Once betrayed, who will believe you. Having lied once

“He who betrayed once will betray more than once”...

That's what I thought while sitting at the computer late in the evening. I wondered who the author of these words was? And I climbed into RuNet...

Some have argued that the source is the Bible; someone says that it is the Gospel, on other sites it is said that this is an English proverb. Who to believe? But the material that I came across was interesting and very interesting. It is with great pleasure that I share with you.

Mark 13:11

“When they lead you to betray you, do not worry in advance what you will say, and do not deliberate; but whatever is given to you at that hour, then speak, for it is not you who will speak, but the Holy Spirit.”

Mat.10:19 Luke 12:11

Bible. Old and New Testaments. Sinoidal translation. Biblical encyclopedia.. arch. Nikifor. 1891.

Mark 13:12

“Brother will betray brother to death, and father children; and children will rise up against their parents and put them to death.”

Mark 13:13

“And you will be hated by all because of My name; but he who endures to the end will be saved.”

Bible. Old and New Testaments. Sinoidal translation. Biblical encyclopedia... arch. Nikifor. 1891.

Gospel of Mark /quotes/

"The Sabbath is for man, not man for the Sabbath."

“If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand; and if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

“There is nothing secret that would not come to light, and nothing hidden that would not come out.”

“Whoever has, to him will be given, and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

“I believe, Lord! help my unbelief.”

"Whoever is not against you is for you."

“Beware of the scribes who love to wear long robes and receive greetings in public gatherings.”

(Source: "Aphorisms. Golden Fund of Wisdom". Eremishin O. M. - Enlightenment; 2006.)

Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms. Academician. 2011.

The greatest wisdom of words. Wisdom that exists outside of politics and religion. This is the wisdom of the ages.


Let me remind you of some parables:

About the son who betrayed his mother

“One woman was accused of Satanism and was going to be burned at the stake as a witch. But according to the custom that existed at that time, everyone had to confirm that she was a witch. A huge crowd, like stones, threw exclamations of “witch,” only her son was silent among the crowd.
“Burn your son too,” someone shouted, “ he is the son of a witch, that means he tooSatan. Fearing for the life of her son, the unfortunate woman shouted into the crowd:
This is not my son!
And then the indignant son shouted along with the frantic crowd:
Witch! Witch!
And at that same moment a flame began to blaze at the feet of the innocent. Tongues of fire were already licking the body, but it was not this pain that burned the mother’s heart. The unfortunate woman remembered how the child first moved under her heart, as if a flower had opened its petals, she remembered how in pain she gave birth to a long-awaited child, how she heard his first cry, which announced the birth of a new creature into the light of day, she remembered how she first put a warm dear to her chest a little lump, how he first uttered the word “mom”, how he took the first step... She looked into her own face, distorted by madness, and burning tears flooded her fire-scorched cheeks.
The cruel fire went out, the merciless flame disappeared, leaving gray ashes in the square, which were carried in all directions by an indifferent wind. The crowd, having received pleasure, dispersed, and the son of the innocent woman stood in the square. He had no one and nowhere to go. He was soon driven out of the square, and he wandered off in search of another life. And wherever he was, wherever he went, he was persecuted from everywhere, cursed, insulted and often beaten. And the more he got, the more often he remembered his mother: her warm soft hands, her dear voice, her dear image, her tenderness and love.
- The world is cruel, - repeated the unfortunate man.He took from me what was most valuable.
No, it was not the world that took away your most precious thing,he heard a voice inside himself.It was you who renounced him to save your life.
And the son began to live with an eternal reproach of conscience, as if with a brand.
Time passed, the woman was acquitted, honor was restored to her good name, but her son remained forever a leper, persecuted from everywhere. He didn’t have a peaceful life, and he didn’t get a peaceful death.

They do not renounce love for the sake of their own salvation. Those who have renounced will be excommunicated from life, deprived of human love and an honest name."

The Stolen Egg /parable from Leonardo da Vinci/

“Once a partridge, having chosen a place on a cypress tree, looked in on a neighbor who had settled on an olive tree, and, not finding her at home, stole an egg from her nest.

Time passed, and, as expected, chicks hatched in both nests. When the noisy and voracious offspring grew up and became stronger, a significant day arrived - the flight from the birth nest.

The chicks that lived on the olive tree were the first to take flight. After making several circles over the garden, they returned home. The turn has come for the chicks who lived on the cypress tree. Having completed the flight, happy and contented, they returned to their nest. And only one chick, hatched from a stolen egg, obeying an inner call, returned to its mother, who had built a nest on an olive tree.”

And the simplest conclusions suggest themselves:

1. You need to forgive the person who betrayed you. We can give him another chance. But are you sure that the person realized the lesson he learned? But if he perceives the benefit as your duty, the betrayal will repeat again and again.

2. Betrayal is one of the trials that befalls you. But no matter how much you are betrayed, “everything returns to normal” (from the Old Testament. Book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 1, verse 6). The chick will return to its native nest, and justice will triumph.

3. “He who betrayed once will betray more than once.” This phrase is as old as time. And is it necessary to look for the original source? This wisdom is passed on from mouth to mouth, through centuries, through generations...

74th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “Fruits of Meditation” (1854) Kozma Prutkova.

In the original: “Once you lie once, who will believe you?”

You can also say this: “Mendax in uno, mendax in omnibus” (He who lies in one thing lies in everything)

Be careful in your trust. It is not for nothing that this wisdom has passed through the centuries.

Good luck to you and all the best.

/Elena Zhmachinskaya. 2013/

When I read the interview, I was speechless. Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov, who regularly lays flowers at the foot of the “Pergamon Altar” - Lenin’s mausoleum, stands for Orthodoxy! One of the “apostles” of internationalism stands up for the Russian, desecrated people...

Yes, Gennady Andreevich spoke out a lot and zealously against the main costs of privatization, against the Yeltsin regime. Thanks to him for this! He worked a lot defending socially weak categories of the population. But, have mercy! In the interview there is the same “teacher”, didactic-directive tone, the same pathetic “party” notes.

What does it mean that communist ideology has radically changed? How could the ideology designated by the same word change; an ideology whose name and essence entered world history through the murders of the Royal Family, the clergy, Russian aristocrats, and the Cossack class? Construction of concentration camps for their own people, denunciations and rumors...

From whose lips do we hear warnings today “... about the activation of the dark forces of the world behind the scenes, preparing in the wake of the flaring up of turmoil for a decisive battle for world domination, described at the dawn of the Christian era by the Apostle John the Theologian in his famous Apocalypse”???

Should we, Orthodox Christians, not know what Gennady Andreevich, who was late in his vision, is talking about? Why does today's leader of the Russian Communist Party teach those who yesterday the Communist Party did not allow to live with dignity, subjecting them to real genocide on ideological grounds?

Why and why is the name of an ideology that has completely compromised itself by the meanness, stupidity and hypocrisy of its professors subjected to galvanization under a different sign? Why pour “new wine” into “old wineskins”? Why doesn’t Gennady Andreevich finally want to part with the communist infection and completely switch to the Orthodox-patriotic platform, telling the whole world and, above all, his own people, about the true sources of the communist “creed”, about the Masonic conspiracy, about the leaders of the revolution - Lenin, Dzerzhinsky, Sverdlov...

By telling the TRUTH, and not sugary tales about “Grandfather Frost and the Twelve Months”...

Why not declassify closed documents from the party archive, publish photographs with real, and not retouched, faces of the leaders of communism? Not to publish their works, removed from open access to the annals of the “special storage” for a completely understandable purpose? Why not publish in print the real data on how many victims the “leadership role” of the Communist Party and its maniacal leaders cost us? And publish it not on behalf of an unknown, revealing researcher, but on behalf of its current leader.

And, having done this difficult work, do not come to the church altar with repentance on behalf of those who to this day believe in the “ideals” of communism, watching on TV how the leader of their party lays flowers at the place of ritual burial of one of the most bloodthirsty and terrible enemies of the Russian people? Why not publicly, in front of the whole world, remove the enormous burden of guilt for the party that he represents today?

Some, not too experienced in faith, can say, and indeed do say, that the first communist was Christ...

But in fact, it was Satan...

I remember the poem by the most famous Russian poet and monarchist writer, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy - “VERTOGRAD”, built in the form of a dialogue between the bride and groom. Here are the lines from there -

“...-So who are these people - exclaimed the bride -

Wanting, like children, to spoil someone else's place?

They have many names, my silver angel!

They are demagogues, they are communists.

They, oh, Lada, don’t consider much as strangers -

When they want something, they drag it and grab it...”

The text of the poem is taken from a pre-revolutionary publication. In Soviet editions of the poet’s poems, the word “communists” is replaced by “anarchists.” The reason is clear...

Is Gennady Andreevich still “in good faith” mistaken about the true essence of communism? A Ph.D. should be wiser...

The repentance of the party leader and the rejection of the inhuman teaching created by the enemies of the human race, with his transition to Orthodoxy, is an example that would open the eyes of millions, and would not continue to “blindfold” them in the future, prolonging the imitation of life of the stinking corpse of the communist heresy. Moreover, many people, who through their thoughtlessness and deception continue to profess communism, even if sweetened by conversations about the Russian nation and the defense of Orthodoxy, would repent and join the body of the Church of Christ, freeing themselves from the severity of the anathema pronounced by St. Patriarch Tikhon to the leaders of their party...

There is no need, Gennady Andreevich, to knock on the gates of “someone else’s monastery” with “your own charter.”

Such guests may turn out to be a “Trojan Horse”... Stand together with your electorate under the Banner of Orthodoxy, and only then will it be possible to talk about conciliarity. Just do not forget that repentance for what you did by the party, which you once joined, and therefore accepted its ideals, will reduce you from the position of a well-known party leader to the position of an ordinary Christian who, for quite a long time, according to church rules, will have to live in the “catechumens”...

And only then the Church will accept him under its Omophorion. If he deems it worthy. You will have to give up the mentoring tone and join the lot of an ordinary citizen and Christian. Are you ready?

I'm harsh. I don't blame anyone, I denounce. In an open conversation, in a Christian way. And, as the Lord commanded, I call you to repentance. I don’t want to offend anyone, and I will be glad to see brothers and sisters in the lost part of the Russian people. And in you, Gennady Andreevich! If you help our long-suffering people in saving their souls, and throw off the mask of justice from the communist regime, exposing its satanic roots, even if you sacrifice your influence and your position as a leader, Holy Rus' will never forget you...

And the Lord will bless you!

And just like that, just based on your words, I, alas, CANNOT believe you!

Too often the Communist Party has deceived the Russian people.

Let's hope that this time everything will be fair.

With sincere hope and wishes for personal courage,


Everything is correct, but... they will not repent.
Leopard change his spots.
They lied, lied and will lie. Smoke does not eat smoked eyes.
It's a shame for the simplicity of the people, that same simplicity that is worse than theft. Again, millions are hanging their ears and are ready to follow these rogues into the bright yesterday.
Good luck to you!

Thank you, Sergiy, for your support. The article was written in 2004. Now it’s 2018... They have not repented and have not repented. And they are not even going to. Moreover, I see with my naked eyes how the infection of lies and hypocrisy, double standards, penetrates and has already penetrated into all the cracks of our society. During the years of my childhood, adults were ashamed tell a lie. Today, lying is a universal way of existence for the minds of the majority. From small to large. It’s painful and insulting for the younger generation, which is accustomed to lies from a young age. God bless you!

74th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “Fruits of Meditation” (1854) Kozma Prutkov.

In original: Once you lie, who will believe you?

Allegorically: a commentary on the words, assurances, promises of a person about whom it is reliably known that he once deceived someone, let him down, etc. And the one who deceived one day can do this again.

The only true luxury is the luxury of human connection

From the novel “Land of Men” (1939) by a French writer and military pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900- 1944).

It is quoted as a reminder of the value of communicating with like-minded, interesting people, which is usually fully realized with a delay.

He's still pissing, pissing

From Latin: Quod scripsi, scripsi[kvod skripsi, skripsi].

From Bible(Old Church Slavonic text).

The Gospel of John (chapter 19, art. 19, 21-22) says that on the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, the Roman governor in Judea, Pontius Pilate, made the inscription: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” The Jewish high priests were indignant at such a “frivolous” treatment of the name of the king of the Jews and asked to correct what was written, they told Pilate: “do not write: “King of the Jews,” but what He said: “I am the King of the Jews.” Pilate answered: “What I wrote, I wrote” (in Old Church Slavonic: “Hedgehog pisah, pisah”).

Allegorically about the reluctance (impossibility) to change what is written (done) - what is written is written, and there will be no changes. Peter Vyazemsky (Autobiographical introduction // Works. T. 1. M., 1878): “The literary life of a writer is also a kind of human life. “He’s pissing, pissing”: what he’s lived, he’s lived.”

Riding into the unknown

From the poem “Conversation with the financial inspector about poetry” (1926) Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930).

Allegorically: 1. About poetic creativity, about the poet’s discoveries in the sphere of human feelings. 2. About some new, risky enterprise or undertaking with unknown consequences (ironic).

Champs Elysees

From ancient mythology. The Champs Elysees (Roman - Elysium) is a synonym for Christian paradise, that part of the afterlife where heroes, pure souls, and righteous people reside, while in Hades (a synonym for Christian hell) criminals, villains, etc. suffer eternal torment. The Greeks located the Champs Elysees either on the “Isles of the Blessed” or on some beautiful valley on the ocean shore.

Where man's lightly carefree days pass by:

Where there are no snowstorms, no downpours, no cold of winter;

Where the sweetly noisy flying Zephyr blows like the Ocean,

Sent there with a slight coolness to blessed people.

Champs Elysees is also the name of the main street of Paris. An analogue of the expressions “afterlife”, “the next world”, “kingdom of heaven”.

Hence the poetic allegory, popular in past centuries, “to go to the Champs Elysees,” that is, to pass away, to die.

If God didn't exist, he would have to be invented

From French: Si Dieu n "existaitpas, ilfaudrait I"inventer.

The anonymous author of “The Book of the Three Liars” (1768) in his work severely criticized and debunked the three main world religions. Although Voltaire was opposed to the church, nevertheless, being a deist, he did not publicly deny the very existence of God. And he did not do this for purely rational reasons, believing that religiosity without fanaticism is objectively necessary for unenlightened people as a kind of moral constraint. Therefore, he spoke very critically of this sharply atheistic work: he called it “flat” (letter to Henri Rieux dated May 9, 1769) and “full of crude atheism without thought and philosophy” (“Note”, 1771).

Voltaire was very proud of his poetic “Message to the Author of the Book of Three Impostors”: “I am rarely satisfied with my poems, but I admit that I feel fatherly tenderness for this” (from a letter to Soren dated November 10, 1770). The 22nd verse of this “Message” became the famous catchphrase.

Usually it serves as the basis for the formation of phrases of the same type, when the speaker wants to express his satisfaction with some circumstances (phenomenon, person, etc.), the presence of which is very beneficial to him (joking).

If you lie once, who will believe you?
74th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “Fruits of Thought” (1854) by Kozma Prutkov.
In the original: Once you lie, who will believe you?
Allegorically: a commentary on the words, assurances, promises of a person about whom it is reliably known that he once deceived someone, let him down, etc. And the one who deceived one day can do this again.

  • - ...
  • - Whoever believes a woman will not live three days...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - A half-joking attempt to calm the child...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - See once and for all...

    History of words

  • - adv...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - Not...

    Together. Apart. Hyphenated. Dictionary-reference book

  • - ONCE, adv. . Once. E. in life...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - ONCE, adv. ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - once I adv. quality-quantity 1. Once. 2. Take it once. II adv. the situation...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - more than once adv. quality-quantity...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - ed "...
  • - I’m not eating...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - @font-face (font-family: "ChurchArial"; src: url;) span (font-size:17px;font-weight:normal !important; font-family: "ChurchArial",Arial,Serif;)   =  adv. - one day. The  ...

    Dictionary of Church Slavonic language

  • - See GOD - OATH -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 36 screwed up, screwed up, rubbed glasses, invented, refueled, arap, twisted, distorted facts, invented, threw misinformation, got up...

    Synonym dictionary

“If you lie once, who will believe you?” in books

Having lied more than once: An open letter to the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail

From the book In the Last Circle author Reshetovskaya Natalya Alekseevna

Having lied more than once: An open letter to the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail Recently, your newspaper has been devoting a lot of space to materials about Alexander Solzhenitsyn. I, a Soviet writer, would also like to express my opinion on this matter on the pages of the Globe

"Who swore allegiance to the banner once..."

From the book At the Walls of the Capital author Kuvshinov Semyon Filippovich

“Who swore allegiance to the banner once…” The brigade withdrawn from the front was stationed near Klin, in the village of Selinskoye. The commander of the 1st Shock Army, Lieutenant General V.I. Kuznetsov, arrived here to visit the soldiers. Frosty January morning. On a densely trampled platform they stand two

"No one will believe a single word you say..."

From the book Literary Guide: 1968 author Magid Sergey

“No one will believe a single word of yours...” No one will believe a single word of yours anymore, the primitive sound is tossing and turning in your holes, sliding down a slippery slope into a cesspool and there, in


From the book A Short Course in Stalinism author Borev Yuri Borisovich

KILLING ONCE... In 1937, one of the leaders asked Stalin:? Are we carrying out repressions too harshly? Stalin answered unexpectedly: “Now you are talking about repressions.” Why were you silent when we carried out collectivization, during which two people were repressed and died?

Chapter 1 “There was a time (will anyone believe this) ...”

From the book Military Petersburg in the era of Nicholas I author Malyshev Stanislav Anatolievich

Chapter 1 “There was a time (will anyone believe this)…” The main and, to call a spade a spade, the criminal act of Alexander the Blessed is the rebellion in December 1825. Of course, he did not want anything like this, and did not direct the course of events, but his detachment from management affairs,

If you lie once, who will believe you?

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

If you lie once, who will believe you? 74th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “Fruits of Thought” (1854) by Kozma Prutkov. In the original: Having lied once, who will believe you? Allegorically: a commentary on the words, assurances, promises of a person about whom it is reliably known,

Why will the consumer trust us?

From the book Anatomy of a Brand author Perzia Valentin

Why will the consumer trust us? At every stage of the process, we determined absolutely everything about the brand. Now it will not be difficult for you to choose from a huge list of our attributes, advantages and values ​​exactly those that will convince consumers that


From the book Why men lie and women cry by Piz Alan

ONCE YOU LIE, WHO WILL BELIEVE YOU? If you think that a person is lying to you, act as if you believe every word he says, and then he will definitely give himself away because he will become overly confident in himself. Ask the liar to do it all over again. Good liars in advance

From the book I Want to Be a Bitch! A guide for real women by Argov Sherry

Consider yourself a gift from fate, and then he will believe you. Sexual attractiveness consists of 50 percent of what you really have, and 50 percent of what other people think you have. Sophie

Having lied once

From the book Anticultural Revolution in Russia author Yamshchikov Savva Vasilievich

Having once lied, Freedom of speech, which we all dreamed of and reveled in at kitchen gatherings in the so-called totalitarian era, fell on Russia spontaneously and unexpectedly, like May snow on blossoming orchards. And it immediately became clear that freedom itself

El Murid - Once betrayed...

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 928 (35 2011) author Zavtra Newspaper

El Murid - Having betrayed once... As I write these lines, NATO interventionists are transferring their strike forces from Tripoli to the area of ​​Sirte and Brega. They are being replaced by punitive forces. There will be a massacre in Tripoli tonight. It has already begun - but judging by the arriving parties of Islamic


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 832 (44 2009) author Zavtra Newspaper

Yuri Pavlov ONCE SWEARED Article by Sergei Kunyaev “The Tragedy of Elements and the Element of Tragedy” (Literary Studies, 1982, No. 1) about S. Yesenin’s poem “Pugachev” is the first serious publication of a literary critic. It is natural that this article opens his book “The Sacrificial Cup”

Vadim Kozhinov LIED ONCE...

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 357 (40 2000) author Zavtra Newspaper

Vadim Kozhinov LIED ONCE ONCE... IT IS HARDLY POSSIBLE TO CHALLENGE the following thesis: the wider the freedom of speech, the higher should be the responsibility of authors for their word both about history and about modernity. Meanwhile, every day you have to read completely

3. May Almighty God bless you, may He make you fruitful and multiply you, and may there be from you a multitude of nations, 4. And may He give you the blessing of Abraham (my father), to you and to your descendants with you, that you may inherit the land of wandering. yours, which God gave to Abraham!

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

3. May Almighty God bless you, may He make you fruitful and multiply you, and may there be from you a multitude of nations, 4. And may He give you the blessing of Abraham (my father), to you and to your descendants with you, that you may inherit the land of wandering. yours, which God gave

I intended to finish more than once

From the book How Torpedo was Destroyed. A story of betrayal author Timoshkin Ivan

I was going to finish more than once. In Voronezh, things didn’t work out for me either in the game or in things completely far from it. The fact is that I was given a car as a fee for performing in the team. It turned out to be out of turn. And I received it, without knowing it, instead

74th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “Fruits of Meditation” (1854) Kozma Prutkov.

In original: Once you lie, who will believe you?

Allegorically: a commentary on the words, assurances, promises of a person about whom it is reliably known that he once deceived someone, let him down, etc. And the one who deceived one day can do this again.

The only true luxury is the luxury of human connection

From the novel “Land of Men” (1939) by a French writer and military pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(1900- 1944).

It is quoted as a reminder of the value of communicating with like-minded, interesting people, which is usually fully realized with a delay.

He's still pissing, pissing

From Latin: Quod scripsi, scripsi[kvod skripsi, skripsi].

From Bible(Old Church Slavonic text).

The Gospel of John (chapter 19, art. 19, 21-22) says that on the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, the Roman governor in Judea, Pontius Pilate, made the inscription: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” The Jewish high priests were indignant at such a “frivolous” treatment of the name of the king of the Jews and asked to correct what was written, they told Pilate: “do not write: “King of the Jews,” but what He said: “I am the King of the Jews.” Pilate answered: “What I wrote, I wrote” (in Old Church Slavonic: “Hedgehog pisah, pisah”).

Allegorically about the reluctance (impossibility) to change what is written (done) - what is written is written, and there will be no changes. Peter Vyazemsky (Autobiographical introduction // Works. T. 1. M., 1878): “The literary life of a writer is also a kind of human life. “He’s pissing, pissing”: what he’s lived, he’s lived.”

Riding into the unknown

From the poem “Conversation with the financial inspector about poetry” (1926) Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky(1893-1930).

Allegorically: 1. About poetic creativity, about the poet’s discoveries in the sphere of human feelings. 2. About some new, risky enterprise or undertaking with unknown consequences (ironic).

Champs Elysees

From ancient mythology. The Champs Elysees (Roman - Elysium) is a synonym for Christian paradise, that part of the afterlife where heroes, pure souls, and righteous people reside, while in Hades (a synonym for Christian hell) criminals, villains, etc. suffer eternal torment. The Greeks located the Champs Elysees either on the “Isles of the Blessed” or on some beautiful valley on the ocean shore.

Where man's lightly carefree days pass by:

Where there are no snowstorms, no downpours, no cold of winter;

Where the sweetly noisy flying Zephyr blows like the Ocean,

Sent there with a slight coolness to blessed people.

Champs Elysees is also the name of the main street of Paris. An analogue of the expressions “afterlife”, “the next world”, “kingdom of heaven”.

Hence the poetic allegory, popular in past centuries, “to go to the Champs Elysees,” that is, to pass away, to die.

If God didn't exist, he would have to be invented

From French: Si Dieu n "existaitpas, ilfaudrait I"inventer.

The anonymous author of “The Book of the Three Liars” (1768) in his work severely criticized and debunked the three main world religions. Although Voltaire was opposed to the church, nevertheless, being a deist, he did not publicly deny the very existence of God. And he did not do this for purely rational reasons, believing that religiosity without fanaticism is objectively necessary for unenlightened people as a kind of moral constraint. Therefore, he spoke very critically of this sharply atheistic work: he called it “flat” (letter to Henri Rieux dated May 9, 1769) and “full of crude atheism without thought and philosophy” (“Note”, 1771).

Voltaire was very proud of his poetic “Message to the Author of the Book of Three Impostors”: “I am rarely satisfied with my poems, but I admit that I feel fatherly tenderness for this” (from a letter to Soren dated November 10, 1770). The 22nd verse of this “Message” became the famous catchphrase.

Usually it serves as the basis for the formation of phrases of the same type, when the speaker wants to express his satisfaction with some circumstances (phenomenon, person, etc.), the presence of which is very beneficial to him (joking).

If only Nikanor Ivanovich’s lips could be placed on Ivan Kuzmich’s nose...

From the play “Marriage” by N.V. Gogol (1809-1852), the words of the bride Agafya Tikhonovna: “If Nikanor Ivanovich’s lips were put to Ivan Kuzmich’s nose, and take something loose, like Baltazar Baltazarovich’s, yes, perhaps, add to this the portliness of Ivan Pavlovich - then I would immediately make up my mind. Now go and think!”

Quoted as an ironic commentary on one's whims, unrealistic desires, vague dreams, etc.

If I were the director

The name of a special section that was opened in Literaturnaya Gazeta in March 1974. This section published readers' suggestions for improving the work of various institutions, consumer services, etc.; about more reasonable management both in the socio-economic sphere of the state and in the entire national economy.

Usually this expression precedes specific measures, ideas for the best arrangement of something, the supporter (author) of which is the speaker (jokingly).

If youth knew, if old age could

From French: Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait.

From the epigram (No. 191) of the French writer and polyglot philologist Henri Etienne (1531 - 1598), which was published in his collection “The First Steps” (“Les Premices”, 1594).

Allegorically: regret about the inability to combine the energy of the young and the experience of the elderly, about the disdainful attitude of young people towards the advice of elders. There is a known poetic version of this expression, belonging to the Dagestan poet Rasul Gamzatov (b. 1923);

Oh, if only we, as young people, could,

Oh, if only they, like the old ones, knew.