Description of the painting's narrative about spring. Essay on paintings about spring

Having independently walked the “path of Cinderella” - from a provincial student to international fame - in her books, Lena Lenina shares with her fans the secrets of successful business and seduction of the opposite sex.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lena Lenina?

Many fans and simply those who have heard the name Lena Lenina are concerned about the question of her height and weight, as well as, naturally, her age. This is evidenced by the frequency of queries in search engines on this topic and the number of approximate dates. So, the artist was born on October 25, 1979, which means that on this moment business woman 38 full years old.

The height of the stately Russian beauty is 170 cm - ideal for a model. As for Lena Lenina’s weight, according to the latest data, it is 56 kg. The luxurious form of the tall blonde allows her to shock the audience with truly revealing and sometimes provocative outfits.

Biography of Lena Lenina

Biography of Lena Lenina is history incredible success, obtained as a result of hard work and undoubted talent. This is the story of a real Cinderella, who by the age of 38 has reached heights that others can only dream of.

The artist was born in Akademgorodok in Siberia, in a family of healthcare workers: her father studied the search for a cure for serious diseases, including cancer, and her mother worked as a cardiologist. Since childhood, Lena showed great abilities, especially in studying foreign languages. She started learning French back in kindergarten, and continued to improve her knowledge in a special school. It’s unlikely that she could have imagined how useful the language would be to her in the future.

After graduating from school, the future businesswoman decided to enter the geological and geophysical faculty of Novosibirsk State University. It so happened that during her studies, Lena began working part-time as a fashion model and soon decided to stop studying, focusing on the advertising and modeling business and creative projects.

Lena Lenina burst into the show industry quickly - at the age of 19 she opened her own advertising company and created her own show on Novosibirsk television. Soon Lena Lenina leaves for Moscow in search of new and more promising projects on television, from where a little later she moves to live in France.

Lena also realized herself as a writer. Her first autobiographical book French“Cours, cours, camarade” about moving to France and the path to the very top of show business was published in 2004. It was followed by several more books about the life of the star herself, as well as about famous and influential people of our time. In 2005, Lena Lenina’s first Russian-language book “Perfection. Passion for Excellence,” which sold out in huge quantities and was a tremendous success in our country.

Lena Lenina - manicure salon. Reviews from women

It is also worth noting the actress’s established film career. She appears a lot on Russian and foreign television, and can also be seen in films. For example, the actress starred in the biographical drama about Johann Sebastian Bach, where she played his wife. This film was included in the program of the Cannes Film Festival. Lena Lenina can be seen especially often on talk shows on Russian and Ukrainian television.

Lena Lenina - manicure salon. Reviews of women photos

In 2015, Lena Lenina opened a whole network of salons and manicure studios under her own name, immediately launching an official website. Salons are wildly popular across the country, and their numbers continue to grow at an incredible rate.

Personal life of Lena Lenina

While still a student at a Novosibirsk university, Lena met her first husband. The couple had a son, who was given the name Clementius. Soon after the birth of the boy, the couple divorced.
Despite the incredible amount of attention from the stronger sex, the artist was in no hurry to get married a second time.

In 2011, the Duke of Orleans introduced the writer to the French billionaire Pascal Florent Edouard. However, two years later the couple separated. Lena Lenina herself stated that the separation occurred due to the causeless jealousy of her husband and demands to leave business and creativity, devoting himself exclusively to the family.

A little time after the couple’s divorce, it became known that the writer was in a relationship with her business partner ex-husband.

The personal life of Lena Lenina never ceases to interest the public. Now the artist lives in her house in the Moscow region with her mother and son. She continues to be creative and is also actively developing the network of “Lena Lenina Manicure Studios.”

Lena Lenina's family

Lena Lenina's parents are doctors. His father was developing drugs for serious diseases, and his mother worked as a cardiologist.
The real surname of Lena’s family is Razumov, but with the start of her career in show business, the writer changed her surname to a more sonorous one.

The artist grew up as a very purposeful and responsible girl. She took part in many literary competitions. According to her, Lena Lenina wrote her first story as a child, but even then it was published in a local newspaper.

After her divorce from aristocrat Pascal Florent Edouard, Lena Lenina's family - mother and son Klimentiy - returned to Russia. The businesswoman flatly refuses to marry for the third time. She dreams of a daughter, but is worried that her son will not take the baby’s appearance too joyfully.

Children of Lena Lenina

The public is showing great interest in Lena Lenina's children. It is known that the writer has a son, Clementy, who was born in her first marriage with a student at the university where she studied. At first after the birth of the baby, harmony reigned in the family, but soon the couple began to quarrel. During one of these quarrels, Lena's husband broke her collarbone, after which the writer filed for divorce.

The artist says that she has her own approach to raising her son and tries to interfere as little as possible, giving the child the freedom to make decisions on his own. She also often takes the boy with her to business meetings so that he has an understanding of business from an early age.

Son of Lena Lenina - Klimenty

Lena Lenina's son, Klimenty, is growing up incredibly ambitious - more ambitious than his mother. It is noteworthy that at such a young age Clementy has his own own business: It produces T-shirts with various designs and slogans. According to the artist, the boy spends all the money he has saved on the purchase of modern printers, which are necessary in his business.

Son of Lena Lenina - Klimenty photo

Clementy is also incredibly conscientious. From an early age he leads exclusively healthy image life, goes in for sports and independently studies gerontology - a science that studies various aspects of the aging process.

The artist tries to devote as much time as possible to her son. According to her, they have a very close and trusting relationship.

Lena Lenina's ex-husband - Pascal Florent Edward

Lena Lenina's ex-husband is the French aristocrat Pascal Florent Edward. Their union with the artist seemed ideal, but the billionaire turned out to be too jealous and tried to do everything so that the writer would leave business and creativity, devoting herself entirely to family and home. Lena Lenina, having built her career and raised her son on her own, did not even consider this possibility.

Lena Lenina's ex-husband - Pascal Florent Edouard photo

Despite the divorce, the writer speaks very warmly of her ex-husband. She speaks of him as a balanced, reliable and intelligent person. The artist is trying to establish friendly relations with her ex-husband, but so far Pascal is making contact with great reluctance.

The writer has repeatedly stated that she ardent opponent plastic surgery, therefore, there are no authentic photographs of Lena Lenina before and after plastic surgery. She is absolutely convinced that modern cosmetology allows you to maintain your appearance in excellent condition without surgical interventions.

Answering questions from journalists about her beautiful figure and excellent skin condition, Lena encourages her to exercise, eat right and rest more often. She also notes that she hasn’t even tried these alcoholic drinks, like vodka and wine, and visits nightclubs only when her work requires it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lena Lenina

The artist keeps up with the times, realizing that social networks are a great way to maintain attention to your person. She actively updates her Instagram page, sharing with subscribers photos from exhibitions, concerts, fashion shows and other public events.

Lena also does not forget to post photos from her personal archive, in which we see a business woman on vacation, in a restaurant, on an airplane or driving her car.

It is also worth noting that Lena is characterized by a healthy dose of self-irony, which is especially noticeable in the video, where the writer jokes about her incredible hairstyles and outfits.

Naked Lena Lenina

On one of her vacations in the Maldives, naked Lena Lenina showed everyone her charms. We retouched obvious areas of the body. Photo below:

Lena Lenina's hairstyles

As you have already noticed, Lena Lenina’s hairstyles and haircuts are more and more surprising every time. This “tail”, and there’s no other way to call it or, as some put it, the jug on the head drives everyone crazy. Let's take a look at this beauty.

Lena Lenina is a very shocking person. For those interested in her biography and personal life, read our article.

The queen of Russian outrageousness, Lena Lenina, will celebrate her 40th anniversary in 2 years. At least that's what the star himself says. However, her fans believe that Lenina is much older. After all, the celebrity already has an adult son, who is over 20 years old. It is unlikely that the star gave birth to him while underage. In addition, Lenina often advertises anti-aging products cosmetical tools. Naturally, customers should not know how old their idol really is. All this time, Elena manages to keep the secret of her age behind seven seals.

Lena Lenina: photo

In this article, we will delve into the biography of Lena Lenina and find out where the legs of her shocking “grow” from, and whether Elena is really as unbridled in her personal life as her fans are accustomed to seeing her on TV.

What is Lenina famous for, besides her outrageousness? Let's start with the fact that Elena actually has a different last name. Lenina is a pseudonym. The celebrity's name is Elena Suverneva. The surname is dull and not memorable. Her nickname is part of her image. Without him, Elena would not be as recognizable as she is now.

Fans follow not so much Elena herself, but her outfits and hairstyles. The latter are amazing.

In addition to shocking, Lenina is known for her writing. The celebrity also has his own business. Lenina is a co-owner of a chain of manicure salons. There are more than a hundred of them in Russia.

Plus, Lenina is engaged in the modeling business and hosts a TV show. And finally, another type of activity that Lenina is involved in is conducting courses on seducing men.

Biography of Suverneva-Lenina

You can find several videos online where Lena Lenina herself talks about her biography and answers questions from journalists about her personal life.

Lenina was born near Novosibirsk. At that time it was an academic town. Her parents were not associated with creativity. This was the case in many celebrity families. If the parents are ordinary hard workers, then most likely the son or daughter will grow up to be not quite ordinary people.

Lenina's father was a professor at the center who worked in the field of cancer and AIDS treatment. Elena's mother worked in cardiology. She has more than 17 scientific works in medecine. Apparently, the skill of writing was passed on to Lena from her mother. The celebrity's grandfather was an engineer.

Everything connected with France did not appear in Lenina’s life by chance. After all, since school she has been actively studying French. The girl studied in a class with in-depth study foreign language.

As a child, Lenina had an interesting nickname for a girl - Torpedo. That's what they called her because Lena always hit the target. She absorbed determination with her mother's milk. When Lena became an adult, this greatly helped her to advance in life and become famous.

There is an exact year of birth in the biography of Lena Lenina - this is a dark spot, that is, something that Elena loves to be proud of and always tells journalists about it. She wrote her first story at the age of 6. It was published in the local newspaper "Muse".

Another interesting fact from Lenina’s life - she won a poetry declaration competition in French. It is not known whether this helped her in any way in her personal life, but at school the girl was respected even more after that.

After school, Lenina entered college. Elena's alma mater - Novosibirsk State University. For those close to Lenina, it became quite expected that she entered the geological department. During her studies, Lena was constantly offered to appear in commercials. She was also often invited to photo shoots. The girl did not refuse them. Later Lenina realized that she wanted to devote herself to creativity. The future celebrity was no longer interested in her specialty.

Everything turned out so that Lena did not complete a single university course. The desire to devote myself to modeling, advertising and everything related to show business turned out to be stronger.

Lena Lenina connected her life with show business

How did Lenina get into the modeling business? One day, her friend invited Lena to audition. After this, Lenina became a student at a modeling school. The girl began to bring money home. Of course, her parents supported her endeavors without much enthusiasm. They wanted Lena to go into science.

By the way, when a friend took Lena with her to the audition, she was sure that they would definitely not take her. According to some reports, at that time Lenina had already given birth. She was breastfeeding

From Elena’s memoirs it is known that while still at the university, the director of a local studio saw her. A man was looking for a girl to photograph medical equipment. Lenina was perfect for this role. This was her first experience. From the first days of working on camera, Lenina felt very confident in front of the camera.

What did Lenina do after leaving university?

Lena Lenina's biography changed dramatically after she dropped out of university. At the age of 19, she opened a company where commercials were filmed. Nothing is known about the star’s personal life at this time. Look at the photo. In her youth, Lenina was very attractive. It's unlikely that such a girl remained for a long time without fans.

The name Lenina chose for the studio was the not very creative “Helen-Video”. Surprisingly, the only employee of the company was Elena herself. She looked for customers herself. After that, I looked for girls and boys who fit the concept of the commercial. In general, she did everything related to filming exclusively herself. Despite the fact that Lenina did not have her own office. There wasn’t even a telephone to contact Helen-Video. Instead of a personal number, Lenina used an ordinary street machine.

Despite the absence basic elements to conduct business, the company subsequently began to generate income. After this, Lenina could afford to hire employees to help her with filming.

Lena Lenina opened her studio

Another completed stage in Lenina’s life (by the way, the name of the star’s first husband is Povalyaev) is Novosibirsk television. There she worked as a presenter. At the time of work, Elena appeared under the name of her first husband. Then she moved to Moscow.

In the capital, his TV career continued. Lenina worked on the programs “Paris Revelations” and “Business Fever” (TVC channel).

TV presenter work

After that, Elena decided that she had had enough of Russia. She decided to try her luck in France. Thanks to the fact that Lena studied at a school with advanced knowledge of French, she was able to easily find a job. Of course, it’s hard to call it work. Lenina wanted to be creative. In France they offered to take part in the Nice people show. She didn't stay there long. Within a week, Lenina dropped out.

Then Lenina starred in the film “Johann Bach and Anna Magdalena.” He went out to big screen in 2003. Now you can watch it at good quality in online mode.

Lena Lenina at the Kansky Festival

Lenina's modeling career continued. In France it was for her more offers than in their native Russia. In 2003, she made her debut at the Cannes Film Festival. After that, she began to participate in it every year. It is here that you can see how extravagant Lenina’s outfits can be.

The hairstyles are also quite unusual. As a rule, this is raised hair in the form of a wide variety of shapes. Lenina’s integral companion is her handbag. A few years ago, she appeared in public with a bag in the shape of a tea bag.

Lenina's writing activity

Before you learn about Lena Lenina’s personal life, as well as about her son, let’s talk about the celebrity’s writing activities. There is also such a point in the star’s biography.

Lenina's first book was published in French. Cours, cours, camarade" (“Run, run, comrade”) is a novel about how ordinary girl can become famous in a matter of minutes. On the one hand, this is a book akin to an autobiography, on the other hand, there are a lot of inconsistencies in it. It is impossible to say for sure what Lenina wrote about herself. It is possible that she took her own story as a basis. However, between Lena's biography and the biography main character There are differences between the books.

Cours, cours, camarade" (“Run, run, comrade”) - the first novel by E. Lenina

The book is popular among readers. As soon as Lenina realized that she had made the right decision by releasing her first novel, she established her own prize. It is awarded by an outstanding figure in the world of culture and business. The award is intended for Russians.

Lenina returned to Russia in 2005. Immediately after this, she published another of her books, “Perfection. Passion for excellence." After that there were several more books. In one of them, Lenina tells how to win a man, and in the other, how to build a career.

Lena’s writing activity was appreciated not only by readers and her fans; even literary critics speak positively about the star’s books.

After two latest books, Lenina wrote several more - in Russian and French.

Lena Lenina: personal life

In addition to her biography, fans of Lena Lenina are interested in her personal life, as well as her children. Look at the photo. The only son of the star is depicted here. His name is Clementy. Lenina gave birth to him in 1991.

It is known that Lenina was already married in her youth. The surname of the first husband is Povalyaev. This is the father of her child. The marriage fell apart very quickly.

In 2012, Lena got married for the second time. Her chosen one was the French Count Pascal Florent-Edouard. Their union did not last long. After 2 years, the couple divorced.

Lena Lenina with her husband Pascal

Now Lenina is alone. She is often credited with having affairs with the most eligible bachelors of Russian show business.

Last year, information surfaced online that Lenina had an affair with Prokhor Chaliapin. However, subsequently the rumors were never confirmed.

Why did Lenina's marriage break up?

Having read that Lena Lenina’s biography lists two husbands, readers will be interested to know why their personal lives did not work out. After all, Lenina’s children (son) were not an obstacle to this.

Those fans of the star who actively follow her personal life know that Lenina’s marriage to a Frenchman was not successful. For many, it is a mystery how this could happen. After all, Lenina is a woman of success. She is beautiful, sexy, shocking. You definitely won't get bored with her. Even if you are a rich, spoiled Frenchman.

Lena Lenina's wedding

In her interviews, Lenina says that it was her ex-husband who was to blame for their divorce. The fact is that the man was jealous of Elena. The ex-husband wanted him to own 100% of the star's time. By definition, this cannot happen if you live with a public person.

Pascal could not admit that his beautiful wife wanted freedom. She needs to attend noisy parties, engage in creative activities, shock the public - and do all this without her husband.

Lenina believes that the only man to whom she can belong completely is her son. She is ready to devote everything to this person free time. A husband is an adult man who can take care of himself. Elena did not understand why Pascal constantly demanded her presence.

Perhaps Elena’s ex-husband needed a completely different woman who would depend on him. He could not attract Lenina financially. The star provided for herself perfectly. The only thing he could give her was love and care. But all this sometimes becomes boring. Especially if crowds of loving fans constantly walk around a woman, as was the case with Lenina.

Lena Lenina with friend Sergei Zverev

Many of her business partners are men. Many of them perceived Elena not only as a businesswoman, but also simply as a beautiful woman who they wanted to conquer. Naturally, Pascal was unpleasant to realize this. The man felt vulnerable. After all, his beloved wife could cheat on him at any moment.

There is nothing left of Pascal in Lena Lenina’s biography. They had no children together. The man knew with whom he linked his fate. However, Pascal never understood the difference between personal and public life. Lenina could freely kiss anyone on camera. At the same time, she had no feelings for this man. All this was needed for PR, nothing more. Pascal didn't believe it. For him, Lenina is a traitor who skillfully disguised her romances.

Pascal's beautiful courtship

Despite the fact that the marriage broke up, there were good moments between Lenina and her ex-husband, which the woman is pleased to remember.

Elena says that her ex-husband did not know how to look after her beautifully. Nevertheless, he was able to win her heart. He borrowed several ideas from Lenina's book. For example, Pascal gave her a ring that he hid in an oyster. The star recalls that it was a miracle she didn’t choke on it.

Lena Lenina: photo

Lena is one of those women who doesn’t like flowers. The men had to rack their brains to be able to surprise her. Of course, Pascal did not immediately understand why his luxurious bouquets did not make any impression on Lenin. Subsequently he realized his mistake. Instead of a candy-bouquet period, he and Lenina had a fruit-candy period.

Every day Pascal looked for a reason to meet and invited Elena for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The star's ex-husband is an introvert by nature. On dates, he was often silent, looking at Lenina with loving eyes. The touching gentle Frenchman captivated Elena. Pascal is not the kind of man who can talk a woman into his home in a few hours. He needed time to open up. And Lenina let Pascal do it.

Star's marriage story

Lena Lenina wanted to hide some elements of her biography from the public. For example, the star believes that personal life is private and should not become the property of everyone and everything.

The lovers got married in Bali. There were no photographers at the wedding. Even the guests did not film the wedding. Lenina wanted their holiday to be hidden from everyone.

The second wedding took place in Moscow. It was organized for those who could not come to Bali. Journalists were present here.

Marriage of a star

Lena says that the atmosphere in which she and her ex-husband got married remained unforgettable for her. The hotel where they were vacationing provided them with a beautiful table and an area where they and Pascal were alone. The romantic mood and lack of formalities did their job. Lenina was happy.

Pascal was the first to propose marriage. For Lena, it was just a formality. If the man had not insisted, it is possible that they would never have gotten married.

According to the celebrity, ex-wives and the husband had no problems with the division of property. After all, both Lenina and Pascal were wealthy people. Otherwise, their divorce could drag on for a long time.

If you are interested in the biography of Lena Lenina and her personal life, follow the star on in social networks. There she posts many photos from her life and the life of her son. Little is known about the guy’s biography. In her interviews, Lenina says that he lives and studies in France. He has his own business there.

I speak the truth everywhere and am ready to take responsibility for every phrase I say. I don't need to deceive you. You can deceive one person, you can deceive two for a long time, but you cannot deceive the whole world.

Having become a noticeable player in the information field, Wikipedia was faced with all its negative sides - attempts to place custom articles, falsifications, pressure on editors, self-promotion in conflicts. However, the principles and mechanisms underlying the free encyclopedia demonstrate their reliability. It even turned out that sometimes it is easier to falsify traditional sources of information than Wikipedia. This article will talk about one of many similar stories that unfolded around the name of society lady Elena Lenina. It should be noted that Lenina brilliantly manages to capture information trends, and even anticipate some of them, and Internet censorship is not the only example. The scandal around mass plagiarism in dissertations is only gaining momentum, and Elena already back in 2008 snatched “Full paragraph” for plagiarism in the book “Sexual, or How to seduce any man.” “Any mention in the press other than an obituary is good.”- this phrase is attributed to Sir Winston Churchill. Lenin also likes to repeat it, attributing it, however, to Madonna.

So, the faithful “Leninists” were not satisfied with Elena’s biography in the Russian Wikipedia, and they decided to rewrite it, at the same time “correcting” the entire Runet. Now it is difficult to say whether this insane campaign was organized by Lenina herself, or whether well-wishers did her a disservice on their own, but, as will become clear from what follows, they, in any case, had “access to the body,” and the “body” did not object to some Internet cosmetic procedures. Having discovered the possibility of free editing of Wikipedia back in 2011, the “Leninists” cleared all critical materials from the article, instead filling it with glorification and quotes from clearly ordered articles in popular magazines. This painstaking work continued for a year and a half with two dozen specially created accounts, and for a number of reasons went unnoticed by Wikipedia administrators for quite a long time. It seemed that victory was close. But it was not there. The first to notice the suspicious activity in the article were readers of the free encyclopedia.

Perplexed statements from classmates and colleagues of Elena Suverneva - Povalyaeva - Lenina began to appear on the discussion pages. First of all, they concerned Elena’s age. Here it should be noted that the amendments, caused by a completely understandable and forgivable desire to rejuvenate one’s idol, were noticed earlier, in more than one Wikipedia article. Manipulations in this direction occurred with articles about such famous ladies as Alena Sviridova, Maria Mironova, Zhanna Aguzarova, MakSim. As a rule, a simple search for sources of biographical information closed these questions fairly quickly. But not in the case of Elena Lenina.

The “Leninists” decided to go to the end. At first, all factual information that made it possible to “calculate” was simply removed from the article real age persons - information about parents and maiden name, year of graduation and first place of work, first marriage and year of birth of son. These actions could not help but attract attention large number participants. It was explained to PR people that an encyclopedic article is not a place for creating fictitious images, and it is written on the basis of authoritative sources. Elena herself insisted on using her own official website as a source of biographical information, where, in fact, as was noted and proven by Wikipedia participants, this information changed year after year in the direction of rejuvenating the person.

Wikipedians have repeatedly appealed to Elena's representatives with a request to publish the actual chronology of the events of her life - for example: the year of entry into the 1st grade, the number of the school (MOU Secondary School No. 162), the year of its graduation; year of admission to NSU (from 16 years old); year of first marriage, surname in first marriage (Povalyaeva); year of birth of the son (Clementy; 04/23/1991); the year he started school, etc., but there was only one answer - this is classified information and cannot be disclosed. This position did not allow one to judge the good intentions of the initiators of changing the article and caused outrage in the community.

For some time, the so-called war of edits continued in the article - information from articles that had signs of being custom-made was transferred to the article and then safely deleted. The initiative passed to the Wikipedians, and their victory was already looming on the horizon. However, from the moment when the press announced Elena’s upcoming wedding in October 2012, this time to a Frenchman, the issue of age apparently became paramount, and the “Leninists” launched a decisive counter-offensive on all fronts.

A number of Wikipedia administrators received emails and Skype messages from individuals introducing themselves as Lenina herself and her official representatives with requests and demands to make an exception to the Wikipedia rules and deny access to editing the article to everyone except themselves. It got to the point of absurdity; a proposal was made to grant the right to edit an article about herself exclusively to Elena herself. It was proposed to exclude from the article all impartial statements by those famous in Russia and the world literary critics, factual age information, and photographs taken in public places that do not meet glamor standards.

It must be admitted that Wikipedia's rules are based on loyalty to newcomers and the assumption of the integrity of participants. To the extent that the wishes regarding the article about Lenina did not contradict the Wikipedia rules, they were fulfilled. Thus, an ornate studio shot, unusual for Wikipedia, appeared as the main photo in the article; some quotes that cast Elena in an unfavorable light were carefully rechecked for encyclopedic significance and partially shortened. But the story did not end there either.

The next arrival on the discussion page of an article about Elena by her representatives was associated with the simultaneous appearance on the network of a number of publications with the approximate title “Elena Lenina does not hide her age,” in which a scan of Lenina’s foreign passport was posted. Wikipedia administrators also received this scan by mail. In the “year of birth” column there was latest version representatives of Elena - 1981. However, both visitors to the sites where this scan was posted and Wikipedia members immediately noticed that this image had clearly been processed in graphic editor, and by a person who was not familiar with the peculiarities of presenting information in the passport - in the machine-readable line located on the bottom edge of the first page of the passport, information about the real date of birth was clearly read in the form “711025”, that is October 25, 1971. After exposure, the falsified image disappeared from all sites within a few days, remaining in the possession of Wikipedia administrators. But this is not the end of the epic, aptly called by one of the Wikipedians “the second Leniniana.”

Experienced Wikipedia editors suddenly noticed a hitherto unprecedented trend. Biographical information began to rapidly disappear from the sources indicated in the article - articles, interviews, essays and curriculum vitae began to disappear into thin air - both completely disappearing from the sites where they were posted, and being edited in favor of the wishes of Lenina’s representatives. Moreover, this fate befell primarily the sources published on the discussion page, that is, directly visible to both sides of the conflict. Following this, Wikipedia was hit with a new stream of demands to remove links to non-existent sources and change information in the article. Newly discovered online evidence of information contained in the article was also immediately subject to external influence. It cannot be said that the wiki community is always ready for such “attacks,” but in in this case The encyclopedia's position was saved by prudently pre-created archives of pages that were processed and deleted. After which the majority of the discussion participants were inclined to conclude that Wikipedia is subject to unambiguous deliberate influence with the aim of falsifying information, which contradicts its key principles, the so-called Five Pillars, which define its essence as an encyclopedia and contain, in particular, the following text: “Wikipedia is not a place for advertising or self-aggrandizement... ... Avoid conflicts of interest... ... No contributor has sole control over any article.” and so on.

Strictly adhering to its goals, principles and rules, Wikipedia passed through this onslaught with dignity and unnoticed by most participants. The article managed to preserve information confirmed by independent sources. Currently, participants do not allow “Lenin’s warriors” to wage wars of edits in the article, ignore trolling aimed at additional advertising, and administrators block mitpuppets. It can be stated that another attempt to introduce information that does not comply with the rules into the article failed. Apparently, representatives of Elena Lenina also understand this. So on February 16, 2013, a request appeared on her Twitter:

Will this story continue? Time will show.

see also

  • Discussion page for the article by Lenin, Elena Alekseevna on Wikipedia and its archives (,).
  • From the experience of English Wikipedia: Age fabrication.
  • From the experience of Ukrainian Wikipedia, see the discussion page of the article by Zlata Ognevich.
  • Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal started a conflict with Forbes over his rating.
  • Hoaxes on Wikipedia: Soviet director Yuri Gadyukin (2009 - 2013).


  1. Dmitry Borisov“Fellow travelers (with Elena Lenina).” Echo of Moscow, November 8, 2008. (archived: , , ).
  2. Andrey Tkachuk"A Tale of Stolen Sex." NGS.News, March 8, 2008. (archived: / , / , / , )
  3. See one of the latest blocking requests.
  4. New history of the KVANT club. Evolution - 2. (2006). Archived
  5. See the article discussion page Sviridova, Alena Valentinovna.
  6. See the article discussion page Mironova, Maria Andreevna.
  7. See the discussion page of the article Aguzarova, Zhanna Khasanovna.
  8. See the discussion page of MakSim's article.
  9. Siberian Research Institute of Hyperthermia. - “Suvernev Alexey Vitalievich. Director of SibNIIG. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, Novosibirsk State Medical University" Archived from the original source on February 22, 2013. Retrieved on February 22, 2013.
  10. roman copper Style icons: Lena Lenina (November 23, 2011). Archived from the original on February 22, 2013. Retrieved February 22, 2013.
  11. Participant discussion page: Levg: “request” of participant Dashkevich.alexander: “So let’s leave it, put 1979 everywhere, the surname before Razumov’s marriage. Request approval for the block from Elena Lenina herself and prohibit editing it. Or leave the ability to edit personally to one user. Maybe we’ll give the exclusive right to edit our page personally to Lena Lenina?”
  12. @ElenaLenina. Twitter (February 16, 2013). Archived from the original on February 22, 2013. Retrieved February 22, 2013.


  • "Elena Lenina". IMDb. (archived:

Today, there is hardly a single person who follows the domestic mass media and has not heard at least something about Lena Lenina. It’s amazing how this woman manages to combine so many professions at once, and at the same time find time for each.

First of all, Lena is an actress and model. And after that - a businesswoman who owns a large network nail salons, and a writer who publishes her books not only in Russian, but also in French. Many of her works have become real bestsellers.

Guided only on our own, Lenina went through a difficult path from a simple provincial girl to an international celebrity. In his books, the author shares not only the secrets of how to successfully start and keep your own business afloat, but also shares how to seduce the opposite sex.

This socialite definitely has something to talk about, because for many years she has been finding ways to excite the public and her admirers. And at the same time, despite his busy schedule, he makes attempts to master new areas of activity.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lena Lenina

Most admirers of this woman, among whom, of course, most are men, are concerned not only with the parameters of her figure, but also with her height, weight, and age. How old Lena Lenina is is absolutely no secret - she is already 38 years old.

Lenin has practically ideal parameters, as for the model. With a height of 170 centimeters, this luxurious beauty weighs 56 kilograms. Despite the fact that Lena is just around the corner 40 years old, she still has the figure of a young girl. Thus, looking at photos of Len Lenin in his youth and now, we can say that some age-related changes only touched the features of her face. However, fans suspect that there was some plastic surgery involved.

Biography of Lena Lenina

Lena Suverneva (this is what the woman’s real name sounds like) was born on October 25, 1979. Both of her parents worked in the medical field. Both the father, Alexey Suvernev, and the mother of little Lena wanted her to also become a doctor and, so to speak, continue the dynasty.

The biography of Lena Lenina is the story of how an ordinary student from the provinces made her way to fame on her own, guided only by her own talent and diligence. And, of course, there was a little luck here too. At her age, Lenina managed to achieve what others often cannot.

Instead, the girl began to show great ability for learning foreign languages ​​from childhood. So, she started learning French back in early childhood and then entered a school with in-depth study of this language. And it is unknown whether Lena understood then how much this language would help her in the future.

After graduating high school, the future socialite decided to enroll in the Faculty of Geology and Geography at the city university. Her future was decided by chance. Lena started working as a model. And she began to make such progress that very soon she decided to abandon her career as a geologist and focus on creativity, in general, and modeling in particular.

Lena Lenina entered the media when she was only 19. Even then she was able to open her first advertising company and launched her own program on local television. Very soon, Lenina decided to move to Moscow in search of prospects for developing her business. Ultimately, Lena moved from Moscow to France.

In addition to advertising and other things, Lenina opened her own business - a chain of nail salons, which grew very quickly. “Lena Lenina manicure salon official website” is one of the most frequent search queries relating to this person.

Moreover, Lena even managed to realize her talent as a writer. Her debut work was a biography written in French - “Cours, cours, camarade”. The story of how she was able to achieve such heights. Afterwards there were several more works not only about herself, but also about other famous and influential people of our time. When Lenina was 26, she published her first book in Russian, entitled “Passion for Excellence.” It is worth recognizing that in Russia this book became a real bestseller and was sold in huge quantities.

Personal life of Lena Lenina

While Lenina was living in France, an aristocrat, the Duke of Orleans, introduced the woman to a local rich man, Pascal Florent Edward. They got married, but the divorce took place after a couple of years. According to Elena herself, Pascal was to blame for the divorce. Her husband was jealous of her absolutely groundlessly, and also forced her to give up everything and become a housewife.

Soon after the divorce, information appeared that Lenina had started an affair with her ex-husband’s business partner.

The personal life of Lena Lenina still remains a subject of interest to society. She currently lives with her mother and child in the Moscow region. One can only imagine how much Lena Lenina loves her job. The manicure studio under her leadership is a great success.

Lena Lenina's family

As mentioned earlier, Lena Lenina’s family gave their lives to medicine. Her father worked in a laboratory, trying to create a cure for HIV and oncology, and her mother worked in cardiology.

My maiden name Elena changed to Lenina when she began to build a career.

Since childhood, she has been very responsible and obligatory. Moreover, purposeful. His talent for writing also appeared in childhood.

Having lived in France for a long time, after a divorce Lena returned to her homeland, where she now lives with her mother and son, and has no plans to try on a veil again.

Children of Lena Lenina

The children of Lena Lenina, or rather her only son, as well as the woman’s personal life, arouse genuine interest among her fans. The boy Clementy was born in Lena’s first, student marriage. But nothing is known about the husband. There is only information that soon after the birth of the child, quarrels began in the family and the husband raised his hand against Lenina, after which she immediately filed for divorce.

According to allegations socialite, she tries to give her son more freedom so that he learns to make decisions himself. Also, from an early age the boy gets used to the business atmosphere of business.

Son of Lena Lenina - Klimenty

Lena Lenina's son, Klimenty, is growing up much more ambitious than his mother. It’s interesting that Klimenty is still very young, but has already started his own business - he produces T-shirts with a variety of prints. According to Lena, most Clementy spends the money he earns on the equipment necessary for his work.

Among other things, Clementy is a very sensible and intelligent boy. He leads a healthy lifestyle, loves sports and studies gerontology, a science that studies the nuances of aging.

Lena says that she and Klimenty are very close, and she tries to devote all her free time to her son.

Lena Lenina's ex-husband - Pascal Florent Edouard

Lena Lenina's ex-husband is Pascal Florent Edward. At first, life married to a French rich man seemed a real fairy tale. But soon everything turned out completely differently. Pascal turned out to be a very jealous man and, moreover, diligently did everything possible so that the artist would give up everything she worked so hard on and instead take care of her family. Lena was not happy with this situation, and she Once again decided to leave her husband.

However, the woman still speaks well of Pascal, remembering Florent as a reliable and calm man. Lena wants to return to friendly relations with her husband, but he is still too reluctant to agree.

Photos of Lena Lenina in Maxim magazine are available for viewing in one of the issues of previous years. Interestingly, the artist took ninetieth position in the TOP 100 most sexy women. Not too much candid photos were carried out in accordance with the specified french style, as both the costumes and general image luxury model.

You can enjoy photographs of Lena Lenina naked or in a swimsuit on the artist’s Instagram. She often pampers her subscribers with pictures in which, for example, she lies topless on the beach or sits naked in the bathroom, where the water is strewn with rose petals. Despite her relatively advanced age, the woman is absolutely not shy about publishing such pictures, showing off her luxurious, slender body.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lena Lenina

The actress tries to keep up with modern trends, being an active user of social networks. After all, this is one of the the best ways to stir up interest in yourself and always be in touch with fans. Instagram and Wikipedia Lena Lenina are the most frequently visited pages of the socialite.

Note that Lena’s Wikipedia page is very short and written entirely in French. But the Instagram profile is regularly updated with new photos and videos from a wide variety of events and activities that Lenina attended. In addition, the model and writer is not at all shy about making fun of herself, sometimes adding to one or another personal photo funny captions. Article found on

Our extravagant author is eager to fight again. Lena Lenina, writer and owner of more than 200 salons of the franchise network “Lena Lenina Network of Manicure Studios” manages everything: and successful business build and write bright columns for the website at the most different topics. However, Lenin tries not to advertise his personal life in order to protect his loved ones from unnecessary attention. It turns out that Lena Lenina has a son, whom the businesswoman decided to talk about.

Especially for readers of the site, the famous blonde speaks about her son for the first time in Russia

Many people don’t know anything about my personal life. Even followers of my social networks sometimes sincerely wish me to quickly get married and have a child, not suspecting that I have already passed these stages in life. Yes, I have a child. Son. And, yes, I adore him. And so I hide it from the vulgar curiosity of the crowd. And I show only the most children's photographs.

The most intelligent lovers of gossip columns realize that most public novels and stories are just beneficial PR for someone.

For example, representatives of other orientations advertise heterosexual relationships in order to gain a reputation as a normal man, which is important in our homophobic society. And unpopular starlets are mating in order to finally appear in the gossip columns. Stars no longer in need of PR are trying to keep true love And sincere feelings away from the sticky gaze of the greedy crowd, from its rancor and bile eruptions.

Although some very yellow journalists are still trying to bring our underwear to light.

And the yellower the reporters, the more intense their yellowness and the closer it is to the color of childish surprise, and even begins to smell the same, the more fiercely they climb into the trash cans near our houses and try, in the name of the notorious “freedom of speech,” to drag out our tender babies to be torn to pieces crowds.

I cannot stand the persistence and impudence of such journalists, their unceremoniousness in dealing with unfortunate family members public people, who, unlike their famous relatives, did not want to get under their spotlights and magnifying glasses. It pains me to see how relatives of stars with disgust dodge such representatives of the “intellectual elite” when they, with their greedy sticky little hands, try to sort through their tender bones for the needs of the crowd.

Once in France, Lena Lenina starred with her son in a photo shoot for a local publication, but the boy was immediately attacked at school by curious students

But if you don’t give anything to predators, they will tear a piece of meat out of you themselves. Therefore, in order to relieve the tension of curiosity regarding my child, I will throw a small piece of meat to those who want to gnaw the bones, in the hope that if I release a little steam from under the lid of the boiling kettle, the temperature will drop slightly.

By the way, we already did this once with my lawyer in relation to my son. When a few years ago I suddenly and one day woke up famous in France thanks to my participation in the famous television show on the First French Channel TF1.

Then, for the first time, information about my child somehow leaked to the press and several paparazzi pitched tents under our windows. The child didn’t go to school, and I ran to a lawyer.

He suggested that, in order to relieve tension and reduce the cost of paparazzi photographs of the child, he should lift the lid of the boiling kettle, that is, give a single interview to one major magazine. The small tender was won by a well-known French society magazine, which offered a fee greater than Paris Match. So I broke a kind of record, refusing to cover such a cool publication even for good money.

Departure to film set was worthy of a film about spies: the child was taken from the underground parking of our house in one tinted car, I was in another, and taken by different roads to the presidential suite of a five-star Parisian hotel, where we played a little “mother-daughter” for the cameras.

The child endured the ordeal cheerfully, but the day after the magazine was published he came home from school in tears.

High school students forced him to sign autographs on the magazine cover, and his old friends stopped communicating with him out of envy. Then I had to transfer him to another school. And he never told anyone else about who his mother was.

After a bad experience, Lena Lenina's son does not show his famous mother to his friends so that he is valued for his own merits

And when he brought the kids to our house, he tried to hide all the frames with my photographs first. Although once I almost punctured myself. A girl from the class who came to him ran into me in front of the entrance, and then enthusiastically told my son: “Do you know that Elena lives in your house?!” The French usually call me with the emphasis on the last syllable. I later asked him what he answered to the girl, but he said that he had not made a mistake.

And I would like a little for him to brag about me. But he always says that he would like his comrades to appreciate him for himself, and not for his mother. Serious boy.

And he's also handsome. Same as his father, tall blond with blue eyes and in a low voice. And clever. And responsible. And hardworking. And a little naive, like all Europeans. On his first visit to Moscow, one of his sincere bewilderments was: “Why are all your cars so dirty?” The roads in Europe are cleaner. And also: “Why don’t they all smile?”

I tried to explain to him that Russian people are harsh, but kind inside and smile only at their loved ones. Until his iPhone was stolen, he believed it.

But despite his European mentality and the funny French habit of kissing everyone twice on the cheek when greeting everyone, he is a great patriot of Russia and every time our country is criticized in the Western press, he is indignant.

Like many who studied in good schools in Europe, he knows four languages. I'm an extrovert, he's an introvert, I'm ethical, he's logical, and that's why we get along great. But he doesn't want to be public and doesn't like to be photographed. He is much more modest than me. And despite numerous offers from talk shows and other programs of central channels that go to visit the stars, he does not agree to act in film. Remembers the troubles of his first experience of publicity.

The businesswoman raised her son strictly so that he would not grow up spoiled

For him, I am a mother who considers his problems and interests a priority, who will cancel any business and any business meeting for the sake of his little troubles and affairs. I'm happy to let him be so self-centered. Although I am a little sorry that he doesn’t read my books, doesn’t watch me on TV and knows nothing at all about my life in Russian show business. Unlike my main fan - my mother.

Maybe we always love our children a little more than they love us?

In order not to spoil him and make him a representative of the golden youth, a slacker spending his parents’ money for entertainment, I raised him in strictness and taught him to work from childhood. For example, I didn’t give him pocket money, but paid him for washing my car. And even though at first, as an eight-year-old, he only spread dirt across it, over time he got used to it, learned it, and began to do it satisfactorily. But he knew the value of money.

And in order for him to have examples of success in business before his eyes, I introduce him to all my entrepreneur friends, and each of them tells him the story of their success and derives its formula.

Each such acquaintance inspires him very much, and he dreams of becoming a billionaire. He independently studied the biographies of businessmen Bernard Arnault, Steve Jobs and Amancio Ortega, the owner of Zara, and wants to be the owner of the largest clothing factory in the world. And for several years now he has been investing all his money, donated by relatives for holidays and birthdays, in printers and other production equipment for the future factory.

Lena Lenina is always ready to cancel any meeting if her son needs his mother's attention

And so that he grew up caring and generous, every time I bought something as a gift for my mother or other family members, I took him with me, consulted with him and set an example of caring for my parents. On one of these days, he promised to give me a new and pink Ferrari from the first million he earned.

The only thing I can't teach him is how to wash dishes. But it’s more likely, on the contrary, our housekeepers taught him from childhood not to wash it.

And now it’s more difficult to re-educate. But he eats right, exercises regularly, and has learned to lead a healthy lifestyle even better than me. And, like an aspiring aristocrat, he also has a golf rank.

And my son is growing up to be a real protector of his mother.

One day, a friend of our neighbor in a Parisian dacha, being tipsy, called me a “fool” to my face for careless parking. My son shouted at him so sternly and loudly that the scoundrel became shy and retreated. And the child then wrote a stern letter to his neighbor and demanded that he force his friend to apologize to his mother. Believe it or not, I called and apologized.

In general, I have the most best child in the world! And I will do my best to protect him from the greedy and vulgar curiosity of the cameras.