Department of solo singing. Current composition of the department

April 2011

"April" doctors-truents from prof. A.P. Zilbera

We traditionally arrange April doctors-truents in ascending order of date of birth.

Vekshina Akilina Grigorievna (Ashalchi Oki) was born April, 4 1898 in Udmurtia of the Russian Empire.

She studied at high school, then at the Workers' Faculty in Kazan (1921), then at the Faculty of Medicine of Kazan University, which she graduated in 1927. Since 1928, she successfully worked as an ophthalmologist and became an Honored Doctor of Udmurtia. During Patriotic War(1941-1945) she was a front-line surgeon and had military orders and medals. Since 1946, A.G. Vekshina worked as a doctor at the Alnash district hospital of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In Russia, Lina Vekshina is known not only as a doctor, but, most importantly, as an original Udmurt poetess and prose writer Ashalchi Oki. We cannot evaluate the literary work of Ashalchi Oka, although collections of her poems and stories were published Udmurt language, and in translation from 1928 to 1933, but were published in local newspapers. After accusations of nationalism(is this better or worse than cosmopolitanism- let the reader of our site decide for himself) she shortened her literary creativity, remaining only a rural working doctor.

However, in Izhevsk in 1944 the Udmurt National literary prize named after Ashalchi Oka.

When Lina Vekshina died in 1973, a Museum named after Ashalchi Oki, shown on the right, was created in her house. We believe that there are no “big” and “small” doctors-truents; each of them deserves the memory of descendants.

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Thomas Beddoe(Th. Beddoes, 1760-1808) born April 13 1760 and became famous as a doctor, chemist, and educator: he is one of the most beloved Truent doctors represented in the author’s collection.

Having received a medical education at the University of Edinburgh, T. Beddoe supplemented it with the study of chemistry and natural history. He published in 1784 his translation of Lazzaro Spallanzani's Study of Nature and a number of other contemporary books. In 1786, having received his doctorate in medicine, T. Beddoe went to Paris to study chemistry with A. Lavoisier, and in 1788 Dr. Beddoe himself was invited to give a course of lectures on chemistry at Oxford University.

During these same years, T. Beddoe published a number of his educational books, for example, “The History of Isaac Jenkins, His Wife and Children.” This book had a distinct anti-alcohol educational character and therefore enjoyed well-deserved success among the population of then Britain.
The pinnacle of the life and work of Dr. T. Beddoe was his opening in Bristol of the “Pneumatic Institute” (1798), intended for the study and treatment of lung diseases by inhaling various gases and vapors. We believe that the “respiratory successes” of this brainchild of Dr. Beddoe were very important: details about these remarkable clinical, physiological and technical achievements we outlined in the book “Etudes of Respiratory Medicine” (M., 2007. - 792 p.). However, the cultural and educational impact of this Institute on the society of Britain and other countries was even greater.

Thomas Beddoe made many outstanding figures of his time involved in the activities of the Pneumatic Institute: the mechanic James Watt, the chemist-priest Joseph Priestley, the physician, poet and philosopher Erasmus Darwin, the chemist and poet Humphry Davy and many other people who created the European and American culture and science late XVIII century. Most of them participated in the activities of not only the Pneumatic Institute, but also the so-called "Lunar Society" , whose members preached advanced ideas of science, art, and intellect.

We believe that it is quite appropriate to conclude the illustrious deeds of the doctor-truent Thomas Beddoe with a cartoon by James Gillray reflecting a public meeting of the Pneumatic Institute. Some of the people named here are quite recognizable in this caricature, but the smell that accompanied this cheerful demonstration can only be guessed at.

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Rita Levi-Montalcini (R. Levi-Montalcini) was born in Turin April 22 1909 After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine in Turin, Rita defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1936, and in 1940 she also received a certificate as a neurologist-psychiatrist. This bright girl began experimenting in the field of neurological histology at the University of Turin, but under Mussolini’s regime such work became impossible for her (a Jewish woman). Having moved to Florence, Rita continued these “underground” experiments in her small Florentine apartment.

In 1945, Dr. R. Levi-Montalcini returned to work at the University of Turin, and in 1947 she received an invitation to conduct her interesting neurological research at the University of Washington, USA. Since 1953, Rita was joined by Stanley Cohen, and their discovery of the exact nature of the nerve growth factor was crowned Nobel Prize in 1986. In our collection there is a video showing the presentation of the award in Stockholm.

Currently, professor-neurologist Rita Levi-Montalcini is an honorary doctor of dozens of Societies, Academies and Universities different countries, she's a senator Italian Republic, holder (or is it still a lady?) of many orders, ribbons and honorary titles of the most different states and remains at the same time a cheerful, sympathetic person and a wonderful philanthropist.

Here we present a photo taken on April 22, 2009, when she turned 100 years old.

Technical capabilities do not allow us to launch on our website a video with an interview taken with Rita Levi-Montalcini another year later - April 22, 2010, when she turned 101 years old. Believe the author, who has seen and heard this interview, that if the majority of today's 20-40 year old people of both sexes could speak with the same expression and with the same deep meaning, as Rita Levi-Montalcini did on her 101st birthday, our world would, I am sure, not be as dull and offensive as it, unfortunately, sometimes looks.

Due to his main profession as a resuscitator, the author of this essay is superstitious, and that is the only reason why he is afraid to invite you to the 102nd birthday of his beloved doctor-truent Rita Levi-Montalcini on April 22, 2011.

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Valentin Lvovich Chaplin (father Valentin) was born 26 April 1926 His family dates back to the time of the first kings of the Romanov dynasty.

In 1943, 17-year-old Valentin volunteered for the front, and only after the end of World War II was he able to enter the First Moscow Medical Institute. Immediately after receiving a diploma from this institute (1951), he began working as a general practitioner, and did not stop seeing patients until today, despite his 86 years and the difficult fate outlined below.

Already working as a therapist, he became interested in phoniatry (voice correction) and quickly became a recognized phoniatrist among singers, artists and the clergy. To deepen his knowledge of phoniatry, Dr. V.L. Chaplin entered the Gnessin Institute as a student (now the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music). He graduated from the vocal department there, defended candidate's thesis in art history and received the academic title of associate professor at this institute.

WITH early childhood Without departing from the Orthodox faith and actively participating in the church choir since his medical student days, he published 4 collections of Orthodox chants that serve today practical guide in all Orthodox churches. While remaining a doctor, V.L. Chaplin was ordained a priest in 1989, and on the recommendation of Patriarch Alexy II became the first rector of the Patriarchal Krutitsy Metochion - from March 15, 1992. Under the leadership of Father Valentin, the Krutitsky Metochion Publishing House has published more than three dozen theological books and collections.

The author of the essay is at a loss as to which class of doctors-truents to include Father Valentin Chaplin. He is a musician, a candidate of art history, and a teacher for spiritual, musical and medical youth. He is also a historian (numerous publications on the history of the church) and a theologian (materials on modern theology). Dr. V.L. Chaplin is a wonderful practicing phoniatrist who provides voice training for many singers, actors, and priests (in particular, Patriarch Alexy I himself). He is a medical practitioner with a special interest in homeopathy. As for the latter, his article “Deontology in Homeopathy,” published in the Homeopathic Bulletin No. 6-7 (2001), deserves reading not only by homeopaths, but also by allopaths interested in the meaning of their work.

The multifaceted career of Father Valentin was developing quite successfully until February 1, 2001, when, for reasons unknown to us, Archpriest Valentin Chaplin was transferred from the rector of the Patriarchal Krutitsy Metochion as a simple priest to the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon Mother of God on Red Square in Moscow. Why did this happen? The outstanding doctor-truent academician N.N. could say this best of all. Petrov, when he could not explain some serious medical phenomenon: then he raised his eyes to grief and humbly said: “Wonderful are your deeds, Lord!”

The remarkable doctor-truent Archpriest Valentin Chaplin became in 2006 a Knight of the Order of St. Anne, 2nd degree, part of the Imperial Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Here he is photographed with this order in front of the entrance to the Cathedral on Red Square, in which he now continues to serve. The order hangs on a red ribbon, located next to the blue and white symbol, which should be alien to any earthly or heavenly intrigues.

Notes from a lecture-seminar by Professor AHI, candidate of art history, graduate of the Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov (specialty - otorhinolaryngology, specialization - phoniatrics), vocal faculty Russian Academy music named after Gnessins (class of Professor N.A. Verbova) CHAPLINA VALENTIN LVOVICH. About "solid attack", great singers and much more based on 50 years of phoniatric practice. So the subject"Fundamentals of vocal technique."

Students: How long does a good singer need to sing?

V.L.: To a good singer You don't have to sing at all. Tenor Fyodor Petrovich Kommisarzhevsky put a sprat in his cheek to get in the mood to sing: before starting, he swallowed the sprat and immediately sang. Antonina Vasilyevna Nezhdanova prayed before singing.

Students: Is it possible to wash your hair before singing?

V.L. Individually. Some from hot water Swelling may occur.

Students: Why do some vowels come out loud and good, while others don’t?

V.L. Different formants. Women's voices sound loudest on "I", but you need to be able to sing all the vowels. To sing “U”, you need to mentally imagine that you are singing “O” from your chest, and form an “U” with your lips. It is also better to start forming consonants in the chest or head. You must first say the consonants clearly, then the vowels, and then switch to your own comfortable sound, as great singers do. As Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky said, “vowels are the river, consonants are the banks.”

Students: What is a "hard attack"?

V.L.: There should not be a solid attack, there should be a clear attack, or “cu de gloat” ( « blow of the larynx"). “Cu de glot” - a completely clear, precise closure vocal cords. It is “coo de glot” that reference books usually call a hard attack.

Female students: Is it possible to sing during your period?

V.L.:“Maternity days” affect women differently: group 1 - they don’t sound at all, group 2 - the bottom is lost, group 3 - the top is lost, group 4 - they sing brilliantly. Abroad, the singer is obliged to sing on any day. Natalya Trotskaya, who sang “Aida” with Monserat Koballe, said that in the West, if necessary, they will give you pills, even inject you with something, but there will be no replacements, “maternity days” are not a good reason for inexpressive singing.

Students: Is there a natural voice?

V.L.: There is no natural voice from birth: there is a natural ability to hear and perceive sound in a special way. The following example is indicative in this matter: if the conductor shows intonations to the boys in the choir with a pinched voice, then they, like monkeys, will remember and repeat this incorrect sound.

Students: How to achieve a free voice?

V.L.: Indeed, closed (excessive number of low overtones) and open (excessive number of high overtones) voices sound screaming and disgusting. In order to achieve a free voice, you need the air to move through the body like through a pipe. Some pretend to feel sick to do this, some imitate the neighing of a horse - everyone finds their own way.

Students: Is it possible to learn from someone else's voice?

V.L.: Can. Galina Vishnevskaya studied from records; she doesn’t even have a conservatory education.

Students: But if you listen to not the greatest singers, for example Cecilia Bartoli...

V.L.: Cecilia Bartoli is not best teacher in terms of voice, but she is a brilliant baroque singer - in terms of phrasing, voice delivery, emotions, artistry.

Students: How not to lose the sonority of your voice on high or low notes?

V.L. You need to make a sharp closure. In any case, the ligaments must be closed.

Students: Please tell us about the mistakes.

V.L.: Well, you know the two most famous: this is the “lamb” vibrato (more often in young people) and “pitch” (more often in old people). There is also, for example, forcing the voice, when thick chords sing with pressure high notes, although the higher the note, the thinner the connections need to be made. When singing in falsetto, the thickness of the ligament does not change and everything is sung on one thick ligament. Some divas use “acoustic falsetto” - a tight falsetto, with aligned resonators, free. There is also the so-called “flagelet sound”, which is falsetto and mixed.

And of course, you can’t evaluate the volume of your singing with your ear, singing should be in sensations (muscle memory).

The singing school is in the ear of the teacher.

The activities of the department began simultaneously with the opening of the Academy of Choral Art. Since 1992, two graduating departments - Choral conducting and Solo singing - began as planned by the founder of the Academy V.S. Popov as a creative base for educating a new type of musicians. The tasks set by V.S. Popov’s goal to the team of teachers is to educate not just vocalists or choirmasters, but comprehensively educated musicians, ready for any creative challenges. The Department of Solo Singing was recruited to carry out these tasks experienced teachers– Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor T.I. Loshmakova (1944-2001), V.P. Alexandrova (1937-2017). Later the department was strengthened by inviting T.I. Belyakov, T.D. Baykov, teachers with considerable experience in performing and pedagogical activity.
IN beginning of XXI century V.S. Popov invited exceptionally talented musicians with a bright individual pedagogical style to the Academy - professors S.G. Nesterenko and D.Yu. Vdovin, who currently form the core of the Department of Solo Singing. Considering the educational specifics of the department, the leadership of the Academy has always considered the presence of practicing performers in it to be especially valuable, combining teaching with solo career at the opera house or philharmonic. Thus, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Professor L.P. was invited and is currently working successfully. Abramova, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor S.I. Ossovskaya, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor L.A. Sharnina, associate professors N.A. Popova,
I.I. Chernov. A special and invaluable role in the work of the department is played by unique teachers, experienced specialists in their field - class professor vocal ensemble Honored Cultural Worker G.V. Fedoseeva,
as well as professor solo singing candidate of art history, phoniatrist and archpriest V.L. Chaplin.

The creative achievements of the teachers of the Department of Solo Singing are confirmed by the success of its graduates at all-Russian and international vocal competitions, as well as the confidently developing solo careers of many of them.

Head of the Department of Solo Singing in different years were: T.I. Loshmakova, D.Yu. Vdovin.

Currently the department is headed by S.G. Nesterenko.

The training of AHI student vocalists is based on a combination of two types of activities: educational and creative.
In their synthesis, the education of a performing musician is carried out, possessing a wide range of professional skills, impeccable musical taste, allowing one to interpret a work of art at the highest artistic level.
Professional work is carried out in accordance with a unique program created by the professors - the founders of the department. Like most programs in other subjects of the Academy’s professional cycle,
it involves studying styles of music different eras. The historical principle of program construction is inextricably linked
with consistent vocal education"from simple to complex." Use of music from different eras in the program
and styles also requires familiarity with the methods of training the voices of different vocal schools(Italian, German, French, Russian), practical performance of music in the original language.

At the end of each course, the technical, stylistic, and creative competencies that the student must master at this stage are clearly formulated.

The vocal and choral school of V.S. is based on Popov, there is a unity of teaching solo and choral singing, originally characteristic of Russia, where the purely singing nature of sound science becomes vocal technique choir singer, and the basis of education and musician-vocalist.

Vocalists who, over the years of study at the Academy, have acquired invaluable skills in choral and ensemble singing, the ability to work in different styles, performing compositions, creative manners, as specialists, have extensive capabilities and a willingness to work in any professional field.

A close combination of intensive academic and creative activity remains distinctive feature The Academy of Choral Arts, which today has taken a worthy place in the cultural and educational sphere of Russia and on the world concert stage.

Favorite student of Viktor Sergeevich - Dmitry Korchak - with great success performs on the best and most famous stages of the world: Metropolitan Opera, Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna Staatsoper, Paris Opera, etc. Names of the Laureates International competitions, singing in European theaters and working on the best opera concert stages of the country, who are known and loved by listeners: Vasily Ladyuk, Georgy Vasiliev, Nikolay Didenko, Pavel Kolgatin, Ekaterina Lekhina, Marina Zyatkova, Alexey Neklyudov, Yaroslav Abaimov, Alexey Tatarintsev, Sergey Romanovsky , Zhalya Ismailova,
Alla Molchanova, Andrey Nemzer, Evgeny Lieberman, Evgeny Stavinsky, Elena Galitskaya, Anna Krainikova and many others.

Leading soloists Bolshoi Theater Russia, New Opera, Helikon Opera, Chamber musical theater name
B.A. Pokrovsky are also graduates of the Academy, in addition to those already listed, S. Sozdatelev, O. Shcheglov, I. Kurmanov, V. Kostoglotov, A. Serebryakov, V. Shevtsov, Yu. Mennibaeva, E. Mitrakova, A. Garnov, D. Orlov, A. Popov, etc.

And, thanks to the interested, highly professional work of the department’s teachers, the ranks of laureates and soloists opera houses are constantly replenished, which indicates the continuation and fulfillment of the behests of the Great musician - Viktor Sergeevich Popov.

Current composition of the department:

Nesterenko Svetlana Grigorievna, Head of Department, Professor.

Discipline – solo singing.

Abramova Lidiya Pavlovna, People's Artist RF, professor.
Discipline – solo singing.

Baykova Tatyana Dmitrievna, assistant professor.
Discipline – solo singing.

Belyakova Tatyana Ivanovna, assistant professor.
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Discipline – solo singing.

Vdovin Dmitry Yurievich, Professor.
Honored Artist.
Discipline – solo singing.

Kuritskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna, assistant professor.
Discipline: chamber singing.

Nikulina Natalia Borisovna, Professor.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
Discipline – solo singing.

Olenchik Natalya Vladimirovna, Professor.
Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Discipline – vocal hygiene and phoniatrics.

Ossovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna, Professor.
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Discipline – solo singing.

Popova Natalya Alekseevna, assistant professor.
Discipline – solo singing.

Fedoseeva Galina Vasilievna, Professor.
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.
Discipline – vocal ensemble.

Chaplin Valentin Lvovich, Professor.
Ph.D. in History of Arts.
Disciplines – solo singing, teaching methods

Chernov Igor Ivanovich, assistant professor.
Discipline – solo singing.

Sharnina Lyubov Alexandrovna, Professor.
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Discipline – solo singing.

Born April 26, 1926 in noble family, the history of which dates back to the era of Alexei Mikhailovich. He intended to study medicine and become a doctor, but in May 1943, having barely reached the age of 17, he volunteered for the front and managed to continue his education in the 1st Medical Institute only in 1947
After graduating from the institute, he worked as a general practitioner, then mastered phoniatrics and became widely known as a phoniatrist among singers, artists, choristers and the clergy. One of the patients V.L. Chaplin, when he headed the laboratory on phoniatry, physiology and psychology of singing, which became world famous among musicians, was Patriarch Alexy I (Simansky) of blessed memory. To teach anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the singer, Valentin Lvovich was invited to the State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnesins, then, again sitting on the student bench, graduated from the vocal department of this institute, defended his thesis [candidate of art history] and received the academic title of associate professor.
Having been a believer since childhood, Fr. Valentin, first a student, and then a doctor and teacher, without fear of possible troubles, dismissal from work, etc., sang in the choir in the Assumption Church Novodevichy Convent, where the choir was led by the famous Moscow regent V.F. Lebedev. IN last years, summarizing the experience of a parishioner, a choirboy, a priest, a phoniatrist and professional musician, O. V. Chaplin published four collections of Orthodox chants in the publishing house of the metochion, which are currently used by regents and teachers of church singing throughout Russia.
[...] Ordained as a presbyter in 1989 by Rev. Chrysanthos, Archbishop of Vyatka. However, he worked towards the priesthood all his life, and acquired enormous spiritual, pedagogical and even pastoral experience long before his ordination. Therefore, it is no coincidence that when before His Holiness Patriarch Alexy arose the question of appointing the rector of the Krutitsky metochion, around whom the Orthodox youth was supposed to unite; his choice fell on Father Valentin. He, firstly, is a person who has been involved in the life of the church since the late 20s, who knew many people well the brightest representatives clergy of a now bygone era, in particular Rev. Vsevolod Shpiller, and found in the Church that generation for which the 19th century was not history, but simply the first half of life; secondly, a doctor who has worked with people all his life and still continues his practice: he sees patients weekly in one of the Moscow clinics. Thirdly, he is a teacher with vast experience, who knows young people of more than one generation very well. In our opinion, it is simply impossible to find a better confessor for those who are just now taking their first steps in church life.
Remembering the Gospel parable, Fr. Valentin cannot but be called a worker who has been working in the vineyard since early morning and has endured hardship and heat (this is how the word heat sounds in Slavic). An expert in church singing, a witness and participant in life Orthodox Church over the past 60 years, he is, not only by the date of his ordination, but, and this is most important, in spirit, in fact, a young priest, for in his years he has in no way lost either his vigor, or the enthusiasm inherent in youth, or true youth . The eleventh hour workers find in the person of Fr. Valentin is both a mentor and a friend, evidence of this is the abundance of young people gathered around the archpriest.
Prot. V. Chaplin is a member of the editorial board of the “Materials on the History of the Church” series. Under his spiritual leadership, the publishing house of the Krutitsky Metochion published more than 30 books on Church history, theology, a number of publications on catechesis, books for children, etc.
According to the stories of Archpriest Fr. Valentin Chaplin is a very experienced homeopathic doctor who has cured many people over his long life.

See: Dmitry Pospelovsky, Boris Lyubimov, Valentin Nikitin. Anniversary at the Krutitsky courtyard // Russian Thought. 1996. No. 4136 (25/31.VII).