You need to think only about the good, since desires that are aimed at harming others will turn against the person who is plotting evil.

15 minutes after the end of the solar eclipse, you need to extinguish the wax candle with a wooden object or leave it to burn to the ground. You should thank the higher powers and yourself for everything that happens.

How to tie a man to you - the most powerful rites, rituals and conspiracies

Meditation on a candle

You need to stay in complete solitude and light a white candle, setting yourself in a positive mood. One should imagine that everything desired has become a reality, and the person has a lot of money, a prosperous family and lives a bright and eventful life. Imagining rainbow images in your head, you need to look at the candle flame and thank the Universe for all the blessings given.

Art therapy practice

To perform the ritual you need:

  1. 1. Take colored markers, a wax candle, and three album sheets.
  2. 2. Light a candle and relax, closing your eyes for a few minutes, and then formulate the question that is most important at the moment. For example: "Why can't I get rich?" or “What is stopping me from achieving my goal (voice a specific goal)”?
  3. 3. You need to remember all the images that come to mind and capture them on paper. Look carefully at the drawings and analyze your own feelings and emotions evoked by these images.
  4. 4. You need to immediately get rid of all negative emotions by setting fire to a piece of paper with a picture from the flame of a burning candle. It is important to believe in magic for this ritual to work.
  5. 5. After the first sheet burns to the ground, you should take three deep breaths, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a completely new and happy person.
  6. 6. The images that will form in your head at this time need to be sketched on paper and a plan for self-development must be drawn up.
  7. 7. A drawing of the “ideal self” should be hung in the most visible place and looked at regularly, feeling internal changes for the better.

Attracting material benefits

The day before the eclipse, people who are higher in status should be treated to baked goods prepared with their own hands. On the day of the Solar Eclipse, you should dress nicely (but not brightly), do a neat hairstyle and feed all household members with homemade sweets. Then light the candles, relax and ask for material prosperity, increased wages and various benefits, mentally sending your request to the Universe.

The first eclipse of August 2017 is approaching. It will occur on August 7th. The days around the eclipse are very important; they set the life program for 18.5 years in advance. Therefore, it is best to spend this time in the most favorable way, perform rituals during a lunar eclipse in order to include the most important and positive events. Events occurring a week before the eclipse are completely karmic, because... they cannot be planned and have no control over themselves. During an eclipse, important information comes to us that we did not attach any importance to before. Based on this, all important decisions should be made in the week after the eclipse. During eclipses, all events are fatal in nature and have a great impact. All events that occur during eclipses are not accidental. During eclipses, great temptations come to people, which have a direct impact on the future, fate and a happy life. During eclipses, qualities such as greed and ambition intensify. At this time, to purify your destiny, you need to give, help people, show charity and kindness.

During a lunar eclipse, those deeds, plans and desires that are started at this time will appear during the next lunar eclipse and determine the next stage of life. This can be a time of important choices and life-changing decisions.

A lunar eclipse shows and illuminates with the light of heavenly bodies those important issues and problems that require an urgent and balanced deep solution, which have already become ripe in a crisis. Therefore, during a lunar eclipse, everything can change quickly and dramatically. A lunar eclipse reveals information that may have remained secret and closed for a long time, and such information instantly spreads throughout society. During a lunar eclipse, there is a chance to find what you have been looking for for a long time - information, a person or yourself.

The lunar eclipse gives impetus to the development of long-term projects and tasks. You should beware of high emotional intensity, so it is not recommended to make decisions or enter into conflicts - what is destroyed during the eclipse can hardly be restored.

Lunar eclipses deal with completion, change, transformation, and total lunar eclipses bring with them circumstances for important and long overdue shifts in personal life and in society as a whole. During lunar eclipses, you need to part with the unnecessary and inconvenient- bad habit, uncomfortable behavior pattern, destructive relationships, debts. A lunar eclipse brings with it the opportunity to leave bad habits and remove destructive programs from the subconscious.

Lunar eclipses affect the mind and especially emotions, disturbing peace of mind. Remember this and do not undertake important matters on this day, do not make fateful decisions, because mistakes are not excluded. Rash decisions may seem like the only right ones at a certain moment, but will come back to haunt you later. It is wiser to step back and not act hastily. An eclipse is a good time for inner work and reflection. A lunar eclipse is a particularly powerful full moon, so you can perform full moon rituals on this day.

The period of lunar eclipses itself - the week before the eclipse and the week after - is characterized by significant emotional stress, because this luminary affects feelings, emotions, psyche, intuition and the subconscious.
During the eclipse period, which is 2 weeks around the point of the event itself, a person becomes the most emotionally receptive, unstable in his internal experiences, feelings, fears and worries. At this time of fine tuning to your psyche and the unconscious part of your “I”, deep internal programs of psychology and behavior are activated. And also the impact and result of any external influence, as well as self-hypnosis and self-programming, increases.

At these moments of lunar eclipses, a person receives from nature the opportunity to get rid of something unnecessary that breaks life and psyche, bad qualities of character, bad habits, to reprogram himself and his destructive sides of character and ways of interacting with the outside world to others, positive emotions and reactions.

To do this, you need to make a little effort: think and understand what you want to remove from your life - events, people, emotions, habits, psychological attitudes, programs and stereotypes of behavior and thinking.

What to do during a lunar eclipse
. Analyze and detachedly, from the outside, observe your thoughts and actions, as well as the situations around you at this time.

Determine the aspects of your life that are in a weak state and that you want to activate and illuminate with happiness. Analyze what prevents these aspects of life from being present in your life and fully manifesting. Perhaps the reason for this is in some quality of your character, in behavior, beliefs, reactions that prevent you from having what you want, from being the way you see yourself in happiness. Perhaps you cannot get married, start a family, forgive a loved one, gain true freedom and independence in life and judgment, you do not know how to earn, receive and have money, or you cannot force yourself to start training, dieting, training.

Write down on paper all these reasons and your program settings for them.

Replace your statements with their opposites and write them on a nice piece of paper.

Repeat your positive verbal programs every day, morning and evening. And also after the eclipse. Until you feel changes in consciousness, and until you feel that you fully accept these attitudes and use them in relation to yourself.

Practices during a lunar eclipse

To neutralize the destructive effects of eclipses, cleansing procedures are necessary. The best are fasting and prayer. You should follow a vegetarian diet. Daily ablutions are required, preferably with any cleansing prayer.

Zero days before an eclipse are the time for completing affairs and summing up, spiritual and physical cleansing of a person before entering the new year. It is good to devote these days to internal introspection, revision of life values ​​and rethinking, repentance, using any technique - from confession in church to internal recapitulation of your life.

During the zero days, you should pray for all deceased relatives.

It is important to accept this time as an opportunity for internal transformation, the purpose of which is to cleanse the negative karma of the past. At this time, a program is laid out for the entire coming year, and it largely depends on the internal choices that everyone can make to create their future.

Considering that at this time the emotional background is heightened and the mind is clouded, people are more receptive and vulnerable, so special care is required. Increased physical activity is not recommended.

What not to do directly on the day of the eclipse:
- you can’t go outside and, especially, not look at the eclipse;
- you cannot eat food three hours before the eclipse;

What to do on the day of the eclipse

Perform ablution before and after the eclipse;
- meditate or pray.

Remember not to look directly at the Moon during an eclipse, as this may increase the negative effects of the eclipse.

A lunar eclipse is a particularly powerful full moon, when all magical effects are intensified many times over. This is a really good time for magic, when you can perform rituals for love, money and wish fulfillment.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

A lunar eclipse is a mysterious and special phenomenon on our planet. It is during a lunar eclipse that it is worth conducting rituals and ceremonies to strengthen one’s positions, protect oneself, and accumulate strength and energy. During this period and the week before it, it is better not to make any important decisions or plan things. Things may not go as you planned. Keep an eye on the lunar calendars to know the dates when you should be more careful and attentive. The lunar eclipse does not last long, but it greatly affects our lives!

Rituals on the day of a lunar eclipse

Astrologers say that during these periods people behave extremely strange and unusual. Eclipses can disrupt your plans, change your attitude towards something or someone, which sometimes threatens with unpredictable or negative consequences.

Seers, clairvoyants and astrologers say: thanks to special rites or rituals, you can get rid of debts, complexes and other troubles. This is a time of cleansing and a time of change.

During an eclipse it is very good to get rid of bad habits. You can safely look your fears and complexes in the face. The same applies to love problems - if you want to end a relationship with a person or get rid of unrequited feelings, this can be done most easily during an eclipse.

Rituals will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts, complexes and troubles.

Rituals for a lunar eclipse

Directly during the eclipse itself, you need to light a candle and say the following spell:

Give me strength, Mother Nature, so that I can gain freedom from fear, so that my eyes can see clearly and so that my illnesses can leave me.

After this, say out loud everything that you want to leave in this day and not take with you into the new future. For example:

I want to stop drinking alcohol, get rid of debts, stop being attached to a person, I want to stop being afraid of loneliness.

You can leave everything that torments you and move on. You can also write all this on a piece of paper and burn it, and wash the ashes down the sink. Whichever option is closer to you, do so.

The second rite is meditation. If the eclipse occurs during the day, make the room dark. Solitude and complete concentration will be required, so it is better to close the windows both at night and during the day so that not a single sound reaches you.

Lie down or sit as you will need complete relaxation. Determine for yourself the most serious trouble at the moment. Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in front of the entrance to a dark cave in which your fear, enemy or unresolved problem lives. You slowly walk in there and see complete darkness. Then you distinguish sounds or images associated with your problem. Then she slowly moves away from you, the darkness absorbs sounds, images, thoughts. The problem is gone, now you are free, but you just have to get out. You turn around and, without looking back, go to the exit of the cave, forgetting about all the troubles. This meditation can be used not only during a lunar eclipse, but on this day the strength of your energy will be much higher, so it is strongly recommended to meditate during an eclipse.

Fortune telling ritual “Card fate”

Take a deck of cards and shuffle it. Determine for yourself the most pressing problem at the moment - financial debts, troubles at work or in love, complexes. Lay out the cards one at a time. Wait for a queen, king or ace to appear. A black king or queen means that you will meet a man or woman who will help solve the problem. The red king or queen promises the imminent appearance of a man or woman who can give you the strength to solve the problem. The Aces will tell you about the reasons for the problem. Black is a curse, an evil eye, the enemy's revenge. Red - you yourself are to blame for the current circumstances, and your fate is only in your hands.

Every lunar eclipse is a time of secrets and signs from above. Sometimes everything seems to turn upside down. Take advantage of this to transform your life and make it more enjoyable.

Lunar eclipse ritual

By performing the ritual of a lunar eclipse, you can free yourself from diseases, bad habits, complexes, fear, mental weaknesses, damage and the evil eye - what we recognize within ourselves as superfluous, unnecessary and harmful. An hour before the eclipse, you need to drink a glass of clean water in slow sips and take a contrast shower. You need to choose green clothes, light a candle, sit looking at the fire, think about your life. Look in the mirror and lie with your head facing north. Relax, mentally see your reflection - like in a mirror. Think that it is not you, but it (the reflection) that is sick, smokes, drinks, worries and is embarrassed, it is he who has complexes and problems. The reflection will begin to change. Squeeze it to a point and, as you exhale, move it away from you. Lie still. Get up, extinguish (but do not blow out!) the candle. Take another contrast shower. Drink a second glass of clean water.

Powerful rituals for attracting money are directly related to the moon. Clairvoyant Regina Fedorenko knows how a lunar eclipse can change lives and give wealth.

Clairvoyant about the energy of the moon and eclipses

Astronomical phenomena directly affect our lives. Therefore, people have long been monitoring what is happening in the night sky. Lunar eclipses, full moons and new moons, changes in the zodiacal position of the moon - all this has occupied the minds of scientists for many centuries in a row.

The most powerful psychics these days speak about the impact of the moon on all living things. For example, Israeli clairvoyant Regina Fedorenko believes that many rituals acquire special power on the full moon or on the new one. And during eclipses, the energy of the moon is completely restructured, which can also be used for your own purposes.

An eclipse is a moment when you can get rid of any negativity forever, so during an eclipse it is very good to carry out money rituals for those who have had to face difficulties or problems. Poverty, debts, loans, unemployment - all this can be left behind forever if the right ritual is performed on the right day. In its energy, an eclipse is close to a new moon, but it gives a much more powerful effect.

Money ritual for an eclipse from Regina Fedorenko

To get rich, and quickly enough, you can turn to the energy of the eclipse and resort to a simple ritual from Regina Fedorenko. To do this, you only need your wallet. And, of course, a suitable day on which a lunar eclipse will take place. In March 2016, we are expecting it very soon, on the 23rd.

In the morning, take out absolutely all the money and cards you use to pay from your wallet. Then leave the wallet where it can “look” at the sky - that is, on a windowsill or on a table well lit from a window. Then you can calmly go to work or mind your own business on the 23rd, but be sure not to touch your wallet. At home, he will give up all the negativity along with the drop in lunar energy, and then he will receive it again, this time with a positive charge. The main thing is that there is not a single, even the smallest, money left in it.

By the evening, when the eclipse is over, fill it with money again. Before this, the day before, you can carry out a special ritual of cleansing the apartment in order to enhance the effect of the money ritual.

An important point: while your wallet is fueled by new energy and gets rid of negative connections to poverty or other financial problems, you should replace as much change as possible. Of course, there is no need to run to the bank and exchange half of your salary. But wealth and prosperity will be brought by the fact that by the evening you will fill your wallet with coins. Their round shape has a sacred meaning in this ritual, so make sure that by nightfall you definitely have nickels with rubles and tens in your wallet.

Use this ritual for money, and you will not know poverty. Regina Fedorenko advises carrying it out on every new moon, when the moon experiences similar energy processes, going through the stage of energy zeroing. We wish you to live comfortably, without knowing the hassle, listen to the clairvoyant Regina and her advice and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.03.2016 01:20

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First I want to tell you about the Lunar Eclipse.

The period of lunar eclipses itself - the week before the eclipse and the week after - is characterized by significant emotional stress, because this luminary affects feelings, emotions, psyche, intuition and the subconscious. During the eclipse period, which is 2 weeks around the point of the event itself, a person becomes the most emotionally receptive, unstable in his internal experiences, feelings, fears and worries. At this time of fine tuning to your psyche and the unconscious part of your “I,” deep internal programs of psychology and behavior are activated. And also the impact and result of any external influence, as well as self-hypnosis and self-programming, increases.

Lunar eclipses can cause situations of heightened emotional intensity. Consider your actions before reacting to an impulse. The choices you make will impact your life for six months or more.

Lunar eclipses affect the mind and especially emotions, disturbing peace of mind. Remember this and do not undertake important matters on this day, do not make fateful decisions, because mistakes are not excluded. But this is a good time for inner work and reflection. A lunar eclipse is a particularly powerful full moon, so you can perform full moon rituals on this day.

A lunar eclipse brings with it the opportunity to leave bad habits and remove destructive programs from the subconscious.
At these moments of lunar eclipses, a person receives from nature the opportunity to get rid of something unnecessary that breaks life and psyche, bad qualities of character, bad habits, to reprogram himself and his destructive sides of character and ways of interacting with the outside world to others, positive emotions and reactions.

To do this, you need to make a little effort: think and understand what you want to remove from your life - events, people, emotions, habits, psychological attitudes, programs and stereotypes of behavior and thinking.

The following steps will help you with this:
Analyze and observe your thoughts and actions from a distance.

Talk to your friends, ask them to tell you about you as a stranger, their impressions and assessments of everything that they don’t like about your personality.
Determine the aspects of your life that are in a weak state and that you want to activate and illuminate with happiness. Analyze what prevents these aspects of life from being present in your life and fully manifesting. Perhaps the reason for this is in some quality of your character, in behavior, beliefs, reactions that prevent you from having what you want, from being the way you see yourself in happiness. Perhaps you cannot get married, start a family, forgive a loved one, gain true freedom and independence in life and judgment, you do not know how to earn, receive and have money, or you cannot force yourself to start training, dieting, training.
Write down on paper all these reasons and your program settings for them.
Replace your statements with their opposites and write them on a nice piece of paper.
Repeat your positive verbal programs every day, morning and evening. And also after the eclipse. Until you feel changes in consciousness, and until you feel that you fully accept these attitudes and use them in relation to yourself.
One of the key themes of the lunar eclipse is relationships.

The changes it will bring may concern love, family relationships, interactions with colleagues and partners. Ask yourself questions: What is your relationship like currently? What needs to be fixed? Find out what in your life depends on other people, whether they support you or, conversely, hinder your further development.

PRACTICE for the Lunar Eclipse.

Letting go technique

The following technique will help you remove discomfort and internal negative attitudes. Everything that somehow prevents you from living in harmony with yourself.

Sit comfortably, take a piece of paper and a pen and describe all the situations that worry you and prevent you from living a full life. It can be anything. Perhaps you have long been gnawing at the fact that you cannot find the strength to quit smoking or you are gnawing from within with resentment towards a loved one. Write what you would like to free yourself from.

Then continue with the following phrases:
- I release with gratitude and love (an experience, a habit, a feeling, a person, a program...)
- I thank you for this lesson. This experience helped me realize that... - I apologize to you for... - I forgive you for...
- I forgive and thank that part of myself that wished to go through this lesson.
- I thank all (people) and all (events) that I attracted into my life to take this lesson.

Be sure to reread what you wrote out loud several times. What you now want to let go of didn’t just come into your life. You must learn some lesson from a situation or person, understand why it was given to you. And then it will never happen again!

PRACTICE for the Lunar Eclipse.

Ritual for cleansing karma "Correction of Fate"

It can also be called “Cleansing the Field Structure,” or, more simply, cleaning your Karma. This Rite can be performed no more than 3 times a year! The Best of Lunar and Solar Eclipses. After the first time, you will definitely feel its impact and decide for yourself when to repeat it. The ritual lasts 10 days with a white candle. (you can take a regular wax candle if you don’t have a white one) Naturally, late in the evening or at night, when Space is free.

You must retire to a room, enter in a state of two threads (I talk about this in the video https://youtu.be/NHYGRBcqYUE)

Start writing with the word: “Forgive me...”, and then list all the people who once offended you.

You can use first names, you can use surnames, living and dead. And end the text with the following words: “and all those whom Fate gives me on the Path in the past, present and future. And I release them with all my Love."

Light a candle and fire it several times (at least 3), read your text, well imagining everyone you forgive. You must forgive completely sincerely! .

You need to forgive everyone sincerely.

This practice should be done for 3 to 10 days. Because you won't get all your speakers out at once. Don't let it go until the end.

And so you read until warmth and inner satisfaction appear in your Soul. Then you burn a piece of paper over a candle fire and throw the ashes out the window. And so on for as many days as you need, from 3 to 10 days!

I want to warn you that after this practice you will receive an answer from the universe. You have made a request and will receive a response.

This practice is a very good indicator of the state of your karma. If in the following days everything in your life improves, positive events come, then you have a positive background of karma.

But if you start having problems, then this is your call! This means you have either external or internal speakers that are interfering. Let events happen, this is cleansing. Do the practice for 10 days in a row.

You can watch a video on our channel about Lunar Eclipse practices. https://youtu.be/NHYGRBcqYUE


Solar Eclipse is a time of opportunity for a strong impact on reality. The magic produced these days is very powerful. The strong influence of the eclipse begins five days before the date itself (and the first influence is another two weeks!), and continues to be felt for another five days after. So, if you are planning to perform some magical rituals these days, then go ahead!

For my part, during the Solar Eclipse, I recommend rituals related primarily to your inner world (working with the unconscious, psychological techniques). These days, by changing something in yourself, you launch a powerful process to change external reality, your life. And the consequences of this will last for a whole year, or at least until the next Solar Eclipse. So don't miss this opportunity!

A Solar Eclipse is an ENHANCED new moon.The new moon, enhanced by a solar eclipse, is a very powerful time when the power of your thoughts is at its peak and nothing can stop you from achieving what you want with the power of your thoughts and energy!Any eclipse has a huge impact on our lives. The sun (masculine) gives light and energy. The moon (feminine) absorbs them. When these two planets find themselves at the same point, we experience a colossal load on the regulatory system.

On the day of the Solar Eclipse, you and I attract Requests and Motivations.

Practice for a solar eclipse.

First, determine the exact time of the Solar Eclipse for your region. It coincides with the time of the New Moon. The time can be found in any calendars that publish the start time of lunar days.

Start the ritual about an hour or half an hour before the Eclipse.
Before doing this, take a cleansing shower or bath in salt, and then shower. Cleansing is necessary, because... you are going to free yourself from everything that prevents you from achieving happiness, as if you were born again with the New Moon. It is also good to drink a glass of pure or mineral water. But there is no need to eat; it is better to perform the ritual on an empty stomach.

Prepare sheets of paper and paints, or markers. And also something in which you can burn paper. You can turn on relaxing music. Of course, this ritual must be performed alone.

You can watch how to do this practice on our channel https://youtu.be/YAKuwio3DZ8

After completing all the preparations, enter a relaxed state and mentally focus on the question: What is preventing me from achieving happiness in the area of ​​​​my interest? Or: why haven’t my wishes come true yet? Ask yourself this question mentally for a while (but don’t answer it!) Then relax and don’t think about anything. At this moment, any mental pictures may appear to you, sounds, images may come. You don't need to think about what they mean, you just need to sketch them right away (no artistic skills required, just symbolically depict them!). After this, you can look at the picture and draw a conclusion: what does it remind you of? What are your qualities, character traits, behavior. Make a firm decision to free yourself from these traits.

Crumple the paper and burn it. Look at the fire while the paper burns, while clearly imagining that it is your habits and actions that interfere with success that are being burned. By burning the paper, you can determine the severity of the problem: if the paper burns quickly, it means you will be able to quickly get rid of these habits. If it's long, it will take more time. And if it goes out, this is the most difficult case. Set fire to the paper again, but keep in mind that this is a sign of your unwillingness to part with your habits that prevent you from easily achieving what you want. This means that your habits are more valuable to you than the fulfillment of desires, success, love, fame, etc. Think about it! Is it worth holding on to them like that, just to please your pride or someone’s once-instilled behavioral guidelines?
After burning the negative qualities, you need to consolidate the successful ones. Now imagine and sketch yourself in a new image that will help you achieve love and success. Yourself in the future image that you are striving for. Fix this new image of yourself in your mind. Or take an image in contrast with those features that you burned (just don’t go to the other extreme. For example, if you were hampered by low self-esteem, and because of this you hung on everyone’s neck, trying to get their recognition, then don’t draw an arrogant inaccessible proud woman. Draw a confident woman who likes herself, who communicates with men according to her desire and choice, because she does not need their recognition, but just communication, sex, love, etc.)

When the drawing is ready, the 1st lunar day should already have arrived. It's time to make strategic plans for the future, and specifically for the next month! So you, looking at your new portrait, think through the steps of how you will become like this, what you must do for this. Think about what you can do in the next month. Write down this plan for yourself and start following it.

You can write your goals plan right under the picture or write it in your Magic Notebook. You can read how to make it on our website and watch the video on our channel https://youtu.be/0E8K27z4jgY

Save the drawing. This is your resource. You can place it where you will see it - the drawing is very powerfully charged with the Solar Eclipse, and will serve as a talisman for you. After you have written your goals and created a resource. It is important to take a step in this direction. Back it up with action. And your image, the new YOU Created and Ready!

As for the ashes from the burned old drawing, throw it outside. These are you launching a program to get rid of old, interfering habits and attitudes. Drink another glass of water to reinforce the positive program. Now you can eat for the same purpose...


Practice Sharing and Gratitude.

This practice should be started two days before the Solar Eclipse.

The first day is to make an exchange and gratitude to a person who is associated with the movement, for example, give a taxi driver a good tip. The second exchange should be associated with a person who is associated with study - give the teacher or student something valuable to him, just give money.

The second day is to make an exchange, help a person who is higher in status than you, who has a higher financial flow than you - a director, an influential person. You can simply treat them to baked goods, preferably made yourself.

The day of the eclipse - in the morning - you should be in a holiday mood. Wear festive clothes, jewelry, beautiful, but not very bright makeup. Today you need to treat any women and girls with sweets, these could be sweets, sweet cakes, etc.

This simple and very effective ritual for attracting new energies into your life! The only main condition is to do everything with Love and Gratitude.

I wish you to successfully use the time of Eclipses to transform yourself and your life.

With Love Natalya.