What is wealth and why. What is wealth? What does it mean to be rich? Wealth from different points of view

A.G. Dolzhenko
  • N.V. Somin
  • prof.
  • Bible Dictionary Getse
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  • A.G. Dolzhenko
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  • saint
  • Wealth– 1) spiritual and material given to a person; 2) material benefits in general, which accrue to a person regardless of whether he obtains them in accordance with God’s wishes or not; 3) something that is dear to a person in some respect (example: children are our wealth; my years are my wealth).

    The highest wealth is spiritual wealth - this is life in, the possibility of union with God.

    Spiritual wealth in the exact sense of the word is God Himself, the grace of the Holy Spirit abiding in man, which is more valuable than anything in the world. This is incorruptible, enduring, inalienable wealth. With him a person goes into eternal life. Spiritual wealth is depicted in the parables of the Savior in the form priceless pearl, having found which a person sells everything he has, is called the inexhaustible heavenly treasure ().

    Earthly, material wealth is a set of material goods given to a person in excess for temporary use. Earthly wealth is incomparable with heavenly wealth, and therefore is called small (). It is also called unrighteous (), because any wealth that remains with us becomes unrighteous, is retained and is not alienated to the needs of the poor.

    Earthly wealth can be understood as God's gift only when certain condition. Namely, if a rich person distributes it to benefit those in need. A rich person initially has no advantage over. " A person’s property status in itself cannot be considered as evidence of whether he is pleasing or displeasing to God". Moreover, a rich person is not an owner in the strict sense of the word. " According to the teachings of the Church, people receive all earthly blessings from God, Who has the absolute right to own them. The Savior repeatedly shows the relativity of property rights for a person in parables: this is either a vineyard given for use (), or talents distributed among people (), or an estate given for temporary management ()". The True Owner of everything is the Creator of everything, God. And therefore, the correct disposal of property is possible only through observance of His commandments.

    The divine commandment requires helping those in need. The Christian norm of attitude towards property must be based on the Gospel principle of love for one’s neighbor, expressed in the words of the Savior: “ I give you a new commandment, that you love one another." (). This commandment should serve for Christians and, from the point of view of the Church, for other people as an imperative in the sphere of regulation of all types of interhuman relations, including property relations. " Owning significant property, he does not sin who uses it in accordance with the will of God, to Whom all things belong, and with the law of love, for the joy and fullness of life is not in acquisition and possession, but in giving and sacrifice» .

    The very process of giving gifts to a person in need, the act of helping him, is the direct duty of a wealthy person. Possessing an excess of property, a wealthy person possesses not his own, but someone else’s. He has God-given goods that God gave him to meet the needs of the poor. Ultimately, he has the property of the have-not, which he must simply return. And here the paradox of the Christian ethic of serving the poor arises. " You do not give to the poor from yours, but give back to him from his own.", teaches the saint. And the one who distributes wealth is not a philanthropist in the strict sense of the word, but even a guilty one. " Therefore, the one who distributes the money he has collected to everyone should not receive a reward for this, but rather remains guilty of the fact that he had previously unjustly deprived others of it.", says the saint.
    teaches that, without helping his neighbor, the rich turns into a robber. Interpreting the Savior’s teaching about unrighteous wealth (), the blessed one emphasizes that all wealth that remains with us becomes unrighteous, is retained and is not alienated to the needs of the poor. Moreover, such behavior has serious social consequences and provokes social instability, tension and conflicts. " A sinful attitude towards property, manifested in oblivion or conscious rejection of this spiritual principle, gives rise to division and alienation between people» .

    Thus, economic inequality, expressed in the division of society into rich and poor, is not some static reality justified from above. It is allowed to humanity as a test, as a given, which it must not cultivate and preserve, but change and overcome. Kept as a given, economic inequality is tantamount to the dominance of passion. And when overcome in the unity of love, it testifies to the fulfillment of duty to one’s neighbor.

    Apostle James says: Listen, my beloved brothers: has not God chosen the poor of the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom that He promised to those who love Him?(). True, spiritual wealth is available to any person, the Lord immeasurably grants it to everyone who wants it, regardless of their social status, innate abilities and business qualities.

    Do not be grieved when a man becomes rich, or when the glory of his house increases; for when he dies he will not take anything with him, and his glory will not go down with him into the earth. ().

    When wealth increases, do not put your heart on it” ()

    Wealth will not help in the day of wrath ().

    good name better great wealth, And good fame better than silver and gold” ().

    Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and into a snare and into many reckless and harmful lusts” ().

    Don't worry about acquiring wealth; leave such thoughts of yours. You fix your eyes on him, and he is no longer there; because it will make wings for itself and, like an eagle, will fly to the sky ().

    Hastens to wealth envious person, and does not think that poverty will befall him ().

    Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ().

    How difficult it is for those who hope for wealth to enter the Kingdom of God! ().

    Wealth in itself is nothing. But in a sense, it is talent... Talent, which can either be increased or buried in the ground. Either acquired for eternity, through waste in this temporary life, or, conversely, lost in its selfish preservation...
    Hieromonk Methodius

    I was once amazed (this was before perestroika, in the 80s) when my spiritual father- Archpriest Vladimir Rozhkov, seeing a large family with five children at the entrance to the temple, said: “Look - a rich man, he has five children.” Since then, my attitude towards this word has warmed. Real wealth, of course, is not in what kind of car a person has (especially since in one second it can simply turn into nothing, into junk), but in something more...
    Archpriest Andrey Lorgus

    Even while we are still outside the Kingdom of God, we are already amazingly rich. God has given us so much: we are gifted mentally and emotionally, our lives are so full that it may seem to us that nothing more can be done, that we have reached completeness, wholeness, the limit of our search. But we must understand and we must remember that there is always something more. We can rejoice that no matter how poor we are, we So rich, but at the same time strive for the true treasure of the Kingdom of God, not allowing ourselves to be carried away by what we already have, so as not to turn away from what is still ahead.
    We must remember that everything we have has been given to us as a gift. The first beatitude speaks of beggary, and only if we live by this commandment can we enter the Kingdom of God. This commandment has a double meaning; on the one hand, it is obvious that, whether we like it or not, we have nothing that we could hold; we discover that we are nothing and have nothing: endless, gaping, hopeless poverty. We exist because God called us into being, brought us into being; we had nothing to do with it, it was not an act of our free will. We do not own life in such a way that someone could not take it away from us at any moment, and in this sense, everything that we are and everything that we have is short-lived. We have a body - but it will die; we have a mind - but it only takes a tiny vessel to burst in the brain for the greatest mind to fade away; we have a sensitive living heart, but a moment comes when we would like to express all our sympathy, all our understanding to someone who needs it - but we only have a stone in our chest...
    So in a sense we can say that we do not possess anything, because we are not free in anything that we have. And this could lead us not to the feeling that we belong to the Kingdom of God, and to joy about this, but to despair - if we did not remember that, although nothing is ours that could not be taken away from us, - however we have all this. We are rich, and everything we possess is a gift and evidence of the love of God and human love, everything is a continuous flow of Divine love; and because of this (and because we possess nothing) the love of God is manifested with constancy and completeness. And everything that we grab into our own hands in order to appropriate is thereby taken out of the realm of love. Yes, it becomes ours - but love is lost. And only those who give everything receive the experience of genuine, complete, final, inescapable spiritual poverty - and possess the love of God, expressed in all His gifts. One of our Russian theologians, Father, said: “All the food of the world is the love of God made edible.” I think this is true; and the moment we try to get rich by holding something in our hands for safekeeping, we find ourselves a loser, because while we have nothing in our hands, we can take it or not take it, or do whatever we want with it.
    This is the Kingdom of God: we feel that we are free from possession; and this freedom establishes us in a relationship where everything is human love and God’s love.
    So if you think in these categories, you can transfer this to what I already talked about earlier. Yes, we are rich; but we should never be deluded by this property and imagine that it is possible to destroy old granaries, old barns and build new ones in order to store more and more there. more good(cm.

    Wealth (Wealth) is the totality of all material and non-material material assets person or society as a whole.

    The wealth of society in the traditional sense, which goes back to the founders classical school(A. Smith, D. Ricardo, etc.), was considered as a set of material wealth accumulated by the labors of both previous and present generations. Modern economics is critical of the idea of ​​only the material content of wealth. Today, there is a different approach to understanding this category, namely, that wealth is everything that people value. Such a definition of wealth allows us to include in it Natural resources, and innate human abilities, and professional knowledge, And free time. From a theoretical perspective, this definition of wealth illuminates the various intricacies of this economic category. On the other hand, when it comes to international comparisons of national wealth and statistical calculations, such a broad definition of wealth makes it difficult (if not impossible) to calculate specific figures. We must also not forget that all the wealth of society can be represented both in monetary and in kind form. Therefore, when the value of money itself changes, one can come to different results of assessments of the same set of material goods. In addition, a change in the assessments of people themselves can lead to a change in the real size of the wealth of a certain state. For example, in the USSR a quantity of shoes was produced per year that far exceeded similar indicators in England, Germany and France combined. The production of metal-cutting machines, cement, etc. also exceeded the most developed countries in the world. But are these indicators reflecting the production of goods? real creation wealth in the country, if, for example, people bought shoes from domestic manufacturers only when they could not find imported ones? Is Russia poor or rich? You can always hear exactly the opposite answers to this question. Yes, we are poor, because... we don't have enough housing affordable prices, domestic clothing, domestic food, etc. Yes, we are rich, because we have enormous reserves of natural resources, a priority in many scientific research, qualified personnel. Sometimes the question is posed differently: if we are so rich, then for what reason are we so poor? Have we become richer if, for example, we increased gas and oil production at the cost of pollution? environment?

    It should be noted once again that the understanding of wealth largely depends on people’s assessments. In many ways, this is a normative category and does not exist outside of people’s judgments about the value of any good. Wealth can also be represented as everything that expands a person’s choice, his alternative possibilities. From this point of view, money, things, free time, natural resources, and knowledge expand people's choices and can be equated to wealth.

    It must always be viewed in the context of need satisfaction. For example, if goods are available in quantities in which they are able to satisfy all our needs to the point of complete saturation and are accessible, then we can say that we are rich. But more and more we are turning our attention to the normative context in defining the concept of wealth. Is a millionaire rich who is bedridden by illness and has lost physical and mental capacity? Is a yogi rich who lives on a minimum of food and is busy understanding God? What does pretty mean? popular expressions“the main wealth is freedom” or “the main wealth is health”? Is it possible to be free without having the amount of goods called the subsistence minimum?

    All these questions, when analyzing the concept of wealth, are posed in order to emphasize the importance of normative, evaluative categories in economic theory.

    A person's wealth manifests itself in a variety of things - expensive car, good house, a solid bank account... Today we will attract all these attributes into our lives with the help of the secret of the magic of money!

    In the last lesson we talked about attraction techniques big money¹. Today we will continue this conversation. You will learn what else needs to be done when you are in the meditative state of having a lot of money.

    Make expensive purchases in your mind!

    Immediately after your money is counted, without leaving the state of possession a large sum money, we mentally go to make expensive purchases - we buy a car, an apartment and everything that you planned to spend a lot of money on.

    A person's wealth lies in the fact that he can afford to buy what he wants to have. So allow yourself to be a rich person!

    It always works! After such an action, as a rule, a breakthrough occurs!

    Some of the money can be mentally deposited in the bank at interest, so that there is no need to work. We spend the rest of the money according to our list compiled at the first step of our work.

    In our imagination, we buy exactly the things we planned to buy.

    Human wealth is, first of all, comfortable living conditions!

    Therefore, we start with large purchases. For example, we buy a comfortable house somewhere in nature or buy a car, high-quality, expensive and prestigious.

    Then we begin to make smaller purchases until the entire set is ready for purchase. happy life will not be "staffed". We visualize the whole process very clearly! We connect all feelings and emotions to the imagination.

    Installation: I now receive money and prosperity all the time. 10 million is a small amount for me.

    Remember, the most important thing is to develop a sense of ownership of these things and benefits. This is where the magic of money lies!

    A person's real wealth is his state of consciousness. One who lives with a sense of possession expensive things big money, he will always be rich, because he is used to it and cannot live otherwise!

    When you buy a car, feel like you're getting into your new car. Feel the soft steering wheel in your hands. Feel how you sit in a comfortable car seat, how you start the engine and drive. Feel yourself pressing the gas pedal with your imaginary feet.

    Do the same with your house. And if you plan to go on a trip, then visualize it as vividly and imaginatively as possible.

    Installation: now all wallets, cabinets, drawers, pockets, bags are filled with fresh bills, I'm drowning in money.

    Enjoy and savor the pleasure of shopping. Feel like you already have it all! Enjoy your shopping, imagine yourself surrounded by your new things or in a new environment. Feel your limitless luck.

    Remember: “What is inside us is also outside!”

    Now thank the Universe from the bottom of your heart for giving you the opportunity to have all these benefits and gradually get out of this state.

    If you do everything properly, the result will not be long in coming - what you want will materialize in your life. You need to enter into the image of a rich person every day until you achieve your goal. This kind of work is guaranteed to bring you results.


    Wed multitude, abundance, abundance, excess, superfluity. The wealth of the harvest. Wealth of thoughts.

    Abundance of property, bellies, money, yars. bonfire rich, arch. wealth, lower wealth, ryaz. Bogatel zh., zap. wealth avg. (also wealth), bellies, estate, property, wealth, wealth, condition; sufficiency, prosperity; objects that constitute a person’s property, and everyday life itself, the state of a prosperous person; opposite sex poverty, lack, squalor, misery, need, want. Wealth is akin to arrogance. Wealth sweeps away, and poverty oppresses. Wealth masturbates (swells), but squalor crushes. The man in wealth is not the same as in poverty. Wealth is water, it came and went. To my stupid son Wealth is no help. You don’t live with wealth, you don’t live with a person, they say. about marriage. Neither a horse without a bridle, nor wealth without a mind. The mind gives birth to wealth (the mind gives). Poverty cries, wealth gallops. You can't go to hell, you can't get rich. Stinginess did not come from poverty (squalor), but from wealth.

    Splendor, splendor, luxury. The temple decorations are famous for their opulence. Rich, rich northern, rich Ryaz. plentiful, plentiful, abundant, many. Rich harvest. Rich copper ore. Rich imagination.

    Possessing great property, estate, wealth. The guy is as rich as a horned bull and arrogant. The rich live, and the poor howl. A rich man saves his face (in a fight), and a poor man saves his clothes. The richer (richer), the stingier. And rich, but stingy. The rich man will buy his mind; the poor man would sell his own, but they wouldn’t buy it. A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister. He who is too expensive is not rich. What do I need (or: I don’t need) a rich one, give me a cheap one. Don't ask from the rich, ask from the rich. It is not the rich who feeds, but the fat one. The rich devil has children. If you are rich, you will also be horned. He who is rich is horned and proud. The rich man cannot sleep: the rich man is afraid of the thief. Not rich, but overpriced. You won't be rich by looking at people. After all, I don’t fall for a rich man, but for God, they say, if they don’t believe God. Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly. The devils forge money for the rich. The rich man does not need a friend. If you are not strong, do not fight; if you are not rich, do not be angry. If you are rich, you will also be stingy. It is difficult to be rich, but to be well-fed (and satisfied) is not difficult. Richly adv. excessive, abundant, ardent, luxurious, magnificent;

    Ryaz. tul. good, nice, eminent, wonderful;

    thief. eagle Little Russian a lot of. We have a lot of sheep. Rich man, rich woman, sib. richer m. rich woman, rich woman, rich woman, arch. rich woman vol. hero of the south zap., a person rich in property; prosperous, prosperous, very sufficient, wealthy, moneyed.

    Rich man, fire, wealth. Rich people are paunchy; shanks - shanks. The rich rich man has a lot of beer and honey, but he could throw it into the water with a stone. We praise God, we magnify Christ, we curse the rich man. Rich Wed. collect rich people, rich people. So rich people have gathered here that it’s scary. Bogatich m. bogatichna f. son or daughter of a rich man. The rich people live poorly; needy people who are not spoiled are better. Rich people like popovichs and blue horses: they rarely succeed. Rich, rich, belonging to a rich man. In front of the gate, in front of the rich, a song. To enrich someone, to enrich, to endow with wealth. What makes you rich is what shines, trade. To get rich or get rich, to get rich, to profit; to be enriched. I didn’t get rich when I was young, but in my old age I wanted to. Getting rich cf. action of enriching, enrichment. Wealth, the state of becoming rich. He got rich, he made money, and he enriched me, and he became rich himself. Bogatelnitsa m. bogatelnitsa f. enriching someone, giving wealth. Our rich mother earth. Rich woman, rich woman, rich woman. hard resin plant Conyza; komornik, flea beetle;

    plant guns, Erigeron, flea beetle, unfading; on Ivan Kupala they tell fortunes with it: they stick a kidney into a crack in the hut, or put it under icons; will blossom, for good; will dry out, for worse. Difficult words: rich-loving, richly gifted, etc. are understandable in themselves, but heavy and rarely used.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    wealth, cf.

      Large property, advantageous. monetary.

      advantage pl. A collection of material assets. The natural wealth of the USSR is incalculable.

      trans. Many, abundance. Shakespeare's language is rich in words.

      Splendor, splendor. The wealth of decoration on the building.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

    New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


      1. Material values, money, jewelry.

        Luxury, splendor, splendor.

        Something that is of value only to someone.

    1. Abundance and diversity of natural resources.

      trans. A variety of high moral qualities.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

    Wealth (meanings)


    • Wealth is the abundance of material values ​​in a person or society.
    • Wealth is a novel by Valentin Pikul.
    • Wealth is a television series, a film adaptation of the novel “Wealth.”


    Wealth- an abundance of intangible and material assets in a person or society (such as money, means of production, real estate or personal property), exceeding a person’s vital needs. Wealth can also include access to healthcare, education and culture. In sociology, a rich person is considered to be a person who has significant values ​​in relation to other members of society. In economics, wealth is defined as the difference between assets and liabilities by this moment time. In the biblical sense - wealth of spirit and moral qualities. The opposite of wealth is poverty. In English, wealth in the sense of possessing values ​​is translated as Wealth, wealth in the sense of extreme superiority over other members of society as Richness. Countries that are significantly richer than other countries are usually called developed countries.

    Wealth (novel)

    "Wealth"- novel by famous Soviet writer Valentina Pikulya. The work tells about the defense of the Kamchatka Peninsula during the Russo-Japanese War.

    Examples of the use of the word wealth in literature.

    The traitor Abaz fled to Iran, and Erzurum with all his riches again returned by me to the owner of the seal of Allah, Sultan Murad the Fourth.

    Be that as it may, the Corporate Sector of Autarky managed to secure the right to develop - some called it robbery - the countless local wealth.

    Her wealth and the influence could be compared only with the few richest regions of the Empire, and Autarky spared neither time nor money, isolating itself from any penetration from the outside.

    Sudan of Aden has a lot of income and a lot wealth from duties on ships and merchants visiting here.

    As you move, everything reveals itself wealth Neva panoramas from the river mouth with portal cranes and docks shipbuilding enterprises along the shores of Vasilyevsky and Admiralty Islands to the ensembles Peter and Paul Fortress, Petrovskaya embankment

    You think you're deciding social problem, boast that you can eat honey and locusts, and at the same time in your soul you dream of wealth, about the delights of a luxurious life, about women.

    Although the origin wealth, the courage shown in battle, the support of numerous friends and relatives gave him wide access to state affairs Alcibiades preferred that his influence among the people be based primarily on his inherent gift of speech.

    After this, Alcibiades, in fear of the Lacedaemonians, who now ruled both land and sea, moved to Bithynia, taking with him huge wealth, however, leaving even more in his fortress.

    The name of the disease, the diagnosis, as allopaths say, helps little in treatment, but the homeopathic doctor must carefully record all the manifestations of the disease in a particular patient, record them on paper, using everything wealth language in order to update the image of the disease in your memory at any time.

    Whoever sent you news from across the sea, He foresaw everything, undoubtedly knowing that it was not just a call wealth There is more than one earthly hunger for you, But there is another thirst - The desire to listen to the expanse of the sea And to rise above the vanity of the world.

    Owning wealth, which gave him more influence and opportunities than those that his brother had, Amulius easily deprived Numitor of power and, fearing that the daughter of the overthrown king might have children, appointed her a priestess of Vesta, dooming her to eternal virginity and celibacy.

    Just beware of thieves who are after yours. wealth, - she finished, seeing that the venerable Esarhaddon was eavesdropping.

    Also, the appraised value automatically becomes the appraising value, and money, which, due to its increasing or decreasing quantity, causes, but always limits, price fluctuations, guarantees in terms of wealth combination of definition and articulation, attribution and derivation.

    Rhodes is on the right, Türkiye is left behind, and in the storeroom under the afterpeak there is a fabulous wealth.

    Friends are good Babek Serush Give wealth your souls, It is more valuable to him than money.


    means a set of objects that serve to satisfy human needs and are in the possession of an individual, group of individuals or an entire nation. This definition, given by the best representatives of the English classical school, Adam Smith and Ricardo, identifies the concept of wealth with the concept of property in general, no matter how large or small the latter. But the Russian language, as well as some of the other European languages, for example. German is characterized by the use of the word “wealth” in the sense of significant property - significant both in comparison with the sum of the owner’s needs and in comparison with the property of other persons. We call a man rich who can eat well, dress well, and be accommodated, and can satisfy all the demands of comfort and luxury without diminishing his fortune and, moreover, without significant labor on his part. Since the lifestyle and needs of people are changeable, the person who is considered a rich person in provincial town, can only be considered a person of average income in the capital. - It must be borne in mind that wealth does not include all objects that provide benefit or pleasure, but only those among them for which a person must expend some effort and for which, for this reason, in a modern barter economy one can get exchange of any other things or services. So, for example, air is a basic necessity for a person, but it cannot be counted among the wealth of either an individual or an entire country, because it is obtained for free, without any effort or donation on the part of man. In whatever sense the word “wealth” is understood - whether in the sense of property in general or in the sense of significant property, in any case, when defining it, one should distinguish the point of view individual person and the whole people. For a whole nation, wealth is only those objects that in themselves serve for some benefit or pleasure; for an individual, wealth can also consist of those demands that he has in relation to other persons, for example. debt obligations of other persons, shares indicating participation in some enterprise, government funds and other interest-bearing securities. When we want to calculate the wealth of an individual, for example, when determining an inheritance, we include all similar requirements; Meanwhile, from the point of view of the whole people, they do not and cannot constitute wealth: by increasing the property of one person, these demands reduce the wealth of another and, therefore, do not produce any change in the sum of everything national wealth. If the state found it possible to destroy these mutual obligations or postpone them for known time, then the property of an individual could suffer damage from this, but the sum of the wealth of the whole people would not experience any change. Another difference between the wealth of an individual and a whole people is that the former can change due to a rise in the exchange value of the objects included in it, while the latter is not affected by these changes. As a result of a bad harvest, the exchange value of the harvest may rise to twice what it was in good year, and this will entail an increase in the wealth of individuals who have grain reserves; but it would be strange to say that with a smaller harvest an entire nation is richer than with a larger one. Therefore, if it is desirable to make an accurate assessment of the national wealth, then this goal cannot be achieved through the simple addition of private wealth, measured by their exchange value. Compare national property in different eras and in different countries perhaps no other way than by carefully listing useful items that were or are in the possession of the people. We can talk about an increase in national wealth only if the country has increased the amount or quality of useful objects created by human efforts, buildings, ships, household utensils, agricultural, manufacturing products, etc., the same increase in the exchange value of objects included in the composition of the people's property does not yet give the right to conclude about an increase in the wealth of the country. Such an increase could occur, for example, from a rise in the value of land caused by an increase in population, or from an increase in the value of houses due to the influx of inhabitants to a certain part of the country; and these changes, forcing the population to pay more for the same lands and houses, cannot in any way be called favorable to the people's wealth.

    From the above it is clear that in order to formulate a correct concept of national wealth, it would be necessary to carry out a detailed census of all the items that make up individual households, indicating the qualities of each of these items. But since such a task is unattainable with current state statistics, then, in view of practical needs and theoretical interest, approximate estimates are often made, which strive to achieve the goal by listing only the main categories of items that make up the national property and giving them a known estimated value based on various methods. The statistical literature provides many examples of such calculations. Without pretending to be completely accurate, they do, however, provide some reference points for judging the relative economic strength of nations and especially the changes that occur in individual countries over time. Let us present some of the more well-known calculi of this kind.

    Regarding Great Britain there is whole line calculations made during different periods time famous statistician Jiffen. Giffen takes as the basis for his calculations data on income tax receipts, which he capitalizes to obtain the value of property from various percentages, depending on the type of property: for example, to calculate the capital value of houses in the country, he multiplies by 15 the amount of their income shown in the tax lists, the size of the farmers' capital is determined by multiplying their annual income by 8, etc. Of course, the information obtained in this way cannot claim accuracy, but it is sufficient for judging the changes taking place in the wealth of the country, especially since they basically coincide with the results of other more accurate calculations that have been made regarding certain sectors of property and income. According to Giffen's calculations, the wealth of Great Britain for 1885 can be estimated at 10,037 million pounds sterling, or 63,167 million rubles. metal, whereas with a similar estimate for 1875 it turned out to be 8548 million pounds. Art., and for 1865 - 6113 million f. Art. The sum of wealth calculated for 1885 gives an average figure of £270 for each person. Art., or in 1703 r. met., and for each family, taking it, according to English data, into five people - about 1350 f. Art., i.e. about 8514 rub. meth The main items that make up the above figure of national wealth for 1885 are the following: land - 1691 million pounds. Art.; houses - 1927 million f. Art.; farmers' capital - 522 million pounds. Art.; capital in interest-bearing securities, excluding English government debt, - 527 million pounds. erased; railways - 1008 million pounds. Art.; capital of joint-stock companies - 1025 million pounds. Art.; capital of various industrial and commercial enterprises - 541 million pounds. Art.; movable property not subject to income tax, namely home furnishings, art objects, etc. - 960 million f. sterling; state and public property - 500 m.f. Art. In the above enumeration, attention is drawn to high value houses and home environment, significantly exceeding the cost of land. There are several calculations for France, of which the newest are Vasheru, Amelina, Moni And de Fauville. According to these calculations, the property of France is estimated from 200,000 to 250,000 million francs, or 50,000 to 62,500 million rubles. met., which gives an average output of 1375 rubles for each person. up to 1680 rub. meth De Fauville’s calculation is based on information about the amount of property transferred through inheritance and donation, which since 1826 has been subject to a special tax in France and is therefore carefully registered. De Fauville, taking average duration generation at 36 years old, considers the value of annually transferred property to be 1/36 of all national property. Since, however, the above technique contains obvious inaccuracies, the author resorts to various amendments based on other sources. From total figure at 200,000 million francs, obtained according to de Fauville's estimate, 80,000 million francs. falls on real estate other than houses; 40,000 million francs - at home; 30,000 million francs - on interest-bearing securities, French and foreign; 50,000 million francs - for other movable property. From others European countries a calculation similar to the above is available for Italy. It's done Pantaleone according to the de Fauville method based on data on the transfer of property by inheritance and gift. By calculation Pantaleone, the approximate value of private property in Italy is 48,000 million liras, or 1,660 liras per person, which is about 415 rubles. meth Of the above amount, 29,000 million liras are the value of land, 9,000 million liras are the value of buildings, and the rest is industrial and various other movable property. In Belgium Massala at the end of the 70s he calculated the value of national property at 29,500 million francs. In Denmark Falbe Hansen in the early 80s, he estimated the country's wealth at 6,500 million crowns (2,251 million rubles), of which 4,680 million crowns were real estate, and 2,081 million crowns were movable property. Particularly interesting is the information regarding the North American United States, where at each census, which is carried out, as is known, every 10 years, the government collects detailed data on different types people's property. The tenth census of 1880 gave the total amount of national wealth at 43,642 million dollars, or 56,560 million rubles. met., which consists of the following main items: farms - 10197 million dollars; residential buildings and industrial real estate - $9,881 million; railways with establishment - 5536 million dollars; movable property of residential buildings, such as: paintings, books, household supplies, fuel, etc. - 5000 million dollars; livestock, agricultural tools and machinery - $2,406 million; reserves of agricultural and manufactured products (three quarters of annual production and foreign imports) 6160 million dollars; telegraphs, ships and canals - 419 million dollars; real estate exempted from taxation (churches, schools, public buildings, etc.) - 2000 million dollars; cash - $612 million; miscellaneous - 619 million dollars. It is interesting to observe how rapidly wealth has increased in the United States during last decades. In 1850, with a population of 23.3 million people, the value of the country's property, according to official calculations, extended to 7136 million dollars; in 1860 with 31.5 million people. - up to 16159 million dollars; in 1870 with 38.5 million people. - up to 30069 million dollars; in 1880 with 50.1 million people. population - up to 43642 million. dollars Thus, the population increased by 115% and wealth by 512% in 30 years. The average amount of wealth per person was: in 1850 - 308 dollars, in 1860 - 510 dollars, in 1870 - 777 dollars, in 1880 - 870 dollars, or 1153 rubles. meth

    Literature. A. Smith, "The Wealth of Nations", D. Ricardo, "Principles of political economy"; D. S. Mill, "Principles of political economy"; W. Roscher, "Grundlagen der Nationalökonomie"; I. I. Neumann, “Grundlagen der Volkswirthschaftslehre” (Tübingen, 1889); Neumann-Spallart, "Uebersichten der Weltwirthschaft" 1883-84. (Stuttgart, 1887); Giffen, The Growth of Capital (London, 1889).

    A. Chuprov.

    encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .



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