Scenario for a children's birthday party in horror style. "Take care of your eyes" game for Halloween

Astashina Galina from Isilkul sent her cool boy 10 years in horror style.

“The boy was absolutely delighted, and the guests did not forget this day.

Roma's birthday - 10 years

- Dear devils, witches and all evil spirits, we all flocked to our Bald Mountain to congratulate our beloved, most delicious boy Roma on his birthday. Let's let out our devilish cry in honor of him.

— Now let’s meet our guests. I will ask questions, and you, without hesitation, should answer them very quickly.

Witch – Miss Bald Mountain(Lyuba): I know that you really like to take sweets from children. Who is better to take sweets from - girls or boys?

Devil - Glutton(Yura): Which lunch do you prefer: vegetable, animal or human?

Witch - Spider(Lena): What is the name of your favorite pet spider?

Devil - Little dirty trick(Andrey): What is the difference between a big dirty trick and a small one? Is it a big or small dirty trick for someone to eat a birthday cake?

Grandmothers - Hedgehogs(mother and grandmother Katya): What color stupa did you fly in for your grandson’s birthday?

The witch is beautiful(Nadia): You love everything fashionable and cool. What brand is your new broom?

Leshem(Zhenya): What is your scariest scare?

Kikimore(Anyutka): Let out your favorite scream.

Girl - Vampire(Dasha): What drink can replace a sip of blood for you?

Girl - Snake(Nastya): Which word is longer than SNAKE or WORM?

Happy holidays to you!

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Room decoration: The room can be decorated in dark colors. Be sure to decorate with bats; pumpkin lanterns can be made a little later and used as decoration.

You can place body parts on pieces of furniture and the floor: a severed hand, eye, finger, etc.

You can also use small spiders and snakes in the design, leaving “traces” of the presence of magicians and sorcerers: a black cat, a toad, a raven.

To create a mysterious and mystical atmosphere, it is better to light the room with candles.


It is also advisable to agree with friends in advance that everyone comes in suits. You can arrange a witch’s Sabbath, or a meeting “In the middle of nowhere,” or just a ball of evil spirits.

To intrigue your friends, you can prepare an original congratulation for everyone, in which you warn them to travel carefully, because there are so many extra ears around - they can overhear and interfere.

Scary joke:

During the event, you can try to scare your friends.

Sitting down in the middle of the room and placing a jack-o'-lantern in the center, tell each other scary stories one by one. Then suddenly put out the candle in the lantern and scream in a scary voice.

Of course, if there are no particularly impressionable participants.

Food and drinks for the holiday:

  • For food and drinks you need to come up with original names: traditional blood - tomato juice or any other red drink, swamp slurry - if the drink is green.
  • Dishes can be called like this: “The Eye of One-Eyed Jack”, “Kruger’s Fingers”, “Horns and Hooves”.
  • Each dish served can be accompanied by a mysterious story: where did you get the main ingredient and how did you get it? For example, talk about the terrible battle with Kruger, in which he managed to cut off his hand.

Predictions in styleHalloween:

Afterwards you can hold “terrible” relay races, various games and competitions, a comic quiz, and sweepstakes.

At the end of the event there are traditional predictions: either positive, stating that everything will be fine, or humorous, that it will be much more interesting and fun.

Predictions can be placed, for example, inside baked goods decorated in the form of spiders. Thus, spiders will appear on the table - predictors, a lot of effort was spent on “catching” them.

Games and competitions for friends' Halloween party

1. “The most terrible mask”

Main task: decorate the mask.

Small images of insects, body parts, and bones serve as decoration. Everyone is given a ready-made template and glue to attach the selected designs.

2. Game "Trick or Treat"

Prepared in advance cards with various humorous tasks: crow, stick your head out the window and howl protractedly, sing a song, etc. They are placed in a carved pumpkin. In addition, notes with various penalties are prepared.

Each participant is given several small sweet things - candies, chewing gummies. The presenter invites the participant to draw a task from a pumpkin. After the participant has familiarized himself with the task, the presenter asks him: “Trick or treat?” In the first case, he gives away one of his sweets, in the second, he completes the task.

The one who runs out of sweets the fastest is considered the loser.

The one who loses must complete a penalty task.

3. Game - fortune telling for the betrothed

Similar to the old Scottish custom, you can conduct a comic fortune-telling for your betrothed.

To do this, all unmarried girls are given an apple and a knife, with which they will cut the peel from the fruit. After cutting off the peel, the girls throw it over their shoulder. The first letter of the future husband is determined by the position of the fallen peelings.

You can put all possible names in the form of a memo and give it to each fortune teller in a comic form to find your betrothed. You can also even indicate his approximate coordinates in a comic form (for example, your betrothed Pavel is located three flights on a broom to the north).

4. Game “Get the apples”

Several apples, preferably with tails, are placed in basins of water. The participants' task is to get an apple without using their hands and eat it as quickly as possible.

Of course, it is advisable to also provide a towel to wipe the participants’ faces.

5. “Pumpkin Relay”

Since pumpkin is the main attribute of the holiday, the advisability of using it for competitions is obvious.

The relay is held in two stages:

  1. Creation of a holiday symbol - Jack's head. To complete the task, each participant needs to be given a knife and a small pumpkin, from which all the pulp is first removed, and then the face is cut out. A candle is inserted into the center of the pumpkin.
  2. Carry a pumpkin with a lit candle so that the flame does not go out.

6. "Garlic Necklace"

Everyone knows that fighting vampires requires garlic and an aspen stake. In our case it will be garlic.

The participants’ task is to collect 13 heads of garlic, previously laid out in different places in the room, and make a garlic necklace out of them, tying them with thread.

7. “Find a match”

Pre-cooked 20 cards depicting various holiday attributes, two each: two pumpkins, two bats, etc. They are laid out in four rows of 5 cards each.

Two people participate. Each participant opens two cards. If they match, then he takes them for himself and makes another move. In case of a mismatch, the cards are turned over and the turn passes to the other participant.

The participant who collects the most cards wins. The loser performs a penalty task that was agreed upon in advance.

8. "Witch's Potion"

Pre-prepared list of required ingredients for the potion. For example, 5 spiders, 3 mandrake roots, dragon claw. All necessary components are laid out throughout the room in advance.

The participants' task is to prepare the potion faster than others by collecting all the components.

9. "Terrible Relay Races"

Relay races adapted to the theme of the holiday:

  • "Race on the Broom" — witch competition;
  • “Each finger has its own nail” : in the image of a hand, glue nails on each finger;
  • "Find a Pair" : sort all the “eyes” - painted tennis balls - into pairs;
  • "Delicious drink" : Drink a glass of “blood” - tomato juice or any red drink - through a double straw as quickly as possible.

10. "Scary bag"

A bag containing various items is passed around in a circle accompanied by ominous music. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the bag in his hands feels for an object in it and tries to guess what kind of thing it is and where it came from.

The game must meet a condition: the story must be scary.

11. “Creating a sculpture”

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, a “sculptor” and “clay” are selected.

Each sculptor must create a sculpture that matches the theme of the holiday.

To better express your imagination, you can use paints and additional items. You can create a sculpture with the help of two or three people.

12. "Word Game"

Since Halloween is a holiday of evil spirits, you need to choose words that describe evil spirits. For example, vile, terrible, terrible, etc.

The one who says the last word wins.

He is given the right to take out the main dish of the evening - “Pumpkin Pie”

13. "The Devil, the Cock and the Soldier"

All players are divided into two groups and discuss the task for the losing team in advance.

Each group agrees on who they will show: a devil - they imitate horns on their head, a rooster - they shout “Kukureku” and clap their hands on their sides, or a soldier - they stand at attention.

Having made a choice, both groups line up opposite each other and at the same time, at a signal, show the one they chose.

In different combinations, different actors win: the devil is afraid of the rooster, the rooster is afraid of the soldier, and the soldier, in turn, is afraid of the devil.

Play to three points. The losing team performs a penalty task.

14. "Haunted Volleyball"

There are two teams of two people participating, who stand at the edge of the table opposite each other. Each team is given two balloons, 4 balloons in total.

The participants' task is to throw the balls over half of the opponents so that they do not fall to the floor.

You can complicate the task: move the balls without using your hands.

15. Dance competitions:

  • "Dance with a Broom" - a broom is passed around in a circle to the music; the one who has the broom when the melody stops must dance a waltz with it.
  • "Count Dracula" — while music is playing outside during the day, everyone is dancing, Dracula is sleeping (a specially chosen person). Night falls, the music stops, Dracula goes hunting. All participants stand motionless. If Dracula notices that someone has moved, he takes him to his lair and turns him into a vampire, who, the next night, will go hunting with Dracula. The game continues until the most persistent participant is identified.
  • "Reincarnations" - quickly change into a different costume while listening to the music.

16. "Ghost Contest"

Participants are divided into two teams that “howl” the tune of some famous melody.

The opponents' task is to guess the name of the song.

17. "Boat of Destiny"

In China, traditionally on this evening, monks make boats of Fate, which they set sail at dusk along with a lit candle installed on them.

Fashion trends for holding parties in a certain style have not ignored the theme of horror stories, horror films, and mysticism. Of course, it’s hard to think of a better occasion than Halloween to organize such spooky gatherings. Of course, a vamp-style evening can be dedicated to a birthday, a simple party or a corporate event. But the holiday will be much more symbolic on the evening before All Saints Day.

A theme evening is always an unusual and fun holiday. Participants rack their brains over makeup, hairstyles, and gifts. Interesting competitions and unusual photo sessions are expected.

But much more duties and responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the party organizer. It’s not enough to come up with an idea, a name for a Halloween party and invite guests; you need to think through the whole concept and not miss a single detail. Let's try to break down all the stages of preparing a Halloween party at home.

Halloween: party theme, ideas for a holiday at home

In principle, the entire further concept of the holiday will depend on the chosen style. The Halloween theme is absolutely not limited to pumpkins and ghosts. Of course, you can inform your guests about the general theme of the party without limiting their imagination.

At such a holiday, witches will meet with Peter Pan, ghosts with Cheshire Cats and Snow White with leprechauns. There's room for everyone on Halloween. But you can come up with a narrower theme, which will make the party even more intriguing.

The zombies are coming. A disease unknown to the world has struck all the living, turning them into terrible creatures. The purpose of their life is food and fun. And the zombie party will become a lesson in survival.

Where the host is a real mad scientist who experiments on guests.

And the guests are all well-chosen. There is a “beautiful” supermodel, an important president, a dashing cowboy, and a mysterious artist.

Agree on roles with the guests or prepare props that guests can use. Wigs, ties, torn shirts and, of course, makeup will come in handy.

Prepare little brains as prizes for competition winners. And the scientist will definitely resurrect the winning participant. And, of course, he will be eaten by his own brothers.

Vampire party. Invite your friends to Dracula's castle. Decorate your invitations with blood and teeth marks.

And for sophisticated and sedate bloodsuckers, prepare the same measured entertainment.

A photo shoot in an improvised coffin, which can be made from a pencil case, will also be original. Decorate this attribute with bright fabric and a bouquet of dried flowers. Guests will have to try to match the image.

House with the ghosts. An interesting and popular theme for a party. It won’t be difficult to turn your home into a haven for ghosts.

Various frightening attributes will come in handy to decorate your house with. The cobwebs hanging in the corridors will add mystery. And wet creatures made from sponges will cause horror.

Squeals and screams will confirm that such a harmless creature has licked the guests - these are the sensations that arise from an accidental touch.

Otherworldly themes should also be present in the competition program. This could include not only movie memory contests, but also a ghostly fashion show.

Witch's Sabbath. Ideal for a bachelorette party theme on Halloween eve. Although guys also gladly take part in the Sabbath as sorcerers and shamans. Sorcerers, witches, psychics and magicians must comply with a dress code.

For careless witches and sorceresses, prepare a small supply of hats, cloaks and wands. Don't forget to include a broom stand. And, of course, prepare a place for holding mysterious events.

Each participant must present his own image, coming up with not only an original name, but also a mysterious story.

An interesting competition will be with transformation into objects or animals, which participants must portray without words. Be sure to spend a few. The theme of witches lends itself well to this.

It is also interesting to play with the plot of a certain film or cartoon.

For example, Harry Potter, Leprechauns, The Addams Family, Supernatural, Alice in Wonderland are suitable as a plot.

We capture interesting ideas for Halloween

It’s not enough to brainstorm and decide on the concept of the holiday.

Record all ideas that appear on paper or electronically. This way you won’t miss important details, and the holiday will turn out great.

Don't forget to make a separate list of necessary purchases. And only after that go to the store.

What should be on your list of Halloween party ideas:

  • options for decorating the room in accordance with the theme of the holiday;
  • attributes for costumes and makeup that can be quickly applied to guests who did not take care of specific outfits;
  • selection of music and films;
  • party script with games and quizzes;
  • Halloween party competitions;
  • prizes for competitions;
  • table setting details;

This plan will help you organize a Halloween-themed party, taking into account all the details.

We invite guests: Halloween invitations

The holiday scenario and menu will depend on the number of guests. Consider how many people will be optimal to accommodate in your home.

It’s not very pleasant when 30 people crowd around a one-room apartment, pretending that they really enjoy the holiday. Consider thematic areas, the age of the guests and their tastes.

Definitely, all responsibility for both successes and failures falls on the owner of the house.

You will also have to assign roles if the party is dedicated to a specific plot. Be sure to notify guests about them so that a dozen Harry Potters are not present at the party.

We also prepare invitations according to the theme. Be sure to indicate the date and time of the celebration. If necessary, we write down the role of the guest in the themed party, as well as the little things necessary for the holiday.

For the Sabbath, invitations can be made in the shape of a black witch's hat. Figurines of black cats, pumpkins, images of a tombstone, and an ancient castle are also suitable.

An invitation to a Halloween party written with a marker on real small pumpkins will look original.

Activities before the party

Direct preparation for a Halloween party takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is advisable to involve assistants in this process.

It could be relatives or someone invited. Preparations will have to begin not on the day of the holiday, but a little earlier, making decorations for the room, little things for the table and costumes.

Ideas for Halloween Room Decorations and Decorations

Think through the details of the decorations. You will have to decorate not only the room where the feast will take place, but also the entrance, kitchen, and bath.

Pay special attention to the yard if the holiday is taking place in your home. Halloween decor ideas are spooky and intriguing.

Web. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made web at a gift shop. It looks very believable, and guests will think that you specially moved cobwebs from barns and basements for the holiday.

But without any expense, you can make such decorations from ordinary threads, padding polyester or cotton wool.

Pumpkins. The theme of pumpkins occupies a special place when preparing for Halloween. They can easily be used to decorate the house itself and the yard. They put pumpkins on windowsills and tables. This vegetable produces original and unique faces and figures. And when you light candles in them in the evening, it will be an unforgettable sight.

To make a Jack-O-Lantern, all pulp and seeds are removed from a ripe pumpkin. And holes are made in the peel itself to create a wonderful face. And of course, they cook.

You can use our samples to get ideas for your own masterpieces.

Dolls. Rag crafts and old toys will do.

Give them a scary look with paint. Tear their clothes or wrap them in bandages.

Mini ghosts. They are easy to make from old sheets. Place a piece of cotton wool in the center and secure the torn fabric.

Ghosts on balloons look interesting. Hang these ghosts in front of the front door and in your rooms.

Skeletons. In ancient times, there was a ritual with the installation of animal skeletons, which scared away evil spirits.

Nowadays, “human skeletons” are popular. Where can I get this “decoration”? Ready-made or made from papier-mâché papers will come in handy.

You can buy animal bones at the market and, after processing, hang them on the walls in your rooms.

Decorate glass and mirrors with a special varnish or spray. Or stick on paper appliques. They adhere perfectly to regular soap, after which the glass is easy to clean.

Table setting

The table has a special place at any party. Therefore, he will have to devote a lot of time.

The main colors used in serving will, of course, be black, orange, red and white. The tablecloth can be made from disposable plastic, painted with gouache.

Black fabric with cobwebs applied to it will also look interesting. There is room on the table for antique lamps, candles, bouquets of autumn leaves and dried flowers.

You can decorate the table with scary animals. Spiders, worms, small animals, teeth - everything will be used on the most terrible holiday.

And be sure to work on decorating the dishes. You can not only think up an intriguing menu with cocktails for Halloween and Christmas, but also decorate the dishes in an unusual way.

Dip the edges of the glasses into sugar, tinted with red dye. Tilting the glass, allow the impromptu blood to flow down the glass.

Place glowing lights in the bottom of salad bowls or salad bowls. And in a vat of punch, which just has to be at such a holiday, place dry ice with smoke. The clouds of smoke that envelop the vat look fascinating.


The atmosphere of terrible fun, of course, depends on the mood of the guests. Therefore, take care to create it right from the doorstep.

Meet your guests with terrifying music.

Don't forget about little surprises in the form of skeletons jumping out of closet doors and ash spilling out of suddenly torn bags.

Screams and screams are out of place at this holiday.

During the holiday, let the costumed waiters carry glasses with “blood.” It will be red wine, cherry or pomegranate juice.

And Madame Tarot hands guests unusual cards with intriguing predictions.

Swipe. Particularly interesting are ancient fortune-telling and rituals around a large fire.

And, of course, include original Halloween games in the scenario. Award the winners with medals or small prizes. If children are present at an adult Halloween party, make sure there are places for them to play and where they can relax and sleep.

These Halloween ideas for kids will allow parents to enjoy the holiday longer.

Preparing and holding a Halloween themed party is a responsible and difficult task. But, believe me, the impressions and memorable photos are worth it.

Each of the guests pulls out a phantom from a witch's hat, in which a hero is indicated, for example, the Werewolf, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, and it can also be more complicated - bringing a man whose head was cut off, a ghost of a bride, a vampire on a diet, and so on. Each of the participants takes turns showing their hero, the rest guess. Prizes are awarded for the most striking and eccentric roles.

The Mystery of Destiny

The presenter gives the participants their new characteristics: cards with the inscription (for example, vampire, demon, sorcerer, werewolf) are fixed on the backs of the players. At the same time, everyone can read the names of the others, but cannot find out who they are. During the allotted time, players can ask questions about their “rank” to others, and answer others’ questions only “yes” or “no.” At the end, the players tell the host what they think is written on the card. Those who guessed correctly or were closest to the solution win.

Count Dracula

Each of the guests is Count Dracula, who must drink a glass of blood faster than the others. In fact, the glass will contain ordinary tomato juice, but you shouldn’t tell guests about this right away, let them think that it’s, for example, pig’s blood. At the command of the “strat”, each of the guests begins to drink blood (juice) through a straw. Not everyone will immediately start drinking, because they think that it is real blood, but when they realize from the smell and taste that it is tomato juice, things will go faster. And whoever completes the task faster than others will win.

Ghost head

An inflated balloon with a painted face is placed in the middle of the table. Two participants are blindfolded, seated at a table opposite each other and asked to blow the ball towards the opponent. Before the contestants begin, the ball is removed and a plate of flour is placed in its place. Not only the ball turns out to be a ghost, but also the participants.

The most terrible death

Competition for the best horror story and fantasy. Each of the participants in turn must tell the most terrible story of death, for example, A man was flying on a plane, but then his heart stopped, but he was saved, suddenly the plane got into a storm and the engine began to burn, the man jumped out of the plane with a parachute, the parachute did not open , but after the 10th try it still worked, but then lightning struck and hit the man directly, he was killed, but a few seconds later he woke up, got caught on tree branches, suddenly a kite flew in and began to peck at him, but then the branches broke and the man fell into the sea, began to swim to the shore, and then a shark bit off his leg, but the man was able to get to the shore, began to lose consciousness from loss of blood, but still made it to his home, bandaged his wounds and poured tea for himself and died. And the whole point is that his wife mixed a strong poison into the sugar bowl. End. Which of the guys (based on voting) can write the scariest, most interesting and longest story will receive a prize.

Letter from a maniac

The players are divided into two teams, which are given newspapers. The teams’ task is to compose and paste a “threatening” letter on paper within the allotted time, cutting out only whole words from newspapers. The winning team is chosen based on the quality and quantity of the text.

Terrible witchcraft

Participants must come up with and cast a “real spell,” which should not contain meaningful words or phrases. It is important that the invented set of sounds sound as dark as possible, and most importantly, explain to others what magical effect is achieved with the help of what is spoken. It will be interesting if the result of the spell is something funny, for example, “This curse causes frogs to grow on a person’s nose.”

Pass to the Sabbath

The host asks the players a question: “Who wants to go to the Sabbath?” Each participant must say who he is (any word: witch, skeleton, closet, cucumber) until the host lets him through. You can skip a person based on any pre-selected criterion (for example, the first letters of the skip words are vowels). The players' task is to find out what criterion the presenter uses.

If you recognize the object, don’t eat this disgusting thing

Guests sit in a circle with their eyes closed. The presenter throws some scary object into the circle over the hands, for example, a rubber spider or a toy rat, jaws (chewing candy) or a real chicken foot. Whichever of the guests is the first to place the object in his hands is a good fellow and leaves the circle. The last 3 participants who remained in the circle and did not guess a single item will be punished, for example, they will drink a glass of blood (tomato juice) or eat a spoonful of brains with their eyes closed (any salad or porridge).