What to eat to gain weight. How to gain weight at home: general principles

Not everyone dreams of losing weight and exhausts themselves with diets. Many people, on the contrary, dream of gaining weight, gaining weight in order to get rid of thinness and acquire an attractive shape. If all your attempts in this direction have failed, you need, first of all, to analyze the causes of the problem of thinness. Therefore, before you start using various weight gain techniques, go to the doctor.

It is necessary to exclude diseases of diabetes mellitus, gallbladder, and thyroid gland. Very often, the cause of thinness can be a disturbed metabolism. In these cases, your doctor will help you bring your weight back to normal.

If everything is in order with your health, you can get rid of thinness using simple proven methods. And that’s why I’ll tell you right now about how you need to eat right in order to get better quickly.

What to do to gain weight?

First, determine whether you really need to gain some weight. Perhaps by nature, you have an absolutely normal weight. Maybe the problem is far-fetched? To figure this out, calculate how many kilograms you need to gain.

To do this, calculate your normal weight. There is a very simple way to do this: Measure your height in centimeters. Now subtract 100 from the resulting figure.

Various weight gain methods will help you gain weight quickly. Almost all of them are based on increasing calorie intake. The general principle of these methods is that body weight is in balance with diet and calorie intake. By increasing calories, we increase body weight, and vice versa. Therefore, to solve the problem of thinness, you should reconsider your diet and eating habits.

If you previously ate meals 3 times a day, you need to switch to 4-5 meals a day, keeping the same interval between meals. For example, bodybuilders eat 7 to 8 times a day.

By the way, it would be useful to use sports nutrition in your diet, consisting of proteins and gainers. They will serve as a source of additional energy, especially if you play sports. With the help of such nutrition, you will compensate for the energy expended and restore muscle tissue.

To eat healthy, make your diet varied. Eat foods rich in proteins every day. This could be legumes, eggs, chicken, beef, soy products. They are important for building muscle mass. Be sure to drink whole milk, eat fermented milk products, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, and heavy cream. These foods are not only high in calories, but also have great nutritional value.

It is very useful to cook porridge: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. You can also drink tea, coffee with cream and sugar.

For better absorption of food and to prevent constipation, be sure to eat fresh greens, vegetables and fruits. As a “snack”, eat grapes, apples, bananas, oranges.

If you need to gain weight quickly, choose dairy products with a high fat content. You can eat eggs every day, but no more than 2 eggs per day. It is better to cook them soft-boiled.

Lightly salted fatty herring with onions and fresh garlic will also help build muscle.

Regulate the combination of proteins and fats in your diet. This way you can adjust the structure of your body.

Sample menu for the day

I offer you a sample menu for one day, “for those who want to gain weight”:

First breakfast:

A plate of oatmeal cooked in milk, an omelette made from 2 chicken eggs, or just soft-boiled. You can wash them down with concentrated protein dissolved in 0.5 liters of milk.


A sandwich of white bread with a piece of salmon or herring. You can wash it down with a portion of gainer.


300 g of stewed or boiled veal, chicken or turkey. As a side dish, you can cook a portion of durum pasta, eat a plate of rice with butter or mashed potatoes. Plus, a plate of salad from any vegetables with parsley and dill is a must.

Afternoon snack:

A sandwich with fish or a piece of beef. You can eat a portion of cottage cheese with sour cream. Wash it down with any juice.


Take a portion of ocean fish with a side dish. Let it be a salad of vegetables or fruits.

If you have no appetite, you need to intensely load yourself. Go in for sports, sign up for a gym, swimming pool. Alternatively, take a walk or go to the park by bike. Very often, appetite disappears due to worries, stress, and fatigue.

If this is the reason, fill your life with positive emotions, make new acquaintances, go on visits, to parties. Try to get enough sleep and avoid stimulants - alcohol, coffee, tobacco.

Try to eat right, follow the recommendations, and most importantly, do not take any pills to gain weight. They will bring nothing but harm. And when your diet, diet, and mental state return to normal, thinness will disappear. Get well soon and stay healthy!

Healthy food for weight gain. How to gain weight for a skinny girl using natural methods. Diet for those who want to gain weight. Menu for weight gain.

Sudden weight loss can become just as much of a problem as being overweight. Most of the fair sex struggle with extra pounds, while some suffer from underweight. A lack of kilograms is also very bad; it can affect all aspects of a girl’s life. She ceases to feel like everyone else, feminine and desirable, in addition, there is a threat of loss of reproductive function. In this situation, learning how to gain weight for a teenage girl correctly is especially important.

If a girl has lost her menstruation, this is the first sign that she needs to be examined by a doctor immediately. It is better, of course, not to wait until the problem becomes so acute. Knowing how a girl can gain weight, you will normalize your figure, and your health and well-being as well.

The problem with losing weight may be your health! If you play sports, don’t diet and eat harmoniously, then you should think about the fact that some serious malfunction has occurred in your body at the moment. It is almost impossible to figure out the problem on your own. Trust the experts: weight loss can be caused by unstable functioning of the endocrine system, allergies, tumors, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.

Don’t know how to quickly gain weight for a girl? There can be no hasty decisions in improving yourself and improving your health. First, let’s find out who is characterized by underweight. People suffering from this should be classified as ectomorphs. This somatotype is characterized by the presence of long bones, limbs, a narrow chest and shoulders, as well as an increased speed of nerve impulse processes. They have a very good metabolism, although they sleep poorly and suffer from stress. Thin girls react to everything very sensitively, usually ignore breakfast, and generally do not follow the daily routine well. We conclude: you will have to not only change your diet to gain weight, but also change your lifestyle!

How can a girl start gaining weight?

Understanding how to gain weight for a thin girl, you can easily get rid of this problem, unless, of course, you have health problems. So, the first thing you need to do is control what you eat throughout the day. Be sure to write down all the food you eat, even the smallest snacks. Write down what you eat and why. At the end, write down the results. It is then that you can analyze your diet and adjust your diet towards weight gain.

Poor diet may be the cause of underweight

A girl needs at least 700 grams of one meal per day, taking into account the consumption of teas, juices and coffee. If you are suffering from low weight, analyze how much protein you ate among the total amount of food. Babies gain weight well precisely thanks to the daily consumption of such an amount of milk that is equal to a fifth of their weight. You should eat fish at least twice a week, as well as soups and cereals made from peas and beans. The amount of carbohydrates in your food should be 50-55%.

To harmoniously gain weight for a thin girl, give up fast food. Apart from harm to your stomach and body as a whole, you will bring nothing! Lard and other fatty foods in large quantities will only bring a negative imprint. This can cause you to gain a lot of weight, which you don't want.

Eating right is extremely important, and not only for thin girls. Habitual diet 2-3 times a day probably won't suit you. For weight gain You should gradually switch to a system of 5-6 meals a day. Accustom yourself to a new diet step by step: if you are used to eating 3 times a day, first add a fourth. Your main task is to make the transition to a new life smoother and more comfortable for yourself.

The main thing is a full breakfast. It is thanks to the first meal that the body is best saturated with proteins and carbohydrates.

It is important to eat in a pleasant, peaceful environment, not on the run, then the food will be well absorbed. It is necessary to get rid of constant stress and fuss; you should have lunch and dinner in a good mood and a pleasant atmosphere.

You can't snack on the go

Adequate sleep and complete emotional control over oneself are extremely important. If unpleasant events occur in your life, try to regulate your psychological state first. You may need to see a psychologist or psychotherapist. Psychotherapy has long established itself as an excellent means of combating excess weight and a lack of kilograms.

Remember: foods high in fat are not the healthiest. Eat more protein: it stimulates cell renewal and helps restore your weight to normal. When gaining weight, the dominant role is given not to quantity, but calorie content food.

Diet for those who want to gain weight

To gain weight, a menu girl will need the following products:

    Fat sour cream, preferably 25%. The proteins and fats it contains are easily absorbed by our body, allowing it to be filled with useful components. If possible, buy country sour cream. She's the most helpful.

    Good quality butter contains many nutritious and beneficial components. Vitamins and easily digestible fat will benefit you.

    Baked flour products. Your crumpets will easily envy you now! You can consume cakes and pastries, croissants and buns. Drinks - tea, juice, fruit drinks, drunk in between meals will add the missing calories to you.

    Milk and dairy products. Full-fat milk stimulates weight gain well. You should drink 3 glasses of milk a day.

    Rice. A healthy dish that helps saturate the body with vitamins and carbohydrates. For people trying to get better, this is a great option. By the way, rice cooked in broth contains the most calories.

    Meat is the protein you can’t do without. Beef, pork, and chicken must be present in your daily diet. It is also recommended to eat fish and eggs.

    Vegetables - beets, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini. Add more vegetables to the dishes you cook.

    Chocolate. It is better to choose expensive natural chocolate made from natural cocoa butter. Chocolate products containing trans fats will only harm your health.

    Porridge. A real treasure trove of health! Cooked with milk, they stimulate weight gain. And if you add a piece of butter, you create a truly healthy product for your nutrition and set of kilograms.

    Fruit juice with pulp. By consuming it with meals, you will saturate your body with additional calories. Hard fruits like persimmons, bananas, apricots, and melons also stimulate weight gain.

    Season fresh salads with olive or soybean oil. Increased vitamin E content will help you stimulate your metabolism. In addition, it is not for nothing that these substances are called beauty vitamins.

    Drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day. Moreover, add not only mineral water to your diet, but also healthy drinks.

    Stimulate your appetite with fruit or vegetable juice. Many suffer from low acidity, so non-alcoholic beer can easily cope with this problem.

The main condition of your diet: The number of calories burned should be less than the number consumed. Eating frequently will help you absorb all the calories without putting a strain on your stomach.

Menu for weight gain

Now a diet will help a girl gain weight. Here is a sample menu for those who want to gain weight by eating healthy.

Breakfast. A cup of coffee with milk 2.5% fat with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Cappuccino, 4 toasts with jam, croissant with jam. You can replace this breakfast with a more complete one: oatmeal with fruits, honey and nuts.

Snack. You can have a snack with meat or fruit pies, washing them down with juice.

Dinner. Soup with macaroni and cheese, fish. Add sour cream to the soup. Also choose a vegetable salad and two slices of bread.

Afternoon snack. Ice cream with fruit, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, fruit with yogurt or a sandwich with fish or ham.

Dinner. Baked meat or fish with vegetables, rice or bread. Fruit salad and honey.

For the night. At night it is better to drink a cup of milk or kefir.

For those who like to experiment, we recommend protein shake for weight gain. To prepare it you need: 1 pack of cottage cheese, 1 glass of cream, 2 tablespoons of honey and the same amount of jam. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. This cocktail is not only very useful for recovery, but also delicious.

Gain weight quickly

Some more useful tips:

  • How to gain weight quickly? Baby formula will help, which should be consumed instead of milk throughout the day. Such products for weight gain for babies are also suitable for adult girls.
  • Exercising will help you gain weight

    In order not to gain weight exclusively in the abdominal area, it is very important to give the body a full load. Physical activity will help your body gain weight through muscle mass, and not by increasing body fat. Running is unlikely to be suitable in this case. And here training on simulators– just what you need! If possible, hire a trainer for yourself. He will be able to monitor whether you are doing the right thing. Your activities will be limited mainly to strength exercises. The chest, arms, legs, hips, and lower legs will need to be thoroughly worked out. This way they will not sag and will take on beautiful shapes.

    Thanks to physical activity, you will also not have problems with your skin and its tone.

    Use steroids. After consulting with professionals, you can use these supplements too.

Have you always considered yourself too skinny? Skin and bones? While most people need to lose weight, gaining it back can be a very difficult task. Do you want to know how to quickly gain weight without harm to your health? In this article we will tell you how to increase body weight in a short time.

1. Eat frequently to consume more calories

Although everyone should follow this rule, this is especially important for those who are trying to gain weight quickly. Eating often means eating five to six small meals a day that contain as many calories and nutrients as possible.

This doesn't mean eating junk food and sugar, it means more protein and complex carbohydrates. If you want to gain healthy weight, don't store fat. Your snacks should be nutritious but high in calories, think about:

  • nuts
  • nut butter
  • dried fruits
  • avocado.

And this is your evening snack. Forward!

And while this is a great way to gain weight, it's not healthy, so avoid sugary drinks and coffee. Replenish your fluid supply with plain water and smoothies (like an iced milkshake) or skim milk or juice shakes for a more active increase in calories.

Diet menu for weight gain

Have you already figured out how to gain weight in a short time? That's right, you need to eat well, that is, consume enough calories for muscle growth. And you need to take into account the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The bottom line is that each of these nutrients is very important in nutrition, and they must be present in the diet of a person who wants to gain weight quickly.

To make things easier for you, we have compiled an approximate diet for weight gain for men and women. To begin with, you can use them as they are on the site or you can customize them to suit you by replacing products or increasing their quantity if you feel that this will not be enough for active growth.

For men


Dinner and supper

Snacks between main meals

Sample menu for girls


Lunch - dinner

Snacks 2-3 times a day

To gain weight as quickly as possible, you can use the suggested nutritional options. If there is no result, then the calorie intake needs to be increased. This can be done by simply doubling the number of servings, or adding 1-2 more meals, or adding high-calorie foods. It's your choice, whichever is more convenient for you.

2. Eat the right types of fats

You want to gain weight and look healthy, not like a skeleton with a belly. Then maximize your intake of cereal, dairy products, nuts (including nut butters), and meat, and avoid ice cream, fried foods, and fatty junk foods.

Healthy fats should come from fish, peanuts, cashews and olive oil. Beware of saturated (bad) animal fats. If you want something tasty, bran muffins, yoghurt, fruit pie and fitness bars are good alternatives.

3. More protein

While it's a myth that the more protein you eat, the more muscle you'll build, protein is an important part of your diet. It is a building material for our entire body: muscles, bones, skin, hair and blood. So complete your menu.

Foods enriched with proteins include meat, cheese, milk, fish and eggs. For vegetarians, protein can come from soy products such as tofu, or better yet from a combination of foods such as rice or corn and legumes.

4. Increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet

Although they are criticized, carbohydrates provide energy and help build muscle and are involved in all life functions. Carbohydrates are your body's main source of energy. But it is better to avoid simple carbohydrates. They hold empty calories and are likely to be stored as fat because sugar quickly entering your bloodstream causes your blood sugar levels to spike.

Buckwheat, rice, pasta (pasta made from durum wheat), potatoes and all grains fall into the approved category. Glucose from them is released into the blood slowly and provides a stable supply of energy for a long period, without causing insulin surges that lead to fat deposition.

When gaining weight, the total calorie intake per day is calculated. And to gain weight, you need to increase your daily caloric intake. Eating before bed will add another meal and increase your overall caloric intake.

In addition, the body needs about 3-4 hours to digest and absorb food. After this time, he is in a state of hunger and begins to use muscles to obtain nutrients. That is, it begins to destroy hard-earned muscles.

To avoid gaining excess fat, you can eat the following as your last meal before bed:

  • cottage cheese
  • white meat
  • fish.

2. Exercises to gain weight quickly

If you decide to go to the gym or have some equipment at home, pay attention, this will allow you to properly create a training program. And also use our selection tips, because the length of the limbs, size and muscle strength impose certain restrictions on training.

1. Strength training

To gain weight quickly, it is not enough to simply increase your caloric intake. The fact is that the body must see the need to gain additional muscle mass. Because more weight means an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system and an increase in the load on the nervous system. Which, for safety reasons, our body will not do. He must see a clear need to gain muscle.

Strength training will help us with this, as it will give a signal that the existing muscles are not enough and we need to build new ones. And increased caloric intake will be a good opportunity for weight gain.

Yes, cardio training develops some of your muscles, but how can you gain weight quickly if your body does not receive sufficient strength training? No way. And here training with additional weights will come to the rescue. This is a good complex.

This doesn't mean you have to become an affiliation with the gym (although that certainly works!). Perform push-ups, crunches, lunges and squats in the comfort of your own home. But to speed up the process and get better results, you need to use additional weight.

Exercise will also increase your appetite. A protein bar or shake after your workout will give your muscles what they need.

2. Increase physical activity

As stated above, in order to gain weight, the body must receive a stimulus. Your muscles should receive more load and work harder. If your loads are small, change them and make them more challenging.

Buy strength training equipment for your home. This will work if you only have 15 minutes before going to work, then you can flex all your muscles by doing a quick muscle building program that will set you on the right path.

3. Use less energy outside of training

Besides storing, burn as few calories as you can. Grab the remote, your milkshake, and collapse on the couch. 🙂

If you really are becoming less mobile everywhere, then it is important to do strength training. Even if you don't see fat on your body, visceral fat (the kind that covers your internal organs) may appear unnoticed. And internal fat loves inactivity. So before you sit down to watch a movie, pump the iron. And only then have a movie marathon with a few light snacks.

  • Bring snacks, cheese, nuts. They can be consumed between meals. This is convenient when it is not possible to take buckwheat with meat with you
  • If you feel like you're gaining extra fat, reduce your calories, eliminate or replace unhealthy foods with healthier ones, and do more exercise to burn fat.

Boys rarely ask themselves the question: “Why am I so thin?” The problem worsens in adolescence, when they measure their strength, begin to be interested in the opposite sex, and are ranked according to the rating of “male beauty.” Then it turns out that girls are more willing to be friends with athletic, well-built men. They deprive attention of loose fat people and “eternal teenagers” with sunken chests and thin necks. The desire to gain weight, look good and be liked by girls is possible: you need to work smartly on your character and body.

Where do skinny men come from?

The first thing to do is to establish the cause of thinness: it can be pathological and physiological.

Pathological thinness

Sudden weight loss is caused by diseases such as:

If within 1-2 months the loss is more than 5% of weight, the first right step is to visit a doctor, first a therapist, and then a specialist. It will not be possible to gain weight with such diseases.

Nervous disorders are a particularly common cause of weight loss.

  1. Stress forces the human body to work in high alert mode. All its resources (fat, protein) literally burn, turning into carbohydrates - a source of energy for the body. Even increased nutrition during periods of stress will not help a person gain weight.
  2. Depression is a consequence of prolonged stress. It is associated with decreased vitality, lack of appetite and, as a result, weight loss.
  3. Anorexia is a mental illness caused by the fear of being fat. The guy exhausts himself with diets and intense physical activity, becomes incredibly thin, but is convinced that he needs to lose weight.

In such cases, consultation and treatment with a psychotherapist and psychiatrist, sedatives, vitamins, and psychotropic medications are necessary.

Physiological thinness

  1. Body type with its own metabolic characteristics.

The tendency to be thin may be an innate predisposition. According to their bodily constitution, all people are divided into three types:

  • endomorphs - hypersthenics;
  • mesomorphs - normosthenics;
  • ectomorphs - asthenics.

Thin and tall men with a small layer of subcutaneous fat and elongated muscles on thin bones belong to the type of ectomorphs or asthenics. Their peculiarity is accelerated metabolism (metabolism), in which the fat layer does not have time to form, and muscle building occurs with great difficulty.

Improper nutrition nullifies all attempts of asthenic people to gain weight. People with asthenic build should eat often and a lot. But they don’t have a big appetite, and they eat 1-2 times a day. The body only replenishes energy costs and does not receive material for building muscles.

Disrupted work and rest patterns are of fundamental importance in weight gain: people gain weight while they sleep. Disordered and insufficient sleep, eating on the go is a clear sign that an asthenic person will have neither smooth outlines nor defined muscles.

Is it really necessary to gain weight?

Do you need to gain weight? Two formulas derived back in the 19th century will help answer this question.

1. Broca's formula is suitable for men with a height of 155 cm to 170 cm.

Weight = (Height - 100) - (Height - 100)*0.1

Let's say a guy is 170 cm tall, his normal weight will be:

(170 - 100) - (170 - 100) *0.1 = 70 - 7 = 63. If your weight is 1–2 kg less than normal, then you need to take care to increase it.

2. The international indicator of height and weight correspondence is the Body Mass Index. This formula appeared at the end of the 19th century.

BMI = Body weight/Height2 (squared)

Body weight is taken in kilograms, and height in meters. This indicator is universal and has no restrictions on growth. The calculated indices are compared with recommendations developed by the World Health Organization:

Table: relationship between mass index and body weight

So, if the body mass index of a young person under 25 years of age is less than 17.5, and there are no serious illnesses, then he needs to increase his body weight. Excessive thinness is dangerous to health and has negative consequences.

  1. The immune system is weakened, diseases chain one after another: herpes, colds, sore throats, flu, etc.
  2. The bones become thin, the spine bends towards the digestive organs and puts pressure on them; food is poorly digested; appetite worsens.
  3. Nervousness increases, mood drops, fatigue does not go away.
  4. Tissues and organs quickly age and wear out, hair turns gray, and nails break.
  5. A very thin person freezes quickly; every wound on the skin threatens complications, since there is no fat protection. The absence of fat deposits under the skin deprives the body of energy reserves.

How can you gain weight quickly?

Getting better for an asthenic person is a difficult task. You need to radically change your lifestyle: first, change your diet; secondly, start training your body; thirdly, observe the work and rest schedule.

Proper nutrition management consists of several sequential steps.

Calculating your daily calorie intake for weight gain

Let's start with the Harris-Benedict formula, which determines the basal metabolism - the basic amount of calories to maintain the vital functions of the body itself:

GV = 88 + (13.4* weight) + (5*height) - (5.8*age)

If a guy is 180 cm tall, weighs 70 kg, and is 25 years old, then the base amount will be:

88 + (13.4*70) + (5*180) - (5.8*25) = 88 + 938 + 900 - 145= 1781 kcal/day.

This number of calories must be multiplied by the activity coefficient. It depends on the intensity of the loads that a person has during the day.

  • Sedentary lifestyle: sedentary work, passive rest - the coefficient is 1.2.
  • There are active days 1–2 times a week: work in the country, jogging, training - 1.3.
  • 2–3 days a week playing sports or physical work - 1.5.
  • Long-distance running, daily training or constant physical work - 1.7 – 1.9.

Let's say our guy spends 3 days a week in the gym, then he needs to consume:

1781*1.5 = 2775.5 kcal/day.

These calories will only replenish his energy costs. To increase weight, you should add another 400–600 kcal to the norm, because muscles are not built from thin air. An asthenic person should consume more than 3000 kcal daily in order to achieve weight gain.

Determination of diet

In men, weight is gained through an increase in muscle mass, this is achieved by a balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

  • Proteins are the building material for muscles. You need to eat 2–2.5 g of protein for every kilogram of weight. If you weigh 70 kg, this would be 140–180 g of protein, which is 560–720 kcal or 20–25% of the diet. Especially useful: chicken meat; eggs; mackerel, herring, red fish; cottage cheese.
  • Carbohydrates. Asthenics have significant energy costs, this is due to accelerated metabolism. Therefore, carbohydrates occupy a central place in nutrition. They are consumed at the rate of 4–6 g per 1 kg of weight, i.e. 280–420 grams per day, which is equal to 1100–1700 kcal or 60% of the diet.
  • “Fast” carbohydrates (sweets, fruits, baked goods) are high in calories, restore energy costs well, but do not stay in the body for long. “Slow” ones - with a long chain of decomposition reactions - play an important role in the formation of muscle mass. These include porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice; pasta, potatoes; apples, bananas, zucchini, tomatoes.
  • Fats are needed in an amount of 1–2 g/kg of weight; for a weight of, for example, 70 kg, this will be 70–140 grams per day. It is better not to get carried away with saturated fats (butter, pork, fast food), they are absorbed only by 25-30%. Unsaturated: vegetable oil, nuts, are 100% digestible and should prevail in the diet over animal fats.

Carbohydrates play an important role in gaining muscle mass

The right approach to food

For an asthenic person this is perhaps the most difficult thing. Lack of appetite forces him to eat when the body is literally screaming about the lack of calories to live. This means that all minor fat reserves have already been burned, and muscle tissue begins to break down. In order to provide yourself with energy, and even have the material to gain weight, you need to regularly add the appropriate amount of calories into the “metabolic furnace”: you need to eat often and the food that is needed at the moment.

A hearty breakfast is absolutely mandatory for an ectomorph: eggs, cereal, bread, coffee - this is a charge of energy + building material for muscles. Between the main meals there should be 3-4 intermediate meals: energy refueling in the form of fruits, sandwiches, juices. Protein lunch with good portions of meat, fish, potatoes, vegetable salads. An hour before training and immediately after it - a light snack of “fast” carbohydrates (fruits, sweets) that restore energy reserves + a protein shake. In the evening - cottage cheese, milk, kefir - sources of “night” proteins, because weight gain occurs at night.

Table: how to eat right to gain weight

Meals First option Second option Third option
First breakfastButter (60g), porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), black bread, coffee, jam.Three-egg omelette with rye bread, canned corn (1/3 can), grapes or melon; black tea with jam.2–3 eggs (boiled or fried), cheese, oatmeal (buckwheat, rice), 1–2 tsp. flaxseed oil, bread, tea or coffee.
LunchA sandwich with butter or sausage, a glass of milk.Bread, cheese, juice or kefir, a handful of nuts or dried fruits.Fruits (apple, banana), protein shake.
DinnerMeat broth with pasta, meat or fish (100–150 g), potatoes (fried or mashed), vegetable salad.Soup, potatoes with meat or fish, vegetable salad, compote.Vegetable salad, meat (chicken, beef), rice or potato bread.
“Refueling” before training Oatmeal, banana, tea with a chocolate bar.Fruits.
after training
Chocolate bar, bananas, gainer.
DinnerPorridge or cottage cheese with sour cream, vegetable salad, sandwich with butter or sausage.Rice or buckwheat porridge, green peas (1/3 of a jar), berries, apple, orange (depending on the season); green tea.Fish or poultry, cereal, juice.
Refueling before bed A glass of kefir or milk.Cottage cheese, kefir.

It is necessary to eat food at the same time, only then will the body be ready for the next dose of calories: enzymes are released and appetite appears. The best way to increase appetite is diet, a great desire to gain weight and look beautiful.

A set of products for weight gain in the photo

Meat is rich in protein and contains naturally occurring creatine Eggs are a source of proteins that the body needs every day Cottage cheese is rich in casein, which provides the body with long-acting protein Fruits and vegetables provide the body with many nutrients, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene Nuts are a rich source monounsaturated fats

The sweat of your brow increases your weight

The second condition for increasing muscle tissue is muscle training, although they do not grow due to physical activity. Training causes fatigue in the muscles and triggers the restoration mechanism of muscle fibers, which grow during the rest period (if there is building material for this!).

“Fat people” have to run and move, burning calories, while the lot of asthenics is to “carry iron.” No matter how scary it may be for their fragile bones.

Classes consist of basic exercises with dumbbells and a barbell: bench press - for the shoulder and pectoral muscles; squats - to increase legs; deadlift - for a powerful back. But not all exercises are immediately suitable for beginners; you can damage joints and tear ligaments. Therefore, the training program and types of exercises must be determined with the trainer.

Video: basic exercises for gaining muscle mass

Some rules for gaining weight:

  1. The repeated effort method is the most effective at increasing muscle mass. The main thing here is not the magnitude of the load, but the repetition of the exercise “until muscle failure” until there is no strength to make the next jerk. During the last jerks, a “burning” appears, which indicates extreme stress in the trained muscle and the creation of conditions for its growth during the rest period. A short rest - 0.5–2 minutes - and a new approach. Three to four approaches provide maximum load for the muscles.
  2. Mandatory rest and relaxation (5-10 minutes) after performing one exercise before approaching another.
  3. Algorithm for increasing loads: if your own weight has increased by 1 kg, the number of repetitions of the exercise should be increased by 10, or the weight of the barbell by 2 kg. It is not recommended for thin people to work with one weight for more than a week: muscle growth will not occur.
  4. Classes should be no more than three times a week, muscles should rest and recover, this is when their growth occurs.
  5. The best time to work out in the gym is in the evening, from 20 to 22 hours.

At home, pull-ups on the horizontal bar are required - for a sculpted back and shoulder girdle; push-ups that tighten the pectoral muscles.

Steroids - hormonal drugs - allow athletes to quickly increase muscle mass before competitions. In ordinary life, they will lead to hormonal imbalance and liver disorders. Flexing your biceps on the podium and then falling down with a diseased liver is not an option for a happy life.

Preparing gainer at home

Gainer is a biologically active food supplement rich in protein and carbohydrates; means for gaining muscle mass.

1. “Chocolate lard” - an ancient folk remedy known to our great-grandmothers. With its help, you can gain weight up to 1.5 kg per week.

  • 400 g lard;
  • 6 green apples;
  • 12 egg yolks;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 100 g chocolate.

Cut the lard and apples into small pieces and heat in the oven at moderate temperature, then rub through a sieve. Grind the yolks with sugar and mix with the shaved chocolate. Mix all. Spread the delicious chocolate mixture on bread and wash it down with hot milk.

2. A sports gainer can be prepared from available materials. You can drink it after training and between meals up to three times a day.

  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Milk 2–3% - 400 ml;
  • Honey - 1 tsp;
  • Wash the eggs thoroughly, break them into a bowl, add milk, add honey and mix with a blender.

All men who managed to overcome their thinness and turn from an “ugly duckling” into a swan adhered to three golden rules. Here they are:

Here's a paradox - some people put on extra pounds, even a tiny donut, while others eat from the belly and are as slim as a cypress, or even just thin, one might say, skinny, and passionately want to get better. Is it possible for such people to gain weight, what should they do? Are there other methods besides increased nutrition - answers and useful tips in this article.

Causes of underweight

So, you are determined to get better. Thin women want to add roundness to their shapes, and angular men want to add volume to their muscles.

Aren't you afraid of difficulties? After all, gaining weight is not an easy task. It may take a lot of time, effort and patience. And the increase, most likely, will not be particularly noticeable.

Thinness in the absence of diseases is more of a psychological problem. You just don’t like your own appearance and it seems that the treasured few kilograms will save the situation.

In fact, according to many doctors, thin people have better health and are more likely to live a long life.

Before you start gaining weight, rule out one of the reasons for being thin.

Reason No. 1. Diseases

Weight loss is often associated with hormonal imbalances. Impaired production of thyroid hormones affects the metabolic rate, which can cause weight fluctuations.

Often these diseases are accompanied by loss of appetite. This symptom should alert you and make you see a doctor. There is no point in trying to gain weight if losing it is associated with some kind of illness.

Reason No. 2. Bad habits

Do you know this fact - smoking speeds up your metabolism?

Reference: metabolism (metabolism) is a set of chemical reactions in the body that support its vital functions.

In addition to harm to health, smokers often also have a high risk of losing weight.

Painful thinness is also common in drug addicts.

Excessive consumption of tea and coffee (containing caffeine) also contributes to weight loss.

Reason No. 3. Human Constitution

Body weight is programmed genetically. Thinness is inherent in you by Mother Nature, there is no escape - it will be very difficult to get better.

If you have an asthenic body type, it means that gaining weight is truly hard work for you. Thin asthenics have an increased metabolic rate. There is not enough fat mass, and the muscles are poorly expressed.

How can such slender girls be? Expert opinions vary. Some argue: with the right approach, it’s possible to get better, it’s just that the process will be long and persistent, and the result will be modest. Others are sure: deviating from the genetically established norm is a useless exercise. Anyway, the kilograms you gained with difficulty will quickly go away.

Reason No. 4. Physical activity

Strenuous physical activity - strenuous sports training or hard work - often leads to weight loss. By the way, in addition to the loss of fat and muscle tissue, the body also loses moisture. It helps reduce body weight, but dehydration is extremely harmful.

What should I do? Optimize exercise and eat quality food.

Reason No. 5. Stress

You know the truism - all diseases are caused by nerves. Troubles at home and at work, conflict situations, illnesses of loved ones, difficult life situations cause nervous tension and stress. Because of this, a person can suddenly lose weight - stress hormones actively burn fat.

Determining body mass index

Are you really too thin or do you think so? It is very difficult to evaluate yourself objectively.

There is a BMI (body mass index) indicator that will help you understand whether the problem is imaginary or real.

It is calculated as follows: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m) 2.

Your weight in kilograms is divided by your height squared. For example: with a height of 1.7 m and a weight of 65 kg, the BMI will be 22.5. This indicator fits into the norm recommended by the World Health Organization - from 18 to 24.9.

Smaller numbers already indicate a lack of weight, and an index of 16 and below means there is a dangerously pronounced lack of weight. It is necessary to recover, but only under the supervision of doctors, because we are clearly talking about serious health problems.

It turns out that the task of gaining weight is very individual in each case. For some it is vital, and for others it is important from an aesthetic point of view.

What to do to get better

We have decided that only completely healthy people can gain weight on their own. In principle, ideally, they too should turn to professionals. A nutritionist would select the optimal weight gain program specifically for each person. Understanding that this option is not available to everyone, we will figure out how to recover on our own.

Sleep and rest mode

Does it help you gain weight? Definitely yes. And here's why: a sound, restful sleep, ideally 8 hours, relieves stress (and we remember - it makes you lose weight), lifts your mood, and improves your appetite. During sleep, the growth hormone somatropin is produced, which helps build muscle.

On weekends, allow yourself an afternoon nap, just lie down and relax for half an hour or an hour. After having lunch at work, also try to sit quietly for a while. During the working day, relaxing 10-15 minute breaks are useful.

Evening walks will help improve your sleep.

Sports activities

We remember that excessive physical activity provokes weight loss; on the contrary, properly dosed sports activities help increase body weight.

Physical exercise promotes muscle development, and both men and women need it, but to varying degrees.
It is optimal, of course, to work with a personal trainer according to an individual program. But... In general, we can handle it ourselves.

You need to load all muscle groups, an excellent way is swimming and tennis. Exercises with weights are suitable. There are many complexes for muscle development. If you set a goal to train regularly, choose the right one; fortunately, they are easy to find on the Internet or in specialized literature.

Nutrition for those who want to get better

We have come to the most interesting part - after all, most of us are sure that proper nutrition will help us gain those treasured kilos.

A calorie is a measurement of the energy contained in food and used by our body.

If you consume more calories than you burn, the excess is stored by the body and weight is gained. How many of these calories someone needs depends on gender, age, activity and physical activity. On average: 1600-2400 for women and 2400-3000 for men.

To gain weight, you need to increase your calorie intake by 500-1000 per day. But remember: it is not the number of calories itself that is important, but where they are found. Food should be healthy! You can, of course, eat the cake and add about 500 units, but it’s probably healthier to get them by having lunch with a piece of turkey with a side dish of rice.

This means you shouldn’t overeat on buns, pies, cakes and chocolates. Calorie? Yes, but our goal is to get better, not to get diabetes, tooth decay and indigestion. We will add kilograms by eating healthy foods.

Here is a whole list of what saturates the body with essential proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins:

  • Eggs are tasty, high in calories, a source of protein, vitamins A, D, E, and folic acid.
  • Fatty fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna contain the protein we need, omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids promote heart function.
  • Shrimp is a high-calorie seafood product, rich in protein and amino acids.
  • Cheese is valuable for its high protein and fat content, calcium, and calorie content.
  • Milk, sour cream, yogurt - we use it daily, we get vitamins, protein, calcium.
  • Butter: we eat both butter and vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, peanut, corn.
  • Carbohydrate-rich foods: pasta, oatmeal, cereal, baked goods, legumes, brown rice, vegetables.

Also required in the diet: fruits, juices, nuts and seeds, dried fruits.

We also try to gain weight with nutritional cocktails.

There is a folk recipe: stir 2-3 tablespoons of full-fat sour cream in a glass of dark beer, add salt and drink.

Another high-calorie drink: mix a glass of milk, a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a teaspoon of honey, and add a couple of ice cubes.

In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is good to have snacks during breaks. Almonds, peanuts, dried fruits are suitable. Don't forget about fruits - bananas, peaches, melon, grapes. You can easily afford ice cream or cake between main meals.

Many nutritionists recommend such a rich diet in order to gain weight.

But there is an alternative point of view. Its adherents criticize frequent and high-calorie meals, citing their own reasonable arguments.

Firstly, if you saturate your body with food all day, when will it all have time to be digested? Secondly, such food puts a strain on the pancreas and liver, and our internal organs are not a conveyor belt for processing the flow of products ().

There is not more, but better - this is the motto of this method.

For those who want to increase fat tissue (ladies, of course), carbohydrates will help. And muscle development is promoted by amino acids obtained from protein products: eggs, milk, meat, fish. Men should focus on them.

Vegetables and fruits provide enzymes that help digest food. They are a must in the diet of those gaining weight.
In general, a menu whose goal is to gain weight is simply the envy of those losing weight. Is it possible to compare the range and quantity of products needed in these cases?

Regarding special products: anabolic steroids, gainers, protein supplements. Don't feel like they are your lifeline. Athletes use similar things during intense physical exertion and under the supervision of specialists.

Achieve results with proper nutrition and lifestyle.

In pursuit of the desired kilograms, let's try not to harm ourselves, not to turn into an automaton, absorbing more and more portions of food. It's better to be thin but healthy than to be well-fed but sick.