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As you know, all people are individual, and a woman’s breasts can have the most varied shapes, which even affects the character and self-esteem of the owner of the breasts. Human fashion is changing, completely different perceptions of beauty are emerging, and a new idea of ​​what a woman's breasts should ideally look like is emerging. But often generally accepted standards are completely turned upside down, and beloved and desired women have breast shapes that were previously considered less attractive.

In some eras, preference is given to a large bust, while in others, small but firm and youthful breasts are preferred. Accordingly, understanding beautiful breasts depends on the person’s view and what seems beautiful to him. Many scientists are also interested in this issue, trying to establish the relationship between what shape a woman’s breasts have, what her sexual preferences are and what her character is.

Naturally, all information of this kind is very approximate and cannot fully reflect reality, but many will be interested in learning about such relationships. Thus, some breast shapes are characteristic of girls who are very sexually liberated, while other shapes are more often seen in those women who are more tender and devoted. They are economical and can be ideal wives for their chosen ones. Avid careerists, who are focused not on family, but on professional fulfillment, also have their own characteristics.

Types of female breasts

  • "Water surface"- heavy and soft breasts with very delicate skin through which veins are visible. It is inherent in kind and sincere girls who are ready to help in a difficult situation and at the same time not ask for anything from other people and solve their problems on their own. Such women are very sacrificial and sex life, preferring men who have little experience, and are happy to teach them everything, even if at first they do not get any real pleasure.
  • "Alma mater"large size breasts with always tense nipples, which is characteristic of women with a strong maternal instinct, and this manifests itself in all areas of life, including personal and work relationships. Girls of this type love stable relationships, and even in sexual life their maternal instinct manifests itself, although after the birth of a child they may fall in love with experiments and even begin to go to extremes.
  • "Peach"- delicious female breasts, reminiscent of ripe peaches, which are both large and firm, with delicate pink nipples. As a rule, women with such a bust are very willful and independent, they like not to depend on anyone, they tend to express themselves in their careers and like to realize themselves in professional activity. In their sexual life, they can combine tenderness and aggression, dominance and gentleness; they love everything new, although they remain faithful to one partner.
  • "Eyes of a Turkish Woman"- narrow and elongated breasts, with cute nipples pointing in different directions. Such ladies are very active and resourceful both at home and at work, highly value their own benefit and success, and can be dangerous competitors in business life. In addition, such ladies are very demanding and are not inclined to take excessive care of their partner.
  • "Lady fingers"- large breasts, which vaguely resemble the grape variety of the same name. Despite all the non-conflict and good nature of such girls, they can be completely unpredictable in their sex life.
  • "Dulka"- elegant breasts with a narrowed shape, which becomes somewhat wider in the area of ​​​​the large brown nipple. The owners of the bust are very homely, they put above all else family values, kind, love stability and are not prone to any changes or experiments.
  • "Buds"-narrow and elongated chest of medium shape with small pointed nipples, characteristic of very feminine, calm and charming individuals. In sexual relations, girls do not value foreplay and are very conservative.
  • "African savannah"- medium breasts with a clear nipple halo and tanned skin. By nature, women are usually extremely sensual and energetic, although in sex they can be overly conservative.
  • "Sappho"- medium-sized soft breasts, which may even seem somewhat flaccid from the outside, and are characteristic of melancholic and somewhat unbalanced individuals. Girls are very talented, although they can be fickle in their sex life and see it as purely a sporting interest.
  • "Snow Hill"- small and firm breasts with light, tender and slightly pointed nipples. These fair-skinned and soft women are very sophisticated developed imagination, impressionable, romantic, love love caresses and tenderness.
  • "Chloe"- small breasts, found in insecure and sensitive girls who, due to suspiciousness, even in sexual life, choose partners with a minimum of experience.

The shape of the breast is associated both with hereditary indicators and with age and lifestyle, and it will help to maintain the bust in ideal shape proper diet and regular physical exercise. Especially big influence Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding affect the breasts, after which the breasts can take on a completely different shape.

In general, it all depends on the woman’s efforts and how she takes care of herself in order to always be attractive and not lose beautiful shape breasts Constant training will help you not only have beautiful breasts after long periods of breastfeeding, but even make them better and healthier than they were before.

Types and features female breast.

There are different breast shapes, but each of them is unique in its own way. Beautiful bust - best decoration for any lady. It is this part of the body that makes everything attractive female image, is a sign of femininity and originality.

But even a small bust can be presented effectively, making it your advantage. Despite the existing canons of beauty, there are many cases where female representatives with non-standard breasts received the title of the most beautiful and seductive women.

Anatomical structure of the mammary glands

Compared to others internal organs, breast anatomy is not that complicated.

The mammary gland is a paired organ in the shape of hemispheres that are located symmetrically. They are located in the anterior region of the chest in the region of the 3-7 ribs.

The structure of the bust is represented by glandular lobes with a circular arrangement. Their number varies from 15 to 20.

The lobes are formed by small spheres that fit together just like grapes in a bunch.

The spheres are alveoli; it is in them that milk is synthesized during breastfeeding. The lobes are the unifying element for adipose and connective tissue.

Thanks to glandular cells, the structure of the human sternum acquires elasticity. The presence of a significant fat content makes the bust plastic and soft.

Today there is widespread information that breast volume can be increased with the help of long-term training using sports equipment.

To understand the reality, you need to study the structure of the sternum of women. The chest itself does not include muscle mass, as seen in the photo. It is for this reason that the mammary glands cannot be “pumped up” or adjusted in volume or shape. The chest is supported by flexible ligaments rather than by a muscular system.

Over the years, due to the action of gravity, the skin and ligaments experience stretching and begin to change, which ultimately leads to sagging breasts. The larger the size, the more pronounced the sagging will be.

Structure of the nipple and areola

Having understood the structure of the sternum, mammary glands, and the location of a person’s ribs, one is interested in the features of the nipples and areola.

In girls who have not given birth to a child, the nipples take the shape of a cone; in those who have experienced childbirth, they are more like a cylinder.

Around the nipples there is an areola with a diameter of 30-50 mm. It is colored more dark color compared to the skin.

The shade becomes even darker at the time of sexual arousal or when carrying a child.

Through the nipple, through the milk ducts, the milk necessary for feeding babies is released. On the surface of the areola there are small tubercles through which a special secretion is released to moisturize the skin.

Bust shapes and their names

Potatoes Klyukovki
Watermelons Peaches
Bottles Apples
Saucers Pancakes
Pears Oranges
Teapots Bee stings
Hooks Eggplant

What determines the volume and shape of the bust?

Breast structure inside everyone has absolutely identical, but in appearance this part of the body has differences.

Michelle Place

plastic surgeon

Many women have a complex about their breasts, considering them imperfect, although each bust is unique in its own way. Of course, in some cases the fair sex has clear indications for surgical intervention. It is worth considering surgery if one breast is too different in size, or the mammary glands are very heavy, which puts strain on the spine and causes pain. I would also like to note that it is important to choose the right bra.

Proper care will be the key to healthy mammary glands. Any bust parameters, as well as the direction of the nipples, can be varied. Young breasts become deformed over the years, changing their appearance, and this is a natural process.

One of the most important decorations of the fair sex is the breast. Girls believe that it is this prominent part of the body that directly influences the desire of men. Various fashion houses and glossy magazines have long been imposed certain stereotypes ideal female breast. Every day there are articles and advertisements about how to enlarge breasts or change their shape, with the obligatory mention that after the operation a woman’s life will change for the better.

But why follow the lead of marketing campaigns? Every woman is beautiful and unique in her own way, just like her breasts. A well-groomed and confident woman will be able to present a bust of any shape and size with the most the best side and will not leave men indifferent. And our article will help you determine what shapes, parameters and types of female breasts exist, how to choose the right underwear and care for your bust.

What determines breast shape?

Starting from adolescence, breasts go through a lot of changes and only after puberty they acquire their final size and shape.

However, even after this period, these parameters may change for a number of reasons:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • chronic and other breast diseases;
  • playing sports;
  • performing mammoplasty;
  • menopause

But still, the main factors determining the shape of the breast and its size remain hereditary indicators that contribute to the development of the mammary glands in adolescence. Sex hormones also play a very important role important role. If there is an interruption in their functioning, the growth of the mammary glands may stop or, on the contrary, increase significantly. The subcutaneous layer of fat and the condition of the ligaments, the strength of connective tissues and muscle fitness also determine the shape of the mammary glands.

Main settings

There are several basic parameters used to characterize the mammary glands:

  1. According to their location on the chest, the breasts are low and high rise. But do not confuse sagging breasts with a low rise.
  2. The elasticity and density of the mammary glands also characterizes the shape of the breasts in women. Ideally, the bust should be firm and soft. But during pregnancy and lactation, it may become less elastic or even sluggish. This problem can only be corrected surgically.
  3. Based on the width of the base of the mammary gland, female bust shapes are classified as narrow, medium or wide.
  4. In terms of volume, the chest can be retracted, convex or flat.

Not all girls can boast of perfect breasts.

In many cases, the breasts differ from classic version with its parameters and characteristics:

  1. Conical. Not big size Breasts are most often conical in shape. This shape of a woman’s bust is distinguished by the fact that its base is normal, but higher towards the nipples it becomes cone-shaped.
  2. Asymmetrical. This shape is different in that one breast is larger than the other. Usually such a difference is not significant, the difference is only one size. But if the excess is 2 or more sizes, then the question arises of changing it with the help of a surgeon.
  3. Incomplete. A special shape with a very narrow base. Such mammary glands look elongated and incomplete.
  4. Ball-shaped. Another name for this form is “Omega”. The base of the bust is the same size as the entire mammary gland. This difference is not congenital and can only be present in girls with full breasts.
  5. Low projection shape. A bust of this shape has quite small size, and the circle is standard. Thus, there is a discrepancy between the two parameters.

Breast Distance

There are other features that distinguish a woman's bust - the direction of the nipples and the distance between the left and right breasts.

Distinctive features depending on distance:

  • the breasts fit very tightly to each other, the distance is not visible at all;
  • between the right and left mammary glands the distance is 2-3 centimeters;
  • the left and right mammary glands from above are close to each other, and to the bottom - the interval between them diverges, forming a triangle;
  • wide-set bust, a distance of more than 5 centimeters is considered;
  • A mixed situation rarely occurs when the mammary glands are located far from each other and diverge downward in opposite directions.

Nipple directions

Distinctive features of the direction and types of nipples in women:

  • The perfect form is considered when the nipples look clearly straight and have a small areola around them. Some girls even resort to the services of a surgeon to achieve such results;
  • a common feature is when the nipples point in exactly opposite directions;
  • at an older age (after 40 years), the breasts may sag and then the nipples become pointing downwards.

Basic forms

American experts studying mental characteristics personalities, analyzed the physical forms of the girls and made interesting conclusions. It turns out that it’s about character beautiful women their breasts can tell a lot. The different shapes of a woman's breasts indicate different temperaments their owners.

Let's look at what types of women's breasts there are and how it affects a woman's character.


This form is quite rare and is considered the most beautiful breast shape. The most popular of all types of female breasts, which is done in plastic surgery. Lucky women with such a perfect shape are often spoiled by the attention of men, have inflated ambitions and are careerists. Men who are capable of cheating are immediately blacklisted, since these ladies will not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves and will never suffer because of sad love.


Most often, tomboy girls have this type of bust. They are active, friendly, most often involved in active sports and are fond of “male” hobbies. Such girls are always the life of the party and good friends. They don’t need men’s attention, and they often have a lot of mutual love emerges from close friendship. They will be devoted and faithful to their chosen one, and will become a good friend for the child.

Wide set

Girls with this shape are quite sincere and open. They do not take part in women's gossip and intrigue. They can be described as honest, decent and frank. Always ready to help those in need, often to their own detriment. But sometimes they are too straightforward, but not in order to specifically offend anyone, but simply because that is their nature.


Owners of this form have heightened emotional sensitivity to the outside world. Girls are predisposed to “inflate mountains out of molehills”, make small problems big, and get nervous and worried about this. Such sentimental people often look for a “prince on a white horse” in men, idealizing their partner and taking any troubles to heart. They really value the romantic impulses of their other half, they idolize a man who protects them and shows care. In the future they become loving mothers.


Women with such breasts never fall into despair. From the outside, they seem to have endless energy and optimism, but the truth is that they do not openly show their worries. The same thing happens in society: there are many acquaintances with whom she can have fun, but there may be only a couple of real friends in whom she can completely trust.


Girls are very emotional, with changeable moods that change for no apparent reason. However, these people are creative people with unconventional ideas and original approaches to solving problems. They know how to come up with several ways out in current situations.


Other varieties

IN different eras time there was a standard of female breasts. At some times, a large and magnificent bust was revered, at others, small breasts were especially valued. But one thing remains unchanged - breasts are always the center of male attention and are the adornment of any woman.

Therefore, not only the main types of breasts have been identified, but even original names have been invented:

  1. "Dulki." Exquisite charms of a narrow shape that become wider in the dark nipple area.
  2. "Buds." Breasts are no more than size 2 with a slightly elongated narrow shape and pointed nipples.
  3. "Snowy Hills" Neat, small breasts with light, slightly pointed nipples.
  4. "Water surface" Quite a weighty and soft bust (size 4, 5 or more) with thin skin and veins visible through it.
  5. "Alma mater". The bust is of significant size with low projection and very firm nipples.
  6. "Circe". Perfectly firm breasts, size slightly larger than average, but no more than a size 3, with a brown halo and nipples pointing forward.
  7. "Ripe pears." The mammary glands are large, slightly soft and saggy, with a large nipple and a brown halo.
  8. "Globes". Significant size (4.5 and more) and rounded bust, with a clear prominent nipple, which is whiter at the edge and darker towards the center.
  9. "Kashtanki" Slightly flattened, soft breasts size 3-4 with large and light colored nipples.
  10. "Renaissance". Soft large bust with full top part and slightly translucent skin.
  11. "Peach". The name speaks for itself. A lovely variety of female breasts - elastic, large, with delicate light-colored nipples.
  12. "Lady fingers". It is large in size and its shape is similar to the famous grape.
  13. "The eyes of a Turkish woman." Elongated and narrow breasts, with medium-sized nipples looking in different directions.
  14. "African savannah". It has the average size and a clear halo around the nipple, as well as dark skin.
  15. "Sappho." Soft and even slightly flabby breasts, elongated towards the bottom and no more than size 2.
  16. "Chloe." Miniature and regular-shaped breasts with a small and light nipple.

There are many more names for this lovely part. female body. Comparing the bust in shape and size with vegetables and fruits, the following names were born: oranges, cranberries, lemons, melons, watermelons, grapefruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, turnips. The most unusual and funny names: handbags, bee stings, hooks, oars, spaniel ears, pointers, saucers, bottles, teapots.

Types of nipples

The female breast is a unique organ created by nature to produce milk and feed it to babies. The nipple is precisely responsible for where the accumulated milk will come out. The nipple is surrounded by an areola, which ranges in color from light pink to dark brown. Nipple shapes are: small, medium, large.

There are five types of female nipples based on the degree of protuberance:

  1. Normal nipple. The nipple protrudes significantly from the areola even without stimulation. If you use the latter, then it increases and becomes hard.
  2. Prominent nipple. Appearance the nipple appears slightly swollen due to the fact that the areola around it is slightly raised. When stimulation is applied, the size of the nipple increases.
  3. Inverted nipple. Almost all the time the nipple is inside the areola, but when aroused it can become noticeable.
  4. Flat nipple. It practically does not protrude from the areola and sometimes may not respond to stimulation.
  5. One-sided nipple. Another name is different nipples, when one nipple is convex and the other is not.

How to choose the right underwear

When the question arises about choosing a bra, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • the bra should always be the right size;
  • a bra with thick foam cups is more suitable for those with modest shapes;
  • It is better to buy a bra in the shape of the letter “T” for girls and women with large size bust and fallen shape;
  • a bra with a horizontal seam visually makes the bust more rounded.

Choosing underwear depending on breast shape

Different shapes of female breasts also mean wearing different underwear:

  1. "Circe" or classical form. Girls with this perfect shape breasts fit any bra model. When choosing underwear, you can only focus on personal preferences.
  2. "Globe". It is recommended to wear a bra with a jumper, which will be completely adjacent to the breast bone or will have no breast bone at all. In order to raise the bust, it is better to choose a bodice with underwires that reach the middle of the chest; the seams in the cups of the bodice should be stitched. Good choice will become the Plange bra.
  3. "Renaissance". Special attention only requires right choice size.
  4. "Chestnut". Wireless bras with contoured cups, or bodices with a cup sewn from three parts, as well as bodices with a central seam in the lower half are suitable.
  5. "Water surface". The cups of the bodice should be full-sized and have inserts on the sides in order to freely place the breasts in them and direct them forward.
  6. "Alma mater". Models with underwires that smoothly fit the chest and inserts made of thick fabric, to compensate for volume. Minimizing bras are ideal.
  7. "Buds." Bras with contoured cups and extra pads are great for this breast type. Push-up bodices and bandeau bras will be the best choice.
  8. "Sappho". A push-up bodice with bottom and side inserts is best suited to give volume to the bust.
  9. "Chloe." To add volume, bodices with underwires and soft contoured cups are suitable.

Formula for ideal female breasts

Scientists from Italy have discovered the formula for the ideal female bust. To do this, you need to imagine triangle ABC, as shown in the picture. Segment AC - we will consider the base of the triangle, the corners - on the nipples and in the cavity of the collarbone.

The length AC must be divided by 2, then the resulting number is divided by the length of the segment AB and we find out the number of breast parameters. The correct and most beautiful breast shape corresponds to a number from 0.4 to 0.6.

Ideal breast parameter distance:

  • between the nipples there should be from 20 cm to 21 cm;
  • from the navel to the nipple - from 24 cm to 25 cm;
  • the diameter of the base of the chest is from 12 to 13 cm.

Care and preservation of breast shape

Whatever the shape and parameters of the bust, timely care and properly selected underwear can keep it in great shape.

Proper care is as follows:

  1. Cleansing the breast skin with water and soft gel products, gentle peeling;
  2. Wearing the right and comfortable bra;
  3. Performing exercises to strengthen the chest muscle tissue;
  4. The use of creams that improve skin condition;
  5. Carrying out massage;
  6. Protecting breast skin from ultraviolet rays with special means;
  7. Posture and weight control.

Follow these simple rules to maintain and maintain beautiful and firm shape.


You will learn how to tighten your chest muscles to give it a more beautiful shape in our video.

Women's breasts. They sing songs about her, write poems and simply admire her. For centuries, women's breasts have been a mystery to men. Even themselves women not sure if we need to look for an answer to this. Keep reading to learn more about a woman's bust than you could ever know on your own. We will tell you everything - from size to loss of shape. And about what can feed a child and be the subject of seduction at the same time? In front of you 10 unknown facts about women's breasts. It's worth noting that women's breasts can be found among the 10 most photoshopped body parts.

You can see the difference between the busts of two different girls, it’s amazing, but the breasts are... cousins, not twins. Just like gas, breasts are not the same. Certainly, we're talking about about the bust, given by nature...plastic surgeons can do the impossible.

Natural breasts may vary in size, height and shape. In fact, most women have larger left breasts than their right ones, but you've probably never noticed it.

The combination " double D Does it mean anything to you? For a long time, it was used to indicate a DD cup bra size and was considered large enough. Double D seems to be the hit of the season right now.

In fact, in 2013 it was reported that 34DD is the most common American bra size. I'm not sure I know what he really looks like. But the 34DDs allegedly boasting about it are Kate Upton, Kim Kardashian, and Tyra Banks.

Word " sag"so... uncomplimentary. It's hard to talk about big breasts, without thinking what would happen to her later. Women, at a certain age, often make themselves " compliment"that the breasts are already at the level of the knees, it makes you wonder how much the breasts can sag.

According to the study, Loss of breast shape is caused by age, smoking, pregnancy, a woman’s weight and breast size itself.. So, if you are a woman who wants to enlarge her breasts or a man who wants his partner to have larger breasts, think carefully, severe sagging can be avoided.

Let's have an anatomy lesson. A woman's breasts are two mammary glands located on the chest. The mammary glands consist of three main parts:

  • mammary gland body
  • areolas,
  • nipple.

The body of the mammary gland contains connective tissue. Areola - a small area surrounding the nipple, slightly darker than skin color. In the center of the areola is the nipple. Usually the areola and nipple are located in the upper half, center or bottom of the breast. It all depends on the size and shape! Although the entire breast is sensitive, the nipple is most responsive to touch and changes in temperature.

The largest breasts come from America and belong to Annie Hawkins-Turner. The bra size is 48V, the largest bra size in history. In other words, her chest is 178cm. Annie says her breasts started growing when she was nine and just kept growing.

On the other, unnatural side, the largest breast implants belong to Brazilian housewife Sheila Hershey, now a resident of Texas. Sheila's implant measures 34FFF, which is much larger than her natural size B. We've heard that Sheila would like to get even bigger breasts in the future.

5. People want #nipplefreedom

Many people believe that women should have the same rights as men, including the right to go topless. A social movement under the hashtag #nipplefreedom supports women to be able to post topless photos online, just like men do.

This movement was a reaction to the fact that American media introduced censorship of nipples (and breasts in general), on the Internet, on television and in printed publications. The equality movement Topfrey believes that women have the right to bare their breasts in in public places on a par with men. What do you think?

If you have large breasts, then exercise can be deadly. Running and jumping can cause discomfort in the chest, abdomen and back. And besides, large breasts move actively during training, which causes a lot of inconvenience. Women with large busts should know that aerobic exercise can stretch and tear the pectoral ligaments, which will soon lead to stretch marks and severe sagging of the breasts.

Support can be found in special sports bras, they keep discomfort to a minimum and therefore prevent breast sagging during exercise. A good bra will not rub your nipples. Triple victory!

A woman's breasts resemble a man's... penis? Yes, you understood correctly. A woman's breasts can show that the wearer is aroused in several ways. When sexual arousal occurs, the nipple becomes hard and more sensitive. In addition, like the penis, breasts can become larger during arousal.

The mammary glands may swell to the same size when a woman is aroused. Breasts can become so sensitive that up to one percent of women can climax from nipple stimulation alone.

Next time you ask a man: “ What is the first thing you notice in a woman?“You can immediately call him a liar if he starts saying something about a snow-white smile. Research shows that breasts are the first thing men notice. Eat scientific explanation why breasts are so important to them. Evolutionarily speaking, breasts are a sign of fertility and health; men are interested in them because a woman can give birth and feed their child.

It's no secret that plastic surgery breast, one of the most popular procedures. Pamela Anderson became widely known for her contribution to the breast enlargement trend after she traded in her Baywatch for something bigger. In 2014, 286,254 American women underwent breast augmentation. By comparison, less than half of that number had a facelift in the same year.

In addition to breast augmentation, there are many other procedures for women looking to transform their breasts, including breast reduction, breast reshaping, fat transfer, and breast implant correction. From Taylor Swift to Coco Austin, there are breast implants different forms and sizes! Check out 10 celebrities who have had breast reduction surgery.

A woman's bust attracts great amount views and by its nature has a number of unique interesting features. BrainON offers 30 facts about women's breasts. It will be interesting for both women and men!