Xxvi international festival-competition of children's and youth creativity “Creative discoveries. music" held within the framework of the project "salute of talents

V International Festival-Competition of Children and Youth Creativity “FROST PATTERNS”,

Conducted within the framework of the “Salute of Talents” project

Veliky Ustyug, Russia


The International Project “Salute of Talents” is a system of prestigious international festivals and competitions of children's and youth creativity, established in 2008, combined with an extensive excursion program. During the 2015-2016 academic year (festival season), a series of festivals and competitions are held in various cities around the world. The super final of the 2015-2016 festival season takes place in October 2016. Creative groups and soloists are allowed to participate in the Superfinal - 1st degree laureates of any of the festival-competitions held during the 2015-2016 festival season as part of the “Salute of Talents” project. The prize fund for the Superfinal is 500,000 rubles.

Project goals:

  • Activation of creative activity and creation of conditions for the realization of the creative potential of talented children and adolescents;
  • Exchange of creative achievements, expansion of interaction and cooperation of cultural organizations and creative groups from different cities and countries;
  • Popularization of creativity of talented children and teenagers;
  • Development of the outlook and intellectual level of children and adolescents, promoting the formation of a harmoniously developed, moral, creative personality;
  • Professional development of artistic directors of groups and teachers in the field of education of children and youth;
  • Creating new horizons for the development of creative teams and soloists;
  • Material support for outstanding creative groups and soloists;
  • Preservation and development of intangible cultural heritage of Russia and other countries.

The following are allowed to participate in festival-competitions: creative groups and soloists who have submitted an Application for participation and paid the registration fee. The registration fee is calculated by the art manager of the festival-competition based on the Application for Participation. Accommodation and transfer of festival-competition participants is carried out exclusively by the official partners of the organizing committee.

Participants nominations:

  1. Instrumental creativity. Classic
  2. Instrumental creativity. Folk
  3. Instrumental creativity. Variety
  4. Instrumental creativity. Jazz
  5. Vocal creativity. Academic vocals
  6. Vocal creativity. Folk vocals
  7. Vocal creativity. Pop vocals
  8. Vocal creativity. Vocal and instrumental ensemble
  9. Fine creativity. Painting and graphics
  10. Fine creativity. Photographic art
  11. Fine creativity. Arts and crafts
  12. Original genre
  13. Choreographic creativity. Classical dance
  14. Choreographic creativity. Folk dance
  15. Choreographic creativity. Pop dance (including folk stylization)
  16. Choreographic creativity. Modern dance
  17. Choreographic creativity. Ballroom dancing
  18. Theatrical creativity. Artistic word
  19. Theatrical creativity. Drama Theater
  20. Theatrical creativity. Musical
  21. Theatrical creativity. Theater of facial expressions and gestures
  22. Theatrical creativity. Fashion Theater
  23. Theatrical creativity. Puppet show

In festival-competitions with the word “Music” in their name, contestants participate in nominations from 1 to 12.

In festival-competitions with the words “Choreography and Theater” in their names, competitors participate in nominations from 9 to 23.

  • soloists
  • small forms (2-3 participants)
  • ensembles
  • choirs (vocal ensembles of more than 12 people)
  • orchestras (instrumental ensembles of more than 8 people)
  • Age categories of participants:
  • preschool age category – up to 7 years
  • younger age category – 7 - 10 years
  • average age category – 11 – 13 years
  • senior age category – 14 - 18 years
  • mixed junior age category - average age up to 12 years inclusive
  • mixed senior age category - average age over 13 years
  • adult age category – over 18 years old

In a team of each age category, up to 30% of participants are allowed to be younger or older than the specified age limits. For example, in a team participating in the nomination of the younger age category, up to 30% of the composition may be under 7 years old or over 10 years old.

Participation procedure:

Participation in a festival-competition means participation in one nomination, one age category, one group category. As part of one participation, ensembles, choirs and orchestras present a concert and competition program of two different numbers, with each number lasting no more than 4 minutes. In the nominations “theatrical creativity” and “instrumental creativity” (ensembles and orchestras), a presentation of one performance lasting no more than 10 minutes is acceptable. As part of one participation, soloists and small forms present a concert and competition program of one number, lasting no more than 5 minutes. In the nomination “instrumental creativity” for soloists and small forms, the presentation of two numbers with a total duration of no more than 5 minutes is acceptable. If the time limit is exceeded, the jury has the right to stop the performance and disqualify the contestants.

Rehearsals and performances take place strictly according to the schedule provided by the organizers of the festival-competition. Changes in the repertoire are accepted no later than 21 days before the start of the festival trip, by written notification to the art manager of the festival-competition.

In the “fine art” nomination, participation takes place in the format of an exhibition held during the festival-competition. As part of one participation, one or two works can be presented (the works are signed), size (for arts and crafts - base area) 50x70cm or less.

If it is necessary to use sound recordings, participants send phonograms to the art manager of the festival-competition in advance by e-mail, and also bring them with them on a flash drive and on a CD (each track on a separate CD). All necessary technical and musical equipment (technical rider) must be indicated in the Application for Participation.

Grand Prix holders have the opportunity to take part in the same nomination in one of the festival-competitions of the “Salute of Talents” project without an organizational fee within one calendar year from the date of receipt of the Grand Prix.

* - The founder of the project reserves the right to change the dates of the festivals.

** - A participant in a festival-competition can participate as a soloist and/or participant in the “small forms” category in one festival-competition only once. Members of the team, if they have an application for two or more participations in the festival-competition, receive a 20% discount on the second and subsequent org. contributions. All participants in the nomination “Fine Creativity” pay the registration fee as soloists and with a 50% discount.

*** - Participation by groups and soloists living in the festival cities or nearby cities (no more than 200 km from the competition city) is allowed, subject to the conditions of independent accommodation and transportation of participants to the performance site. Such participants pay an registration fee with a coefficient of 1.5. Applications from such participants are satisfied according to quotas:

  1. No more than two soloists/small forms from one institution/teacher and no more than two participations from each group (without restrictions on the number of groups from one institution).
  2. The total number of all participations satisfying clause 1 within one festival is no more than 10.

If the specified quotas are exceeded, applicants may be denied participation. The organizing committee has the right to decide to increase each of the quotas and inform about this additionally.

Festival jury:

The jury is composed by the festival's organizing committee of famous artists, teachers of creative disciplines, directors, leaders of creative groups, cultural and artistic figures, and public figures. The list of jury members will not be disclosed until the start of the festival. At the end of the festival, a round table is held where participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive performances with members of the jury and exchange opinions. Competitive performances of participants are assessed according to generally accepted criteria: technical skill (according to the nomination), artistry, complexity of the repertoire and age-appropriateness of the repertoire, creation of an artistic image, taking into account the subjective opinion of each jury member.

Prizes and awards:

All festival participants receive memorable souvenirs. In each nomination, age and group category, the titles of Laureate of I, II and III degrees, as well as the title of Diplomat are awarded. Laureates are awarded diplomas and cups, Diploma holders are awarded only participant diplomas. The jury awards the Grand Prix to one of the 1st prize winners. Grand Prix holders have the opportunity to take part in the same nomination in one of the festival-competitions of the “Salute of Talents” project without an organizational fee within one calendar year from the date of receipt of the Grand Prix. Special diplomas issued in the presence of outstanding participants, in the opinion of the jury: “Best choreographer”, “Best accompanist”, “Best choirmaster”, “Best director”, “Diploma for the best costume”, “Diploma of the most artistic participant”, “Diploma of the most young participant”, “Diploma for the best artistic work”. Teachers, managers and accompanists receive official letters of gratitude and certificates for completing the round table.

As part of each festival-competition, the organizing committee awards a special diploma “For outstanding teaching skills.” A teacher who has received a diploma also receives an Individual grant for the development of creative teaching activities in the amount of 15,000 rubles. The criteria for selecting the owner of the Individual Grant and the diploma “For Outstanding Pedagogical Excellence” are the level of skill of the teacher’s students, the number and variety of performances presented, and the overall impression of the performances. The Organizing Committee reserves the right within each festival not to award at all or to award more than one Individual Grant for the development of creative teaching activities.

The 1st degree laureates of any of the festival-competitions enter the Superfinal of the “Salute of Talents” project. The exception is the 1st degree Laureates in the “Fine Art” nominations (nominations 9 - 11), who are included in the Superfinal of the “Palette of the World” project.

Non-competitive participation:

Within the framework of all festival-competitions of the “Salute of Talents” project, non-competitive participation of groups and soloists is allowed. All the same rules and requirements apply to participants performing outside the competition as to other participants. Out-of-competition performances are also reviewed and evaluated by the jury without assigning points and subsequent assignment of places. Teachers have the opportunity to discuss the performances of their students with members of the jury as part of a round table. Participants who performed outside the competition receive a Festival Participant Diploma, as well as a commemorative Cup.

Superfinal Prize Fund:

The prize fund for the Superfinal of the 2015-2016 festival season is 500 thousand rubles. The distribution of the prize fund among prize places is regulated by the Regulations on the Superfinal.

Project partners:

  • Akimat of Astana (Kazakhstan)
  • City Hall of Zakopane (Poland)
  • City Hall of Lloret de Mar (Spain)
  • Primorsko City Hall (Bulgaria)
  • City Hall of the Bemowo district of Warsaw (Poland)
  • City Hall of Siófok Municipality (Hungary)
  • Regional Executive Committee of Vitebsk (Belarus)
  • Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Latvia
  • Embassy of the Russian Federation in Sweden
  • Embassy of the Russian Federation in France
  • Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Marseille (France)
  • Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Shanghai (China)
  • Russian Center for Science and Culture in Rome (Italy)
  • Russian Cultural Center in Beijing (China)
  • Russian Center for Science and Culture in Berlin (Germany)
  • Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brest (Belarus)
  • Russian Center for Science and Culture in Warsaw (Poland)
  • Russian Center for Science and Culture in Minsk (Belarus)
  • Russian Center for Science and Culture in Prague (Czech Republic)
  • Russian Center for Science and Culture in Helsinki (Finland)
  • Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan
  • Department of Culture of the Vladimir Region Administration
  • Department of Culture and Tourism of Ivanovo Region
  • Department of Culture of the Executive Committee of Kazan
  • Russian-Catalan Cultural Association "Commonwealth" (Spain)
  • L’association culturelle “Golden Talents” (Cannes, France)
  • Direction des Affaires Culturelles de Cannes (Cannes, France)
  • TV channel "Children's"
  • Zakopane Education Center (Zakopane, Poland)
  • SARL “VladimirEvents” (Paris, France)
  • Art Liga s.r.o. (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Russian Club "Sadko" (Helsinki, Finland)
  • As well as local tour operators

Trip program

Veliky Ustyug (4 days)

Day – 10.01 – Veliky Ustyug

  • Recommended arrival time is from 9:00 to 12:00. Meeting the group at the railway Kotlas station with an accompanying person (not earlier than 8:00 am).
  • Boarding the bus. Transfer to Veliky Ustyug.
  • Dinner.
  • Hotel accommodation after 14:00.
  • Dinner.
  • Overnight at the hotel.

Day – 11.01 – Veliky Ustyug

  • Breakfast.
  • Transfer to the festival.
  • Festival day. Rehearsals for participants. Opening of the Festival-Competition. Competitive performances. Round table for jury members, managers and teachers. Disco for participants. Master Class*
  • Dinner.
  • Gala concert and Awards. Presentation of Diplomas and Cups to participants.
  • At the end of the festival day, all children and teachers receive memorable souvenirs, managers and teachers also receive letters of gratitude and certificates of participation in the round table.
  • Transfer to the hotel.
  • Dinner.
  • Overnight at the hotel.

Day – 12.01 – Veliky Ustyug

  • Breakfast.
  • Festival day or Visit to the Estate of Father Frost.
  • Visit to the Estate of Father Frost. Moving to the country residence of Father Frost. Walk along the "Trail of Fairy Tales" and meet the retinue of the owner of the Votchina. Excursion to the tower of Father Frost. Visit to the Winter Garden and Santa Claus post office.
  • Dinner.
  • Free time.
  • Dinner.
  • Overnight at the hotel.

Day – 13.01 – Moscow

  • Breakfast. Departure from the hotel with things no later than 12:00.
  • Free time or excursions for an additional fee*.
  • Transfer to the railway railway station in Kotlas. Free time before train departure.

Not included in the cost of the trip and is paid additionally

  • 900 rubles per participant (but not more than 13,500 rubles per team),
  • 1500 rubles per soloist

(additional charge, not included in the cost of the trip)


  • registration of application 1200 rubles per person
  • hotel accommodation - 3 nights
  • meals depending on the trip program
  • visit to Father Frost's Estate
  • transport service***:
  • station - hotel
  • hotel - performance hall - hotel
  • visit to Father Frost's Estate
  • hotel - station


  • train tickets to Kotlas and back
  • Master Class
  • entrance fees to museums and other excursion sites
  • group meeting before 8:00 am
  • additional excursions

*** - When rescheduling an excursion or transfer to a date or time different from those specified in the standard trip program, transport will be paid additionally.

Organizational fee for one nomination:

  • Team from 4 to 15 people - 1350 rubles per participant, including registration of an application 202 rubles per person;
  • Team of 16 people - 20,250 rubles per team, including registration of an application 3,037 rubles per application.

During the New Year holidays, on January 5 and 6, 2017, the XV festival-competition of children’s and youth creativity “Merger of Cultures” was held in Kazan as part of the international project “Salute of Talents”. More than 450 young artists from different parts of Russia took part in the competition: Anapa, Volgograd, Vsevolozhsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk,Moscow, St. Petersburg, Lipetsk, Novosibirsk, Nyagan and other cities.

Pupils of the Argayash Children's Art School also took part in the competition. The jury included honored artists and cultural figures of Russia, teachers of creative educational institutions, famous musicians, actors and choreographers. The young dancers did not flinch in front of such professionals and demonstrated high skill in their performance.

The duet of the Yangildin brothers received 1st place and the title of 1st degree laureate. Ilgar and Rinar won the hearts of the jury and the audience with their amazing dance coordination. During the 47-second pause in the musical accompaniment, the boys performed a combination of firecrackers and mischievous fractions, which captivated the audience.

The ensemble “Flowers” ​​(consisting of Dana Baimova, Yulia Suleymanova, Diana Kotyashova, Amina Yusupova) received 1st place and the title of 1st degree laureate, as well as a diploma for professionalism. Representatives of the jury compared the girls with the State Dance Ensemble, the performance was so technically verified, accurate down to the smallest detail.

On January 5, out of 76 acts, 11 acts were selected to participate in the gala concert. Among them were our guys - Rinar and Ilgar Yangildin.

The Creative Association “Salute of Talents” invited the Yangildin duo and the choreographic group “Flowers” ​​to take part in the VII SUPERFINAL of the International project “SALUT OF TALENTS. CHOREOGRAPHY" 2016-2017 festival season, which will be held in St. Petersburg in October 2017.

The children's art school teachers Landysh Zakirovna Tagirova and Dina Rauatovna Khabibullina prepared the children for the competition. The teachers received letters of gratitude for their great contribution to the development of children’s creative potential and assistance in preserving the country’s cultural heritage.

Congratulations to the laureates of the XV International Festival-Competition: Baimova Dana, Suleymanova Yulia, Kotyashova Diana, Yusupova Alina, Yangildin Rinara, Yangildin Ilgar! We wish you creative success and victory in the SUPERFINAL in St. Petersburg.

We thank the school director Albina Vilievna Khabibullina, Irina Nikolaevna Zaslonova, deputy director for educational resources, and the parents for their support.

During the New Year holidays, on January 5 and 6, 2017, the XV festival-competition of children’s and youth creativity “Merger of Cultures” was held in Kazan as part of the international project “Salute of Talents”. More than 450 young artists from different parts of Russia took part in the competition: Anapa, Volgograd, Vsevolozhsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Lipetsk, Novosibirsk, Nyagan and other cities.

Pupils of the Argayash Children's Art School also took part in the competition. The jury included honored artists and cultural figures of Russia, teachers of creative educational institutions, famous musicians, actors and choreographers. The young dancers did not flinch in front of such professionals and demonstrated high skill in their performance.

The duet of the Yangildin brothers received 1st place and the title of 1st degree laureate. Ilgar and Rinar won the hearts of the jury and the audience with their amazing dance coordination. During the 47-second pause in the musical accompaniment, the boys performed a combination of firecrackers and mischievous fractions, which captivated the audience.

The ensemble “Flowers” ​​(consisting of Dana Baimova, Yulia Suleymanova, Diana Kotyashova, Amina Yusupova) received 1st place and the title of 1st degree laureate, as well as a diploma for professionalism. Representatives of the jury compared the girls with the State Dance Ensemble, the performance was so technically verified, accurate down to the smallest detail.

On January 5, out of 76 acts, 11 acts were selected to participate in the gala concert. Among them were our guys - Rinar and Ilgar Yangildin.

The Creative Association “Salute of Talents” invited the Yangildin duo and the choreographic group “Flowers” ​​to take part in the VII SUPERFINAL of the International project “SALUT OF TALENTS. CHOREOGRAPHY" 2016-2017 festival season, which will be held in St. Petersburg in October 2017.

The children's art school teachers Landysh Zakirovna Tagirova and Dina Rauatovna Khabibullina prepared the children for the competition. The teachers received letters of gratitude for their great contribution to the development of children’s creative potential and assistance in preserving the country’s cultural heritage.

Congratulations to the laureates of the XV International Festival-Competition: Baimova Dana, Suleymanova Yulia, Kotyashova Diana, Yusupova Alina, Yangildin Rinara, Yangildin Ilgar! We wish you creative success and victory in the SUPERFINAL in St. Petersburg.

We thank the school director Albina Vilievna Khabibullina, Irina Nikolaevna Zaslonova, deputy director for educational resources, and the parents for their support.


XXVI International Festival-Competition of Children and Youth Creativity


carried out within the framework of the international project “Salute of Talents”

Saint-Petersburg, Russia




The International Project “Salute of Talents” is a system of prestigious international festivals and competitions of children's and youth creativity, established in 2008, combined with an extensive excursion program. During the 2016-2017 academic year (festival season), a series of festivals and competitions are held in various cities around the world. The super final of the 2016-2017 festival season takes place in October 2017. Creative groups and soloists who are 1st degree laureates of any of the festival-competitions held during the 2016-2017 festival season as part of the “Salute of Talents” project are allowed to participate in the Superfinal. The prize fund for the Superfinal is 500,000 rubles.

Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Musical Klondike"

Project goals:

  • Activation of creative activity and creation of conditions for the realization of the creative potential of talented children and adolescents;
  • Exchange of creative achievements, expansion of interaction and cooperation of cultural organizations and creative groups from different cities and countries;
  • Popularization of creativity of talented children and teenagers;
  • Development of the outlook and intellectual level of children and adolescents, promoting the formation of a harmoniously developed, moral, creative personality;
  • Professional development of artistic directors of groups and teachers in the field of education of children and youth;
  • Creating new horizons for the development of creative teams and soloists;
  • Material support for outstanding creative groups and soloists;
  • Preservation and development of intangible cultural heritage of Russia and other countries.

The following are allowed to participate in festival-competitions: creative groups and soloists who have submitted an Application for participation and paid the registration fee. The calculation of the organizational fee is carried out by a specialist in organizing festivals and competitions based on the Application for Participation.

Participants nominations:

  1. Instrumental creativity. Classic
  2. Instrumental creativity. Folk
  3. Instrumental creativity. Variety
  4. Instrumental creativity. Jazz
  5. Vocal creativity. Academic vocals
  6. Vocal creativity. Folk vocals
  7. Vocal creativity. Pop vocals
  8. Vocal creativity. Vocal and instrumental ensemble
  9. Fine creativity. Painting and graphics
  10. Fine creativity. Photographic art
  11. Fine creativity. Arts and crafts
  12. Choreographic creativity. Classical dance
  13. Choreographic creativity. Folk dance
  14. Choreographic creativity. Pop dance (including folk stylization)
  15. Choreographic creativity. Modern dance
  16. Choreographic creativity. Ballroom dancing
  17. Theatrical creativity. Artistic word
  18. Theatrical creativity. Drama Theater
  19. Theatrical creativity. Musical
  20. Theatrical creativity. Theater of facial expressions and gestures
  21. Theatrical creativity. Fashion Theater
  22. Theatrical creativity. Puppet show
  23. Original genre

Contestants in nominations from 1 to 11 participate in festival-competitions with the word “Music” in their name.

In festival-competitions with the words “Choreography and Theater” in their names, competitors participate in nominations from 12 to 23.

  • soloists
  • small forms (2-3 participants)
  • ensembles
  • choirs (vocal ensembles of more than 12 people)
  • orchestras (instrumental ensembles of more than 8 people)
  • preschool age category - up to 7 years
  • younger age category - 7 - 10 years
  • average age category - 11 - 13 years
  • senior age category - 14 - 18 years
  • mixed junior age category - average age up to 12 years inclusive
  • mixed senior age category - average age over 13 years
  • adult age category - over 18 years old

In a team of each age category, up to 30% of participants are allowed to be younger or older than the specified age limits. For example, in a team participating in the nomination of the younger age category, there may be up to 30% of the composition under 7 years old or over 10 years old.

Participation procedure:

Participation in a festival-competition means participation in one nomination, one age category, one group category. As part of one participation, ensembles, choirs and orchestras present a concert and competition program of two different numbers, with each number lasting no more than 4 minutes. In the nominations “theatrical creativity” and “instrumental creativity” (ensembles and orchestras), as well as vocal creativity (choirs), the presentation of one number or an entire competitive program lasting no more than 10 minutes is acceptable. As part of one participation, soloists and small forms present a concert and competition program of one number, lasting no more than 5 minutes. In the nomination “instrumental creativity” for soloists and small forms, the presentation of two numbers with a total duration of no more than 5 minutes is acceptable. If the time limit is exceeded, the jury has the right to stop the performance and disqualify the contestants.

Rehearsals and performances take place strictly according to the schedule provided by the organizers of the festival-competition. Changes in the repertoire are accepted no later than 21 days before the start of the festival tour, by written notification to a specialist in organizing festivals and competitions.

In the “fine art” nomination, participation takes place in the format of an exhibition held during the festival-competition. As part of one participation, one or two works can be presented (the works are signed), size (for arts and crafts - base area) 50x70cm or less.

If it is necessary to use sound recordings, participants send phonograms to a specialist in organizing festivals-competitions by e-mail in advance, and also bring them with them on a flash drive and on a CD (each track on a separate CD). All necessary technical and musical equipment (technical rider) must be indicated in the Application for Participation.

Grand Prix holders have the opportunity to take part in the same nomination in one of the festival-competitions of the “Salute of Talents” project without an organizational fee within one calendar year from the date of receipt of the Grand Prix.

First degree laureates of any festival-competition “Salute of Talents” for the 2016-2017 season receive the right to take part in the Superfinal of the project, which will take place in the fall of 2017 in St. Petersburg. The Superfinal takes place without an organization fee.

The time and place of festival-competitions of the project “Salute of Talents” can be found in the Calendar of festival-competitions 2016-2017

*- The founder of the project reserves the right to change the dates of the festivals.

** - A participant in a festival-competition can participate as a soloist and/or participant in the “small forms” category in one festival-competition only once. Members of the team, if they have an application for two or more participations in the festival-competition, receive a 20% discount on the second and subsequent org. contributions. All participants in the nomination “Fine Creativity” pay the registration fee as soloists and with a 50% discount.

*** - Participation by groups and soloists living in the cities where the festival is held or nearby cities in the country where the competition is held is allowed (no more than 200 km from the city where the competition is held), subject to the conditions of independent accommodation and transportation of participants to the performance site. Such participants pay an registration fee with a coefficient of 1.5. Applications from such participants are satisfied according to quotas:

  • No more than two soloists/small forms from one institution/teacher and no more than two participations from each group (without restrictions on the number of groups from one institution).
  • The total number of all participations satisfying clause 1 within one festival is no more than 10.

If the specified quotas are exceeded, applicants may be denied participation. The organizing committee has the right to decide to increase each of the quotas and inform about this additionally.

Festival jury:

The jury is composed by the festival's organizing committee of famous artists, teachers of creative disciplines, directors, leaders of creative groups, cultural and artistic figures, and public figures. The list of jury members will not be disclosed until the start of the festival. At the end of the festival, a round table is held where participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive performances with members of the jury and exchange opinions. Competitive performances of participants are assessed according to generally accepted criteria: technical skill (according to the nomination), artistry, complexity of the repertoire and age-appropriateness of the repertoire, creation of an artistic image, taking into account the subjective opinion of each jury member.

Prizes and awards:

All festival participants receive memorable souvenirs. In each nomination, age and group category, the titles of Laureate of I, II and III degrees, as well as the title of Diplomat are awarded. Laureates are awarded diplomas and cups, Diploma holders are awarded only participant diplomas. The jury awards the Grand Prix to one of the 1st prize winners. Grand Prix holders have the opportunity to take part in the same nomination in one of the festival-competitions of the “Salute of Talents” project without an organizational fee within one calendar year from the date of receipt of the Grand Prix. Special diplomas issued in the presence of outstanding participants, in the opinion of the jury: “Best choreographer”, “Best accompanist”, “Best choirmaster”, “Best director”, “Diploma for the best costume”, “Diploma of the most artistic participant”, “Diploma of the most young participant”, “Diploma for the best artistic work”. Teachers, managers and accompanists receive official letters of gratitude and certificates for completing the round table.

The 1st degree laureates of any of the festival-competitions enter the Superfinal of the “Salute of Talents” project. The exception is the 1st degree Laureates in the “Fine Art” nominations (nominations 9 - 11), who are included in the Superfinal of the “Palette of the World” project.

Non-competitive participation:

Within the framework of all festival-competitions of the “Salute of Talents” project, non-competitive participation of groups and soloists is allowed. All the same rules and requirements apply to participants performing outside the competition as to other participants. Out-of-competition performances are also reviewed and evaluated by the jury without assigning points and subsequent assignment of places. Teachers have the opportunity to discuss the performances of their students with members of the jury as part of a round table. Participants who performed outside the competition receive a Festival Participant Diploma, as well as a commemorative Cup.

Superfinal Prize Fund:

The prize fund for the Superfinal of the 2016-2017 festival season is 500 thousand rubles. The distribution of the prize fund among prize places is regulated by the Regulations on the Superfinal.

We invite you to a children's and youth creativity competition in Georgia! Fabulous, beautiful Tbilisi will host the festival of the “Salute of Talents” project in March 2017!

Trip program

St. Petersburg (4 days)

1 day - 7.05

  • Recommended arrival time is from 8:00 to 12:00***. Meeting of the group at the railway station with an accompanying person (no earlier than 8:00 am). Meeting at the airport for an additional fee. fee.
  • To find convenient transport connections from your city, use the Yandex.Schedules service.
  • Boarding the bus.
  • Overnight at the hotel.

Day 2 - 8.05

  • Overnight at the hotel.

Day 3 - 9.05

  • Breakfast.
  • Festival day.
  • Transfer to the festival.
  • Rehearsals for participants.
  • Opening of the Festival-Competition.
  • Competitive performances.
  • Master Class.*
  • Disco for participants.
  • Transfer to the hotel.
  • Overnight at the hotel.

Day 4 - 10.05


Type of allocation

Cost, rubles

2* tour class hotel "Tourist", accommodation for 4-5 persons,

amenities on the floor, Buffet breakfast

Hostel "Ready Steady", accommodation for 4-10 persons, - bunk beds , amenities on the floor,

breakfast cover (for 1 group of at least 40 people)

3* hotel "hotel 365", 4-bed accommodation (apartments),

amenities in the room, breakfast cover

economy hotel "Petropolis", 2-3-4-bed accommodation,

amenities on the block, breakfast cover

economy hotel 3* "LDM", 2-3-4-bed accommodation,

hotel 4* "Moscow", 2-bed occupancy,

amenities in the room, breakfast buffet

On request

900 rubles per participant (but not more than 13,500 rubles per group), 1,500 rubles per soloist (paid additionally, not included in the cost of the trip)

The number of places in hotels is limited!!! Reservations in a hotel of the selected category are made only after registration of the application (prepayment). 3-bed accommodation in the Moscow Hotel (delivery of cots to the rooms) - upon request. Double rooms in LDM are limited


  • Registration of application 1200 rubles per person
  • Accommodation of the selected category in a hotel in St. Petersburg (3 nights)
  • meals (3 breakfasts and 2 lunches)
  • sightseeing tour of St. Petersburg
  • country excursion with entrance tickets to Nizhny Park (tickets only for citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus)
  • transport services according to the program***


  • entrance fees to museums and other excursion sites
  • entrance tickets to Nizhny Park for foreign citizens
  • transfers around the city
  • additional night in the hotel, supplement for single room
  • extra food
  • meeting at the airport

** - The number of places in hotels is limited!!! Reservations in a hotel of the selected category are made only after registration of the application (prepayment). 3-bed accommodation in the Moscow Hotel (delivery of cots to the rooms) - upon request. Double rooms in LDM are limited

*** - Please note that on the first day the sightseeing tour is combined with a transfer to the hotel, and on the last day the out-of-town excursion is combined with a transfer to the railway station. The waiting time at the station for the start of the tour will be communicated to the tour. manager 3 days before the trip. When rescheduling an excursion or transfer to a date or time different from those specified in the standard trip program, transport will be paid additionally.

LOCAL COLLECTIVES (accepted only by agreement with the manager!)

Organizational fee for one nomination:

  • Sightseeing bus tour of St. Petersburg, during which you will see St. Isaac's Square with the majestic St. Isaac's Cathedral, the first erected monument to Russia - the Bronze Horseman, the main residence of the Russian emperors - the Winter Palace, as well as a monument of Russian architecture, the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood and the venue military parades in tsarist Russia. Field of Mars. You will find out where the first building of the city is located - the house of Peter I, you will see the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, from which one of the most fascinating architectural ensembles opens - an example of the harmony of the city's architecture with the landscape of the banks of the Neva, as well as many other attractions of our city, such as Aurora, Petropavlovskaya Fortress, Kazan Cathedral, Mariinsky Theater.
  • Check-in at the hotel no earlier than 14:00.
  • Lunch at a city cafe during the sightseeing tour.
  • Overnight at the hotel.
  • Day 2 - 8.05

    • On this day (for an additional fee, having previously specified the opening hours of museums on this day) you can visit:
    • State Hermitage Museum* (one of the top twenty most visited art museums in the world),
    • The largest museum of Russian art in the world is the Russian Museum*,
    • The palace and park ensemble of the city of Pavlovsk*, which is under the protection of UNESCO,
    • Walking tour "Theater Petersburg", the route of which passes through seven of the city's most significant theaters
    • Walking tour "Classical Petersburg", which will allow you to take a closer look and visit the main objects of St. Petersburg - the Savior on Spilled Blood, St. John's Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Nevsky Prospekt...
    • Port city in the Gulf of Finland Kronstadt*,
    • Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography - Kunstkamera*
    • as well as the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood*, St. Isaac's Cathedral*, Zoological Museum*, Zoo*, Oceanarium*, Labyrinthum* and much more
    • Overnight at the hotel.

    Day 3 - 9.05

    • Breakfast.
    • Festival day.
    • Transfer to the festival.
    • Rehearsals for participants.
    • Opening of the Festival-Competition.
    • Competitive performances.
    • Master Class.*
    • Gala concert and Awards. Presentation of Diplomas and Cups to participants.
    • Round table for jury members, managers and teachers.
    • Disco for participants.
    • At the end of the festival day, all children and teachers receive memorable souvenirs, managers and teachers also receive letters of gratitude and certificates of participation in the round table, which can be used to receive a grant for advanced training of teachers.
    • Lunch between performances.
    • Transfer to the hotel.
    • Overnight at the hotel.

    Day 4 - 10.05

    • Breakfast. Departure from the hotel with things no later than 12:00.
    • Country excursion to Peterhof. Excursion to the palace and park ensemble of Peterhof: You will see the luxurious Grand Palace, decorated with gold, from the terrace of which there is a panoramic view of the Gulf of Finland, canals, the most famous fountain of Peterhof - the Great Cascade, crowned in the center with a sculpture of Samson tearing the mouth of a lion, take a walk along the Upper park, laid out according to the plan of the architect Rastrelli, enjoy the bright splashes and murmur of jets of many different fountains and cascades spread throughout the Lower Park, which was laid out on the model of the country residence of the French king Louis XIV in Versailles, but many times surpassed the grandeur of its older brother, you will reach to the Gulf of Finland, from the shore of which there is a beautiful view of St. Petersburg.
    • Free time to visit the palaces and objects of Peterhof - the Grand Palace *, Church Building *, Catherine's Building *, Monplaisir *, Grottoes of the Grand Cascade *, Aviaries * (visiting museum objects is not included in the trip price).
    • Transfer to the railway railway station. Free time before train departure. Recommended departure time is no earlier than 16:00.***

    *- not included in the cost of the trip and is paid additionally

    December is the traditional time for parent-teacher meetings, where you discuss plans for the next six months. Of course, among these discussions there is a place for questions about traveling to festivals. Knowing that many parents are concerned about the organizational aspects of the trip, we have prepared some useful tips that we suggest you use.

    One of the most important questions that parents ask about participating in festivals is: Are you sure that the organizer is reliable and that the festival will be held at a high level?

    You can reassure your parents and yourself (after all, you take responsibility for the children) only if you carefully approach the issue of choosing the organizer of the festival-competition.

    What we advise you to do before the meeting and what you need to tell your parents (especially if this is your first time going to the organizer of the competition):
    - check the availability of real photos and video reports about the festivals held;
    - look at the organizer’s website for reviews from participants;
    - ask for contacts of teachers and team leaders who have already attended festivals or competitions of this organizer and talk personally with these teachers (believe me, this is a great way to make sure that everything is in order with the organization).

    What you need to tell your parents before the trip:

    Nature doesn't have bad weather, only the wrong clothes
    Check with your trip organizer and weather forecast sites for information about the weather along your route. Inform parents to bring appropriate clothing.
    - Children want to eat
    Think about your children's daily meals in advance. Often, travel programs only include breakfast; discuss with the organizers whether it is possible to order additional meals in advance; if not, how it can be organized along the route and in the city of stay. In any case, ask your parents to give their children non-perishable food items with them on the trip - crackers, crackers, cookies, etc.
    - Money and children
    Ask parents to give their children money for meals if prepaid meals are not available. Also ask parents to give their children pocket money and souvenirs along the route. In addition, we advise accompanying persons to have spare money with them in case of unforeseen expenses.

    Spring with “Salute of Talents”
    And, of course, we advise you to pay attention to the projects of the Creative Association “Salute of Talents”.

    In the spring of 2015, we offer you more than 30 festivals both in Russia (Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Vladimir, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Sudak, Kazan, Ufa, Yekaterinburg) and in the world (Minsk, Berlin, Alma- Ata, Paris, Rome, Beijing, Barcelona, ​​Vilnius, Riga, Astana, Cannes, Budapest, Vitebsk, Vienna, Tokyo, Istanbul).