April 15th is World Day. International Day of Culture: the meaning and history of the holiday

Baldanova Soelma Tsyvanovna 11 months ago

April 15 - International Day of Culture

“Culture” translated from Sanskrit literally means “reverence for light,” expressing the desire for knowledge of beauty, ideals and self-improvement.

It is necessary to study culture, remember it and protect it constantly. After all, it is the consumer attitude towards nature, the destruction historical monuments, crisis of spirituality in society, pursuit of material assets- all these are the first signs of lack of culture. A conscience, compassion, pride... - these feelings are inherent only to man, and they can be nurtured and developed only with the help of true culture.

Therefore, to once again emphasize the importance of all areas of activity cultural world, a special holiday was established - International Day of Culture ( World Day of Culture), which is celebrated in many countries around the world annually on April 15.

It was established in honor of the adoption on April 15, 1935 of the international treaty “On the protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historical monuments,” which became known in international legal practice as the Roerich Pact. The initiative to celebrate the date of signing the Pact as International Day of Culture was taken in 1998 by the International League for the Defense of Culture, founded two years earlier International Center Roerichs. This is a public organization whose activities are aimed at protecting and enhancing the achievements of culture, art, science, and religion.

Later, proposals were also made to establish this holiday, and it was even celebrated in a number of countries. And in 2008, on the initiative public organizations Russia, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Latvia, Lithuania were created International movement for approving April 15 as World Culture Day under the Banner of Peace. And today this holiday noted in different countries peace.

Although Culture Day was established not very long ago, it has a centuries-old history.

The idea of ​​creating organized security cultural values belongs to the outstanding artist and figure of Russian and world culture Nicholas Roerich, who considered culture to be the main thing driving force on the path of improvement human society, saw in it the basis of unity of people different nationalities and religions.

At the very beginning of the 20th century, During the period of wars and redistribution of territories, when studying the monuments of Russian antiquity, he understood how important it was to preserve them, and in 1914 he turned to the Russian government and the governments of other warring countries with a proposal to ensure the safety of cultural values ​​by concluding an appropriate international agreement. However, this appeal then remained unanswered.

In 1929, Roerich prepared and published a draft treaty for the protection of cultural property , accompanying it with an appeal to the governments and peoples of all countries. The draft treaty received worldwide fame and wide response among the world community.

Romain Rolland, Bernard Shaw, Albert Einstein, spoke in support of the idea of ​​Nicholas Roerich, H.G. Wells, Maurice Maeterlinck, Thomas Mann, Rabindranath Tagore.

Committees in support of the Pact were formed in many countries. The draft Pact was approved by the Committee on Museum Affairs of the League of Nations, as well as the Pan American Union.

He consolidated the progressive public, became an ideologist and creator of a document on the protection of world cultural heritage, which was conceived as an international legal act of a universal nature.

And on April 15, 1935, on the eve of World War II, in the White House in Washington, the heads of 21 states signed the first in the history of the Earth international treaty“On the protection of institutions serving the purposes of culture, science and art, as well as historical monuments”, named after its creator “Roerich Pact”.

The universality of the Pact lies in the fact that it contains general, fundamental provisions on the protection of cultural property, and also in the fact that it could be put into effect through the conclusion of both global and regional treaties. This treaty was used as the basis for many modern documents international cooperation in the field of cultural heritage protection. Including in a number of UNESCO acts.

On the International Day of Culture itself, many countries hold various holiday events. So, in Russian cities are getting settled gala concerts, Exhibitions national cultures, conferences and lectures at various cultural themes, musical and poetry evenings, dance and theatrical performances and much more. Also on this day, the Banner of Peace is raised and all cultural workers are congratulated on their professional holiday.

How to help the Museum named after N.K. Roerich

Museum named after N.K. Roerich is public, which means that in many respects its activities are carried out thanks to the support of public assistants, patrons and benefactors. We will be grateful for any help! Only together with you can we preserve the largest in Russia and the world public museum, dedicated to the Roerich family, outstanding figures of world culture!

From January 14, the Roerich Cultural creative association» resumes meetings on cultural and philosophical topics in the House of Culture named after. Gorky every Monday, at 18 o'clock at the address: Irkutsk, st. Klara Zetkin, 13 A. Stop for Griboyedov trams and Sverdlovsky Market buses. Everyone is welcome. Free admission. Tel. for inquiries: 8-964-105-38-10

Lecture plan 2018-2019

April 15 - World Culture Day

IN last years On the initiative of the public organization International League for the Defense of Culture, Culture Day is held in many cities of Russia and other countries. The date chosen for this Holiday, April 15, is associated with the signing on this day in 1935 of the world's first International Treaty for the Protection of Culture - the Peace Pact, or Roerich Pact.
Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich belongs to the galaxy of brilliantly educated, comprehensively gifted figures of Russian and world culture and art of the 20th century. One of his most important contributions to cultural development humanity was involved in the implementation of the “Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historical Monuments.”
The main idea of ​​this document, which was signed in 1935 by 21 states, is the obligation of the parties to the treaty to protect cultural property in times of peace and during war, which was taken as the basis for the development of the 1954 Hague Convention.

Within the framework of the Pact itself, the proposed N.K. Roerich, a distinctive sign that was supposed to mark protected cultural objects. This sign was the “Banner of Peace” - a white cloth on which three touching amaranth circles are depicted - the past, present and future achievements of mankind, surrounded by a ring of Eternity.
On the basis and in development of the ideas of the Roerich Pact, the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954), the Convention “On the Preservation of Cultural and natural heritage"(1972), Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005).
In December 2008, on the initiative of public organizations in Russia, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Latvia, Lithuania, the International Movement was created to establish April 15 as World Culture Day under the Banner of Peace.
At the XXII International Congress of Space Flight Participants in Prague, held in October 2009, the world's cosmonauts signed an appeal for the approval of World Culture Day.
On the initiative of the Irkutsk regional branch of the International League for the Defense of Culture in Irkutsk region The regional festival “Day of Culture under the Banner of Peace” is held.
“Day of Culture under the Banner of Peace” is the annual celebration of the solemn Day of Culture, on the day of the adoption of the world’s first International document “On the protection and protection of cultural values” - the Pact of Culture of Nicholas Roerich, namely on April 15. Day of Culture, as a form that unites the creative participation of workers in education, culture, leisure, social and educational work, public organizations, enterprises, and all people in the matter of cultural construction.
In response to the call for events dedicated to World Day Cultures, many educational institutions in the Irkutsk region responded.
An exhibition of reproductions by N.K. opened at school No. 9 in Bratsk. Roerich "Pages of Creativity".
At the Cultural and Exhibition Center on Lake Baikal, as part of the 2nd rally of the Planet of Kindness, library workers and students of school No. 50 in Slyudyanka held the “Banner of Peace” event for the participants of the rally. “We, people of our time, are trying to rethink the symbol of the Banner of Peace,” said their speech. Then, a teacher from the same school held a master class for the children on making a Banner of Peace badge.
IN exhibition hall Irkutsk Energy College under the Banner of Peace opened an exhibition of reproductions of the Samara Center for Spiritual Culture " Women's portraits».
In Ust-Ilimsk in kindergarten No. 24 hosted a number of events dedicated to the Day of Culture: “Visiting Gorodets masters”, “Visiting Nastya”, “Russian Fair”.
On April 14, a Gala concert of the winners of the 2nd regional competition for young performers took place at the Angarsk Palace of Children and Youth Creativity. Musical spring», dedicated to the Day Cultures.
April 14 at the Cultural and Exhibition Center on Baikal on the eve of International Day Exhibition of Cultures under the Banner of Peace opened children's drawing“Inspiration”, which included students and teachers of the nursery art school No. 2, Irkutsk.
On the occasion of the Day of Culture, an exhibition of reproductions of the artist and humanist N.K. opened at the Bolshegoloustnenskaya primary school. Roerich.
April 16 at reading room Irkutsk Aviation College will give a presentation on the topic: “April 15 – World Day of Culture. The evolutionary significance of the Roerich Pact."
At school No. 42 in Irkutsk, row extracurricular activities and classroom hours dedicated to the Day of Culture.
From April 9 to April 30 in kindergarten No. 7 “Brusnichka” in Shelekhov as part of the Day of Culture under the Banner of Peace” there will be a festival « Fairytale world goodness and beauty."
In the Ust-Udinsky district of the Irkutsk region, teachers from the Atalan and Svetlolobov schools will conduct cool watch as part of the regional festival “Day of Culture under the Banner of Peace”.
The permanent exhibition “Roerich Pact. Banner of Peace" at the Cultural and Exhibition Center on Lake Baikal in the village of Staraya Angasolka, which everyone can visit.
Nicholas Roerich wrote: " Let us also affirm the World Day of Culture, when in all churches, in all schools and educational societies at the same time, we will be reminded of the true treasures of humanity, of creative heroic enthusiasm, of the improvement and beautification of life".
« I hope that the future is not too far off when Culture Day will become one of the most important holidays on Earth.“- said academician D.S. Likhachev.
This call is especially relevant today, when the Planet and the human community are experiencing ever new global economic and environmental crises that do not stop natural disasters and military conflicts. Only the rise of Culture can unite the people of the Earth, regardless of their nationality, age, gender, social and financial status, stop military conflicts and make politics and economics moral. Only acceptance of Culture national idea states are the guarantee of Peace on Earth.

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VIII Baikal Pedagogical Readings “Ideas of cosmic philosophy in pedagogy and education”

We invite you to take part in the VIII Baikal Pedagogical Readings “Ideas of cosmic philosophy in pedagogy and education”, which will be held at the Cultural and Exhibition Center on Lake Baikal from July 18 to July 21, 2019. To participate in pedagogical readings teachers, educators, leaders are invited educational institutions, specialists from educational authorities, methodologists, teachers of institutions vocational education, teachers additional education, students, parents, psychologists, librarians, medical workers.

The date is associated with the signing April 15, 1935 Washington Treaty "On the protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historical monuments" , known in international legal practice as the Roerich Pact. The initiative to celebrate the day of signing the Pact as International Day of Culture was taken by a public organization in 1998 International League for the Defense of Culture, established in 1996 by the International Center of the Roerichs.

N.K. Roerich

On April 15, 1935, on the eve of World War II, in the White House in Washington, the heads of 21 states signed the first international treaty in the history of the Earth “On the protection of institutions serving the purposes of culture, science and art, as well as historical monuments,” named after its creator "Roerich Pact".

This is a public organization whose activities are aimed at protecting and enhancing the achievements of culture, art, science, and religion. Later, proposals were also made to establish this holiday, and it was even celebrated in a number of countries. And in 2008, on the initiative of public organizations in Russia, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Latvia, and Lithuania, the International Movement was created to establish April 15 as World Culture Day under the Banner of Peace. And today this holiday is celebrated in different countries of the world.

Within the framework of the Pact, Roerich also proposed distinctive sign , which was supposed to mark protected cultural objects, – "Banner of Peace" , a kind of Banner of Culture, is a white cloth on which three touching amaranth circles are depicted - the past, present and future achievements of humanity, surrounded by a ring of Eternity. This sign is international in nature and is found in works of art from different countries and peoples of the world from ancient times to the present. According to Roerich's plan, the Banner of Peace should flutter over cultural sites as a guardian of the true spiritual values ​​of humanity.

By the way, the Banner of Peace can now be seen everywhere - in the UN buildings in New York and Vienna, in the State Duma of Russia, in cultural institutions of different countries, on the highest peaks world and even in the Northern and South Poles. It was also lifted into space, marking the beginning of the implementation of the International public scientific and educational space project “Banner of Peace”, in which Russian and foreign cosmonauts .

In the same International Day of Culture Many countries host various holiday events. Thus, in Russian cities, gala concerts, exhibitions of national cultures, conferences and lectures on various cultural topics, musical and poetry evenings, dance and theatrical performances and much more are organized. Also on this day, the Banner of Peace is raised and all cultural workers are congratulated on their professional holiday.

Raising Roerich's Banner of Peace and national flags Russia and India

In 2012, an international exhibition project was launched at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, dedicated to history Roerich Pact. Exhibition project worked in 17 countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America, in 2014 he began his march through the cities of Russia.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in order to attract public attention to issues of cultural development, preservation of cultural and historical heritage and the role Russian culture worldwide 2014 in Russia was declared the year of culture .

Over 1.5 thousand events took place as part of the Year of Culture. Exhibitions of Russian centers were organized in 46 countries around the world.

Based on materials from RIA Novosti

“Culture” translated from Sanskrit literally means “reverence for light,” expressing the desire for knowledge of beauty, ideals and self-improvement.

It is necessary to study culture, remember it and protect it constantly. After all, it is the consumer attitude towards nature, the destruction of historical monuments, the crisis of spirituality in society, the pursuit of material values ​​- all these are the first signs of lack of culture. A conscience, compassion, pride... - these feelings are inherent only to man, and they can be nurtured and developed only with the help of true culture.

Therefore, in order to once again emphasize the importance of all spheres of activity of the cultural world, a special holiday was established - the International Day of Culture, which is celebrated in many countries around the world annually on April 15.

It was established in honor of the adoption on April 15, 1935 of the international treaty “On the protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historical monuments,” which became known in international legal practice as the Roerich Pact. The initiative to celebrate the date of signing the Pact as the International Day of Culture was taken in 1998 by the International League for the Defense of Culture, founded two years earlier by the International Center of the Roerichs. This is a public organization whose activities are aimed at protecting and enhancing the achievements of culture, art, science, and religion.

Later, proposals were also made to establish this holiday, and it was even celebrated in a number of countries. And in 2008, on the initiative of public organizations in Russia, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Latvia, and Lithuania, the International Movement was created to establish April 15 as World Culture Day under the Banner of Peace. And today this holiday is celebrated in different countries of the world.

Although Culture Day was established not very long ago, it has a centuries-old history.

The idea of ​​​​creating organized protection of cultural property belongs to the outstanding artist and figure of Russian and world culture Nicholas Roerich, who considered culture the main driving force on the path to improving human society, saw in it the basis for the unity of people of different nationalities and religions.

At the very beginning of the 20th century, During the period of wars and redistribution of territories, when studying the monuments of Russian antiquity, he understood how important it was to preserve them, and in 1914 he turned to the Russian government and the governments of other warring countries with a proposal to ensure the safety of cultural values ​​by concluding an appropriate international agreement. However, this appeal then remained unanswered.

In 1929, Roerich prepared and published a draft treaty for the protection of cultural property , accompanying it with an appeal to the governments and peoples of all countries. The draft treaty received worldwide fame and wide response among the world community.

Romain Rolland, Bernard Shaw, Albert Einstein, Herbert Wells, Maurice Maeterlinck, Thomas Mann, Rabindranath Tagore supported the idea of ​​Nicholas Roerich.

Committees in support of the Pact were formed in many countries. The draft Pact was approved by the Committee on Museum Affairs of the League of Nations, as well as the Pan American Union.

He consolidated the progressive public, became an ideologist and creator of a document on the protection of world cultural heritage, which was conceived as an international legal act of a universal nature.

And on April 15, 1935, on the eve of World War II, in the White House in Washington, the heads of 21 states signed the first international treaty in the history of the Earth “On the protection of institutions serving the purposes of culture, science and art, as well as historical monuments,” named after him creator of the Roerich Pact.

The Covenant contains general principles regarding the protection of cultural property and the respect due to it. The provision on the protection of objects is unconditional in the Pact and is not weakened by clauses on military necessity, which reduce the effectiveness of the protection of cultural property in armed conflicts.

The universality of the Pact lies in the fact that it contains general, fundamental provisions on the protection of cultural property, and also in the fact that it could be put into effect through the conclusion of both global and regional treaties. This treaty has been used as the basis for many documents of modern international cooperation in the field of cultural heritage protection. Including in a number of UNESCO acts.

On the International Day of Culture itself, various festive events are held in many countries. Thus, in Russian cities, gala concerts, exhibitions of national cultures, conferences and lectures on various cultural topics, musical and poetry evenings, dance and theatrical performances and much more are held. Also on this day, the Banner of Peace is raised and all cultural workers are congratulated on their professional holiday.

On April 15, the Day of Environmental Knowledge is celebrated all over the world, in Russia on this day they celebrate the Day of Electronic Warfare Specialist, in Ukraine on April 15, criminal investigation officers celebrate their day, in Kazakhstan all lovers celebrate Valentine's Day, and in Bosnia - Army Day of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the same day, the great Jewish holiday is celebrated - Passover.

Holidays April 15, 2019

Day of Environmental Knowledge

Every year on April 15, many countries around the world celebrate Environmental Knowledge Day.
It was on this day in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro that the problems of environment in the world. Environmental education population of all countries of the world is of great importance for sustainable development humanity in implementing a survival strategy. This holiday, the main goal of which is to promote environmental knowledge and form ecological culture population, has been celebrated in Russia on the initiative of public environmental organizations since 1996.

Electronic Warfare Specialist Day

Today is April 15, in Russia electronic warfare specialists celebrate their Day. In our country this professional holiday It is celebrated annually; it was established by Presidential Decree on May 31, 2006, and is celebrated in honor of the events of April 15, 1904, when two Japanese armored cruisers “Kasuga” and “Nissin” came out to carry out cross-fire at the forts and the internal roadstead of the Port Arthur fortress.

Day of Criminal Investigation Workers of Ukraine

On this day, April 15, the Day of Criminal Investigation Workers is celebrated annually in Ukraine. In honor of the criminal investigation department, a monument entitled “The meeting place cannot be changed” was unveiled in Ukraine.
Officially, the first Ukrainian detective unit began functioning in Kyiv back in 1873. Then the first criminal investigation units were formed in the tsarist police departments. The first experimental detective unit was disbanded literally a year later due to lack of funding.
The holiday was established in honor of the event of April 15, 1919, when, on the basis of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine, a forensic criminal investigation department was formed.

Valentine's Day in Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, since 2011, every April 15th is celebrated National holiday— Valentine's Day or “Ulttyk hashyktar kunine orai.” This holiday is actually an alternative to the international February holiday Valentine's Day, which has not taken root in this country. In January 2011, the Kazakhs proposed a holiday with national flavor for your youth.

Army Day of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Every year on April 15 since 1992, Bosnia celebrates the Day of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in honor of the founding day of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska have separate armed forces of their own, which are staffed by Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, but celebrate this holiday together.

Jewish holiday - Passover

On this day, April 15 this year, Jews celebrate the most ancient of Jewish holidays— Passover, or Easter, which is associated with the Exodus of the Jews from Egyptian slavery, which occurred about 3300 years ago. This is very an important event V Jewish history, which occurred in the year 2448 according to the Hebrew calendar.
With the holiday of Passover, the chain of events actually begins, as a result of which the Jews became a people.

Unusual holidays

On April 15, unusual holidays are celebrated: Bald Day, Shiner Day and Light Travel Day. All these holidays can be celebrated as you wish, the main thing is yours good mood on this day.

Bald Day

April 15th is Bald Day! This has long been a holiday known throughout the world; it is already extremely popular in many circles of the population. Regardless of how bald people are, it is celebrated today by everyone who, voluntarily or unwillingly, does not wear luxurious hair and is distinguished by smooth skin on the head. Who knows, maybe this particular hairstyle will be popular among our descendants in the distant future?

Shine Day

What a day... If you have never had a black eye in your life and you don’t know how difficult it is to get rid of it, then this holiday is not for you. Just enjoy the day and be glad you don't have a black eye today.

A day of traveling light

What a wonderful day today! Have you ever traveled light? Without suitcases, without heavy backpacks and crowds of tourists? You can travel light anywhere, as long as you have the desire and good shoes. Even bad weather will not be a hindrance to you. The main thing today is to try to leave the baggage of your worries and problems at home, as well as all sorts of thoughts about work and failures. You can only take your camera with you and go ahead to adventures and wonders around!

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Tit Icebreaker

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Titus the Wonderworker, who lived in the 9th century. Titus received his nickname “Icebreaker” among the people due to the fact that on this day rivers and lakes are opened.
Peasants often watched this process closely. It was believed that if the ice sinks to the bottom or sinks, then one should prepare for early mowing this year. If not all the ice melts off to Titus, then the fish will be difficult to catch this spring.
Birds were also monitored on Titus. They said that if a quail calls on this day, it means there will be a lot of grass and bread this year.
This day was also called Breadless Day. At this time, grain supplies were running out, and people were subsisting on bread for kvass. People said about this: “Whoever has nothing, but we have even worse than that.”
The grain stored for sowing was not touched at any time, even in very hungry times. Grain for sowing was taboo. The peasants used to say: “Sell the cow and sow the field with good seed” or “Go hungry yourself, but don’t deprive the field of grain.”
Traders called this date “profit day,” because they tried to celebrate this day as noisily as possible so that there would be good profits throughout the year.
Name day April 15 from George, Gregory, Efim, Titus

April 15 in history

1976 - Sergio Corbucci's film "Bluff" was released, starring Adriano Celentano and Anthony Quinn.
1986 - More than 40 people were killed during the US bombing of the Libyan capital Tripoli, including the adopted daughter of Muammar Gaddafi.
1988 - First test flight of the experimental TU-155 aircraft with a cryogenic fuel engine.
1989 - During the semi-final match of the English League Cup in Sheffield between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, 94 fans died in a stampede.
1993 - The Yukos Oil Company was created.
1996 - The withdrawal of federal troops from Chechnya began.
1998 - The last chip for a Pentium-class processor was manufactured at one of Intel's plants. Intel is finally moving from producing processors with P5 architecture for Socket 7 to producing processors with P6 architecture for Slot 1. A new processor for “mass” users - Celeron - has been officially announced.
2005 - B Russian Federation The law “On Restrictions” came into force retail sales and consumption (drinking) of beer and drinks made on its basis,” according to which for drinking beer in in public places a fine of 100 rubles is imposed!?...
2009 - The tram network ceased to exist in Voronezh.
2010 - City tram service was closed in Ryazan.