Unknown facts about lotteries. “We give warmth and smiles”

On the Internet you can find a huge amount of information about various draws. Circulation and instant, old and new, they are attracting more and more attention from many residents of different countries. Moreover, there are quite a few clubs whose members are simply crazy about gambling. Don’t forget that every year, pranks give new life to completely ordinary people. Newly made millionaires write books that others buy and try to win too. Thus, the cycle of this fun never ends. Today’s article is devoted to interesting facts from the history of all games in the world. Perhaps some information will seem absolutely absurd, but everything written below is the real truth. So, did you know that...

1) The first lotteries were created by merchants. Their main function is to cheer each other up during a long journey. Sometimes there was too much product and, in order to get rid of the excess, special competitions were held, the winners of which received such prizes. Other information says that the world's first drawings were held in the Roman Empire. And it was more like an election, since out of 90 participants only 5 had to be chosen. Those who pulled the marked stones out of the bag were the lucky ones. A strange custom, but it is considered the father of all fun. History is endless, and therefore any source of information cannot be called completely accurate. But maybe there is some truth in this too.

In general, the official year of birth of lotteries is 1559. It was then that the Queen of England held an official fun for the whole country. Until 1825, this particular game was played regularly. But such pranks were organized for a reason. Entire cities, and even the famous British Museum, were built in England with the money raised from the purchase of tickets.

And in this way money was raised not only in Great Britain. Just imagine, every brick of the Great Wall of China was built using a lottery organized in ancient China. The name of the game, thanks to which this wonder of the world was built, is known to every resident of the country. The name of this lotto is Keno.

2) Number games are the most popular all over the world. The most famous combinations on the playing field are 5 out of 36, 6 out of 49, 8 out of 50. It is these kinds of games that bring the lucky ones a total of $900 million a year. Just imagine how many lucky people have changed their lives thanks to a regular ticket.

3) There are several types of prize categories. They all differ depending on the type of gambling and the amount of the jackpot. The most famous are rollovers (the main prize increases with each draw). If no one manages to win in one draw, then the entire prize amount goes to the next one. Thus, the jackpot can grow several times. Well, and of course, players get a pretty good opportunity to increase their chances of winning. After all, there is often not one winner, but several at once.

By the way, why don’t you play too? Perhaps the game will change your life. And to simplify the process itself, any lottery draw can be found. This site will help you learn a lot about modern entertainment, choose the one that suits you in terms of time and prizes. And most importantly, here you can buy a ticket in just a couple of seconds. No more combing the entire city in search of a kiosk. Moreover, you don’t even need to waste your time sitting for hours in front of the TV waiting for the circulation. Immediately after it, all tickets are automatically checked, so you will immediately know whether you won or not. It's much easier, right? Play, enjoy the moments of victories and defeats, feel the adrenaline in your blood. Believe me, it's worth it. Good luck!

KENO is one of the most popular lotteries held in Ukraine. The formula for such success is very simple - every fifth draw becomes a winner! Of course, such a positive trend cannot but please future and current participants of this game, who have long loved this national lottery. But have Ukrainians heard about how it appeared? lottery and what interesting facts are associated with this type of lotto? We are more sure that no, so with your permission, today we will tell you about the most interesting facts!

History of the lottery

Centuries of rich history and many different legends are associated with the KENO lottery. One of them says that for over 3 thousand years the inhabitants of ancient China played lotto, which in its techniques and style was very similar to the KENO that we know about now. The rules of the game were first written about in the magical Chinese book “I Ching” - it was one of the first books in human history that testified to the principles of the modern lottery.

Speaking about the emergence of the lotto itself, it all started with one well-thought-out campaign carried out by the Chinese government. In ancient times, the Chinese provinces were in constant war among themselves and the then Emperor Cheng Li did not have enough money to finance his army. Actually, for this reason, he decided to invent and launch a game that could cover all financial expenses. It is also believed that one of the current wonders of the world, the Great Wall of China, was built thanks to proceeds from the KENO lotto!

Name and first version of the game

In those ancient times, the game was not yet called “KENO”. Experts who study gambling have constantly argued and are still arguing - where did this name come from? The first believe that the word “KENO” has Latin roots, because in its original form this game had five winning numbers. This is where the name “quini” comes from, which translates as “every five”. Others are inclined to believe that the word is related to the French language – “quine” (“five winning numbers”).

The original version of the KENO lotto was a table with 120 hieroglyphs. The results of the draw were sent out by carrier pigeons - that’s why at that time the game was called the “white pigeon lottery.” This went on for a long time - China was a closed country. However, when the gold rush captured North America at the beginning of the 19th century, some of the residents of China moved to another continent, and over time the lottery became more widely known. What happened next?

Fame and evolution

In the United States, “invited guests” from China were mainly engaged in the construction of railways, devoting their free time to their favorite KENO lottery. Over time, the game underwent a kind of adaptation to other cultures - the old hieroglyphs were replaced with numbers, and the total number of cells was reduced from 120 to 80.

Dramatic changes have also taken place in the methods of creating combinations. 80 cards with numbers were stored in 20 cardboard boxes; from the same boxes, one sheet was drawn at random, thereby making up a winning combination. Later, for some time, the lottery used ping-pong balls - numbers were written on them, which were also drawn at random.

The traditional and modern method of KENO lotto, which is still used today, was born only in the middle of the twentieth century. It should be noted that in the history of the lottery there have often been periods when it was banned, then allowed again. Fortunately, now there are no problems with access to the lotto - KENO lottery has received worldwide recognition and is played by millions of people all over the Earth!

Keno is a world-famous game that year after year fulfills the dreams of acquiring wealth for ordinary people. Even though the rules of playing keno are extremely simple and you do not need any special skills or experience, a very large number of casino fans do not lose interest in keno, continuing to fight and try their luck in this, let’s not be afraid of the word, lottery.

The essence of keno is incredibly simple - like most other gambling games, it is based on random numbers. If you prefer to play keno online, then there will be a special program for you to generate such numbers. All the player needs to do is bet on several numbers on the playing field, and the final outcome of the game will depend on whether the cells on which bets were previously placed with the thrown numbers coincide.

A huge number of combinations that may appear on the playing field play their role - the probability of a positive outcome of the game becomes very small. So, a player can bet on 2-10 cells, and, accordingly, the more cells are winning, the greater the winnings can be received in the end. And if you have ever thought about playing keno and even tried your hand at it, then it will definitely not be news to you that winnings here can actually be repeated endlessly.

Large prizes are won very rarely, however, all the players’ hopes lie primarily in small amounts, which brings a fundamentally new sensation to the game.

How to win at keno?

Surprisingly, however, people who play keno regularly are truly convinced that there is a complete system for winning in keno and, despite its simplicity, its effectiveness has been proven by players in many countries.

In practice, understanding such a winning system is not very difficult, and it doesn’t hurt to test it. There are several rules of the so-called “club of successful players” - we will tell you about them below as part of this material.

To be absolutely sure of a positive outcome of the game, you will need to learn as much information as possible about keno. Someone acts on their own, using the same trial and error method. There is a category of players who take advantage of other people's experience and even create their own individual strategies. Note that professional keno players use effective strategies that have been honed to the point of automaticity.

All sorts of little things matter - what types of bets will be offered to players, what is the percentage of return on winnings, is there a progressive jackpot and what bonuses does the gambling establishment offer? It is precisely these little things that make up an effective keno playing system.

A few secrets

A game where the player bets on a smaller number of numbers has a better chance of winning than, for example, a game on large numbers. This is an insignificant detail, but at the same time, it can be decisive, especially when it comes to the first steps, the initial stages of the game. Simple mathematics shows that the chances of betting 4 out of 10 are much greater than those of betting 6 out of 10. Note to all beginners - start playing only with small numbers.

Players must make 100% use of the betting variety. Thus, when you have already tried your hand at one type of bet, you can absolutely safely switch to bets of a different kind - they can be either combined or separate. As you gain experience, you will be able to analyze the game situation on your own and see when and what is the best bet to make at one time or another. And even if the game does not bring you winnings for some time, this is a signal that you need to change your strategy as soon as possible, using not only single, but also combined bets.

In any area of ​​human activity, self-improvement plays a very important role. To win consistently, you must systematically discover new horizons, practice more, and use different strategies. Everything is in the hands of the player.

Keno playing systems

As practice shows, the overwhelming majority of players view gambling as nothing other than a way to test their luck. Will that very wheel of Fortune turn in their favor this time, will luck be favorable to them? Yes, absolutely, if you just want to have fun, this is a great strategy. But there is another category of players who make every effort to calculate any patterns. Alan Kriegman, the author of many keno betting systems, actually falls into the second category.

The mathematician was guided by a simple thought - since the percentage of return in the game is minimal, for this reason it is necessary to develop a strategy that, if not even the chances, will significantly increase the player’s chances of winning.

There are rumors that due to fierce competition, the return on virtual casinos that offer keno games ranges from 80 to 95%. But in fact, all this is quite exaggerated.

Keno playing system

Let's move on to the details, touching directly on the game system. It is well known that the biggest win in keno can only be achieved when all the numbers without exception have been guessed. But in practice, the chance of winning such a brilliant victory is incredibly small - according to analysts’ calculations, it is 1 in 3.5 trillion. Let's give a simple example: if the entire population of the planet played keno, then in this case there would be no more than 20 jackpots on the planet per day.

Let's give a specific example. Let's say you are playing keno and you need to determine from 1 to 20 numbers. If bets are placed on 1 number, then in this case the probability of guessing it will not exceed 25%. In turn, 2 numbers give a 38% chance of guessing one of the numbers. As the number of numbers increases, the probability of guessing a specific number only increases.

Thus, using the information provided, you can build your keno strategy. It is also necessary to take into account the policy of the institution in which you play the game, since the rules and, accordingly, the amounts of payment for combinations may undergo serious changes over time.

Often, some casinos offer payouts for winnings in strictly defined ranges. In some cases, they pay for ranges from 1 to 2 matches, less often - from 2 to 4. There are also casinos that count a player’s victory only if 5 or more numbers match.

The safest style of play is to bet on a small number of numbers. Yes, of course, the winnings will be very modest, but, on the other hand, the losses will not hurt your pocket. But if, as the old saying goes, “a steal makes a million,” choose to play at places that use progressive jackpots.

A few more important tips. It doesn’t matter what specific numbers will be chosen - what matters is what quantity you choose. It’s simple – the more numbers you bet on, the more you can win in the end. If the strategy has justified itself, change it immediately, since the likelihood of it “shooting” again is incredibly low.

And if you play in a TV quiz, then you can't do without attentiveness. Often, lottery organizers simply had no one to give the prize to, since the lucky winners did not show up for payment, having forgotten about the ticket. By the way, playing keno on the Internet is about 50 times faster and here you can get good practice.

When it comes to lotteries, most people, especially those who have never participated in them, are interested in:

“Is it really possible to win the lottery?”

AiF talked about this and much more with Svetlana Stashuk, a distributor of lottery tickets from Krasnodar.

“I love my job”

Victor Savin, AiF: Svetlana Ivanovna, how did it happen that you started selling lottery tickets? What did you do before?

Svetlana Stashuk: I was a health worker, worked in one place for 30 years, then raised my grandchildren - I have six of them. Tired of sitting at home. And I am very grateful to Stoloto for giving me this job. My life is now going to the fullest, I feel like I’m 25 years old! Everyone who sees me does not believe that I have been retired for a long time. We don't just sell lottery tickets - we give smiles, warmth, and communication. We give advice and consult on which lottery is more suitable for whom. Imagine, one 97-year-old customer took me by the hand and said: “I thank you for existing. You are an angel!" Another man, who won 2,000 rubles, began reading poetry to me out of happiness. This is the joy of life! This is why I love my job.

- In your opinion, when people buy tickets, they certainly want to win a million? Or is this a kind of hobby, a form of recreation?

Of course, people always hope to win, but that’s not the main thing. For many, the lottery is also an element of self-affirmation. Someone is just tired at work and wants to relax. Many people like the process itself. They have been taking part in Russian Lotto for 20 years. They are waiting for the weekend when there will be another draw. Children or grandchildren buy lottery tickets for old people so that their lives do not stand still. And so the whole family sits down in front of the TV, turns on NTV and watches with interest. This has become a good tradition for them.

And, of course, a hobby. One of my regular customers quit drinking and smoking for lotteries! The money that he used to spend on booze and cigarettes is now spent on buying tickets. And he wins from time to time! Tell me, is it bad to exchange bad habits for a hobby that also brings in money?

- How do people usually react to winning? Did you have to provide first aid?

Yes, some people feel bad, it happens. My participants won 350,000, 200,000 rubles each. One woman came and said: “You know, I won 500,000 rubles. But I do not believe. This must be some kind of prank." Well, I say: “Soon the money will arrive in your bank account, then you will believe it.”

Sometimes people come to me after drawings and complain: “Here, I haven’t won anything again.” And I answer: “So what? Today you didn’t win, but tomorrow luck may await you.” There was a grandfather who bought lottery tickets for 6 years and then won 650,000 rubles. I added some money and bought an apartment for my granddaughter. Another winner, she is 87 years old, came hunched over with a stick to claim her winnings of 600,000 rubles. It also took me a long time to achieve success. Now she said that she would buy her granddaughter a car and keep something else for herself.

- What was the biggest win in your memory?

Recently, the Housing Lottery played for a jackpot of 6,495,000 rubles. It was won by a man from our Krasnodar region.

Life on the move

- Which lotteries are in greatest demand and why?

Elderly people and pensioners choose the lotteries they are used to - the same “Russian Lotto”, “Housing Lottery”. They also take the “Golden Horseshoe”, which appeared recently. And young people prefer lotteries with quick results. I myself really love Rapido. I can’t wait long, I want to know the result faster. Many people ask about the Gosloto lottery.

- Are lottery fans superstitious? Say, do they avoid the number 13?

There are all kinds of people. One woman came to me just on the 13th and asked me to select 13 tickets with my own hand. Well, I chose. And what do you think? She won all 13 tickets! Little by little, we won.

Everyone has their own signs and habits. One participant from Maykop won the super prize twice. First at Rapido it was 671,000 rubles, and two months later at Gosloto it was 400-odd thousand. He said that he noted the birthdays of his family members on the tickets... Moreover, he puts these numbers everywhere - both in Gosloto “6 out of 45”, and in “Gosloto “5 out of 36”, and in “Rapido”. And they finally helped him win the super prize twice!

And other clients don’t believe in the magic of numbers, they don’t care. But they are also interesting to watch.

- What parting words would you give to lottery participants?

Don't listen to those who say you can't win the lottery. We post leaflets on our kiosks with information about winnings and winners so that everyone can see and understand that all this is real!

Come to us, we will greet you with a smile and warmth. We'll tell you and show you everything. Remember, your life should not be black and white, it should be colorful, it should be in motion.

Play, win and have fun!

Lotteries “Gosloto “6 out of 45”, “Gosloto “5 out of 36”, “Gosloto “7 out of 49”, “Russian Lotto”, “Golden Horseshoe”, “6 out of 36”, “Housing lottery”, “Rapido”, “Everything at a hundred”, “12/24”, “Top-3” are held from 05/02/2012 to 12/31/2029. “Sportloto 6 out of 49”, “Keno-Sportloto” and instant lotteries “Sportloto” are held from 09/14/2009 to 12/31/2029. Information about the lottery organizer, the rules of the lottery, the number of prizes or winnings based on the results of the lottery, the timing, place and procedure for receiving winnings can be found on the website www.stoloto.ru or by calling 8-499-270-27-27 and *777 .

My investment portfolio

Recent publications

Macao Lotto gaming investment service.

SCAM - the project stopped paying, DO NOT invest!

Macau Lotto launched online on January 11, 2017.

Mission Macau Lotto- revival of civilized lottery culture. Formation of a population associated with lotteries as a pleasant form of recreation, which allows participants to realize the need for bright emotions, improve material well-being and contribute to the development of the gambling business in the country. The progress made in systematically addressing this problem has already created an impeccable reputation in Macau.

About lotteries from the history of China:

Asia is the cradle of not only one of the most ancient civilizations, but also one of the most popular lotteries - “Keno”! According to various sources, the first of them took place in Ancient China.

In the 1st century BC. BC, during the Han Dynasty, a lottery similar to the famous “Keno” was organized in China. Interestingly, a huge part of the Great Wall of China was built using funds from this lottery!

There is also a legend that one smart and brave commander used the game “Keno” to raise funds for the military campaigns of his army. People loved replacing the war tax with such pleasant entertainment and more and more people were participating in the pranks.

For centuries, lotteries have remained incredibly popular among the Chinese. And proceeds from ticket sales will go to social development: education, culture, medicine, science. In addition, for the XXIX Olympic Games in Beijing in the summer of 2008, a special lottery was launched. Income from ticket sales was used to optimize the infrastructure and transport system, and projects were developed to improve the city’s ecology.

How to choose Chinese numbers to fill in lottery tickets? Many sweepstakes participants have their favorite numbers, some cross numbers “according to feng shui”, while others find their lucky numbers in fortune cookies!

By the way, lotteries in China are used not only for drawing cash prizes. Since 2011, they have been raffling off... the number of cars in Beijing! This trick was invented to keep the number of cars on the city's roads from constantly growing. No more than 20,000 new numbers can be registered per month, while demand is much higher. In order to get a number for your iron friend, a Beijing resident must take part in a special lottery. Based on its results, no decision will be made on who will drive and who will wait until next month.

Investment marketing in Macao Lotto reviews and how it works .

You can invest in the project amounts starting from $10 through the purchase of investment tickets. Each ticket plays every day and brings you profitability.
The first 50 days - by clicking on one of the six buttons in the investment ticket you will receive from 2 to 6% of the purchased ticket amount. After receiving investment income, the next time you can click and receive income in 24 hours (at the same time, the earned prize money will become available for withdrawal).
After 50 days, the prize daily return on your investment ticket is reduced to 0.25-1.5% per day.

In addition to investment income on the liability side with daily prize winnings, this project also has real gaming lotteries:

Lottery 4+ Fireballs.

In this game you select one number in 4 columns, if you want to play the Jackpot, then press another number.

“If you choose number 4,” the ticket price is $1.99.
"Choose 4 plus fireball" ticket price is $2.99.

If the jackpot is not won, it will continue until the next drawing. The jackpot amount is indicated on the main page and on the lottery page.

Prize distribution:

1. First prize - 4 points correctly guessed in sequential order - $2,000.
2. Second prize - 3 balls correctly guessed in sequential order - $200.
3. Third prize - 2 eggs guessed in sequential order - $20.
4. Fourth prize - 1 ball guessed in sequential order - $4.

Lottery 6 out of 45.

Macao Lotto runs weekly lotteries where the winning combination consists of 6 numbers on a common field of 45 numbers.

How to play:

Select 6 numbers in the playing field of the ticket.
Important! The prize does not depend on the order of the selected numbers. You will receive your prize anyway!
Buy a ticket and wait for the drawing at the end of the week. The home page displays the time remaining until the drawing.

The ticket price is $0.99.

Your prize:
2 numbers matched - prize is $3
3 correct numbers $100
4 correct numbers $1000
5 correct numbers $5000
6 correct numbers $10,000

Lottery 3 out of 16.

For those who like to try their luck right now, the company offers an instant lottery with bets of 1, 2 or 5 dollars.
The winnings, respectively, can be 20, 50 or 150 dollars instantly to your account. To do this, you just need to guess and open 3 correct windows with stars out of 16 presented.

My review of the gaming investment service Macao Lotto.

I learned about the start of this project from my fellow blogger, she shared an insider that a good admin came up with a new project. Having studied the Macao Lotto website, I saw a high-quality project, the legend is new and not tired, the investment marketing is interesting and arouses excitement, and most importantly, with a very good profitability. In the first 50 days you will be able to return yours and earn up to 100% profit. And after that you will continue to receive daily income while the project is running. Moreover, the project is only at the start, I recommend not to waste time, enter and start earning money. I think within a month Macao Lotto will be on most blogs, since the project is really interesting and worthwhile. My entry is $300, $200 from Perfect and $100 from Advcash. I recommend dividing the investment into several tickets to make it more interesting to earn a profit every day. For example, I bought 6 tickets for 50 dollars.