Vova Presnyakov official group concerts upcoming performances. Vladimir Presnyakov (junior) - biography, information, personal life

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. is a famous Russian performer, composer and arranger, as well as the son of no less famous parents.

Volodya was born in Sverdlovsk into a young family of then unknown musicians Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov. The parents themselves were only 20 years old at that time. The newlyweds huddled in the apartment of their in-laws, and at first their little son had to sleep in a metal bathtub, and only later were they able to buy him a stroller. A couple of years later, the parents were given a room in a communal apartment.

Volodya's musical abilities manifested themselves in early childhood. Already at the age of four he began to learn to play the piano and quickly learned to select melodies by ear. A little later he mastered the guitar and drums.

In 1975 there was a sharp turn in the life of the family. During the next tour, Yuri Malikov drew attention to the young musicians and invited them to work in Moscow as part of the VIA “Gems”. The parents went to the capital, and initially left the boy in Sverdlovsk.

There he attended a music boarding school, but due to bad behavior he did not study there for a long time and was expelled. The parents decided to take their son to Moscow, where he was enrolled in a choir school. By this time, the boy not only knew how to play three musical instruments, but also began to compose songs himself.

At this educational institution, Volodya also behaved indecently, regularly skipped classes and became a hooligan. Parents constantly had to blush on the director's carpet.

The first place of work for a 12-year-old boy was the choir of the Yelokhovskaya Church, where he performed classical works. It was there that he earned his first money.

And at the age of 13 he went on tour with the group “Cruise”. On stage he performed his works, and also sang songs together with the lead singer of the group.

A year later, Volodya was expelled from the school because the teachers could not cope with his behavior. The parents had to place their son in another school, where they were able to take him straight to the 3rd year. But then another problem happened: the teenager’s voice began to break. In those years, he could not sing, but devoted himself only to writing music. True, he began to actively engage in sports, became interested in dancing, in particular breakdancing, and reached significant heights, becoming one of the best breakers in Moscow.

Musician's life

At this time, Laima Vaikule invited Volodya to perform with her, and a period of touring and concert activity began. During one of the performances, the young man was noticed by the creators of the film “Above the Rainbow” and invited to perform several soundtracks for it. The film, released in 1985, became very popular, and the whole country recognized Volodya. Three years later, he himself starred in two films, and a year later he founded his own group “Captain”.

Soon Alla Pugacheva invited him to work at the Song Theater, where he performed until 1994. A little time passed, and Volodya performed his solo program for the first time. This happened in 1990. His disc sold out not only in Russia, but also in other countries. He received the prestigious Golden Key award.

Today he already has 13 albums to his credit.

Vladimir is a big fan of extreme recreation, in particular, he loves scuba diving and skiing.

Personal life

Vladimir is currently married for the third time. His first wife was Kristina Orbakaite. At the time of their acquaintance, Volodya was 18 years old, and Kristina was 15. The young people met at a concert, and began dating after participating together in “Blue Light”. Despite their very young age, Vova and Christina began to live together, and then officially got married. Their parents were not happy with this turn of events, but did not object. And in 1991, the couple had a son, Nikita.

The union lasted about 10 years, after which it disintegrated. Volodya could not be called a faithful husband; to top it all off, he began a serious affair with fashion designer Elena Lenskaya, with whom his relationship also lasted for about 10 years. The couple officially got married in 2001, and they separated in 2005.

It was then that Volodya met the young singer Natalya Podolskaya. They immediately liked each other, the relationship developed rapidly, soon the young people began to live together, and in 2010 they entered into legal marriage. Five years later their son Artemy was born. The couple lives in love and harmony.

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Presnyakov Vladimir (Junior) - Russian composer, singer, musician, actor and arranger - was born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) in 1968, on March 29. His parents are also famous people. Father, Vladimir Petrovich, is a saxophonist. Mother, Elena Petrovna, is a vocalist. In connection with their creative activities, in 1975, their parents moved to Moscow. They began working in the famous vocal and instrumental ensemble called “Gems”.


Vladimir Presnyakov was raised by his grandmother and studied at a Sverdlovsk boarding school. As soon as his parents’ life improved, he moved to Moscow with them. There he began his Presnyakov studies playing the guitar, piano, and drums. He composed his first song at the age of eleven. Already at twelve he began to sing in the church choir, which operated at the Yelokhov Cathedral in Moscow. Vladimir performed his first performances with the group “Cruise” at the age of thirteen. He performed songs of his own composition: “The Red Book”, “Old Tale”, “Cat”.


Vladimir Presnyakov received an excellent education. He studied at the Choir School. Sveshnikova. Then he entered the Moscow City School. October Revolution for the conducting and choral department. Presnyakov studied reluctantly and even poorly. He loved to skip classes, which greatly upset his parents. As a student, he did not stop his creative activity. Worked in the Laima Vaikule ensemble. One performance was attended by the crew of the famous film “Above the Rainbow.” They noticed a young artist and invited him to record songs. Presnyakov sang the compositions “Zurbagan” and “The Roadside Grass Sleeps.” In addition, he played a small role in the film. The film was released in 1986. After the show, the musician instantly gained unprecedented popularity, and the songs he performed became hits and were heard from everywhere. The singer's popularity grew. Already in 1987, he was offered to star in the new film “She with a broom, he in a black hat.” In addition, he performed some songs for the film, based on the famous novel called “The Island of Lost Ships.”

Without a voice

In 1983, the career of a popular performer was in jeopardy. The thing is that at that time it was fashionable among young people to break dance. One of Presnyakov’s friends invited him to practice at the Pravda Palace of Culture. Vladimir liked this activity so much that he could no longer stop. It all ended with severe pneumonia and loss of voice. The singer himself, like his parents, perceived this as a real disaster. Despite all the fears, the voice returned. At the same time, Presnyakov received a real gift of nature, namely a falsetto that was very rare in strength and height.

Dizzying rise

From 1987 to 1994, Vladimir Presnyakov worked at the popular Song Theater of singer Alla Pugacheva. Already in the late 1980s he created the group “Captain”. They performed the program “Farewell to Childhood.” The group toured with her in Moscow, as well as in cities near and far abroad. Until the mid-90s, Presnyakov was one of the ten most popular performers in the country. In the 1989 hit parade, he took fourth place in the Soloists category, gaining 12,995 votes. In the same year, the singer’s debut album “Dad, you were like that yourself” was released. It was he who finally formed the image of the performer. At the same time, the first Russian rock musical “Street” with the participation of Presnyakov was staged.


The first solo concert program was called “The Vladimir Presnyakov Show.” The musician performed with her at such big venues in Leningrad as the Olimpiyskiy and Yubileiny Sports and Concert Complex. Vladimir Presnyakov, whose biography is very bright and fascinating, was the first to receive the Golden Key prize in the city of Monte Carlo. He became the first artist whose audio recordings sold the largest number of copies throughout the country.

Notable collections

Vladimir Presnyakov, whose songs are still sung today, has released more than one album over several years of fruitful work. In 1991, his album “Love” was released. The collection “Castle Made of Rain” brought him huge success in 1994. It included songs such as “Girlfriend Masha” and “A Stewardess Named Zhanna.” They became hits for many years. 1995 was especially successful for the singer. Vladimir Presnyakov released three albums at once: “Zhanna”, “Wanderer”, “Zurbagan”. They became the best and brought the singer unprecedented popularity. In the same year, a concert program called “Castle of Rain” was created. She received the Star Award as the best show of the year at all concert venues in Russia. The album "Slyunki" was released in 1996. In 1998 - the disc “Living Collection”, and in 2001 - “Open Door”. Vladimir Presnyakov, whose biography is notable not only for his musical creativity, took part in the First Channel project “The Last Hero-3” in 2002 and won the main prize. At the same time, the album “Love on Audio” was released.

Cooperative activity

Vladimir Presnyakov recorded a disc with the group “Malaria” in 2005. In 2006, together with Leonid Agutin, he sang the song “Airports”. She quickly gained popularity and became a hit on all radio broadcasts. Joint creativity has borne fruit. Agutin and Presnyakov received the well-deserved Golden Gramophone award as the best male duet. They were nominated for the Muz-TV 2007 award in the same category. The work with Agutin did not end there. Together with him, as well as with Natalya Podolskaya and Angelika Varum, the album “Be a Part of Yours” was recorded in 2012. In 2013, the singer created the concert program “Useless Angel”. It includes new and already known songs by the artist.

Kristina Orbakaite

The singer’s first true love was the today famous singer Kristina Orbakaite. They met very young. She was only 15 years old. This happened at Laima Vaikule’s concert in Izmailovo. Vladimir Presnyakov (the photo won’t let you lie) was already a prominent young man and could not help but please the young beauty. He paid compliments and tried in every possible way to please. They both often took part in concerts and could not help but meet again. Their romance began after filming the program “Blue Light”. It should be noted that for the sake of the first date, Presnyakov had to ask Christina from Alla Pugacheva herself. This brave act was highly appreciated. Very soon the couple began to live together as husband and wife. Their young age was an obstacle to official marriage. So they just exchanged rings. The parents were shocked by this turn of events, but did not prohibit it. As in any relationship, there were quarrels. The young people often quarreled, but they certainly made up. On May 21, 1991, Vladimir Presnyakov and his son Nikita. It was only in 1994 that the couple finally moved into their own apartment. They lived together for about ten years. The reason for the separation was Presnyakov’s infidelity. There were various rumors about his adventures. Some turned out to be lies, others, on the contrary, true. The couple separated peacefully. There were no loud scandals or statements in the press. They still communicate. Presnyakov takes an active part in raising his son.

New family

In 1996, the Orbakaite-Presnyakov couple officially broke up. Lena Lenskaya was to blame for everything. It was she who became the singer’s new lover and wife. After living together for several years, they finally got married in 2001. Very quickly the relationship began to deteriorate. Some argue that Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife, Elena, had a complex character and often left for the United States for long periods of time. Others say that the reason for the breakup was the husband’s indifference and addiction to alcohol. They filed for divorce in 2005, but lived together for some time.

Natalia Podolskaya

Vladimir Presnyakov and met in 2005 on the set of the “Big Race” project. Feelings flared up quickly. Romantic evenings and meetings did their job. They lived together for several years before they decided to get married. This event happened in 2010. The wedding was magnificent and memorable. A white dress, a veil and a boat - everything that any bride can dream of. Podolskaya admitted that she feels more confident as a wife. The couple does not hide that they intend to have children. Natalia’s loose outfits, which she likes to wear in everyday life, haunt journalists. Each of her appearances in a flowing dress is perceived as a hint of an interesting position. Numerous fans of the singer’s work have always been interested in his personal life. And he gave them no reason to be disappointed. Not long ago, rumors leaked to the press about his separation from Podolskaya. However, in an interview, the singer admitted that these are just conversations that have nothing to do with reality.

The biography of one of the popular singers of Russian showbiz, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., is like a stormy river with rapids, undercurrents and waterfalls, deafening everything around with music and a unique voice. After all, it is music from the heart that guides him throughout his life, not giving in to false career temptations - he is always real, sensual, bright and a beloved artist of several generations.

Rebellious childhood

The article contains a photo of Vladimir Presnyakov with his mother Elena. In musical parties, Presnyakov Jr. has a pseudonym - Vovan Presny, which makes him his “guy on the shirt” and at the same time somehow mysterious and inaccessible. The biography of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. cannot be called simple. From childhood, Vova rebelled so much against the then existing system of education and upbringing that he had to change educational institutions one after another, causing negative emotions not only among teachers, but also among the parents of his classmates.

Born on March 29, 1968 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), to young musicians who still live happily together, Volodya from the cradle absorbed the basic values ​​of life - music and family. And despite the fact that his father hoped to raise another saxophonist, Volodya managed to prove the right to have his own path. The guy began to emerge as a musician very early, composing music from the age of 4. His talent was helped to unfold by the nomadic life of his parents, who toured with their young son, where he was surrounded by songs, concerts and the difficulties of touring. Even in the apartment, the family was not left alone - the creative fraternity composed, improvised, joked, played music, and little Volodya kept up with the adults.

Extraordinary creativity

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. wrote his first serious song at the age of 11, already playing keyboards, drums and guitar. From the age of 12 he sang in the Elokhov Church in Moscow. And at the age of 13 he performed with the group “Cruise”, performing his own songs - “Old Fairy Tale”, “Red Book”, “Cat”. From an early age he studied at the famous Sverdlovsk boarding school, from which many famous musicians came out, including his father, Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. Volodya studied at the boarding school for only 2 years - his free-thinking and mischief, incompatible with the rules of the educational institution, forced his parents to take their son to Moscow, where they established concert activities.

In Moscow, he studied at the Sveshnikov Choir School, but he also rebelled against local discipline and often skipped classes. That’s why he didn’t last there until he graduated. The parents assigned their growing son to the school named after the October Revolution in the conducting and choral department.

How it all began

In the 80s, a fashionable dance movement appeared - breakdancing. Vladimir Presnyakov was one of the first to catch this wave and was very noticeably successful in his performance. Laima Vaikule, who was gaining popularity at the time, noted Volodya as an artistic vocal performer and offered to work together on the show. Volodya was 15 years old at the time. They successfully worked in the ensemble for a year, performing almost every day until late at night at the Hammer Center. Volodya plunged headlong into concert activities, feeling his destiny in this.

At these performances, Volodya was heard by members of the film crew of the musical film “Above the Rainbow” and invited him to perform songs for the main character of the film, Dmitry Maryanov. The film was received excellently by the audience, the credit for its success also goes to Volodya’s songs - “Zurbagan”, “The Roadside Grass Sleeps”, performed behind the scenes. In total, Volodya participated in the filming of 10 films in episodic roles. Popular paintings: “She with a broom, he in a black hat” (1988), “Island of Lost Ships” (1988), “8 ½ dollars” (1999), “Upside down” (2003) and others . Volodya called his cinematic experience more of a hobby and did not dream of becoming a movie star.

Solo career of Vladimir Presnyakov

At the age of 16 (1987), Volodya began working at the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater. The prima donna patronized the young talent and shared her professional experience - how to present herself on stage and perform songs. Volodya learned a lot from the stage professional. Work at the theater continued until 1994.

Vladimir’s own solo program was implemented with the “Captain” team in Tallinn in September 1988. Two years later, he already performed a large solo program, “Farewell to Childhood,” at the Moscow Olimpiysky sports complex.

In the same 1990, Volodya was awarded the Golden Key prize as a singer and artist for his first own disc, “Dad, you were like that yourself,” a large circulation of which was sold throughout the country. Volodya was the first popular artist to receive such a music award.

Until the mid-90s, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. was one of the top ten popular performers in the country.

At the beginning of 1998, he made a large tour of America with live sound. The halls were filled to capacity not only with Russian emigrants, but also with Americans.

Unique voice

During the period of breakdancing, when Volodya and like-minded people often performed at the Pravda Palace of Culture, he unexpectedly fell ill with pneumonia. As a result, my voice disappeared. After recovery, the voice gradually recovered, but of a different quality - it became a high falsetto.

This is one of the popular versions of the appearance of the singer’s bewitching voice.

According to another version, known at that time only in professional circles, the voice was specially trained for a vocal career.

The question of professional voice training arose after age-related vocal withdrawal. We tried all the options, but the results were not satisfactory - the voice did not have an individual coloring. For a pop vocalist, voice recognition is of paramount importance, and from the first seconds of sound. The concept of a special style of singing specifically for Volodya was proposed.

The concept was to achieve a lower vocal register. Western rock vocalists used a similar technique, masterfully drawing out “A” and “Z” in songs. A thoughtful image was created of a romantic lyricist, with an insinuating, soft voice, easily recognizable by listeners, performing a love repertoire.

First love

At the age of 18, Volodya meets his first love - the daughter of his mentor - Kristina Orbakaite, who was three years younger than him. They met at a concert in honor of Constitution Day, where Volodya gave a concert with Laima Vaikule. Volodya fell in love with young Christina, who at that time had not yet graduated from school. Christina reciprocated his feelings. They were a very beautiful couple: both handsome and tall - Vladimir Presnyakov’s height is 184 cm, and Christina’s is 173 cm. The lovers met and a year later began to live together in Volodya’s apartment, who continued his singing and creative activities. After several years of close relationship, the couple had a son, Nikita, making the young parents happy with the continuation of their love.

As the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov, Christina enjoyed playing the role of a loving wife and caring mother. But soon she became actively interested in music. Gradually, everyone took up a solo career, and the family broke up, which came as a complete surprise to Volodya’s parents. Nikita was only 5 years old at the time.

The star mother-in-law of Presnyakov Jr. wisely accepted the separation of the young people, considering it the right step, because, in her words, “they should be brother and sister, and not husband and wife.”

Indeed, Christina and Volodya remained close people and good parents to their sunny son.

Second try

A whirlwind romance with a beautiful, accomplished woman, Lena Lenskaya, lasted five years before the official marriage. Everything was romantic, the couple was received with warmth in society, everyone was waiting for the official marriage. And this soon happened. But over time, everyday life negated the romance, the easy improvisation of relationships between talented creative people from different walks of life disappeared, and the couple broke up. At the same time, Elena and Vladimir remained good friends.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya

Since 2005, Presnyakov Jr. has been happy with Natalya Podolskaya, a young singer who gave birth to his son. Volodya has changed a lot in appearance, has become younger, and appears in a new image. Creatively, he creates new interesting projects with other singers, and everything also pleases his audience.

He is a successful musician and a happy father. Lightweight, talented, bright, unlike anyone else, especially considering how old Vladimir Presnyakov is, and he is 50 years old, he is full of creative ideas and healthy adventurism.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov is a Russian singer, composer, and actor. He became famous for his melodic songs and unique high voice.


Vladimir was born on March 29, 1968 in Sverdlovsk into the musical family of Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov. Vladimir and Elena actively participated in amateur performances and at that time were just beginning their creative path. The family lived poorly: when the baby was born, the parents could hardly find funds even to buy a crib. However, despite financial difficulties, the Presnyakovs lived in peace and harmony.

Some time after the birth of their son, serious changes took place: the talented couple was invited to Moscow: the head of the then popular VIA “Gems” saw the young artists on stage and decided to start working with them.

Left in the care of his grandmothers and aunts, Vladimir grew up as a restless child. He often behaved like a hooligan, for which he gained fame as a yard bully. He was even expelled from boarding school for bad behavior. It was then that the parents decided to take their son with them in order to seriously engage in his upbringing.

In Moscow, Vladimir was again sent to boarding school, where his musical talent was truly revealed for the first time. However, his character again became an obstacle to success. After another expulsion, he moved into an apartment with his parents, who enrolled him in his third educational institution.

In many ways, Vladimir was influenced by tours, which his parents often took him on. Constantly being in a creative environment, he, like a sponge, absorbed music and the love of freedom characteristic of artists.

Music career

After finishing his studies, which had never been easy for him, Vladimir concentrated on creativity. It is noteworthy that he wrote his first song at only 11 years old. The first serious step towards a brilliant career was working in the creative team of Laima Vaikule. The young man was able to get a job there under the patronage of his then already popular parents, but he gained a foothold thanks to his own talent.

Bright appearance and amazing vocal abilities allowed Vladimir to quickly gain the love of the viewer. In addition to his solo career, he performed for some time with the group “Captain” (1980), but it did not last long.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Zurbagan”

In total, Presnyakov released 11 albums during his musical career (1989-2012). The most famous compositions were “Zurbagan” (1993), “Castle made of rain” (1994), “A stewardess named Zhanna” (1996). The singer was awarded the Golden Gramophone award twice: in 1996 and 2006.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “A stewardess named Zhanna”

By the way, Vladimir acquired his famous falsetto “thanks” to a severe form of pneumonia, which he suffered in his youth. After his illness, the young man completely lost his voice for some time. But after restoration, the singer’s voice was transformed and became the way millions of Russians loved it - very high and thin. So we shouldn’t forget that before Vitas there was already a counter-tenor on the Russian pop scene, and it belonged to Vladimir Presnyakov.

The artist also starred in several films. Among the most famous works with Vladimir’s participation are the films “Upside Down” and “New Year’s SMS.”

Personal life of Vladimir Presnyakov

The couple Vladimir Presnyakov - Kristina Orbakaite - in the 90s in Russia was similar to the couple Justin Timberlake - Britney Spears in America in the 2000s. The only difference is that Presnyakov and Orbakaite walked their path to fame together. Subsequently, these two charismatic pop stars aroused frantic interest from the tabloid press and irrepressible fans.

At the time of the start of cohabitation with Kristina Orbakaite in 1986, Vladimir was 18 years old, and his lover was only 15, however, despite such a young age, they received parental approval for a civil marriage.

In 1991, their son Nikita was born. However, in 1996 the idyll was destroyed. Despite the high-profile breakup with Christina, Vladimir managed to maintain friendly relations with the mother of his child. After the breakup, he helped his former lover in every possible way in raising his son.

Vladimir Presnyakov in the program “Secret to a Million”

According to people from his close circle, the moment of parting with Orbakaite became a real tragedy for Presnyakov. Having found solace in religion (according to some sources, he was pushed to this idea by

Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov was born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) on ​​March 29, 1968 in the family of VIA Samotsvety soloists Vladimir Petrovich and Elena Petrovna Presnyakov. At the age of 11 he composed his first song, from the age of 12 he sang in the choir of the Yelokhovskaya Church in Moscow, at 13 he performed with the group “Cruise”, performing his own songs “Old Fairy Tale”, “Red Book”, “Cat”. He studied at the choir school. Sveshnikov, then - at the conducting and choral department of the school. October revolution.
Vladimir Presnyakov's popularity came after the release of the film "Above the Rainbow", in which he sang all the songs (composer - Yuri Chernavsky) for the main character Alik Raduga, played by the now famous actor Dmitry Maryanov (Volodya appears in one episode in the film). The songs from this film “Zurbagan” and “The Roadside Grass Sleeps”, sung in an unusually clear falsetto, gained popularity among teenagers.
The debut album “Dad, You Were Like That Yourself,” released on vinyl, finally shaped the singer’s image: dance melodies, perky lyrics, memorable vocals. Vladimir takes part in the first Russian rock musical "Street", which was conducted by Sergei Lisovsky (it took place for a week on the stage of the Small Luzhniki Arena). Subsequently, Presnyakov expanded his stylistic range with lyrical ballads, rock and roll, and blues.
The musician performed with resounding success with his solo concert program “The Vladimir Presnyakov Show” at the largest concert halls in Moscow and Leningrad - the Olimpiysky and the Yubileiny Sports and Concert Hall.
Vladimir became the first Russian artist to receive the Golden Key prize in Monte Carlo as the artist whose audio recordings sold the largest number of copies in Russia.
In the early 90s, the artist formed the group "Captain" and with the new program "Farewell to Childhood" collected sold-out concerts at the Moscow Olympic Sports Complex, and also successfully toured the countries of the near and far abroad.
In 1991, a new double album, “Love,” was released on vinyl.
Vladimir Presnyakov starred in the films “She with a Broom, He in a Black Hat” (stereoscopic, 1988), “Island of Lost Ships” (1989).
The album "Castle Made of Rain", released in 1994, is a huge success: the songs "A Stewardess Named Zhanna" and "Girlfriend Masha" become national hits. In 1995, the Soyuz studio released three collections of the best hits: “Zurbagan”, “Wanderer” and “Zhanka”.
The new concert program "Castle Made of Rain" was presented in 1995 on the stage of the Moscow Olympic Sports Complex and was awarded the "Star" award in the nomination "Show of the Year at Russian Concert Venues".
In 1996, a new album "Slyunki" ("Union") was released.
Over the past five years, Vladimir Presnyakov has been giving concerts in clubs, releasing the albums “Living Collection” (1998), and in 2001 “Open Door”.
In 2002, Vladimir took part in the grandiose television show on Channel One, “The Last Hero-3,” and became its winner (the “PG-3” finale aired almost on Vladimir’s 35th birthday).
In 2002, a new album, “Love on AUDIO,” was released.
Currently, a new album is being prepared for release, which was made together with the group "Malyr-i-ya". The famous musician Jivan Gasparyan takes part in the song "Bridge".