Monica Bellucci's husband is Vincent Cassel. Monica Bellucci about her divorce from Cassel: “Vincent and I will always love each other

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Vincent Cassel: “Monica and I had
open marriage"

He walks on the edge - above morality and norms. He knows no boundaries - neither geographical nor moral. He is seductively dangerous and dangerously free. But he's finished ballet school and learned three foreign languages. He is a caring father and grateful son. Disciplined professional and capoeira master. Meeting Vincent Cassel - not at all what he seems.

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The plasticity of an aristocrat, delicacy, polite smile. A quiet, intelligible voice and an open look of a harmonious nature. He is elegant and courteous. There is no explosive passion of his characters, no insidious cynicism, no hidden rage. Nothing macho. Only gentleness, understanding, attention. He does not try to please his interlocutor. He prefers to be effective - to answer my journalistic questions, to satisfy, as far as he can, my human curiosity about him. He, almost completely gray, is dressed in all gray - a gray cashmere sweater, gray trousers, - which so emphasizes the clarity of his blue eyes.

Yes, clarity - perhaps key characteristic Vincent Cassel. There are no topics he would refuse to talk about. What worries him, what he has an opinion about, what seems truly important to him, will certainly be articulated. That is why you can ask him any question and not be afraid of either offense or insincerity. So I decide to start with a question that anyone else would react harshly: “I don’t talk about my personal life.” But Cassel... Cassel speaks.

“Sometimes marriages break up. But people don’t, they don’t break up. This is exactly the case with Monica and me. We will always be together"


You and Monica Bellucci were, without exaggeration, a “dream couple.” And you were together for a long time - almost 20 years, right? Your separation was a shock to the public, a kind of collapse of the ideal. What happened, why did you break up? After all, the official “according to mutual consent" that we've all heard doesn't really explain anything.

You know, this is the wrong word - “broke up”. Sometimes marriages break up. But people don’t, they don’t break up. This is exactly our case. We will always be together. And not at all because we have two children and our youngest daughter is only six. You see, when we say “they broke up,” we mean that, having once united, people made a mistake and now realized it. But we didn’t get divorced because we once made a mistake. On the contrary, we did the very right thing then. But now it’s better to get a divorce. That's all. We have never absolutized so-called marital fidelity. It’s not that we had romantic episodes, so to speak, on the side... But psychologically we left the doors of our marriage open.

It was always a priority for both of us that, by and large, we were together, although we sometimes lived separately - Monica in Rome, me in Paris... But we knew that we would always find ourselves where we needed each other. As long as we are needed, we really need each other. And at some point it became clear: we have a lot in common, we are devoted to each other, but there is no longer any need to be together and be considered a couple. And then better in pairs no longer count. That is, no events actually preceded our separation. But the sensations are something indistinct...

You see, I - simply by nature - am characterized by some rage, some bitterness, obsession. It's a part of my character that I try to keep in check. ordinary life and if you splash it out, then only in roles. And Monica... She has many talents, but, in my opinion, the main one is her insight, she looks into the very depths of a person and knows how to create for him a feeling of complete comfort next to her. And as an actress she has a rare gift - she seems to expand reality, she creates the reality of dreams, you see this in her roles. The same is true in ordinary reality. For the first 20 years it enchants... And then you want to go back - to the rough physical world, where there is rage, obsession. Away from the ideal, if you want.

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Rage and bitterness often characterize your movie characters. Actually, your role in a film called “Hate” paved your way to big cinema. And your real image - no matter what you say about yourself - contradicts the screen one. How do you get along with this on-screen person - a desperate criminal, a brutal gangster, a fatal seducer, an immoral type who denies ideals?


I don't get along. I have a lot in common with him. We all have a lot in common with him. IN English language There is this beautifully universal definition - nice. Everyone is trying to be nice - pleasant in every way, no matter what they mean by that. But in fact, human beings are made of contradictions. And everyone has dark side. When you are happy, the world sees your brighter side. In misfortune we turn dark. I don't know anyone for sure positive person and I don’t know a single complete villain. I only know happy and unhappy people.

Is that guy from "The Hate" a villain? No, he is a man whose present, future, and hope were taken away. Gelding, gangster, killer - for his daughter, who cried when she saw me in her father's makeup, a villain? No. I find unhappiness in the disgusting. And I play exactly him. Have you seen My King? There is an episode where the hero threatens his ex-wife: like, you will arise when registering custody of common child, I will tell you in court that you were on tranquilizers. This is exactly it! When I read this episode in the script, I was horrified: damn, what a bastard! I would never say that... But I’m not him, I haven’t experienced such a breakup and the threat of such a loss. And how can I say that I would not have acted like him?

Something in me protests against your theory of relativity and even the humanism of evil and, probably, against the pleasure with which you “perform” evil - in “Hate”, in “Shaitan”, in “A Dangerous Method”...


I old punk. Is it true. When my parents separated and my mother moved to New York, I spent a lot of time in this punk-rap city. The 80s, the birth of hip-hop and gangsta culture... My brother, by the way, became a hip-hop star. In my generation of Europeans there was a great charge of protest - not against anything specific, against the calm of the 70s. Because of this I circus school I did it not to be like my father, although I understood that I couldn’t do anything else; after all, I grew up behind the scenes. But he categorically did not want to be pleasant to everyone, like his father, a refined dandy. I studied in four elite boarding schools, ran away from everyone (Catholic and completely made me an atheist forever), took a sip of New York and entered a circus school. Probably he was looking for sharp forms, the grotesque.

My classmates and I pretty soon began to perform on the streets and in clubs, sometimes with the threat that they would beat us - for the uncompromising nature of our buffoonery. And then I finally met my own - Mathieu Kassovitz, Gaspar Noe, Jan Koonen, guys from cinema, young directors who didn’t care about the “national film heritage of France”, about all these sentiments - oh, “ new wave", ah, Godard and Truffaut... We were a generation, but we felt like a sect... These guys knew for sure that there is unromantic pain in the world, inelegant dramas, natural violence. Hence “Hate”, “Irreversibility”, “Doberman”. They were evil, just like me. There is also productive anger, I tell you. Youthful nihilism, perhaps. But even now I refuse to exclude evil from life. Evil is part of it. Violence and blood exist. But demonstrating them does not mean justifying them. This means simply not avoiding painful topics. Pain is part of life.

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Manifest Man

Vincent Cassel was born in Paris in 1966 in the family of journalist Sabine Litik and Jean-Pierre Cassel, a famous dancer and actor. His parents did not see acting talent in Vincent, and he entered a circus school, but soon played one of the main roles in “Hate” by Mathieu Kassovitz (1995), a kind of social manifesto for French youth of the 90s. And in 2002 - in the uncompromising “Irreversibility” by Gaspar Noe, which became an artistic manifesto. After playing a French gangster in Steven Soderbergh's "Ocean's 12" (2004), Cassel became the main foreigner of the American screen (from the animated "Shrek" to "Black Swan" and the upcoming "Jason Bourne"), the favorite actor of David Cronenberg ("Vice for Export") " And " Dangerous method") and, finally, a representative of all those European men who are on the verge nervous breakdown, - in My King by Maiwenn Le Besco (2015).

You say you didn't want to be like your father. But they became an actor, just like him. And a star like him. And they even inherited his acting pseudonym...


Here's the story... At first I tried to change my appearance in films, but the more disguise I had, the more noticeable the resemblance became. And everyone knew my father in France, he was a super-superstar. And he truly was a delightful person. A genuine dandy, indeed. With all these Wildean qualities: “Keeping equanimity, striking with surprise” and the title of “French Fred Astaire”. But it was so natural for him. And I looked strikingly like him, but it all made me sick! I was ready to explode! And he actively denied the resemblance to him, changing his appearance as best he could. But at some point it became clear to me that disguise was comical. And that you are who you are.

With my father’s eye shape and my mother’s penchant for rebellion... And with its own characteristics. Only when our parents die do we stop fighting with them. I argued and defended. And he stopped only shortly before his father’s death. It would be nice to stop earlier. If you were to ask me now what conclusion I drew from all this, I would answer: do not fight with those who have to leave before you. Take care of them. At least out of selfishness - so as not to feel guilty later.

But now you have the experience of not only a son, but also a father. Do you have anything to say about your own parenting experience?


Parental experience... I wouldn't call it experience. Rather, it's... This is how to find new love. A love that I couldn't imagine before. I don’t know, maybe because I have girls... And between us there is a barrier of understanding the world from the perspective of our gender. I can’t look at life through a woman’s eyes, and they can’t look at it through a man’s. This is probably why I would not say that my relationship with them is based on the responsibilities of education. I just love. I never criticize. I always support. It is so important for a woman in our world to be confident!

My whole upbringing is that they can count on me under all circumstances. And that I try to be around as much as possible - if you send your child to the best boarding school, but he is not with you, what was the point of having children? In general, I think of myself as the rear for the girls, not the front line. And rather, they educate me. When our second daughter was born, I realized: wow, I normal person- I have a family, children, a house... Even several. We must comply.

“Only when parents die do we stop fighting with them. I argued and defended. And he stopped only shortly before his father’s death. It would be nice to stop sooner"

At some point, you had a house in Brazil, and even your family lived there with you. Why Brazil, why move?


I fell in love with Brazil a long time ago, about 30 years ago. And I kept going and going there until I decided to settle in Rio. During this time I mastered Portuguese, without false modesty - I speak quite well. You see, Brazil is one of the last places on earth where life has... a poetic dimension. Where an element of poetry is simply included in everyday existence. This no longer exists either in Europe or in the USA; even in Japan it remains at the level of the “sakura ritual”. And in Brazil, people in the evening, when driving home from work, choose a certain route - to see the sunset over the ocean. Both relationships and everyday contacts there are poetic in their own way.

And then, we only have the idea of ​​possession and achievement; the Brazilians, and maybe also the Italians, have the idea of ​​happiness as an indispensable part of life. Enjoyment of life as part of the lifestyle itself. Regardless of achievements and possessions. That’s why I’ve been doing capoeira for so many years. Capoeira for me is something between martial art and art itself, ballet... I moved when I realized that I had been unconsciously looking for poetry in my life. It’s still strange to me that it turned out that poetry is also a place. Not just passion and fortune. It turns out that I have finally found my place.

They officially filed for divorce, which greatly upset their multi-million army of fans. Their love story spans 17 years romantic relationships, 12 of which the actors spent in a legal marriage. The message from Bellucci's press secretary about this event became a point in the relationship, which the ex-couple still prefers not to talk about. Where did the love story begin that Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel could not make eternal? Read below about the brightest moments in the life of the former spouses.

Take 1. Getting to know each other

Monica Bellucci's ex-husband Vincent Cassel from the early days acting career gained fame as a bad guy. By the beginning of the 90s, he was already a famous actor in France, who received best roles. But Monica was still an ordinary, albeit very pretty model. Filming in the film “Apartment” became significant for her, because she received not only her first role in a big movie, but also famous actor as partners. From the first days of their acquaintance, they experienced outright hostility towards each other, because it seemed to Vincent that only talent Monica is her appearance (in particular her breasts), and Monica was not happy with her arrogance French star. The plot of the film, in which the actors had to depict passionate kisses more than once, changed everything. Vincent got rid of his arrogance, and Monica saw a man in him. But it was far from a romance. Monica strictly limited mutual sympathy, which shocked Vincent. Some unknown actress dared to refuse him, a favorite and a heartthrob?! In addition, at that time they lived in different countries. In order to see his beloved more often, Cassel resorted to various tricks, forcing Monica to fly to Paris from Rome or London, where she lived. Gradually, his acting and directing career expanded into joint projects with Monica, which made the girl famous and in demand in the world of cinema.

Take 2. Wedding

For three years, Vincent’s marriage proposals from a proud and freedom-loving Italian woman were rejected. And who knows how the long-distance relationship would have ended if the actor had not had an accident? In 1999, Bellucci decided to create a full-fledged family. After the wedding, the actors went back to their countries. According to Monica, this format of relationship increased interest in each other. She constantly made Cassel jealous, as she did not even try to refute the rumors about her affairs with Bruce Willis, George Clooney, Gerard Depardieu. In turn, journalists accused Cassel of cheating on his wife with young actresses, famous models. Among the mistresses was also. But Bellucci reacted to these rumors very calmly.

Take 3. Married life

The children of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel were born five and eleven years after the wedding. Obviously, with such a lifestyle, they were in no hurry to acquire heirs. Having become a mother for the first time at the age of 39, the actress did not hide the fact that her life and relationship with her husband had become better. The second child only strengthened the acting union. While Monica was raising her daughters Deva and Leonie, Vincent was pursuing a career, releasing successful projects. And in the “yellow press” photos appeared every now and then in which he was captured with young beauties...

Take 4. Irreversibility

In 2002, the actors began filming in joint project– the film “Irreversible”. There is a saying in Hollywood that spouses who film set depict a couple preparing for divorce, soon and in real life will disperse. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman are clear proof of this; the situation with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is still in question. But immediately after filming was completed, the happy couple went on vacation to the sea. However, in 2013, the divorce finally took place. Until now, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel have not talked about why they divorced.

The love story of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel officially ended on August 26, 2013: it was then that the actress’s press secretary announced the divorce of the star couple. Bellucci and Cassel had 17 years of relationship behind them, 12 of which they lived in marriage. Woman’s Day remembered the most bright moments this love story, more like a movie script.

How did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel meet?

As prosaic as it may seem, actors Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel met on the set of the film “The Apartment.” In 1996, Bellucci was a completely inexperienced actress, while Cassel was a prominent French actor playing the “bad guy” role. There are various rumors about how their romance began: some romanticize the story of how the film couple met (“They fell in love with each other at first sight...”), while others trust the lovers themselves - both Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel admitted that at first sight they disliked each other. Vincent considered Monica “another model trying to make her way into the cinema with her protruding breasts,” and Monica considered Vincent an arrogant troublemaker. Nevertheless, love story, which served as the basis for the plot of “The Apartment,” also tied the actors: just a couple of kisses on camera was enough for their hostility to give way to sympathy.

When did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel start dating?

The actors who played lovers in films did not immediately decide on intimacy. Subsequently, Bellucci admitted in an interview that Cassel did not seem to her a worthy match: “It was not love at first sight. Yes, Vincent seemed attractive to me, but I didn’t feel that I could be sure of him, that I could rely on him.”

Fearing her lover's excessive frivolity, Monica Bellucci decided to play ahead and simply not get attached to the French heartthrob. From the very beginning of their romance, the actress clearly defined the boundaries: he has his own life, she has hers. Vincent Cassel, not accustomed to such treatment, was, to put it mildly, discouraged. But he had to submit: he still lived in Paris, and she in London and Rome. There could be no talk of any serious rapprochement; the romance “at a distance” had to be saved. Cassel offered Bellucci first one role in French cinema, then another, and so quietly strengthened her professional position and “overgrown” with joint projects with her.

How did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel get married?

Vincent Cassel persuaded Monica Bellucci to accept the ring, hand and heart from him for almost three years - the freedom-loving and proud Italian was adamant. She had no need for marriage. She changed her mind only after the actor got into a car accident. “At some point I decided that being a widow was more logical than being a former lover. Plus it's black the color is coming any woman more than anyone else,” Bellucci later stated. The actress justified her frivolous attitude towards legal marriage with fatalism: “Sometimes it even seemed to me that we do not choose those with whom we connect our lives. These relationships just “happen” to us. And you never know how long they will last. So I never knew how much was allocated to this union.” It is noteworthy that soon after the wedding the actors went home again: he went to Paris, and she went to Rome. “Love at a distance” became a habit for Cassel and Bellucci, which was very difficult to change: “I consider Italy my home, but it is important for Vincent that we spend enough time in France. Sometimes we manage to live like a normal family - all together, but most of the time we remain widely traveling actors who mostly live separately from each other: either I’m on the set, or Vincent. But for the sake of the children, we try to arrange our schedules so that one of us is always with them. Of course, it would be ideal to work together. But not all the time,” Monica Bellucci admitted to reporters.

How did the marriage of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel develop?

The relationship between the brightest couple in Western show business can hardly be called cloudless. The jealous Vincent Cassel suffered a lot from journalists who regularly suspected Monica Bellucci of having affairs with the entire Hollywood elite. Bellucci was rumored to have had affairs with George Clooney, Gerard Depardieu and Bruce Willis, and she did absolutely nothing to refute these rumors. Moreover, in numerous interviews, the actress only fueled interest in her personal life: “I believe that having only one partner is unnatural, we all change lovers, we just most often prefer to remain silent about it,” she stated. Is it surprising that Vincent Cassel also began to give rise to suspicions of infidelity. However, Monica Bellucci was not embarrassed by rumors about his affairs with models and actresses (among others, even Jennifer Aniston), which she spoke directly and bluntly to journalists.

Did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel have children?

It would be strange to expect such an unusual couple to quickly acquire children, nannies and home teachers. And indeed: the first child of Cassel and Bellucci was born only in 2004. Monica Bellucci, who ignored all her husband’s requests for heirs, subsequently admitted more than once that the birth of her first daughter changed her life: “I was in no hurry to become a mother. I gave birth to my first daughter when I was 39, and my second at 45. At a younger age, I simply wasn’t ready for motherhood. I was not ready to sacrifice myself, to give myself to my children. Yes, I was absorbed in myself and Vincent, but in the end - when I gave birth - I was breastfeeding and felt that I wanted to give as much time, energy and love to this creature as possible.”

The second child of Cassel and Bellucci was born in 2010 and, by all indications, was supposed to further strengthen the couple’s relationship. “Children have greatly changed our relationship with Vincent. And they changed them for the better. We try to be understanding of the fact that we cannot see each other as often as we would like, because work is work - we travel a lot, we lead an almost gypsy lifestyle,” said Monica Bellucci and fans willingly believed her. After the birth of their second child and so many years of marriage, the news of the divorce of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel came as a complete surprise to everyone.

How did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel survive the film Irreversible?

The film “Irreversible” (the one where Bellucci’s heroine dies after being raped in the transition) was supposed to be the final chord in the relationship between Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel. At least that’s what the critics thought and, it should be noted, this sad prophecy had grounds. In 2001, after filming the extremely frank film “With Wide eyes closed“Hollywood’s “golden” couple Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman divorced. For a long time Rumors circulated in the press and among the couple's fans that it was the work on the film that broke the couple. Nicole denied this gossip, but few listened to her.

And now, just a couple of years after the “divorce of the century,” “Irreversible” is released, containing explicit scenes of sex and violence. How did Vincent and Monica survive the filming and subsequent release of the film? Easily! “I knew for sure: my wife is a woman with balls. She has the courage to play this!” Vincent Cassel told reporters. Indeed, Monica Bellucci was equanimity itself. Immediately after filming scandalous scene with the transition, she flew away to rest with her husband, and the couple spent these short holidays wonderfully.

How did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel decide to divorce?

How Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel decided to divorce, no one knows yet. Immediately after the announcement of the unpleasant news, the actress and her now ex-husband refused to comment on it. It is known that for 17 years they were visited more than once by thoughts of divorce, but each time they managed to save their relationship. It is a pity that this time the couple could not avoid collapse, however, 2013 turned out to be fatal not only for their union. Divorce of Vladimir Putin became a symbol of a summer rich in breakups: in addition to Cassel and Bellucci, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas, until recently considered perhaps the strongest Hollywood couple, had already announced their intention to divorce.

Paxa Tiena

Monica Bellucci with her daughter Virgo

Monica Bellucci with daughter Leoni

Monica Bellucci with daughter LeoniMonica Bellucci with daughter LeoniMonica Bellucci with daughter LeoniMonica Bellucci with her daughter Virgo

Recently, Deva and Leoni, who are extremely rarely captured by the paparazzi, amazed the public, so to speak, with their growing up. They were photographed together with Monica in Milan, and 12-year-old Virgo no longer looked like a girl, but a teenager, and 7-year-old Leoni looked like a real schoolgirl. Such secrecy star daughters Although it does not allow us to compile an extensive lookbook of their images, it does allow us to say a few words about their style, which has changed dramatically over the years. If Bellucci herself considers noble black to be her favorite color, she tries to dress her daughters in more than positive ways. For example, as children, in warm weather, Deva and Leonie wore sundresses, preferably loose-fitting and with lace. The colors of these dresses and sundresses ranged from the traditional white and cream to hot pink and purple.

Often, girls' outfits were decorated with a floral pattern - this print is Everyday life Bellucci herself adores it. And if Leonie, due to her age, continues to wear things in children's style, then the matured Virgo switched to the style of a teenager. In her wardrobe there are many dresses, but no longer naive, but more conservative and even seductive - with slits and clever decoration. Like all girls her age, she wears jeans, pairing them with tops, long T-shirts, loose-fitting sweaters, and black coats - exactly the same as her mother wears. After the publication of new pictures of Virgo, Internet users noted that she was becoming more and more like Monica, not only in appearance, but also in style. We don’t know about you, but we are only happy about this fact!

Click on the photo to view the gallery of the Virgin of Cassel Monica Bellucci with daughter LeoniLeonie Cassel Vincent Cassel with his daughter Leonie


Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Pax Tien, the son of actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and today the heroines of our column are the daughters of actors Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel - Virgo and Leoni.

Click on the photo to view the gallery Monica Bellucci with her daughter Virgo

On August 3, 1999, in Monte Carlo, Monica Bellucci married Vincent Cassel, and 5 years later - on September 12, 2004 - in one of the clinics in Rome she gave birth to his daughter, who was named Virgo. Having become a mother for the first time at the age of 38, the actress admitted that her daughter was born at the most ideal moment for this:

She appeared exactly when needed. I have played so many roles and visited so many places that I am ready to give her everything she needs!

In 2009, when Bellucci was 45 years old, she found out about her second pregnancy and, like most women her age, experienced fear of the birth of a baby:

Women over 40 who want children, among other things, are afraid that they will not be able to bear a child. And after giving birth, they worry that the husband will run away, afraid of problems.

But Vincent Cassel did not run away from Monica at that time, but was incredibly happy about the birth of his second daughter. The girl was born on May 20, 2010 in Rome, her birth weight was 3.22 kilograms, her height was 53 centimeters.

Monica Bellucci with her daughter VirgoVincent Cassel with his daughter VirgoMonica Bellucci with daughter LeoniVincent Cassel with his daughter Leonie

Monica Bellucci with daughter Leoni

I gave birth to my daughter for two and a half hours. She's so dark and pretty. The birth took place naturally, like peasant women,

Bellucci said, admitting in an interview with Vanity Fair that her second pregnancy was easier for her than the first.

I was advised to have a second child immediately after the first, but I was not ready. And when I finally felt confident to take this step, I could only hope that it was not too late and that the baby would arrive as soon as possible. But children are not a movie, you can’t sit down at the table with the producer and director and plan everything just right... I don’t feel brave, I’m just very lucky. But don’t think that you need to take an example from me. Many people at my age turn to surrogate mothers or IVF clinics. And if I had not been able to get pregnant, I would also have ended up among these women.

My youngest daughter Bellucci and Cassel named Leoni, a name that was invented when Monica was still pregnant. But the birth of the baby did not help save the couple’s marriage, and in August 2013, after 19 years of relationship and 14 years of marriage, the actors divorced “by mutual consent.”

It is no one's fault that the marriage broke up. My husband and I moved forward - each in our own direction, each more and more interested in something of our own. Gradually it became clear that our paths had diverged, that we were looking in different directions. I always say that it takes two to tango. The two of us gave birth to our love, the two of us breathed life into it for many years, the two of us decided to end it,

Bellucci said in an interview with Tatler magazine, noting that “at the moment of a break, you need to understand that children are more important than us and our desires.” And the couple really managed to create a comfortable atmosphere for their daughters, so they often try to communicate with their father, although they live with their mother in Lisbon.

Monica Bellucci with daughter LeoniMonica Bellucci with daughter LeoniMonica Bellucci with daughter LeoniMonica Bellucci with her daughter Virgo

Vincent Cassel - an actor of French origin who is quite in demand in Hollywood and has a very memorable appearance. However, the public is better known ex-wife Cassel Monica Bellucci than Vincent himself. How has the actor’s career developed all these years and what has he been doing since the divorce?

Vincent Cassel: photos, early years

Vincent was born in Paris on November 23. His father was famous French actor Jean Cassel. In addition to Vincent, there was another child in the family - also a boy. The Cassel brothers were into hip-hop in their youth.

When asked by journalists what it was like to be the son of a celebrity, Vincent Cassel replied that he was never worried about his father’s status. On the contrary, his father’s knowledge came in handy when Vincent decided to plunge headlong into the acting profession.

However, the young man did not get to the set right away. He lived in good area Paris, went to the best school. And then I decided to enter the circus school. But after a year of study, Cassel Jr. realized that “the circus is not his thing.”

After quitting his studies, Vincent went to New York and began his acting career there.

Vincent Cassel: filmography. First films

Cassel starred in his first film in 1991. He was already 25 years old. Then Vincent Cassel received a small role in French film"Keys to Heaven"

A year later, Cassel appeared in the American TV series, as well as in the comedy “Hot Chocolate.”

Then there were a number of films unnoticed by critics, until Cassel received the main role in Kassovitz’s drama “Hate.” When the director invited the Frenchman to star in a film about teenagers in the suburbs of Paris, Cassel appreciated the film's script, but doubted that he could cope with the role of an angry Jewish boy who walks the streets of the ghetto with a pistol. However, Mathieu Kassovitz was adamant, and Cassel received his first starring role, for which he was awarded the Cesar Award.

The film “Irreversible” turned out to be quite scandalous, where Cassel starred with his wife, Monica Bellucci. In addition to the fact that his wife was raped at the very beginning of the film, director Gaspar Noe also asked the couple in the frame to have real sex. However, Cassel does not see anything strange in this and speaks about filming the film with his characteristic irony.

"Black Swan"

Vincent Cassel often acts in Hollywood. He was a participant in the filming of “Joan of Arc” with Milla Jovovich in leading role, appeared in Ocean's Twelve and Ocean's Thirteen as Francois Toulour.

One of the most striking works in the actor’s career is the role of choreographer Tom in Daren Aronofsky’s drama “Black Swan.” The film won an Oscar, and Cassel only strengthened its position in world cinema. In the story, he is a cruel and demanding director who decided to stage “Black Swan”. Without a shadow of regret, he rejects all the contenders and chooses the shy Nina. Nina is great at acting white swan, but the black swan games look inexpressive. Then Toma uses the whole range of psychological tricks to “pull” the necessary emotions out of the girl. Nina dances brilliantly at the premiere, but after that she goes crazy from psychological stress.

"The beauty and the Beast"

Which consists of quite diverse films, in 2014 he starred in the fantasy film “Beauty and the Beast”. Of course, he again got the role of the villain (the Beast). Cassel is no longer surprised that in Hollywood he is only offered to play negative characters. Vincent admits in an interview that he tries to work on the things entrusted to him. in a negative way, so that he looks even more attractive than the goodie.

IN new production About “Beauty and the Beast” the role of Belle went to Léa Seydoux - another famous one. The director of the fairy tale was Christophe Hahn, who also directed the film “Silent Hill” and “The Book of the Dead”.

In addition to Seydoux and Cassel, Andre Dussollier (“Amelie”) and Eduardo Noriega (“ Trans-Siberian Express") and Yvonne Catterfeld.

Personal life

Vincent Cassel, whose personal life certainly worries the public, was married only once - to an actress Italian origin Monica Bellucci. In 2004, their first daughter was born, and in 2010, their second. The couple stayed together for thirteen years, but then separated.

Vincent admits that when he saw Monica for the first time, he could not help but fall in love with her. She reminded him of heroines cult films Federico Fellini. After the wedding, the couple did not sit still: the stars lived in Italy, France, or Rio de Janeiro. However, there were times when Vincent and Monica existed separately from each other. But on the set the married couple met more than once: “Irreversible”, “Brotherhood of the Wolf” and so on.

It was a strange marriage: it was difficult to understand what kept these two together. According to Cassel, Monica and he had different friends, they often lived in different countries, their tastes also did not coincide. It turns out that the actors just wanted to live together, and when interest in each other disappeared, they broke up. Now Monica is in no hurry to find a new boyfriend, and Kassel is still left alone.