Pasha will call. What is the name of Pavel Volya's son? How old is Pavel Volya's son? Pavel Volya in the film "The Bride at Any Cost"

Pavel Volya is a charismatic man, a resident at famous TV channel"TNT", member of the "Comedy Club". This comedic man was loved by many, and so was his wife. a beautiful woman, famous gymnast Laysan Utyasheva. Pavel Volya's children took after their parents. The beginning of his creative career and personal life was intriguing at first; from his first performances on stage there is still nothing about further career the man could not say. His popularity grew every day and now, Pavel Volya has achieved almost everything, his personal life is arranged, and his biography continues.

In fact, Pavel Volya is his pseudonym, and his name is Denis Dobrovolsky. He took the pseudonym in 2001, when, having left Penza, he decided to radically change his image, and accordingly, he made a big name, as it turned out later. School and institute at the Faculty of Pedagogy were completed perfectly, Volya received a professional higher education- teacher of Russian language and literature. Having gone to the capital, Pavel expected that he would settle down here for later life, age allowed me to do something drastic in life. Pavel Volya made no mistakes and after a couple of years acquired the status of a “glamorous scumbag.”

Children of Pavel Volya photo

Pavel met Laysan Utyasheva in 2012, at which point he was already considered a promising star, and he became immersed in show business. In September of this year it was formed new family and soon his wife gave birth to Pavel Volya’s first child.

They did not comment on their relationship in any way, tried to avoid this topic and did not put their personal life on display. The son was named Robert, and only when he was 3 months old, Pavel Volya’s wife gave an interview for the first time, where she said that she had never hidden her affair with him, young people often appeared in society, visited cinemas, theaters and visited various restaurants, however, for some reason the press did not catch this moment. Pavel Volya with his children and wife often takes pictures with fans when visiting red carpets. Utyasheva speaks very touchingly about her husband and says that in any Hard time he will support her.

At the moment when Laysan’s mother died, Pavel was nearby and this period for the woman was like horrible dream, he supported me in every possible way and helped me get out of depression quickly. Very often there are rumors on the Internet that Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are getting divorced, but this is just gossip to which they always smile. Photos of Pavel Volya's children can be found at a huge number found on Instagram, the family has two wonderful children with whom they spend their free time.

Demonstration family

The first child was born in Miami and when Pavel Volya took his son in his arms he was indescribably delighted, this best moment he still remembers. The children of Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are very active, mobile and inquisitive.

It is difficult to imagine the popular TV show “Comedy Club” today without Pavel Volya, who is not just a resident of the comedy club, but also the main co-host, because it is he who shares the stage with Garik Martirosyan. Of course, like all public figures, he arouses a lot of interest in himself. And Pavel himself once loved to please journalists with all sorts of scandals and provocative actions. But all this is in the past and today everyone loves “Snowball”, and that is what he once called himself - an exemplary family man and a responsible father.

However, despite global changes, many fans continue to be interested in one single question: “What does it sound like? real name Pavel Volya? Surprisingly, the popular showman still does not reveal this part of his life, and why?! Most of Representatives of stellar Olympus wear pseudonyms, and we are already accustomed to this, but still idle curiosity overcomes us and forces us to look for answers.

Revealing secrets

According to one version, Pavel Volya’s real name is Dobrovolsky. Some argue that the star’s name is completely different; supposedly his real name is Denis. Whether this is true or not is unknown, because official confirmation no to this. However, at the beginning of his career, when the future resident of the Comedy Club worked as a DJ on Russian Radio in hometown Penza, he called himself nothing less than Pavel Dobrovolsky. From this we can conclude that the TV star’s name is still real.

short biography

When this boy was born, few people thought that a couple of decades later the whole country would be tormented by the question: “What is the real name of Pavel Volya?” This event took place in 1979 on March 14 in the city of Penza. The boy was always distinguished by being excessively thin, but his amazing appearance made itself felt back in school years. Always nimble, inquisitive, positive, able to support a conversation and make it interesting. All these qualities were observed in young Pavel during his studies, which he graduated from in 2001.

IN student years he headed the KVN team “Valleon Dasson”, and even then, performing under a pseudonym, he aroused the curiosity of his fans. Of course, classmates knew the real name of Pavel Volya, a famous showman today, known to almost every resident of our country.

Moscow history

Immediately after graduating from university, the teacher of Russian language and literature went to Moscow to continue his career. Here he had the opportunity to become the famous Masyanya on the Muz-TV channel (voice by Pavel Volya), and to be a DJ at Hit-FM radio. In addition, he was able to work as an author of scripts for the program and after that he was the editor of the KVN League “Festos”.

Launched in the spring of 2005 new TV project"Comedy Club", the presentation of which began with the speech of our hero. Of course, the chosen image of the “glamorous bastard” not only interested many people, but also gave rise to many questions about the life of the newly minted star boy. The real surname, the name of Pavel Volya, is one of the main intrigues that remains relevant today.

The main task of the “glamorous scumbag” is to ridicule popular stars, politicians and public figures. However, it must be said that the master of words does this so masterfully that you can’t argue with him, as they say, and you can’t sue him. Writing your own monologues in the style of “Stand-up” became another direction of “Snowball”, which was received with great joy by fans.

Music career

Pavel Volya, whose real name, according to some sources, is Dobrovolsky, has been active since 2007 solo career. Some of his songs became real hits that are still very popular to this day. Filming in an advertisement for “Crunch” crackers added to his collection of works as an artist and at the same time pleased us, ordinary fans of the magnificent and virtuosic “Snowball” by Volya.

Since 2009, he continued his career as a DJ, teaming up with Timur Rodriguez and Anton Antonov. This hot team of modern musicians quickly gets the crowd up and dancing in the capital's famous nightclubs. Since 2010, he has repeatedly performed at large-scale events dedicated to the music of the new generation.


The real name and surname of Pavel Volya is Denis Dobrovolsky - this information is provided by most sources on the Internet. or fiction is unknown, but this doesn’t matter to real fans. Today they are more interested in questions about the personal life of the star, because everyone knows that most recently the famous athlete Laysan Utyasheva, and they had a wonderful son, Robert. Such a tandem of names and star faces erases all previous questions, giving ground for the growth of new ones, now of a family nature.

Pavel Alekseevich Volya. Born on March 14, 1979 in Penza. Russian artist conversational genre, TV presenter, actor, resident Comedy Club.

He has a sister, Olga, who is 3 years younger than him.

He studied at Penza school No. 11, preferring humanitarian subjects - literature and history. He graduated from school with a silver medal. During his studies, he actively participated in amateur performances and played in the school KVN.

After finishing school he entered Penza pedagogical institute named after V.G. Belinsky to the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. While studying at the institute, he was the captain of the Penza KVN team “Valeon Dasson”, whose members also included Timur Rodriguez and Leonid Shkolnik.

As part of "Valeon Dasson" he won the First League of KVN, winning the right to participate in Major League. However, in the Major League the Penza team was destined to play only one game - losing in the 1/8 finals of the 2001 season, "Valeon Dasson" in official games The International KVN Union no longer took part.

Worked as a DJ at Russian Radio in Penza under the pseudonym Pavel Dobrovolsky, hosted the “Free Nails” program on the Moscow “Russian Radio”. There is a certain amount of confusion associated with this pseudonym - some decided that this was Pavel’s real surname. However, it is not. He himself explained: “The first myth is that my real name is Denis Dobrovolsky. I stated this in a monologue about pseudonyms, saying that all artists have them, including me. Now everyone is sure of this - even the people who went to school with me one kindergarten, studied with me at school: “How so? He has been deceiving us since he was three years old!” Hey, what's wrong with you?! They found out that I worked on the radio in Penza as Dobrovolsky. Well, that’s right - that was exactly my pseudonym. The name has grown on me forever."

In 2001 he graduated from the Penza Pedagogical Institute and immediately left for Moscow to continue his career. However, immediately in creative profession I didn’t make it - in Moscow I started out working as a construction foreman.

Then he managed to become a screenwriter for. However, when the “Good Evening” program on RTR closed, Pavel switched to radio. He worked as a presenter at Muz-TV, voiced Masyanya in the show “Visiting Masyanya” on Muz-TV, and worked as a DJ at the radio station Hit-FM in 2003.

April 9, 2005 at mall"Atrium" hosted a presentation of the program "Comedy Club". Volya defined his role as a “glamorous scumbag” who bases his speeches on insults of other people.

From its first releases, the Comedy Club show was distinguished by harsh jokes about the stars. At one time, the conflict between Pavel Volya and Roman Trakhtenberg (now deceased) received great resonance. An attempt to make fun of Trachtenberg resulted in an equally harsh response, and Volya himself became an object of ridicule.

Pavel Volya often performs his own monologues in the standup style. Also successful are joint jokes with other residents of the club - Garik Martirosyan, and.

He also took part in other comedy projects of the TNT channel and Comedy Club Production. Together with Vladimir Turchinsky, he hosted the humorous show “Laughter without Rules” and “Slaughter League,” where he also allowed himself to joke about the participants.

Pavel Volya - O modern science. Comedy Club

In 2007 he began his solo career as a performer. He recorded several tracks and shot videos for the songs “Everything will be awesome”, “Mama!”, “Barvikha”, “The Best Song” and “Penza City”. Released solo album"Respect and respect." He starred in several commercials for Khrusteam bread crumbs. A video was distributed on the Internet in which hooligans beat and scold Pavel. This video was later found to be a fake, made to promote the musician's new album.

He said about his passion for music: “I write poetry, music comes into my head. I have the opportunity to write this down and pass it on to people. At the same time, I am aware that there are a billion people in the world who can write and perform songs better than me, but they don't have my capabilities. And if God gave me all this, I simply don't have the right to do nothing. I don't like it when it's lying around the table."

Since 2009, he has continued his DJ career, which he began in Penza. Since 2010, he has been playing live sets together with drummer Tim Ivanov.

In 2016, Pavel Volya became the TV presenter of the original humorous show “Improvisation”. The program is published weekly on Fridays. During the TV show, Pavel asks the regular actors of the program and invited guests topics on which the speakers prepare funny miniatures. As the name suggests, what happens on the screen is improvisation; the participants do not rehearse the numbers. Instead of rehearsals, the actors of the show organize technical parties, live performances, where spectators can attend. Also, as part of the show, the actors tour with performances in Russian cities.

Scandal with a statement about the residents of Yekaterinburg:

In 2016, at his speech in New York, he spoke unflatteringly about the residents of Yekaterinburg. The published video recording of the performance caused many dissatisfied responses on the Internet and calls for a boycott of Pavel’s concert scheduled for December of the same year in Yekaterinburg. Pavel Volya himself said after that that it was a joke and accused the media of fanning the scandal. Pavel Volya's concert in Yekaterinburg in December 2016 was canceled, as was a performance in another city - Tyumen. As representatives of the comedian told the press, the event organizers stopped answering the phone.

Pavel Volya in cinema

Since 2006, he began acting in films, making his debut in the TV series “Next”.

In 2008 he played his first main role- in youth drama "Plato". His hero is Plato, a pimp, he introduces beautiful girls with rich people. The beauties are “caught” by a team of young and daring guys, and Plato decides their destinies. One day Plato met a girl, Lyuba, and realized that she was not just another beauty. She's different. He feels good and interesting with her, but it is her, and no one else, that oligarch Abdul has his eyes on.

In 2009 he played the main role in the comedy "Bride at any cost". His hero is Stanislav Aleksandrovich Izovsky, a successful businessman and a brilliant heartthrob. Hoping to earn a promotion, he comes into contact with a dangerous businessman with a criminal past. But during negotiations, unable to control her temperament, she easily seduces his girlfriend, and when leaving her in the morning, she catches the eye of the businessman’s driver. Now he faces serious danger, unless, of course, he can provide himself with an alibi in the form of a bride - at any cost.

Pavel Volya in the film "The Bride at Any Cost"

In 2012, he played one of the main roles in the comedy “Happy New Year, Moms!” His hero is the son of Vera Evgenievna ().

Pavel Volya in the film "Happy New Year, Moms!"

An adventure film was released in 2018 "Viy-2. The Mystery of the Dragon Seal"(sequel to "Viya"). In the story, the English traveler, Jonathan Green, receives an order from Peter the Great to make maps Far East Russia. He will have to again long haul, full incredible adventures, which will lead him to China! The cartographer will encounter a lot of dizzying discoveries, unexpected encounters with strange creatures, Chinese princesses, masters of deadly martial arts and Lung Wang himself, the King of all dragons.

About his work in the film “Viy-2. The Mystery of the Dragon Seal" Pavel said: “I have the role of Prince Menshikov, who stirs things up while the Tsar Father is away. I have few scenes there, but the appearance is bright, in my opinion... Well, you have to be a fool to refuse to work with Rutger Hauer. What a cool guy! We became friends, exchanged phone numbers."

Pavel Volya in the film "Viy-2. The Secret of the Dragon Seal"

Pavel Volya's height: 179 centimeters.

Personal life of Pavel Volya:

For 3 years he lived in a civil marriage with the presenter of the MTV channel Marika (real name - Maria Kravtsova). The artists met on the set of the Comedy Club, where Maria was invited by friends. Everyone expected their wedding, but it never came to marriage - in 2010 the couple decided to separate without scandals, having managed to maintain their friendship.

Soon he began dating a famous gymnast and TV presenter. Pavel and Laysan met in the company of mutual friends and occasionally saw each other at film premieres and exhibitions. Grief brought them closer: when Laysan’s mother Zulfiya died, it was Pavel Volya who set her up male shoulder and helped me get through this difficult period. For a long time, the couple hid their relationship. And only in the spring of 2013 it became known that Laysan was pregnant. It also turned out that the couple got married back in September 2012.

On May 14, 2013, the couple had a son, Robert. Utyasheva gave birth in Miami. On May 6, 2015, in the same American clinic, Laysan gave birth to a daughter, Sofia.

Filmography of Pavel Volya:

2006-2009 - Club (all seasons) - participant in the video
2007 - Most best movie- Tim Milan
2008-2011 - Univer - cameo
2008 - Plato - Plato
2009 - Bride at any cost - Stanislav Aleksandrovich Izovsky
2009 - - cameo
2010 - Love in big city-2 - taxi driver Hamlet
2011 - Love affair at work. Our time - Vadik, secretary
2011 - Kiss through the wall - Rastaman Kondratiev
2012 - Happy New Year, moms! - son of Vera Evgenievna
2017 - Zomboyashchik
2018 - Viy-2. The Mystery of the Dragon Seal - Prince Menshikov

Voiced by Pavel Volya:

2011 - Gender: The Secret Material (Paul) - Gender
2013 - Parrot Club (animated)

Discography of Pavel Volya:

2007 - Respect and Respect
2012 - New
2016 - Thoughts and music

Singles by Pavel Volya:

2007 - Everything will be awesome
2007 - Showbiz
2007 - Our Russia
2008 - Barvikha
2008 - Barvikha (Dj Miv & Dj Hit Ural)
2008 - Advanced Cities
2008 - Most Best Song(feat. Jani Radari)
2008 - To Mom
2008 - Trains then
2008 - Penza
2008 - Patsanskaya
2008 - Plato
2009 - Rainbow Song
2010 - Penza-City
2010 - Our Russia
2011 - Boy (feat. Yolka)
2012 - Mom, we are all getting old (feat. City 312)
2012 - I'm dancing!
2012 - New
2012 - Everything is paid
2012 - Stop the Planet

There are many Russians who have seen the popular show “Comedy Club” at least once. The creators were former KVN players. This show has both fans and haters. Today we will talk about one of the most scandalous residents of the Comedy Club - Pavel Vol. “Glamourous bastard,” as this artist is otherwise called. He deserves his attention because of the jokes that are showered on the celebrities present in the hall. In today's article you will read about life, creative success popular showman Pavel Volya.

Height, weight, age. How old is Pavel Volya

This TV presenter has his own circle of fans who follow his life. And they are interested not only in their personal life, but also in height, weight, age. How old is Pavel Volya? Pavel Volya's height is 175 centimeters and his weight is 60 kilograms. “I’ve weighed 60 kilograms since 10th grade. If I don’t do anything, my weight can drop to 59 kilograms, and if I overeat, I start to weigh 61 kilograms. But after a while, he still returns to his place,” says Pavel “Snowball” Volya. Pasha is 38 years old. Every year the wrinkles on his face do not increase, but on the contrary, the years make him wiser and more personable. His zodiac sign is Pisces.

Biography of Pavel Volya

When this boy was born, few people thought that he would become the most talked-about artist in Russia. And the first question that his fans will have is: “What is the real name of this KVN player?” In Penza on March 14, 1979, a tiny creature is born. Pasha (Denis Dobrovolsky) suffered from excessive thinness from an early age.

Graduated from Penza secondary school No. 11 with a silver medal. During my school years I was fond of reading. Therefore, after graduating from school, he enters the Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky. While studying at the university, he actively takes part in student KVN. “Valeon Dasson” was the name of the KVN student team. Most of the participants who played in KVN moved to work and live in Moscow, and Pasha is no exception.

The biography of Pavel Volya as a showman begins in the capital of Russia. In Moscow, he got a job at the Hit FM radio station. Subsequently, he voiced on Muz-TV famous show Masyanya. He was the host of the TV show “Night Flirt.”

Real popularity " glamorous scumbag"brought by the Comedy Club show. Here he takes the stage name Pavel “Snowball” Volya. The performances at this show were built from the artist’s monologues or offensive jokes addressed to the stars who were sitting in the VIP area. In this humorous show, the image of a glamorous scumbag was assigned to him.

The news immediately leaked on the Internet that Pavel Volya fell from the 2nd floor during the regular filming of the show. The guests were shocked by this turn of events. It soon became clear that everything ended well and the showman was not injured. In Yandex, upon request, you can find “Pavel Volya fell from the second floor, video,” as well as “Pavel Volya fell from the balcony, video.”

The showman also tried himself as an actor and musician. He played a cameo role in the TV series "Club". He has more than 10 films to his credit. Released the author's album "Respect and Respect." Voiced 2 cartoons.

Personal life of Pavel Volya

Celebrities often protect their personal lives from the paparazzi, as well as from fans. The personal life of Pavel Volya interests many women. Although Pavel created the image of a frivolous man, in life he is a monogamous and devoted man. They lived in a civil marriage with Maria Kravtsova for a long time, but the matter never reached the registry office.

Relations with Leysan Utyasheva were initially friendly. But she managed to see him as a serious man when tragedy entered her house; her mother died. Pavel supported her in every possible way in her grief. In 2012, Leysan became the official wife of the popular showman. The couple has a son, Robert (2013), and a daughter, Sonya (2015).

Family of Pavel Volya

Pavel Volya's family now lives in the Moscow region country house. Leysan devotes herself entirely to her children and home, but she has enough time for her favorite thing. The couple completely refused the services of a nanny, because they believe that a stranger cannot give the care, affection and love that their own parents can. Pavel took responsibility for financially providing for the family. Pasha’s sister and mother, as well as grandmother Leysan, provide assistance to the young parents. The couple have two children, but they are not going to stop there, because they want to have a big and strong family. In the future, children can be proud of such caring parents.

Son of Pavel Volya - Robert Volya

The son of Pavel Volya is Robert Volya. This was the first-born for the couple. Having learned about interesting position, Leysan Utyasheva immediately left her homeland and went to Spain. Robert appeared at the Miami clinic in May 2013, and soon after the birth, mother and son returned to Russia. Now the boy is already 4 years old. Robert looks like his father. He is as active as his parents. Robert swims with a professional coach. From the age of two he masters game form English language. Parents consider this necessary.

Daughter of Pavel Volya - Sofia Volya

The daughter of Pavel Volya is Sofia Volya. Sofia came second joint child in the family of Volya and Utyasheva. Upon learning of her pregnancy, the gymnast went to give birth at a Miami clinic. On May 6, 2015, a long-awaited daughter appears in the family. Sofia is only developing her character, but she is already capricious and demanding. She loves when she gets a lot of attention. Parents are already thinking that Sonechka will follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a famous gymnast. But, while she is still too young to decide whether she wants to play sports or choose a regular profession in the future.

Former common-law wife of Pavel Volya - Maria Kravtsova

ex common-law wife Pavel Volya - Maria Kravtsova. The relationship between Pavel and Maria began in 2006, when the couple flew back from a joint vacation. After some deliberation, they began to live together. For four years they walked toward marriage and children. In 2010, “Vice-Miss” Russia and the showman break up. The reason was jealousy on both sides, as well as routine in relationships. Maria Kravtsova commented on the break in relations as follows: “The relationship froze, became routine and there was no further future in it.”

Pavel Volya's wife - Leysan Utyasheva

Pavel Volya's wife is Leysan Utyasheva. The relationship between the couple initially developed as friendly. They often met at joint events. No one would have thought that a close relationship could arise between them. However, it happened. Pavel supported Leysan during the period when the gymnast’s mother died. He helped her get out of depression and return to a normal and fulfilling life. Soon, a romance began between the gymnast and the showman, which led to the registry office. In 2012, fans were shocked by the news that Leysan and Pasha Volya officially registered their relationship.

Instagram and Wikipedia Pavel Volya

Instagram and Wikipedia Pavel Volya are the sites where you can learn in detail about the life of the popular showman. Pasha is registered in other in social networks: VKontakte, Facebooke. The showman actively maintains a feed on Instagram, where there are more than 1000 posts: videos and photos. In the feed you can see photos with colleagues, family, friends and others. There are also videos of jokes that were not included in the Comedy Club show. Pasha has about 2 million subscribers, which proves his popularity and importance among fans. You can subscribe to his website using the nickname pavelvolyaofficial.

Name: Pavel Volya

Age: 40 years

Height: 179

Activity: actor, showman, TV presenter, comedian, singer

Pavel Volya: biography

Pavel Volya is a Russian film actor, TV presenter, stand-up comedian and resident of the comedy show “Comedy Club”. Developing humorous talent Since his youth, the artist has achieved international success.

Today, his performances are expected not only in Russia and the CIS, but also in the West.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Volya was born in Penza on March 14, 1979. Information sources There is disagreement as to whether Paul actually received this name at birth. Some media claim that the comedian’s passport name is Pavel Alekseevich Volya, others are sure that the stand-up comedian’s real name is Denis Dobrovolsky.

The artist himself explained the confusion by saying that he started creative career in Penza under a second name, which he came up with as a pseudonym, and later returned to his real one. In addition to their eldest son, the parents also raised a daughter, Olga, who was born in 1982.

At school, the boy was interested in literature, history and other humanitarian subjects. Teachers recall that Pavel actively participated in public life schools, organized discos and while still at school began playing KVN, which in the future determined his life.

Pavel Volya played in KVN

After graduating from school with a silver medal, Pavel Volya entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. At the institute, he continued to play in KVN, playing for the Valeon Dasson team, whose members also included Leonid Shkolnik. As part of the team, Volya won the KVN First League, winning the right to play in the Major League. But the team was eliminated immediately after the first game and practically ceased to exist.

However, most of the participants in Valeon Dasson settled in Moscow. Pavel Volya, who moved to the capital immediately after graduating from the institute in 2001, was no exception. While still a student, Volya worked as a DJ at Russian Radio in Penza, so in Moscow he was able to get a job at the Hit FM radio station.

Humor and creativity

Pavel Volya’s further career only went uphill: the comedian voiced Masyanya in a popular show on Muz-TV, wrote scripts for the program, and also worked as the host of the MTV program “Night Flirt.”

A kind of springboard into creative biography The artist became the humorous show “Comedy Club”. The presentation of the program in the Atrium shopping center was opened by Pavel Volya, whose performance cemented his image as a “glamorous scumbag” who based his speeches on offensive jokes. Then the first victims of the comedian were journalists standing in the VIP zone. The performance was so successful that Volya continued this format in the future.

This unique presentation of guests has become a “trick” of both Volya and the Comedy Club project. Almost every star who came to the Comedy Club became the object of Pavel Snezhka Volya’s cynical and at times truly boorish jokes.

Few tried to fight back against the “glamorous scumbag”, and even fewer succeeded. The conflict between Pavel Volya and the now deceased became widely known. Then an attempt to make fun of the comedian ended badly for the Comedy Club resident - he himself became an object of ridicule.

Pavel Volya often performed his own monologues in the increasingly popular humorous stand-up style. Among the best of them, one should note “Map of Russia”, a series of monologues “About Women”, “About Jokes”, as well as a review of textbooks he found in bookstores. The comedian's memorable numbers put him on a par with the most famous residents of the club, and.

Pavel Volya also took part in other comedy projects of the TNT channel and Comedy Club Production. Together with him, he hosted the humorous show “Laughter Without Rules” and “Slaughter League,” where he also allowed himself to joke with the participants.

Pavel Volya in the show " Comedy Battle"

In memory of Turchinsky, TNT broadcasts the humorous show “Comedy Battle,” which is also hosted by Pavel Volya.

In parallel with humorous television projects, filming in films begins to appear in Volya’s career.

Pavel Volya played his first film role in the youth series “Club” in 2006. Then he voiced Chicken Joe in the cartoon “Catch the Wave!”, and in 2008 he played the role of Tima Milan in the film “The Best Movie.” In the same year, the film “Plato” by Vartan Hakobyan was released, where Volya played the main role. Although the film received a very reserved opinion from critics, with a budget of $2.5 million, it grossed $5.1 million at the box office, which can be considered a success.

Pavel Volya - "Map of Russia"

Other works in Pavel Volya’s filmography include the films “The Bride at Any Cost” (2009), “Love in the City 2” (2010), “Office Romance. Our time" (2011) and "Happy New Year, Moms!" (2012).

Pavel Volya took up music back in 2004, but then all his performances took place as part of the Comedy Club. Subsequently he began serious musical career. From 2007 to 2012, the albums “Respect and Respect” (2007), “Miracles Happen” (2009), “Hot Summer / Cold Summer” (2010) and “New” (2012) appeared.

"City 312" & Pavel Volya - "Mom, we are all getting old"

The singles “Everything will be awesome”, the video for which remained at the top of the television charts for several months, “Advanced Cities” for the show “Our Russia” and “Mame”, in the video for which almost all the famous participants starred, won particular love from listeners. Comedy Club. The singles “I’m dancing!”, “Everything is paid for”, “Rainbow Song”, “Stop the Planet” are also memorable.

Together with the group “Multi-instrumentalists”, Pavel Volya performed in Moscow clubs and went on tour to the Baltic cities. According to the artist himself, he rather recites the lyrics to the music than sings. Nevertheless, Volya's singles gained increasing popularity.

Since 2010, Volya has been playing Live sets and regularly performs at music festivals, including Winston Freedom Music and KaZantip.

In February 2016, Pavel Volya released a new studio album“Thoughts and Music”, which included 11 songs.

Garik Kharlamov and Pavel Volya at the Comedy Club

In the same 2016, Volya became the TV presenter of the author’s humorous show “Improvisation”. The program is published weekly on Fridays. During the TV show, Pavel gives topics to the regular actors of the program and invited guests, on which the speakers prepare funny miniatures. As the name suggests, what happens on the screen is improvisation; the participants do not rehearse the numbers. Instead of rehearsals, the actors of the show organize technical parties, live performances, where spectators can attend. Also, as part of the project, the artists tour with performances in Russian cities.

According to the participants of the program, “Improvisation” is filmed in one take, the numbers are not re-shot, even if asked for it celebrity guests. The show contains two dozen permanent sections that determine the direction of future miniatures, for example, “Blind Date”, “Prompter”, “Voice Acting”, “Detective” and others. The topic of numerous discussions was the “Shockers” section, in which actors wear bracelets that shock the performers when they pronounce a certain letter.

Olga Buzova and Pavel Volya at the Comedy Club

At the end of 2016, Pavel Volya performed a humorous program in America. This time, the comedian's offensive jokes led to a scandal. At a concert in New York, the TV presenter spoke unflatteringly about the residents of Yekaterinburg, calling them gopniks. The Russian media reflected this situation with indignation, and a video with a fragment of the speech spread across the Internet. Residents of the offended city called on Russians to boycott Pavel’s performances at home.

The comedian justified the scandalous statement by saying that it was a joke. The comedian also responded by accusing journalists of stirring up the scandal. However, Pavel Volya’s concerts in Yekaterinburg and Tyumen in December 2016 were cancelled. As representatives of the comedian told the press, the organizers of the events stopped answering calls.

The incident did not stop Pavel Volya from continuing to hold large stand-up concerts in different corners peace. In 2017, the comedian performed in London. In Moscow, the artist regularly gathers a full venue at Crocus City Hall.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva on the project “Where is the logic?”

In addition to the main project “Comedy Club”, Volya also participates in other TV shows on the TNT channel. Together with Pavel, he became a guest of the program “Where is the logic?”, where choreographers became the couple’s rivals entertainment show"Dancing" and . And at the Soyuz Studio, the comedian fought with his old friend Timur Rodriguez.

Personal life

For 3 years, Pavel Volya lived in a civil marriage with Maria Kravtsova, a TV presenter on the MTV channel, known under the pseudonym Marika. They met on the set of the Comedy Club, where the girl was invited by friends. The couple was prophesied quick marriage, but in 2010 Maria and Pavel separated.

At the same time, Pavel Volya began dating Laysan Utyasheva. They for a long time hid their relationship until the spring of 2013, when the media was struck by the news about the gymnast’s pregnancy. As it turned out, the couple got married back in September 2012, and on May 14, 2013, their son Robert was born. Today there are already two children in the family. After 2 years, the wife gave the showman a daughter, Sofia.

Pavel and Laysan met in the company of mutual friends and occasionally saw each other at film premieres and exhibitions. Grief brought them closer: when Laysan’s mother Zulfiya died, it was Pavel who offered her a man’s shoulder and helped her get through this difficult period. Currently the young family lives in own home in outskirts of Moscow.

Another member of the comedian’s family is the 20-kilogram Maine Coon cat Boomer. Volya happily takes pictures with the cat and talks about the pet’s life. The sleek animal in the photo looks even larger than its owner, despite the fact that Pavel cannot be called miniature (the comedian’s height is 176-178 cm, and his weight is about 60 kg).

Rumors constantly appear around the life of the family. For example, the media speculated whether Pavel Volya divorced his wife or moved with Laysan to Spain for permanent residence. The stand-up artist indignantly rejects speculation about divorce.

Pavel Volya wrote open letter in your own account "Instagram", where he cited screenshots of false news and sneered at “jingoists with cats on their avatars” and people who are so worried about the move of Volya’s family, as if the comedian had grabbed “budget money and the Amber Room.”

The comedian assured fans that he was not moving and everything was fine in his family. Pavel and Laysan just love spending weekends together in Spain.

Pavel Volya now

In May 2017, the artist shocked fans. Pavel Volya fell from the second floor during the Comedy Club program. The comedian was not injured thanks to his many years of passion for parkour. As journalists later found out, both the quarrel with Timur Batrutdinov and the subsequent fall turned out to be staged and clearly planned.

Pavel Volya fell during the broadcast

Pavel Volya starred in the adventure film “Viy 2. The Secret of the Dragon Seal,” which is expected to premiere in 2019. The film will show the times of Peter the Great and the traveler-cartographer who received from Russian Emperor task to draw a map of the Far East.

The label's artists are considered friends of Comedy Club Black Star, which periodically appear on stage area show. Along with the performance “Yurets Blatuet”, Pavel Volya took part in the miniature “The Conflict of Timati and Bilan”, and also talked with the main character of the season before the screening of the “Bachelor” project in 2018.

Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov in a parody of Olga Buzova's video

Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov released a video parody of the song. The video was shown on the Comedy Club episode, but there were so many people who wanted to see the video on the Internet that Pavel decided to post it on his Instagram. Behind short term The post was viewed by an audience of 2 million.

Together with his colleagues at the Comedy Club, Pavel Volya, on the eve of the World Cup, took part in an action in support of the Russian national team and its coach. The online campaign was called “Mustache of Hope.” Everyone posted photos with a painted mustache on social networks. After the Russians left the group, Pavel Volya posted a post in which he spoke with respect to Russian football players, promising not to address them from the stage in a negative way anymore.

Flash mob "Mustache of Hope"

Pavel Volya has a YouTube channel, where the artist uploads videos from concerts, musical opuses, and recordings of his performances at the Comedy Club. In May 2018, the comedian presented the audio album “Poems #1” to subscribers, in which he presented about 30 poems of his own authorship. In September, Pavel presented his second audio work, “Add Beauty,” or “Poems #2,” where he collected poetic works, dedicated to love. The screensaver of the video was touching photo Pavel Volya with Laysan Utyasheva.

Pavel Volya - "World Cup in Russia 2018"

Now the artist lives in a tense tour schedule, periodically appearing with concerts in major cities Europe, USA. In September, together with other Comedy Club stars, he visited the capital of Armenia. At the same time, he finds time to communicate with family and friends. In August 2018, Pavel and his wife attended a private dinner organized in St. Petersburg by the brand Omega watches for Russian representatives of show business. A Hollywood star, who has been the official face of the brand for more than 10 years, arrived at the event.


  • "Stump Deck"
  • "Slaughter League"
  • "Laughter without rules"
  • "Comedy Battle"
  • "Comedy Club"
  • "Improvisation"


  • 2007 – “Respect and Respect”
  • 2009 – “Miracles Happen”
  • 2012 – “New”
  • 2016 – “Thoughts and Music”
  • 2018 – “Poems #1”
  • 2018 – “Poems #2”


  • 2006 – “Club”
  • 2008 – “The Best Film”
  • 2009 – “Bride at any cost”
  • 2010 – “Galygin.RU”
  • 2010 – “Love in the City 2”
  • 2011 – “Kiss through the wall”
  • 2011 – “Office romance. Nowadays"
  • 2012 – “Happy New Year, Moms!”
  • 2017 – “Zomboyashchik”