XV international competition. Conditions of the competition

1. The XV International Tchaikovsky Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) will be held in the cities: Moscow (piano, violin) and St. Petersburg (cello, solo singing) between June 15 and July 3, 2015. The founders of the Competition are the Government Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

2. Competition specialties: piano, violin, cello, solo singing (men and women).

3. Musicians from all countries can take part in the Competition. The age of competitors in the fields of piano, violin and cello must be no younger than 16 and no older than 32 years at the opening of the Competition (June 15, 2015). The age of competitors in the solo singing specialty must be no younger than 19 and no older than 32 years at the time of the opening of the Competition (June 15, 2015). First prize winners of the International Tchaikovsky Competitions are not entitled to take part in the Competition.

4. No more than 30 pianists, 25 violinists, 25 cellists and 40 vocalists (20 men and 20 women) will be allowed to participate in the Competition. Participants in the Competition will be selected by a reputable jury appointed by the Organizing Committee of the Competition, based on the results of the qualifying round (review of the application and submitted documents, viewing of the video recording of the program) and preliminary auditions.

5. Official address of the Competition Directorate:
119002, Russia, Moscow
st. Arbat, 35, office 557
Russian State Concert Company "SODRUSHSTVO"
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://competition-tchaikovsky.com

Tel. 8-499-248-19-43


1. The application for participation must be submitted online: apply.competition-tchaikovsky.com/ru/users/sign_in before March 01, 2015. The application for participation in the Competition must include the following documents and materials:

  • duly completed application;
  • a copy of the candidate’s identity document (birth certificate or passport);
  • biography (approximately 1000 characters);
  • color photographs in digital format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, including one photo close-up, suitable for publication.
  • a copy of the Diploma of Music Education;
  • copies of diplomas of laureates of international competitions for the last 3 years;
  • two letters of recommendation: one from the candidate’s teacher, the other from the concert performer/performers with international recognition. Letters must be written in the form special recommendation for the participation of a candidate in the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition;
  • a detailed program, indicating the keys of the works, their parts, as well as the duration of performance for both auditions and the Competition. Changes to the program are allowed only until April 14, 2015;
  • a list of concerts with orchestra in the candidate’s repertoire (at least four), ready for performance during the 2015-2016 season (for specialties: piano, violin, cello);
  • list of major solo and chamber works or opera parts(for the solo singing specialty) with the dates of their last public performances (provided if available);
  • video recording of a 30-minute program (free repertoire of the participant’s choice), unedited, made during the period from November 2013 to February 2015. This recording must be provided in AVI format on DVD media or as a web link. The video recording must be filmed with one fixed camera, without interruptions during the performance of one piece, and show the musician in full height(view from the auditorium).

2. Simultaneously with the submission of the Application (or no later March 01, 2015) You must pay a non-refundable entry fee of US$200 or an amount in Russian rubles equivalent to the specified dollar amount at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of payment. The transfer fee is paid by the participant in addition to the amount. A copy of the transfer of the contribution must be attached to the package of documents. Documents without a copy of the bank transfer will not be considered. Payment is made by bank transfer to the following account:

In rubles (only for transfers within Russia) with the note: fee for participation in the XV International Competition named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky, full name and country of the sender.


account 40501810600002000079
BIC 044583001
KBK 00000000000000000130
INN 7704011869 Checkpoint 770401001

Full name:


3. The application must be completed in English or Russian. Incomplete applications or applications without the accompanying materials listed above will not be accepted for consideration. Applicants should retain copies of all materials submitted with their completed application. Materials submitted to the Competition will not be returned.


1. The competition consists of a qualifying round, preliminary auditions and three main rounds: first, second and third (final).

1.1. IN qualifying round all candidates who submitted participate Required documents and materials. The selection of candidates for preliminary auditions will be based on the submitted video recordings of the program and submitted documents. The selection committee has the right to invite first prize winners of the World Federation of International Competitions, the Alink-Argerich Foundation and the All-Russian Music Competition to take part directly in the competition.

1.2. Preliminary auditions will take place in Moscow before the start of the main competitive auditions:
from June 9 to June 13, 2015 for the piano specialty,
from June 11 to June 14, 2015 for the violin specialty,
from June 10 to June 13, 2015 for the cello specialty,
from June 14 to June 20, 2015 for the specialty solo singing.

The Directorate will notify candidates of admission to participate in the preliminary auditions of the Competition no later than March 30, 2015.

The exact date, time and place of auditions will be posted on the Competition website no later than March 30, 2015.

Candidates invited to the preliminary audition will be required to perform any part of the program prepared for participation in the Competition, according to own choice. The duration of the performance for instrumentalists is 20 minutes, for vocalists – 15 minutes.

Candidates invited to the preliminary audition are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs. Candidates who qualify for the first round will be reimbursed for travel expenses to Moscow.

1.3. No more than 30 pianists, 25 violinists, 25 cellists and 40 vocalists (20 men and 20 women) will be allowed to participate in the First Round.

2. No more than 12 pianists, 12 violinists, 12 cellists and 20 vocalists (10 men and 10 women) will be allowed to participate in the Second Round. No more than 6 pianists, 6 violinists, 6 cellists and 8 vocalists (4 men and 4 women) will be allowed to participate in the Third Round.

2.1. The second round for pianists, violinists and cellists is held in two stages. The first stage is a solo performance, the second stage is a performance with a chamber orchestra.

3. Competitors (except pianists) can come to the Competition with their own accompanists, which they must indicate in the Application, or perform with an accompanist proposed by the Organizing Committee (2 rehearsals and a performance in the First and Second Rounds).

4. The order of performances of the competitors in the First Round is determined by drawing lots and remains the same throughout the entire Competition. However, members of the jury for each specialty may decide to change the order of performances due to the competitor’s illness or other force majeure circumstances.

5. Competitors will be provided with rehearsal rooms and time for acoustic rehearsals before each round on the stage of the concert hall where the Competition will take place.

6. Pianists will be given the right to choose their instrument during June 13 and 14, 2015. Competitors have the opportunity to change the choice of instrument at any time by informing the Competition Directorate no later than one day before their next performance. However, the opportunity to try the instrument will only be given before the final round.

7. All works are performed by heart, except for sonatas for violin and piano and sonatas for cello and piano.

8. The Competition is held in accordance with the schedule published on the Competition website.

9. All auditions are held publicly.

10. Contestants may not contact any member of the jury while participating in the Competition. Any violation
This rule may result in the disqualification of the competitor.

11. The results of each round of the Competition are announced at its end.


1. A competitor who has qualified for the First Round and his accompanist (pianist) will be compensated for travel to Moscow in the presence of reporting documents (invoice for payment for the ticket, ticket, boarding pass) in an amount not exceeding $1000 US. Payment will be made in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day the competitor submits documents.

A return economy class air ticket or train ticket from Moscow to your place of residence will be purchased by the Directorate upon application.

The competitor and his accompanist (pianist) are provided with hotel accommodation and meals from the day of arrival in Moscow/St. Petersburg, but not earlier:
June 12, 2015 – for the piano specialty,
June 13, 2015 – for the cello specialty,
June 14, 2015 – for the violin specialty,
June 20, 2015 – for the specialty solo singing
and before the end of his participation in the Competition, but no later than two days after elimination.

2. Contestants who have received an invitation to participate in the Competition and reside in a country that has a visa regime with the Russian Federation must independently apply to the nearest consulate of the Russian Federation to obtain a visa. The Competition Directorate undertakes to provide all necessary invitations, but is not responsible for obtaining a visa and related costs.

3. Contestants who arrived to participate in the Competition and refuse to perform shall bear all expenses for their stay and travel.

4. The registration fee of 200 US dollars must be transferred to the account of the Competition Directorate by bank transfer. The transfer fee is paid by the participant in addition to the amount. A copy of the transfer of the contribution must be attached to the package of documents. Documents without a copy of the bank transfer will not be considered.

In rubles (only for transfers within Russia)
(with the note: fee for participation in the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition, full name and country of the sender)

UFK for Moscow (RGKK "SODRUSHESTVO" l/s 20736Х72780) in l/s X in English
account 40501810600002000079
BIC 044583001
KBK 00000000000000000130
INN 7704011869 Checkpoint 770401001
OKATO 45286552000, OKTMO 45374000
Full name:
Federal State state-financed organization culture "Russian State Concert

Abbreviated name: RGKK "SODRUSHSTVO"
Legal and actual address:
119002, Moscow, st. Arbat, 35


1. The Organizing Committee of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition announces 6 prizes for pianists, 6 prizes for violinists, 6 prizes for cellists, 4 prizes for singers and 4 prizes for singers. Among the first prize winners in all specialties, one Grand Prix winner may be announced.

The following awards are established:
Grand Prix US$100,000 – in addition to the 1st Prize amount
1st Prize US$30,000 and Gold Medal
2nd Prize US$20,000 and Silver Medal
III Prize US$10,000 and Bronze Medal
IV Prize US$5,000 and Diploma
V Prize $3,000 USA and Diploma
VI Prize $2,000 US and Diploma

Prize “For the best performance of a concert with a chamber orchestra in the Second Round” $2,000 US and a Diploma (in each of the specialties piano, violin, cello).

2. Premiums are paid in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of payment.

3. Depending on the results achieved and within the established number of awards, the jury has the right to:
a) not all prizes are awarded
b) divide the prizes between the contestants (except for the First and Grand Prix).

4. Two best participant The second round, determined by the jury for each specialty, who did not make it to the Third round, are awarded diplomas and an incentive prize in the amount of $1000.

5. The jury has the right to award diplomas and prizes in the amount of $1000 US the best accompanists Competition (no more than two in each specialty).

6. The decisions of the jury are final and cannot be revised.

7. By agreement with the Organizing Committee, it is possible to establish special and additional prizes by other state, commercial, public or creative organizations, both Russian and foreign. Prizes must be agreed with the Organizing Committee not later start Competition.


1. The finalists of the Competition and their accompanists will be required to take part free of charge in the closing ceremony of the Competition and the concerts of the laureates on July 2, 2015 in Moscow and July 3, 2015 in St. Petersburg.

2. All rounds of the Competition can be broadcast live and recorded for subsequent broadcasts and publications on audio and video media. The competition will be partially or fully available for viewing via the Internet.

3. All rights to broadcast, audio and video recordings of the Competition and the final concerts of the laureates without additional fees for its participants belong to the Competition Directorate, as well as the sale and distribution of these materials.

4. Contestants undertake to sign a document confirming that there are no claims to the use of the above materials by the Organizing Committee and its authorized representatives. The Organizing Committee and its authorized representatives do not bear financial obligations to the competitors for the use of the received materials.

5. In agreement with the Organizing Committee, the winners of the first three prizes in each specialty will perform for free with a maximum of two solo concerts in favor of the XVI International Tchaikovsky Competition.

6. The Directorate does not provide contestants, accompanists and other accompanying persons with any types of insurance.

7. Contestants must not have any other professional obligations during the Competition.

8. An application signed by a candidate for participation in the Competition is evidence that the future participant in the Competition fully accepts these Terms.

9. All information posted on the official Competition website is correct at the time of publication. At the same time, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to make changes if circumstances so require, but no later than two months before the start of the Competition. In case of disagreement in reading the texts and conditions between the Russian and English versions, the Russian version is correct.

MOSCOW, July 1. /TASS/. Winners of the gold medal of the XV International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky became 27-year-old among pianists Russian musician Dmitry Masleev, a native of Ulan-Ude. This was announced on Wednesday at the awards ceremony in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

“The gold medal ($30 thousand) was awarded to Dmitry Masleev from Russia,” said jury member Denis Matsuev.

Second place ($20 thousand) was taken by 19-year-old virtuoso from the USA George Lee, as well as the owner of an excellent pianist school, Lukas Geniušas, a student and grandson of the outstanding pianist Vera Gornostaeva. Bronze ($10 thousand) was awarded to himself to the young participant competition to 16-year-old Daniil Kharitonov, a student of the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, and 24-year-old Sergei Redkin from St. Petersburg.

The fourth prize went to the Frenchman Luc Debrargue, a self-proclaimed virtuoso who began playing music at the age of 11 and plays jazz in several ensembles in Paris. He became the main favorite of the public at the XV Tchaikovsky Competition.

The day after the award ceremony, the contestants will perform the most striking numbers at gala concerts. Their performances will take place on July 2 at Great hall Moscow Conservatory, and on July 3 - in St. Petersburg at Mariinsky-2.

The first prize among violinists at the Tchaikovsky competition was not awarded, the second was won by Zen Yu Chen from Taiwan.

"The importance of the Tchaikovsky Competition today has increased significantly in musical world, so tomorrow a new musical life will begin for you,” noted Denis Matsuev, addressing the finalists of the competition.

“Each of you will be a great musician,” says jury member Michel Beroff from France.

"Amazing level" of cellists

The best cellists of the competition were representatives of Russia, Romania, the Netherlands, Spain and South Korea.

1st prize and gold medal: Andrei Ionut Ionita, Romania, 21 years old.

2nd prize: Alexander Ramm, Russia, 27 years old.

3rd prize: Alexander Buzlov, 32 years old, Russia.

4th Prize: Pablo Ferrandez, 24 years old, Spain.

5th Prize: The only female finalist in the cello category: Song Min Kang, 28 years old, South Korea.

6th Prize: Jonathan Roseman, 17 years old. Netherlands.

The results were announced from the stage of the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall by jury member Misha Maisky (Israel). “Congratulations not only to those who reached the finals, but to all participants. An amazing level,” said Maisky.

A special prize was awarded to cellists who did not make it to the last round of the competition: Fyodor Amosov (Russia), Leonard Elschenbroy (Germany), Bruno Philippe (France).

The best vocalists and singers

Ganbaatar Ariunbaatar (Mongolia), 27 years old, baritone, was named the best vocalist of the XV Tchaikovsky Competition.

Mongolian singer Ganbaatar Ariunbaatar has been performing in Russia since last year - he is the soloist of the Buryat State academic theater opera and ballet in Ulan-Ude. Ganbaatar graduated from Mongolian State University culture and art. In 2011, he won the XXIV International Vocal Competition. M.I. Glinka in Moscow, also receiving the prize “Best Baritone of the Competition” and special prize named after Pavel Lisitsian. In 2012 he won the " Best Singer Mongolia". In 2014 he won first prize at the III International Vocal Competition named after Muslim Magomayev in Moscow.

In the finale he sang arias from Tchaikovsky's opera " Queen of Spades" and from Verdi's opera "Il Trovatore". The Mongolian singer will soon turn 27 years old.

Other laureates

  • 2nd Prize: Chuanyue Wang (China), 30 years old. Tenor
  • 3rd Prize: Han Seung Yoo (South Korea), 30 years old. Baritone
  • 4th prize: Dmitry Grigoriev, (Russia), 28 years old. Bass.


The jury named Russian Yulia Matochkina (mezzo-soprano) the best vocalist of the competition.

Yulia Matochkina is 32 years old. She graduated from the Petrozavodsk State Conservatory named after Glazunov. Laureate of the all-Russian competition "Young Talents of Russia" (2008), All-Russian competition young vocalists named after Nadezhda Obukhova in Lipetsk (2010). Julia won the first prizes at a vocal competition XXVI International Sobinovsky Festival in Saratov in 2013, at the IX International Competition of Young opera singers named after Rimsky-Korsakov in Tikhvin in 2015. Yulia Matochkina was a diploma winner at the International Mezzo-Soprano Competition in Memory of Fedora Barbieri in St. Petersburg. Since 2008 she has been a soloist at the Academy of Young Opera Singers Mariinsky Theater.

In the final of the Tchaikovsky competition, Yulia performed an aria from Tchaikovsky's opera " Maid of Orleans" and an aria from the opera "Adriana Lecouvreur" by composer Francesco Cilea.

Other laureates

  • 2nd prize and silver medal: Svetlana Moskalenko (Russia), 29 years old. Soprano.
  • 3rd prize and bronze medal: Mane Galoyan, (Armenia), 22 years old. Soprano
  • 4th prize: Antonina Vesenina, (Russia), 29 years old. Soprano.


The XV International Tchaikovsky Competition took place from June 15 in the best concert halls of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Musicians specializing in solo singing and cello performed in St. Petersburg.

A ticket to a great musical life

Winners of the XV International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky has a great musical future ahead of him, and in the coming years - concerts in the best halls Russia and the whole world. The co-chairs of the competition organizing committee said this - National artist Russia Valery Gergiev and Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government Olga Golodets at the award ceremony in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

“Do not consider this day the most important day in life - the most difficult or the most joyful, believe in your future,” Gergiev said, addressing the laureates. - We will do everything possible to ensure that young musicians in the next three to four years have the opportunity to perform in the best halls throughout Russia, as well as in Europe, Asia, and the USA. We promised it, and we will fulfill it,” added the famous musician.

"I want the winners to be waiting bright destiny“, the competition gives them a ticket to a great musical life,” Golodets noted in turn. - Today we can say with confidence that the Tchaikovsky Competition has become a bright, brilliant event in musical life all over the world".

According to the winner of the first prize of the XV competition, Russian pianist Dmitry Masleev, International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky is not only an extremely difficult test of endurance, but also inspiration and joy for its participants.

“Of course, the competition inspires me, this test makes me strong,” said the musician. “I feel very tired, but, of course, I also feel joy from communicating with the public.”

  • Almost every day from morning to evening there are competitions of the competition named after. Tchaikovsky in the most popular specialty. The second round is in full swing. Before it began, after listening to a non-stop five-day marathon of the first round, the jury - one can only guess with what difficulty - selected 12 semi-finalists from 36 pianists. The results of the selection impressed the public strong impression. Many people have had their ideas about the objectivity of not only judges, but also the matter of art in general, shaken. It’s as if preferences and assessments in art are random, and the difference in tastes suggests that no one should be compared to anyone at all. So we won’t either. But still, without pretending to be objective, we offer a list of musicians who will be interesting to follow not only at this competition, but also at others, and simply on the concert stage, regardless of the interim and future competition results.

    1. Andrey Korobeinikov

    One of the most controversial figures in the Russian piano landscape, a man known for his peculiar, powerful and wicked sense of humor. He is able to pull off such a prank on the most important impresario and closest friends that it is time for them to call an ambulance.

    Korobeinikov is the new “outcast”: the jury did not let him out of the first round, which aroused the ire of fans, just like . A competitive loser with experience, with good European engagements and Moscow concert fame, with extraordinary views on music and industry, a way of angering the judging panels, and also amazes in music with bone-crushing irony and ardent sincerity in the most flammable combinations imaginable. Behind Korobeinikov, while he ornately speaks with charming, seemingly irrelevant details or conjures the form, as if cupid is flying on a string and sending arrows into the very heart of the listener. Habitually looking for the strength of tradition, the public is ready to accept unpredictability as such in Korobeinikov, no matter the load.

    2. Luca Debargue

    It is well known that the Tchaikovsky competition is considered successful if a super-bright European star lights up for the Moscow public, not reminiscent of the Russian school. Such heroes, sometimes losing to domestic musicians in the premium situation, but winning unofficial audience voting, at one time became Peter Donohoe and Barry Douglas (both members of the current jury), Pascal Devoyon and Frederic Kampf. Luca Debargue develops with the charm of his acting, transparency of interpretations and inspired freedom French theme in the history of the competition. But, it seems, even without it, in any other context, Debargue will sound no less whimsical and ardent, without losing the subtlety of feelings, the freshness of sound, or the organicity of thought. The Russian public is seriously interested in the fact that Debargue began to study music only at the age of 11, and finally chose the profession of a musician only at 20, abandoning literature and art, which is unthinkably late by local standards. But for Europe this is not a miracle, but a completely possible scenario. And it is not yet known what will happen next: now Debargue plays not only competitive classics, but also jazz in several Parisian ensembles.

    In the third round of the competition, Debargue will perform Tchaikovsky's 1st Concerto and Liszt's 2nd Piano Concerto. on Thursday, June 29, at 18.00.

    3. Lukas Geniusas

    In the third round of the competition, Geniušas will perform Tchaikovsky's 2nd concerto and Rachmaninov's 3rd piano concerto. on Thursday, June 29, at 7:40 p.m.

    4. Dmitry Onishchenko

    He grew up in Lviv, began studying music with his mother, and graduated from the Lviv National music academy and only then became a citizen of the world, having studied in Moscow, England and Germany. But Ukraine does not forget its hero, just like he does not forget her. Onishchenko has certificate of honor Ministry of Culture of Ukraine “For significant contribution to culture and high professional excellence” and the status of laureate of the Ukrainian national program “Person of the Year”.

    An amazing musician: a great virtuoso, not of the school type, but at the same time with a lively and powerful feeling. He approaches the music as if completely straight, without drowning in the text, without paying attention to a lot of attention on the precepts of traditions and schools, but without breaking them. Onishchenko is the winner of the fifth prize at the 2002 Tchaikovsky Competition, but none of the jury members, including Sergei Dorensky, who served as chairman in 2002, now voted for his advancement to the second round. It is absolutely impossible to say that Onishchenko has lost something in the game over these 12 years. Rather, on the contrary, the freedom, brightness, and love for the breathtaking beauty of movement in the textbook texts only increased. But, obviously, this is not quite what is looking for in promising participants new competition. Despite this, listen to how Onishchenko plays.

    5. Yuri Favorin

    One of several adult artists, to the surprise of many, for some reason who entered the Tchaikovsky Competition to compete with young men, and one of the main favorites of the Moscow Philharmonic public. A smart guy, a philosopher, a child prodigy, who at the age of six already knew all the symphonies of Tchaikovsky and Beethoven by heart, a student not only of Professor Mikhail Voskresensky, but also of the composer Karen Khachaturian. A pianist with an undeniable sound culture, fine hearing, sensitive to the beauty of details and elegance of design, a musician with a truly personal, author’s vision of music, style, meaning, but not inclined to oppose it to the spirit and strength of the composer’s text. In Favorin's performance, the public tends to see a pleasant combination of intellectualism and theatricality. Moreover, this theater is made elegantly, but gives the impression of an antique scale. Favorin did not make it to the second round, but his name is not at all difficult to spot on concert posters.

    6. Andrey Gugnin

    “Universal talent” is a definition that usually says nothing to anyone, as if it was specially invented for Gugnin and in his case explains a lot. He is a master of a universal, seemingly generalized, but still beautifully measured and outlined sound and broad stylistic equipment. It allows him to be sophisticated in polyphony, subtle in classics and impetuous in romanticism. Gugnin, like Favorin, is no stranger to theatricality, but his piano theater is of a different kind: it is like opera, with technologically deft thunder and lightning. They say about Gugnin that, while playing, he strikes sparks in Bach, lights a flame in sonatas, turns etudes into boiling lava. In a word, everything about him is sparkling. And this universal formula makes the musician one of the leaders of modern Russian piano romanticism. After the announcement of the results of the first round, red-haired Gugnin was gray and could not speak, but nevertheless you couldn’t call him a panicker. He is a true child prodigy and a man of incredible performance; from 1997 to 2000 he won one international championship a year. children's competition, but something like this is not easily forgotten.

06/15/2015 at 22:40

XV International Competition named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky opened in the Great Hall of the Conservatory on June 15 at 19-00 gala concert, in which the Bolshoi took part Symphony Orchestra them. P.I. Tchaikovsky conducted Vladimir Fedoseev, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater and member of the jury of the XV International Competition. P. I. Tchaikovsky Olga Borodina, laureate of the XIV International Competition. P. I. Tchaikovsky pianist Daniil Trifonov, laureate of the 1st prize of the VIII International youth competition them. P.I. Tchaikovsky pianist Alexander Malofeev and winner of the 1st prize at the XV International Television Competition young musicians"Nutcracker" Georgy Ibatulin. Leaders of the ceremony - Valery Gergiev And Denis Matsuev.

Entries to participate in the Competition were: 623 applications from 45 countries: Russia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Vietnam, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Colombia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, the Netherlands , New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, North Korea, USA, Taiwan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Croatia, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia, South Korea, Japan.

The age of the competitors in the fields of piano, violin and cello is no younger than 16 and no older than 32 years at the time of the opening of the Competition (June 15, 2015). The age of competitors in the solo singing specialty is no younger than 19 and no older than 32 years. 36 pianists, 25 violinists, 25 cellists were allowed to participate in the Competition, and preliminary auditions for solo singing will end on June 19.


Musical competitions in the piano specialty will be held in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, in the violin specialty - in the Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (I and II rounds) and in Concert hall named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (III round), in the specialty cello - in the Small Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic (I and II rounds) and in the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic (III round), in the specialty solo singing - in the Mariinsky-2 and the Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theater.

The announcement of the names of the winners and the solemn award ceremony will take place on July 1 at 19-00 in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Gala concerts of the laureates will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg: on July 2 at 19-00 in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky and on July 3 at 19-00 in Mariinsky-2, where the winner of the Grand Prix will be announced.


The piano jury consists of: Dmitry Bashkirov, Boris Berezovsky, Michel Beroff, Peter Donohoe, Sergei Dorensky, Barry Douglas, Denis Matsuev, Vladimir Ovchinnikov, Alexander Toradze, Vladimir Feltsman, Klaus Helwig, Martin Engström.

The jury for violin specialty: Salvatore Accardo, Yuri Bashmet, Maxim Vengerov, Liana Isakadze, Leonidas Kavakos, Ilya Kaler, Boris Kushnir, Michaela Martin, Vadim Repin, Roman Simovich, Victor Tretyakov, Maxim Fedotov, Michael Hefliger, Nikolai Znaider, Vera Qiu Wei Lin, James Ehnes.

The cello jury consists of: Wolfgang Böttcher, Mario Brunello, Jian Wang, David Geringas, Clive Gillinson, Alexander Knyazev, Misha Maisky, Ivan Monighetti, Sergei Roldugin, Martti Rousey, Lynn Harrell, Ian Vogler, Myung Hwa Chong.

The jury in the solo singing specialty includes: Sarah Billinghurst, Olga Borodina, Eva Wagner, Yulia Varadi, Larisa Gergieva, Mikhail Kazakov, Thomas Quasthoff, Dennis O'Neill, Mikhail Petrenko, Tobias Richter, John Fisher, Chenye Yuan.


Based on the results of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition, 6 prizes will be awarded to pianists, 6 prizes to violinists, 6 prizes to cellists, 4 prizes to singers and 4 prizes to singers. Among the first prize winners in all specialties, only one Grand Prix winner can be announced. Grand Prix Prize – $100,000 US – in addition to the amount of the 1st Prize.

Prize fund of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition for each specialty:
1st Prize US$30,000 and Gold Medal
2nd Prize US$20,000 and Silver Medal
III Prize US$10,000 and Bronze Medal
IV Prize US$5,000 and Diploma
V Prize $3,000 USA and Diploma
VI Prize $2,000 US and Diploma

In addition, the prize “For the best performance of a concert with a chamber orchestra in the Second Round” - $2,000 US and a Diploma (in each of the specialties: piano, violin and cello). The two best participants in the Second Round, determined by the jury in each specialty and not making it to the Third Round, will be awarded diplomas and an incentive prize of $1,000.

Depending on the results achieved and within the established number of prizes, the jury reserves the right to award not all prizes, as well as to divide the prizes between competitors (except for the Grand Prix). In addition, the jury can award diplomas and prizes in the amount of US$1000 to the best accompanists of the Competition (no more than two for each specialty).


April 15, 2015 XV International Competition named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky and medici.tv announced the signing of an agreement to cover all competition events live on the Internet from June 15 to July 3, 2015. As part of the new partnership, viewers around the world will have access to 18 days of continuous free Internet broadcasting live. Performances of 120 competition participants from different countries in Moscow (pianist and violinist competition) and St. Petersburg (cello and vocalist competition).


For the first time, two children's competitions were held within the framework of the International Tchaikovsky Competition, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of P. I. Tchaikovsky. The first competition was held in children's music schools majoring in piano, violin, cello and solo singing. The second competition is in secondary schools, for the best drawing and the best essay on the topic of the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky. All 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in children's competitions.

The reward for the winners will be a trip to Moscow from June 28 to July 2 to attend the events of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition. A best drawings And best essays will be presented at specially organized exhibitions.

Press service of the Tchaikovsky Competition

Official Contest hashtag: #TCH15

Official website of the Competition: www.tchaikovskycompetition.com

Official website of online broadcasts: tch15.medici.tv

Official pages on social networks:

One of the most famous musical events in the world, the Tchaikovsky Competition, is over. For three weeks, romantics and virtuosos, thinkers and even “geniuses” appeared on the stages of the Moscow Conservatory, the Moscow and St. Petersburg Philharmonic, and the Mariinsky Theater. Everyone who followed the program of the XV Tchaikovsky Competition will remember its absolutely amazing musical atmosphere and incredibly tough competition, which is only possible to imagine in the competition format.

The main surprise of the XV Tchaikovsky Competition was finally presented by the jury members. It turned out that the competition, the performance level of which was talked about in the most superlatives, did not find a contender for the 1st prize in the “violin” category. The distribution of laureate titles in the “piano” and “cello” categories was also surprising. And although the decisions of the jury have always been the most controversial part of the Tchaikovsky competition, this time it seemed that “dark surprises” could be avoided. The jury members were asked to comment on their decisions to the contestants, and photos with their “zeros” and passing “ones” on the voting sheets were constantly published on social networks. From these “reports” it was possible to determine individual preferences. But the forecasts were not confirmed. Almost everyone who was bet on by the public ended up in the second row of laureates, and some participants even became a source of contention. For the readers of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, members of the jury of the XV Tchaikovsky Competition commented on their positions.

In the vocal category, the jury's decisions in the final situation were quite predictable. The soloist of the Mariinsky Theater Academy, Yulia Matochkina, was nominated for first prize, and the Mongolian baritone Ganbaatar Ariunbaatar came out ahead in the men's category. As Mikhail Kazakov, bass, Honored Artist of Russia, said: “For the participants themselves, this competition became a great test. Among our winners is a representative from Mongolia, Ganbaatar Ariunbaatar. He studied in Moscow and works in Russia. This was an already established vocalist who knew how to hold himself on stage, who felt on his shoulders the message that was visible thanks to the audience. Winner in women's group— Yulia Matochkina is a bright representative of the St. Petersburg school. She is a very intelligent performer, but I thought her emotional expressions were somewhat ascetic. The Moscow school, for example, requires much more emotions and passions. There were differences of opinion among the jury members. In my opinion, everything was leveled out by a very successful judging system: we did not experience bloody discussions, as happened before. All members of the jury parted on friendly terms."

Closing ceremony of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition
Members of the jury comment on the results of the XV Tchaikovsky Competition.

The first prize among the cellists was awarded to the Romanian Andrei Ionita, who performed confidently in all rounds, and the most experienced participant, laureate of the XIII Tchaikovsky Competition (2007) Alexander Buzlov, who claimed gold, was left with the 3rd prize.

Misha Maisky, cellist:

— I started listening to the contestants from the second round, and it was more difficult than I expected, because the level of the competition turned out to be extremely high, simply extremely high! Almost all 12 semi-finalists could participate in the third round. The situation was very tense and remained incredibly tense until last minute. For a long time, we, the jury members, could not understand what the final result would be? And now it has become clear to us, if we look at the whole competition in perspective, it has prepared some unexpected “surprises” for us. Each of the 12 members of the judging team had their own vision, then mathematically counting the votes produced the results. But my opinion is this: I would not give fourth, fifth, or sixth place; I would divide all three awards among six people, although first place is not divided (laughs). Everyone would receive medals from me, because these musicians are virtuosos. They stood so incredibly close that it is impossible to even imagine how close they were. Everything was literally hanging on by a thread and could change at every next second, and then there would be a completely different situation.

Closing ceremony of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition
First Prize: Andrei Ionitsa - he played Shostakovich’s Concerto in the final just superbly. This, of course, sealed his fate. Alexander Buzlov, whom I heard and knew before, is an exceptional cellist and musician. I got to know the rest for the first time, but they are all great guys. I really liked cellist Song Min Kang from South Korea. She is an intelligent musician, which sometimes causes conflicting reactions: many people really liked her, but some did the opposite. But this, in my opinion, is good sign. Alexander Ramm is an amazing performer with a great future. The young Dutchman Jonathan Roseman, at the age of 17, played the most difficult competitive program, Spaniard Pablo Ferrandez too talented person. Therefore, summing up, I would not like to single out anyone. All six award winners are truly amazing performers.

Closing ceremony of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition
Violin. Why didn't you choose

The results of the violin jury's voting surprised everyone. According to the audience, the main contender for gold at all stages of the competition was Clara-Jumi Kan (Germany), but the jury did not award the first prize to anyone at all, and Kan was moved to 4th position. But the violinists were given three third prizes, clearly in search of a compromise.

Maxim Fedotov, violinist and conductor:

— As both maestro Gergiev and Denis Matsuev said at the ceremony, there are many major, outstanding musicians on the jury, all of them are very different. Almost every candidate was put in first place by someone, and the situation was almost a dead end. We tried to review it several times, because the competition was very strong and, on the whole, it was certainly a success. In my opinion, it was a success from the first round - both the first and second rounds were very strong. I regret that not everyone who I would call the strongest made it to the finals. I am sorry that there is no first prize, and I cannot say that I was satisfied with the results. I don't think they suited anyone. This is an absolutely compromise solution, everyone completely disagreed. But, what is very important for me, a cohort of the most magnificent new violinists, new names, new interpretations appeared at the competition. I really enjoyed the performances of most of the contestants. Clara-Jumi Kan is a phenomenal talent. Pavel Miliukov showed himself remarkably in all three rounds - the brightest representative our domestic school. I was also rooting for Gayk Kazazyan, who was competing at the competition for the second time. I was very pleased with Alexandra Konunova, a very talented violinist.

Piano. Both the first and the last are the best

Closing ceremony of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition
The pianists had the most poignant finale and the most unexpected in its results. In the end, everyone received laureate titles, except for the public’s favorite, Lucy Debargue, who, after his performances, was chanted until the lights went out, and who was recognized music criticism, presenting him with his prize - a concert in December 2015 at the Moscow House of Music.

Boris Berezovsky, pianist:

— I am incredibly pleased with the first prize. This is an absolute discovery, an absolutely brilliant guy. And I am sincerely very happy about his success - it is absolutely deserved. I am not happy that our beloved Frenchman Luc Debargue, who should have received at least the third prize, and in my opinion even the second, was “pushed back”. But this, oddly enough, is the decision of the foreign jury members. They were not influenced even by such a weighty argument that they need to respect the Moscow public, who appreciated Luke and greeted him with delight. In their opinion, he is not a professional. If you look at his hands, you notice this. But when you listen, you can’t hear it at all. He played great in the first and second rounds! The finale may have been a little weaker, but it was still a good performance. Moreover, it was his first time playing with an orchestra, as everyone knows. For me, the best in this competition took first and last place.

Closing ceremony of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition
Denis Matsuev, pianist, People's Artist of Russia:

— Disappointments occur at any competition: there are always satisfied and dissatisfied. Only the winner is satisfied. We discussed this topic with Vladimir Feltsman and with some members of the jury. The fact is that there is no ideal assessment system: neither points, nor amounts, nor schemes, nor the yes-no system, which, in my opinion, is fairer than others, do not provide unanimity. All the musicians on the jury are different, everyone has their own ideas, and everyone votes as they see fit. I hope that the jury voting lists will be published and everyone will see who voted and how. We have nothing to hide: no one pulled anyone, did not engage, did not persuade anyone. But I am confident that each of our six laureates will become profound musicians and will find their place on the stage, no matter what award they receive. All this is complete nonsense - the third, fourth, even the first. Although the brand comes first, it is a commitment. For several years you have to go out and confirm this status. I hope that Dmitry Masleev will succeed. I wish him success! As for Luka Debargue, I am sure that everything will be fine for him. When I heard his “Night Gaspard” and Medtner in the second round, I said: it’s fortunate that we have such a competition. And it is for moments like these that we have been working for this competition for many years. Debargue is already a superhero. Here he won the hearts of listeners and critics. He will definitely come here: I will invite him to my festivals, Valery Gergiev will invite him to his.

Closing ceremony of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition
In Astana, I always tell my laureates that they are all now members of our team. And it will be the same here. We will invite not only the first one, but also all the others. They are all serious guys. Ten million people watched them, ten! If only in 1998 at my Tchaikovsky competition we had imagined that ten million people watched us! Back then we had neither the Internet nor mobile phones and not even one official concert from the Tchaikovsky Competition. That's why we say: they are all lucky! All finalists! And don’t think about it: fourth, third, second, first prize. Tomorrow a new story will begin for all six of them.

Vladimir Putin attended a gala concert of laureates of the international competition named after. P. I. Tchaikovsky

Direct speech

Dmitry Masleev, pianist, 1st prize at the XV Tchaikovsky Competition:

— I studied at the Moscow Conservatory for eight years and in graduate school with Mikhail Petukhov, and from the 2nd year I steadily prepared and went to various competitions. I traveled with varying degrees of success, but received many awards, including the first ones. Then I was invited to the Italian Academy on Lake Como. There were wonderful teachers there. In addition, there I had the opportunity to concentrate specifically on work and study from morning to evening. To put it simply, I worked a lot to win the competition. And no matter how tired I am, and the fatigue is incredible in fact, my hands are always in shape. I didn’t have many concerts: for the whole last year- only two. One in Germany, the other in mine hometown Ulan-Ude. I hope now that I will have concerts. And this is a big, gigantic responsibility. It’s also difficult, because it’s not just one concert to play. Therefore, you have to sit and work hard. But I really hope that everything will be fine. Of course, I had some luck at the competition, and great luck. And we are all not immune from anything, that’s a fact. But I really hope that this luck will continue. My mother helped me. I mentally gathered myself and dedicated my performances to her. Maybe that's why mine pipe dream, well, almost a pipe dream, became a reality.

By the way

Today in St. Petersburg, during the Gala Concert of laureates of the XV Tchaikovsky Competition, the winner of the Grand Prix will be announced. If, of course, such a person is chosen among the three first prize winners.