What happened to the daughter of Academician Likhachev. Zinaida Kurbatova: “This album is our offering to the Russian North

Instead of a preface

Dedicated to my mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna Spitsyna

This book was born from my lectures throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. I wrote for history lessons for high school students in two Moscow schools, where I worked as a history teacher and then as a director of one of these schools. In the first half of the 2000s. a number of lectures were published as three separate books. But a significant part of the material remained unprocessed for various reasons. Last spring, when a competition was announced for the creation of a new history textbook based on a new historical and cultural standard, created on behalf of President V.V. Putin, I sat down hard to write a complete course on the history of Russia, but was never allowed to participate in this competition...

I will not write anything more and will give the floor to my colleagues, but I will only note that: 1) let the dear reader not be intimidated by the abundance of facts, events, names, etc., since I wanted to give the maximum amount of information so that you do not have to “scramble” » in search of the necessary information from other sources and resources; 2) this book, like the previous ones, was quite consciously written through the prism of historiography, since in the modern information world it is possible to study history only historiographically, which will immediately eliminate many problems, including the notorious question of a “single history textbook”, which Last year acquired the character of real hysteria and all sorts of speculation.

E.Yu. Spitsyn

This work is by Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn, a graduate of the famous history department of the MPGI named after. IN AND. Lenin is very relevant and very necessary not only for history teachers, but also for higher education teachers. educational institutions, because in the context of an ever-increasing volume of information on the history of Russia, in which there is a lot of pseudoscientific and politically speculative, in fact, in full and at a high level scientific level historiography - pre-revolutionary, Soviet, modern - on all issues national history, starting from the ethnogenesis of the Slavs and ending with the 17th century. Thus, representing an excellent historiographical guide that will allow the reader - and above all the teacher, who will soon have to teach from the so-called unified history textbook - to be aware of the main points of view on all aspects of our centuries-old history. Consequently, to some extent it will allow us to correct and neutralize many errors and miscalculations of such textbooks.

We have never had such very detailed manuals for teachers, although teachers have always addressed Special attention to the acute shortage of historiographic information. The author, having worked for many years as a history teacher and director of one of the Moscow schools, is aware of these problems, which, apparently, became one of the reasons for his turning to solving this very difficult task, which requires thorough knowledge and the ability to understand all aspects of opinions on the widest possible spectrum. range of problems of national history. And the author coped with the task brilliantly: the book was written vividly, good language, everything is neatly and completely to the point laid out “on the shelves”.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.V. Fomin

The work done by Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn in writing a fundamental book on the history of Russia in the 18th–20th centuries deserves great respect and is of undoubted interest not only for specialist historians, but also for everyone interested in the past of our Fatherland. This work, of course, is of particular value for teachers. secondary schools, disoriented by the presence on the book market and on the Internet of an abundance of the most diverse literature, often of very dubious content, with extremely subjective assessments and a vulgar interpretation of events that has nothing to do with the scientific interpretation of facts. In these conditions, the author’s attempt to provide teachers with a good navigator that gives clear guidelines in the sea of ​​​​a wide variety of publications that have flooded the country is seen as extremely important. last decades not only book ruins, but also those settled on the shelves school libraries. It is precisely this role that the excellent work of E.Yu. is intended to fulfill. Spitsyna.

Its undoubted advantages include clarity of formulation, organic inclusion of historiographical subjects in the outline of the presentation of all historical events, detailed description sources and a clear methodological position of the author. The emotional coloring of the text does not spoil general impression from the presentation. On the contrary, it is intended to focus readers’ attention on many problems that still do not have a clear solution in science, which requires special concentration and inclusion in the process of learning the history of everything inner world reader. After all, without an attempt to establish involvement and unbreakable connection With the past, with the restoration of the entire cultural and historical context, it is unlikely that it will be possible to understand the complexity and multidimensionality of these problems.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A.V. Lubkov

Chapter first

Soviet Russia and the USSR in 1917–1941.

Subject: February Revolution in Russia (February–March 1917)


1. The main problems of the revolution in historiography.

1. The main problems of the revolution in historiography

When studying the history of the Great Russian Revolution, it inevitably arises whole line acute problems that have been the subject of fierce debate among historians and politicians of various persuasions and views for decades.

I. The Problem of Definition chronological framework Russian revolution.

1) In Soviet historical science(I. Mints, E. Chermensky, V. Startsev) it was traditionally argued that in 1917 in Russian Empire two completely different social revolutions took place: the February bourgeois-democratic revolution (February 23 - March 3, 1917), which crushed the thousand-year Russian monarchy, and Great October socialist revolution(October 25-26, 1917), which opened new era in the history of all human civilization. In Soviet historiography, the February bourgeois revolution was traditionally considered exclusively as the initial and inevitable stage of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Original taken from slovo13 V

Original taken from igorkurl on Halloween. Historian Evgeny Spitsyn against the Russian State University for the Humanities, Higher School of Economics and acad. Pivovarova.

I couldn’t find any information on the Internet about specific scientific historical works Mr. historian E.Yu. Spitsyn, except this one brief information with the designation “practicing historian” that I don’t understand.

“SPITSYN Evgeniy Yuryevich: Practical historian, expert on political and interethnic issues. Author of many books, textbooks (courses of lectures) on the history of Russia for teachers, schoolchildren, applicants and students. From 1991 to 2009 he worked as a teacher of history and law in Moscow schools, from 2007 to 2009 he was vice-rector of the Institute of World Civilizations. Within Unified concept historical education wrote a book " Full course history of Russia for teachers". Awarded state awards


At a meeting of the patriotic platform United Russia On October 31 (Halloween, the day of all devils, the day of universal evil spirits, filth and bastards), this learned man said the following about two respected universities, simultaneously comparing many of their graduates to cockroaches.

« Here are two vipers - the Russian State University for the Humanities and graduate School economy - there is an enemy wherever you spit. They teach students for twenty years, and then they spread all over the country!”

At the same meeting, historian Evgeny Spitsyn publicly exposed a specific enemy - academician Yuri Sergeevich Pivovarov (in the same style of the 1930s-40s):

«… historian Yevgeny Spitsyn, who was present at the meeting, called for stopping inviting Russian television Academician Yuri Pivovarov, who, according to Spitsyn, “talks complete nonsense” about Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov and other prominent historical figures. “How can such people bear the title of academician?” - Spitsyn was indignant. »

Academician Pivovarov spoke ambiguously about the idea of ​​unified textbooks, noting in his interviews that in Russian history“all kinds of attempts at unification led to police brutality” and expressing fears that the initiative of the deputies is “an element of a general cooling and reduction in the space of freedom.”) “According to Spitsyn, incorrect textbooks are a weapon of ideological war, and what is happening now with history textbooks is a disaster. He added that in the fight against this disgrace he is ready “not to spare his own life.” Leading universities of the Russian State University for the Humanities and the Higher School of Economics, in whom Spitsyn, apparently, does not like the way history is taught, he, without choosing an expression, called “two liberal vipers.”


Let's protect our alma mater! Paws off the Russian State University for the Humanities!

Evgeny Yurievich Spitsyn- Russian historian, publicist, political scientist, public figure. Most Evgeny Spitsyn dedicated his career to pedagogy. He is the author of textbooks on the history of Russia. Evgeny Spitsyn is also a member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on Security and Anti-Corruption. Evgeniy Yuryevich is the author of “A Complete Course in the History of Russia for Teachers.”

early years, education

Evgeny Spitsyn was born on March 8, 1966 in Moscow. Evgeny’s entire family is native Muscovites, as stated in his biography on the website edinstvo2018.ru.

Evgeniy received his secondary education at school No. 766 in the Kuibyshevsky district of the capital. He graduated from school in 1983 with an average grade point of 4.75. In his childhood, young Spitsyn was fascinated by history, military literature. Evgeny Yuryevich decided to make a career in this field - he became a historian.

But after school, Zhenya was drafted into the ranks Soviet army. 1984−1986 Evgeny Spitsyn served as a gunner-radio operator in the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in the capital of the Kyrgyz SSR. Frunze(now Bishkek).

Returning to Moscow after serving in the army, Spitsyn fulfilled his dream of a historical education. In 1986, Evgeniy Yuryevich entered, and in 1991 graduated with honors from the Moscow Pedagogical University State University, having received the specialty of historian.

Career, scientific activity

Immediately after graduating from university, Spitsyn began working as a history teacher and devoted 25 years to his teaching career. Evgeny Yuryevich managed to teach children history in two schools at once, and in one he served as director from 2000 to 2008, according to Spitsyn’s biography on the website livelib.ru.

Evgeny Spitsyn, being a historian, discovered in school curriculum disadvantages of teaching history. He himself argued that the situation in the education system is simply catastrophic. This forced the teacher to start writing articles and books on history. So, within the framework of the Unified Concept of History Education, the “Complete Course of Russian History for Teachers” was written in 4 books.

In the biography of Evgeny Spitsyn, work as a historian in the education system was combined with employment as a political expert and consultant.

From 1991 to 1994, Evgeniy Yuryevich’s career included the post of executive director and member of the board of the All-Russian movement “Future Leaders of the New Millennium.” From 1994 to 1997, Spitsyn was an expert on political and interethnic issues at the International Reform Foundation (Academician Shatalin Foundation).

Since 1996, Evgeny Spitsyn’s career has included working in the State Duma as an assistant to a deputy of the II-VI convocations. Evgeny Spitsyn is a member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on Security and Anti-Corruption.

2007 - 2009 Evgeny Spitsyn served as vice-rector of the Institute of World Civilizations.

In 2016, Spitsyn’s five-volume book “A Complete Course in the History of Russia in the 9th-20th Centuries” was published. Evgeniy Yurievich wrote this work for more than 15 years. And it meticulously describes historical events, dates, historical maps, biographies of historical personalities are indicated, and also given full information on controversial periods of Russian history.

The biography of Evgeny Spitsyn also states that since 2008 he has held the post general director LLC "Mercury"

Evgeniy Yurievich was awarded state awards.

Views of Evgeny Spitsyn

Evgeny Spitsyn is a frequent guest of various political shows such as “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov", "Red Project" with Dmitry Kulikov, “Time will tell” with Artem Sheinin. Evgeniy Yurievich is a well-known expert; his point of view can be found in news and articles in many media.

Regarding the events in Ukraine, Yevgeny Spitsyn argued that the secession of the Ukrainian SSR from the USSR was illegitimate.

According to him, the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR proclaimed an act of state independence on August 24, 1991, but it had to be confirmed by a national referendum, which, by law, could be held no earlier than six and no later than nine months. “That is, the earliest that this referendum could be held was February 24, 1992. You held it on December 1, 1991,” he recalled.

Spitsyn is criticized for his positive assessments of his activities Joseph Stalin. However, Evgeniy Yuryevich clearly argues his opinion. For example, about the misinterpretation of Stalin’s struggle against cosmopolitanism. “Stalin read all the documents and books with a pencil in his hands. And he made clear, verified notes. Reading the draft of the new party program prepared by working group Andrey Zhdanov in 1947, in one place he directly wrote that it was necessary to give battle to mondialism. When we talk about the last Stalinist period, that is, the post-war period, they focus on the struggle against “rootless cosmopolitans.” And they present the matter as if it was completely directed against the Jews. What simplifies its content and essence. In fact, the fight against cosmopolitans is a fight against the carriers of the idea of ​​globalization or mondialism, who spoke from the position of denying sovereignty and creating a world government. These ideas were expressed even during the war Winston Churchill, British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin", Spitsyn noted in an interview with KP.