School KVN for the New Year jokes. Funny stories for the New Year's holiday, based on KVN jokes from different teams

Developed by a history teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 11, Kizel, Perm region

Poskrebysheva Natalya Olegovna

New Year's KVN for students in grades 7 - 8.

Good evening, dear friends!

We are pleased to welcome you to New Year's game Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.

On New Year's Eve, I would like to wish everyone something unusual: the light of the moon, a round dance of snowflakes, pearls of the stars, the aroma of New Year's forest beauties.

Believe in your star, and under no circumstances lose hope for the best.

New Year- it's magic and fun. So let's have as much fun as we can, together with the KVN teams, who throughout the evening will “shoot” with their jokes, causing a storm of applause and laughter in our hall.

They will compete in their ability to have fun and show off their talents. To light up not only each other, but to excite and amuse the audience so that this New Year's Eve meeting at our school will be remembered by everyone for a long time.
And the light of your eyes, the warmth of your hearts and your good mood will make our evening surprisingly warm and bright!

So, our school is turning into a Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful!

MUSIC “We are starting KVN”

We are starting KVN. Today 6 teams will compete in their skills, resourcefulness and intelligence. These are 7th and 8th grade students.

Let's greet ourselves with thunderous applause

We have a competition for you - for the winter - snowy attention!

We will name a lot of things, and you will white just find out!

Let's talk about white and snowy - clap!

How about something else stomp! Go?

Winter.. Snowball.. Book.. Icicle..

Bunny.. Chanterelle.. Christmas tree... Snowdrift..

Ice cream...Sausage...Bus...


Candy...Rocket...Santa Claus's beard...

Just great.

Well, is everyone ready? (answer from the audience) Let's start our New Year's game.

Wait, it's still early. We need to arrange roll call. Is everyone here?

7a, 7b, 7c, 8a, 8b, 8c

And now we announce our first competition“New Year’s business card - a greeting on the topic: “Everything you wanted to say...”. Team ____ starts our competition

Welcome the team with “Friendly applause!”

And now the second team, the team, is taking up the baton

We thank the team for their performance. And how we thank you is inaudible. This

another thing!

And our competition ends with the team _____

It seems to me that passions are slowly starting to heat up.

This is good, healthy tension is good for a young body.

And so that this good tension does not weaken, we invite teams to take part in the next competition. So, the captain's competition.

We ask classes to choose the most reliable, confident, brave, dexterous, intelligent, strong, resilient team member who will become your captain for the duration of the game.

(captains go on stage and line up)

Well, captains, now we will check whether it is true that you are the most...

Check No. 1. It's called "Quick Colt". On signal, as soon as I say the word “LET’S GO!” , you take a banana out of your pocket, peel it and eat it. For a while. The one who completes the task first wins. ( Music "Pulp Fiction")

Well done! Wait, where did you forget the cartridges?

We continue our captain competition. Check No. 2. Here is a clip of cartridges. At the same signal, deal with the “clip” in the same way as with a banana. (mandarin)

Ready? Music. Let's start.

I think that our captains coped with their task with dignity.

I even have to say more - they exceeded all expectations!

Well, then we move on to the next competition - which is called “Where ours has not disappeared...”.

Everyone knows that every captain has assistants. We ask the captains to choose two of their most trusted assistants and invite them to the stage.

(line up) (question to participants)

Do you know what day the New Year comes to us? (31.12.2012)

Right. This is exactly the date you need to show us all. But not in a very ordinary way.

Turn your back to the audience. To the music, you must show the date of the new year with the ham part of your body. Is the task clear? We will tell you the numbers in order, and you will show them.

3 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 (under MACARENA)

Well done! Such assistants will never let you down. Even in the most difficult moment they will be able to help out by using non-standard equipment communication.

And we move on to the next test for classes - the team test.

You have to show all your cohesion and show it on stage in 3 minutes of all students class picture. And which one - we will guess together with everyone! (we draw out the picture, discuss, show)

Is the task clear? Music, three minutes for discussion, and then take turns on stage.



And then here's what. You know, all the adults claim that there is no Santa Claus. And the children believe them. And sometimes you want a fairy tale. Therefore, let's create a fairy tale with our own hands. Even if children don’t believe in the good Santa Claus, let them create a fairy tale themselves.

The next competition is called " Whose Grandfather is better?" Using only henchmen facilities, you need, while the music is playing, to come up with an outfit for Santa Claus, whom you choose from your team. And then we will evaluate together whose fairy-tale Santa Claus turned out to be the most original.

Is the task clear? Then we started. (Dude)

(We evaluate who can shout loudest. We leave Grandfather on stage.)

I see that we've been sitting too long. It would be necessary dance.

Do you mind?

Then the next competition is called “ Are you weak?" The whole class participates.

We stand in a circle. Now let's rehearse New Year's movements around our Christmas tree.

And we ask you to follow all our commands exactly.

Figure one - “Round Dance”: stand in a circle, hold hands and move in a circle...

Figure two - “Snowflake”: join your right hands in the center of the circle and continue moving in a circle...

Figure three - “Christmas trees”: break into pairs, raise your right hands up and spin in pairs...

Figure four - “Blizzard”: break the circle and move like a snake one after another...

Be careful! During the dance, the order of the figures will not be observed. Maestro, music!


For everyone who wants to test their knowledge, a New Year's blitz quiz is offered. You need to listen to the question, give an answer and receive a prize from Santa Claus.

Is the task clear? Well, then let's go!

New Year's decoration and mountain road (serpentine)

Ice platform and laying machine (skating rink)

At the spruce tree and at the seamstress (needles)

On the Christmas tree and on the Kremlin tower (stars)

A personality gray in all respects (shaggy-legged horse) trotting past the Christmas tree.

Man's anti-Christmas tree weapon (axe)

The Snow Maiden's life time. (winter)

Seasonal “sculpture” made from truly natural

Material (snowman)

An ancient but timeless dance at the Christmas tree. (round dance)

The residence of the Russian Father Frost is located (Veliky Ustyug)

Time of day when old and new years meet (night)

Average, from three white horses (January)

According to TV people, it is blue (light)

Why does Grandfather Frost bring a bag of gifts? (behind the back)

She is the most elegant of all on New Year's Eve (Christmas tree)

What is the last rain for many trees? (New Year's rain)

What zodiac sign does the New Year begin with? (Capricorn)

Well, just wonderful!

We promise there will be more to come...I'm not kidding.

But here's something some people thought about. Do not you think?

We should find out. What thoughts are in their head?

I have an idea! It's called " Smart hat" Knows everything about everyone. You apply it to your head, and it immediately tells you all your thoughts out loud. Shall we check?

(1 presenter approaches any student, puts a hat on his head, plays a short excerpt of a song, etc.)


Look, everyone has different thoughts, like New Year's gifts under the tree.

Do you know different songs about the Christmas tree and New Year? (participant responses)

Well, you can check it though. The following assignment for each class. We give you the words of a remade New Year's song, 2 minutes to think about it, and then you must perform it together from the stage. And we will all appreciate your creativity.

Just one note. All songs are remade on behalf of representatives of different professions. Don't forget to take this into account when performing.

« Old songs in a new way».

To the tune of the song “Bouquet” (song of a modern tour operator)

To the tune of “It’s not beer that kills people...” (song by a self-taught doctor)

To the tune of the song “Help Me...” (song of an impostor fortune teller)

To the tune of “At the edge of the forest...” (song of migrant workers in Russia)

To the tune of “I’ll take you to the tundra...” (winter carrier of tourist groups)

To the tune of “Fortune Teller” (song of a modern stylist)

To the tune of "Dolphin and the Mermaid" ( modern look like a fairy tale)

Let's check the cohesion of each class. Next competition " Frost Breath».

Your task is to blow on your own together, as a whole class. New Year's snowflake so that it doesn't fall on the floor. The competition continues until one team remains holding a snowflake in the air.

Do you understand the task? then what are you all waiting for?

New Year's toys


Well done to everyone, but _____ class did the best job.

But anyway, let's give a unanimous round of applause to all our classes for such incredible efforts.

You know, we forgot to choose Santa Claus the Snow Maiden. This oversight needs to be corrected.

The next competition is announced. " Dress up the Snow Maiden».

There is a huge box on the stage. It contains various items. You need to take one item from the box, put it on the Snow Maiden, from your class , and only then you can take the next item.

But just don’t forget, Snegurochka, like any girl, loves to dress up and look beautiful. Don't turn her into Baba Yaga.

Is the task clear to everyone?

Senior Ensemble “Dance New Year”

(we choose with applause whose Snow Maiden is better)

Well, it seems like all the characters for New Year's message we have. All that remains is for them to congratulate us all on the upcoming New Year.

In the meantime, our newly minted Father Frost and Snow Maiden are preparing a speech - we have DANCE MARATHON.

Father Frost:

Who comes on New Year's Day

Quiet on your toes?

Who gives you gifts?

In different socks?

Who leaves on the Christmas tree

Sweet candy?

Everyone in the world knows me,

Adults and children!

Well of course, well of course

It's me, your Santa Claus!

In addition to colorful gifts

I brought you congratulations:

Happy New Year

All people without exception,

So that never in life

We didn’t meet any disappointment!

Snow Maiden:

Congratulations from the Snow Maiden,

Hurry up to embrace the New Year.

I live without worry,

I want to wish you today!

And I wish you happiness too,

There can never be too much of it!

Success, happiness forever

Good luck, joy, warmth!

And we, in turn, want to reward you all for your excellent mood, and give each class diploma.


This concludes our first meeting at the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful

and we hope that in the new year you will take a serious step into the big KVN life.

Time flew by so quickly, minutes, half an hour, hours

We had a lot of fun and gave you prizes!

And there is a fun holiday ahead, a magical, bright New Year

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment when the New Year comes!

Happy New Year to everyone, it’s such a pleasure to congratulate you

And we sincerely wish you to joke, laugh and dream!

All: Happy New Year!!!


At the edge of the forest

Winter lived in a hut.

She salted snowballs

In a birch tub.

She was spinning yarn

She wove canvases

Kovala ice

Yes, there are bridges over rivers.

The ceiling is icy

The door is creaky.

Behind a rough wall

The darkness is prickly.

As you step over the threshold -

There is frost everywhere.

And from the windows of the parks

Blue is blue.

"Three white horses."

The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled.

And they got a little ruffled at home.

It's warm and damp in the city,

It's warm and damp in the city,

And outside the city it’s winter, winter, winter.

And it takes me away, and it takes me away

Into the ringing snowy distance

Three white horses, oh three white horses -

December, January and February.

Little Christmas tree

cold in winter

A Christmas tree from the forest

we took it home

beads hung

got into a round dance

fun, fun

Let's celebrate the new year

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

she grew up in the forest

slim in winter and summer

it was green

the blizzard sang a song to her

sleepy herringbone bye-bye

frost covered with snow

look don't freeze.

Now she's smart

She came to us for the holiday

And lots and lots of joy

I brought it for the kids.

New Year's Eve at your school the game will take place"Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful"? The audience and the jury will enjoy mini-scenes based on fairy tales, cartoons, issues of the humorous magazine "Yeralash" and New Year jokes for KVN at school, which play out various situations in the classroom.

To stage such miniatures, you don’t have to learn the texts by heart, the main thing is to convey the essence of what this or that character is saying.

How to organize KVN at school for the New Year?

In the first school scene New Year's KVN involves Baba Yaga and her daughter. For this production you will need original props - costumes and wigs for fairy-tale characters.

The girl cries and Baba Yaga asks her what happened. The daughter replies that she wants to play the role of the Snow Maiden on New Year's party, but she was told that she was not beautiful enough for this.

- Or maybe the role would suit you? Snow Queen? - Baba Yaga is interested.
“Just think: her outfit is several kilograms of icicles, and her crown is made of a broken mirror.” This is a direct threat to my health!

“Okay, let’s make a Snow Maiden out of you,” Baba Yaga agrees. First things first, devilish to you suitable hairstyle will build Keep in mind that he is natural materials works - snags yes fir cones, instead of varnish - resin.

Baba Yaga's daughter:
- What a deal! But I also need a suitable outfit.
Baba Yaga:
- You, daughter, will have everything in the first category: Cinderella’s dress, glass slippers...

- What are you talking about, mama, this is the century before last! I need a killer kit: Leather Jacket, ripped jeans, bandana with rhinestones and Adidas sneakers.
Baba Yaga:
- Okay, daughter! Everything will be top class!
I'll conjure some new clothes
For my daughter's party.
Cracks, pex, fax!…

At the end of this skit at the school KVN about Baba Yaga, her daughter appears before the audience in a new outfit and declares:
– What can I say, you see for yourself: beauty is a terrible power!

What other New Year's jokes are suitable for KVN at school?

Your performance in various competitions, be it “Greeting”, “ Homework"or "Captains Competition" will diversify comic skits for school KVN - for example, these:

  • This year, for the first time, my parents let me celebrate the New Year with friends. But after my mother found a shopping list in my jeans pocket for... festive table, for some reason he and dad decided to join us.
  • There is a superstition in our class that if you lean out the window on New Year’s Eve and... memorize all the tickets, you will definitely pass the exam.
  • A good half of Russian teachers write comments in their diaries, and the bad half also call their parents to school on the eve of the holiday.
  • School is a place where teachers demand knowledge from students in all subjects, while they themselves know only one.
  • Also in kindergarten we were given a sentence: 11 years of school regime with confiscation of toys.

Funny miniatures for KVN for 2019 New Year can be staged with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Once they invited the children to visit and began to ask them questions about the materials of the school curriculum.

Father Frost:
– What are dense forests?
– These are the kind of forests in which it’s good to snooze!

Snow Maiden:
– Who can name five wild animals?
The student raises his hand.
- A lion, a lioness and... three lion cubs.

A letter arrived in the mail from a boy to Santa Claus:
– Grandfather Frost, send me a warm hat, mittens and socks for the New Year.
The postal workers took pity on the boy and bought him mittens and socks, but there wasn’t enough money for a hat: you yourself know that salaries at the post office are small. An answer comes from the boy:
- Thank you, Grandfather Frost, for the mittens and socks, and it seems that the evil women at the post office stole my hat.

A boy writes a letter to Santa Claus:
"Hello Dedushka Moroz! I received the Chinese firecrackers that you sent me last time, and I really liked them. This New Year I would like to ask you to give me two fingers for right hand and an eye!”

On New Year's Eve, Pinocchio approaches Papa Carlo and asks to give him a toy animal. Dad Carlo thought and thought and made a toy. He gave it to Pinocchio and heard that he was crying.
- What's happened? – asks Papa Carlo.
“I just wanted a toy - a dog or a cat,” answers Pinocchio, “and this toothy beaver looks at me strangely!”

Other jokes for New Year's school KVN

– Now you will hear phrases that you will not hear on New Year’s Eve...
“Mom, dad, stay at home, let's spend the New Year together”; “Girls, go, drink what you want and as much as you want, and my father and I will sit here together.”

Santa Claus doesn't exist. He lives to the fullest.

An emergency at school: at a New Year's celebration, a boy in a cucumber costume was bitten by a physical education teacher.

Seven-year-old Petya almost believed in Santa Claus, but dad laughed and his beard came off.

A boy from an elite kindergarten is learning a New Year's rhyme:
– Hello, Grandfather Frost, cotton wool beard!
Give a BMW X-5 for the New Year!

A children's search engine called Woogl was presented at a Tambov school for the New Year. If you want to know a lot - Vugl!

For the New Year, you can also act out scenes for KVN, the action of which takes place in school during lessons.

At school, children write an essay on the topic “What would I ask Santa Claus for the New Year?”
– Dear Grandfather Frost! Make sure we are no longer forced to write these stupid essays!

During a math exam, the teacher carefully observes the students and from time to time kicks out of the class those who have cheat sheets.
The director looks into the classroom:
- How's the exam going? I think there are a lot of cheaters here!
- No, the lovers have already gone home. Only professionals remain here.

– Petrov, why do you look at your watch every minute?
“Because I’m terribly worried that a stupid call might interrupt this amazingly interesting lesson at a completely inopportune time.”

- Children, draw a square with a side of twelve centimeters!
- Marya Ivanovna, what kind of square is this - with one side?!

- You, Sidorov, interesting essay, but why isn't it finished?
– Because my father was urgently called to work!

- And now I will prove to you the Pythagorean theorem.
Petya with back desk:
- Is it worth it, Ivan Ivanovich? We already believe you!

– Why is European time ahead of American time?
Petushkov holds out his hand:
– Because America was discovered later!

The teacher says to the student:
– Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!
– Do you mean father?
- No, let your grandfather come. I want to show him what gross mistakes his son makes in your homework.

The last scene of the New Year's KVN takes place during the school break.

Two high school girls are talking:
“You know, just thinking about him makes my heart race, my hands shake, my legs give way, I can’t even speak.”
- And what is his name?
- Unified State Exam!

For these smaller productions, you won't need elaborate sets. For example, if a scene is being played out in the classroom, all you need to do is hang up the board and set up a desk. If the action takes place during recess, a corridor window is suitable as a decoration.

Help the children who take part in productions show their acting talents - and jokes for KVN at school for the New Year 2019 will not let your viewers get bored!

Dear visitors, if you write skits, graduation scripts for grades 9 and 11 and can share, send them by e-mail to
Please report all cases of illegal copying of sketches, poems and other site materials.
If you want to talk about this scenario, just share the link.

Funny stories for New Year's holiday, based on KVN's jokes different teams

Funny stories for the New Year's holiday, based on KVN jokes from different teams.

Scene 1.
- And we have the latest news
- Hot ten from 10 b
-The eighth-graders of school No. 90 drank for the New Year... did they drink? A!!! sawed out
using a jigsaw to create the figure of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden!

Ex-President of France Do Chirac... Jacques Chirac received.... sent Sasha... received the US Ambassador!

Chunsky lumberjacks drank too much... sawed 1000 cubic meters of excess wood.

For the New Year, the Russian company Powder has released a new washing powder
“The hell with it,” you soak the New Year’s tablecloth in it and “The hell with it!”

News from the Christmas tree market! Bayorsky forestry enterprise warns: those who buy artificial Christmas trees will be visited by a fake Santa Claus with fake gifts.

Scientists have found that when it’s cold in winter, Elena Vorobey also gets ruffled.

Especially for girls New Year's remedy for weight loss “It’s just that this jacket makes me fat,” wear “It’s just that this jacket makes me look fat” and eat as much as you want!

Attention, the Tele2 company warns: 50 rubles have been deducted from your phone account for calling Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

And finally, the last one: The whole world froze in anticipation, will the Russians have enough strength to celebrate the old New Year!

And on New Year's Eve, girls tell fortunes.
- And we want to show you the most common fortune telling - for the groom.
- Fortune telling No. 1 for felt boots.
-A girl goes out into the yard late at night, takes off her felt boots, spins around herself several times, and throws the felt boots over the fence.
- And what?
- Well, then he walks around all year like a fool, without felt boots.
-Fortune telling No. 2. For sleep.
- Old people say you should put any kind of pillow under your pillow at night. thing of that someone you want to bewitch, for example, your loved one’s socks...
- And what?
- They will stink so much - all the love will disappear immediately.
- And fortune telling No. 3. On the mirror.
- At New Year’s Eve you ask the first masked girl you meet for a mirror, and in the morning you wonder: “Who should you return it to?”
Well, in the new year 2008 we wish you 12 months without illness,
-53 weeks of all the best,
-365 days of happiness,
-8760 hours of success,
-525 00 minutes of love
-and 31,536,000 seconds of pleasant moments!

Block No. 3 New Year gifts and surprises. 3 people DM. and Snow Maiden.

By opening each ad block with this music, we activated CMEX - virus 2008!
-He has already crossed over your heads and down your back, and is tickling you in the n-spot!
- If you smile, it means you LIKE it!
- Let's start with the announcement.
-Snegurochka 90-60-90 needs Santa Claus. With a nice gift.
- We have just the right one. (D.M comes out first without a hat)
-Okay, kids, we’ll give you 100 rubles each for gifts!
- And I only have 20, and I ate the rest! (and eats chips)
DM checks his pockets, takes out his Fanta, etc., puts on his hat and says:
- So, kids, all the kids are now receiving delicious sweet gifts with candies, oranges, apples! Everything except……….! And U…………..gastritis and therefore his gift contains \"Smecta\", activated charcoal and millet!
-DM, what will you give me?
- And I’ll give you Timothy’s disk!
- HA ha ha how funny! It's better to give me your beard, otherwise it's in my house from the window
blowing! AAAA
-That's right, glass wool!
-Grandfather Frost, please give me a little brain - I want to get rich like Bill Gates!
- Why do you need brains? Come on, I'll give you... 5 million dollars!
- No, better give me your brains.
- Fine! Done!
- I'm such a fool!!! They gave me 5 million dollars, but I refused
-And now kids, let’s call here the one without whom not a single holiday is complete.
All: Police, police, police.
Snow Maiden appears: Grandfather, I forgot something, when you say one, two, three, the tree is burning, should I immediately go out with the canister?
- And this is my girl! Snow Maiden!
- Well, what will we decide now about the New Year?
- And we have already decided - let it come.

Block No. 4.
After the promotional music, cleaning lady U. comes out from behind the scenes onto the stage (blue robe, mop, half a bucket of water, etc.) and in all seriousness begins to wash the stage (for real!).
- What are you doing, we have a performance! Now is our exit, we have advertising!
U.: - And I have work! All sorts of people walk around here, just watching..., and then everything here disappears..., - and continues his way, grumbling under his breath.
V. shrugs and tries to continue speaking, for example reading a letter
Vovochki DM, looking at U.U. from time to time, without being embarrassed at all, washes a rag in a bucket and wipes the stage with a mop a couple of times. In the process, the bucket is rearranged throughout the stage and at some point is momentarily hidden from the eyes of the audience behind the scenes. At this point, you need to quickly replace it with the same half-filled confetti. As if nothing had happened, U. approaches the edge of the stage and quickly “pours water” onto the audience with a flourish. The latter are TRYING
DODGE screaming and yelling and they get STAR RAIN and then EXPLOSION
LAUGHTER (checked!).
P.S. Confetti can be replaced with multi-colored pieces of paper, the main thing is that people don’t quickly notice it.
Block 5
DM and Snegurochka are pulling a huge bag onto the stage.
-Heavy, infection! They barely made it!
- But what joy for the children, so many gifts! And what's in there?
- Tangerines! They produce the hormone of joy! (they open the bag and it comes out
comrade chewing tangerines)
- Who are you?
-I'm a tangerine cannibal! (takes the bag and leaves, chewing tangerines)
-He ate his own!?
- Well, that's it kids, the gifts are over! And with them our performance! Happy New Year, laughter and joy to you!



The music is playing New Year's theme

(Music before the start of the evening. The spectators are in their seats in the hall. The teams are also in the hall.)

Ved: Good evening.

Ved: Finally, in our school holiday,

Finally a carnival.

And, believe me, it’s not in vain.

Everyone was waiting for him!

Ved: There will be competitions, jokes,

Awards, prizes.

Disco very soon

He will tell you: “Don’t slow down!”

Ved: You are tired of studying.

So go ahead! To the masquerade!

But first, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the workers!

Ved: Today, on New Year's Eve, all our KVN players will compete in their ability to have fun and show their talents. To light up not only each other, but also to excite and amuse the audience so that this New Year's meeting at our school will be remembered for a long time.

Ved: Ours New Year's miracles Today we will be presented with 4 beautiful


Ved: So, welcome to the 8th grade team “(applause)

Ved: So, welcome to the 9th grade team “(applause)

Ved: We welcome the 10th grade team “(applause)

Ved: Greetings to the 11th grade team “(applause)

Ved: For the competition to take place, we first need to present our competent jury.

Ved: Our jury today...

Ved: The teams are in place, the jury is too.

Ved 1: Our first competition “New Year's business card”.

So, we meet a team of students from the _____ class.

We greet the _____ class team with thunderous applause.

And now the speech of the students of _____ class.

And our first competition is completed by a team of students from _____ class.

Let's thank the teams.

Ved: Now we have really started our evening with you. And if

there is a beginning, then there will definitely be a continuation.

Jury scores for the first competition.

Next competition “Warm-up – Guessing Game”

The teams will take turns being given a question to which they must answer.

In which country is the New Year's old man called Père Noel?
1. Norway
2. France
3. Spain

In which country is the New Year's old man called Toshigami?
1. Japan
2. China
3. Italy

In which country is the New Year's old man called Yulemand?
1. Belgium
2. Poland
3. Norway

In which country is the New Year's old man called Santa Claus?
1. Iraq
2. Ethiopia
3. USA

New Year films.

1 . What was the name of the boy whose father, mother, brothers and sisters left home alone for the Christmas holidays? (Kevin - Home Alone)
2. What material was the man made of, whom his mischievous wife sent into the forest to get a Christmas tree in the cartoon “Carrion” last year's snow"? (Made from plasticine)
3. In which New Year's toy turned the young prince into a king of mice, according to the fairy tale by K. Hoffmann? (Nutcracker)
4 . In which film did actors E. Leonov, G. Vitsin, S. Kramorov celebrate the New Year at the dacha of an archaeological professor? (Gentlemen of Fortune)
5.What is the name of the village in which one Christmas night, at the request of one of the residents, the devil stole the moon? (Dikanka)
6.What was the name of the polar bear cub who came to his boy friend on New Year's Eve and asked if he could eat christmas tree?
7. How was the New Year’s episode “Well, just wait!” (5)

8. In what New Year's film main character sings in the voice of Alla Pugacheva? (The Irony of Fate)

Jury scores for the second competition “Warm-up”.

We called the next competition “Applique on a Balloon”

Round balloon small in size, similar to a head. True, for complete resemblance to the head there are still not enough eyes, ears, nose, lips, hair, etc.
Try cutting out these missing parts of the face from colored paper and sticking them on the balloon. As a result, the balloon can turn into the head of New Year's heroes:
- Santa Claus;
- Snow Maidens;
- Hare;


Together with their heads, the team prepares congratulatory words for their hero.

I think that our teams are already fully prepared and can show their results..

Many thanks to all teams for your creative imagination and for your skill, and now the jury's assessments.

Next competition “Tasty martial arts”

Take the candy out of the flour.
Flour is poured into a bowl in a heap. The candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, by which it can be pulled out.

Vedas: jury assessments.

The next competition is called “Sleight of Hand”

Jury scores.

The next competition is called “Musical”

Each team shows a musical number.

Jury assessment.

The next competition is called “Mosaic”.
Each table is given an envelope in which beautiful card cut into different geometric figures. Task - collect a postcard , stick it on a piece of paper.

Jury scores.

The next competition is called “Black Box”.

1. I really like this thing
2. It causes a lot of trouble for adults
3. Once she had a hare mask with an elastic band inside her
4. She looks like a grenade
5. She has a string that you need to pull

1. This is something so long
2. My mother decorated my suit with this
3. It’s so colorful and shiny
4. It can be easily torn
5. It is made from foil

1. My dad says they could set the house on fire.
2. I have a whole pack
3. People with them walk down the street and wave their hands.
4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some do.
5. They burn and throw sparks everywhere
(Bengallights )

1. I tried it once while my mother wasn’t looking.
2. We had it in our sideboard for six months
3. There first “Bang-bang”, and then “P-sh-sh”
4. The most important thing is to make sure it doesn’t run away
5. Our traffic jam almost broke a mirror.

The competition is called " Christmas story on new way».

And now the teams will show their theater skills and show fairy tales in a new way. And also a poster, which will be evaluated by our competent jury.

Jury assessment.

Ved: Well, now let’s probably move on to the most interesting part - dear jury

please announce total points for all competitions.

Santa Claus hands over immediately certificates of honor behind top places and gives gifts:

Vedas: 1. Time flew by so quickly, minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!

Ved2: And there is a merry holiday ahead,

Magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment,

When the New Year comes!

Ved1: Happy New Year to you -

It’s so nice to congratulate you! -

And we wish you with all our hearts

Don't forget to learn!

Ved2: Smile more often, it’s easier

And live in peace with dad and mom.

It's fun to laugh,

For real be friends!

Snow Maiden.:

Parting is coming

But we mean

Parting - goodbye!

In the new, next year!

All together: Happy New Year! See you again!!!

In fact school teams They can joke not only about school topics, but also about any others: about the police, about celebrities, and about everyday topics. The main thing is that their jokes retain a childish perspective on things, otherwise the audience simply won’t believe them.

Are your parents totally controlling you? Are they blatantly interfering in your personal life? Don't they notice that you've grown up? It’s okay, when you go to first grade, everything will change.

After the series of films about Harry Potter, schools began to be more careful about swearing at little rickety glasses.

A criminal case has been opened against the group “Timati and the gang” under the article “Banditism and Timatism”

I address all adults in the room. Admit it, in fifth grade you all giggled when you heard the word “polynomial.”

Sponsor of the Yaroslavl Paints team. “Yaroslavl paints” - I painted it and forgot about it.

The naughty boy did not put on his hat and was run over by a KamAZ truck.

An operative from Chelyabinsk delayed his son’s mental development.

Announcement. We organize and conduct corporate events, bacchanals, apocalypses and Armageddons with the participation of Russian pop stars.

News of show business. The Uran 238 group broke up.

Andrey Gubin does not grow because of his fear of heights.

The “Stars on Ice” program with the participation of Philip Kirkorov, Evgeny Petrosyan, and the Factor-2 group will be filmed at the end of March on the ice of Lake Peipus.

Glamor girls are 80 percent eau de toilette.

Killer thong cut blonde in half.

The next boxing championship in Lyubertsy began with the words “Let me smoke.”

Advanced pigeons do not peck loaf crumbs after 6 pm.

If a fan of Dima Bilan plays Dima Bilan's songs for several hours in a row, then her kidneys may fail.

Zimbabwean Father Christmas prepared a boy who did not prepare a rhyme.

Bill Gates goes into sleep mode after 20 minutes of silence.

By purchasing the ball and nipple for the pump, the Bangladesh team rose 5 points in the FIFA rankings.

While reading a chart for an eye test at an ophthalmologist, Glucose recorded a new hit.

That's all for now. These short text jokes are enough to successfully “shoot” in the KVN biathlon.

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Keep in mind that this page is viewed by 100-150 people a day. Among them may be your rivals. 60 more jokes for biathlon or the “5 News” competition, but already "not illuminated" on the Internet, you can