Rich colors of summer event. Project “Colorful Summer! Into a straw - and here it is

"We'll find some colors for summer." Scenario summer fun for children 5-7 years old

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Fairy Tale”, Petrozavodsk

Description of material: summer fun script for seniors preschool age may be of interest to music directors and educators for Children's Day on June 1.

Target: creating a happy mood in children

-consolidate preschoolers’ knowledge related to summer theme.
-improve the skills and abilities acquired at music lessons
-promote the development of positive emotions in children

Preliminary work:
-learning poems, songs, dances

To hold the holiday we will use 2 halls - sports and music. We decorate the music hall with forest decorations. We decorate the gym with flowers, inflatable balls, toys

Children enter the gym to the music “Let’s go through the raspberries to the garden” (backing track).

Presenter: Hello guys. Listen to the riddle
The forest is full of songs and screams,
Strawberries splash with juice,
Children splash in the river
Bees are dancing on a flower...
What is this time called?
Guess what, kids... (SUMMER)

Children: Summer

Leading: Today is the first day of summer.
We celebrate the holiday of summer,
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Sun, sun, warm up!
The holiday will be more fun!

1 child:
Summer is laughing again
IN open window.
And sunshine and light
It's full again

2 child:
So that cheerful laughter rings out,
The kids didn't cry
The sun is shining for everyone,
Shines the same
General dance “The sun came out”

Leading: Let's invite Summer to join us. We've been waiting for him for so long.

Summer, come visit
Bring us warmth quickly!

The music "Summer of Straw" is playing

Summer enters the hall to the music.

I send my regards to you all, guys.
I am Red Summer, rich in sunshine
Were you waiting for me?

Leading: We waited. We love summer

Summer: What do you know about this time of year?

1 child:
Summer is famous for mushrooms,
Berries and flowers
And in June the nightingales
They will begin to sing their songs

2nd child:
The ringing trills are coming out!
The kids go to the river
Sunbathing on the sand
Learn to swim in the river.

3rd child:
Pants and T-shirts again
Lying on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow

4th child:
Butterflies flutter around
Flowers are harvested
And in gardens and orchards
Nature is generous with fruits

5th child:
So it's that time of year
Pays people for their work
And it’s not for nothing that his name is
Summer is red, summer is clear,
Summer is good and fertile!

Summer: Ay, well done! They didn't miss anything, they told everything about me. Tell me guys, how did you spend your day?

We'll tell you everything in order:
We did exercises in the morning

Summer: How?

Children: Like this, like this, and like this and like this!
(show exercises)

Summer: And then?

Leading: We sat down for breakfast and ate it with gusto

Summer: How?

Children: (imitate how they “eat porridge with a spoon”)

Summer: And then?

Leading: We went for a walk and caught colorful butterflies

Summer: How?

Children: (pretend to catch butterflies with their hands - clap their hands)

Summer: And then?

Leading: Then we swam, swam in the river, splashed!

Summer: How?

Children: (swimming movements with both hands)

Summer: And then?

Leading: Then they worked in the garden bed with a watering can and a hoe

Summer: How?

Children:(pretend to be “watering the beds, watering the beds”)

Summer: And then?

Leading: We sat down to dinner and ate everything left!

Summer: And then?

Leading: Then we lay down and fell into a deep sleep!

Summer: How?

Children: And this is who, how, it can be done this way, it can be done this way!

(show - hands under cheeks, close eyes)

Summer: Amazing!

Do you want to go visit summer forest? It's full of miracles!

Children: we want

Hold your hands tighter,
Stand next to each other.
I'll go ahead
I’ll take you, children, to the forest.

Children move to music gym and go to music hall.

They enter the music room. A soundtrack of birdsong sounds in the hall against the backdrop of calm music.

Summer: So you and I came to the forest. Do you hear the birds singing? This is how they greet guests.

Summer: What kind of bird is this? (answers) This is a woodpecker.
He sits on a tree, pecking at a dry trunk with his nose.

Soundtrack of rain (rain) sounds:

Leading: Looks like it's starting to rain...

Summer takes a large umbrella, decorated with green leaves.

Summer: Here we will wait out the rain.
(children hide under an open umbrella)

Gradually reduce the volume of the soundtrack...

Summer: It seems the rain is ending.

(children come out from under the umbrella, the sound of rain becomes louder again)

Summer: This is how the rain invites us to play with it.

Game "Whose circle will gather faster"

(children stand in 3 circles around three multi-colored umbrellas - red, yellow, blue).

Part 1 of music - walking around umbrellas
Part 2 of music - running wild

3 at the end of the music, the children line up around the umbrellas near which they started the game)

Summer draws attention to a sheet of Whatman paper rolled up and tied with a ribbon under the Christmas tree. In the picture in black and white colors the sun, clouds, dandelions, grass, flowers, ladybugs, river, trees with foliage are drawn...

Summer: I wonder what this is? (unfolds a piece of Whatman paper). Look, this is the same picture. There's just something missing from it. What do you think is missing?
Children: it's black and white. There are not enough colors.

Summer: it was the rain that played a prank - it washed away all the colors from summer painting.
We will not be discouraged - we will look for colors.

Leading: Where should we look for paints for a painting?

Beautiful gentle music sounds. A voice is heard in the background of music:

Summer: Let's go look for a magic flower.
Children walk around the hall to the music, find a flower with multi-colored petals (yellow, green, red, blue), on which riddles are written. The petals are inserted into the slot in the middle and can be easily removed and inserted.

Summer: Hello, flower - colorful.

The flower's voice sounds:

Hello my friends.
I will be glad to help you.

They live on my magic petals colorful riddles. If you can guess them, they will give you colors for your painting.

Leading: Well, what, guys, will you guess the riddles? Shall we return the paint to the painting?

Children: Yes.

Summer brings a flower - a variety of colors (a flower has 4 petals - red, yellow, green, blue). As they solve the riddles in the picture, the children and their teacher shade the pictures with felt-tip pens of the appropriate colors.

yellow - sun, dandelion
red - ladybugs, flowers,
blue - river, sky, clouds
green - grass, flower stems

Summer takes off the petal with riddles and reads:

Summer: Let's pick a petal and we'll read the riddle.
(plucks 1st petal)

1. A hot ball is shining in the sky,
Anyone will notice this ball.
In the morning he looks at us in the window,
Joyfully shining, (sun)

Dance of the Sun and Rays (girls)

2. It is all golden,
Soft and fluffy.
He is the chicken's child,
And his name is... (chicken)

What color did the riddles give us?

Children: yellow

Leading: let's give it to the painting? What can you decorate with them?

Sunshine, dandelion

(children with a teacher shade the image of dandelions and the sun in the picture with a yellow felt-tip pen)

Summer: Let's pick off the petal again and read the riddles:

(plucks the 2nd petal)
The sun sets in the evening
Holds a brush in the sky.
He doesn’t want to leave in vain,
Leaves a trace...(dawn)

What kind of Christmas trees?
Are there any needles on them?
What are those red balls?
But you can't see the tinsel?
So beautiful along the fence
In the summer they will sing... (tomatoes)

She eats aphids from the branches,
And he helps us in the garden.
Sitting deftly on a leaf
This is... (ladybug)
Dance "Ladybug"
(music and movements by T. Suvorova)

Leading: what color will we give to the painting? (red)

(children with a teacher shade the image in the picture with a red felt-tip pen ladybugs, colors)

Summer: Let's pick the petals again and read the riddles
(plucks the 3rd petal)

In the June garden
We build like good fellows,
Growing in the garden... (cucumbers)

This beauty
All the guys like it.
Balls, stars, needles
At the elegant slender...(Christmas tree)

A violinist lives in a meadow,
Wears a tailcoat and gallops... (grasshopper)

Game "Grasshoppers"

(children are divided into 2 teams. Models of green leaves are laid out on the floor for each team. On command, one at a time, the child puts a headband of grasshopper antennae on his head, jumps over all the leaves in turn, returns to the team, passes the headband, ... etc.)

Leading: what color will we give to the painting? (green)

(children with a teacher shade the images of grass, flower stems, and tree leaves in the picture with a green felt-tip pen)

Summer: let's solve the riddles from the remaining petal.

(plucks the 4th petal)

A snake rushes through the hills,
Bringing moisture to the trees.
Washing the shores
Flows through the fields... (river)

He will cry over the gardens,
The garden will be filled with fruits.
Even the dusty plantain
Glad to wash my face in the summer... (rain)

Song "Rain"

Summer: We solved all the riddles on the petals of the multi-colored flower. Look, the picture has become multi-colored. We gave her paints. Thank you, little flower!
(addresses the colorful flower): thank you, flower, for the gift of paints.

Guys, come on. Let's give him back his colored petals. They may still come in handy.
(insert the petals back into the slots)

Leading: Dear summer, it’s very good visiting you, but it’s time for us to return home.

Summer: I had a lot of fun with you, my friends. In parting, I want to treat you with mine delicious gifts. This is delicious healthy juice and juicy apples. Eat them with pleasure and be healthy.

Filimonova Natalya Yurievna
Job title: educational psychologist
Educational institution: MBDOU "TsRR - d/s "Golden Fish"
Locality: Abakan city, Republic of Khakassia
Name of material: Pedagogical project
Subject:"Colors of Summer"
Publication date: 29.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Pedagogical project “Colors of Summer”

Crisis phenomena in society, the highest rates of its development, environmental situations

tions, social instability, decline in living standards are the main reasons-

mi deterioration of children's health. Physical and mental health problem

the younger generation today is especially relevant due to the fact that in

Children from preschool age fall into risk groups. Since the preschool institution -

education is the first stage of social education, then it is we who are entrusted

both educational and health-prophylactic tasks. One of the forms of ra-

bots to implement the assigned tasks is the organization of summer recreation

children's rest. Summer is the most favorable time to promote health and development de -

tey. An important factor is that children spend most of their time

outdoors, on fresh air.

It will be interesting to use basic methods and techniques taken from art.

therapy. Active participation in entertainment, leisure, and competitions enriches children with new

impressions, develops Creative skills, forms communication skills,

creates positive emotions, - and all this contributes to maintaining health not only

physical, but also mental.

Relevance of experience due to essential components, saving children


rational organization of the educational process,





mental and physical stress;

interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process.

The week is designed to ensure that the activities of its participants will be aimed at realities -


Creating conditions to promote the preservation and strengthening of physical, mental and

go and social health of preschool children.


Create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children

Develop motor and mental abilities of preschoolers,

Form positive emotional states.

Project organization:

Form: the project is organized as a psychology week.

Each day has its own theme and is associated with a specific phenomenon

nature. Each day is preceded by an announcement to parents in the reception group.

The day begins with the sound of a song at the entrance to the kindergarten, which speaks of

what the day will be dedicated to.

All preschool specialists take part in the project (proposed games,

relay races,



age group, which is according to the plan), as well as children of all age groups.

Events are held at the sites kindergarten. The project is carried out in

first week of summer.


s t a n e t joint

instructor for physical culture Health Day holiday for parents and

children of the kindergarten, as well as the publication of the newspaper of the preschool educational institution “Alenushkiny Izvestia”.

Expected results

Formation of a child’s positive attitude towards his “I”.

Relieve tension, gain positive motor experience.

Development of imagination and creativity.

harmonization of emotional state.

Development of self-regulation mechanisms.

Event plan “Colors of Summer”

Educational, educational, developmental events

Educational psychologist

Physical instructor


speech therapist/music therapist


Monday – Rainbow Day (song “Rainbow”, E. Arkhipova)

1. Promotion “Rainbow of Mood”


rainbows" (finger painting)

3. Promotion for parents “Tsvetnoye”


4. Relaxation before bed “Rainbow”.


splashes »

(throw the ball up - catch)

2. “Rainbow” relay (children



Tuesday – Sandbox Day

1. Games with kids.

2. Sand castle competition.

3. “Footprints in the Sand” campaign.





"Games in the sandbox."

1. Basic


m e t h a n i e


2. Esta tions:

« T h e r e s

desert" (jumps through

hoop on one leg)

3. Low mobility game

“Cactus” (similar to “Sea”

I'm worried



different positions of cactus in


Games with sand for development



fine motor skills.

Wednesday - Air Bubbles Day (song “I Blow Bubbles”)

Entertainment “In the Kingdom of the Soap Bubble”

Thursday - Flower Glade (song “Magic Flower”)

1. “Name flower.”


Group collage.

3. Tea drinking “Healing aroma”.

4. Sketch “Flower”



1. Outdoor game “Flower”

- seven-flowered"

2. Relay races:






about the arms

« p o a d k a



"Important Flowers" (walking with

bags on the head).

Breathing exercises:


holding your breath).

Exercises for vision:

ts v e t k e »

(circular movements)

« A n u t i n s



vice versa).




" Talk

Friday - Sunny bunny(song “I’m lying in the sun”


their palms, color them,

cut out.

glued in a circle, starting

from small ones, to one “sun”,



Relay races




Breathing exercises:



air flow of the sun).

Finger games

Outdoor game "Burners with

thus creating rays.

Asphalt drawing competition.

Relaxation before bed.






Game "Me and My Shadow" (in




Final event - Joint physical education and recreational leisure for parents

and children “Ah, summer.”


"Rainbow Day"

Promotion “Rainbow of Mood”

Track the dynamics of mood changes over the course of a week;

Prepare materials to improve well-being, activity and mood;

Get feedback about the progress of the action.

A poster was made the day before informing children and adults about the upcoming event.

The action took place in the senior and preparatory school groups.

Progress of the action

In the reception area of ​​the groups there is a poster depicting a rainbow - “Rainbow of Mood”.

Every morning throughout the week, children are greeted by a teacher familiar with

the essence of the action, and offers the children tokens with their names. Then they need to look into

themselves and evaluate what mood they came to kindergarten with, and then correlate it with

a certain color of the “Mood Rainbow”, and attach a token to a certain

When the children leave, they do the same.

Thus, you can track your mood changes throughout the day, and then

all week.

Group collage “All the colors of the rainbow”

Goal: cohesion of the group, development of the ability to negotiate with each other.

On a piece of wallpaper, an adult draws an outline of a rainbow, which the children must color.


mixed up


cut out and hung from the roof of the playground. She turns into a tool

For breathing exercises: children's drawings come down from the rainbow on strings



are given



breathing. Such a rainbow can hang all summer.

3. Relaxation before bed

Unusual Rainbow”

Goal: relieving emotional stress. Stimulating the emotional imagination

Promotion for parents “Color mood”

Goal: improving mood.






gypsy woman offering to tell fortunes. There are three boxes nearby different color, in which

there are cards - wishes.

Predictions are divided into three groups.

Positive: a gift awaits you, luck is on your side, a pleasant surprise,

long-awaited conversation, etc.;

Motivating: don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today; without

You can't even catch a fish out of a pond; cast aside doubts - act, etc.;

Mysterious: she will definitely help you, he remembers you, secret admirer

will manifest itself, etc.


"A Day in the Sandbox"

1. Games with kids.

Goal: development of tactile sensations and imagination.

An adult introduces the Sand Fairy (doll) to the children and introduces them to the rules of the game.


Sandbox rules for kids

Leading. The sand fairy was sad because her sand fairy friends were lost and

could not return home to the sandbox. The sand fairy asks you, baby:

1. Take care of grains of sand - do not throw them out of the sandbox. If sand accidentally spills out,

show this to an adult and he will help them get back to the sandbox. Cannot select

remove sand from sandboxes.

2. Sand grains really don’t like being put in the mouth or thrown at other children.

You cannot put sand in your mouth and throw it at other people.

3. The sand fairy loves when children have clean hands and noses. Played with the sand -

Wash your hands and show your clean palms in the mirror.

Exercise “Sand Rain”

Purpose: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation.

Sand fairy. In my country there may be an unusual sandy rain and blowing...

juicy wind. It is very nice. You can make such rain and wind yourself.

Watch it happen.

The child slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, on la -

the bottom of an adult, into your palm.

The child closes his eyes and places his palm with his fingers spread on the sand,

The adult sprinkles sand on a finger, and the child names this finger. Then they me-

play roles.

Exercise “Unusual traces”

Goal: development of tactile sensitivity, imagination.

« The bear cubs are coming” - the child presses forcefully onto the sand with his fists and palms.

“Hares are jumping” - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving

going in different directions.

“Snakes are crawling” - the child, with relaxed/tense fingers, does -

The surface of the sand is wavy (in different directions).

“Spiderbugs are running” - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movement of the nase -

whom (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, meeting each other’s hands under the sand

friend - “bugs say hello”).

“Krokazyabla” - children leave a wide variety of footprints in the sand, invent

a name for a fantastic animal that left such marks (later

you can draw this animal and make it a resident of the sand country).

Exercise “Patterns on the sand”

Goal: consolidation of knowledge about sensory standards, establishment of patterns.

An adult with a finger, the edge of his palm, or a brush in the upper part of the sandbox draws a

personal geometric figures(in accordance with age standards for mastering), pro-

simple/complex patterns (straight and wavy paths, fences, ladders). The child must

draw the same pattern below in the sand, or continue the adult’s pattern. Option:

an adult draws on a board, gives verbal instructions to draw a certain

The same patterns on sand are made by laying out in a given sequence

of objects, such as pebbles, acorns, large buttons, etc.

2.Sand castle competition.

Goal: development creative imagination, group unity.

The competition is held among children of the senior and preparatory groups.

They are invited to make a castle in the sandbox. The sand must be damp. In progress

production can be used as decorations waste material. Educators

groups provide assistance in building the castle.

3. Campaign “Footprints in the Sand”

A group of children and teachers leave their handprints on the wet sand in

sandbox, which are photographed and posted in the reception group. From prints

With your hands you can put together some kind of pattern or ornament.

4. Relaxation before bed “On the seashore”

Purpose: This exercise is used to help children achieve a sense of calm and

serenity, which in turn leads to self-acceptance and increased confidence in

5. Consultation for parents “Games in the sandbox.”

Playing with sand, water and clay

Appendix 5.


"Day of Soap Bubbles"

Soap Bubbles Festival

Middle and senior groups

Together with educators and preschool teachers

IN: Today we are going to the distant land of Soap Bubbles.

Now I’ll take a simple straw into my mouth,

I'll draw some water into it, then blow lightly

Into a straw - and behold,

Turning blue with a smooth film, stretching in breadth,

A thin sparkling bubble will appear!

Teachers blowing soap bubbles

Q: Soap bubbles are light, airy, and obedient to the breeze. They love to play

with kids.


"Help the soap bubbles fly over the rope"

Children participate middle group(two teams of 6 people).

Equipment: stands, ropes, sets for blowing soap bubbles.

Children blow soap bubbles and blow on them to make them fly over the rope.

"Walk on the bridge"

Children participate senior group(two teams of 6 people).

Equipment: flags, chairs, boards for a “bridge” across the path, sets for

blowing soap bubbles.

Children take turns walking along the bridge to the flag, blowing a bubble.

"Catch the Bubble"

Equipment: kits for blowing soap bubbles.

Q: open the caps and blow bubbles!

Here they are - look!

They are all airy, very disobedient!

How can we catch them - hold them in our palms!

Children of the older group blow soap bubbles, children of the middle group try to

“Who has the most luxuriant foam?”

Children from the older group are participating.

Equipment: plastic bowls with soapy water, cocktail straws.

Children (three or four each) are positioned around the pelvis and, using tubes, create

abundant foam.

Outdoor games


Q: Bubbles are funny people -

IN soap bubbles lives.

So now you will be the bubbles, and the hoops will be your houses. Keep them busy.

At a signal, children from the middle group run out of the hoops and “fly.” (At that time

1-2 hoops are removed) At the signal: “Home!” - children return to hoops. The one who doesn't

enough hoop, drops out of the game, becomes a fan. The game is somewhat repetitive

"Mischievous palms and soap bubbles"

Children of the older group stand in a circle and perform movements together with the leader.

B: children, children, look,

We are funny bubbles!

(Put your legs alternately on the heel.)

One, two, three - bubbles grow.

(Throw up their hands)

They grow, shimmer, and inflate more and more!

(Turn around themselves.)

Suddenly, palms appeared and started catching bubbles!

(Traps appear - children of the middle group.)

Pop, pop, one, two, three, watch out for bubbles!

(The trappers clap their hands and shake their fingers.)


catching up.


the traps were not touched.

Final part.

All children participate.

Be careful, bubbles...

Oh, what! Look!

They're getting bloated! They sparkle!

They're having a blast! They're flying!

Mine is plum!

Mine is the size of a nut!

Mine didn’t burst for the longest time!

Music is playing, children are blowing soap bubbles.


"In a flower meadow"

1. “Name flower”

Progress: The teacher prepares a model of a flower, which is filled out together with the group

come up with




flower petals. Then the child chooses what he liked best. To this petal

A butterfly cut out of paper is attached. And children should call them by their favorite names

each other all day. The teacher – speech therapist – participates in the creation of the “name flower”.

2. Competition “Best Flowerbed”.

Goal: development of fantasy and creative imagination; development of fine motor skills of the hand.

The teacher asks riddles about flowers, and then the children make the flower they want.









laid out in one large “flowerbed”. Flowerbeds are hung at the entrance to the kindergarten.

flower cut out of colored paper.

There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt,

Heart of gold.

What it is?


The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small.


Long thin stem

Above is a scarlet light.

Not a plant, but a lighthouse

This is bright red...

Grew from an onion

But it's not good for food.

On a bright glass

The flower is similar.


Although I am neither a beast nor a bird,

But I can defend myself!

I'll spread my claws -

Just touch my flowers!

I turn white like a fluffy ball in the field

and the breeze blew - a stalk remained.


Worth Antoshka

On one leg.

Where the sun will be

That's where he'll look.


Z is like a star -

That's how the name is translated.

I'm closer to autumn color,

To get into bouquets for schoolgirls.

Bright, fragrant -

Ah ah ah! Prickly!

3. Tea party “Healing aroma”

Goal: disease prevention.

Procedure: Tea is brewed from medicinal flowers: chamomile, linden blossom, thyme,

Tea can be served during a walk after creative assignment, and before lunch.

4. Sketch “Flower”






“Squat down, lower your head and arms. Imagine that you are the seeds from which

beautiful flowers will grow. A warm ray of sunshine reached the ground and warmed the seed in it.



Stand up

raise and spread your arms to the sides. A flower basks in the sun. Substitutes for heat



Lift up






smile, slowly turn your head left and right. Now tell me what you

felt when we were a flower.”

5. Relaxation before bed “Butterfly”

6. Outdoor game “Flower - seven flowers”

Goal: to develop eye and accuracy.

Equipment: eight cups cut from plastic bottles, held together

flower shape with paper clips (one cup in the center, seven around it),

eight tennis balls or plastic cases from Kinder Surprises.

Children throw balls at a target (flower - seven-color) and score points: hitting

center of the flower - 5 points, in the petals - 2 points. You can also shape the target

triangle, square, line, etc.


"Sunny day"

1. Promotion. "Sunshine for kindergarten."


cut out.

palms are glued in a circle, starting with small ones, to one “sun”, creating,

thus, rays.

2. Asphalt drawing competition.

Senior and preparatory group.

Materials: colored crayons.

Participants of the competition gather for sports ground. The song “Clouds” plays.

Q: I happened to see something

What no one has seen:

A goat was jumping across the sky,

A dragonfly flew after her.

The people around could not understand

Who is this that moves without legs?

And it was - do you know who?

Bunny in daddy's coat.

I suggest





sunshine during the rain.

To the music, children and teachers go to designated places on the asphalt.

Q: There is no more magical country,

The clouds live in it.

This cloud is a kitten.

This cloud is a baby elephant

This is a tiger-hippopotamus

He will bring fun.

So, let's draw!

The children get to work, the teacher encourages their imagination.

After 30 - 40 minutes, everyone gathers again on the sports ground.

Q: Today, with the help of crayons, you accomplished small miracle. We were able to see

a magical transcendental land and get to know its inhabitants.

Music plays and children are given memorable emblems.

3.Relaxation before bed “On the seashore”

4. Promotion for parents “The Wall”

Purpose: providing feedback.

Proceedings: on the façade of the building a strip of Whatman paper is hung, laid out “into bricks”,

in which parents can leave their wishes and feedback on the work done.

5. A joint holiday for parents and kindergarten children.


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psychology at school. School psychologist No. 34 1999.

Alyabyeva E.A.




driving: Toolkit. - M.: TC Sfera, 2006.

Bityanova M. Rainbow games. School psychologist No. 45, 46 1999.

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Pilipko N. Communication in situations of request and refusal. School psychologist no.

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psychologist No. 43 2002.

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Scenario plot - game program « Magic colors summer"

Lygalova Olesya Alekseevna, teacher additional education MAU DO CDT "Rhythm" in Perm
Target: Creating a joyful mood, making children realize that living in friendship is better than living in a quarrel.
Tasks: To foster friendly relations between children and a friendly attitude towards the world around them
Develop children's imagination
Develop the ability to help and sympathize
Purpose of the material: This scenario will be useful for organizers of children's leisure activities.
Heroes: Rainbow - leading, colors. In my script, all the roles are played by children. Rainbow is a girl from high school.

"Magic colors of summer"
(The melody of the song “This is what our summer is like” sounds, the presenter comes on stage and sings)
Presenter: Good afternoon and good hour,
I salute you all!
Greetings boys,
Greetings girls!
It was not by chance that I came to you
This ringing holiday!
1. Our summer has come again,
In the summer we bought tickets for everyone.
Summer is warmed by the hot sun,
Summer is breathing with the breeze!
pr: Summer purple, green, burgundy,
Summer is very different, orange, red!
We always look forward to summer - a sea of ​​light,
Looking forward to hiking and camping in the summer
Sonorous songs - sonorous until dawn
And holidays for children!
Pr: Summer lemon, golden, yellow.
Bright, blue, everything around is beautiful.
Bright, colorful, golden summer!
Rainbow: Let me introduce myself, my name is Rainbow! And we will get to know you with the help of a multi-colored ball. Whoever gets my ball in his hands throws it back to me and tells me his name. I am a rainbow, and you... (and so on three, four times). No, so I’ll get to know you for a whole week. It’s better that I throw the ball up in the air now, and you, in unison, say your names loudly! Ready? (I couldn’t make out anything at all, let’s try again, and now only girls, and now only boys) Well, that’s another matter. I see you guys are funny. Of course, how can you not have fun when summer and the long-awaited holidays have finally arrived! Do you love summer? I also really love summer. Do you know that there is a place on earth where there is no summer like ours. This North Pole, and flowers don't grow there. But my best friend, Ice, lives at the North Pole. She had never seen summer and really asked me to tell her what it was. To make it easier for her to imagine all this, we will paint a picture for her. You'll help me, won't you? But we will not paint a picture simple colors, but magical.
(Colors appear, sing to the melody of the song “Box of Pencils”)

Rainbow: Here it is in front of you - a box of miracles.
They live in it, as if in good fairy tale,
Beautiful, bright colors.
Blue: Each has its own name,
Yellow: Everyone has their own calling,
Green: And everyone does their best,
Orange: He draws with great desire.
Green: With a wave of green paint, the meadows will be dressed,
And there will certainly be a Christmas tree in the forest, and the first maple leaves.
Yellow: And the yellow sun will wake up, and the dandelions in the field.
And the sail will color in the sea, and the summer will be joyful.
Red: Red colors roses and children's cheeks from the frost,
Autumn leaves in the parks, bows of long-awaited gifts.
Blue: And let’s face it, the blue one will draw the mother’s eyes
There is a cornflower flower by the road and the sky on a hot day.
Rainbow: In a box of miracles, see for yourself quickly,
Fun and fairy tales live - bright, kind colors.
Rainbow: Dear paints, help us paint a summer picture for Icy.
Green: Summer? I will help. I'm the most important one here. After all, the grass and leaves are green in summer.
Blue: What's worse about me? Yes, I'm in charge! Everyone is waiting for summer, so what?
All: Jump, run, relax, sunbathe, lie down, ride, play around.
Blue: Bathe! In the sea, and in the river... and they are blue.
Yellow: Hello, here we come, actually, I am more important than everyone else. Without bright hot, big sun, it wouldn't be summer! And the sun... is yellow! Clearly understood?
Red: Sun, river, grass! The most important thing is vitamins!!! Red strawberries! Red strawberries! Red currants. Red apples, red watermelon.
Orange: That's it! Vitamins!!! Oranges, tangerines, pumpkin, carrots!
Yellow: Yes, without the sun, no oranges, tangerines and carrots would ripen!
Green: It all starts with me, with me! All your vitamins start with me, with green sprouts!
Yellow:(green) Don’t brag too much here! If I connect with blue, I will become green, and we don't need you!
Green: And you first agree with the blue one!
Yellow: I'll agree!
Blue: Again, I won’t negotiate with anyone! I’m the most beautiful and I’m not going to mix with just anyone! And in general I draw.
(they look at each other, take out brushes like weapons, run to the picture, start drawing, pushing each other.)
Rainbow: Dear paints, don’t quarrel, paint together. Remember that we need to give this picture to Ice, who has never seen summer. Just try your best.
Paints: We'll try our best.
Rainbow: In the meantime, the colors paint their masterpiece. We will remember what you can do in the summer. But first, I will divide you into 2 teams. From this side and to the middle, Tsvetiki’s team. And from that side to the middle, the Luchiki team. I will ask you questions, and if you can do this in the summer, you will hand over the cotton. Let's practice. I’m the first to clap, you’re the second, then you take turns, one after the other, don’t clap ahead of the other and don’t be late.
Is the weather warm in summer?(the guys clap in turn on both sides, whichever team passes the “Clap” faster wins, gets the point)
Is there a lot of snow in summer?
Do we play snowballs in the summer?
Are we relaxing on the beach?
Do we eat mushrooms and berries?
The night is long, do we sleep a lot? (Of course not, the nights are shorter in summer and the days are longer, but in winter the opposite is true.)
Does a bear sleep in a den in summer?
Are your feet wearing felt boots?
But go ice skating?
Can everyone swim in the sea?
Catch a beetle in a field during the day?
How about building a snowman?
Rainbow: Well done, everyone answered correctly and quickly passed on the claps. Are you ready to paint?
(The colors quarrel and take out the picture.)

Rainbow: Well, I'll tell you, miracles!
What strip is this? Yellow, sandy, poisonously juicy?
Yellow: Is it the sky that is not clear? I think everything is great!
Rainbow: The sky turned yellow
Red(laughs): So funny
Rainbow: And so ridiculous! But what is this?
Green: This is the Sea
Rainbow: Oh-oh, I feel bad about something. This is not the sea
Red: And the swamp! (laughs) so green, fragrant, foresty!
Blue: Instead of fish there are leeches in it, and it is covered with moss!
Green: Oh, what are you saying, what kind of mouse is that?
Blue: Where?
Green: Well, here she is, with a slightly blue ponytail.
Blue: And it’s not a mouse at all. This is the sun - it’s clear to everyone!
Red: The sun with a mouse tail!
Blue: So what, I decided so! The sun will now be blue!
Rainbow: And this one on the meadow, what are those little red dots?
Red: It's grass in the wind.
Green: I'm dying of laughter now!
Orange: There is no such thing as red grass!
Red: Do you have something that flies?
Orange: It's seagulls!
Red: You can also say that they look like firebirds!! (quarrel)

: Stop. Fine. Let's imagine that everything happened as shown in your drawing. The guys and I will try to prove you that you are wrong. Guys, are you ready? We will prove to you that every paint has its place. Do you agree?
Paints:(they looked at each other and said) We agree.
Rainbow: Then we begin to fantasize.
1 episode Marine(music “And the fish in the sea swim like this”, the group “Fidgets”, a fabric depicting the sea is brought onto the stage, Rainbow makes riddles about sea animals, the colors show these toys)
Rainbow: Here is the sea, the sea is blue and very beautiful
We'll guess the riddles, name the answer, and repeat the movements after us.
What kind of ball floats with spikes,
Quietly waving its fins,
You just can’t take it in your hands,
This ball of fish is a hedgehog.
Show me the hedgehog fish. Well done. Next riddle.
The sea is warm all around,
We were swimming in it, and suddenly
All my friends were blown away by the wind,
A shark swam to the beach!
Repeat after us.
We are fish, and you are sharks, try to catch us. Sharks have a huge mouth. (Host and blue paint they approach the children from both sides, the children’s palms are prepared for clapping, the leader and the paint pass their hand, as if it were a fish, between the children’s palms, as if it were a shark, their task is to catch the leader’s palm)
Let's play the next riddle.
Maybe the fish is a giant,
Launch a fountain over the water,
Who is famous for this?
An inhabitant of the ocean - a whale! Show how a whale lets out a fountain. Next riddle.
Eight arms or eight legs,
This miracle is an octopus.
Show me the octopus. And now we will be sharks. Place your octopuses on your lap and when a shark swims up to you, hide them behind your back.
Pr (play)
Looks so much like a horse
And he lives in the sea too
That's it, fish, hop, hop, hop,
A seahorse is jumping! Show me the seahorse. Then guess.
A transparent umbrella floats
There is a risk of burning, do not touch.
She has paws and a belly,
What's her name... jellyfish.
This is what a jellyfish is. With two hands. Repeat. And now I will name sea animals, and you will show them to me!
Whale, seahorse, urchin fish, shark. Jellyfish. Octopus.

Blue: There are also many living in the sea different fish, sea animals - snakes, turtles, killer whales, sperm whales, it’s impossible to list them all, and many, many other inhabitants.
Rainbow: And this is the right sea, and now, dear green paint, look what happened.
Everyone goes around this place
Here the earth is like dough.
There are sedges, hummocks, mosses,
No foot support!
And it turned out to be a swamp!
There is almost no oxygen in the swamp.
There is nothing to breathe in the swamp.
The water is dirty and hot
Not suitable for all marine life.
Mud, algae, moss grow, there is no space in the swamp.
All the inhabitants of the sea have disappeared!
Green: How did they disappear? I'll put them together and start playing with them. Here's an octopus, here's a whale, and here's a shark!
Rainbow: You are the first team, you are the second, and you are the third. Hold hands, stand in a circle, your team is octopuses, yours is whales, and yours is sharks.
You will start dancing to the music, whatever I say, you will do. If I say octopus, you all dance like this - show the tentacles of the octopus, when I say whale - you all jump, raise your hands up, when I say shark, you hold hands and walk in a circle, and when I say sea, you Everyone gets up for the paints - the train, and disperses around the hall. But as soon as the music ends, you need to stand up, the way you are standing now, your team is around the shark, you are around the octopus, and you are around the whale. Therefore, look one way and the other, remember who is standing with whom. Do you remember? Then listen carefully and be sure to follow through. Let's start!
(A game)
Rainbow: All three teams are great. Take your seats. These Marine life can only live in the sea and ocean, but not in a swamp.
Green: I realized my mistake
I shouldn't paint the sea.
Rainbow: Great. And we continue to fantasize.
Episode 2 – “Yellow Sky and Blue Sun”
Rainbow: Is the sun shining brightly in the sky? What for? So that it’s warm and somewhere hot for everyone. Nature blossoms, everything around comes to life. And the florist, gardener, and beekeeper suddenly had a lot of worries. Guys, now we will find out what summer is for. There are pictures of summer and little cards in envelopes that show what you can do in the summer. You need to correctly match the small cards to the large one. For example, here is a river drawn, and on a small card, a boy who is swimming.

1,2,3,4,5 come out and play with me. You are 5 people - one team, and you are the second. Everyone understood, then they started.
While our participants complete the task, we will go on a hike and return back. After all, summer is the time for hiking. Answer everyone together and loudly.
We can’t sit still, the world is terribly interesting,
Now we are ready to go on a hike, what awaits us ahead?
To avoid getting into trouble, we will take with us...a backpack.
There are steep banks here, and a river flows below.
It seems that this old...forest has grown to the skies.
At the rest stop, we’ll rest and build a fire together...
Try not to make noise, there’s a bear eating raspberries here.
We don’t want to go there, there’s a quagmire, there’s...a swamp.
Blades of grass are trampled here, we know we are walking along...a path.
And along the straight road, we return... home.
Well done, everyone answered correctly. Let's see how our participants coped with the task.
In summer, fruit grows on fruit trees. True 1.1
Vegetables grow in the garden. Correct.2.2
Mushrooms and berries grow in the forest. Amazing. 3.3
Spikelets for porridge bread grow in the fields.4.4
In the summer in the parks you can ride on carousels 5.5
You can play in the yards. 6.6
Bees collect nectar from flowers and then make healthy honey.7.7
The kids swim in the river and get healthy. 8.8
You can ride bicycles on the playgrounds. 9.9
After the rain there is a rainbow in the sky and all the plants are growing.10.10
Rainbow: Well, now blue paint, attention.
The sun has turned blue!
Can all this really happen?
It got so cold
And winter has come again.
Vacations are cancelled!
Paints: All the insects froze
Migratory birds have died
The squirrel has not stocked up and may die in winter
The gray hare is visible on the white snow; anyone can catch it.
All the plants withered and died, nothing grew.
Blue: I understood everything, I shouldn’t paint the sun.
Yellow: We will correct the situation. Dance, repeat the movements behind the colors, as soon as you hear a song about summer, you dance on this side, and if the song is about winter, spring or autumn, you dance on this side. All clear? Then get up and start dancing. (dance game)
Rainbow: Take your seats. You are real dancers! And we continue to fantasize.
Episode 3 "Red Grass"
Rainbow: Red grass everywhere
My head is spinning.
What is growing is not at all clear.
After all, everything around turned red!
Paints: red trees,
red bushes,
Red vegetables and berries!
red fruits,
red mushrooms,
All plants are red
Red flowers!
All mushrooms are red: You can confuse edible with inedible ones and get poisoned.
The berries are also red – it’s unclear which ones are edible and which ones are not!
The plants are all red! How to choose medications?
Red paint: I understand that I clearly overdid it!
Rainbow: That's for sure, but the guys will help us.
Red paint: Can you help?
Rainbow: As soon as I name an object that is red, you raise up right hand, if the object is not red, you raise your left hand (for little ones, if the object is red, you raise your hand up; if the object is not red, you do not raise your hand). ready? (You can also play this game by standing in a rubber band and jumping out of it, if the object is called red)
Tomato, cucumber, lemon, watermelon, currant. Camelina mushrooms, raspberries, strawberries, pumpkin, zucchini, peppers, snow, apple, leaves. (in autumn the leaves, for example on rowan, are red) milk, jam, strawberries, sand, water,
Fly agaric! Rose, cherry, tongue, clover, rosehip, carnation.
Rainbow: Well done boys.
Red paint: But everything red is beautiful.
Yellow: But nothing is clear! Please look and try to guess what kind of mushrooms these are. (The paints are taken out by the mushrooms, but they are all painted with red paint, the red paint answers everything incorrectly, the paints show mushrooms on one side in red, how the children guess them, they turn the sheet over to the other side and a mushroom is drawn there in the color it should be. 1 - porcini mushroom, red: this is a fly agaric!, 2 - chanterelle, paint: this is a pale toadstool, 3 - redhead, paint: this, well, let it be an oil can, 4 - an oil can, 5 - toadstool, paint: this is a toadstool, 6 - ... paint: I don't know)
Rainbow: You see, nothing is clear, but if you confuse a fly agaric with an edible mushroom and eat it, you can get poisoned.
Red paint: That's right, nothing is clear. I realized my mistake; I shouldn’t paint all the plants red.
Rainbow: Well done. And the guys and I will play with fly agaric mushrooms. We will divide you into 2 teams, flowers and rays. You take turns throwing the chubby into the fly agaric, if the fly agaric, and the bell hidden in it, rings, then the team is awarded a point. The team throws the rays first. Now Tsvetiki….(game) and the Tsvetiki team won with a score of 5…7. Applause, have a seat!
Rainbow: Dear colors, you are not just colors for us, you are our friends, you don’t let us get bored and every minute teach us to see how beautiful the world in which we live is. You are all, absolutely all, important to us. Each of you occupies the place where your abilities are revealed in all their glory. The grass and leaves are green, the sun is yellow, and the sky and sea are blue.
Paints: and what to do now?
Paints: I think first of all we need to stop arguing. And try to paint a picture of summer again.
Paints: Of course we will in a moment. (They draw a picture at the easel)
The final:
Rainbow: And you guys, don’t follow the example of paints, value your friendship.
Let's be
Be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky,
Like the wind with the meadow,
Like a sail with the sea,
Grass - with rains,
How the sun is friendly
With all of us.
And for all of you gifts, do you want to receive them? Then let's all clap our hands together!
Rainbow: Has everyone received gifts?
Paints: We are ready. We drew.
Rainbow: Now everything is clear here. Sea. Sun, river, forest.
It's full of miracles here.
We’ll send the picture to Ledinka, and we’ll say goodbye to you.
See you soon guys, goodbye!

right389763000MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 53"
Summer fun scenario
"Colors of Summer"
(for children 4-6 years old)
Novomoskovsk, 2016
Summer entertainment “Colors of Summer”
Participants: Red Summer, Tree Frog, Lesovichok, Santa Claus.
Progress of the event.
Children come to the decorated playground and are greeted by Summer.
Summer: - Hello guys, I'm Summer! I'm very glad to see you. How you have grown over the year, how you have matured. Do you know poems about summer? (children read poetry).
1. The sun walks high, the bee flies harder, the raspberries are filled with juice, and begin to fall into the grass.
At night, a fleeting lightning is visible above the mowing. Golden wheat began to bend from the grain.
2. Full of large scarlet cherries. Young noisy garden. The boletus came out in the pine forest, The first small detachment.
The porcini mushroom is similar to gingerbread; Russula - all colors. The sun makes the apples blush in the dark greenery of the gardens.
3. The sun is shining brightly,
There's warmth in the air
And wherever you look,
Everything around is light.
The meadow is colorful
Bright flowers;
Covered in gold
Dark sheets.
Summer: -Do you like summer? How? Where can you go for a walk in the summer? (children's answers: to the forest, to the river, etc.). I would also take a walk with you, but I need to find the colors of summer, maybe you can help me?
Summer: -What can you travel with? (children's answers: by car, by bicycle, etc.).
Summer: -I suggest going by train. Do you agree? Then let's go!
They “drive up” to the garden.
Summer: -Guys, where are we? What's growing here? (children list). Do plants need to be looked after? How? For what? (children's answers). I suggest you play.
Round dance "Vegetable Garden".
We have a vegetable garden where we grow our own carrots. They are this wide and this high. (2 times) Hurry the carrots here and dance a little. And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket. (2 times) We have a vegetable garden. Green onions grow there. This is this width, this is this height. (2 times) Hurry here and dance a little. And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket. (2 times) We have a vegetable garden and cabbage grows there. This is this width, this is this height. (2 times) Hurry up to us and dance a little. And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket. (2 times) We have a truck. It’s not small, not big. It’s this wide, it’s this high. (2 times) You driver, hurry here and dance a little. And then don’t yawn, take away our harvest. (2 times)
Summer: - Let's move on.
(Approaching the swamp).
Tree frog: -Who is that noise that is disturbing my sleep?
Summer: - Hello, Tree Frog, the guys and I didn’t want to disturb you at all, we are looking for the colors of summer. Dear Tree Frog, maybe you can help us?
Tree frog: -Well, I have one paint, it’s so beautiful! But for me to give it to you, you must play with me, otherwise rarely anyone comes to visit me.
Summer: -Well, we agree!
Games are played:
"We are funny monkeys"
We are funny monkeys, We play too loudly. We stomp our feet, We clap our hands.
Puff out our cheeks
Let's jump on our toes.
And even to each other
We'll show you the tongues.
Together we will jump to the ceiling, we will raise our fingers to our temples, we will show each other our noses, we will point our hands to the sky...
Let's stick out our ears, take hold of the tops of our heads, open our mouths wider, and build our faces.
When I say word three, freeze your faces!
Dance game “Right hand forward!”
The right handle is forward, and then it is back. And then vice versa and shake it a little. We boogie-woogie, turn in a circle. And we clap our hands like this - 1, 2, 3. Boogie-woogie - 4 rubles.
Tree frog: -How fun it is to be with you! Now, draw me a river and friends!
(Children draw river inhabitants with chalk on the asphalt).
Tree frog: -Very beautiful! Take the paint... (sad) Goodbye!
Summer: - Frog, and you want to travel with us!
Tree frog: -With pleasure!
Summer: - Let's move on. Oh! Who is that snoring under the bush?
Lesovichok: - Hello, dear guests! Come into my forest.
Summer: -We have no time, we are looking for colors.
Lesovichok: -I have one paint, but I won’t give it to you.
Summer: -Why?
Lesovichok: -First, guess my forest riddles.
(Lesovichok asks the children riddles)
The guys have Green friend, cheerful friend, good, He will stretch out to them Hundreds of hands and thousands of palms. (Forest)
It falls from a branch into the river, and does not sink, but floats. (Sheet)
In winter he sleeps in a den
And he snores a little.
And if he wakes up, let’s roar,
And his name is. .. (Bear).
Fluffy and red
Lives on a tree.
Strong teeth
He gnaws all the nuts. (Squirrel).
What kind of forest animal is this?
Stood up like a post under a pine tree
And stands among the grass -
Ears more head? (Hare)
Lesovichok: -Now help my friends collect cones, whose supplies do you think these are?
Relay race “Collect supplies”. (transfer cones from one bucket to another)
Summer: -Guys, we got two colors, let's relax!
Attention game “Repeat” (pronounce a body part and show another)
While the children are playing, Santa Claus appears with a Christmas tree and a bag.
Santa Claus: - Hello, guys! Did you miss me? And I really miss you! It’s so beautiful here, I’ve dreamed of going to summer all my life. What do you do in the summer, in such heat? (children's answers: swimming, sunbathing, walking, etc.). It’s so hot here, I’m about to melt, it’s good that I brought snowballs with me.
Snowball game (girls opposite boys).
Santa Claus: -I feel better. Oh, but my Christmas tree is not decorated!
Relay race “Dress up the Christmas tree” (for children 5-6 years old, children decorate the Christmas tree with small toys).
Santa Claus: -The Christmas tree has been decorated, but without a round dance it is sad.
Let's start a cheerful round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
Summer: -How much fun we have, but where can we find the third paint? Where can we find the ribbon? Santa Claus, don't you have one?
Santa Claus: -I don’t know, I have a bag with gifts, and there’s a ribbon on it, isn’t it yours by any chance?
Summer: -Yes, that’s her. Now we have found three basic colors, and from them we can make other colors. Thank you, grandpa! Thanks guys!
Santa Claus distributes treats to children.
Summer: - Guys, what did you like most about our trip? Why? What game would you like to play again?

Ekaterina Stolyarova
Summer project for secondary children age group"Colors of Summer"

Summer project for middle age children

"Summer colors"

Passport project.

Type project: creative

Deadlines project: medium term(from July 31, 2017 to August 25, 2017)

Participants project: teacher - Stolyarova E.V., children middle group"Bell", parents, musical director - Kolegaeva N.A.

Target: maximum creation effective conditions to organize work aimed at protecting and promoting health children in summer period taking them into account individual characteristics, formation at children knowledge about seasonal phenomena of living and inanimate nature.

Tasks project:

Learn children celebrate summer changes in nature, experiment, determining cause-and-effect relationships.

Form at children emotional-figurative perception through artistic words.

Develop observation skills creative imagination, ideas about the world around us, voluntary memory and attention;

Educate children's interest, love and careful attitude to nature;

Enrich your vocabulary children with new words.

Form at children knowledge about the relationship between nature and man.

Relevance project:

Summer- wonderful and amazing time! In summer, the kindergarten daily schedule provides for maximum stay children for outdoors . It is very important that life children during this period was informative and interesting. Children middle group continue to study the world. And, therefore, it is very important for children of this age development of elementary sensory concepts, visual and effective thinking. Directly- educational and experimental research activities, didactic games contribute to the development of children cognitive activity. Outdoor games, entertainment, morning exercises, outdoor physical education, playing with sand provide the necessary level of physical and mental health children.

Expected results:

Reduced incidence rate among children;

Development of the child’s social, moral, and communicative qualities;

Increased interest in wonderful world nature, to its knowledge;

Manifestation of such qualities as kindness, mercy, care.

Health improvement and physical development.

Morning exercises. Gymnastics after sleep. Folk and outdoor games. Sport games.

Hardening procedures.

Walking barefoot. Sunbathing. Pouring and washing feet.

Developing curiosity.

Observations. Excursions. Experimental activity.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Drawing. Application. Modeling.

Labor skills. Flower garden. Cleaning the area. Crafts.

Reading fiction.

Implementation plan

1-Preparatory stage includes myself:

1. Selection of necessary literature on the topic.

2. Selection motor exercises and outdoor games.

3. Develop a plan project.

2- The main stage implements weekly Topics:

"Miracles from the Forest"

from 31.07. to 04.08. 2017

Monday "Curious"

Conversation "Forest House"

Target: To give an idea that the forest is the green outfit of our planet; a lot grows in the forest plants: shrubs, flowers, mushrooms.

Reinforce the knowledge that the forest is a home for animals and birds.

Looking at pictures and illustrations.

Reading a fairy tale “What is a forest?” (Yu. Dmitriev)

Di "Trees"

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing paints"Tree"

Riddles about trees.

Reading a poem about a birch tree.

Observation while walking: for the weather and the sun

Work: putting things in order on the site.

Wednesday"Healthy and healthy"

Conversation "Trees in the Forest"

Target: Expand knowledge about trees, that forests can be coniferous and deciduous.

Di "What Animals Can Do"

P\i "By the Bear in the Forest", "Run to the named tree".

Path of health

Reading a story "First Hunt" V. Bianchi

Observation while walking: behind the ants.

Thursday "Mikrosha"

Application (break off) with drawing elements "Birch".

Reading a fairy tale "Three piglets" (English, translated by S. Marshak)

Di “Guess which tree”, "Guess what's in your hand"

Observation while walking: behind the birch.

Friday "Weirdo"

Construction "Teremok"(constructor "Lego", cubes)

Di "Merry dolls", “What kind of bird is this?”

"Sister Fox and the Wolf"

Observation while walking: for insects.

Work: cleaning sand around the sandbox.

P\i "The Hunter and the Hares"

"Young Firemen"

from 07.08. to 11.08. 2017

Monday "Curious"

Conversation “These matches are small”

Target: Bring to understanding children the purpose of matches in the house, to explain their danger if they fall into the inept hands of an inattentive, irresponsible person.

Learn, if necessary, to dial the telephone number of the fire service, police and "Ambulance".

Di "Which? Which? Which?"

P\i "Move the item".

Reading a fairy tale "Flint" H. -K. Andersen

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing "Cat house"

Observation while walking: behind the sun.

Experience: “Properties of dry sand and wet”.

P\i "Sun and Rain"

Reading a poem "Confusion" K. Chukovsky

Wednesday"Healthy and healthy"

Conversation "Do you know the rules fire safety T. A. Shorygina

Observation while walking: for butterflies.

Reading a fairy tale “How a fire tower was built in the village”.

Thursday "Mikrosha"

Modeling "Cat"

Target: develop the ability to depict domestic animals.

Observation while walking: behind the wiper.

P\i "Cat and Mice"

Reading a poem "Uncle Styopa" S. Mikhalkova

Friday "Weirdo"

Experience: "Guess by the smell"

Game exercise "Where Matryoshka hid"

Observation while walking: behind the wind.

Work: sweeping the path.

P\i "Aircraft"

Reading a story "Entertainers" N. Nosova

"Miracles in the garden"

from 14.08. to 08/18/2017

Monday "Curious"

Conversation "Where the vitamins live"

Target: Reinforcing the names of fruits and vegetables. Development of an understanding of the necessary vitamins for a person, habits of healthy image life.

Riddles about fruits and vegetables.

Di "Merry vegetable garden"

Observation while walking: for flowers.

P\i "Birds and Cat"

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing according to the content of the riddles "Riddles from the garden"

Target: Develop the ability to convey the shape of vegetables according to their description in riddles.

Observation while walking: what grows in the garden.

Work: weeding and cleaning the grass in the flowerbed.

P\i "Sparrows"

Reading a fairy tale "The Tale of Fruit"

Wednesday"Healthy and healthy"

Conversation about the benefits of juices and compotes (What is made of what)

Finger game "Orange" (memorization)

Breathing exercises "Bee on a Daisy"

A game "Wonderful bag"

Reading Russian folk tale (optionally children) .

Thursday "Mikrosha"

Application "Fruits and vegetables on a plate"

Using experience to find truth.

“Comparing apples and oranges”

With orange skin

Looks like a ball

But the center is not empty,

And juicy and tasty!

Di "What do they plant in the garden".

Reading a Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear".

Observation while walking: for medicinal plants.

P\i "By the Bear in the Forest".

Friday "Weirdo"

S\r game "Vegetable shop"

Di "Young Chef"

Reading poetry: Y. Tuvim "Vegetables"; Ya. Egorov "Radish", "Pumpkin", "Carrot", "Peas", "Cucumbers".

"Flag of Russia"

from 21.09. to 08/25/2017

Monday "Curious"

Conversation “The history of the Russian flag”

Target: arouse interest in the Russian flag; develop respect for your country.

Di "Collect the Russian flag".

Observation while walking: for inanimate nature.

P\i "Squat Traps".

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing "Flag of Russia".

Target: Develop fine motor skills, imagination, accuracy in working with paints.

Making riddles.

Observation while walking: behind the cloud.

Work: sweeping paths.

A game "Pass the flag".

Wednesday"Healthy and healthy"

Conversation "The symbolic meaning of the Russian flag".

Target: Introduce symbolic meaning Russian flag; to cultivate love and respect for one’s homeland, pride in one’s country.

Learning a poem "Multi-colored flag of Russia" M. Bebina

A game "Collect the Russian flag" (from cubes, mosaics).

Work: Collection of flower seeds.

Thursday "Mikrosha"

Modeling "Russian flag".

Target: Develop fine motor skills of the hands; cultivate accuracy in work.

Listening to the Anthem Russian Federation.

Reading poems about the flag.

Observation while walking: behind the trees.

P\i "Colored Cars", d\i "What season".

Friday "Weirdo"

S\r game "Family".

Drawing with chalk on asphalt "Flag of Russia".

Observation while walking: for the weather and the sun.

Work: bringing order around sandboxes.

P\i "Aircraft".

Stage 3 - Final

Show presentation "Nature"

Exhibition of children's works

Working with parents.

Consultation for parents "On the benefits of vitamins".

Consultation for parents "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy".

Exhibition joint work "Russian flag".

Photo exhibition "How I spent summer!"

Drawing the attention of parents to questions about vitamins and their correct use.

Implementation of a unified educational approach when teaching a child fire safety rules.

Increasing the involvement of parents in the work of the kindergarten. Developing positive relationships between parents and preschool employees.