Kuprin theme of love Olesya. A.I

Russian funeral rite still preserves ancient traditions that unite the family and serve to unite the nation as a whole. Local versions of signs and rituals vary, there are countless of them, and it is not possible to consider each one. Let's consider signs and superstitions about the dead. Among the most characteristic and widely used traditions and signs are the following.

Signs and superstitions before a funeral

If there is a dying person in the house, then it is necessary to cover not only the mirrors, but also any surfaces that reflect light (polished furniture, glass surfaces, computer, TV, etc.). Mirrors are kept closed for 40 days. This sign is associated with the belief that dead soul may accidentally find himself in the world of the looking glass and will not be able to find a way out of the mirror corridors. This will negatively affect the soul itself and those living in the house. Combining the images of a deceased and a living person in one mirror surface can lead to the death of the living, dragging him into the world of the dead.

  • The dying person must hold the candle in his hands.
  • A dying person is not mourned in advance!
  • Immediately after a person has died, place the body on the table - it is believed that feathers in a pillow cause torment to the soul.
  • The vents and windows in the room are immediately closed, and pets are driven out (birds, fish and flowers must be taken out of the dying person’s room so that they are not taken with them). A cat jumping on a dead person is a very bad omen.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the deceased's eyes do not open. You cannot look into the opened eyes of a dead person or into a slightly open eye - it is believed that he is looking for his traveling companion.
  • It is necessary to wash the body before it becomes ossified. It’s better to do this while the person is still breathing, to prepare him in advance. Widowed women, usually old women, wash the dead. After washing the body, you must warm your hands over the fire and walk around the deceased three times with a lit candle.
  • You need to burn a lamp all night and put spruce branches on the threshold. According to the sign, whoever steps over the spruce will leave death on the threshold and will not take it with him.
  • While the body of the deceased lies in the house, you cannot wash, wash, or take out trash from the house (otherwise they will take everyone out one by one)
  • To prevent anyone from the household from following the deceased, place a piece of bread and salt under the table where he lies. Or place a container with salt and place scissors on top of the salt.
  • If a person died with with open eyes- will new dead man in the house. You should immediately close your eyes so that you don’t look for a new travel companion.
  • A glass of water is placed on the window and left for six weeks (the water is changed daily). Place a piece of bread on the glass.
  • In villages, the deceased’s bed is placed in a chicken coop for 3 days (so that the roosters can crow)
  • You cannot leave a dead person alone in the house; for this purpose, old women are specially invited to read the Holy Scriptures.
  • To make it easier for sorcerers to die, they hollow out the ceiling.

Signs about things and the coffin

Immediately after removing the body, the floors in the house need to be washed so that death leaves every corner. The nekrovnik does this. Throw away the rag and broom. The doors must be closed so that no one else follows into the world of the dead (in a private house, do not forget to close the gate).

  • The coffin lid is not clogged in the house, so as not to invite a new funeral.
  • If you bought some things for the deceased, they are not left in the house, but are placed in the coffin with the deceased. But if you are cremating a body, then remove the icons and cross from the coffin - they cannot be burned.
  • The coffin with the body is carried to the cemetery by strangers; relatives are not allowed
  • The measuring stick used to measure the deceased is placed in his coffin.
  • For the first seven days, nothing is taken out of the house of the deceased.
  • Forgetting a coffin lid is a very bad omen. If this happens, you should return for the lid and read “Our Father” 3 times.
  • The bedding of the deceased should be burned (pillows, especially feather beds).
  • Before burial, the knots and laces on the shroud of the deceased should be untied to make it easier for the soul to pass on to another world.

Rules for handling mirrors at funerals

The very first thing to do after the death of a person is to cover all the mirrors in the house. The mirror is a guide to other world, so the portal should be closed. According to some signs and superstitions, they should be turned towards the wall or even taken out of the deceased’s room. For the same reason, it is necessary to pour out all the water that is in the house. It is impossible for the soul of the deceased to be reflected in these surfaces, so as not to provoke new death.

According to other beliefs, mirror image The spirits of the lower astral can use it for their dark deeds. In Serbia, for example, the cat is first brought to the mirror so that it can be reflected in it.

According to the rules, mirrors should be opened after commemoration on the fortieth day, but in modern interpretation After nine o'clock they open the mirrors.

If a person died during treatment while in the hospital, then this sign is not observed.

Funeral rules and signs

If you are participating in a funeral procession, then do not look back, do not look at your house and its windows - this means calling the living dead into the world.

You should throw a handful of earth on the lid of the coffin so that there is no fear of the deceased. To do this, you need to look into the oven after returning from the cemetery.

  • According to legends, the funeral procession should stop at the church and at crossroads.
  • Funerals and memorials take place before lunch.
  • They bury with their feet towards the east, the cross is placed at the feet of the deceased.

Signs and superstitions about the grave

  • It is considered a bad omen when the grave turns out to be smaller or larger than the coffin. This indicates a new dead person in the house.
  • If the grave collapses, this also warns of a new death in the family.
  • It is customary to throw coins to pay for the grave. According to other options, it is considered that you are redeeming a good place"in the next world" to the deceased
  • When burying a grave, the shovel is not handed over; it must be stuck into the ground. Next man takes it himself.
  • If nettles and thistles grow on the grave, it means the deceased was an evil person. Roses or hawthorn speak of the good character of the deceased.
  • You cannot take any things “as a souvenir” from a cemetery or grave and take them home.
  • There is a sign to take some soil home from the grave so as not to be afraid of the deceased. Moreover, the whole family should wash themselves from this soil by placing it in a washstand.

Return from the cemetery

  • You cannot visit someone after a funeral, so as not to bring death to people.
  • When you return home from the funeral, immediately warm your hands by the stove or over the gas; you can hold your palms over a lit candle, and then put it out with your fingers (do not blow it out!). All these signs exist to ward off death.
  • When setting the funeral table, they always place food for the deceased - the first pancake, a glass of jelly or uzvar. The very first thing goes to the deceased.

If you met funeral procession

  • Do not cross the road in front of the coffin or try to overtake the hearse! The sign warns that it is possible to overcome the disease that caused the death of a person. According to other superstitions, bone growths may grow on your body. In order to kill them, you need to rub against the heel of the dead man.
  • You can’t watch the funeral from the windows of your house - you have to go outside.
  • If a funeral procession passes by your house, you immediately need to wake up everyone sleeping. It is believed that the deceased can take the sleeping soul with him.
  • If you are feeding your baby, and at that time a funeral procession appears, then place a glass of water under the crib.
  • There is such a thing omen about the dead- to meet a funeral procession is fortunate!

Other signs and superstitions about the dead

  • If you are afraid of the deceased, hold on to his legs or pull a thread from his shroud.
  • It’s a bad omen if the deceased’s feet are warm or his body is not quite numb, it means he’s calling you to come with him.
  • If the coffin is larger in size than it should be, there will be a new deceased in the family.
  • Pregnant women are prohibited from taking part in funerals and generally looking at the dead.

Death is perhaps one of the most mysterious and frightening phenomena. It will inevitably affect every person. Even those who are skeptical about ghosts and other unknown things believe in it. Therefore, seeing off a person to another world has long been overgrown with a lot of beliefs and signs. Many of them can be explained quite simply - as a tribute to a person who has completed his life’s journey. The origin of others is mysterious and incomprehensible and is rooted in ancient, already forgotten traditions.

Signs at a funeral. What not to do

  1. In the house where the deceased is located, all mirrors are required to be covered. Otherwise, the soul will get lost in them, and the reflection of the deceased will appear alive, frightening them.
  2. You cannot stay overnight in the room where the coffin is located. If someone had to do this, in the morning such a person must be fed noodles.
  3. It is forbidden to have animals in the house with the deceased. A dog may howl, which will frighten the soul of the deceased, and a cat may jump into the coffin, which is a bad omen.
  4. You cannot sweep and take out trash from the home of the deceased - this will lead to the death of everyone living in the house. All this is done after the body is removed.
  5. Coins are placed over the dead person's eyes - it is believed that if the dead person opens his eyes, he will certainly look out for the one who will soon leave after him.
  6. You cannot put anything that belongs to you in the coffin, and you cannot take anything that is already there back.
  7. You cannot photograph or videotape the deceased.
  8. The coffin is not made to size - another dead person will appear in the house.

Meeting a funeral is a sign
, interpreted differently. Some say that this portends misfortune, others, on the contrary, consider the funeral procession a sign of happiness in the future, but the current day does not bode well. As a sign of respect for the deceased, it is forbidden to cross the street in front of the procession (to a growth on the bones or to bad luck) and to meet them halfway. You should stop and wait. Men should remove their hats. Overtaking the procession by car is also prohibited.

Funeral of a child: signs

The greatest tragedy is if a child dies. Some signs are also associated with the funeral of prematurely departed children:

  • when going to a baby’s funeral, you should buy a toy and candy or a wreath with a toy;
  • if the child has not been baptized, it is better to bury him in dark time days, otherwise you might get sick. There is a belief that unbaptized children turn into evil spirits.

Signs associated with funerals

  1. Clinking glasses at a wake is prohibited - it is believed that this will transfer trouble from one house to another.
  2. You can’t give tables and chairs to a funeral; you can invite a funeral to your home.
  3. Returning from a funeral, you need to warm your hands over a stove or a lit candle - it is believed that this will not allow you to bring death into the house.
  4. After the grave is buried, one should drink to the repose of the soul of the deceased.
  5. Having returned to the house from which the deceased was taken out, it is necessary to place a glass of water by the window - the soul will drink from it for 40 days.
  6. You can’t laugh or sing at a wake; grief will come to your home. You can’t get drunk either - children will become alcoholics.

Signs associated with funerals for pregnant women

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible for pregnant women to go to a cemetery?

There is also one for pregnant women bad omens at the funeral. If possible, it is better to avoid such activities altogether during pregnancy. It is believed that the child may be born sick or stillborn.

If a woman comes to a funeral, she should leave the house before the coffin with the deceased is carried out. It is prohibited to attend the funeral service or burial.

It is not allowed to look at the dead person - it is believed that he may not take it yet. born child with myself.

Funeral signs - superstitions, traditions, rituals

Funeral is an inevitable ritual that awaits any person at the end of his life. life path. When loved ones pass away, it's hard. In addition to the tragedy, seeing off the deceased in last way full of mysticism and superstition, because it is at this time that the other world is close to the world of living people. And it's not always safe. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is worth observing a number of simple signs at a funeral.

Traditions and customs of burials followed clear regulations, without which the funeral could not take place. Signs, or rather, their origin, come from ancient beliefs followed by the ancestors of the Slavs. Among them are the following, the most common:

  • We always took the weather into account. If it was shining bright sun, it was believed that during life the deceased was a good man. The pouring rain during the burial did not indicate the most best qualities deceased.
  • Special care was given to pregnant women. Pregnant girls stayed away from the troubles related in one way or another to the funeral. They were forbidden to even look at the dead man, much less be present at the funeral prayers and burial. Only the closest pregnant relative was allowed to come to the funeral, but even then she had to leave the home before the coffin was taken out. Such beliefs are associated with the desire to preserve the child in the womb; it was believed that the soul of a deceased person could inhabit the body of a pregnant child.
  • Young children were treated with the same trepidation. The children were also prohibited from attending the burial ceremony. They received close attention until the completion of all funeral rituals. And there is a rational grain in this, because a child, playfully, could drink the water of the deceased or put something in the coffin. Even worse, he could take something that belonged to the dead man from the coffin. Any of the above could trigger a chain of subsequent deaths or serious illnesses. That is why the behavior of younger family members was controlled with such care.
  • It was considered obligatory to mourn. Traditionally, mourning was observed for one year. During this time, family members of the deceased are prohibited from marrying. And one of the worst signs was a funeral on the eve of the wedding. In this case, the wedding should have been abandoned or postponed to another time.
  • Since ancient times, people have firmly believed in the power church holiday. There is a good omen: if a person presented himself or was buried on the day of religious celebrations, then he automatically ended up in heaven.

Signs, traditions and superstitions are widespread in modern world. They are based on centuries-old observations of people.

Signs of imminent death

Relatives of the deceased should pay attention to those harbingers of a person’s death that may appear during the funeral ceremony. After all, sometimes incorrect behavior can lead to a string of people following the deceased into the next world. They can talk about this testify to the following signs about the funeral:

All signs warn relatives and other people from placing their photographs or keepsakes in the coffin of the deceased. Such stupidity can send an unlucky family member or friend after the deceased earlier than expected. The situation is similar with dressing a deceased person in his personal clothes. Having said goodbye to the deceased, you need to touch his shoes and mentally say goodbye, asking him not to come for them. You should walk away from the coffin without looking back.

The meaning of funeral paraphernalia

For ordinary person The funeral procedure is a tragic moment of saying goodbye to a loved one. For people close to the world black magic, this is nothing more than an opportunity to solve your own or someone else’s problems of a magical nature. A lot of signs are associated with fear negative impact witch or sorcerer. Relatives did everything to ensure that black magicians did not take possession of the attributes of the funeral ceremony. These items included:

These items are used by sorcerers and witches to inflict deadly damage. Therefore, it is customary to pour water from under the deceased into a pre-dug hole as far as possible from the house. All things used in washing and preparing the deceased were usually placed in the coffin. It was also customary not to leave the deceased alone in the house. This was explained by the fact that the witch, at such an opportunity, would definitely make a lining in the coffin - a photo of the alleged victim or something belonging to her. This is nothing more than damage to death. Therefore, strangers were not allowed to approach the deceased at the cemetery, especially if they behaved suspiciously.

Strange behavior could be as follows:

  • desire to lie on a dead man's bed;
  • a man tries to go out behind the coffin with his back facing forward;
  • weaving knots on a cord, rope or rag at the moment when the deceased is carried out;
  • placing needles crosswise along the lips of the deceased.

Modern people are skeptical about the possibility of harm from adherents of black magic, especially with the help of certain objects. But there are too many cases that directly confirm the action evil spell. One of the most popular ways to get rid of a person is to put a photograph of him in a coffin, or even better, in the mouth of the deceased. And this is just one of many methods of causing damage. Despite the grief, you need to carefully watch what is happening around you. Anyone can commit negative actions.

There are mainly bad omens associated with the dead. And here the reason is not only the fear of death - there is also fear of the deceased. After all, just recently he was alive, and now he has moved to another world. Following all signs and traditions should ensure an honorable and comfortable farewell to the deceased.

Actions after the funeral

After the funeral ceremony, the farewell does not end yet - the funeral is followed by a funeral dinner. Nine days later, loved ones and relatives again gather in the house of the deceased to remember his life and himself. On the fortieth day, they bake special baked goods - ladders (butter buns in the shape of a ladder), distribute alms to the poor, and order a prayer service in the temple, thus celebrating the release and transfer of the soul to the Kingdom of Heaven. And during this period, it is important to observe a number of next signs:

Most of the signs are also associated with many years of experience and observations. There was also a belief that you should not invite to a memorable dinner those people who behave suspiciously or cause unpleasant feelings. It is possible that these people did not come with the best intentions.

Between heaven and earth

What happens to a dying person? How does a bedridden patient feel on the verge of death? Most often, in addition to pain, it is torment of the soul. An understanding of what lies ahead arises in the mind. The body undergoes physical changes and this does not pass by consciousness. Emotions, psychological and peace of mind staggers. People withdraw into themselves or, on the contrary, become too excited and are in a state of psychosis.

Over time, both physical and moral condition worsens. A person feels that he is losing dignity and begins to think more often about his imminent death. It is difficult and impossible to observe something like this while remaining indifferent and indifferent. You have to put up with the situation and try to alleviate the physical pain with medications. The closer death is, the more the patient is in a state of sleep, and apathy towards everything around him manifests itself.

Often at the very last moment there is a sudden improvement that the patient even wants to get out of bed. The active phase is replaced by complete relaxation of the body with an inevitable decrease in the activity of all systems in the body. All important functions are lost.

Signs of imminent death

When the end comes life cycle, the sick person increasingly feels tired and weak. This happens due to lack of energy. That's why he sleeps longer and longer. Sleep can be either a superficial nap or a full-fledged deep rest.

A dying person is given the ability to hear, feel, see and perceive sounds and things that do not exist in reality. There is no need to deny this, because you can upset the patient. Confusion of speech and consciousness, loss of orientation are possible. More and more often, a person withdraws into himself, he is not interested in what is happening around him.

There are also noticeable changes in the functioning of organs. The kidneys stop working and therefore the urine darkens to Brown, swelling appears. Breathing becomes more frequent, intermittent, and unstable. Venous spots may appear under the skin - this is the result of impaired blood circulation. The spots may change location. Initially they can be noticed on the feet. Just before death, the limbs become cold, because the blood from them is directed to organs that are more important for life.

Way up

Most seriously ill people pass into another world quietly: in a dream, in a coma, or losing consciousness. They still say about such people - they left along the usual road. Another situation is when death is preceded by attacks of agony. The patient's condition is accompanied by psychosis, excessive agitation, restless behavior, loss of orientation in space, change of day and night.

Such conditions can be complicated by feelings of fear, anxiety, the need to go or run somewhere. May be accompanied by speech anxiety, often with a lack of logic and awareness in words. In such cases, a sick person can only fulfill simple requests, without fully understanding what he is doing and why. These phenomena can be stopped if they are identified immediately and appropriate treatment is applied.

Below you will find signs that people who have buried a loved one need to know - when they can open a mirror after the funeral, do cleaning and repairs, and watch TV. There are many restrictions and prohibitions that were invented by our ancestors, for the most part, back in pre-Christian times.

When to open the mirror

It is a well-known fact that after a person’s death, all reflective surfaces are supposed to be covered. These are not only mirrors, but also televisions, computer monitors and other things in which you can see your reflection. This is done so that the reflection of the deceased does not remain in the house, and his ghost does not appear alive.

There will be a lot of decisions about when you can open a mirror after a funeral. One at a time, this can be done immediately after returning from the cemetery and funeral. According to other beliefs, this is done after three days, or no earlier than the ninth day after death. But that's all - modern traditions. In villages, curtains are still removed from mirrors only on the 41st day, when the fate of the soul of the deceased has already been decided.

Signs are based on the path of the deceased. So, after three days after death, his guardian angel takes him to inspect paradise. For 9 days he will appear before the Lord and go to inspect hell. On the 40th day, the soul is given a final verdict on where it will reside. Since only the first three days after death the soul is among the living, the mirrors can be opened after it leaves it. That is, on the fourth day. Previously, it was believed that during all 40 days the soul could visit relatives from time to time. That’s why they didn’t open the mirrors all this time.

Sometimes mirrors are not covered at all. For example, when a person died in a hospital, and his body is taken to the cemetery from the morgue, and not from home. It is not right. A person’s soul will still return home and stay near loved ones during their lifetime. Sometimes only those mirrors that are located where the deceased is located are covered. It is also incorrect, because the soul will wander through all the rooms of the house.

Some Slavic superstitions claim that whoever looks first into a mirror opened after a funeral will soon die. To prevent this, the cat is brought to the mirror first. She is not afraid of this sign.

Is it possible to watch TV

For obvious reasons, there are no old signs on this matter, but as mentioned above, televisions are supposed to be covered, just like mirrors. You can open them at the same time as the mirrors. That is, either after the funeral, or after the third, ninth or fortieth day.

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The Church does not prohibit watching TV, but recommends abstaining from entertainment at least nine days. You can watch news and educational programs, but it’s better to postpone watching movies and talk shows. You cannot turn on the TV in a house where a dead person is lying. Wait until the funeral is over. If the deceased was not close to you, the restriction does not apply to you.

These rules also apply to listening to music. The exception is church hymns. If you want, you can listen classical music. By the way, the funeral orchestra is a Soviet innovation. In the old days, they were accompanied by prayers and religious chants.

Should I keep photos of the dead?

The answer is yes. Photos are memories of dear person, a memory for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. By destroying photographs of the deceased, you allow his descendants to never know about him.

But still the image of the dead man is connected with world of the dead . Psychics can determine from a photo whether a person is alive or not. Therefore, you should not look at photographs of the deceased too often. You also can’t overdo it with their quantity on the walls, shelves and tables. Do not hang near portraits of living people; separate living and dead energies. The best place for storage - photo album.

Photographs taken during the funeral carry much more negativity. It's best not to do them. But, if there are already photos, it is better to destroy them. It doesn’t matter what is depicted there - a coffin, a cemetery, the funeral process, they are a strong source of necrotic energy.

When to clean the apartment

While the deceased is in the house, you cannot clean or take out the trash. Otherwise, another person in this house may die. According to legend, the person who cleans will sweep or wash it out of the home.

You need to clean it up immediately after removing the coffin. The floors are swept and washed after the deceased at a time when those mourning their last journey have already left for the cemetery. They do this to immediately sweep death, illness, and grief out of the house.

Moreover, such light cleaning cannot be done by the blood relatives of the deceased. It is better for them to have less contact with the emanations of death, so that the deceased does not take his loved ones with him. Even pregnant women do not clean up after the deceased. Usually one of the family friends is asked to sweep and mop the floor. Only he must remain in the apartment after the coffin is removed. After this, the person joins the mourners at the wake, but is not present at the cemetery.

Some things are especially strongly imbued with the energy of death. So, the stools or table on which the coffin stood are taken outside for several days and left there with their legs up. This is done in order to get rid of this energy. The apartment has a balcony.

Be sure to take away from the house everything connected with the mournful ceremony. These are the remains of fabric for upholstering the coffin, wood chips from it, as well as other ritual paraphernalia, except for a portrait with a black ribbon, a glass of water and a piece of bread. All flowers brought by mourners are supposed to be left at the grave - they are intended for the deceased.

The instrument used to take measurements for the coffin is also not left in the house; it brings death to another resident within a year. Nothing is taken from the coffin. The ropes that tied the hands of the deceased, the pennies that lay in front of the eyes - all this should remain in the coffin. The candles are taken to the cemetery, as is the grain in which they stood. It is also impossible to keep an icon that stood in front of the coffin. They float it down the river or take it to church.

When can you clean up after a funeral if the question is spring cleaning or tidying up the room of the deceased? At any time, but after the funeral or removal of the coffin. If you open mirrors at the same time, they should also be washed. If you decide to keep them closed for 3, 9 or 40 days, save that for later.

Is it possible to make repairs

Repairs can be done after a funeral, but only once it goes away 40 days after death. The soul of the deceased visits from time to time to see how loved ones live. She would like to see a familiar environment; changes can anger the spirit.

After 40 days, at a minimum, you will have to replace the bed on which the deceased slept, as well as the bed (sofa, floor or staircase covering, chair, etc.) that became the deathbed. bed dead person His bloodline cannot be used. It can be given away or sold. There is no need to install a new bed; use the freed up space as you see fit.

The place of death will continue to exude necrotic energy for several years. Therefore, it is necessary to replace everything that came into contact with the dying person, be it the floor covering where he fell, or furniture and bedding. As a rule, such things are thrown away or burned. In the villages they do things a little differently - they take them to the chicken coop for three so that the rooster “sinks away all the negativity.”

Personal belongings of the deceased, as a rule, are distributed to the poor or sold. This doesn't just apply to clothes. Your favorite cup or plate, ashtray, anti-stress toy - you shouldn’t keep it all. Although many leave it in memory of the deceased.

What else should you not do after the funeral?

You cannot do laundry in a house where a person has died. This ban applies as long as there is a coffin in the house. That is, after the funeral you can start putting your clothes in order.

Is it possible to swim after a funeral? Superstitions recommend doing this at the same time you decide to remove the fabric from reflective surfaces. That is, immediately after the funeral, three, nine or forty days. In the old days, people washed only on the 41st day after death.

Among the things you should not do after a funeral are noisy holidays. It is not advisable to hold celebrations within 40 days. Birthday celebration It’s better to reschedule or cancel altogether. But you can celebrate it modestly, with your family, without loud music or noise.

The nine-day, or better yet, forty-day ban also applies to weddings, but it all depends on emotional state relatives of the deceased. In addition, a wedding is a pre-arranged event associated with high costs. If you are having a wedding before forty days have passed since the death of a relative, during the celebration you need to mention this and pay tribute to the memory of the deceased. Weddings are allowed at any time.

Many people believe that travel and traveling are among the things that should not be done after the funeral of a loved one. This is not true. They will help to distract you, but while traveling you should avoid various entertainment activities. Don't forget to remember the deceased and pray for his soul during the holidays.

In addition, the relatives of the deceased are not allowed to sew or cut their hair for forty days. If there is a need to repair clothes, you will have to do it. But tailoring which is not urgent should be postponed. The same goes for haircuts. Do bangs interfere with your daily activities? Get rid of it. But if it’s about changing your image, do it after forty days.

The same amount of time for the family of the deceased you can't drink alcohol. Perhaps the ban is due to the fact that grief is an accomplice of alcoholism. But funeral signs also prohibit drinking at funerals. The reason is that alcoholism is a sin. Relatives can pray for a sinful person for forty days. If they sin during this time, it will only complicate his afterlife.

After the funeral they go only to the wake, and from there they go home. You can’t go to visit, otherwise death will come to that house. You can go on a visit or on business only the day after the funeral and wake. Funerals are also the ninth and fortieth day, and after them this prohibition also applies. You also cannot go to celebrations that take place in in public places- birthdays, weddings.

They don’t go from wake to wake. If two deceased people are commemorated on the same day, choose the one who is closer to you. But you can say goodbye to several dead people, support relatives, and express grief. During funerals, they do not visit the graves of relatives and friends. This time you came to only one deceased person, and visiting others will be considered disrespectful.

Church opinion

There are many beliefs that are supposed to be observed after a funeral. This will help protect against necrotic energy, diseases and other troubles. In addition, some signs are aimed at improving the afterlife of the deceased and cleansing him from sins.

Signs and superstitions
Folk signs and superstitions. Superstitions will also take on meaning
Funeral rites. Funeral ritual
Signs about funerals and wakes Signs about the cemetery
Death, funeral, wake, cemetery
Signs: omens of death, dying person, dead person, tomb

If bat flies around your house three times, death is inevitable.

A headless shadow or its absence is an omen of death within
next year.

A bird flew into the window - to the death of one of the household. People tend to think
that birds are the embodiment of the souls of the dead. That's why they feed them crumbs
they bring food to their graves, etc. The belief in flying into
bird's house: the soul has flown to warn the family about the imminent death of one of them
domestic. In the modern world, people live in large apartment buildings, so
say one big family. That's why " near death someone from home"
does not necessarily apply to your family.

A bird will fly into the house - to the death of the patient.

A mouse runs over a sick person - to death.

If during your lifetime you make a coffin for yourself and store wheat in it, then for a long time
you'll not die.

Seeing yourself walking down the street or, as they say, seeing your double - soon

Signs - a dying person, death: If a sick person flinches without any
no apparent reason for this, it means that death looked him in the eye: such a person
must prepare for death, which will not be long in coming.

When death approaches a person, it holds him by the nose for a long time, which is why
the latter worsens and gets colder, so the patient’s days are numbered if he has
the nose became sharp and cold.

A terminally ill person usually lies facing the wall, turned away from the window

If a patient gathers sheets into a fist, he will soon die.

It will be easier for a person to leave if all the windows and doors in the house are opened and
top door jamb.

If a dying person held a lit candle in his hands while leaving, then he died

If a person dies, you need to call your soul: if small, then in a small
bell, if an adult, then ring a large bell.

If you dream that a tooth falls out, it means the death of a loved one. If a tooth falls out
blood, a blood relative will die.

If you dream that you are sweeping dirty linen in public - to a dead person in the house.

If you see a log taken out of a wall in a dream, it means a dead person.

I saw earth and fresh boards in a dream - you will soon bury someone.

Mice chew clothes - to the death of the owner of the clothes.

The dog howls: to the ground - to the dead man, to the sky - to the fire.

Placing a pillow on the table means the death of a loved one.

Hearing the voice of a cuckoo near the house means someone's death.

If a cow, especially a black one, looks into a house where there is a sick person through the window,
then the patient will certainly die.

If you hear footsteps behind you on Halloween night, don't turn around to avoid
see who it is, for it may be Death!

The patient will certainly die if the priest who gave him instructions returns for the forgotten
object or, turning back, will point to the forgotten thing to one of his

A sick person will die if the priest attending to him leafs through the missal for a long time,
to find Right place, and generally hesitates when required.

If a dying person asks for honey, butter, milk or anything edible, then
no one should give it to him, because otherwise he will take it with him to
grave all the luck on these items and the remaining household members will always
need what was given to the petitioner.

A few hours before death, the patient usually feels relief; the more likely
the patient will die if he asks to be turned on his left side.

Signs, rituals - preparation for a funeral, preparation of the deceased: Mirrors in the house,
where the dead person is, they hang them so that he cannot look in them, so that his soul does not
was able to reflect there and scare the living.

In the room where the deceased is located, close the windows and vents. Make sure that
the front door or the door to the room was closed.

It is better to remove animals (dog, cat) from the apartment during the funeral, especially
dogs. It is believed that the howling or barking of a dog frightens the soul of the deceased. Bad omen
It is considered when a cat jumps into a coffin with the deceased.

You cannot spend the night in the room where the coffin is located. To the one who spent the night in the room where
the body of the deceased lies, noodles were offered as a morning dish.

A shroud is sewn for the deceased with large stitches, using live thread and a needle not towards oneself, but from
themselves, because otherwise all household members will die out.

The deceased is given a handkerchief to keep him from sweating during Last Judgment wipe off.

As long as the deceased is in the house, it is necessary to place on the window facing the street
a cup of water - to “wash” the soul; after the death it stays on the window for six weeks
a glass of water, and on the corner of the hut, outside, a towel is hung: the soul is six weeks
soars along the ground, bathes and wipes itself.

In a house where a dead person lies, they do not sweep until the body is removed: sweep away the dead person's dirty linen -
take everyone out of the house.

In order not to be afraid of the dead man, they grab him by the legs.

In order not to be afraid of the deceased, you need to pull a thread from the shroud.

The deceased should be removed from the bed as soon as possible and placed on the table, since
his soul supposedly suffers for every feather in the feather bed and pillow.

If you put a piece of bread with salt under the table on which the deceased lies, then
this year no one from the family will die.

If a dead person's eyes open, this foreshadows another dead person soon.
house, because the dead man is looking for someone to take with him.

The deceased must be washed and given rites while he is still warm, but it is better to do this
while a person has not yet introduced himself and is breathing, otherwise he will appear before the judgment of God,
being unclean. The widows always wash the deceased.

After the deceased has been washed, given rites and placed in a coffin, everyone involved in
this is where they warm their hands over the fire, which is made from chips and shavings left over from
hewn coffin: they do this so that their hands are not afraid of either the cold or

The image that stood in front of the deceased is lowered into the water.

To prevent harm from the deceased, a lamp was lit in his room all night. A
on the floor and near the threshold front door They laid down fresh spruce branches. These spruce branches
lay on the floor until the funeral. Moreover, those leaving the house tried
step on pine needles to throw death off your feet. After the funeral of the branch
carefully collected along with the needles, taken to an unfamiliar place and burned not
getting caught in the smoke.

Signs, rituals, customs - coffin, things of the deceased: If the coffin is too large, be
still a dead man in the house.

If a widow is going to remarry, then she must put a deceased person in the coffin
unbelted and unbuttoned.

If the deceased wore glasses or a prosthesis during his lifetime, do not forget on the day of the funeral,
put them in the coffin. These things belonged to the deceased and after death they should
be with him.

When ordering ritual supplies, do not lose the measure that will be used to measure
deceased. When the coffin arrives, place the measurement inside.

Avoid purchasing unnecessary accessories. You can only order without an invoice
wreaths, baskets and mourning ribbons to them. If for some reason they were purchased
excess accessories, then put all the excess in the coffin or take it to the cemetery, do not
leave it at home.

Some souls may be attached to things they love and will disturb the living,
the deceased's belongings were taken out of the house. Often they were given to the poor or simply
thrown out of harm's way.

If the owner of the house dies, then this year it is necessary to plant a hen
for hatching chickens, so that even after the death of the owner, what he started does not fall into decay

According to the Christian faith, the deceased is buried, but today crematoria have appeared.
Make sure that during cremation you do not put a cross or icon in the coffin. It is believed that
By burning a cross or an icon, we burn Jesus Christ.

The bed on which the deceased died was necessarily thrown out of the house along with
bed linen. Most often it was burned without getting exposed to smoke.

After the death, no intoxicating drink is taken into the mouth for forty days; forty days after the death
Honey and bread should be kept on the table and a lamp should be lit.

They think about the souls of suicides that they all go to the devil; about suicides they say:
I gave my soul to the devil.


If the day of the funeral is a good, bright day, the deceased was a good person.

Whoever spends forty dead people is forgiven three grave sins.

In many regions it is considered extremely dangerous to postpone a funeral for any reason.
there was no reason.

If you nail the coffin lid in the house from which the deceased was taken out, then this
foreshadows another deceased person in the same house soon.

If, after the deceased has been taken out of the yard, they forget to close the gate, then
one of the family members will die soon.

Signs, rituals - to carry a dead person, to carry a coffin: When they carry a dead person, they do not
looking out the windows own home and don’t look back, otherwise someone else will
will die in the family, because by looking out the window, they seem to tie the living to

If a child is eating and at that time a dead person is being carried past the house, then it is necessary to
put water in the cradle.

Blood relatives should not participate in removing the deceased from the house, as well as
during the mournful procession. It is believed that this will lead to a series of
deaths in the family.

When taking a deceased person to church, the owner of the house should bend down to the ground and look
from under the sleigh onto the horse's legs so that the horse does not get pierced later, or with the same
The goal is to stick a needle without an eye into the clamp.

In some places, a bag with his hair is placed under the head of the deceased,
collected by the deceased throughout his life in order to give an account in the next world of each
a hair's breadth

In case of epidemics, endemic and contagious diseases, the deceased is carried forward head first.

If the doors of a house are closed during a funeral before the procession has returned from the cemetery,
there will be a quarrel in the family.

At the funeral unmarried girl we need to give out gifts.

After removing the deceased from (the house), the floors must be wiped. Thus
wash death out of the house.

It is considered a bad omen to walk in front of the coffin. The person who does this will follow

When a dead person is taken out of the house, they sprinkle his living tissue in his wake so that no one in the house
no longer died.

Signs - to meet a funeral: If you cross the road when a dead person is being carried, then
If you get sick, there will be growths on your bones; to get rid of a growth, you need to rub
with this growth on the heel of the deceased, then the growth will disperse and go away.

Meeting a funeral procession - unfortunately - pray to God for disgust
According to other ideas, to meet a funeral on the street, on the contrary,
portends happiness, but happiness is in the future, and don’t expect success on this day.

If the rider does not get off his horse when meeting the funeral procession, then he will soon
will become seriously ill.

Anyone who attends a funeral is doomed to die soon after unless he
will take off his hat and not walk a few steps with the procession. If the deceased
carried on their shoulders, he must also put his shoulder under the coffin. Having done this, he
must bow to those present, turn around and go home without fear.

Signs about the grave: If, while digging a grave, the gravediggers accidentally hit an old one, where
bones survived, then the new deceased begins the afterlife safely and not
will “appear” and “disturb” surviving relatives.

Before lowering the deceased into the grave, they throw in a penny to buy a place in the grave.

If the coffin does not fit into the grave and it has to be expanded, then this means that either
the earth does not want to accept the sinner, or after the buried one will soon have to
bury the new deceased, his relative.

If the grave collapses, then you should expect another dead person from the same house,
Moreover, if the grave collapses from the south side, then a man will die, from the north -
a woman, from the east - the eldest in the house, from the west - a child.

Before lowering the coffin into the grave, the relatives of the deceased throw some kind of
a coin, thereby showing that the deceased did not take it for nothing, but bought himself a place.

As soon as the first handful of earth goes into the coffin, will it be done by the priest?
or without it, the soul finally separates from the body; a few seers
At this moment they see the soul leaving the grave either joyful or crying.

Signs, customs - after a funeral, wake:
You can’t go to anyone’s house after a funeral - you’ll bring death to the house of that person.
who I stopped by.

Upon returning from the funeral, you must press your palms to the stove three times or rub
hands on her, so that death from the cemetery is not brought into the house, so that death becomes numb, like
oven, and so that the bedbugs and cockroaches die, and then the floor, so that the fleas die.

After a funeral, or coming home after being at a funeral, or in a house with
deceased, or met a funeral procession, ALWAYS light matches (only
them) a wax, church candle and warm your hands over it. Bring your palms up
as close to the candle fire as can be tolerated. Drive and “scorch”
thus the entire area of ​​​​the palms and fingers. After this, you can’t use a candle
blow it out, gently extinguish it with your fingers. This is done so that the house
You can’t bring death on yourself, you can’t drag it on yourself, you can’t get sick.

After the funeral, your favorite cup, saucer and spoon were always taken out of the house.
deceased and given to the beggar.

When remembering the deceased, they always gave him a treat. Usually it was the first
funeral pancake and the first cup of funeral jelly.

At a wake, pancakes are always served in advance (as the first course), and at a wedding - after
total (last dish).

They did not clink glasses at the funeral table, so as not to spread the misfortune from one house to another.

It is believed that by providing tables and chairs for a funeral, you will bring death into your home.

There should not be more than one candle burning on the funeral table.

If someone at the wake laughs or starts singing, he will soon howl with grief.

Anyone who gets very drunk at a wake will have children who are drunkards.

Despite the official religious ceremonies, the deceased is always alone
commemorated on the 9th and 40th days after death, so that the soul could calmly go into the world
otherwise, and the door would have slammed behind her forever.

Six weeks have passed since death - it’s time to bake a ladder of dough.

Signs about the CEMETERY, GRAVES

On the graves evil people bad herbs grow: nettle, thistle, thistle. On
Roses, lilies, and hawthorn grow in the graves of the righteous and victims of unhappy love.

A pregnant woman should not go to a cemetery, attend funerals, or look at
fire, wishing death on a baby, quarreling with the child's father.

You should not bring fresh or artificial flowers from the cemetery. Whoever does this will
to be sick for a long time and hard.

Never take anything from a cemetery, no matter how valuable and beautiful it may be.
thing. This way you will take upon yourself the troubles and illnesses of others.

The earth from seven graves from various cemeteries eases the fear of the fearful
dead, protects against infectious dead bodies and diseases, does not allow
death to this house; helps with widespread deaths of livestock, while
The animal to be fenced must be sprinkled with such soil three times.

They sprinkle a few grains of wheat on the grave of the suicide and look from afar: if
the bird will not peck those grains, then there is no need to remember the deceased, except
Saturday to Dmitriev and All Saints. If they see that a bird is pecking grains, then they throw
They are then taken to the grave for a year or even two and the deceased is commemorated.

The southern side of the cemetery is the most holy, the northern is unconsecrated, suitable only
for stillborn babies and suicides.

In order not to miss the deceased too much, you need to apply earth from
graves and rub themselves with it.

To get rid of this or that misfortune, you need to get soil from seven graves
the righteous.
Since ancient times, funeral ritual rites have been surrounded by mystical
superstitions and signs. It is believed that superstitions have survived from primitive times,
When funeral rituals represented an attempt by man to subjugate
the material world in which he lived.

Proper conduct of the mourning ritual of a funeral serves as an indicator of respect and
veneration for the deceased. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: “They either don’t say anything about the dead,
or they only say good things"

The door through which the person leaves remains ajar for some time. And this
poses a danger to the living. The subtle world is more mobile, fluid and rarefied,
than ours ordinary world. Therefore, the kingdom of the dead can “draw in” a living person. Not
in vain in ancient times there were many funeral and post-funeral rites,
designed to protect those living in a house where someone died.