Read a fairy tale in the Udmurt language. List of Udmurt tales about animals, fairy tales, realistic tales

Summary of a modeling lesson on the topic: “Autumn tree”

Program content:
1. Teach children to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between their palms, and flatten them with a finger on top, attaching them to a sheet of paper.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the color and size of autumn leaves.
3. Reinforce the concept of “leaf fall”, teach how to move around the site, following the instructions given in game form; accompany the words of the poem with appropriate movements.
4. Foster independence and accuracy.
Material: plasticine red, brown, white and yellow color, sheets of paper.
Preliminary work: examination autumn trees, conversation about autumn.
Vocabulary work: autumn, leaf fall, forest, autumn.
Progress of the lesson:
- Guys, what time of year is it now? (autumn)
-Why do you think so? (it became cold, people put on warm clothes, etc.)
-What color are the leaves on the trees? (yellow, red)
-Yes, in the fall the leaves on the trees first turn yellow or red, and then begin to fall, that is, they fall to the ground.
-What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees?
-This phenomenon is called leaf fall. The leaves, falling to the ground, swirl merrily in the air.
- Let's turn into yellow leaves.
The game “Falling Leaves” is played.
Progress of the game:
All children are given leaves from an autumn bouquet.
- Guys! You will all be leaves, choose the leaf you like: some are yellow, some are red, some are big, some are small.
Each child shows and names which leaf he chose by color and size.
- The leaves are light, they fly slowly through the air. (Children run and wave their arms.)
Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
Yellow leaves are flying!
It's like umbrellas are circling!
- Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (The actions are performed by children with yellow pieces of paper.)
- Beautiful red leaves are spinning. (The actions are performed by children with red pieces of paper.)
- They circled and sat down on the ground. (Children crouch.)
- Sit down! They sat down and froze. (The children do not move.)
- The wind blew: one-two-three,
We took off from the ground (an adult blows, followed by children.)
- And they flew high,
But the sky is far away.
-The leaves rose and scattered in different directions. (Children scatter around the playground.)
- Spinning, spinning, spinning! (children spin around)
- Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
- Leaves are flying in the wind (children are running and spinning with leaves in their hands).
- We circled again.
They sank to the ground to sleep.
“The breeze has died down, and the leaves slowly fall to the ground” (children slowly crouch down).
The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Then the children sit at the tables.
- Guys, look, are there sheets of paper on the table?

What does the tree have? (trunk)

Let's make a barrel, tear off a piece of plasticine and roll it out between your palms, place it on a sheet of paper, press it on top with your fingers.

What else is missing? (branches)

We tear off a small piece of plasticine, roll it out between our palms, then apply it to the trunk and press it on top with our finger.
- What else does our tree lack? (leaflets)
- Let's make plasticine leaves for our tree.
- What color should we use plasticine to make the tree look like autumn? (yellow, red, orange)
- Look how we will sculpt leaves.
- We tear off a small piece of plasticine, roll it out between our palms, then apply it to the branches, pressing it on top with our finger.
- Pieces need to be attached to tree branches
I show the children how to tear small pieces from plasticine, roll them between their palms and, pressing on the balls, attach them to tree branches.
- The tree became autumn because we made yellow leaves for it.
- How can you name many trees in one word? (forest)
Let's all say "forest" together.
- Yes, we did it autumn forest.
- Look, on some trees the leaves are attached to the branches, and on other works the leaves are spinning in the air and falling to the ground.
- What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall to the ground? (leaf fall)
- Let’s all say “fox-to-fall” together.
- The yellow leaves are dancing,
They fall from the branches, they fly,
This golden fairy tale
They call it “leaf fall.”
- All the children tried very hard. This is what a beautiful autumn forest we have.
- Now let’s take our works to the exhibition of creativity, please our mothers, fathers, grandparents.

Summary of organized educational activities in junior group II

Topic: “Journey to the autumn forest”

Priority educational area
« Cognitive development»
Integration of educational areas
"Social and communicative development"
"Speech development"
"Artistic and aesthetic development"
Target: To consolidate ideas about autumn, about the signs and signs of autumn.
1. Teach carefully, listen to the teacher’s speech, expand and activate lexicon pupils (“autumn”, “season”, “rustles”);
2. Improve the grammatical structure of speech;
3. Formation of elementary ecological ideas in children.
1. Develop interest in the world around us during the game-travel;
2. Expand basic understanding of changes in nature
autumn, wild animals, their lives.
1. Educate caring attitude to animals, love and careful attitude to nature.
Objectives for educational areas in integration
Educational activities"Cognitive development":
1. Enrich children’s sensory experience, develop figurative representations, affordable consolidating children's knowledge about seasonal changes (autumn).
2. Expand ideas about wild animals living in the forest, learn to reflect received impressions in speech and productive activity.
3. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature, to cultivate children’s respectful attitude towards nature and animals.
Educational activities « Speech development»:
1. Develop children’s proactive, choral speech, enrich and clarify children’s ideas about the seasonal change of autumn.
2. Expand and activate children's vocabulary
3. Create a need to share your impressions with people around you.
Educational area“Artistic and aesthetic development”:
1. Improve the technique of drawing with a wad of paper to depict autumn leaves.
2. Cultivate interest in reflecting one’s impressions and ideas about nature, through the ability to create artistic image.
3. Foster accuracy and independence
Educational field “Social and communicative development”:

1. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner.
Types of children's activities
Cognitive, communicative, playful.
Methodical techniques
1. Organizing time: The appearance of the fairy-tale Gnome.
2. Children’s answers to the teacher’s questions.
3. Choral reading of a poem with children.
4. Watch the video.
5. Conversation with children after watching the video.
6. Musical and rhythmic composition “Leaf, leaf-falling leaf”.
7. Didactic game: “Choose by color.”
8. Productive activity “Golden leaves”
9. Analysis of children’s activities, summing up.
Planned results
Shows a strong interest in various types children's activities: travel play, listening and discussion, artistic creativity. Emotionally responds to main character-Gnome. Elementarily orients himself in the space of the group. Actively participates in productive activities.
Knows the sequence of movements of the music and dance composition “Leaf, leaf, leaf fall.”
Materials and equipment
multimedia projector, screen
computer presentation
tree layout
colorful autumn leaves from paper
pieces of paper
hypoallergenic wet wipes for children
basket with gifts for children (nuts)

Progress of organized educational activities

Educator: Kids, listen, who's rustling there? You hear?

Oh, yes, this is a gnome, a forest man. Let's say hello to the gnome.
Gnome: Hello guys.
Educator: What kind of gnome? (small). What do you think the gnome is in a mood for? (good) Of course, it’s good, the gnome smiles at us, let’s smile at him too.
Educator: Look, the gnome brought us something, what is it? (leaves)
What leaves? (beautiful, colorful, red, yellow, green). At what time of year are there colorful leaves? (in autumn) So what kind of leaves? (autumn) That's right, kids, these are autumn leaves. They are all multi-colored and golden, which is why they say about autumn: “ Golden autumn».
Educator: Let's, guys, tell the Dwarf a poem about autumn:
“Golden autumn walks along the paths.
She has yellow boots on her feet.
She has colored leaves on her dress,
And there are wild mushrooms in her basket!”
Gnome: Thanks guys, I liked your poem. I really love this too beautiful time of the year. Do you want to visit the autumn forest?
Educator: To get into fairy forest, you need to close your eyes and say magic words:
“I’ll slam, I’ll stomp, I’ll turn around.
And I’ll immediately find myself in the forest.”
Children, open your eyes, look how beautiful it is.
(autumn forest on the screen).
Educator: Let's sit down quietly and see what's happening in the fall. (Video show)

Educator: Guys, what did you see? What are the trees like in autumn? (colorful, beautiful). What kind of animals do you think live in the forest? (list) In a word, what can you call them, what kind of animals? (wild). Smart girls, why are they called wild? (because wild animals get their own food, people don’t help them) Guys, what do animals do in the fall? (preparing for winter). How do you think one should behave in the forest? (quietly, don’t make noise, don’t shout, so as not to scare the animals).
Let's take a walk in the forest with you.
“Leaves are falling, leaves are falling, yellow leaves are flying, multi-colored leaves are rustling under the children’s feet.” (sound - rustling of leaves).
Educator: Oh guys, look, the breeze blew and scattered all our leaves, let's try to collect them by color.
D/I “By color”
Children complete the task.

Well done guys, collected all the leaves. Beautiful, carved, let's dance with them. (Dance with leaves - Leaf, leaf fall).

Educator: It felt good in the forest, quiet, calm. But soon all the leaves will fall from the trees, and we won’t see the trees so beautiful for a long time. Let's decorate this tree as a souvenir of autumn and give it to our gnome. We have a tree already drawn on our tables, let’s arrange leaf fall and draw leaves. But today we will draw not with brushes, not with pencils, but with crumpled paper. To do this, take a sheet of paper, crumple it so that you get a paper ball (the teacher accompanies his words with actions),

then dip a paper lump into yellow paint. We draw leaves by dipping paper.

Well done boys. The leaf fall turned out to be very beautiful.

Gnome: For your wonderful work, beautiful leaf fall, I want to give you a basket of gifts.
Educator: Well, our journey has come to an end. Guys, did you like it in the forest? Who did we meet? What did we see in the forest?
Educator: Children, let's say “Thank you” to our wizard gnome for the gifts and such a wonderful trip! But it's time for us to say goodbye and return to kindergarten.
Gnome: Goodbye, guys!
Educator: Turn around yourself and you will find yourself in kindergarten again. This is where our journey ends...
“Thank you all for your attention, we say - goodbye!”

Tasks. Introduce children to changes in the natural environment and forest inhabitants. Paint fallen leaves, gray clouds in the sky, rain, animal tracks on the ground.

Material. Sheets of paper painted in light gray tones, with applique silhouettes of trees; brushes; paints - dark gray, brown, yellow; water cans; napkins.

Preliminary work. Observing changes in nature on walks. Looking at illustrations depicting late autumn(trees without leaves; gray clouds; it is raining), depicting the inhabitants of the autumn forest (bunny, fox, wolf, hedgehog, bear). Reading poems, nursery rhymes, singing songs.

Contents of the lesson. The teacher reminds the children about changes in nature: “It rains more and more often, there are very few leaves on the trees, they lie on the ground. In the autumn forest, animals are preparing for winter: squirrels and hedgehogs are stocking up on mushrooms and apples. Let’s paint how a bunny jumps and a bear walks through the forest.” The teacher shows the bunny's marks with the end of the brush, and then draws large strokes with the entire bristle of the brush. “The bunny ran and hid behind a tree from gray wolf“, - says the teacher and places the strokes near the tree. “And this wolf ran through the forest,” the teacher continues and draws larger footprints: “I didn’t catch the bunny.” There is a gray cloud in the sky and it is raining. Gloomy and rainy autumn has arrived.” Draws streaks of rain.

After telling and showing techniques for drawing “animal tracks on the ground,” the teacher invites the children to independently draw “their” forest, in which “a bunny gallops, a fox runs, a wolf walks, a bear walks.” Children complement the composition started by the teacher (complete the drawings of trees, bushes, leaves, animal tracks). At the end of the lesson, the children’s completed drawings with applicative images of trees form an overall composition of the autumn forest. Vospi-

The teacher asks the children to find traces of a bunny, fox, bear, and wolf. “This is the autumn forest the children drew, and animals live in it,” the teacher finishes the examination general composition. He encourages children to not only return to the process of looking at and finding their drawings with animal tracks, but also to talk about what everyone has drawn. Children's stories can also be monosyllabic, such as: “Here is a bunny, jump-jump,” “My wolf,” etc.

Actions with objects. "Find the same one"

Tasks. Learn to find identical objects, develop visual memory and imagination. Improve the ability not to be distracted when performing a task.

Materials. Toys (cars, dolls, pyramids, balls, marbles, cubes, rings, ribbons, mushrooms, etc.).

Contents of the lesson. The teacher selects pairs of absolutely identical toys (objects) - “twins”. Toys are divided in half. One half is displayed on the children's table, the other is put away in a “wonderful bag” (a bright, beautiful little case, 40x40 cm in size). Before putting some of the toys into the bag, the teacher and children examine each item, name it, and note its features. Then the children begin to put their hands into the bag one by one, taking out the objects they come across, and name them. The teacher invites each child to choose exactly the same one from all the toys lying on the table. While the baby picks up an identical toy, the adult hides his object, encouraging him to act according to visual memory.

If the child finds it difficult, the teacher shows the toy from a distance, names it, thereby encouraging him to take action. When a child brings a toy, the adult says: “Look, is this the kind of toy you brought?” Objects are located nearby. In the same way, pairs of all other toys are selected one by one. The teacher teaches them to compare based on striking features (color, shape). At the end of the lesson, children can play with the objects they like according to their own ideas. (In the future, the adult can offer the child a more complex choice, depending on his individual development. So, for example, you can choose objects that are not identical, but similar, but of different sizes and colors, etc.).

Speech. "I'm a goat Me-ke-ke"

Tasks. Involve children in communication. Enrich the vocabulary of names of body parts. Correlate words and expressive movements. Cultivate interest in folk nursery rhymes. Develop speech hearing and articulatory apparatus in children.

Materials. Goat toy.

Who came to us? Horned goat, butted goat. No boo
dem afraid of goats. Let's say: “Hello, goat! We are glad to see you!”

(Initiative statements from children.)

The goat brought milk. Substitute the circles. Drink mo
lochko (conditional actions that the teacher himself does).

Who wants to pet the goat? Tell her thank you for the delicious food

Where are the goat's eyes? Where are the goat's ears? - Educator
Gives children the opportunity to show their horns on their own.

I'm a goat Me-ke-ke I'm walking in the meadow, Sharp horns, Thin legs On the very top of my head - Velvet ears.

(A. Prokofiev) 1

What's wrong with the goat? - Shows horns, ears, eyes, nose.
The goat voices: “mee, mee” (together with the children).

Now I’m like your mother goat, and you are little goats
ki. Show me what kind of horns goats have? (Conditional actions.) Co
The little eyes walk along the meadow, nibble the grass, saying: mee, mee.
(Repeat 2-3 times.)

The teacher addresses the children with the words: “Legs, legs, goat - stomp, stomp. Eyes, eyes of a goat - clap-clap! These words are accompanied by expressive movements and onomatopoeia and are repeated 2-3 times.

Reader for children and adults / Comp. L.N. Eliseeva. - M.: Knowledge, 1996. P. 13.

The mother goat brought milk to the babies. Set it up, kids
ki, mugs. Drink milk! (Conditional actions.)

The baby goats ate, drank and went for a walk.

UDMURTS- these are the people in Russia, indigenous people Udmurtia (476 thousand people). Udmurts also live in Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Perm, Kirov, Sverdlovsk regions. Total number There are 676 thousand Udmurts in Russia. 70% of Udmurts consider their family National language. The Udmurt language belongs to the Finno-Ugric language group. IN Udmurt language Several dialects are distinguished - northern, southern, Besermyansky and middle dialects. The writing of the Udmurt language is based on the Cyrillic alphabet. The majority of Udmurt believers are Orthodox, but a significant part adheres to traditional beliefs. The religious views of the Udmurts living among the Tatars and Bashkirs were influenced by Islam.

The past of the Udmurts dates back to the Finno-Ugric tribes of the Iron Age of the 1st millennium AD. The territory of modern Udmurtia has long been inhabited by tribes of Udmurts or “Votyaks” (3-4 centuries AD). In the 10th-12th centuries the Udmurts were under economic and cultural influence Volga-Kama Bulgaria. In the 13th century, the territory of Udmurtia was conquered by the Mongol-Tatars.

In 1489, the northern Udmurts became part of the Russian state. In Russian sources, the Udmurts have been mentioned since the 14th century as Ars, Aryans, Votyaks; Southern Udmurts experienced Tatar influence, because until 1552 they were part of the Kazan Khanate. By 1558, the Udmurts completely became part of the Russian state. Under their own name, the Udmurts were first mentioned in 1770 in the work of the scientist N.P. Rychkova.

The traditional occupation of the Udmurts was agriculture and animal husbandry. Hunting, fishing, and beekeeping were of an auxiliary nature. Udmurt villages were located along the banks of rivers and were small - a few dozen households. The decoration of the home included many decorative woven items. Udmurt clothing was made from canvas, cloth and sheepskin. In clothing, two options stood out - northern and southern. Shoes were wicker bast shoes, boots or felt boots. There were numerous decorations made of beads, beads, and coins. Traditional housing The Udmurts had a log hut with a cold entryway under a gable roof. The diet of the Udmurts was dominated by agricultural and livestock products.

IN public life In villages, a large role was played by the neighborhood-type community, headed by a council - the kenesh. For a long time The clan divisions of the Udmurts, the Vorshuds, were preserved.

The Udmurt religion was characterized by a numerous pantheon of deities and spirits, among them Inmar - the god of the sky, Kaldysin - the god of the earth, Shundy-mumm - Mother of the sun, there were about 40 of them in total. Many ritual actions were associated with economic activities: gery potton - the holiday of bringing out the plow, vyl zhuk - the ritual eating of porridge from the grain of the new harvest. Since the 19th century, many holidays began to coincide with the dates of the Christian calendar - Christmas, Easter, Trinity. Udmurts often had two names - a pagan one, given when they were named a midwife, and a Christian one, received at baptism.

Leading place in applied arts occupied by embroidery, patterned weaving, patterned knitting, wood carving, weaving, stamping on birch bark. Singing and dancing, accompanied by playing the harp and pipes, were widely developed among the Udmurts.

In the 18th century, the largest Udmurt factories were built in Udmurtia - Izhevsk and Votkinsk, which, in a transformed form, have retained their significance to this day. The region has become a large industrial centre Russia. Highest value received metallurgy, mechanical engineering and weapons production.

Target: To form students’ knowledge about the history of their native land.


  • Continue acquaintance with oral folk art;
  • Develop the ability to retell what you read;
  • Develop the ability to compose a continuation of a story;
  • Develop speech logical thinking;
  • To cultivate love for the Motherland, kindness, friendship, courage, interest in the subject.


Presentation on this topic.
– Video projector.
– Collection “Udmurt folk tales”.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited call was given.
The lesson begins.

2. Motivation.

A) Checking readiness for the lesson.
B) Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

3. Updating of basic knowledge.

Examination homework. Solving a crossword puzzle on the history of Udmurtia.

  1. Man in Udmurt... (murt). (Slide 2)
  2. Founder of the arms factory in Izhevsk. (A.F. Deryabin.) (Slide 3)
  3. Vdyanoy in Udmurt. (Vumurt.) (Slide 4)
  4. The place is in the middle of nowhere. (Kuliga.) (slide 5)
  5. In the past, a person communicating with deities. (Priest.)
  6. The flower is a symbol of Udmurtia. (Italmas.) (Slide 6)
  7. A formidable king, during whose reign the Udmurt lands became part of the Russian State. (Ivan IV.) (Slide 7)
  8. Predatory bird. (Hawk.) (Slide 8)

(As you solve the puzzle, the cells of the crossword puzzle, previously drawn on a board or piece of whatman paper, are filled in.)

– What word came out in the highlighted cells? (Udmurtia.) (Slide 9)
– This is all our history, both fabulous and real. In 2013, it will be 455 years since Udmurts and Russians live together. They live together.

4. Perception of new material.

A) conversation

– Today you will get acquainted with Udmurt folk tales.
-What is a fairy tale? (Students' answers.)
- This is the definition given in explanatory dictionary. (Slide 10)

A fairy tale is a narrative work of oral folk art about fictitious persons, events, mainly involving magical fantastic forces, of an everyday nature.

Fairy tales were created in the distant past, when people were dependent on nature, on the ability to recognize the habits of animals...

Every nation has its own customs, its own fairy tales. The Udmurt people were no exception.

– Remember what types of fairy tales are divided into. (Slide 11)

Name the characteristics of each species. (Students’ answers.)

Household: o economic activity person or animal.

Magical: in fairy tales magic happens, transformations happen, there are magical objects.

About animals: the main characters of these fairy tales are animals.

But there is no clear boundary between types of fairy tales.

Physical education minute.

We worked great
Don't mind taking a rest now,
And charging is familiar to us
Comes to class for lesson.
Above the hand, above the heel,
Smile more cheerfully!
We'll jump like bunnies
We will immediately become more cheerful.
We stretched and sighed.
Have a rest...

The Udmurt people have their favorites fairy-tale heroes: Lopsho Pedun, Aldar Ivan- two good ones, cunning man who always help poor people and punish rich and evil people.

Often there are greedy priests, rich people and evil forces: Obyda - a witch, Vumurt - a merman, Shaitan - a devil (demon). (Slide 12)

b) Reading with stops. (Slide 13)

Introduction to the fairy tale “Aldar Ivan”.

– Now I will read you the beginning of the fairy tale “Aldar Ivan”.
– What happened next? How did Aldar Ivan deceive the rich man Zio?

Students are given 7–8 minutes to come up with the ending of the fairy tale. You can work in pairs.

In one Udmurt village there lived Aldar Ivan. He knew how to deceive people, and his fame spread throughout the region.

One morning on market day, Aldar went out to the outskirts of the village, to the birches planted along the road. He walks around the lawn, tramples the ditch by the road, as if looking for something. He walked up to a crooked birch tree, sat down on the root, and leaned his back against the trunk.

The rich man Zio went to the market to sell his goat. From afar he saw Aldar sitting under a birch tree.

– What are you doing here, Aldar Ivan? – Zio asked.
“There’s a birch tree falling, I’m propping it up,” Aldar answers.
- They say, Aldar, you are a master of deception, deceive me now! - Zio asks.
“I would have deceived him, but I forgot the bag of deception at home...” answers Aldar Ivan. Let me sit on your goat and bring the bag. I'll leave quickly. And you hold the birch until I return.
“Go, perhaps,” the rich man agreed and gave Aldar the goat.
- You, Uncle Zio, prop up the birch tree well, don’t move from your spot! Otherwise the birch tree will collapse,” says Aldar Ivan.

Zio sat down under a birch tree on the roots, leaning his back against the trunk. Aldar sat on the goat and rode to the village. Zio is afraid to move, props up the birch tree...

The sun had already passed noon. Aldar is still missing...

4 - 5 options for ending the fairy tale are heard, how Aldar Ivan deceived the rich man Zio.

– Do you want to know what really happened? (One of the episodes of the fairy tale is read out.)

6. Reflection.

– What did you like about the lesson?
– What new things did you learn?
– Whose continuation of the fairy tale did you like? Why?
– How do you evaluate your work in class? (Self-assessment of work in the lesson, assessment by the teacher.)

- Well done, thanks for the lesson!


1. Collection “Udmurt folk tales”. Izhevsk “Udmurtia” 1976.

Internet resources.

2.!/yandsearch?text=photo hawk&
3.!/yandsearch?p=3&text=photo hawk& simage
4.!/yandsearch?p=2&text=photo hawk& &rpt=simage