Dance for the New Year's party “Waltz of Snowflakes. Alla Evtodieva - New Year's dances Movements for dancing snowflakes at school


Introduction. 1st phrase. Snowflake girls run out with scarves in their hands in a circle and stop in their places. 2nd phrase - the boys run up to their partners and stand behind them, holding their hands behind their backs.

First verse. . 1st phrase : all children perform balance 4 times from right to left, boys have their hands behind their backs, and girls move freely in the direction of the tilt. 2nd phrase: girls do a “swallow” on the count of “one-two” to the right, on “three-four” to the left, while the boys hold the girls’ waist with their hands. On the count of “five, six, seven, eight,” the girls spin in place with their scarves raised high, and the boys sway left and right with their hands behind their backs.

Chorus: the boys turn their backs in a circle, and the girls stand with their backs to them, while the boy hugs the girl around the waist with his right hand, and holds the girl’s left hand with his left hand, stretching his arms forward in an arrow, the children put their left leg forward on the toe. To the words "silver snowflakes"couples perform four swings back and forth, and in response to words"necessary I'm being circled, circled"girls perform three turns in a circle with their arms raised high and move on to the next boy. This combination of movements is repeated 3 times. To words“It’s just a pity, the snow in the house is melting, and he can’t stay warm”the girls turn to face the boys and do balance with them 4 times, the pair’s hands are connected in a “boat” manner.

Losing. Girls raise their hands high up, and boys put their hands behind their backs, and the pairs perform the “cog” movement - a simultaneous turn in pairs in a circle, with each person turning around himself. This movement is performed 8 times.

Third verse. Children stand in pairs with their left side towards the center of the hall, with the girls’ backs to the boys, their hands connected in a “boat”.!-th phrase – balance from the center of the circle and back (4 times in total).

2nd phrase - the boy puts both hands behind his back, and the girl at this time makes an “umbrella2” from the center of the circle. The boy takes the girl by the left hand with his right hand, and the girl twists herself with an “umbrella” towards the boy, and then again with an “umbrella” away from the boy (do not release your hands). Next, the couples move in a circle on their tiptoes, the boys “leading the snowflakes.”

Chorus movements are the same.

Loss after second chorus. 1st phrase: “screw” movement 8 times. 2nd phrase : boys go down on one knee in front of the girls, while holding the girl’s left hand with their right hand. The girls circle the boys twice.

Chorus movements are the same.

Ending . 1st phrase – “cog” 8 times. 2nd phrase : boys kneel and girls walk around them twice. 3rd phrase – balance in pairs 4 times facing the audience (girl with her back to the boy). 4th phrase – the boy stands to the left of the girl, hugs her waist with his right hand. The girl's right hand is also on her waist. The left hands are clasped “boat” (towards the window to the left). The boy spins the girl around, quickly moving his legs. At the end of the phrase, the girl makes an “umbrella” towards the mirror (to the right), and the boy catches the girl’s left hand with his right hand.

Description of the dance “Snowflakes”

Only girls dance. In their hands they have several raindrops fastened together. The girls are squatting around the Christmas tree.
1. Slowly rise 1, 3, 5, 7. 2-3
2. 1, 3, 5, 7 squat down at the same time rise 2, 4, 6, 8 times
3. spinning.
4. run in a circle around the Christmas tree, changing the music 1. spin 2-3 times
(the music itself suggests the moments of spinning and stopping).
5. spring. Swing your arms up and down in front of you.
6. spinning.
7. run up to the tree, hands up, run back, hands down. (repeatedly).
8. spinning.
9. run around the tree in a circle, forming two concentric circles in front of the tree.
10. spinning.
11.repeat number 5.
12. spinning.
13. The inner circle changes places with the outer one. The circle that goes to the middle raises their hands up. The circle that moves back lowers its arms down (the circles change places several times).
14. circle around the hall, arms to the sides.
15. Slowly sit down.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes



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There is very little time left and winter will knock on the door, filled with numerous holidays and snowy days. And nothing can better convey this atmosphere than snowflakes dance. This choreographic work can be performed both in kindergarten and in primary school, mostly girls dance.

Children's snowflake dance: selection of costumes

To fulfill dance of white snowflakes, you need to think about costumes in advance; preference should be given to festive white dresses, which are trimmed with rain along the hem in the sleeve area. Hands must contain sticks decorated with rain or a paper snowflake.

More often dance of snowflakes in kindergarten performed not only by preschoolers, but also by one of the teachers, who portrays the Snow Maiden or the Snow Queen, who commands small particles of snow. The Snow Maiden costume is standard: a blue or white robe, boots, and a hat on her head.

Dance of snowflakes: music

To perform efficiently snowflakes dance and immerse the audience in the festive atmosphere, you need to choose the right musical accompaniment. Among the most popular songs that are suitable for performing the described choreographic work are the following:

  • show group Ulybka and Andrey Varlamov - “Silver Snowflakes”;
  • Gelsyat Shaidulova - “Dance of Snowflakes”;
  • P.I. Tchaikovsky. The Nutcracker - “Waltz of the Snowflakes”;
  • Oleg Pavlov - “Dance of Snowflakes”;
  • A.A Burenina - “Dance of Snowflakes and Blizzards”.

And this is just a short list of musical works that are suitable for performing such.

Snowflake dance: movements

Having selected the music and costumes for the performance, it’s time to study the characteristic movements for the snowflake dance, to make it easier to learn them with preschoolers, you need clarity. For these purposes, it is enough to enter the query “ snowflake dance video" Several dozen videos have been allocated for this request; you can completely copy the movements of one of them, or you can study several videos and combine the movements present in them.

When children perform the snowflake dance, they perform the following movements:

  • spinning in place with arms raised up;
  • smooth running in a general circle;
  • smooth swings of the arms.

Features of studying snowflake dance

Teachers of private kindergartens make their lives much easier by having the opportunity to invite them to perform. Government agencies cannot afford this, so they have to do it themselves.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the snowflake dance, it requires smoothness and rhythm, so to make it easier to learn its movements, it is recommended to follow a number of preparatory methods:

  1. Direct display. Before starting to learn the dance, it is recommended to show other children performing it on video. Further, by watching the video you can teach children.
  2. Verbal narration. To make it easier for children to move to the rhythm, the nature of the music should be explained in accessible words, where certain points must be emphasized.
  3. Improvisation. It is worth asking preschoolers, after listening to the music for the dance, to try to pick up the movements, without saying who did better and who did worse.
  4. Concentration. Throughout the entire period of studying dance movements, you should return to those elements that were learned at the very beginning, this will allow you to study the choreographic work much better.

Very important, therefore snowflakes dance will be an excellent assistant in developing a child’s talent.


Nadezhda Akhmatova
Dance for the New Year's party "Waltz of Snowflakes"

Description of the dance for New Year's party« Snowflake Waltz» for middle group children

music by A. Varlamov song "Silver snowflakes»

Description of the dance

First verse:

The girls stand behind each other behind the Christmas tree, holding plumes in their hands.

They lightly run around the hall and form a circle.

To the chorus: The girls wave in front of them alternately to the right. then with the left hand.

Spinning, hands with plumes at the top, lightly waving them.

Smoothly swing the plumes to the right and to the left.

They circle to lose. Hands to the side.

Second verse:

They easily run in a circle, waving their plumes at the top, then expand the circle.

Waving plumes below. (The movement is repeated twice.).

Chorus: The movements are repeated.

When they lose, the girls easily run around the hall in all directions. Hands to the side.

Third verse:

Gradually squat down, then gradually stand up. (movement is repeated twice).

Chorus: The movements are repeated.

At the end « snowflakes» spin around, arms to the sides, and slowly squat.

Publications on the topic:

"The Transformation of Santa Claus" Scenario of the New Year's party. Transformation of Santa Claus. Characters: Santa Claus, Leshy, Kikimora. Children: Bullfinch, Strawberry, Christmas ball.

New Year's party script Entrance to the hall for the New Year's holiday for the senior group New Year's rhyme Introduction: laughter and music They run out, holding hands, stand up.

Description of the dance “We are a drop in the ocean”(from the Lentyaevo Faculty) Together we will achieve everything I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt. Steps in place, lifting your heels off the floor. One for all and all for.

Scenario for a New Year's party for younger preschoolers NEW YEAR'S MORNING FOR YOUNGER PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Children, accompanied by music, enter a festively decorated hall, in the center of which stands a decorated Christmas tree.

New Year's party script New Year's party Children run into the hall to the music. Ved: Happy New Year! Both hosts and guests, I wish everyone happiness, good times and good times.

New Year's party script Scenario of the New Year's party Children run into the hall and stand around the Christmas tree. Host: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! With new joy for.

Educational communication about the history of dance within the framework of the project “The Magic World of Dance” FROM THE HISTORY OF DANCE Objectives: - introduce the history of the emergence of dance Materials and equipment: - music center - disk/flash card with music.

Open lesson of the creative association “Melodies of Ballroom Dancing”. Teaching the dance movements "Slow Waltz" Topic: Musical accompaniment to the dance movements “Slow Waltz”: step forward, backward, to the sides. Goal: Continued movement training.

New Year's Eve, turn on your lights!

In this section you will see a variety of my New Year's dances: performed by the whole group or several guys, bright, playful or soulful, lyrical! In a word, you will plunge into all the colors of the New Year's holiday beloved by children!!!

Enjoy watching!!!



Entrance to the matinee


"The New Year is calling us"

entrance to the holiday, preparatory group

Music for dance

"Ding-ding-dong" -

entrance to the matinee, senior group


music for dance

I got this group of preparations in the preparatory group... it was hard when you get such big children, you have to redo and finish a lot, especially since this is a children's group for children with visual impairments, with such children it is even more difficult... but it’s okay, we tried!

It’s a pity that the video doesn’t show Santa Claus, who repeats the movements with the children - learning to dance from them, only occasionally his fur coat, felt boots and mittens flash... but he danced along with the children!

"Teach me to dance"

Music for the dance:

"Dance of the Squirrels"(middle group)

sl. O. Dolgaleva, Spanish A. Gorskaya


"White Snow" (entrance to the matinee)

"Silver Snowflakes"


Music -

"Candles" (senior group)

Music "New year's night"

Entrance to the New Year's party

(senior group)


Dance of snowflakes with fans


New Year's counting

Entrance to the festival (preparatory group)


"Winter Beauty"

Music -!!!.mp3.html

Fairy dance

Parents, of course, take pictures of their children at the matinee.... but what a pity that because of this the overall pattern of the dance is not visible, but I think that you will complete it in your imagination..

Music -

"Icy Palms" - rehearsal

It’s good that they filmed the rehearsal, but at the holiday the parents again filmed only their children in close-up, so the dance as such was not clear...

Mu language -

Dance "White Blizzard"
I don’t like to use adult songs for children’s dances, but... for 2 such songs I make an exception..
One of them is “White Snowstorm” by Vadim Kazachenko - it’s very catchy, it doesn’t even allow adults to sit still!

This dance has a fast tempo and difficulty in triple steps with footsteps in this fast tempo , and the passage around the tree is very simple...
Don't be surprised that Santa Claus is sitting indifferent - according to the plot of the fairy tale - he is sleeping in a deep sleep and needs to do THIS!!! - to wake him up! So the children are trying... from such dance and music, anyone will wake up...

Music -

And here is the same dance, but walking around the tree with a complication - with the partner spinning by the arm, around you...
True, the parent only removed 1 verse, but I think the meaning is clear...

And this is the second non-children’s song, which is very difficult to refuse, it’s very beautiful!
"Snow falls"

Wind-up toys (rehearsal)

Music by Arina Chugaikina


Music by Arina Chugaikina

Penguin dance (middle group)
