Interview with Stepan Lukin (“mega masi”). Stepan from Mega: Lazy finalist of the Premier League Captain of the KVN Mega team

On June 17, the first semi-final of the KVN Premier League of the 2015 season took place. The game turned out to be extremely unique. Five teams took part in it: “Mega MASI”, “Team of Ufa”, “Moscow was not built right away”, “Team of Baku” and “Vaza”.

The presenter appeared - Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov, whereas Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov I watched the game from the auditorium. The presenter announced the theme of the game - “Step Forward” - and named the names of the jury members, famous KVN players: Aidar Garayev(KVN team "Soyuz"), Philip Voronin(KVN team “Detective Agency “Moonlight”), German Ivanov(KVN team “Murmansk City Team”) and Olga Kartunkova(KVN team “City of Pyatigorsk”).

The “Greeting” competition really filled me with positivity. Each team tried to be original. The energetic team “Vaza” opened the game, rocking the hall with a rap song and showing several skits. “Team Baku” came out second, sang the song “Very Stylish Azerbaijanis” and ended their performance in this part of the competition with a miniature about orderlies-bakers.
The “Team of Ufa” took the stage next: they revealed to the world the secret about the existence of the “Ufa lions” and showed a funny miniature about the queue at the clinic at 7 am. Next, the KVN team “Mega MASI” captivated the hall with its originality. The performance consisted of many witty skits that amused the audience, the jury and both Maslyakovs. We ended the greeting with the words: “You probably thought we were crazy? Don’t think... because everything is so!”

The final competition - a musical number - ended the game with a bang. The Vaza team sang a “very sad” rap song and gave the audience advice: “To stay out of trouble, listen to your mother and rap.” The team “Team Baku” created its own story, playing out the events of Alexander Belyaev’s book “Amphibian Man”. And the “Team of Ufa”, having taken the stage, declared that “they can rock any crowd!” It turned out that this is absolutely true. To help the performance, the guys invited a group of girls and ladies and sang a song with them. The “Moscow was not built right away” team turned to the famous film “Hachiko”. Only the role of a faithful dog was played by a young man waiting for his girlfriend from the fitting room. The Mega MASI team distinguished itself by dressing in the style of the 90s and performing a hit of the 90s Kaya Metova Position number two. After this, Kai Metov himself came out and began to jokingly be indignant: “What is happening here without my knowledge? Why am I on stage and my hit is playing again?.. Am I back in the 90s again?!..” It was fun. The team managed to recreate the atmosphere of the 90s and make the audience laugh!

The moment has come to sum up the results. The waiting time was not easy and mercilessly long. Maslyakov Jr. gave the floor to the jury members. They thanked the participants for the game and noted some teams: “Team Baku” for their wonderful vocals, “Team Ufa” for their energy, and the “Mega MASI” team for their outrageousness! The following teams qualify for the finals:

"Mega MASI"

"Team Ufa"

"Moscow was not built in a day"

Congratulations to the winners! We are proud of our team! "Mega MASI", you are the best! The final will take place on September 4 at the KVN House! We look forward to it and wish you good luck!

Tamara Ivanova, 2nd year

The presenter and director of one of the most popular television programs, which has become a national game played in Israel, Japan, and Australia, is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. President of the International KVN Union and the creative association "AMiK".


Decree of the President of the KVN MS on the ban on plus phonograms.

Decree of the President of the KVN MS “On participation in non-KVN television projects.”

Rules and instructions for the work of official MS KVN leagues


In KVN, everything happens differently from normal people. Although normal people have their own reasonable traditions. For example, textbooks are republished every year, corrected and supplemented each time.

This book has already gone through three reprints. And this is not the limit, comrades! After all, KVN changes along with our lives, which means the process of improvement is endless!

The most amazing thing is that KVN members continue to read this book, most of which was written six or seven years ago, and even claim that reading this still implies not only historical interest, but also practical benefit.

Our days

Today's KVN is as different from the KVN of 50 years ago as the first television receivers with a lens are different from modern devices with a flat screen, dolby surround sound and other bells and whistles. But still. Where did it all start?


Like a bolt from the blue, the 20th Congress of the CPSU. Stalin's personality cult has been exposed. There are no Sovremennik and Taganka films yet, the songs of Okudzhava and Vysotsky are not yet heard from all the windows, but there is already a breath of freedom in the country. Moscow becomes the capital of the World Festival of Youth and Students. Young heads are already full of happy hopes, creative projects...

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“I’m not a professional dancer, I dance funny”

6877 13.05.2017

The KVN team "Mega" went through the 2015 Premier League season, maybe not too smoothly, but certainly brightly. First of all, naturally, the team captain is remembered Stepan Lukin, on which the lion's share of the humor of this non-standard, expressive group is built. We talked to him on the sidelines of the KVN house.

- First of all: how are you?

Stepan: Everything is fine. Finally, you can get enough sleep. There are three months before Sochi. We hope for a good result there.

- Which one is “good”?

Stepan (intentionally illegible: “To the Major League”): Of course, we hope for the Major League. And then we'll see. The premiere was also a great achievement for us.

- Do you think you will be too frivolous for HSE?

Stepan: This option is possible. We feel very comfortable in the Premier League, but we strive for a higher level. In the finale we were already adapting to the adult audience. We wrote literature so that the right people understood that we can do this. We hope you noticed.

- Tell me how you came to KVN and why?

Stepan: The story is like this. I didn’t do anything active at school and didn’t take part in any productions. Only in 11th grade did Koshchei play once...

- Same story! Me too only once and some evil character.

Stepan: According to the script, I didn’t like what was happening there, so I never participated in any productions, I didn’t like the scripts. And he remade this role for himself, came up with a way to imitate Michael Jackson, and it resonated with the audience. Then I entered the first year. There was a student spring performance and dancing. And we were offered to play in KVN. We came to the meeting, listened, we were interested, and a team gathered. There was a long choice of captain. I danced something funny there, everyone laughed and said: “You are the captain.” It seems to me that every KVN player has a story like this. In the first year we reached the semi-finals of our internal league. The league was unofficial, we never wrote our own material, but took it from the Internet. No one taught us anything, as Guzman likes to say. In my second year, I swore that I would never play KVN again, because studying was more expensive. I came here to study. But I quickly broke down. He just broke down on his own, and did not succumb to the persuasion of the then team members. They didn’t really need KVN, as I saw. So I assembled my team from those people who wanted to work. In our second year we started writing our own humor. I don’t remember exactly which year, 2009 or 2010, we participated in four leagues at once. Our team, in Kaluga, went to the cups, reached the quarterfinals in MSL, which was already a victory for us. In the official league! With your own material! We are all from Obninsk, we studied in Maloyaroslavets, at the Kaluga branch of the Moscow Financial and Legal University. When we won our internal match, we were sent to play at the parent university, in Moscow. And there they gave a trip to Sochi for winning. We became champions there too, we flew to Sochi. And so began our career in the official KVN. In MSL we reached the semi-finals at most, so when we got into the Krasnodar League, it was a big surprise for us that we became champions. We were hoping to get at least 1/4 through - already “wow”! The results of the performances in the MSL gave exactly this mood. And then - bam! Champions. Thank God we got into the Premier League, also unexpectedly. And in order to become champions there... It’s not that we don’t believe in ourselves, but we are content with little, let’s say. The main thing for us is that we perform and people like it.

At what point did Mega undergo the greatest changes, in the Krasnodar League, where they became champions, or in the Premier League, where they are already making a television product?

Stepan: There were fundamental changes in Krasnodar, as we moved away from classic KVN, from miniatures. There were some numbers at first, but then the editor told us that we didn’t need this, because this was not the style that we needed to promote on TV. Throughout the season in the Krasnodar League we were prepared for television, but in the Premier League we simply became more beautiful, framed. Maybe they began to think a little differently. There is more understanding. Visually they have changed. There may be more changes. New characters may appear. We don’t know yet. Since we are not a singing team, maybe it will be a singer. Or maybe the Fantastic Four will remain that way. We like the fact that we are a small team. I always wanted to be on a team that people remember by sight. Not when there are 20 people on stage. I always cited “Sportivnaya Station” as an example. Although there are six of them, they are not the smallest team, but they are all remembered by name and known by sight. This is the kind of team I wanted to become. Also “Fyodor Dvinyatin”, with whom our team and specifically me and Gudkov are compared.

I have been watching Mega since 2011. And over the years, there have been no significant changes in the style of your acting. That is, the team is clearly focusing on the captain’s performance. Hence the question arose, to what extent is the “Mega” team Stepan Lukin?

Stepan: Everyone contributes. If we are talking about the author's component, then there are those people who contribute more, and there are those who contribute less. Now we are a television team and I do not hide at all that we have friends who help us. A lot of them. Like every team. We have about ten people working here. The MFUA Team helps us. There are people from other teams. Alexander Bezverkhov joined, we are very grateful to him, he is a very cool author. But we try to be independent. I just didn’t want to sit, do nothing, and just play out material written by someone else. And so far this is not happening. In the television format, you have to collaborate with many authors, but it has been noticed that the help of authors and friends, although it is very voluminous, the output is mainly what you wrote yourself. It's nice.

- Logical. Who, if not yourself, knows better than anyone how to write about yourself?.

Stepan: I really liked the phrase “KVN is not mathematics.” It is impossible to calculate everything here. We went through the season very shaky. We shot at 1/8, but at 1/4 we were weaker, we understand this adequately. Then we thought that we would tear the hall apart, just like at the first game. But they already expected more from us, so it didn’t work out. We were better prepared for the semi-finals. And I'm generally very pleased with the ending. I am very glad that we came across Aidar Garayev. Many people say that he pulled us through, but I wouldn’t say so. We interacted well. He liked it himself. I don't know if he lied or didn't lie (laughs), but he was interested in being in this foolishness with us. And the result was a very cool product. It’s a pity that there were technical problems in the Greetings at the finals. But it’s worth giving credit to the editors for saving the jokes. They were sometimes even rearranged. But it’s better than just cutting out two minutes and that’s it. As for working as a team, we have a division of responsibilities. Ruslan is responsible for text humor. I am responsible for gags, poking, half-jokes, some kind of gameplay. Nastya also writes literature. Oleg is handsome. Here. But he's trying! We are a very lazy team, to be honest. That's why we're afraid to get into HSE. Many of us quit because of KVN. This is not a complaint against KVN, but vice versa. They told us: “What will this KVN give you? No normal work, nothing.” Honestly, I'm pleased. It's not that I don't have a normal job, I do. Everyone quit their jobs and started working in the event industry.

On your VKontakte page it is written “Lukin Stepan, the presenter of the dance through life.” The question is this. Is your dance a dance of the spirit or did you study somewhere?

Stepan: I didn’t study anywhere. Everyone always asks about this. There was only one moment when my mother decided to send me to sports ballroom dancing. I stayed there for an hour at most. I put on the shoes and realized that they were not mine. I also tried volleyball and basketball. I didn’t stay everywhere. I became more liberated in dancing when my brother and I, just for fun, filmed all sorts of funny videos of dancing, purely for ourselves. I was never eager to learn how to dance super cool. Just an impulse of the soul. The main thing is not to be shy. I watched some videos and adopted the movements for myself.

- Are you now watching “Dancing” on TNT and “Dance” on First?

Stepan: I'm watching. It's interesting to watch. The people are talented. I am personally convinced that every professional is self-taught. Therefore, I don’t want to learn from someone, because he will teach me in his own way, but I want to dance in my own way. I'm not a professional dancer, I'm a funny dancer. People get a kick out of it, and I’m pleased. We complement each other with our energy. And this carried over into the work sphere. During the wedding, I, along with all the people, get into trouble and the line between the host and the guests becomes blurred. Somehow this naturally became my thing, and I decided to promote it. I didn’t want to be the usual “very funny presenter.” I wouldn’t say that I’m a very good improviser, I don’t agree with that. But at weddings my level is usually enough. And there is no need to joke very subtly and elegantly at weddings.

You and I both live outside the capital in the same direction, but in all these years that I have known you in person, I have never met you on public transport. You are driving?

Stepan: No, I rode the train all the time. It's very exhausting, to be honest. It's a two hour drive one way.

Going beyond Obninsk and Russia, do you have a favorite place on the globe? Do you often travel abroad?

Stepan: Unfortunately, I don’t go out often. Because of the army. I don't dare go there. I don’t plan to wear braces until I’m 27, but that’s how it is for now. And there is a favorite place. I managed to visit several countries. One of the most memorable places where I would probably stay is Disneyland in France. Everything there is so cool, like in a fairy tale. Maybe it would have become boring in a week, but at that moment it made a strong impression. Moreover, I was no longer a child, I was about 16 years old. And there is one more place where I really, really want to go. And I will visit. I'll save up some money and visit. This is the city of Hallstatt in Austria. I had a picture on my desktop:

I don’t know how it will feel there in person, but from the photographs it’s unrealistically beautiful, for me. I also liked the Plitvice Lakes in Croatia. But that's what I saw. Surely there are many more wonderful places. But I’m honestly very glad that I live in Obninsk, because for me it’s the coolest city in Russia. Yes, cooler than Moscow! For me, Moscow is a wild city because of its pace. Obninsk is very measured, calm, everyone knows each other. It's modern. Everything you need for relaxation is there, except maybe a water park. It's clean. True, now many Muscovites have appeared and traffic jams have begun to form on the streets, which is very sad. I also liked it in Finland. It is also clean and beautiful, friendly people who will always help and trust you with everything, despite the fact that you are Russian. It was very surprising. There is a myth that all Finnish women are ugly - this is nonsense. I had a chance to visit Seinajoki for the volleyball championship. They have volleyball like a folk sport there. There were 300 pitches on one field and they all played at the same time. In general, it’s cool in Finland too. The only thing is it's boring.

Previously, it was popular in interviews with KVN members to ask quick polls that were focused on funny answers. I'll try to set a more useful blitz that will say something about you. So, tea or coffee?

Stepan: Tea.

- iOS or Android?

Stepan: Android 100%!

- Electric razor or machine?

Stepan: Electric razor. Tenderer.

- Are you a “lark” or a “night owl”?

Stepan: Owl. Are they the ones who don't sleep at night? I don't sleep at night, owl.

- “Burnt by the Sun” or the Pyatigorsk National Team?

Stepan: "Burnt by the sun."

- Beach or active recreation?

Stepan: Leisure.

- Meat or salad?

Stepan: Meat, of course.

- Swords or pistols?

Stepan: Swords. I love edged weapons.

- Sex, drugs or rock and roll?

Stepan: Sex (laughs).

- Let's return to the expanded forms. Do you have any bad habits? And in general, tell us about your shortcomings.

Stepan: In stage persona I could say that I don’t have any. But I really don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t take anything like that. I have only smoked one cigarette in my entire life. Half when I first tried it, and half when I was proving to a friend that I could smoke. All. I only tried alcohol when my friends poured it into my drinks to see how drunk I would look. At the finale my voice died, and I also got caught in heavy rain, so I drank a glass of cognac before going to bed because I had to. When we celebrate victories they try to provoke me. When I officiate a wedding they try. But I just don't need it. I believe that whatever nature a person has is lost due to alcohol. You need to open up in a natural, independent way, but alcohol does nothing. I can do without it. The downside is that I am very lazy. Very lazy. Very, very lazy. I understand that I could have achieved more, including in KVN, if I had not wasted my time on all sorts of little things. As for active recreation, there was an opportunity to learn how to snowboard, they provided me with equipment, time, they did everything for me, everything for free. When we flew to Sochi, I very much regretted that I had not learned at least the minimum to slide down the mountain. I stood, looked at everyone skating, and was jealous. Laziness is the main drawback for me. And also, probably, the fact that I spend little time with my parents. I think this is very bad. Not because of KVN, but in principle. Now you are becoming more independent and have less time left for your parents.

Then this is the final question. Imagine that you have a genie and three wishes. One for yourself personally, the second only for another person, the third for everyone. What kind of desires will these be?

Stepan(thought for 10-15 seconds): For myself, I would become a superhero. Fuck money! I would like to have all the superpowers. Or should I just choose one?

- I didn’t think about such conditions. Everything is hard. There are superpowers with negative consequences.

Stepan: If you limit yourself to three, then regeneration like Wolverine, speed like the Flash, and flight. That's it, that's enough. Well, or maybe stop time. For someone else... I don't know. It is probably pointless to wish for immortality, since sooner or later life in the physical world will become boring. And so... to hell of money, probably. For whom exactly? (Thinking) For mom only if, the dearest person. (Still thinking about it) Whatever she wanted to wish for, that is what she would wish for. Without her request I would not have wished for it. And, of course, health. Just like this (shows with hands).

- Well, what about for everyone?

Stepan: For everyone, so that people are happy, despite some troubles. Money! Because people do whatever they want with money. But it seems to me that happiness is not enough. I try not to be sad. Treat any situation with a smile. Many people nowadays worry too much about various trifles. I would wish everyone worldwide, universal joy. So that people are happy with everything they do. Ah, that’s what I wish! So that they do what they like. In my opinion, this is the coolest thing. I have a job that I'm happy with. KVN brings me great joy. Those friends that I acquired through KVN and everything that I do. The way I carry myself. The kind of family I have. I am happy with all this and wish all this for other people. The main thing is that they are happy with what they have.

“Omich”, “City Tour”, DALS, “Raisy” - what other non-standard KVN teams do you know? Competing with classical groups, the so-called freaks every time find their audience and make huge audiences fall in love with them. Today we will talk with the captain of one of the most unusual teams in the Premier League this season, Stepan Lukin (Mega MASI, Moscow).

Hello, Stepa! Tell me something about yourself.
My name is Lukin Stepan, I am the captain of the KVN team “Mega”. I host weddings, corporate events... It seems to me that a Kaveen specialist has nothing else to do.

To begin with, the most logical question is - how did you get into KVN?
It's very simple: I started playing in college. Before this I was not involved in any such activity at all. And in my first year, at some concert, I danced coolly, and I was suddenly appointed captain of the team. The team was called “Everything is the other way around”, there were 7 people. And when this team very quickly disbanded, I swore that I would never play again, and then, as soon as the next season began, I was fired up again and created a team again, but with a different composition. I wanted only people who really work to play. It was me, Oleg, Ruslan and Maxim, who, unfortunately, no longer plays with us. And then Nastya came to us from another team. We played in Kaluga, Obninsk, Maloyaroslavets, we also played at the interfaculty at our institute and, having won it, flew to Sochi.

When did you realize that it was time for you to move to the official level?
The manager told us this. The person who was responsible for KVN at our university. And he insisted that we fly to Sochi. And only then we began to reach a more or less official level.

So you first flew to Sochi, and only then started playing in official games?
Before that, we played in MSL once. Look, in 2011 we started playing in MSL, 2012 - LaMPa, from where we immediately left, went back to MSL, 2013 - we are back in MSL, 2014 - Krasnodarka, and now the Premier League. And the most interesting thing is that in MSL we reached the semi-finals at most, and won Krasnodar in the first year. We ourselves don’t understand how this happened.

Why did you go to Krasnodarka last year and not to LaMPa?
Because Mikhail Gulikov, editor of the Premier League, works there.

This is how the editor of the Premier League, Alexey Lyapichev, also works at LaMPa.
Well, editing in LaMPa was not very close to us then. Oleg Valentsov and Pavel Pavlovsky in the MSL explained to us how to play, but we insisted on our own, were stubborn sheep and eventually fell apart. And when we got to Mikhail Gulikov, he firmly told us: either play this way or not at all. And we began to do the right thing. And in the end, we began to understand that this is exactly what they told us in Moscow for three years.

How would you describe your playing style?
Tomfoolery. Although, of course, it is not for us to judge this. It was nice when we were compared to “Fedor Dvinyatin”; I myself am often compared to Alexander Gudkov. And so, according to the style of the team, we are just freaks. We ourselves do not yet understand what we have come to, because what we see now is not the ideal that we want to see. This is far from the limit.

They call you a one-man team...
I wouldn't say so. Although it was like that before.

That is, you will try to develop the images of all team members, not just yours?
I would really like to. I just have this situation... When I received the first “best actor” it was very nice, when I received the second it was generally cool, but then again and again the same award. But I want them to highlight not only me, but the whole team. In us, like in any sitcom, everyone has their own type.

Many teams believe that participation in the First League or the International League is the step that is necessary before playing on Channel One. You got into the Premiere right away...
So what? And many teams get straight to the HSE, without the Premiere. Same situation. And we had status - champions of the Krasnodar League, one of the strongest central leagues. But in general, we were very afraid of being eliminated in this league right away, somewhere at the 1/8 stage.

Didn't you expect victory in Krasnodar?
Not at all! We even reached the finals as champions. In the sense that for us it was already a victory - the finalists of the central stage.

Was getting into the Premier League expected?
Actually, we didn’t go very far into Sochi. And it seemed to us that our chances had decreased. But, nevertheless, we were still accepted, and we are very happy about it.

In the 1/8 of the Premier League, you received very low marks for biathlon, but at the same time you performed better than all other teams in the greeting. How do you prepare yourself before going on stage, especially if you feel that one competition has already failed?
Throughout all the years of playing, I have formed the opinion that there is no need to compete with anyone at all. All teams are your friends. This is why I love the Krasnodar League, where we met many of the guys with whom we now communicate. And KVN is not some kind of competition, it is a friendly game. And you don’t need to try to be better than others, you just need to bring your humor, your understanding and your energy.

Do you have any team rituals before a game?
There is, but it’s rather not a ritual... In general, there is a belief that if the team laughs at you at the dress rehearsal, it means that something is going wrong.

If it weren't for KVN, what would you be doing?
I actually thought that I would go to Moscow Financial University, start working with the public and become a lawyer or manager. That is, he was going to work in his specialty.

Tell us the most interesting incident in the life of the team.
It was the MSL league. We had a KOP, our least favorite competition, because we don’t know how to sing or write it. And we had a number where the three of us read out our words, and at the end Oleg had to run out, take a selfie, and then we had to line up on the code. So, at the very beginning of the game, Ruslan began to feel ill and began to feel feverish. During the warm-up, he felt even worse, and during the first team’s KOP (and we were third or fourth), he couldn’t stand it, it became completely unbearable for him, and he left. We immediately copied Ruslan’s text onto the tablet, and Oleg came out instead. We didn’t even have time to rehearse with him. And Oleg is the person we constantly mock for forgetting his words on stage. And during the speech, after I read my text, I looked at Oleg and saw how he was reading Ruslan’s text without a tablet. I was completely blown away. Apparently, due to frequent rehearsals, Oleg had already memorized all the other people’s words. This surprised and amazed me very much. And Ruslan, thank God, felt better later. And this is the most memorable moment of the entire KVN game.

What is your least favorite moment in preparing for a game?
There were several games, including the Krasnodarka semi-final, for which we prepared continuously, without leaving the hotel. During the week we only went out to eat, and not always.

That is, on trips you don’t allow yourself to go for a walk?
We allow it. But for some reason the semi-final was not like that. With us, everything usually happens by itself, some teams write constantly on every trip, but we write only when necessary.

Does everyone on your team write?
Everyone writes, but some do it well, while others do it a little worse.

Is there anything special about the joke writing process?
Yes. Distribution of duties. Some write text jokes, some write visual gags and pokes, some competently form everything written into one whole, and some on the team are the so-called nonsense generator, i.e. someone who comes up with crazy ideas that can then be interestingly developed. I wouldn't say that this is an ideal scheme for writing jokes, but for some it might serve as good advice.

What other advice can you give to new teams?
Don't be upset if something doesn't work out. Go forward and insist on your own. But don’t be the stubborn sheep that we were for three years playing in the MSL, but listen to the opinion of the editors. And the most important thing is not to be lazy. And also - look for types. Even if the team is large, you need to ensure that the viewer remembers each participant.

Do you know any unofficial leagues in Moscow or the Moscow region that you would recommend to beginning teams as a starting point for playing KVN?
We now want to raise KVN in Obninsk. This, of course, is not the Moscow region, but close - two hours from Moscow. And if everything works out, we would be happy to invite Moscow teams.

Would you agree to edit an official league?
Stepa: Yes. Well, not the central one, of course, but the regional one is quite possible. I'd be interested in trying it.

If any Major League team invited you to play for them, would you agree?
No. I've already been offered it. I won’t say who, but I didn’t agree. I understood that I would not reveal my potential in another team.

What do you like and what don’t like about Moscow KVN?
In the structure of LMiP? The editors there are great. What I don’t like is that there is a large flow of teams there. And it’s difficult for editors, in other leagues there are 20 teams, but here there are 50. And it’s possible to work closely with each team throughout the entire performance closer to the semi-finals. But, on the other hand, this is good - the greater the flow, the more teams start playing KVN. And now this is very important, since the interest of young people in KVN is falling, everyone wants to participate in “Comedy Battle”, etc.

And finally, say hello to all your friends.
First of all, greetings to Mikhail Mikhailovich Gulikov, our editor. And to all my friends from Krasnodarka: “Armada”, HSE Team, “Littery Club”.

The semi-final of the Premier League will take place today, and we wish good luck to the KVN team “Mega MASI”. Well, according to tradition, join the VKontakte team group.