Denis Matsuev - biography, personal life: “Don’t torture your children with music! Pianist Denis Matsuev: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Russian pianist Denis Matsuev.

The famous pianist Denis Matsuev is known for his loud statements. “I am a Siberian by nationality,” he once declared. This phrase aroused general interest, because the musician has a rather complex origin. Siberians, of course, can be proud of their talented fellow countryman, because in a short time the name of Denis Matsuev has gained worldwide fame. The life of this wonderful person will be discussed in this article.


Denis Matsuev, a biography whose nationality is of interest to many, was born in 1975, on June 11, in the city of Irkutsk. His dad, Leonid Viktorovich, is a pianist and composer. He was busy writing music for productions of the Irkutsk theater. The mother of the future musician, Irina Dmitrievna, taught piano. The boy’s grandfather, Dmitry Leonidovich Gomelsky, worked as a percussionist in the circus orchestra of the city of Irkutsk. Pianist Denis Matsuev is a Jew, some say so. This statement is only partly true. The fact is that the musician’s grandmother, Rammul Vera Albertovna, was indeed a born Jew. She managed to give the boy a basic musical education and instill in him a lifelong love of art. Thus, the pianist is only a quarter Jewish.


Denis Matsuev spent his childhood in his native Irkutsk. He still remembers Lake Baikal, loves to come to its shores and absorb the special energy of this place. Born into a creative family, the boy studied music from an early age. First, he went to city secondary school No. 11 named after Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky and at the same time began to attend the local art school. At the age of sixteen, Denis Matsuev, whose nationality is discussed in this article, entered the Irkutsk Music School. However, he quickly realized that his talent needed more thorough polishing. At the family council it was decided to move to the capital. The parents understood that their talented son could have a very successful creative biography. Denis Matsuev moved to Moscow in 1990.

First successes

The young man successfully passed the entrance examination to the Central Music School, which operated at the Moscow State Conservatory. In 1991, he became a laureate of the International Public Charitable Foundation called “New Names”. Thanks to this circumstance, already in his youth he visited more than forty countries of the world with concert performances. The most important people came to listen to his virtuoso playing: the Pope and others. In 1993, Denis Matsuev, whose nationality is often discussed in the press, managed to enter the Moscow State Conservatory. At the same time, he performed in programs of the New Names public foundation, which took place under the leadership of Denis’s patron, Svyatoslav Belz. In 1995, the artist was accepted as a soloist at the Moscow State Philharmonic. This allowed Denis Leonidovich to expand the scope of his concert activities.


Together with his victory at the Eleventh International Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Competition, world fame came to the musician. His biography was decorated with this fateful event in 1998. Denis Matsuev has become one of the most popular pianists on the globe. His masterly performances caused a great resonance in the world. The artist began to be invited to the most prestigious events. For example, Denis Matsuev spoke at the closing ceremony of the Sochi Olympics. Many people became interested in the nationality of the pianist. It seemed to them that such a brilliant talent could only appear in a person of special blood.


Denis Matsuev boldly shares his views with the public. “A Siberian,” he said in an interview with Vladimir Pozner. The artist considers the inhabitants of Siberia to be a special breed of people. He thinks that in those parts the spirit of the rebellious Decembrists is still preserved. Siberians are distinguished by their breadth of nature and independent disposition, the pianist believes. In addition, these people have special strong-willed core. The musician sincerely loves his native land. It is no coincidence that he even holds the annual festival “Stars on Baikal” in Irkutsk. Denis Matsuev, whose nationality is discussed throughout the world, admits that he has Russian, Jewish, German, Estonian, and Polish roots However, in his soul he feels like a real Siberian.

Denis Matsuev says that he especially loves performing in front of the Russian public. It is not easy to win her attention, which is why success in this field can be especially valuable. The pianist has traveled all over the world and believes that Russia has the most cordial people and unusually beautiful girls.

Concert activities

Since 2004, Denis Matsuev annually presents his personal subscription. The best symphony orchestras of Russia and abroad perform together with the musician there. In recent seasons, Lorin Maazel and the Arturo Toscanini Orchestra have performed on the same stage with the pianist; Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra; Zubin Mehta and the Florentine Maggio Musicale. Together with Denis Matsuev he played under the management of Paavo Jarvi, Gianandrea Noseda, Semyon Bychkov, Mikhail Pletnev. The artist also actively collaborated with the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia as a soloist and conductor. The best conductors in the world consider it an honor to work with the famous Denis Matsuev. Among them: Yuri Timirkanov, Valery Gergiev, Beshmet, Leonid Slatkin, Maris Janson, Ivan Fischer, Kurt Mazur, Myung-Wun Chung, Jukka-Pekka Saraste and many others.

Social activity

What is Denis Matsuev's nationality? Everyone can answer this question for themselves. It is enough to evaluate the musician’s contribution to the development of national culture to understand that by nature he is a truly Russian person. The pianist strives in every possible way to interest young people in philharmonic art. He runs several charity projects. The artist heads the interregional charitable foundation "New Names" and has been an Honorary Professor at Moscow State University since 2011. Denis Leonidovich also holds the position of art director of the S. V. Rachmaninov Foundation. In 2006, the artist became a member of the Council for Arts and Culture under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2012, he was appointed to the post of chairman of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. In 2014, Denis Matsuev, among many, signed the appeal of cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of V.V. Putin’s policies in Crimea and Ukraine.

Personal life

The artist has never been married. In all interviews, he states that he does not suffer from loneliness and does not strive to get a stamp in his passport. In his free time, Denis Matsuev likes to play sports. The musician's nationality does not affect his preferences: he, like many, is a fan of Spartak, and he enjoys playing football, bowling and tennis. The artist loves the Russian bathhouse. He is a devoted fan of theatrical art, often visits Sovremennik and is friends with Galina Volchek. The broad nature of Denis Leonidovich requires an outlet. The musician admits that during his visits to his homeland he cannot breathe enough of his native Baikal, and sometimes he goes far into the forest to scream while no one can hear him.


Denis Matsuev is a very talented and subtle person. The nationality of the musician does not matter. He does a lot for his country. In an effort to instill in people a love of music, the artist organizes all kinds of festivals and competitions. Moreover, he strives to hold them in different regions of Russia, so that all residents of the country can touch high art and hear brilliant performances of the best musical works. I would like to wish Denis Leonidovich new creative achievements.

Denis Matsuev is a Russian musician, a famous virtuoso pianist, who in 2011 was awarded the title “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation.” His popularity extends far beyond the narrow circle of classical music lovers.

The pianist’s number of concerts per year reaches 150. The disc “Unknown Rachmaninov” was included in the list of nominees for the prestigious Grammy Award.

Childhood and youth

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev was born on June 11, 1975 in Irkutsk, Siberia. The family of the great pianist has been associated with music for many generations. Matsuev’s grandfather worked as a performer in a circus orchestra, where he played drums and percussion. Leonid Viktorovich Matsuev, Denis's father, was a pianist and composer who composed music for theatrical productions in Irkutsk. Irina Dmitrievna Gomelskaya, the mother of the future celebrity, taught piano.

Since childhood, Denis’s parents developed a love of music, as well as piano playing skills. The first lessons to the future virtuoso were given by his grandmother, Vera Albertovna Rammul, who had the skills to play several musical instruments. In Irkutsk, Denis attended art school and studied at the 11th school named after - the oldest educational institution in the city. The first piano teacher in Matsuev’s life was Lyubov Nikolaevna Sementsova.

Musical talent did not prevent Denis from remaining a restless boy who spent his free time on the football field or ice skating rink. Matsuev seriously dreamed of a sports career, but devoted only 2 hours a day to music - he didn’t have enough patience. But even during this time, the boy managed to master the material that his peers had been learning for weeks. The young pianist was more dedicated to sports, although at one time he was considered the smallest in the class. No one imagined that in his youth the young man would turn into a giant 2 meters tall (Denis is now 198 cm tall and weighs 85 kg).

After graduating from school, the guy studied for some time at the Irkutsk Music College, but already at that time he felt the need to continue his studies in the capital.

In an interview, Matsuev speaks with gratitude about his parents, whom he considers the main reason for his success. Mom and father made sacrifices for their son, moving from Irkutsk to Moscow, exchanging their established life for life in a one-room apartment - and all this in order to provide Denis with the opportunity to study with the best teachers in the country. Parents believed that education should become an integral part of Denis's life. Thus, the boy became available opportunities that other children did not have.


The Moscow biography of Matsuev begins in 1990. Here the young pianist begins his studies at the central specialized music school at the Conservatory. . A year later, Denis Matsuev becomes a laureate of a competition held by the international public charitable foundation “New Names”. Thanks to this organization, the young virtuoso has the opportunity to visit 40 countries with concerts, including Great Britain, Austria, the Netherlands and France.

In 1993, Matsuev entered the Moscow Conservatory, where he studied at the piano department with Alexei Nasedkin and Sergei Dorensky. While still a student at the conservatory, Denis became a soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic in 1995.

In 1998, while studying in his last year at the conservatory, Matsuev won the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition. The performance of the young pianist was noticed by critics and caused a response among the public, marking the beginning of his popularity. Denis considers this victory the most significant achievement in his life.

Denis Matsuev performs jazz improvisation

During the competitive performance, the performer preferred the concert style of playing instead of the average-correct manner of performance adopted at competitions.

Since 2004, Denis has presented his own annual subscription called “Soloist Denis Matsuev” in the concert program of the Moscow Philharmonic. A special feature of these concerts was the attraction of famous world and Russian orchestras while maintaining affordable ticket prices for the majority of listeners. The groups participating in the maestro’s concerts included the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra led by, the Russian National Orchestra with Mikhail Pletnev, and the Orchestra of Soloists led by.

In the same year, Denis signed a contract with the SONY BMG Music Entertainment label, which was created as a result of the merger of two large media holdings and still remains one of the largest recording studios in the world. Gradually, Matsuev’s performances are becoming more and more popular around the world, and his albums are not gathering dust on the shelves of music stores.

Together with the label, the musician records his first album, Tribute to Horowitz. The disc includes Vladimir Horowitz's favorite concert numbers, including variations on themes from classical opera masterpieces, The Mephisto Waltz and Hungarian Rhapsody. In addition, Matsuev becomes a representative of Yamaha pianos. This position was held at one time by Denis, of whom Denis is a fan.

Gradually, the man becomes a recognizable musician in many countries around the world, and not only Russians look forward to his concerts. The tour schedule is scheduled for several years in advance, which Matsuev informs fans about from the pages of the official website. In 2017, he continued to give joint concerts with famous classical music groups on the planet.

Among the musician’s achievements, a special place is occupied by the disc “The Unknown Rachmaninov,” recorded on a piano that personally belonged to the great composer. The history of this recording began with the fact that after a concert in Paris, Alexander, the composer’s grandson, invited Matsuev to perform the fugue and suite of the great composer found in the archives. Denis received the right to the premiere performance in exchange for a friendly promise to quit smoking given to Alexander Rachmaninov, which, by the way, he kept.

Denis Matsuev - "Prelude No. 5" op. 23 Rachmaninoff

Matsuev also loves musical marathons. To this day, he remains the only pianist to perform all 3 Tchaikovsky concertos in one evening. Then the artist repeated a similar success, but this time in 2 evenings.

Denis is one of those performers who, having achieved success in academic music, reached a level where their popularity began to capture more and more listeners outside the circle of classical music lovers. In his performing work, the artist combines an innovative approach and the rich traditions of Russian piano art.

Matsuev is the head of numerous charity programs, the purpose of which is to popularize classical music among young people, support young talents and conduct piano competitions. One of the goals of Denis’s program is to bring art to all regions of the Russian Federation.

Continuing cooperation with the New Names Foundation, Matsuev becomes its president. In 2011, the musician was awarded the title of honorary professor at Moscow State University. The pianist also organized the “Stars on Baikal” festival, which takes place annually in Irkutsk. Later he became a member of the jury of the talent show of the Russia-1 channel “Blue Bird”.

Denis Matsuev at the closing of the Olympics in Sochi

In 2014, Denis Matsuev’s performance at the closing of the Winter Olympics in Sochi was memorable. The pianist’s fans still remember the enchanting concert with nostalgia.

Personal life

Denis Matsuev did not dare to get married for a long time. He was happy with his personal life and did not take the stamp in his passport seriously. Soon information about the pianist’s lover began to appear in the media. She became Ekaterina Shipulina, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. The pianist's wedding took place in a narrow family circle.

In October 2016, his wife gave Denis a daughter. The girl was named Anna. The pianist told the public about the heiress only a year later, still without showing her photo. According to Matsuev, his daughter shows interest in music, and the little one especially likes “Petrushka”. Her father noticed that Anna had a penchant for conducting: while her father was playing, the girl moved her hands to the beat.

Among the famous performer's hobbies are visiting a Russian bathhouse and walking in nature - Matsuev loves visiting Lake Baikal.

The pianist is often accompanied by his friends on such trips. The stage star is nostalgic about his city. He decided not to sell or renovate his parents’ apartment in Irkutsk, but to leave everything as it was. Compatriots also keep the memory of the great maestro. In his native school, the desk at which the musician sat, and the piano, on which little Denis played during breaks, were preserved.

The pianist also retained his love of football from childhood. Denis is a fan of the Spartak club, and, by his own admission, what helped him win the Tchaikovsky Competition was that he watched the broadcast of the World Cup instead of listening to the performances of his competitors. The musician also remains a fan of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater.

Fans of Matsuev’s talent have more than once been interested in the pedigree of the famous pianist, trying to find out his nationality. Denis Leonidovich responds to such desires to learn about his life simply, stating that “by nationality he is a Siberian.”

Denis Matsuev now

Denis Matsuev's love for jazz is well known. The artist highly values ​​this style of music, considering it no less significant than classics. The pianist often complements his concerts with jazz miniatures and improvisations. In 2017, he presented to the audience a new program, “Jazz among Friends,” which included works by the musician himself.

Denis Matsuev on the TV show “Evening Urgant” in 2018

On the 145th anniversary of Sergei Rachmaninov, Matsuev fulfilled another dream - he performed all the composer’s piano concertos in 2 evenings. The performance took place in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky April 1 and 2, 2018.

Matsuev also does not forget about charity, regularly organizing concerts for disabled and visually impaired children. At one time, Denis became a participant in the “Children of Beslan” marathon. The performer is kind to the younger generation of young musicians.

Elisey Mysin and Denis Matsuev

In 2018, the maestro performed at the economic forum in Davos with a concert, which was attended by aspiring pianists, wards of the New Names Foundation - Elisha Mysin, Sonya Tyurina and Varvara Kutuzova.


  • 2004 – Tribute to Horowitz
  • 2005 – Stravinsky - Firebird Suite, Shchedrin - Piano Concerto No.5
  • 2006 – Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich
  • 2007 – Unknown Rachmaninoff
  • 2008 – The Carnegie Hall Concert
  • 2011 – S. Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No 3 & Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
  • 2013 – S. Rachmaninov. Piano Concerto, G. Gershwin. Rhapsody in Blue
  • 2014 – Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.3

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev (b. 1975) is an outstanding Russian virtuoso pianist who performs in the best concert halls in the world; musical and social activist. For his creative successes, he received the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 2009, and since 2011 he has had the title of People's Artist of Russia.


Denis was born on June 11, 1975 in the city of Irkutsk. His unique talent can be attributed to heredity, because almost the entire family was musical.

Maternal grandfather, Dmitry Gomelsky, was a percussionist (a musician who plays percussion instruments) and worked in the Irkutsk Circus orchestra.

Her paternal grandmother, Rammul Vera Albertovna, was a physicist by profession, but this did not stop her from playing excellent music from operettas and Soviet films on several instruments. It was she who became the first teacher of little Matsuev.

Denis's dad, Leonid Viktorovich Matsuev, was a pianist and composer; he wrote music for many theatrical productions in Irkutsk. Mom, Irina Dmitrievna, taught piano at music schools.

Parents and grandparents realized from an early age that Denis was growing up to be a child prodigy. But he himself did not feel special, he only understood that he did some things better than others. For example, Denis mastered a piece that usually takes three months to master in two or three days. He memorized music very quickly, learned notes by heart, had a unique ear, and could pick out any melody.

Plus, their house always had a crazy atmosphere, in the good sense of the word, that is, there were often many guests who loved to sing and dance. Particularly large parties were held on Saturday evenings. This is where Denis's great love for jazz music began.

The boy watched everything, studied, memorized and at some point began to organize his own shows. He sang, played the piano, violin, guitar, accordion, parodied opera, jazz and pop singers, and showed puppet shows. Rumors spread around the city that there was a special child in the Matsuev family, and many wanted to attend his home performances. Then Denis for the first time felt that he could capture the attention of the audience.

School years

Denis studied at secondary school No. 11 in the city of Irkutsk. Along with this, he attended a music school. His unique abilities made Matsuev the first hero in the class, because before each singing lesson the girls ordered him different melodies, and he easily picked them up and played the piano. But he liked performing, and he hated music classes; he could not sit in one place for more than two hours. But Denis’s parents acted wisely: they saw what their son’s temperament was, so they did not force him to study: “Let him run around in the yard with the boys first, and then play music.”.

The future virtuoso pianist's favorite pastime was football. He simply adored this sport, watched it on TV, and played for the local team himself. Therefore, when the chance came to show Denis to a representative of a musical organization that collected young talents throughout Russia, his father had to resort to a trick.

In 1990, the founder and president of the New Names Foundation, Ivetta Voronova, came to Irkutsk. There was a children's jazz quartet in the city, the fame of which spread all the way to the capital, and Ivetta Nikolaevna wanted to listen to it. Local musicians from the Philharmonic suggested Denis’s father show Voronova his unique son. But the guy categorically refused, explaining that he had the final of a back-to-back football tournament. The younger Matsuev was not only the captain of the team, but also the head of the sports ground, he was responsible for its condition. Could he, at such a crucial moment, exchange his team, friends and football for some audition at the Philharmonic?

And then dad told him: “Can’t you really have time for both football and the Philharmonic?” Self-esteem took over. Denis really made it everywhere; after a football match, in jeans and a T-shirt, he ran onto the stage of the Philharmonic, played Rachmaninoff’s prelude and got ready to run back. Ivetta Nikolaevna stopped him and said: “Wait, pussy, we want to invite you to Moscow”.

Study in Moscow

In 1991, Denis and his parents came to Moscow. It was a terrible time, right after the coup. The guy didn’t want to leave his native Irkutsk, his friends and his favorite neighborhood football team. But his parents bribed him, saying that in Moscow he would be able to go to large stadiums and watch the matches of his beloved Spartak with his own eyes.

Grandma Vera Albertovna helped again. Once upon a time, she, a physicist by education and profession, quit her job and devoted herself to raising her grandson, studying music with little Denis. Now she sold a cooperative apartment in Irkutsk, gave sixteen thousand dollars, and with this money the Matsuev family rented housing in Moscow.

In the capital, Denis began studying at the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. A year later, he became the winner of an international competition organized by the New Names charitable public foundation. In addition to being awarded a foundation scholarship, Matsuev took part in classical music concerts in many European countries. He toured the capitals and major cities of the Netherlands, Austria, France and Great Britain, performed before NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner, the British Queen, Pope John Paul II, and played six times before Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

In 1993, Denis entered the Moscow State Conservatory, and two years later became a soloist of the capital's Philharmonic.

Victory at the Tchaikovsky Competition

In 1998, Matsuev took part in the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition. Together with their teacher, they spent a long time choosing a competition program and settled on Liszt’s concert. This is a very impressive piece, no one has performed it, and the choice was made literally ten days before submitting applications for the competition. This was not only the right decision - it turned out to be bright and victorious.

Denis could not come to his senses for a long time after the victory; everything seemed to him like some kind of dream. After all, the line-up of competitors was the strongest in history, with only seven pianists vying for first place. Matsuev was helped by his character; he always played better at performances than at rehearsals. The excitement went away, unbridled joy took over, he ran to the piano, everything was boiling inside, the pianist was literally tearing and throwing. At these moments, he never thought that he was playing for the jury members sitting in the sixth row. He presented his creativity to the audience who came to the Great Hall of the Conservatory.

The competitive performance was triumphant. He was highly appreciated not only by members of the jury, but also by music critics; they noted the young pianist’s emotional concert style of performance, which at the same time contrasted with a calm manner. Many positive reviews of Matsuev’s performance appeared in the foreign media. And world music lovers clearly recognized the talent of the young Russian virtuoso pianist.


Denis has one unshakable rule - he distributes his tour schedule equally between Russian and foreign listeners. He performs especially often in his homeland, in Siberian cities. On his first serious tour, he traveled to Chita, Magadan, Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

For him, listeners from the Russian hinterland are as dear to him as the audience from Carnegie Hall. Denis does not know how to play in any special way well for an elite audience. He gives one hundred percent always and everywhere. The pianist considers it his duty to introduce masterpieces of music to people who have never heard the classics performed live before. For Matsuev, this is a matter of conscience and honor.

He considers it easy to get on a helicopter and fly to some remote village, for example, in the Orenburg region. Denis tries to deliver pianos to such remote areas so that children can study in local schools and clubs on good musical instruments. The pianist does not forget that he himself comes from such a remote place. In his opinion, everything that is most sincere, truthful and real comes from such places.

Now his name is known even to those who are not familiar with classical music. He is one of the few people on the planet who make the classics understandable, and in this he is helped by his remarkable charisma, temperament and an absolutely sincere desire to bring the masterpieces of world music to as many people as possible.

Denis performs with the best domestic and foreign orchestras and conductors (Yuri Bashmet, Valery Gergiev, Paavo Jarvi, Vladimir Spivakov, Gianandrea Noseda, Mikhail Pletnev, Ivan Fischer).

Matsuev is trying with all his might to awaken interest in music among modern youth. To do this, he organizes various children's and youth festivals, competitions and shows, and takes upon himself the leadership of many charity programs throughout Russia. For example, the “Stars on Baikal” festival, which Denis organized in his homeland, Irkutsk, is now held there annually. The Crescendo festival is held every year in different Russian cities, and Matsuev is its artistic director.

Since 2011, Matsuev has been an honorary professor at Moscow State University. He is the president of the interregional charitable foundation “New Names”, as well as the art director of the Sergei Rachmaninov Foundation.

During the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, the pianist performed at the closing ceremony. And in the summer of 2016, Denis was elected ambassador of the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup, which will be held in Russia.

Holy Motherland

Denis lives in Moscow, but whenever possible he visits his small homeland.

The holiest place on the planet for Matsuev is Irkutsk. He loves his hometown very much and is ready to sacrifice everything for it. Concerts in his native land are always held with special excitement and trepidation, and the recognition of Irkutsk listeners is most important to him.

When he arrives in Irkutsk, he leaves the car and everything he’s doing, goes for a walk around the city, walks along the streets of Khalturin, Marat, Zhelyabin. Then he goes into their apartment, where he deliberately does not renovate, and inhales the smells of his childhood. Denis sometimes jokes that he came up with the annual “Stars on Baikal” festival in Irkutsk in order to visit his homeland once again. More broadly, the pianist’s favorite places are, of course, Baikal, especially Chivyrkuisky Bay and Sandy Bay.

Family and hobbies

Matsuev lives in a civil marriage with the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, Honored Artist of Russia Ekaterina Shipulina. In the fall of 2016, the couple had a daughter.

Denis is still, as in childhood, a passionate football fan. Preference is given to the Moscow club Spartak. In addition to football, he enjoys tennis and bowling.

The pianist loves Soviet films, and he knows not only every actor and director, but also in what year and at what film studio the film was shot. Denis knows the most masterpiece comedies, for example, by heart - phrase by phrase, frame by frame. He grew up watching these films and is firmly convinced that his great-grandchildren will watch them too. These films are personal, sincere and real, which strongly remind Denis of classical music. And the classics live for centuries.

Among foreign countries, Denis loves Japan very much, admires its culture, the self-esteem of the Japanese, the way they respect their elders, their quality of life and order on the streets.

Matsuev is a fan of old rock, he loves listening to the music of Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, and Queen. He likes Sting, French and Soviet pop music.

He loves the theater very much, among those in Moscow he gives preference to Sovremennik, and is friends with the director of this theater, Galina Volchek.

Matsuev is a passionate fan of the Russian bath. During the “Stars on Baikal” festival, it has a tradition: whoever the famous guests come, first they go to the steam room, and then plunge into Lake Baikal. The temperature there is only +8 degrees, but no one has ever gotten sick.

Denis Matsuev is a truly virtuoso musician, whose talent has made him famous not only throughout the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Denis is not only a Russian social and musical figure. In addition, he has the title of People's Artist of Russia and is the winner of a large number of various music awards. And all this is he alone - an ordinary guy who was born into an ordinary, but musically gifted family.

It is worth recognizing that his nationality is quite difficult to establish. As well as which member of his family had the strongest influence on the future of the pianist. But one thing is truly known - even in childhood he chose the only true path for himself. And it was this path that ultimately could lead him to truly impressive success and the emergence of a huge number of admirers not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Admirers who would be incredibly happy to meet their idol.

Over time, more and more people are interested in this amazing pianist. In addition, he interests fans not only as a virtuoso musician, but also as a person. In particular, they are interested in such parameters as height, weight, age. How old is Denis Matsuev - also one of the frequently asked questions. Therefore, we will answer everything at once. Denis is a colorful adult man - he is 42 years old. Women also adore him because he is very tall - 198 centimeters. And his 85 kilograms of weight indicate that he also has an excellent figure.

It’s easy to find information on the Internet such as Denis Matsuev’s photo in his youth and now. Looking at them, it’s easy to guess that the majority of his army of fans were women. Tall, handsome, and also a musician - who can resist that?

Biography of Denis Matsuev

Denis was born on June 11, 1975, in Irkutsk, into a family that was not particularly famous, but was directly connected with music. Father - Leonid Matsuev - was a pianist and wrote music. And my mother, Irina Matsueva, taught me to play the piano.

About thirteen years ago, the international festival “Stars on Baikal” was organized in the same city; now it has traditionally been held there, in Irkutsk, for many years.

We can say that the biography of Denis Matsuev as a musician began about fifteen years ago. It was then that fame came to him. In addition to the famous pianist, Matsuev became the head of the society of aspiring musicians, and also the “Crescendo” music competition. Most townspeople respect the musician very much, since it was with his assistance that a concert hall was opened in the city. It may be small, accommodating only sixty people, but nonetheless.

The life of this person is truly rich in colorful and interesting events. For example, not long ago the famous opera diva Maria Maksakova celebrated her anniversary. And Denis was one of the first to congratulate the singer. Many fans, mostly women, were immediately interested in this fact and made them wonder what seriously connects these two famous artists.

The truth turned out to be that Denis Matsuev and Maria Maksakova have been close friends for many years, which Denis himself confirmed. Answering a question from journalists, he noted that they met while studying at a music school, and it was there that their friendship began. In fact, there is absolutely no reason to start rumors. By the way, Denis studied music at the Moscow music school.

Often Matsuev’s fans are also interested in the question of his nationality. The musician himself prefers to remain silent on such questions, answering simply: “I am a Siberian.”

Personal life of Denis Matsuev

The personal life of Denis Matsuev has long been one of the main topics of discussion among the pianist’s admirers. Mainly for the reason that, despite his relatively advanced age, the man was in no hurry to get married. In his interviews, the composer argued that family life is, first of all, respect, trust and love. In the past, the musician claimed that he was still single only because he had not yet met a woman whom he could call his wife. And getting married is not only a stamp in your passport, but also a responsibility.

After a certain time, news began to appear in the media. At first, Denis Matsuev started a relationship with Ekaterina Shipulina, a prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. Somewhat later, rumors began to arise that Denis Matsuev and Ekaterina Shipulina had broken up. But these seem to be just rumors. Because last fall the ballerina gave birth to a girl.

Family of Denis Matsuev

It’s interesting that Denis Matsuev’s family is very creative. It seems that the talent of a pianist is, as they say, in his blood. And it was the relatives who had a significant influence on the musician’s future life. Their father is a pianist and composer who wrote music for the theater in their hometown. Just like his grandfather. And his mother works as a music teacher.

From his childhood, his parents developed his talent for music. Little Deniska not only studied at a music school, but did not forget to practice at home. Obviously, in such a situation, the question of profession did not even arise for the future musician. He was fully confident that he would become a celebrity in the music world.

Children of Denis Matsuev

During the period when Matsuev began his relationship with Shipulina, at some point the press decided to raise the question of whether Denis Matsuev had children? Or the relationship with the ballerina has not yet grown to such heights. Fans immediately became interested in the reasons for this question. After all, this could only mean one of two things: either Matsuev began to have a conflict in his relationship with his beloved wife, or Ekaterina, at a minimum, became pregnant.

Fortunately for fans, it was the second option that turned out to be true. And in the fall of 2016, Ekaterina Shipulina gave birth to the composer’s daughter, which became the reason for great joy and immense delight of all their relatives and friends.

Daughter of Denis Matsuev - Anna Matsueva

The daughter of Denis Matsuev, Anna Matsueva, is a rather late child, but adored by her parents. Now the girl is just over a year old. And currently, the famous composer and pianist devotes all his free time to spending time with his daughter, who is simply a copy of her mother.

It would not be amiss to mention that the musician does not like it at all when the media try to get into his personal things, his relationships with his family, try to discuss close people, and so on. And the man, with some difficulty, comes to terms with the fact that, one way or another, he cannot do without it, because he was and remains a public person, and any details of his life sooner or later appear in newspapers and the Internet.

Denis Matsuev's wife - Ekaterina Shipulina

Almost the entire time that they were married, Denis Matsuev’s wife, Ekaterina Shipulina, as well as the composer himself, did not provide journalists and their admirers with any reason to start rumors about their couple. They have been married for over ten years. And in particular, this fact became one of those that served as a real explosion when news reports finally appeared that the musician and ballerina had finally given birth to a child. However, it is not surprising that Denis himself did not comment on this long-awaited event for the press.

Something like this was to be expected, because Denis does not want to talk about personal things in the press. And he’s not particularly delighted when one of his close associates does this. During one of the interviews, he did not even answer the seemingly harmless question about whether he had a girlfriend before the wedding. But, if we remember Denis’s attitude towards marriage, one thing is clear - he loves and respects his wife very much, otherwise he would not have gotten married and, even more so, had children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Denis Matsuev

Mainly due to the fact that their idol is so secretive, fans are often interested in such pages on the Internet as Denis Matsuev’s Instagram and Wikipedia, in the hope that at least these sources will be able to lift the veil of mystery for them, which the musician himself and his wife so diligently spread .

The pianist often claims that due to his rather busy work schedule and frequent flights every month, he does not have time to chat about personal matters or maintain pages on social networks. Thus, fans can only watch the life of their idol through the Instagram profile of his wife Ekaterina and read the Wikipedia page dedicated to him.

Denis Matsuev is full of energy and desire to change this world for the better

When a musician becomes an honorary citizen of a country, this clearly indicates that he has clearly achieved something. Moreover, this is much more significant than the modest title “Honored Artist”. Denis Matsuev is both this and that, but is far from the idea of ​​having achieved lifetime glory, retiring from business and peacefully resting on his laurels. He is full of energy and desire to change this world for the better, and titles and awards for him are not the main thing, but only accompanying elements on his creative path.

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev is not even forty years old, but today he is the most popular pianist of our time.

Let's start, as always, rather dryly and sparingly: born in 1975, June 11th. Irkutsk, RSFSR, USSR. Now there is no such country, but oh well.

What is good about this composer is that, as in his time, he combines in his works both his own achievements and the traditions of the Russian piano school.

Matsuev’s modern activities can be characterized as follows: he promotes classics to the masses and educates young people intellectually. These include social activities, various competitions that he organizes, as well as various charity programs.

But let’s leave music politics aside and move on to the main topic of today’s article: the biography of Denis Matsuev.

As was customary among musicians, he was born into a family of musicians. Father is a composer, mother is a piano teacher. So the parents were categorically determined to instill in their child a love of music.

He was only twenty-three years old when he won the International Tchaikovsky Competition. This caused a stir around the world and there was a lot of interest in it. Now his concerts are scheduled several years in advance.

The highest priority for D. Matsuev is the Russian stage

Today Denis Matsuev is the art director of the foundation named after. S.V. Rachmaninov, in 2009 he was awarded the title “People’s Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania”, and in May 2011 the pianist was awarded the title “People’s Artist of Russia”. Among other things, Denis Matsuev is an Honorary Professor at Moscow State University.

Matsuev's playing technique has reached such mastery that many famous musicians and conductors consider it an honor to play with him on the same stage. He performs on a variety of stages in a variety of countries. But for him, both initially and now, the Russian scene is the highest priority. He gives the main advantage in cooperation primarily to Russian musicians.

While he is alive and well, still quite young and full of creative energy, it will be easier for you to learn about him simply by reading music news.