KVN scripts for the New Year for high school students. Funny stories for the New Year's holiday, based on KVN jokes from different teams


The music is playing New Year's theme

Ved: Good evening.

Ved: Finally, in our school holiday,

Finally a carnival.

And, believe me, it’s not in vain.

Everyone was expecting it!

Ved: There will be competitions, jokes,

Awards, prizes.

Disco very soon

He will tell you: “Don’t slow down!”

Ved: You are tired of studying.

So go ahead! To the masquerade!

But first, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the guys!

Ved: Today, on New Year's Eve, all our KVN players will compete in their ability to have fun and show their talents. Light up, get going, and amuse the audience so that this New Year's Eve meeting at our school will be remembered for a long time.

Ved: Ours New Year's miracles Today we will be represented by 2 wonderful teams...

Ved: So, we welcome the team of grades 7 and 9 “(applause)

Ved: So, welcome to the team of grades 8, 10, 11 “(applause)

Ved: For the competition to take place, we first need to present our competent jury.

Ved: Our jury today...

Ved: The teams are in place, the jury is too.

Ved.: And without whom there is no New Year?

Presenters: And now let’s all repeat in unison: Santa Claus!

A knock is heard and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear on the stage.

Father Frost: Good afternoon and good hour!

I salute you all!

Grandfather, how many people there are in the hall,
A glorious holiday will be here!
So they told us the truth
That our friends are all waiting for us here.

Father Frost:
I'm still the same gray haired one,
But just like young.
Welcomes you today,
And not jokingly, but seriously,
On this New Year's holiday,
Your friend Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:

Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a New Year,
So that no anxiety, no misfortune
There was no guard at the gate.

Father Frost:
So that the sun shines tenderly,
Everything that the heart expects came true.
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like New Year's

(light the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

Now we have truly begun our evening with you. And if

there is a beginning, then there will definitely be a continuation.

Father Frost:
1. Our first competition “New Year's business card”.

So, we meet a team of students from the _____ class.

We greet the _____ class team with thunderous applause.

Jury scores

Snow Maiden:

Let's thank the teams

2. Next competition “Warm-up – Guessing Game”

Teams will take turns being given a question to which they must answer.

Jury scores

Father Frost:
3. The competition is called “Theatrical”.

And now the teams will show their theater skills and will show skits on the theme of the New Year.

Jury scores

Snow Maiden:

4. The next competition is called “Sleight of Hand”

Jury scores

Father Frost:
5. Next competition "Frosty Breath" We invite one young man from each team to the stage to demonstrate their strength and agility. Let's support them with applause. The contestants take the stage.

Each of you will try yourself in the role of Santa Claus. Your task is to blow away your snowflake. The competition continues until everyone has blown off their snowflakes.

Each of the contestants puts on a D.M. hat. and blows on the snowflake until it reaches the finish line. Well done to everyone, but in this competition the winner was not the one who was the first to blow away his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because... His breath is so frosty that his snowflake “froze” to the table. Applause to our competitors.

Jury scores

Snow Maiden:

6. As we have seen, captains can easily come to an agreement with their teams; they understand each other perfectly. Now let's see how the captains will negotiate with each other. Our next competition is the team captains competition!

Imagine, Santa Claus - and one of the team captains will play his role - was late for New Year's party at school for half an hour, and for some reason he arrived without gifts. His task is to convincingly tell the school principal (this will be the second captain of the team) why he was late.

For example, “Santa Claus” puts forward the following reason: one of the deer sprained his leg, the engine was malfunctioning, there was a strong headwind, etc. That is, the reason for being late can be almost any. The “Director” should take the explanations of “Santa Claus” with distrust, asking tricky questions like “Where are the gifts?” or “Where is the Snow Maiden?”

Jury scores

Father Frost

7. And now the Christmas tree competition. Each team presents its own Christmas trees: classic and modern.

Jury scores

8. The next competition is called “Black Box”.

Jury scores

Father Frost:

9. Tell me, is it possible to imagine our life today without a hit parade? Yes, without the “best twenty” the world will be twenty times duller and grayer! Mine hit parade were both our teams. And surprisingly, it turned out that this month different songs took first place in both lists, but with the same theme - winter.

Snow Maiden:

10. The next competition is “Letter to Santa Claus.” Teams must write 14 adjectives that come to mind, in any order.

(Insert them into the letter and read).

Father Frost:

11. The competition is called “A Gift to the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.”

This is the last competition. New Years is soon. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will give gifts to everyone, but they always forget about themselves. Let's give them our gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Well, now let’s probably move on to the most interesting thing - dear jury: please announce total points for all competitions.

Santa Claus hands over immediately certificates of honor behind top places

1. Time flew by so quickly, minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!

2: And there’s a fun holiday ahead,

Magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment,

When the New Year comes!

1: Happy New Year to you -

It’s so nice to congratulate you! -

And we wish you with all our hearts

Don't forget to learn!

2: Smile more often, easier

And live in peace with dad and mom.

It's fun to laugh,

For real be friends!

1.: Parting is coming,

But we mean

Parting - goodbye!

In the new, next year!

All together: Happy New Year! See you again!!!

Goal: Development of creative abilities.

Promote the development of a culture of relationships.

Fostering a sense of collectivism.

Equipment, design, props:

Stage costumes, music Center, Christmas tree.

D.M How tired of everything! What a hundred years in a row, “Hello guys! The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree! Happy New Year!" “Ugh” is tired.

D.M. Snow Maiden!!! Did you hear what I was saying?

SN Oh, grandfather, don’t distract me!

D.M. - /angrily/ - How do you mean “don’t distract!” I understand that I have depression before the New Year, but it’s all jokes. I'll get angry and leave on my own New Year meet, hand out gifts!

SN Yes, you won’t go anywhere! Now this is going to start! I really hope that I’ll look for some nicer Frost, or at least Ivanushka the fool!

D.M. Here here, just aphids for you! And what are you expecting here?

CH New Year's MASKS THE SHOW begins! Do you know how many stars there are in our school? Both in lessons and in classes!

D.M. I know, there are too many of them here! You can’t even walk, the stars stand straight in a row and smoke, smoke, and one star threw itself right at your feet, barely alive, left! These are not stars meteorites, some especially fly around the school watch out!

SN Nothing, you don’t understand, grandpa! Starfall is wonderful!

D.M. Let them go on their own without me. And I'm an elderly man.

CH No! We need stars. And there will be stars there - lovely. Look yourself.

I will announce

Wait, Announce, I've got my eye on a place here.

SN Yeah, I forgot, this is the jury!!!

D.M. - /jumps up in fear/ what a jury!

SN strict, jury, but fair, (the jury is presenting). Oh, I'm so worried, so worried! I can’t say a word (acting teacher) help me announce the first competition.

Competition No. 1

command presentation.

D.M. And what do they want to tell us, that we can’t do that? Snow Maiden, come on, help me.

SN It's not that it's simple. Who said that difficulties would scare us? A star should be able to do everything. What would physical exercise to overcome, you need to eat well.

From each team, two daredevils, brave men, and athletes are called to the stage.

(Acting teacher) announce the competition.

Competition No. 2

D.M. /snores/.

CH Oh! Grandfather Frost fell asleep. Is he bored, or what?

D.M. I want a holiday! Have fun! I want to watch the theater or listen to a concert.

SN Guys, help me out. (Acting teacher) announce a competition.

Competition No. 3

fan competition.

SN Yes, well done guys. They sing well. It's true grandfather!

D.M. Yes, I really liked it. I want the concert to continue.

SN next is our granddaddy captain competition. Now the captains will show their talent on stage.

Captains on stage (acting teacher) announce the competition.

Competition No. 4

black box captains competition /Christmas decorations/.

D.M. Come on, let's dance and sing some more. I still want competitions.

SN Be patient, grandfather! Now The final stage our KVN a. Each team received homework. And now the 10th grade team is on the stage of the mask show.

Dance number.

We ask the teams to take the stage.

SN Let your dreams come true,

Let the stars shine

Show off your talents

Otherwise it will be too late!

D.M. New Year is coming

We'll all get older

But let's remember this evening

With KVN ohm ours.

The floor is given to the chairman of the jury.

D.M. Well, now the guys go down to our Christmas tree to dance and play near it.

E. B. Batogova, MBOU Secondary School No. 7, Art. Perevnaya Mostovsky district, Krasnodar region



New Year's theme music is playing

(Music before the start of the evening. The spectators are in their seats in the hall. The teams are also in the hall.)

Ved: Good evening.

Ved: Finally, there is a holiday in our school,

Finally a carnival.

And, believe me, it’s not in vain.

Everyone was waiting for him!

Ved: There will be competitions, jokes,

Awards, prizes.

Disco very soon

He will tell you: “Don’t slow down!”

Ved: You are tired of studying.

So go ahead! To the masquerade!

But first, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the workers!

Ved: Today, on New Year's Eve, all our KVN players will compete in their ability to have fun and show their talents. To light up not only each other, but also to excite and amuse the audience so that this New Year's meeting at our school will be remembered for a long time.

Ved: Today 4 beautiful ones will present their New Year’s miracles to us


Ved: So, welcome to the 8th grade team “(applause)

Ved: So, welcome to the 9th grade team “(applause)

Ved: We welcome the 10th grade team “(applause)

Ved: Greetings to the 11th grade team “(applause)

Ved: For the competition to take place, we first need to present our competent jury.

Ved: Our jury today...

Ved: The teams are in place, the jury is too.

Ved 1: Our first competition “New Year's business card”.

So, we meet a team of students from the _____ class.

We greet the _____ class team with thunderous applause.

And now the speech of the students of _____ class.

And our first competition is completed by a team of students from _____ class.

Let's thank the teams.

Ved: Now we have really started our evening with you. And if

there is a beginning, then there will definitely be a continuation.

Jury scores for the first competition.

Next competition “Warm-up – Guessing Game”

The teams will take turns being given a question to which they must answer.

In which country is the New Year's old man called Père Noel?
1. Norway
2. France
3. Spain

In which country is the New Year's old man called Toshigami?
1. Japan
2. China
3. Italy

In which country is the New Year's old man called Yulemand?
1. Belgium
2. Poland
3. Norway

In which country is the New Year's old man called Santa Claus?
1. Iraq
2. Ethiopia
3. USA

New Year films.

1 . What was the name of the boy whose father, mother, brothers and sisters left home alone for the Christmas holidays? (Kevin - Home Alone)
2. What material was the man made of, whom his mischievous wife sent into the forest to get a Christmas tree in the cartoon “Carrion” last year's snow"? (Made from plasticine)
3. In which New Year's toy turned the young prince into a king of mice, according to the fairy tale by K. Hoffmann? (Nutcracker)
4 . In which film did actors E. Leonov, G. Vitsin, S. Kramorov celebrate the New Year at the dacha of an archaeological professor? (Gentlemen of Fortune)
5.What is the name of the village in which one Christmas night, at the request of one of the residents, the devil stole the moon? (Dikanka)
6.What was the name of the polar bear cub who came to his boy friend on New Year's Eve and asked if he could eat the New Year tree?
7. How was the New Year’s episode “Well, just wait!” (5)

8. In what New Year's film main character sings in the voice of Alla Pugacheva? (The Irony of Fate)

Jury scores for the second competition “Warm-up”.

We called the next competition “Applique on a Balloon”

Round balloon small in size, similar to a head. True, for complete resemblance to the head there are still not enough eyes, ears, nose, lips, hair, etc.
Try cutting out these missing parts of the face from colored paper and sticking them on the balloon. As a result, the balloon can turn into the head of New Year's heroes:
- Santa Claus;
- Snow Maidens;
- Hare;


Together with their heads, the team prepares congratulatory words for their hero.

I think that our teams are already fully prepared and can show their results..

Many thanks to all teams for your creative imagination and for your skill, and now the jury's assessments.

Next competition “Tasty martial arts”

Take the candy out of the flour.
Flour is poured into a bowl in a heap. The candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, by which it can be pulled out.

Vedas: jury assessments.

The next competition is called “Sleight of Hand”

Jury scores.

The next competition is called “Musical”

Each team shows a musical number.

Jury assessment.

The next competition is called “Mosaic”.
Each table is given an envelope in which beautiful card cut into different geometric figures. Task - collect a postcard , stick it on a piece of paper.

Jury scores.

The next competition is called “Black Box”.

1. I really like this thing
2. It causes a lot of trouble for adults
3. Once she had a hare mask with an elastic band inside her
4. She looks like a grenade
5. She has a string that you need to pull

1. This is something so long
2. My mother decorated my suit with this
3. It’s so colorful and shiny
4. It can be easily torn
5. It is made from foil

1. My dad says they could set the house on fire.
2. I have a whole pack
3. People with them walk down the street and wave their hands.
4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some do.
5. They burn and throw sparks everywhere
(Bengallights )

1. I tried it once while my mother wasn’t looking.
2. We had it in our sideboard for six months
3. There first “Bang-bang”, and then “P-sh-sh”
4. The most important thing is to make sure it doesn’t run away
5. Our traffic jam almost broke a mirror.

The competition is called " Christmas story on new way».

And now the teams will show their theatrical skills and show fairy tales in a new way. And also a poster, which will be evaluated by our competent jury.

Jury assessment.

Ved: Well, now let’s probably move on to the most interesting part - dear jury

Please announce the total number of points for all competitions.

Santa Claus immediately presents certificates of honor for prizes and gives gifts:

Vedas: 1. Time flew by so quickly, minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!

Ved2: And there is a merry holiday ahead,

Magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment,

When the New Year comes!

Ved1: Happy New Year to you -

It’s so nice to congratulate you! -

And we wish you with all our hearts

Don't forget to learn!

Ved2: Smile more often, it’s easier

And live in peace with dad and mom.

It's fun to laugh,

To truly be friends!

Snow Maiden.:

Parting is coming

But we mean

Parting - goodbye!

In the new, next year!

All together: Happy New Year! See you again!!!

Teacher: Ryabenko Liliya Vladimirovna

New Year's scenario for high school

Goals : develop your horizons and Creative skills students; promote team unity.

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part

Leading (wearing a snowflake costume and big white sneakers)I. Good evening! Today teams of cheerful and resourceful people are competing (represents the teams). And a full hall of fans suggests that in auditorium- a general epidemic. Everyone will get sick!

Presenter (wearing a snowman costume and white high heels). Not everyone still knows that our KVN is not an ordinary one, but a New Year’s, one might say KVN-masquerade! More than just fireworks awaits you New Year's jokes, but also unusual, cool carnival costumes.

Leading . So here we go! But first of all, let me introduce the members of the jury... (introduces the jury). Information for fans: while the jury is deliberating, you can show your support for your favorite team: posters, chants, chants, songs... So you can help the team earn extra points (maximum 3 points). Stay healthy!

Presenter . Stop, stop! We can’t start the game because we don’t have a Christmas tree. How are we going to invite Santa Claus? I invite the teams to work hard - decorate the Christmas tree.

II. Game tasks teams

Presenter: - We invite you to participate in the “Christmas Tree Decoration” Competition

We need three people per team, one of them is a girl. Girls turn into Christmas trees. And the boys dress up the girls with scarves and Christmas decorations on clothespins. Fans are invited to evaluate the teams' performance with loud applause. The winner is the team whose “Christmas tree” received the loudest approval and was liked the most by the jury!

Host: so the first part of our KVN “Greeting”

The teams show a business card - New Year's greeting. Any sketch on a New Year's theme. The maximum score in this competition is 5 points.

Song of KVN players

We studied at school and didn’t know grief,

But they invited us to play in KVN.

Lessons are forgotten and books are thrown away,

Now we are not just girls, boys.

Our super team welcomes you!

Look at us - unnecessary words No need!

Resourcefulness, humor, enthusiasm and luck.

We promise to bring you fun!

Leading. Before the “Warm-up” competition begins, the captains, along with two assistants, must leave their team to come to us in a Santa Claus costume. And we will appreciate the originality of this costume.

You can use paper “icicles”, plastic bottles and other materials to decorate the Santa Claus costume.


Maximum score - 5 points.

Leading. We are starting the second competition, alas, without captains. Your task: answer the questions as quickly as possible without preparation. The faster you get to the microphone and the more witty your answer, the higher the points.

Questions (on a separate sheet)

Presenter. I want Santa Claus! And better than two: there will be more jokes! Let's write an ad: “Young, handsome, Gillette-shaved Santa Clauses are needed.”

Leading. Young? Grandfather? Amazing! What about the hair?

Presenter. With a ponytail!

Leading. Hmmm! With a ponytail, a fur coat and felt boots! Get hurt!

Presenter. Then - young, handsome, in Levi's jeans, a Versace T-shirt, and Camelot boots! And what?

Leading. And with a bag on your back! Some kind of scavenger!

Presenter . With a backpack, on a skateboard and in a baseball cap!

Leading (stunned). Who?

Presenter . Father Frost! (To the audience.) Let's call them! Grandpas!

Santa Clauses come out - team captains,

Santa Clauses (in unison).

We are young brothers,

Frosts are removed.

One (points to himself).

I am Frost Red Nose!

Another . I am Frost Blue Nose.

Third . And I'm Frost the purple nose!

Presenter: Our wonderful grandfathers will have to take part in a captain competition. Captain competition. Original New Year's greetings and wishes to the teams and fans

Santa Claus 1 . The smartest and the bravest, help! My friends and I decided to open own business- the Moroz company (gifts keep getting more expensive!), but we don’t know where to start.

Presenter . From advertising, of course! Where did Frosts come from? Still don't know the main engine of trade?

Santa Claus 2. That's it, my dear, come up with this advertisement for us!

Teams present their options. Maximum score - 5 points.

Creative competition for teachers “I am writing to you”

Presenter . But I wonder how to check whether our Santa Clauses are real?

Leading . Yes, very simple! Real Santa Clauses don’t snack after the first rhyme!

Presenter. But real teachers always start checking after the first...

Leading ....is there a second one?

Presenter . What are you doing? Notebooks!

Leading . Even on New Year's Day?

Presenter . This process is endless!

Leading. Why do you think _______ always looks under the table?

Presenter. Loves the shoes!

Leading. Yeah! To the essay that is on her lap! Don't waste your time!

Presenter. Then all we have to do is hold a creative competition for teachers.

Leading. We are giving you pieces of paper on which you can see the rhymes. You need to compose a small New Year's quatrain in 5 minutes. Nothing complicated! Go ahead, load your students with full program!

Assignment for teachers

Presenter: -You should compose a Happy New Year greeting to all participants in the evening, so that some word is repeated 10 times, for example, “eat-fal”

Ice sculpture competition

Teams must draw an ice sculpture and give it a name. Preparation time: 45 seconds. Maximum score - 5 points.

Competition "Round Dance"

Leading. You all know that the New Year cannot be complete without a round dance around the Christmas tree. The team’s task is to dance in a round dance; they place the “Christmas tree” in the center of the round dance, and their Santa Claus next to it.

Each team has its own music, for example (lambada, oriental, psy opa gag nam style, dance of little ducklings), the teams perform in turns. The maximum score is 7 points.

Competition for the best and original song.


Southern version of the song about the Christmas tree

(To the tune of “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)

A cactus was born in the steppe,

He lived in the sultry desert,

He was slim and green,

It's like a crocodile.

The camel sang songs to him:

Sleep, cactus, bye-bye.

The dune covered with sand:

Make sure you don't freeze!

Sometimes the little jerboa is gray

Jumped under a cactus.

Sometimes a skinny angry coyote

Ran around the area.

But then I came to the prairie

Cowboy on horseback

And, lassoing a cactus,

I took him home.

Now a smart cactus

It will come to us in a pot

And lots and lots of joy

He'll bring it to the kids.

New Year's medley

(Ensemble of the Russian song “Baba Mani”. Handkerchiefs are tied under the chin. They sing to the tune “

There was a birch tree in the field.")

Oh, there was a Christmas tree in the forest,

Oh, there was a green one in the forest.

Lyuli-lyuli, stood. (2 times)

There's no one to break that tree,

No one to break the greens,

So the man went for a walk,

Wrap up a Christmas tree for the kids,

Lyuli-lyuli, wrap it up. (2 times)

The Christmas tree is shining with lights,

He leads round dances with us,

Lyuli-lyuli, with us. (2 times)

(Group “Advanced Marya”. Handkerchiefs are tied like bandanas. They perform rap.)

Christmas tree sticks, green needles!

In a sunny meadow

The Christmas tree grew.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

Once upon a time in a bitter cold

One man came

With a very sharp saw

Around the tree, whack and whack.

Wild teenagers

They danced until the morning.

Gathered at the Christmas tree

Cool bro.

(Group of semi-finished products “Golden Mashas”. Handkerchiefs on their hips. They sing to the tune of the song “Fish”.)

In the distant, icy taiga

The Christmas tree misses the children,

Cold dark winter

Dreams of bright lights.

And she doesn't need anything:

No forest, no winter, no cold.

Only tinsel and serpentine,

And she needs a children's round dance.


Oh my tree, my tree was cut down.

Green needles fell off the tree.

Contest " Homework»

Teams demonstrate parodies of their favorite TV programs Maximum score - 7 points .

III. Final part


How quickly time flew by

Minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!


And there's a fun holiday ahead,

Magical bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment,

When the new year comes!


Happy New Year -

It’s so nice to congratulate you!

And we wish you with all our hearts

Don't forget to learn!


Smile more often, easier

And live in peace with dad and mom.

It's fun to laugh,

Truly be friends!

General song


(To the tune of the song "Earth in the Porthole", music by V. Miguli)

Winter, winter is showing off,
Houses in the snow and streets,
The trees were all frozen in silver.
Gifts are bought
And people smile
After all, we are all waiting for the New Year in December!
The puddles sparkle with ice,
Decorated with snowflakes
Villages, cities and winter forest,
Crows wash themselves with snow,
And soon it will be revealed to us
A world of magic, unknown wonders!


And let all the fairy tales come together,
And let them give the world miracles.
And let all the people join hands,
And the whole Earth will be happy!

Let the Christmas trees dress up
And let your dreams come true
Fun and joy will come to every home!
Let poetry and music
All hearts will spin,
May a happy New Year come!
The lights are shimmering
Champagne explodes
Smiles, masks, sparkles, chaos!
Let the holiday never end
Let it continue.
Thank you, Zimushka-Winter!

This year, for the first time, our parents let us celebrate the New Year with friends. But after my mother found a shopping list in my jeans... for some reason she and my dad decided to join us.


Darling, what day is it today?
- March 8?
- No!
- Your birthday?
- No!
- New Year?
- No!
- Old New Year?
- No!
- Apple saved?
- No!
- Hanukkah?
- No!
- Kydyrles?
- Yok!
- Day Angel?
- No!
- Mother-in-law’s birthday, Devil’s Day?
- No!
- Well, I don't know what day it is today!
- How can I live with a person who doesn’t know what day it is? Fifth!
- What's the fifth?
- Today is the fifth day, and you took me for an hour! Count, accountant!

This year, and therefore, all the Old Slavic holidays were celebrated: Ivana bathed, Ivano dried up, Ivano sunbathed, Ivano drank, Ivano punched another Ivan in the face, Ivano ran home and Ivano ran away the next day, all over again.

Last year, Santa Claus himself came to us. On the 29th - find out about gifts.
- Hello! Well, tell me, what should I bring you for the New Year? Kostya, what do you want?
- Babu!
- Kostya is a woman.
- Lyosha, what do you want?
- Babu.
- Lyosha is a woman.
- What do you want Zhenya?
- You know, I would like that next year the rate of ruble devaluation does not exceed the rate of Deutschmark inflation in relation to...
- My wife is a woman!

Awesome New Year in Egypt! There is no snow, there is no Galkina, there is no feeling of a holiday.
- Holiday?! Of course, where would he come from? Look, on the very first day Tolyan converted a hookah into a moonshine still, that’s it: hello, everyday life!

The New Year has come to your house, open the room, kind Grandfather Bring some brain frost to you!

Dima, look, New Year is coming, people have gathered. Would you at least wish for something.
- So that at least once in my life... I get to Leningrad after the bath! And not as usual... sober.
- And I would like for my wife to at least have someone reforge a plowshare... well, at least into a sword!

On New Year's Eve, all eighteen-year-old girls tell fortunes.
- And at thirty they realize that they didn’t guess correctly.

How will we celebrate the New Year?
- Let's dress up as Santa Clauses!
- Okay, but the beard should not be made of cotton wool. And, sure enough, he doesn’t hunch over!
- And why?
- Otherwise, the children will ruin the whole holiday again with their rhymes!

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. And raise that glass... and fucking pour out this effervescent French crap and fill it with clear, like a tear, well water... and leave it for the morning.

They say on New Year's Eve
What you don't want
There's a lot going on
It's a pity that it's forgotten.

Guys, congratulate me!!! This New Year, life itself gave me a gift - I met the woman of my dreams!
- And, in my opinion, Seryozha, any one fits your dream.

Lyokha and I somehow overestimated our strength in the New Year. And we went 50 kilometers into the forest!
- By ski?
- On amphitamines!!!

Once upon a time there lived a poor peasant... Well, not entirely poor. He had money... And one day on New Year's Eve he plowed his piece of land... Dropping sweat from his forehead. And suddenly a luxurious white carriage with a beautiful red cross on the side appeared... And two orderlies quickly explained to the peasant that it was not the season!

An emergency at school: at the New Year celebration, a boy in a cucumber costume was bitten by a physical education teacher.

A boy with a poor vestibular system is rehearsing not a poem for the New Year, but the ability to stand on a chair.

- Now you will hear phrases that you will not hear on New Year's Eve
- Mom, dad, stay, let's spend the New Year together
- Girls, go and drink, we’ll prepare everything ourselves
- And I got through the first time
- And here is the cake
- Let's blow it up, don't be afraid, normal firecracker, don't be afraid

Grandma, why does grandpa come to us on New Year's Eve?
- By the tribunal's decision!

Lonely white mouse
Lost my virginity in a barn.
Here, a few days later,
Someone else will lose her innocence...
I don't know what to do then
With this wonderful natural phenomenon,
But it was and will always be so,
Happy new year friends!
Happy New Year!

Santa Claus doesn't exist. He lives to the fullest.

Actor Motorkin, who played the role of Father Frost, filled himself with energy drinks so much that he wiped out 14 round dances into dust.

Five-year-old Sasha almost believed in Santa Claus, but dad neighed and his beard came unglued

The holiday is coming to us: kindergarten No. 23 received the most gifts from a boy who wanted to tell not a poem, but a story about how Santa Claus defeated the teacher.

At the New Year's party, through the holey screen, the children saw that the Snow Maiden was anyone, but clearly not the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

At the New Year's party, children from kindergarten in Troeshchina they called the Snow Maiden, but they called the devil. Well, firstly, the Devil is cheaper on New Year’s Eve, and secondly, only he is not afraid of the children of the kindergarten in Troieshina.

Look, wife, what a beauty our Christmas tree is!.. Learn.

On the night before Christmas, the girls threw their boots out the gate. Whichever of the men passing by was knocked down by a boot was buried.

The atheist Grandfather Mitrich celebrated Catholic Christmas the longest.

An ambitious young family will rent a stable for Christmas.

New Year's omen. If in New Year's Eve stand with your back to the tree, take five steps north, and then two steps south, then you will run into a sideboard.

At the New Year's tree, a boy dressed as a hero beat a boy dressed as a knight. It is gratifying that the years go by, and the Russians are still stronger than the Germans.

New Year's event from the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Write why you don't like the police, collect ten warm clothes and wait.

For obvious reasons, President Barack Obama's New Year's address will be filmed during the day

After 10 days of New Year holidays, Kurile Islands renamed Kuriles and Bukhaly.

Now listen to the New Year's address of the President of Botswana to his people!
- Hey, where are you all?

In 1984, Evgeniy put on a muskrat costume for a New Year's party, thereby showing his attitude towards the Soviet regime.

The caretaker of the Moscow Kremlin built himself a bathhouse from Christmas trees 2008 and 2009.

If your child is teased about Hitler at school, then come up with a new New Year's costume for your child... Or at least wash off his mustache.