Not a representative of the high renaissance. Technological advances of the Renaissance

Today I want to continue the topic summer holiday, but with a bias about water.

Of course, I would like the essence of the article to be as easy as its beginning, but, unfortunately, it will not work out that way. After all, the sun is getting hotter and hotter. The water in the sea and other bodies of water is warming up. The number of picnics is increasing. The temperature in the body of many people rises, and sanity often fades into the background. The result is drowning. Moreover, as statistics and news reports show, people, despite all the warnings and other preventive measures, continue to drown. The reason in most cases is heat, alcohol, water - convulsion, loss of consciousness...

Our mind can replace the ellipsis in the previous paragraph with “drowned man,” but I want to replace them with “saved person,” who next time will approach the issue more consciously own safety on the water.

Let's look, dear readers, at how we can help in a situation when a person begins to drown and needs the help of another person. Moreover, after pulling a person out of the water, it is also necessary to provide him with first aid. So…

Help for a drowning person. What to do?

If you see a drowning person, no matter how trite it sounds, you must:

1. Pull a person out of the water;
2. Call an ambulance;
3. Provide him with pre-medical care.

These 3 points, if performed correctly and quickly, are actually the key to a successful completion of the situation. Delays are not acceptable!

1. We pull a drowning person out of the water

A drowning person in most cases panics, does not hear words, and does not understand what is happening. He grabs onto everything he can and thereby becomes dangerous for the person who wants to save him.

If the person is conscious

To pull a person out of the water, if he is conscious, throw him a floating object - an inflatable ball, board, rope, etc. so that he can grab onto it and calm down. This way you can easily pull it out.

If the person is unconscious or exhausted:

1. While still on the shore, get as close to the drowning person as possible. Be sure to take off your shoes, excess clothes (or at least heavy ones), and empty your pockets. Jump into the water and approach the drowning man.

2. If the person has already gone under water, dive after him and try to see him or feel him.

3. Once you find the person, turn him over onto his back. If the drowning person starts to grab onto you, quickly get rid of his grip:

- if a drowning person grabs you by the neck or torso, then grab him by the lower back with one hand, and with the other hand push his head away, resting on his chin;
- if you grab the hand, then twist it and pull it out of the hands of the drowning person.

If such methods do not help get rid of the grip, then take air into your lungs and dive, the drowning person will change the grip, and you can free yourself from it at that time.

Try to act calmly and do not show cruelty to the drowning person.

4. Transport the drowning person to shore. There are several methods for this:

- being from behind, clasp your chin with your palms on both sides and row your feet towards the shore;
- insert your left hand under the armpit of the drowning person’s left hand, at the same time, grab the wrist of his right hand with your left hand, row with your feet and one hand;
- take the victim’s hair with your hand and place his head on your forearm, row with your feet and one hand.

2. First aid for a drowning person (First aid)

When you have pulled the victim ashore, urgently call ambulance and begin immediately providing him with first aid.

1. Get down on one knee next to the injured person. Place him on your knee, belly down, and open his mouth. At the same time, press with your hands on his back so that the water he swallowed flows out of him. The victim may experience and - this is normal.

If a person is semi-conscious and begins to vomit, do not allow them to lie on their back, otherwise they may choke on the vomit. If necessary, help remove vomit, mud, or other substances that are interfering with normal breathing from his mouth.

2. Lay the victim on his back and remove any excess clothing. Place something under his head to raise it a little. To do this, you can use his own clothes, rolled into a roller, or your knees.

3. If a person does not breathe for 1-2 minutes, it can be fatal.

Signs of cardiac arrest are: absence of pulse, breathing, dilated pupils.

If these signs are present, immediately begin to take resuscitation measures - do “mouth to mouth” and.

Take a deep breath into your lungs, pinch the victim's nose, bring your mouth close to the victim's mouth and exhale. It is necessary to make 1 exhalation every 4 seconds (15 exhalations per minute).

Place your palms on top of each other on the victim's chest, between his nipples. In pauses between exhalations (during artificial respiration), do 4 rhythmic presses. Press on the chest quite firmly so that the sternum moves down by about 4-5 cm, but no more, so as not to aggravate the situation and further harm the person.

If the injured person is elderly, then the pressure should be gentle. If the victim is a child, apply pressure not with your palm, but with your fingers.

Perform artificial respiration and chest compressions until the person comes to his senses. Don't give up and don't give up. There have been cases when a person came to his senses even after an hour of such measures.

It is most convenient for two people to resuscitate, so that one does artificial respiration, and the other.

4. After breathing has been restored, until the ambulance arrives, place the person on his side so that he is lying steadily, cover him and keep him warm.

If the ambulance cannot arrive, but you have a car, complete all the above points in the car while driving to the nearest medical facility.

May the Lord protect us all, dear readers, from such situations.

Help for a drowning person - video

Saving a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself. This expression is true in many areas of life, but not in its literal sense. A person can do a lot to prevent it on the water, but when he becomes this very “drowning” person, he can no longer help himself.

What to do if you saw a drowning person? At this moment, it is important to urgently take measures to save him. After all, it only takes a few minutes for a person to drown. It is extremely important in as soon as possible assess the situation and choose the optimal method of providing assistance. In such a situation, you need to remember that the reward for the actions taken can be human life.

We correctly assess the situation

To begin with, it is important to understand that not every drowning person will call for help and flounder violently in the water. Spasms of the vocal apparatus, interruptions in breathing and panic can prevent a person in trouble from making any sounds to attract the attention of potential rescuers.

The fact that a person needs outside help can be indicated by his staying in one place, periodically going under water and traceable panic in his movements and facial expressions. If you are not sure that someone is really drowning, try to call out to them or draw the attention of others. When confirming this assumption, it is necessary to remember what actions are performed when rescuing a drowning person.

Determining the rescue method

Rushing into the water to help a drowning person is a noble cause, but not always justified. This should not be the first thing that comes to your mind in such a situation, especially if you are not a very experienced swimmer. Better take the following steps:

  1. Encourage others to help.
  2. Determine whether it is necessary to jump into the water to save a drowning person or whether assistance can be provided from the shore, boat or pier.
  3. Find items that can help in rescue.

We help without plunging into water: option No. 1

If the distance and condition of the drowning person allows, you can grab his hand. To ensure a reliable grip, you need to loudly and clearly explain to the drowning person that he needs to grab your hand as tightly as possible. Try to speak in a calm but confident voice so as not to increase the panic of the person you are rescuing.

To avoid ending up in the water, take a lying position, spread your arms and legs wide and ask someone to hold you. Never provide assistance while standing or crouching. Do everything possible so that saving a drowning person does not become a fight with death for you too.

We help without plunging into water: option No. 2

If it is impossible to reach the victim with your hand, take an oar or a rescue pole, find a strong stick, branch or other strong object nearby and, holding it out to the drowning person, explain that he must grab it tightly. If a person, tired of the struggle for life, does not have the strength to hold on to something, he will still have to jump into the water and help him (an option is acceptable if there are at least two rescuers).

We help without plunging into water: option No. 3

Any non-sinkable object at hand can serve an excellent purpose when rescuing a drowning person. A piece of foam plastic, wood, or even a plastic bottle will help hold such a person on the water. If possible, tie a string to whatever you will be using. With its help, it will be much easier to pull the victim out of the water.

However, when throwing a rescue object into the water, be careful not to hit a person. Try to time the throw so that the current carries the object to the drowning person. If the victim is weakened and cannot hold on to an object thrown at him, it is necessary to swim up to him and help him do this.

When and who should swim to the rescue?

What should you do if you notice a drowning person far from the shore, pier, boat or edge of the pool? In this case, the methods of saving a drowning person are not so varied. If you are an excellent swimmer and have good physical shape and stamina, you can safely throw yourself into the water. But it would be better to ask someone to swim with you for backup.

If you are not confident that you are able to cope with the task, you should not take risks. The best thing you can do in such a situation is to call for help. If you are in public place, there is probably at least one person in your circle who can help and knows how to do it. While the rescue is being organized, call an ambulance.

We swim to the drowning man

Trying to save a panic-stricken drowning person can put you in a pretty dangerous situation. While fighting for life, he may not behave quite adequately. The state of shock in which he is in may prompt him to take actions that threaten the life of his savior, and, accordingly, his own. It is possible that a drowning person will grab onto the one who is helping him, interfering with his freedom of movement and plunging both under water.

In view of such danger, it is better to swim up to a drowning person from behind, so as to remain unnoticed by him until the last moment. If the action takes place on a river, dive into the water in a place where the current will help you swim to the drowning person. If possible, take with you a lifebuoy or other object that you can grab onto to stay on the surface of the water. Do not jump into the water wearing clothes, as their heaviness after getting wet will complicate your movement, and it will be easier for a drowning person to cling to you.

Transporting a drowning person

The rules for rescuing a drowning person also apply to further movement with him through the water. The tactics of behavior here depend on his condition. If he is calm and adequate, you can easily transport him after he firmly grasps your shoulders.

If a person in a panic randomly grabs you, first try to relax and dive under the water with him. Then, when he releases you and rushes towards the surface, you will have a chance to grab him correctly. The ideal grip option is to place a hand that is comfortable for you under the drowning person’s arm from the back and grab his opposite shoulder. In this case, you will have to swim sideways, using one free hand.

If a person behaves calmly, he can be transported in other ways. For example, while lying with your back on the water, you can use one or both hands to hold his chin above the water. If you hold your chin with one hand, you can use the other to row.

Another option is to start your own strong hand under the same hand of a drowning man and use it to support his chin. You can hold a drowning person from behind by the hand lying on his chest and passing through the armpit of the second hand. The best way to rescue a drowning person will be determined by the situation.

Saving a drowning man in winter

The algorithm for saving a drowning person under whom the ice has fallen is completely different. It is important here to call rescuers and an ambulance without wasting a minute. While they are getting to the scene of the accident, you can gently help the victim out of the icy water. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a stick, belt, scarf or other object, the other end of which the victim can grab onto.

The victim should be approached from the side of the thickest ice. This should only be done by crawling, with your arms and legs spread wide. When he can grasp the edge of the object you are using, gently smooth movements move back, dragging him along with you. When getting to the shore on the ice, try not to get close to each other, crawl slowly, avoiding sudden movements.

We provide first aid

If, while in the water, a person managed to drink it, what can vomiting, loss of consciousness and a bluish complexion tell about when he finds himself in safe place, you should first help him cleanse his lungs and stomach. To do this, position the victim face down, you need to throw your leg bent at the knee and press on the interscapular space.

Another important action on which the salvation of a drowning person depends is the normalization of his breathing. Sometimes all it takes is opening his mouth wide and tugging on his tongue. If he cannot breathe due to spasm, there is a need for artificial respiration. You may also need a cardiac massage.

Afterwards, try to calm and warm the victim as soon as possible. To reduce heat loss, you need to quickly remove wet clothes from him, massage his limbs, rub his body with a dry cloth (alcohol can be used) and wrap him in warm, dry clothes. This is especially important if a drowning person is rescued in winter. In this case, if there are no dry things, you need to squeeze out the wet ones, moisten them well with alcohol and put them on the victim again. This will create a warm compress. Another option is to wrap it on top with plastic wrap.

Unfortunately, there have often been situations in life when, in an attempt to pull someone out of the water, the rescuer himself lost his life. This almost always happens because the basic rules for saving a drowning person are known to a very small percentage of the population. While, armed with this vital important information, you can accomplish a feat and still remain alive.

Drowning is a condition in which the airways fill with water (dirt, silt), resulting in the flow of air into the lungs being disrupted. If the victim is not given first aid for drowning for some time, cardiac arrest will occur and he will die.

First aid for drowning in water

First aid for drowning begins in the water. To do this, the rescuer must know that at the moment of trying to remove a drowning person from a pond, he (the drowning person), making unconscious and uncoordinated movements, can pull him along with him. To avoid this, if the incident occurred not far from the shore, you must try to save the drowning person without entering the water by handing him any floating object or stick. If this cannot be accomplished, then it is necessary to swim up to the drowning person from behind. Taking him by the armpits with your hands and turning him over on his back, swim to the shore, where you immediately need to provide first aid in case of drowning and call an ambulance. If possible, verbal contact should be maintained with the victim.

Types of drownings and first aid for them

There are two types of drowning - pale (white asphyxia) and blue (blue asphyxia or true drowning). These names indicate the color of the victim's skin (white and blue, respectively).

Drowning occurs when a person is submerged in water unconscious or in a state of panic shock, such as during a disaster. As a result of body contact with cold water sudden cardiac and respiratory arrest occurs. Water entering the larynx promotes a reflex closure of the glottis, as a result of which the airways become impassable and water does not penetrate into the lungs. That is why pale drowning has a more favorable prognosis for saving the life of the victim.

First aid for pale type drowning should be provided immediately after removing the victim to land. If he is not breathing, then artificial respiration must be started, which is performed as follows:

  • Place the victim on a hard surface with his head tilted back;
  • From available materials (clothes, pillows, etc.), make cushions and place one under your shoulders and two on the sides of your head;
  • Free the victim's chest, abdomen and neck from the pressure of clothing;
  • Open your mouth and extend your lower jaw. If there is vomit in the mouth, remove it;
  • Pinch the victim's nose and, inhaling, cover his mouth with your lips. Then exhale gradually and smoothly;
  • If after the measures taken the victim does not begin to breathe, then after counting to 4, repeat the breath.

If there is no heartbeat, it is necessary to perform closed cardiac massage simultaneously with artificial respiration:

  • Place your palms (one on top) on the victim’s chest;
  • Straighten your elbows and press with all your weight;
  • You need to make at least 30 pressures, each lasting about 1 second.

By performing alternate artificial respiration and chest compressions (every 30 chest compressions, “dilute” with two breaths), you can support the life of a person who shows no signs of life for about an hour. Therefore, these procedures must be done before breathing appears or before the ambulance arrives.

If arrival medical workers are not expected, it is necessary to stop providing first aid for drowning only if cadaveric spots appear on the victim’s body, and joint stiffness, in other words, rigor mortis, becomes noticeable.

Blue drowning occurs when a person is gradually immersed in water, during which he tries with all his might to stay on the surface. At this time, breathing is disrupted, the victim begins to swallow water, which enters the stomach. Difficulty in breathing causes oxygen starvation (hence the blue color of the skin), which begins to increase with final immersion in water. As a result, the person first loses consciousness and develops pulmonary edema, and only then does cardiac arrest occur.

To provide first aid for blue type drowning, you first need to rid the airways of the water that has filled them. To do this, you need to turn the victim’s body upside down and create an inclination of the torso towards the head, placing the chest (its lower part) on your leg, bent at the knee. In this case, it is advisable to tilt the victim’s head back slightly. You should not waste time measuring your pulse; you need to induce a gag reflex as quickly as possible by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue. All of these activities should only take a few seconds to complete.

When coughing or vomiting occurs, it is necessary to quickly remove water from the stomach and lungs using the same manipulation - pressing on the root of the tongue. This must be done until the release of water from the respiratory tract stops. After this, lay the victim on his side, warm him with all available means (blanket, bottled water, heated in the sun, etc.), change into dry clothes and wait for the ambulance to arrive. Please note that the threat of cardiac arrest, cerebral and pulmonary edema, as well as the development of renal failure in the victim will persist for another 5 days. Therefore, even if he feels well, he must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

If pressing on the root of the tongue did not cause either a cough or a gag reflex, and there are no pieces of eaten food in the water flowing from the mouth, and there is still no breathing, it is no longer worth spending time on extracting water from the victim’s lungs and stomach. Immediately turn him over onto his back and begin performing artificial respiration and chest compressions. How to do this is described above.

As you can see, these two types of drownings and first aid for them are almost identical. Their only difference lies in the drowning process itself and the procedure for providing assistance.

Know that being prepared to prevent an accident on the water, as well as provide first aid in case of drowning, is the responsibility of every person!

I want to look at the basics of providing first aid for drowning, especially if you are engaged in water tourism, fishing from a boat, or just surviving near a river or sea).

The causes of death from drowning, as a rule, are penetration of fluid into the respiratory tract, hypoxia, pulmonary edema, cardiac arrest in cold water, and spasm of the glottis.

There are several types of drowning:

  • True or wet blue (primary)
  • Asphyxial, pale (dry)
  • Syncopal drowning
  • Secondary drowning

First aid for true drowning

The cause of true drowning is fluid entering the lungs, which happens in more than 70% of drowning cases, due to a prolonged struggle for life with periodic immersion in water and ingestion of water. This often happens to people who cannot swim.

The initial period of true drowning is characterized by the fact that the drowning person is conscious, while the majority do not behave adequately, which poses a great danger to the rescuer, since drowning people in this state are capable of drowning the rescuer, especially if he is not a professional rescuer. Face and neck of a drowning character of blue color, which is why this type of drowning is also called blue. A pinkish foam may be released from the nose and mouth, which is the liquid part of the blood (plasma), which enters the glottis and foams, stopping gas exchange in the lungs, which causes pulmonary edema. Frequent breathing is accompanied by severe coughing and vomiting. After some time, the symptoms of true drowning in the initial period quickly disappear.

First aid for the initial period of true drowning: calm the victim, keep him warm, and if vomiting, do not allow him to choke.

The aginal period of drowning is characterized by the absence of consciousness, but the presence of a weak pulse and weak breathing. The pulse can only be felt in the carotid arteries. Pinkish foam may come from the mouth and nose.

First aid for the agonal period of initial drowning:
Maintain airway patency as quickly as possible.
Artificial respiration mouth to mouth, even in water if necessary.
Maintain proper blood circulation by raising your legs or bending over.
If you lose your pulse, do a closed heart massage.

In case of aginal drowning, it is necessary to begin ventilation of the lungs with breathing apparatus as soon as possible to increase the concentration of oxygen in the body. It is also necessary to remove fluid from the stomach, for which the victim must be tilted over the knee of a bent leg, patted on the back between the shoulder blades and empty the contents of the stomach.

The clinical period is similar to the aginal period, except for the absence of pulse and breathing. The victim's pupils are dilated and do not respond to light.

First aid for the clinical period of true drowning:
Early initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Exhalations into the nose can be done immediately as soon as the face of a drowning person is removed from the water
Breathing from mouth to nose
Closed heart massage
Mandatory hospitalization.

In general, as soon as you have removed the victim from the water, without wasting valuable seconds on feeling the pulse and examining the pupils, place the victim so that the head is below the pelvis and insert two fingers into the mouth and try to remove the contents of the mouth, then press on the root of the tongue to inducing a gag reflex. If this is followed by vomiting, then it is necessary to remove the liquid from the lungs and stomach as soon as possible, for which you press on the root of the tongue for 5-10 minutes and pat the back with your palm between the shoulder blades. You can press intensely on the sides of the chest a couple of times while exhaling, for better drainage of water. After removing water from the body, lay the victim on his side

If, after pressing on the root of the tongue, vomiting and coughing movements do not occur, then it is necessary to immediately shift the victim onto his back and begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation by performing artificial ventilation and chest compressions. That is, the first step is not to remove the water, but to resuscitate respiratory and cardiac activity. But at the same time, every 3-4 minutes it is necessary to turn the victim onto his stomach to partially remove water from the respiratory tract.

This assistance must be provided within 30-40 minutes, even if there are no signs of effectiveness.

After revival, the appearance of a pulse and breathing, a number of first aid measures for drowning must be carried out. The first step is to turn the victim onto his stomach again. Further measures should be provided by doctors.

The main causes of death in true drowning are pulmonary edema, cerebral hypoxia, cardiac arrest and renal failure, which manifests itself over the next 24 hours.

Pulmonary edema is characterized by bubbling breathing, as if water is gurgling and boiling inside the victim, coughing with pinkish foam. Pulmonary edema is very dangerous and must be treated by doctors, but to help the victim in this case, it is necessary to sit the victim down or raise his head, apply tourniquets to the hips to drive blood to the lower extremities and pelvis, and establish inhalation of oxygen from the oxygen cushion through alcohol vapor. To do this, just put a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol into the mask at the level of the lower lip, which will prevent foaming in the lungs, which occurs with pulmonary edema. Only these manipulations can make a significant contribution to saving a victim with pulmonary edema. The tourniquets must be applied for no more than 40 minutes and removed alternately every 15-20 minutes.

If there is a chance of salvation and it is possible to call an ambulance or rescue service, then it is better to do this than to try to transport the victim on a random vehicle, because along the way, a deterioration in the condition, cardiac arrest, or something like that may happen again. Only if this is not possible, should you decide to transport yourself, preferably on a large vehicle, so that you can lay the victim on the floor.

First aid for asphyxial drowning

Asphyxial drowning occurs in 10-30% of cases, when the victim cannot resist drowning, for example, in alcoholic intoxication, with a strong impact on the water. Due to an irritant effect, for example, ice water, a spasm of the glottis occurs, and water does not enter the lungs and stomach. Death occurs due to the same spasm of the glottis, i.e. due to hypoxia. Therefore, asphyxial drowning is called dry.

First aid for asphyxial drowning. Since water has not entered the respiratory tract, cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be started immediately. Some experts believe that with asphyxial drowning in ice water, with the onset clinical death, the chances of salvation are greater than when drowning in warm water. This fact is explained by the fact that in ice water, the body is in a state of severe hypothermia, including the brain, as a result of which metabolism (metabolism) almost stops, due to which the reserve of time for rescue increases, with, of course, timely and correctly provided assistance on the shore.

That is, in case of asphyxial drowning, in the absence of pulse and breathing, in ice water you cannot hesitate for a second, but immediately begin resuscitating the pulse and breathing. Also, with successful resuscitation of the victim, there are usually fewer further complications. After revival, it is necessary to move or, if possible, warm the victim.

First aid for syncope drowning

Syncopal drowning is characterized by primary cardiac and respiratory arrest, and the onset of clinical death, as a result, for example, of a sudden temperature change caused by an unexpected dive. The period of clinical death with such drowning is slightly higher than with other types of drowning, especially in icy water due to deep hypothermia. Main external difference syncopal drowning is a pale appearance and lack of fluid secretion from the respiratory tract.

Conclusion: it is necessary to understand the causes of death in various types drownings, do not panic, and provide resuscitation, even if there is no improvement, for at least 40 minutes.

Relaxing by a pond is not always pleasant. Improper behavior in water or emergencies may lead to drowning. Young children are especially susceptible to this risk, but even adults who know how to swim well can become victims of strong currents, convulsions, and whirlpools. The sooner the victim is removed from the water and given first aid for drowning (removing fluid from the respiratory tract), the higher the chance of saving a person’s life.

What is drowning

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines drowning as respiratory distress caused by immersion or prolonged exposure to water. As a result, breathing problems and asphyxia may occur. If first aid to a drowning person is not provided on time, death occurs. How long can a person go without air? The brain can function for only 5-6 minutes during hypoxia, so it is necessary to act very quickly, without waiting for the ambulance team.

There are several reasons for this situation, but not all of them are accidental. Sometimes incorrect human behavior on the surface of the water leads to undesirable consequences. Key factors include:

  • injuries from diving in shallow water, in unexplored places;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • emergency situations (seizures, heart attack, diabetic or hypoglycemic coma, stroke);
  • inability to swim;
  • neglect of a child (when children drown);
  • getting into whirlpools, storm.

Signs of drowning

The symptoms of drowning are easy to spot. The victim begins to flounder or gasps for air like a fish. Often a person uses all his energy to keep his head above water and breathe, so he cannot scream for help. Spasm may also occur vocal cords. A drowning man panics and gets lost, which reduces his chances of self-rescue. When the victim has already been pulled out of the water, the fact that he was drowning can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • chest pain;
  • blue or bluish tint to the skin;
  • cough;
  • shortness of breath or shortness of breath;
  • vomiting.

Types of drownings

There are several types of drowning, each with its own characteristics. These include:

  1. “Dry” (asphyxial) drowning. A person dives under water and loses orientation. Often a spasm of the larynx occurs, and water fills the stomach. The upper respiratory tract becomes blocked, and the drowning person begins to suffocate. Asphyxia sets in.
  2. "Wet" (true). When immersed in water, a person does not lose his breathing instinct. The lungs and bronchi fill with fluid, foam may be released from the mouth, and cyanosis of the skin appears.
  3. Fainting (syncope). Another name is pale drowning. The skin acquires a characteristic white, white-gray, bluish color. Death occurs as a result of a reflex cessation of the work of the lungs and heart. This often happens due to a temperature difference (when a drowning person is immersed in ice water) or a blow to the surface. Fainting, loss of consciousness, arrhythmia, epilepsy, heart attack, and clinical death occur.

Rescue of a drowning man

Anyone can notice the victim, but it is important to provide first aid in a short time, because someone’s life depends on it. When on the shore, the first thing to do is call a lifeguard for help. The specialist knows exactly how to act. If he is not nearby, you can try to pull the person out yourself, but you need to remember the danger. The drowning man is in under stress, his coordination is impaired, so he can involuntarily cling to the rescuer, not allowing him to grab him. There is a high probability of drowning together (if they behave incorrectly in the water).

Emergency assistance for drowning

When an accident occurs, you need to act quickly. If there is no professional rescuer or medical worker nearby, then first aid for drowning should be provided by others. The following steps should be followed:

  1. Wrap your finger in a soft cloth and use it to clean the rescued person’s mouth.
  2. If there is fluid in the lungs, you need to put the person on his knee with his stomach down, lower his head, and make several blows between the shoulder blades.
  3. If necessary, perform artificial respiration and cardiac massage. It is very important not to put too much pressure on your chest to avoid breaking your ribs.
  4. When a person wakes up, you should free him from wet clothes, wrap him in a towel, and let him warm up.

Difference between sea and fresh water for drowning

An accident can occur in various water sources (sea, river, swimming pool), but drowning in fresh water is different from immersion in a salty environment. What is the difference? Inhaling sea fluid is not as dangerous and has a better prognosis. The high salt concentration prevents water from entering the lung tissue. However, the blood thickens, causing pressure on the circulatory system. Complete cardiac arrest occurs within 8-10 minutes, but during this time it is possible to resuscitate a drowning person.

As for drowning in fresh water, the process is more complicated. When fluid enters the cells of the lungs, they swell and some cells burst. Fresh water can be absorbed into the blood, making it thinner. Capillaries rupture, which impairs cardiac function. Ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest occur. This whole process takes a few minutes, so death occurs much faster in fresh water.

First aid on the water

A specially trained person must be involved in rescuing a drowning person. However, it is not always nearby, or several people may drown in the water. Any vacationer who knows how to swim well can provide first aid. To save someone's life, you should use the following algorithm:

  1. You need to gradually approach the victim from behind, dive and cover the solar plexus, taking the drowning person by the right hand.
  2. Swim to shore on your back, row right hand.
  3. It is important to ensure that the victim's head is above the water and that he does not swallow any liquid.
  4. On the shore, you should put the person on his stomach and provide first aid.

First aid rules

The desire to help a drowning person does not always bring benefits. Misbehavior by a third party often only makes the problem worse. For this reason, first aid for drowning must be competent. What is the mechanism of PMP:

  1. After the person is removed from the water and covered with a blanket, symptoms of hypothermia (hypothermia) need to be checked.
  2. Call an ambulance.
  3. Avoid deformation of the spine or neck, do not cause damage.
  4. Secure the cervical spine with a rolled up towel.
  5. If the victim is not breathing, artificial respiration and cardiac massage should be started.

In case of true drowning

In approximately 70 percent of cases, water enters directly into the lungs, causing true or “wet” drowning. This can happen to a child or a person who cannot swim. First aid for drowning includes the following steps:

  • palpation of the pulse, examination of the pupils;
  • warming the victim;
  • maintaining blood circulation (raising legs, bending the body);
  • ventilation of the lungs using breathing apparatus;
  • if the person is not breathing, artificial respiration must be performed.

With asphyxial drowning

Dry drowning is somewhat atypical. The water never reaches the lungs, but instead the vocal cords spasm. Death can occur due to hypoxia. How to provide first aid to a person in this case:

  • perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately;
  • call an ambulance;
  • when the victim came to his senses, warm him up.

Artificial respiration and cardiac massage

In most cases of drowning, a person stops breathing. To bring him back to life, you should immediately begin active steps: perform a heart massage, perform artificial respiration. A clear sequence of actions must be followed. How to do mouth-to-mouth breathing:

  1. The victim’s lips should be parted, mucus and algae should be removed using a finger wrapped in a cloth. Allow fluid to drain from the mouth.
  2. Grasp your cheeks so that your mouth does not close, tilt your head back, lift your chin.
  3. Pinch the rescued person’s nose and breathe air directly into his mouth. The process takes a split second. Number of repetitions: 12 times per minute.
  4. Check the pulse in the neck.
  5. After some time, the chest will rise (the lungs will begin to function).

Mouth-to-mouth breathing is often accompanied by cardiac massage. This procedure should be performed very carefully to avoid damaging the ribs. How to proceed:

  1. Place the patient on a flat surface (floor, sand, ground).
  2. Place one hand on the chest, cover with the other hand at an angle of approximately 90 degrees.
  3. Apply rhythmic pressure on the body (approximately one pressure per second).
  4. To start the baby’s heart, you should press on the chest with 2 fingers (due to the baby’s small height and weight).
  5. If there are two rescuers, artificial respiration and cardiac massage are performed simultaneously. If there is only one rescuer, then every 30 seconds you need to alternate these two processes.

Actions after first aid

Even if a person has regained consciousness, this does not mean that he does not need medical care. You should stay with the victim, call an ambulance or seek help from a doctor. It is worth knowing that when drowning in fresh water, death can occur even after a few hours (secondary drowning), so you should keep the situation under control. If you remain unconscious and without oxygen for a long time, the following problems may occur:

  • brain disorders internal organs;
  • neuralgia;
  • pneumonia;
  • chemical imbalance in the body;
  • permanent vegetative state.

To avoid complications, you should take care of your health as quickly as possible. A person rescued from drowning should take the following precautions:

  • learn to swim;
  • avoid swimming while intoxicated;
  • do not go into too cold water;
  • do not swim during a storm or in deep water;
  • Don't walk on thin ice.
