Step analysis of a shipbuilding enterprise. Spiridonova E.V.

PEST analysis(sometimes referred to as STEP) is a marketing tool designed to identify political (Political), economic (Economic), social (Social) and technological (Technological) aspects of the external environment that affect the company's business.

Politics is studied because it regulates power, which in turn determines the company's environment and the acquisition of key resources for its activities. The main reason for studying economics is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activity of an enterprise. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component PEST analysis. The last factor is the technology component. The purpose of his research is considered to be to identify trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and losses in the market, as well as the emergence of new products.

PESTLE analysis is an extended version of PEST analysis with two factors (Legal and Environmental). Sometimes other formats are used, for example, SLEPT analysis (plus Legal factor) or STEEPLE analysis: Socio-demographic, technological, economic, environment (natural), political, legal and ethnic factors. Geographical factors may also be taken into account.

PEST analysis entity

The analysis is carried out according to the “factor - enterprise” scheme. The results of the analysis are presented in the form of a matrix, the subject of which is the factors of the macroenvironment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, assessed in points, ranks and other units of measurement. results PEST analysis allow us to assess the external economic situation in the sphere of production and commercial activity.

Given the fact that PEST analysis concerns external factors that affect the activities of the enterprise, the external environment is usually divided as follows:

  • - Macroenvironment (government, economy, socio-demographic environment, scientific and technological progress, natural factors).
  • - Microenvironment (suppliers, buyers, shareholders, competitors, creditors, trade unions).

Traditionally PEST analysis concerns the study exclusively of the macroenvironment, which includes a fairly large number of factors, therefore, out of their total number, it is customary to consider only four key areas that have the most significant impact on the organization’s activities:

  • - political factors (P): what opportunities and threats for business are created by the dynamics of the political situation; What are the main trends that may affect the company's activities?
  • - state of the economy (E): what are the most significant expected events in the economy and how does the economic situation affect business prospects?
  • - socio-cultural features (S): what are the features of social, demographic, cultural properties that should be taken into account in the work?
  • - scientific and technical environment (T): to what extent does business depend on innovations and changes; How dynamic is the pace of scientific and technological progress in the industry; What is the share of the R&D function in the enterprise's activities?

Rice. 1.

PEST analysis can be carried out at both qualitative and quantitative levels. The general scheme for conducting a PEST analysis is presented below.

  • 1. A list of macroenvironmental factors that have a high probability of implementation and impact is being developed.
  • 2. The significance of each event for a given enterprise is assessed by assigning it a certain weight.
  • 3. An assessment is given of the degree of influence (both positive and negative) of each factor on the enterprise strategy.
  • 4. Weighted scores are determined by multiplying the weight of the factor by the strength of its impact, and the total weighted score for the given company is calculated.

The total assessment indicates the degree of readiness of the company to respond to current and predicted factors of the macroenvironment.

When making a quantitative assessment, it should be taken into account that:

  • - the weighting coefficient should reflect the degree of probability of the event occurring;
  • - quantitative assessment of the influence of a factor should take both negative and positive values;
  • - the final assessment provides information on the extent to which the company depends on the macro environment, however, in addition to obtaining a summary assessment, it is necessary to analyze the contribution of each factor in obtaining the resulting value, as well as evaluate the interaction of factors.

Political Factors of PEST Analysis

Studying political factors within PEST analysis motivated by the fact that the government regulates the mechanism of circulation of money and other issues related to obtaining profit and necessary resources.

Purpose and objects of PEST analysis:

  • * Understand the mechanism by which the state distributes basic economic resources.
  • * Analysis of government stability.
  • * Study of tax policy and legislation in the field of antimonopoly law, foreign economic legislation, laws on environmental protection, regulation of employment.
  • * Understanding of government influence on the industry, its position in relation to foreign capital.
  • * Have an idea of ​​the intentions of government authorities regarding the development of society and the means by which they intend to implement their policies.

Examples of political factors

  • * Elections of all levels
  • * Changes in legislation
  • * Entry of the state into various supranational structures
  • * Government regulation in the industry
  • * State regulation of competition

Economic Factors of PEST Analysis

Economic aspects are an important condition of business activity for most enterprises. These macroeconomic indicators affect the standard of living of the population and its solvency. Using this information, you can predict demand, price levels, and profitability. Therefore, the analysis of economic factors allows us to understand how economic resources are formed and distributed at the state level.

Purpose and objects:

  • * Trends in gross national product.
  • * Investment policy.
  • * Unemployment and inflation rates.
  • * Interest rate and foreign exchange rate.
  • * The level of prices and wages, in particular, a measurement of actual personal income and the total amount of money in circulation.
  • * Energy prices.
  • * Determination of the general level of economic development and market relations. Study of competition in the market.
  • * Budget deficit, taxation standards.

Examples of economic factors

  • *GDP dynamics
  • * Inflation
  • * Dynamics of the ruble exchange rate
  • * Dynamics of the central bank refinancing rate.
  • * Employment dynamics
  • * Effective demand
  • * Market and trading cycles
  • * Costs of your enterprise
  • * Enterprise energy costs
  • * Enterprise raw material costs
  • * Communication costs
  • *Increasing supplier prices
  • *Decreased purchasing power of consumers

Social factors of PEST analysis

Purpose and objects:

  • - Study the formation of consumer preferences, their changes and possible demand, consumer activity.
  • - Demographic structure of the population, people’s quality of life and attitude towards it.
  • - Lifestyle, customs and habits, people’s attitude towards work, social mobility of the population.

Examples of social factors

  • * Changes in core values
  • * Changes in style and standard of living
  • * Attitude to work and rest
  • *Demographic changes
  • *Religious factors
  • * Media influence

Technological factors of PEST analysis

It is important to monitor the dynamics of technological changes, as there is a threat of losing the market if you lag behind existing trends a little. Analysis of the technological component of the macroenvironment allows us to timely switch to the production and sale of a technologically promising product, as well as timely abandon the outdated technologies used.

Purpose and objects:

  • * Protection of intellectual property;
  • * Familiarization with state policy in the field of scientific and technical progress;
  • * The impact of developments in other areas on the company's products and activities.
  • * Studying new technologies, scientific discoveries, new products, new patents that appear on the market.
  • * Improvements in the necessary technical equipment and production processes, automation and methods of information processing.

Examples of technological factors

  • * R&D trends
  • * New patents
  • * New products
  • * Technology development

PEST analysis of the external environment

The external environment is the source that supplies the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the opportunity to survive. But the resources of the external environment are not limitless. And they are claimed by many other organizations located in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization. The task of strategic management is to ensure that the organization interacts with its environment in a way that allows it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thereby enable it to survive in the long term.

The external environment is divided into:

  • - microenvironment - an environment of direct influence on the enterprise, which is created by suppliers of material and technical resources, consumers of the enterprise's products (services), trade and marketing intermediaries, competitors, government agencies, financial institutions, insurance companies;
  • - macroenvironment affecting the enterprise and its microenvironment. It includes the natural, demographic, scientific, technical, economic, environmental, political and international environment.

An enterprise must limit the negative impacts of external factors that most significantly affect the results of its activities or, conversely, more fully use favorable opportunities.

External environmental factors in the management system in management science, both in an earlier period and at present, have not received enough attention. Consequently, the problem remains poorly studied, especially its factors such as:

  • * the importance of the external environment for management;
  • * determination of the external environment;
  • * interrelation of environmental factors;
  • * complexity of the external environment;
  • * mobility of the external environment;
  • * uncertainty of the external environment;
  • * direct impact environment;
  • * environment of indirect influence;
  • * international environment.

Environmental factors refer to the force with which changes in one factor affect other factors. From here it should be understood that when organizing management it is necessary to take into account factors of external influence as much as possible and consider a specific organization as an integral system consisting of mutually related parts.

The external environment of an organization includes a list of elements, such as consumers, competitors, government agencies, suppliers, financial organizations, labor resources, technology, culture, demographics, that are relevant to the organization.

Assessing the organization's external environment is a prerequisite for developing a strategy. Often external conditions change so unexpectedly that all preliminary plans are disrupted. The environment can be so unstable that the very development of long-term plans and strategies becomes pointless.

For PEST analysis and forecasting the development of the macroenvironment, various methods are used:

  • - forecasting trends;
  • - scenario analysis;
  • - simulation modeling;
  • - factor analysis;
  • - expert methods.

The use of these methods is justified if there is a reliable information base.

basis PEST analysis is the collection of information about events occurring in the macroenvironment.



1. There is no specific government policy for our products. Lack of government support

1. High total tax burden on the enterprise and the possibility of increasing it

2. Lack of unified government organizations involved in issuing various types of licenses, permits, etc.

2. Increase in inflation rates. Rising prices for energy, raw materials, supplies and transportation costs

3. Subjection of decisions of enterprise managers to the opinion of higher management

3. Lack of clear prospects for the development of the Russian economy. The danger of economic instability

4. State (corruption) and criminal racketeering

4. Lack of a documented and approved development strategy for Russia


1. The influence of the factor of mobility of production

1. Emphasis on computerization of the production process

2. Influence of consumer preferences in accordance with quality standards

2. Introduction of high-tech equipment

3. Requirement of warranty obligations for manufactured products

3. Use of best practices in the field of stove production

It is good because it allows you to identify and comprehensively evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as threats and opportunities for the activities, products, management system, and projects of the organization.

When conducting a SWOT analysis, variations of it are often used to identify threats and opportunities. This method helps to fully consider and evaluate the influence of political, economic, social and technological factors of the external environment on various aspects of the organization’s business (its profit, management system, etc.). The method is widely used in strategic planning and management of large organizations, as well as for assessing investment risks.

What is the essence of the method?

In the process of PEST analysis, political (P - political), economic (E - economic), social (S - social) and technological (T - technological) factors of the external environment are determined and their impact on the organization is assessed. The influence of factors is assessed in points or other units of measurement. Based on the results of the analysis, a summary matrix is ​​compiled.

When conducting a PEST analysis, not only the actual state of factors is assessed, but also their possible changes in the near future, for example, over the next few years, are predicted. Therefore, it is important to involve in the analysis industry experts or organizational personnel competent to make market forecasts.

The structure of PEST analysis can be represented schematically:

How to apply the method?

ABOUT The main steps of PEST analysis include:

  1. Identification of external factors that may affectactivities, products, management system of the organization;
  2. Collection of data on trends in factors;
  3. Analysis of factors by significance and degree of influence of factors;
  4. Drawing up a PEST analysis matrix.

1. Determination of external factors

At this stage, a list of environmental factors of the organization is formed that may influence the activities and management system of the organization in the next three to five years.The identified factors are divided into four groups: economic, political, technological and socio-cultural. The set of factors in each group depends on the activities of the organization, the characteristics of the region and the goals of the analysis.

On the image Examples of factors in each group are presented:

2. Collection of information about trends in factors

To make forecasts on trends that will manifest themselves in the economy, technology, social environment, etc., you need to study a large amount of statistical and analytical information and draw conclusions based on this data.

3. Analysis of factors by significance and degree of influence

Having identified the factors, it is necessary to assess the strength of influence of each of the factors according to three-point scale, where:

1 - insignificant influence of the factor, any change in the factor has almost no effect on the organization;

2 - only a strong change in the factor will affect the organization;

3 - high influence of the factor, any fluctuations cause significant changes in the activities of the organization.

Assessing the strength of a factor's influence is a subjective expert assessment.If factors do not have any impact on the organization, they are not included in the table.

Next, the probability of change in each factor is estimated according to five-point scale, where 1 is the minimum, 5 is the maximum probability of changing the environmental factor. The assessment is usually carried out by a group of experts or employees with sufficient experience in the industry and expertise in any of the areas of work. In a separate column of the table, the arithmetic mean of the assessments of all experts is calculated:

The actual significance of each factor is then assessed. It allows you to assess how much the organization should pay attention to and control the factor of change in the external environment. The actual significance of a factor is calculated as the probability of a change in the factor, weighted by the strength of influence of this factor on the organization. The higher the actual significance of a factor (the “Weight-Adjusted Score” column), the more attention and effort the organization should devote to reducing the negative impact of this factor on the organization.

To fully complete the analysis, it is necessary to draw conclusions: for each factor, describe its impact on the industry, organization and draw up action programs to reduce the negative impact of the factor and maximize the positive impact of the factor on the organization.

Types of PEST analysis

Using , many analysts wondered why only four environmental factors were subject to thorough analysis and proposed expanding the boundaries of analysis and the list of factors. As a result, varieties of analysis with new abbreviations appeared: SLEPT- analysis (supplemented by one factor: L - Legal); PESTLE- analysis (supplemented by two factors: Legal and Environmental); STEEPLE-analysis (supplemented by several factors: Legal, Environmental, Ethnical and, if necessary, Geography).

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Strategic analysis occupies an important place in the process of preparing and making management decisions and is an integral part of planning the economic activities of enterprises of all forms of ownership. For the reason that in a market economy, business leaders, chief accountants and managers at various levels must pay more attention to solving strategic problems. Here strategic analysis comes to their aid, which is based on materials from other economic disciplines and its goal is to master knowledge and methods and techniques for conducting analytical research, identifying opportunities for increasing the efficiency of production, financial and investment activities.

Strategic analysis is of great importance for assessing performance and changing the strategic plan of an enterprise or its implementation.

Managing an enterprise in a market economy is impossible without planning economic activities at all levels: strategic, tactical and operational. The most important is the strategic level, at which management decisions that are vital for the further development of the enterprise are made. The strategic level of management is the highest level, the supporting function of which is strategic analysis.

When exploring the essence of strategic analysis, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this term, as well as some other terms (strategic vision, strategic goals, strategic management, etc.), was created from the word strategy. Consequently, to determine the features of strategic analysis, it is necessary to dwell on what strategy is and what significance it has for the enterprise.

Strategy is a comprehensive plan for an enterprise's activities, which is developed on the basis of a creative, scientifically based approach and is assigned to achieve the long-term global goals of the enterprise.

Thus, strategic analysis is a complex study of positive and negative factors that may affect the economic state of the enterprise in the future, as well as ways to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise.

The purpose of the work is to perform a PEST analysis of the Gazprom OJSC enterprise, propose your own method for analyzing the external environment of the enterprise, and draw a conclusion.

1. The influence of the external environment on the activities of the enterprise

The concept of the external environment of an enterprise is of utmost importance in the strategic management of an enterprise. It appeared in management practice quite recently. F. Kotler gives the following definition of the external environment:

The external environment of the company is a set of active subjects and forces operating outside the company and influencing the ability of management to establish and maintain successful cooperative relationships with target clients.

Thus, almost everything that exists outside the enterprise can be included in its external environment, but only if all these elements can influence it.

From the point of view of the enterprise, the external environment of the enterprise can be characterized by two features: breadth, mechanism of influence on the enterprise.

These characteristics can be used to divide the external environment into:

1. The environment of the immediate environment or the microenvironment of the enterprise.

2. Remote (general) environment or macroenvironment.

Accordingly, changes in the external environment affecting the activities of firms can be divided into two groups: macro- and micro-changes. Changes in the macroenvironment are determined by external forces that affect all markets at once. These include major economic, demographic, political, technological and cultural shifts. Changes in the macroenvironment of the enterprise do not directly affect it.

Changes in the microenvironment refer to specific events that affect the industry in which a firm operates: changes in the needs and behavior of its customers, competitors, intermediaries and suppliers. Through micro changes, changes at the macro level impact a specific industry. Thus, the activities of an enterprise are directly influenced by its microenvironment, which should be given primary attention.

Analysis of the external environment of the enterprise: allows you to identify factors that promote or hinder the commercial success of the enterprise. As the dynamism of the external environment increases, such analysis becomes a vital factor for an enterprise that determines its survival. Not all elements of the external environment have the same importance for the enterprise, so an important part of the analysis is identifying those that play an important and significant role.

Thus, analysis of the external environment allows us to identify both opportunities and threats for the enterprise, as well as the causes of instability and uncertainty of production. Let's define the above mentioned terms:

Opportunity is a prospect for the development of an organization, taking into account the fulfillment of certain conditions.

Threats are actions and factors whose presence can harm the enterprise, with the possibility of bankruptcy.

Instability is a state of a system characterized by the heterogeneity and multi-temporality of each of the ongoing processes and all changes in general.

Uncertainty is the absence or lack of definition of something. Usually occurs due to lack of necessary information.

Currently, the most common systems for analyzing the external environment of an enterprise are PEST and SWOT analysis.

The analysis is carried out according to the "factor - enterprise" scheme. The results of the analysis are presented in the form of a matrix, the subject of which is the factors of the macroenvironment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, assessed in points, ranks and other units of measurement.

The results of the PEST analysis allow us to assess the external economic situation in the sphere of production and commercial activities.

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to assess factors and phenomena affecting a project or enterprise. All factors are divided into four categories: s trengths (strengths), w eaknesses (weaknesses), o pportunities (opportunities) and t hreats (threats). The method includes defining the goal of the project and identifying internal and external factors that contribute to its achievement or complicate it.

PEST analysis (sometimes referred to as STEP) is a marketing tool designed to identify political ( P olitical), economic ( E conomic), social ( S social) and technological ( T echnological) aspects of the external environment that affect the company's business.

Politics is studied because it regulates power, which in turn determines the company's environment and the acquisition of key resources for its activities. The main reason for studying economics is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activity of an enterprise.

Equally important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST analysis. The last factor is the technology component. The purpose of his research is considered to be to identify trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and losses in the market, as well as the emergence of new products.

2. Analysis of the state of the internal and external environment at OAO Gazprom

2.1 Brief description of the organization

Open Joint Stock Company Gazprom is one of the most important participants in global energy markets, capable of making a significant contribution to their stabilization and ensuring global energy security, which is one of the main components of its development strategy.

In the world ranking of oil and gas companies, Gazprom ranks first in natural gas production. In terms of oil production and refining volumes, Gazprom is one of the five largest Russian oil companies and one of the twenty world leaders in the oil business.

The term OAO Gazprom refers to the parent company of the Gazprom Group - Open Joint Stock Company Gazprom. The Gazprom Group should be understood as a set of companies consisting of OJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

The Group's role in global energy markets is not limited to its export potential and reputation as a reliable and stable supplier of energy resources. The specificity of Gazprom is that it is both a producer and a supplier of energy resources, having a powerful resource base and an extensive gas transportation infrastructure. Thanks to Russia's geographic location, Gazprom has the opportunity to become an energy bridge between the markets of Europe and Asia, supplying its own gas and providing gas transit services from other producers.

The Gazprom Group has a fairly complex and broad organizational structure. The total number of these companies with various equity participations of OAO Gazprom exceeds 150 units.

The Group has one of the world's largest gas pipeline systems and provides the bulk of natural gas production and transportation through high pressure pipelines in the Russian Federation. It is also the largest exporter of natural gas to European countries, produces oil and produces petroleum products.

The Group carries out the following main types of business activities: exploration and production of gas, gas transportation, gas sales, production of oil and gas condensate, refining of oil, gas condensate and other hydrocarbons and sale of refined products.

Other types of financial and economic activities include mainly construction, production of electrical and thermal energy and asset management. This organization belongs to the oil and gas industry.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a joint-stock company is recognized as a company whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares; Participants of a joint-stock company (shareholders) are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the limits of the value of the shares they own. In the event that its participants can alienate the shares they own without the consent of other shareholders, then such a company is recognized as an open joint-stock company. It has the right to conduct an open subscription for the shares it issues and free sale under the conditions established by law and other legal acts. The authorized capital of a joint stock company is made up of the par value of the company's shares acquired by shareholders. At this point in time, OAO Gazprom, in terms of the size of its organization, belongs to the class of “large” business.

The current state of the facility and control system can be characterized as strong and stable. Gazprom looks to the future with confidence. Every year Gazprom improves its management structure. The reform is aimed at increasing the efficiency of Gazprom as a vertically integrated company. The creation of subsidiaries has begun for activities such as underground gas storage, underground repairs, hydrocarbon processing, and oil production.

Along with the strong position of the organization, there are problems that are both strategic and financial in nature:

The increasing interdependence of markets, which in the era of globalization leads to the synchronization of countries' economies and to the possibility of rapid transfer of recessions or crises from one country to another;

The problem of international regulation of the industry. Regulation of the energy industry is carried out in various areas. The most important areas are liberalization, customs and tax legislation, environmental legislation and energy security.

The issue of ensuring energy security is to stimulate the efficient use of energy, as well as reducing dependence on single-source energy imports;

Geographical conditions and climate. A significant share of Gazprom's gas production occurs in Western Siberia, where the harsh climate complicates production and increases the cost of natural gas;

Changes in exchange rates and inflation. A significant portion of Gazprom's revenue is denominated in dollars or euros, while most of its costs are denominated in rubles. In this regard, changes in inflation rates and exchange rates have a significant impact on the results of financial and economic activities.

These problems arise in the development of almost any large structure, but Gazprom looks forward confidently, strengthening its position in the global energy market, helping to increase the company's authority and influence in the world community, as well as ensuring long-term growth in its value.

2.2 Mission and main goals of the organization

OJSC Gazprom is the largest gas company in the world. The main activities are geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sales of gas and other hydrocarbons. The state is the owner of a controlling stake in Gazprom - 50.002%.

Gazprom sees its mission in the most efficient and balanced gas supply to consumers of the Russian Federation, fulfilling long-term gas export contracts with a high degree of reliability.

The following main goals of Gazprom can be identified:

1. Increasing gas production volumes. Gazprom has the world's richest natural gas reserves. Its share in world gas reserves is 17%, in Russian - 60%. Gazprom accounts for about 20% of global and about 85% of Russian gas production. The priority direction of Gazprom's activities is the development of gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

2. Timely supply of gas to Russian and foreign consumers. Gazprom owns the world's largest gas transportation system - the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia. Its length is 156.9 thousand km. Gazprom exports gas to 32 countries near and far abroad and continues to strengthen its position in traditional foreign markets.

3. Diversification of markets and products. Gazprom is implementing a step-by-step strategy to increase its presence in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market. This allows you to expand the geography of the company's activities. The development of the oil business is one of Gazprom's strategic goals on the path to becoming a global energy company. One of the core areas of product diversification for Gazprom is the electric power industry, the combination of which with the gas business is a global trend and allows for a significant synergistic effect.

4. Social significance of OAO Gazprom. The most important principles in the activities of the Gazprom Group are to be attentive to the interests of society, fully promote the socio-economic development of Russian regions, create a favorable business climate in them, maintain decent working conditions, and the social and spiritual well-being of people.

In this regard, the Company strives to ensure sustainable development of its business, paying increased attention not only to the economic, but also to the social component. Gazprom steadily follows the principles of social responsibility, which are: gasification of the country's regions, creation of new jobs, implementation of social programs for personnel, sponsorship and charity, environmental and educational events, payment of taxes, etc.

Particular attention is still paid to supporting disabled children, orphans and children in orphanages. Every year the Company allocates funds for the construction of residential buildings, kindergartens, clinics, etc.

The company strictly complies with its tax obligations, bringing about 1 billion rubles to the Russian budget every day.

In its sponsorship and charitable activities, the Company is focused on supporting such areas of public life as culture, sports, education, science, and participates in major projects aimed at reviving national, preserving artistic and historical values, enhancing the best traditions of the national stage and theatrical art.

Among Gazprom's long-time partners in the field of strengthening and developing cultural heritage are the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin, State Hermitage, State Academic Mariinsky Theater, other centers of Russian culture.

For many years now, fruitful cooperation between OAO Gazprom and the Russian Orthodox Church and other faiths has been ongoing, aimed at reviving spiritual and religious traditions.

Gazprom actively supports the development of domestic science and is the founder of many Russian scientific public organizations and foundations, including the Supreme Engineering Council of the Russian Federation, the Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation named after. IN AND. Vernadsky and others.

Gazprom provides traditional support to the Olympic teams of our country, is the general sponsor of the Russian football club Zenit, a partner of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, supports various national sports federations, sports teams and individual (both established and aspiring) athletes.

Traditionally paying special attention to supporting children and youth, the Company began implementing the Gazprom for Children program aimed at supporting the physical and spiritual potential of the younger generation.

Gazprom is not only one of the most important participants in global energy markets, capable of making a significant contribution to their stabilization and ensuring global energy security, but also an organization whose activities are of great social importance for a huge number of people.

2.3 Analysis of environmental factors

The current economic situation on the global energy market:

Oil is an energy carrier of global importance, gas is mainly regional, coal is local;

A sharp increase in hydrocarbon consumption, which will not be replaced by alternative energy sources in the foreseeable future;

A sharp increase in the energy needs of developing Asian countries, given continued economic growth, rapid population growth and the extremely high energy intensity of national economies;

Increasing gap between consumption volumes (increasing) and production volumes (decreasing) of hydrocarbons in developed countries;

Limited opportunities for additional production growth increase risks associated with possible market destabilization;

The level of provision of the world economy with oil and gas reserves is decreasing;

Lack of (temporary) oil refining and transportation capacity and limited additional oil production capacity;

The interest of industrialized consumers in the problems of development of alternative energy is indicated;

The importance of projects for the production and supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is increasing;

There is renewed interest in nuclear energy in a number of countries;

There are fewer and fewer assets for mergers and acquisitions, so in recent years the main mergers have occurred exclusively within one country or a common geopolitical space;

Growing political risks in regions richest in hydrocarbons.

The main factors hindering the development of the gas industry (using the example of Gazprom) in Russia:

The policy of Gazprom, for which it is unprofitable to develop the domestic market under the conditions of existing domestic gas tariffs;

Lagging of production growth rates from gas consumption growth rates;

The need to invest serious funds in the development of new fields;

Focus on purchasing Central Asian gas instead of investing in production projects;

The policy pursued at the state level to prevent foreign companies from being operators of the development of the most promising objects (Yamal, Shtokman field);

The critical state of the existing oil export infrastructure and the problem of modernizing the existing gas pipeline system;

Monopolistic nature of the Russian gas industry.

The main consumers of energy resources in the domestic market include the electric power industry, metallurgy, agrochemistry, cement industry, population, industrial enterprises and others. The main consumers of Gazprom's products on the foreign market are the Far Abroad, the CIS and the Baltics.

For a more clear example, in Tables 1 and 2 we will conduct a PEST analysis of the enterprise OJSC Gazprom.

Table 1. "Environmental factors"

Political and legal factors

1. An imperfect and complex tax system, leading to high prices for services and the draining of the enterprise’s working capital;

Economic forces

Sociocultural factors

2. Preferences of end consumers of services.

Technological factors

1. Use of new equipment and technologies in the practice of oil and gas production.

The next stage of the analysis is to analyze the influence of the above factors on the activities of OAO Gazprom.

Table 2. Influence of PEST factors on the activities of OJSC Gazprom

Possible impact on the activities of OJSC Gazprom

Political and legal factors

1. An imperfect and complex tax system, leading to high prices for services and the draining of the enterprise’s working capital.

2. State support for small businesses.

1. An increase in taxes for monopolists leads to an increase in enterprise costs, as well as the unprofitability of the development of the Russian domestic market due to lower rates for raw materials.

2. This factor is not applicable to the Gazprom enterprise

Economic forces

1. Cancellation of the 5% sales tax and change in the Value Added Tax rate to 18%.

2. Increase in tariffs of natural monopolies.

1. Compulsion to export oil and gas products abroad, this is justified by an increased rate on resources.

2. Increase in production costs and rise in price of services offered.

Sociocultural factors

1. Level of education of the country's population.

2. Preferences of end consumers of products.

1. OJSC Gazprom employs highly qualified personnel; management does not spend much time on training personnel.

2. Changing the approach of OAO Gazprom to the end consumer. It is necessary to make changes regarding the services offered in terms of quality, service, and price.

Technological factors

1. Use of new production and transportation technologies in practice

1. Gazprom needs more modernized equipment in order to reduce costs. To achieve this goal, capital is attracted to the development of science and technology of the company.

Based on the analysis, appropriate conclusions can be drawn. Gazprom is not only one of the most important participants in global energy markets, capable of making a significant contribution to their stabilization and ensuring global energy security, but also an organization whose activities are of great social importance for a huge number of people.

There are a number of problems associated with Gazprom's entry into the foreign market. Among them are: the problem of modernizing the existing gas pipeline system, lack of investment in production projects, lagging behind in the level of use of the most promising technologies, limited opportunities for oil pipeline supplies to Europe, persistence of transit risks, the unresolved nature of many issues within the EU and the virtual absence of a common point of view on the way to ensuring energy security.

In this regard, the priority measures to change the current situation include: increased attention, both at the state level and on the part of the largest oil and gas companies, to the domestic gas and oil production sector; stimulating investment in the reproduction of the mineral resource base and the development of deposits; investing in national mining projects in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, Sakhalin, northern shelf, etc.; maintaining and expanding the presence of Russian companies in the fuel and energy sector of Iraq, Iran, and other countries in the region; special attention must be paid to LNG production projects as the most promising from the point of view of the future of the global fuel and energy sector; increasing technological safety and operating efficiency of energy transport networks; expanding the supply of hydrocarbons to markets in Europe through the construction of additional energy transport routes (to Northern, Southern Europe and the Balkans) and consolidation in the Asian-Pacific market; Russian oil and gas companies need to use favorable external conditions to reconstruct production facilities using modern technologies and to develop a sales network, which will reduce production costs and offer a more competitive product to foreign markets.

Nevertheless, whatever the existing barriers, Gazprom improves its position in the global energy market every year, focuses on seriously strengthening its competitive position in the European and global hydrocarbon markets, which allows us to confidently speak of our country as one of world energy leaders.

3. Innovative method of analyzing the external environment of the Gazprom enterprise

The Russian energy market is not attractive for such a monopolist as Gazprom; the reason is the constant restrictions on price increases by antimonopoly services. Therefore, the company is trying to enter the foreign market with the main volumes of raw materials, where these raw materials are highly valued. After analyzing the enterprise and its activities, we can offer the following:

The main sections in PEST analysis play an important role, but this analysis does not take into account:

- trends in changes in the level of partner countries;

- rapid abolition of used equipment;

- processing of raw materials in Russia does not meet EU standards, which forces oil companies to sell unprocessed oil, thereby reducing its cost;

- different living standards of Russians and Europeans negatively affect the company’s policy, this is justified by the fact that it is more profitable to supply raw materials to Europe than to sell them in Russia;

- the state does not support monopolists. Those. Having a controlling stake, the state does not invest in the modernization of the enterprise, knowing about the prospects of this industry.

Based on these “cons”, we will draw up a rough plan for analyzing the external environment of OAO Gazprom:

· Determination of the main task of the energy strategy.

· Analysis of global presence strategy.

· Marketing strategy in domestic and foreign markets.

· Strategy in the field of electric power industry.

· Possibility of diversification of production.

· Level of development of oil and gas processing.

· Development of the gas transportation system.

State support is not tangible, only taxes on the organization’s profits are increasing, given that this industry is promising, the state is not taking significant measures to modernize it. If the state invested in the modernization of Gazprom, it would allow the company to reach a new level, thereby increasing its profits and the profits of investors.

The development of raw material extraction technologies will allow the company to take a leading position in the world and establish itself not only as a reliable partner, but also as a supplier of high-quality raw materials. In addition, modernization of oil refining technology will make it possible to produce gasoline at a European level, this will allow us to capture an even larger market share not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The distribution of high-quality gasoline on the domestic market will allow us to attract more customers in Russia, thereby increasing our own revenue and pushing competitors into the background. There are a lot of foreign-made cars in Russia that require high-quality fuel in order to avoid unnecessary costs that may arise due to vehicle breakdown.

In fact, the higher the quality of gasoline, the longer the engine will work, this will attract motorists who are willing to overpay for high-quality fuel, this scheme is used by the Lukoil company; this company provides gasoline of European quality at a high price, and thus has managed to establish itself as a reliable partner with many clients who speak positively about the quality of the services provided. Consequently, if a company proceeds from the parameters proposed above, then it will see the whole picture emerging around the company, this will allow it to more flexibly respond to changes in market requirements, as well as maintain a leading position in the world.


The external environment in strategic management is considered as a combination of two relatively independent subsystems: the macroenvironment and the immediate environment.

The macroenvironment creates the general conditions of the organization's environment. Analysis of legal regulation involves the study of laws and other regulations that establish legal norms and the framework of relations, gives the organization the opportunity to determine for itself the acceptable boundaries of action in relations with other subjects of law and acceptable methods of defending its interests.

The political component of the macroenvironment must be studied in order to have a clear understanding of the intentions of government authorities regarding the development of society and the means by which the state intends to implement its policies.

The study of the political component should focus on finding out what programs various party structures are trying to implement. external environment analysis strategic

The study of the social component of the macroenvironment is aimed at understanding the impact on business of such social phenomena and processes as people’s attitudes to work and quality of life.

Analysis of the technological component allows you to timely see the opportunities that the development of science and technology opens up for the production of new products, for improving manufactured products and for modernizing the technology of manufacturing and marketing products.

The analysis of suppliers is aimed at identifying those aspects in the activities of entities that supply the organization with various raw materials, semi-finished products, energy and information resources, and finances, on which the efficiency of the organization depends.


1. Efremov V.S. Business strategy: Concepts and methods of planning.

2. Zabelin P.V., Moiseeva N.K. Fundamentals of strategic management.

3. Markova V.D., Kuznetsova S.A. Strategic management: Course of lectures.

4. Thompson A.A. Strickland A. J. Strategic management: The art of developing and implementing strategy.

5. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomantina Managing an organization: a textbook.



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The article reveals the concept step analysis, the composition of its components. The article also discusses the stages of step analysis, advantages and disadvantages of this method of marketing research. At the end there is an example of applying the method at a specific enterprise.

Concept of step analysis

Step analysis(in some sources PEST analysis) - allows you to determine technological, political, economic and social factors affecting the company’s activities. The result of applying this method will be a list of environmental factors that positively or negatively affect the business. They are compiled into a special matrix and each of them receives its own rank based on the experts’ assessment of its importance.

  1. Technological. These include trends in scientific research, monitoring the emergence of new products and their patenting. It is important for companies not to miss the entry into the market of substitute products or production technologies that are more technologically advanced than their own.
  2. Political. This group is important from the point of view of its overall impact on business - it can create favorable conditions for doing business, or, on the contrary, create serious problems. Examples of positive influence: programs for the development of certain industries, promotion of sales of certain types of products, tax incentives for certain markets or areas, import substitution programs, etc. Examples of negative: bureaucratic barriers, corruption, increased tax burden.
  3. Economic. This set reflects the role of macro processes in the organization's activities. It is expressed through exchange rates, inflation rates, the Central Bank refinancing rate, the state of the labor market and the level of real income of the population. Also, step analysis takes into account the dynamics of the cost of production resources - raw materials, energy sources
  4. Social. They are important from the point of view of the role of consumer preferences and the basic values ​​of society in its behavior as a buyer. Therefore, consumer behavior is monitored on an ongoing basis using questionnaires, surveys and other data collection methods, on the basis of which product, sales and assortment policies are changed. Also when carrying out step analysis It is important to take into account the demographic, gender, age and religious composition of society.

Stages of implementationstep analysis

Step analysis includes several main steps:

  1. As in any method, in step analysis the purpose of the study is initially determined. Typically, the goals are the development of a strategy aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the organization.
  2. Identify the object of study. At this stage step analysis It is important to avoid the mistake of choosing the organization itself as the object. You need to analyze a certain type of interaction or activity regarding the target market, investors, suppliers, etc.
  3. The most voluminous stage step analysis, in which the most significant factors are identified in each of the four groups, according to the degree of their impact on the organization. At the same time, it is necessary to abandon the analysis of those that have a general impact on the country or industry. Based on the time of influence, circumstances that exist in the long term are distinguished from those whose impact is short-term. Next, they should be ranked according to the degree of their influence on business processes
  4. At the next stage of step analysis, factors are divided into groups, depending on the nature of their impact - political, economic, technogenic and social. At the same time, they take into account and strictly separate those that have a positive impact on the business, and those that can create problems and set restrictive barriers.
  5. After the main stage of step analysis, an additional one needs to be carried out. After this, we will get a more complete picture by understanding the relationships and interactions of factors, the mechanism of their influence, the trends of their movement and the expected time periods of changes.
  6. Formatting the result of step analysis in the form of a matrix. Finally, we formalize the results of the work in the form of a matrix, which will allow you to clearly evaluate the picture and apply it in developing or adjusting the organization’s behavior strategy.

Applicationstep analysis significantly simplifies the decision-making process. However, when starting your own business, you need a broader analysis of the subject area. From us you can download a ready-made, fully structured business plan for your area, which contains calculations of all significant financial indicators and will allow you to launch your business efficiently.

Significance and Benefits of Step Analysis

Meaning step analysis, when used correctly, is difficult to overestimate. It allows you to construct a systemic vision of the scheme of interaction with the external environment of the organization, identify internal reserves and sources of reducing business risks in accordance with existing circumstances.

A complete picture of the external environment is a source for increasing competitiveness and measures to reduce the impact of threats. The method allows us to identify the main risks that may arise from the external environment, which makes it widely used and quite popular among specialists and market analysts.

Step analysis in its essence, it is a tool for the formation of long-term strategies, since its implementation does not take into account the intra-company components of the system of business relations. This limitation does not allow the method to be used in drawing up tactical plans.

You can also highlight the following advantages of step analysis from the point of view of employee development:

  • the manager and his subordinates not only study external factors, but also learn to take into account their mutual effect;
  • a culture of vision of the external environment is being formed in the organization, which in the future makes it possible to more quickly respond to market challenges and change the company’s behavior strategy in it;
  • After conducting step analysis, employees develop a systematic understanding of the company’s environment, its holistic picture;
  • in the process of step-analysis, a unified conceptual framework is developed throughout the organization for assessing the influence of the external environment;
  • and one of the main advantages of step analysis is the habit of not paying too much attention to the internal problems of the organization, considering the first priority a flexible response to changing environmental conditions.

Disadvantages and limitations of step analysis

Despite its obvious usefulness, step analysis has a number of limitations and disadvantages. The manager must understand that, like any other tool for strategic analysis and planning, this method is not an absolute panacea and must be used in conjunction with other effective methods of marketing research, for example, SWOT analysis.

It is also very important when choosing factors and dividing them into groups to start not from the imposition of your activities on them, but from exactly how much they influence the company. There is a high probability of error here, and as a result, the researcher will not receive the data he needs, since he initially applied step analysis incorrectly.

Another limitation is that for different areas, and even for different areas within the same company, the set of factors will be unique. Therefore, you cannot rely on studies already conducted among other companies. Even if only in one area. Step analysis is carried out anew each time and its own matrix is ​​formed. The same applies to the division of activities in one company. For example, if a company produces several different product groups that differ significantly from each other in purpose and consumer characteristics, then for each such group it is necessary to conduct its own step analysis.

The described limitations of step analysis do not reduce its value; they only describe the conditions in which its use will be most effective and will allow you to competently formulate a long-term company development strategy based on it. It is an individual approach and consideration of all aspects of activity that is the key to the successful use of step analysis.

Examplestep-analysis of a foreign retail chain in Russia

At first sight step analysis- one of the simplest and most understandable methods. But when starting our own business, we are faced with a wider range of problems. The right decision in this case would be to download a full-fledged ready-made business plan, which already contains all the calculations required to attract investments. You can also order an individual turnkey business plan created specifically for your project

It is good because it allows you to identify and comprehensively evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as threats and opportunities for the activities, products, management system, and projects of the organization.

When conducting a SWOT analysis, variations of it are often used to identify threats and opportunities. This method helps to fully consider and evaluate the influence of political, economic, social and technological factors of the external environment on various aspects of the organization’s business (its profit, management system, etc.). The method is widely used in strategic planning and management of large organizations, as well as for assessing investment risks.

What is the essence of the method?

In the process of PEST analysis, political (P - political), economic (E - economic), social (S - social) and technological (T - technological) factors of the external environment are determined and their impact on the organization is assessed. The influence of factors is assessed in points or other units of measurement. Based on the results of the analysis, a summary matrix is ​​compiled.

When conducting a PEST analysis, not only the actual state of factors is assessed, but also their possible changes in the near future, for example, over the next few years, are predicted. Therefore, it is important to involve in the analysis industry experts or organizational personnel competent to make market forecasts.

The structure of PEST analysis can be represented schematically:

How to apply the method?

ABOUT The main steps of PEST analysis include:

  1. Identification of external factors that may affectactivities, products, management system of the organization;
  2. Collection of data on trends in factors;
  3. Analysis of factors by significance and degree of influence of factors;
  4. Drawing up a PEST analysis matrix.

1. Determination of external factors

At this stage, a list of environmental factors of the organization is formed that may influence the activities and management system of the organization in the next three to five years.The identified factors are divided into four groups: economic, political, technological and socio-cultural. The set of factors in each group depends on the activities of the organization, the characteristics of the region and the goals of the analysis.

On the image Examples of factors in each group are presented:

2. Collection of information about trends in factors

To make forecasts on trends that will manifest themselves in the economy, technology, social environment, etc., you need to study a large amount of statistical and analytical information and draw conclusions based on this data.

3. Analysis of factors by significance and degree of influence

Having identified the factors, it is necessary to assess the strength of influence of each of the factors according to three-point scale, where:

1 - insignificant influence of the factor, any change in the factor has almost no effect on the organization;

2 - only a strong change in the factor will affect the organization;

3 - high influence of the factor, any fluctuations cause significant changes in the activities of the organization.

Assessing the strength of a factor's influence is a subjective expert assessment.If factors do not have any impact on the organization, they are not included in the table.

Next, the probability of change in each factor is estimated according to five-point scale, where 1 is the minimum, 5 is the maximum probability of changing the environmental factor. The assessment is usually carried out by a group of experts or employees with sufficient experience in the industry and expertise in any of the areas of work. In a separate column of the table, the arithmetic mean of the assessments of all experts is calculated:

The actual significance of each factor is then assessed. It allows you to assess how much the organization should pay attention to and control the factor of change in the external environment. The actual significance of a factor is calculated as the probability of a change in the factor, weighted by the strength of influence of this factor on the organization. The higher the actual significance of a factor (the “Weight-Adjusted Score” column), the more attention and effort the organization should devote to reducing the negative impact of this factor on the organization.

To fully complete the analysis, it is necessary to draw conclusions: for each factor, describe its impact on the industry, organization and draw up action programs to reduce the negative impact of the factor and maximize the positive impact of the factor on the organization.

Types of PEST analysis

Using , many analysts wondered why only four environmental factors were subject to thorough analysis and proposed expanding the boundaries of analysis and the list of factors. As a result, varieties of analysis with new abbreviations appeared: SLEPT- analysis (supplemented by one factor: L - Legal); PESTLE- analysis (supplemented by two factors: Legal and Environmental); STEEPLE-analysis (supplemented by several factors: Legal, Environmental, Ethnical and, if necessary, Geography).