How the moon affects our lives and money - all people’s problems come from the fact that they are not squirrels!!!!! The waxing moon as a source of wealth and attracting money: folk signs.

Lunar calendar for business for 2016 with these will become an assistant in making important decisions and concluding business transactions. A calendar can help you plan and schedule an important day for you. It is necessary for those who are going to start a new business in September. But you shouldn’t ignore it either.

Moon calendar to open a business in September

September is considered very productive in every sense. Summer is over, and the time to achieve your goals and start a business has come. Before making important decisions, you need to carefully think through all the details, weigh the pros and cons, and consult with financial and legal specialists. Don't make impulsive decisions and take unnecessary risks.
Lunar calendar in the month of September, for business and its development has favorable and unlucky days.

Favorable days to start and develop a business in September

Good days are considered dates when the Moon is in its waxing phase: from September 2, 3, 5, September 11 ;
The waning moon will bring good luck on September 18 and 26.
The New Moon on the 1st day of the month is favorable for all new beginnings.
When the Moon is actively growing, businessmen are advised to:

  • — Conduct negotiations
  • - Engaged in the purchase or sale of property
  • - To make deals

Lunar calendar of financial transactions

September is the best time to conclude contracts with partners or banks for large sums. Charity and assistance to people in need will have a positive impact on the development of the financial part of the business. Whatever you donate to children or low-income people will be returned to you double.

  • — Day of the waxing moon — 4 September, a favorable day of the month for financial transactions.
  • — Day of the waning moon — September 29, also has a positive impact on your financial affairs.
  • — Waxing moon in the sign — September 15th, an auspicious day for donating money, or purchasing food, clothes or stationery for orphanages.

Lunar calendar of business and finance as of September 2016

Bad days to start and develop a business

There are phases of the moon that can have a negative impact on the further course of business development.

  1. Full moon phase
    Postpone important transactions with partners. During this period, income receipts decrease. It is not recommended to work with banks, hire new employees or act impulsively. If you look lunar calendar for business 2016, then the phase of the full Moon is September 16th.
  2. Third Quarter Moon
    It is considered a critical day of the lunar month in all directions of life. It is recommended to spend it calmly September 23rd, refrain from quarrels. Spending the day with loved ones and family will help avoid negative consequences. If it is a working day, then strictly follow your goals, do not carry out new financial transactions, and do not meet with partners.
  3. Waning Moon phase
    It is worth avoiding fuss and solving important issues. These are unfavorable days for business: 21st, 22nd, 24th.
  4. Waxing Crescent
    Not all days in the waxing Moon phase are favorable for starting a business. September 10th It’s better to devote time to relaxation, for example, in nature.

Moon in zodiac signs

In business, everything is important, even the Moon in a certain position. Each phase in the zodiac signs has an energetic impact. To achieve your goals and obtain maximum benefits in business, you need to consider the following points:

  • Moon in the sign.
    Helps solve cases with maximum efficiency and the shortest possible effect. Time for bold and impulsive decisions.
  • .
    Time to work with money and analyze financial decisions.
  • Moon in .
    Opening new projects, attending lectures and seminars. Time to improve your skills and knowledge.
  • .
    Days for advertising campaigns and charity.
  • Moon in a sign

Every month has days favorable for any financial transactions. Astrologers call them money. These days, monetary luck will come into your hands. You can determine them using the lunar calendar.

Money days according to the lunar calendar

There are two most successful days - these are 14th and 20th lunar days. These days you can safely buy, sell, sign business contracts, invest, invest, win.

If you just want to attract good luck for a long time, then on these money days it is better to go to the hairdresser and get your hair cut. The moon, as you know, interacts with a person through his hair, and in order to accept all the gifts of this planet, it is enough to cut your hair on a favorable lunar day. These days are also called money cutting days.

What day of the week is the most profitable?

There is also a money day in the week. This Thursday. It is ruled by Jupiter, the patron planet of business, money, work. On Thursday you can resolve any material issues aimed at increasing wealth.

On Thursday you can turn any circumstances to your detriment. Jupiter will help active, active, ambitious and determined people.

The most dangerous money days according to the lunar calendar

There are days when it is better not to stay away from financial matters at all. In the lunar calendar it is 3, 5, 12, 15 and 29 lunar days. Astrologers do not recommend taking on important matters, making purchases, selling, investing money or lending money. These are dangerous for your wallet, so it's best to keep it with you.

The most dangerous money day of the week

The most unfavorable day of the week for financial transactions is considered Sunday. This day is not aimed at material wealth, so all matters that concern money will go wrong.

21.07.2014 09:30

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The money lunar calendar for October 2018 will help you plan your budget correctly. The richest days of the month will help increase income and attract wealth. When is the best time to carry out money manipulations, on what days can you lend in order to get rich, read on.

Astrologers strongly recommend listening to the monetary lunar calendar, which is compiled solely taking into account the influence of the Earth’s satellite on the financial component of your budget. If you know favorable and unfavorable days for making financial transactions and transactions, you can avoid a lot of expenses and losses.

Favorable days for financial transactions according to the lunar calendar for October 2018.

Lending: October 8, 15. Do not lend: October 11, 24. Borrow: October 7, 15, 25. Do not borrow: October 21, 24. The best time to repay debts is October 9 and 15. Do not repay debts: October 21. Count the money: October 15. Buy a wallet: October 1, 15. Buying gifts: October 12, 18, 20. Favorable days for deposits and investments: October 23. Suitable period for large purchases: October 24. Good time for currency exchange and real estate transactions: October 23, 24.

The influence of lunar phases on monetary energy.

New moon. Perhaps this is the best time to increase anything, including money.

“Show any bill with the number “5” to the updated night luminary and ask him to increase the money. Put the bill in your wallet and don’t use it until the next new moon,” astrologers advise.

The New Moon is the beginning of all beginnings, so any completed tasks will be successful.

Waxing Crescent (from new moon to full moon) from the 10th to the 23rd. Don't borrow money! A good period for financial investments. You can lend it.

Full moon - “energy peak” . Do not make difficult and responsible decisions, since the influence of the full moon makes it impossible to soberly assess your strengths and the current situation.

Waning Moon (from full moon to new moon) from 1st to 8th and from 25th to 31st October. A favorable period for repaying debt obligations, loans, utility bills, and major acquisitions. Do not lend, feel free to accept the returned amount from debtors.

October 1, beginning of the 23rd lunar day at 21.35. Waning Moon in Gemini. The day is very dangerous, spend it alone, without starting anything new.

October 2, the beginning of the 24th lunar day at 22.30. Waning Moon in Cancer. Complete old tasks. Advice from the stronger sex will come in handy, listen to it!

October 3, beginning of the 25th lunar day at 23.38. Waning Moon in Cancer. Reconsider your views on life, part with attitudes that interfere with success.

October 4, 25th lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. Time to take care of the family budget, allocate funds for savings and build a model of your financial future.

October 5, beginning of the 26th lunar day at 00.56. Waning Moon in Leo. A bad day for shopping and loans, spend it in solitude.

October 6, beginning of the 27th lunar day at 02.19. Waning Moon in Virgo. Communication with friends will be beneficial; perhaps new ways of earning income will open up.

October 7, beginning of the 28th lunar day at 03.45. Waning Moon in Virgo. Time to make major purchases (apartment, car) - these purchases will last you a long time.

October 8, beginning of the 29th lunar day at 05.10. Waning Moon in Libra. Bad day for spending, remove all junk and unnecessary items from your home.

October 9, the beginning of the 30th lunar day at 06.34, the beginning of the 1st lunar day at 06:48. Moon in Libra. New moon at 06:46. Summarize and don't take on new things.

October 10, beginning of the 2nd lunar day at 07.56. Growing Moon in Scorpio. Recalculate your savings and recharge yourself with monetary energy. Be generous.

October 11, beginning of the 3rd lunar day at 09.16. Growing Moon in Scorpio. A bad day for any manipulation with money.

October 12, beginning of the 4th lunar day at 10.32. Growing Moon in Scorpio. Push doubts about a prosperous future out of your head. Be positive.

October 13, beginning of the 5th lunar day at 11.44. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Be specific about your desires for money.

October 14, beginning of the 6th lunar day at 12.49. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Don't complain about your financial situation.

October 15, beginning of the 7th lunar day at 13:46. Growing Moon in Capricorn. Repeat often: “May the world be happy when I am rich.” Refuse cash assistance.

October 16, beginning of the 8th lunar day at 14.33. Growing Moon in Capricorn. Build relationships with those you have offended and get good advice. Don't voice negative thoughts.

October 17, beginning of the 9th lunar day at 15.11. Growing Moon in Aquarius. Dangerous day, refrain from shopping, be alone.

October 18, beginning of the 10th lunar day at 15.41. Growing Moon in Aquarius. Don’t skimp on gifts for your loved ones and friends, make presents for your colleagues.

October 19, beginning of the 11th lunar day at 16.06. Growing Moon in Aquarius. Spend the day with friends, you can discuss your financial situation with them.

October 20, beginning of the 12th lunar day at 16.26. Growing Moon in Pisces. Be sure to fulfill the request of the first person who asked for something - everything will come back. Dangerous day for trading.

October 21, beginning of the 13th lunar day at 16.45. Growing Moon in Pisces. Spend the day in peace and quiet.

October 22, beginning of the 14th lunar day at 17.02. Growing Moon in Aries. Find a new source of income. Introduce a new healthy habit into your life.

October 23, beginning of the 15th lunar day at 17.18. Growing Moon in Aries. Do some self-reflection. It is better not to make any manipulations with money. Don't lend or borrow.

October 24, beginning of the 16th lunar day at 17.36. Growing Moon in Aries. Full moon at 19:45. Reduce your expenses, avoid any manipulation with money. Refrain from debt obligations.

October 25, beginning of the 17th lunar day at 17.56. Waning Moon in Taurus. There is an opportunity to turn your hobby into a source of income. It is better not to make any manipulations with money. Do not give or borrow.

October 26, beginning of the 18th lunar day at 18.20. Waning Moon in Taurus. Get ready to relax and take your mind off your problems. Don't imitate anyone. Take good advice from a business partner.

October 27, beginning of the 19th lunar day at 18.51. Waning Moon in Gemini. An unfavorable day, both for communication and for handling finances.

October 28, beginning of the 20th lunar day at 19.31. Waning Moon in Gemini. Take part in sweepstakes and lotteries - luck is just around the corner. Don't make promises, don't take loans.

October 29 begins the 21st lunar day at 20.23. Waning Moon in Cancer. Don’t solve money problems alone, involve your family and friends.

October 30, beginning of the 22nd lunar day at 21.27. Waning Moon in Cancer. Participate in charity events, give gifts to loved ones.

October 31, beginning of the 23rd lunar day at 22.42. Waning Moon in Leo. A dangerous day for large acquisitions; do not borrow or lend.

Days of the week and money according to the lunar money calendar for October 2018.

Monday or Lunar day. On the first day of the week you cannot lend money or pay off debt obligations.

Tuesday. Don't borrow money, especially in the afternoon!

Wednesday is under the influence of Mercury, patron god of trade and thieves. On this day it is good to recalculate accumulated funds, engage in trade, enter into commercial transactions, discuss plans related to financial activities, plan expenses, and advertise for sale.

Thursday good for communicating and meeting like-minded people, for starting something big, long-term and creative.

Friday - time for creativity and creativity.

Saturday is Saturn day. On this day there is no need to think about material wealth.

Sunday. A good day for planning, not action! All financial transactions are prohibited.

Lunar days are the most favorable for business people - monetary success is guaranteed. You can sign financial papers, enter into transactions, make large purchases, and invest. This is also an excellent lunar day for investing capital, buying things and real estate, shopping, any sales - everything will be accompanied by . Don't miss these two money-rich days, make the most of the opportunities that the Moon provides. In March 2015, these are March 4 and 10.

Money haircuts

To receive even more astrological financial protection, you can combine a trip to the hairdresser on the 14th or 20th lunar day with financial worries. Haircuts made these days will definitely become a money lunar talisman.

In addition, there are days for money haircuts, which are calculated according to the formulas of Feng Shui masters, but do not take into account the influence of the Moon. In March we were incredibly lucky; March 4, 2015 is the day of a money haircut according to all calendars, so it’s time to make an appointment with a hairdresser.

Use it every time you are going to get a haircut, a haircut the next day will erase all your previous efforts like an eraser.

Business days of the week

If you are running a business, then pay attention to the fact that there is also a good money day in the week. Thursday! Ruled by the enterprising Jupiter - the planet responsible for finances, this particular day of the week will be an excellent assistant and protector of your money and investments, and will definitely give risk-taking and active people a chance to increase their funds.

Unlucky lunar money days

According to the lunar calendar, in addition to two financially happy ones, there are, from the point of view of astrologers, 5 dangerous days when it is not recommended to show any monetary activity: these are, and lunar days and Sunday. The Bible also said: “Work six days, rest on the seventh,” so on Sunday, rest and don’t think about business.

These days you should not start or complete important things, try to reschedule business meetings and negotiations, it is better to postpone large purchases until more favorable days, do not lend or borrow money - this may be unsafe for your wallet! Dedicate these days to other concerns besides material ones - and then monetary luck based on the magical influence of the Moon will not pass you by!

  1. Reconsider your own attitudes towards Money. Do they contribute to the influx of Finance and Luck into your life? If there are blocking attitudes in our minds, any efforts to improve our financial condition will be fruitless. Therefore, write down all the associations about money that come to mind: sayings, thoughts, words of parents, etc.
  2. Analyze all Money Associations. If the meaning of any phrase you write has a negative connotation or suggests that Money is evil, or money cannot be earned honestly, then you should work to eradicate such thoughts, replacing them with the opposite, Useful affirmations (I am a Money Magnet! I Always have Money for all my needs. Money Always comes to me Easily. Money Loves me and comes in the right quantity. God Grants me Abundance, Success and Prosperity. My life is getting Better and Better every day).
  3. Determine under whose influence your current attitudes have developed. What Life Principles did your family and parents have? What phrases about Money have you had since childhood? Think about how the people around you influence you and what level of income they have, because your environment shapes your way of thinking. Try to communicate with those who have formed the Right attitude towards Life and Money, and also read articles and biographies about Successful people.
  4. Create a Positive Information Field around Money Settings. All sad situations related to money (deceived, robbed, etc.) should be considered as life experience, which will help to avoid similar problems in the future. It is necessary to leave all negative emotions associated with past experiences, and also stop allowing others to “vent” their complaints about lack of money or any problems related to money.
  5. Create a Two-Way Flow of Abundance in your life. Money comes to those who give it easily and with pleasure. By saving them excessively, we close the energy flow of abundance on ourselves. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with Beautiful things that Attract Prosperity and thoughts of Success into your life.
  6. Make your dreams concrete. First of all, it is necessary to remember that words like “a lot” and “enough” in relation to Money occupy an abstract position in the subconscious, therefore it is important to operate with Specific, Clearly Formulated desires. (For example, my salary is 50 thousand rubles, I live in a three-room apartment).
  7. Having formulated your Desires, Make a Plan for Achieving them, and Give yourself a Commitment Every Day to Take Steps, no matter how small, towards the Realization of Your Goals.

Money days: when will Financial Luck come into your hands?

Every month has days that are favorable for any financial transactions. Astrologers call them Money. These days, Money Luck will come into your hands on its own. They can be determined using the lunar calendar.

  • Money days according to the lunar calendar:

There are two most successful days - the 14th and 20th lunar days. These days you can safely buy, sell, sign business contracts, invest, invest, win.

If you just want to attract good luck for a long time, then on these Money Days it is better to go to the hairdresser and get your hair cut. The Moon, as you know, interacts with a person through his hair, and in order to accept All the Gifts of this planet, it is enough to cut your hair on a Favorable lunar day. These days are also called Money Haircut days.

  • What day of the week is the most money-rich?

There is also a Money Day in the week. It's Thursday. It is ruled by Jupiter, the Patron planet of business, money, work. On Thursday you can resolve any material issues aimed at increasing wealth.

On Thursday you can turn any circumstances to your advantage.

Jupiter will help Active, Active, ambitious and Determined people.

  • The most dangerous money days according to the lunar calendar:

There are days when it is better to stay away from financial matters. In the lunar calendar these are 3, 5, 12, 15 and 29 lunar days. These days are dangerous for your wallet, so it's best to keep it with you.

  • The most dangerous money day of the week:

Sunday is considered the most unfavorable day of the week for financial transactions. This day is aimed at Spiritual Benefits, so you cannot engage in matters that will concern money.