Location of house lords in the houses of the horoscope. house in Sagittarius sign

Ruler of 4th house in 1st house

One of your parents will have a strong influence on you, or perhaps you will inherit the family estate and property. Whatever you do in life, relatives will play an important role in it. If the aspects of the ruler of the 4th house, the planets in the 4th house and the Moon are harmonious, you will receive help and good luck from your parents and family members in both joy and trouble. Perhaps love for your homeland and your country, for its traditions, will prompt you to become an outstanding figure, a prominent figure. This aspect can be expressed in studies in anthropology, history, frequent moves and travels, and the fight for the rights of women and children.

Negative: dissatisfaction with any place of residence, a feeling of strange pressure in one’s own home, difficulties in finding one’s own place in the home. Parents hinder the development of talent; success is unlikely at home; extreme conservatism is possible.
Positive: traditionalism, attachment to family and place of residence, close connection with ancestors and parents, esoteric abilities, ability to get along in any home.

One of the parents exerted a strong influence, connected, in particular, with the fact that he had to inherit property that belonged to him. Relatives play an important role in the life of such a person. They help both in joy and in trouble, however, they can just as successfully interfere at every step if it was not possible to build mutually acceptable relationships.

A person feels responsible for his family.

Happy inheritance; profit through land, property or descent. Interest in household chores.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 2nd house

People with this constellation in the horoscope may have different value systems, but it is clear that the ruling planet and its aspects play a decisive role in what the outcome of their desire to achieve their values ​​will be. Such people are especially careful when we're talking about about money and personal property. In these cases, Saturn with its disharmonious aspects to the ruler of the fourth house, or Capricorn, located at the top of the fourth house, also has an additional influence. This position may also mean that you will earn money while at home or selling real estate, but perhaps by doing something else, such as agriculture, geology, archeology, architecture.

Negative: persistent financial dependence on parents, depressing a person. Inherited from ancestors a tendency to spendthrifts and inheritance of parental debts. Possible ruin of the family, poverty in early childhood and unluckiness and empty excitement passed down from generation to generation.
Positive: such a person has a rich, comfortable and well-provided home. He is firmly rooted in his homeland, his authority is unshakable. Real estate transactions are successful, and a large inheritance is likely.

Such people can create very diverse value systems, the nature of which is associated with the characteristics of their upbringing. More often they show restrained caution in the use of money and try to do something specific, objective and well controlled.

A person successfully increases his capital and family wealth. The craving for acquisition, possession.

Profits due to dealings with land, property or the property and fortune of the parents.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 3rd house

How you interact with people depends greatly on your background and what you think about yourself. Perhaps your home was a place where you absorbed many ideas and learned a lot as a child. Relatives, especially brothers and sisters, had an important role to play in the parental home. Whether you accepted it freely or whether it was forced upon you depends on the aspects of the ruler. In many cases, when the ruler of the fourth house is in the third house, the person will be in the care of a relative, or, conversely, a relative or some acquaintance or neighbor will live in your family.

Negative: “home on wheels”, frequent changes of residence and constant moving and considerable hassle associated with the exchange of housing.
Positive: friendly relations with parents, many relatives, living with brothers and sisters in the parental home while receiving significant help from them.

How this person interacts with people depends greatly on his background and what he thinks about himself. As a child in his parents' home, he absorbed many valuable ideas. Brothers and sisters and relatives played an important role in his upbringing. They could do this freely or forcefully, but the activity of their participation is beyond doubt. Often such people find themselves in the care of a close relative who may live in their own home.

A strong sense of clan or family affiliation.

Profit through brothers; if damaged, the father is exposed to difficulties or grief due to one of them. You can live and travel with relatives.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 4th house

For you, home will always occupy an important place in your life. Even if it is a hotel room, you will arrange it according to your tastes. Wherever you are, wherever fate takes you, from time to time you will return to your home or, perhaps, to your parent’s house to “recharge your batteries.” Depending on the principle of the planet, which is the ruler of the 4th house, the attitude towards home and childhood is determined.

Saturn in this case indicates a rather harsh childhood with many worries and responsibilities, or a very strict parent who will have a depressing influence on the child from an early age. Mars as ruler means drastic changes in home environment or difficult showdowns between parents.

For many people, such a constellation is associated with the need or possibility of inheriting some property and, above all, the house in which they live. The constellation in question is characterized by the fact that one of the parents usually plays an important role in a person’s life, and if the ruling planet forms harmonious aspects, then the person will prosper in his homeland. This situation may also mean that you will live in the same house with old people - this is all the more likely when the ruler is the Moon or Saturn.

Negative: such a person is symbolically or actually chained to his family, he cannot escape the influence of his parents, domestic problems exert unpleasant pressure, relationships with relatives lead to great overload.
Positive: problems at home are given the closest attention. A person is concerned with inheriting traditions and establishing a family home. He is connected to the family like a tree is to the earth and tries to inherit all the best from his ancestors. His house is cozy, the foundation under his feet is strong and reliable, it is very conservative and stable. There may be a deep interest in occult science.

Home in the life of such a person occupies central place, and even if he rents a hotel room, he strives to put it in order in strict accordance with his tastes. Wherever he is, from time to time he happily returns to his home to stock up on the energy necessary for life. He takes very seriously what he inherited from his parents and received in childhood - both materially and ideologically. Often such people are proud of their family, or, on the contrary, complain about its unsightliness and weakness. One of the parents usually plays the most important role in the life of such a person; it is possible to prosper in his homeland. It is possible that you will have to live in the same house with old people.

Personal ones come first, intra-family relations, family, traditional values.

Profit in property and through old people or antiques; father's help. Profit and income at birth. Losses due to storms, floods.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 5th house

Love and romance are an important part of your personal life, but if Uranus is the ruler, then your partners will not stay near you for long. In your home, a large place will be devoted to children, but even if you do not have children of your own, you will invite strangers to bring some life into it. If Saturn is the ruler, then children will be more of a duty for you than entertainment. One of the things that can give you pleasure is all kinds of resale, scams, and financial fraud. And you will do this either privately, or it will be related to your responsibilities at work.

In your home you find a refuge where you can relax and unwind. It may also happen that in your house you will have a sauna or bathhouse and even something similar to a gym, or maybe a bicycle that you never use, but dream of riding. Here a lot will depend on the position of Mars. Former beauty queen Marlene Dietrich, with her Sagittarius in the fourth house and Jupiter in Capricorn in the fifth house, had several hobbies that she could pursue without leaving home. Sex and men are one of them. She also loved to cook. Since her Jupiter was next to Saturn and Mars, and they were all in Capricorn, she did not cook ordinary, everyday dishes - for her it was a very serious task, and therefore everyone who came to visit her could be sure that you will receive a magnificent treat without competition.

Negative: the house may be ruined due to waste associated with love affairs. It is possible that the “family nest” will be emptied; children often create obstacles for such a person and may even leave home.
Positive: such a person strives to pass on traditions to his children; peace, love and harmony reign in his home. Children are well brought up, willingly adopt knowledge, strengthen and develop family traditions.

Love and romance are an important part of this person's love life. In his house, a large place is devoted to children, and even if he does not have children of his own, he will invite strangers so that they will bring life into his existence. Resale brings great satisfaction to such people, and they certainly strive to engage in it. They see their home as a refuge in which they can relax and unwind. They strive to have a bathhouse and a gym in their home, and it is possible that they will also acquire a bicycle, even if they never use it.

This man “cultivates his secret garden,” his carefully hidden intimate solitude, intended for all kinds of pleasures and amusement.

Profit and pleasure thanks to good luck father; property passes to the children. You can live near a school, public park, sports field or theater.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 6th house

You may not be the type of person who constantly works hard at work, but you enjoy housework. Perhaps you were raised to be brave and courageous, and you always rushed to help a person in need, and later, at a different age, it will not be easy for you to accept money for the help you offer. As a child you lived in a house with servants, and you naturally expect that this will be the case when you grow up. Building strong family relationships, understanding roots and reaching out cultural traditions solve problems for you with daily routine, employment, health, body/mind care and animal care.

Negative: the presence of hereditary diseases is possible, hard work, a lot of overload, it is possible to work with parents (either they work for him, or he works for them). Parents tend to enslave such a person and treat him rather unceremoniously.
Positive: to acquire a rich home and confidently inherit traditions along the family line, such people need to work a lot. They often become researchers or entrepreneurs who achieve everything through their own labor.

Such people always enjoy housework. Such a person is raised to be brave and brave; he always rushes to help those in trouble and is not able to take money for the help he provides to his neighbors. Sooner or later, such a person acquires servants or housekeepers.

Work and family. The influence of family and heredity on work and health.

Loss of property through illness, servants or small animals. Well aspected: Gain through illness, service, etc. Can build your own house, etc.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 7th house

A partner, whether in marriage or at work, is important to you - without this you lack confidence, but if the ruler of the fourth house has strong aspects, then the situation may change so much that you will be able to work, independently solving your own problems. You can take an active part in public life- it doesn’t matter whether by choice or by inheritance. Or you will always have the need to live your own life, and few people will truly know what is happening behind the closed doors of your home.

Negative: quarrels at home, heaviness of home life, possible accusations of betrayal. Parents can become open opponents. Life is perceived as difficult, every now and then the ground disappears from under one’s feet, sooner or later one has to part with one’s homeland, or at least one’s parents’ home. Lawsuits with relatives over property and inheritance are possible.
Positive: the marriage is strong, favorable and stable, a large dowry is possible. The life partner turns out to be a faithful and reliable partner, who is the true custodian of the home.

A partner is very important for the well-being of such a person's home life. Without it, he lacks confidence. Such a person can take an active part in public life; he always strives to present his household affairs in a favorable light to others, since he is guided by their opinions in assessing his own well-being in the most serious way.

A person needs to legitimize, “legalize” his intimate relationships; it does not matter whether it is in the form of marriage or some other relationship.

Property through marriage: profit through land and women in general. Damaged: Loss of property through marriage or partnership.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 8th house

You probably live a solitary and modest life, absorbed in your own problems. You may appear simple-minded and approachable depending on your Ascendant, but few will know what you really think or do. Perhaps the death of a relative made an impression on you at a young age, and you began to take life and death seriously before many others. It is possible that you will have an exceptional ability to persuade, and perhaps over the years you will turn to exploring the secrets of the world.

In order for you to feel confident or to live up to what your parents expect of you, you may have to go through a phase spiritual transformation, deep transformation of personality. If there is confirmation from other parts of the horoscope, it will be important for you to manage or manage the means and capabilities of other people, but perhaps the situation in question will manifest itself in the fact that you will seek and achieve support from other people. This situation exists in the horoscopes of many political figures.

Negative: difficult relationships with parents, up to quarrels, scandals and fights, a difficult end to life - a catastrophe with housing or a decline in authority in the homeland.
Positive: rich inheritance, successful increase and growth of property. Such people receive strange help from deceased relatives; an interest in esotericism and success in conducting secret affairs are possible.

Such a person lives alone and modestly, completely absorbed in his problems. He may look simple-minded and approachable, but few will know what he really thinks and does. Perhaps at a young age he was greatly impressed by the death of a relative, as a result of which he began to take life and death seriously earlier than others. It is possible that he has a colossal ability to convince others and can turn to the study of the invisible world. In order for him to feel confident and live up to what his parents expect of him, he may have to go through a phase of spiritual transformation. It is very important for him to manage funds and manage the capabilities of other people. It is possible that he will seek and achieve support from others.

Serious crises affecting home and family life.

Profit due to inheritance or property (estate). Damaged: death of father, danger to mother during childbirth; loss of inherited property.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 9th house

Perhaps your parents tried to give you a thorough education in which great attention was devoted to religion and philosophy, ideology. A university education may be of great importance to you. It is possible that your parents come from another country. Another possibility is that you experienced something strange or were exposed to unusual cultural influences as a child. The situation in question may also mean that you will live far from your place of birth or be interested in life in distant countries, or collect art from different countries. You may inherit a plot of land or some other property, but this will also be associated with a place remote from your homeland.

If the ruler has many aspects that create tension, this may indicate that it will be difficult for you to live in accordance with the ambitious motives instilled in you by your parents (or one of them, more often your father) from early childhood. Family relationships, cultural heritage, and family traditions contribute to expanding horizons.

Negative: ideological confusion, the influence of ideological confusion on the conduct of household chores, a tendency to vagrancy.
Positive: the possibility of moving far away or emigrating, living away from parents, using knowledge about foreign countries and connections with people from another area to strengthen home. The possibility of long-term residence with relatives from another area, the use of higher education in order to strengthen home life.

Parents try to give such a person a thorough education, in which religion and philosophy play a significant role. From an early age he strives to get higher education, it is possible that the parents come from different areas. Perhaps this person experienced something mysterious and mysterious in childhood, being exposed to unusual cultural influences. Perhaps he will live far from his place of birth, will become actively interested in the family life of distant countries and will collect objects of world art in his own home. He may inherit a plot of land or considerable property, but this will in one way or another be connected with a place remote from his homeland.

Quite a long life away from home or long journeys with family.

Profit in property through science, religion, long journeys and in-laws. Damaged: loss of overseas property.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 10th house

Both parents occupy an important place in your life, since the fourth and tenth houses form the parental axis. If you come from a patriarchal family in which your father acted as an unquestioned authority, and if the ruler of the 4th house has many disharmonious aspects, then as you get older, you may rebel against all sorts of authorities.

There are many people with this constellation who have neglected their careers in favor of family life and contrary to the strong influence of the tenth house. Such people may work from time to time to earn a living, but, in essence, they are happy when they do not have to go anywhere and thus can avoid competition and open criticism. At the same time, in the family circle, within four walls, they can be very open and display an excellent knowledge of life, which, however, does not exclude their aggressiveness.

Such people have good children; they work mainly indoors; are respected by important persons due to his dedication to his work. They inherit property or “make money” by selling houses, land and cars. Their capabilities in the field of agriculture can be noted.

Negative: a break with the traditions of our ancestors, the inability to settle well in life, difficulties in real life professional achievements, difficulties in implementing plans and gaining popularity. Such a person does not have the necessary freedom; he is overwhelmed by everyday life and domestic problems. Uses his official position for personal gain: to build a house or dacha, as well as for real estate fraud.
Positive: the protection of parents and relatives helps him move forward, he ascends through the power of inherited tradition. As it develops, it feels the foundation under its feet well and is thoroughly consolidated at each level. An advantageous combination of conservatism and cronyism.

Both parents occupy an important place in his life; perhaps in the future he will rebel against all authority, since both his father and mother sought to fully discipline him throughout his childhood. Of course, the father has a special influence on life. Often people with this aspect neglect their career in favor of family life. They work actively from time to time to acquire a means of subsistence, but are happier when they do not have to leave their home, so they can avoid competition and direct criticism. In their family circle they can be very open and display an excellent knowledge of life. This, however, does not exclude possible aggressiveness.

Intimate life becomes a means for moving up the professional or social ladder.

Profit from property through an occupation, profession, public or government work, or from the fruits of the earth.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 11th house

Perhaps you grew up in a home where the doors were always wide open to friends. They could stay there all night to sing songs together, and sometimes even live with you for a while. Perhaps you were raised in such a way that already in childhood you were focused on some goal, and your life priorities were predetermined already in your parents' home. Sometimes such a constellation may indicate the absence of one of the parents, no matter for what reason: death, divorce or something else, but it is possible that in this case a family friend will replace him.

Perhaps you will raise stepchildren or adopted children in your home, but if you cannot positively use the influence of the manager, your everyday life can become full of small worries.

Negative: a break with traditions and a desire to subject everything to ridicule and teasing. Lack of ancestral roots, a tendency to mock sacred objects, frequent theft of the house, lack of a strong, stable life, the psychology of a homeless person, a constant desire to change something in the home. Unstable relationships with family, reluctance to do anything in your own home.
Positive: a tendency to introduce novelty into life at home, participation in reforms in one’s homeland, a desire to renew traditions, an almost family connection with friends. Craving for esoteric practices.

Perhaps such a person grew up in a house whose doors were always wide open to friends. He was brought up in such a way that already in childhood he was focused on a specific goal and all his life priorities were determined by his parents. It is possible that one of the parents will be absent, but it is possible that a family friend will replace him. Often such people raise adopted children in their family. Their daily life is always full of small worries and surprises.

The peace of the family circle can be threatened by endless projects or new friends. Hopes are well realized; profit through friends. Many hopes and desires come true in old age.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 12th house

You have great hidden powers and, if necessary, you can use them, which may be completely unexpected for people who do not know you well. If you use the planetary aspects correctly, you can stand very firmly on your feet with solid fundamentals. life positions, which will not allow you to break down in any trials. Your home will be your fortress, and your family will be a wall impregnable to any enemies. Otherwise, you will waste your energy in vain, and the lack of focused work can lead you to illness, which can be considered as one of the opportunities to escape from real problems.

Your home will always occupy an important place in your life, including as a refuge to which you will return, if necessary, to replenish expended strength and restore emotional well-being. You need to have some place inaccessible to the eyes of others, it doesn’t matter - small or large, but one that you can consider yours, and where you can hide so that no one can disturb you. The outside world may think that it knows you, but what people see when communicating with you is not your real at all - your innermost, your essence is known only by your family, only by the closest people.

Your life may be connected with some secret that you encountered as a child and which no one knows about. This could be, for example, some kind of family shame, perhaps someone in the family was a drug addict or a drunkard, or mentally ill, or was subjected to some terrible persecution, and you hope that no one will ever find out about it. Sometimes in such situations people try to hide their origin or, at least, not talk about it too much.

Something close to this happened in the case of Adolf Hitler, in whose horoscope there was Aquarius at the top of the fourth house, and the ruler Uranus in Libra in the twelfth house. Venus and Mars are in quincunx with the ruler, and in opposition with Mercury. This planetary arrangement was not easy for him because there were no other factors to help him adjust and create a more positive image of his relatives and himself. Uranus could not provide him with such an opportunity.

This indicates suffering from lack of peace in the mind; do not have a permanent place of residence, or live with others. There may be a lack of guidance from parents. Interested in the science of self-awareness.

Negative: the house is seen as a prison, the person is in a secluded and humiliated position, under strict control and oppression of the parents. He is always afraid, even in a small circle. Secret enemies “get” him even in his own home; he often feels the loss of his home, or actually loses his home.
Positive: such a person is prone to creative solitude in his own home, he always has his own quiet corner to isolate from others, he is inclined to indulge in meditation and esoteric activities, without separating them from everyday family life.

Such a person has great hidden powers and, if necessary, uses them, which turns out to be completely unexpected for people who do not know him well. Sometimes he becomes hard and impregnable like a wall. If he fails to put himself before others in this way, he wastes his energy and cannot carry out purposeful work. Tends to “flight into illness,” which allows him to escape from the real problems of life. The home occupies an important place in existence and is seen as a refuge in which expended energy can be replenished. He needs a place inaccessible to the eyes of others, which he can rightfully consider as his own and which allows him to hide so that no one can disturb him.

People around him often think they know him, but what is visible in superficial communication is not at all genuine and deep. Only his family and closest people know his innermost essence. His life is certainly connected with some secret that he encountered in early childhood and which no one knows about. Often he seeks to hide his origin and is not inclined to talk about it.

The family's internal life was marked by a number of painful trials. Possible exile or life away from home.

The health of the individual is greatly damaged during a long journey with his parents; he suffers because of one of them; loss of property through betrayal. End of life in solitude or devoted to the study of occult issues.

IV house in Aries

daily life

can hardly be called quiet and smooth. However, peace and tranquility, as a person imagines them, defends boldly and passionately.


prefers active, likes to restore his strength physical exercise. A person is indifferent to comfort and can live in a camping tent. Easily tolerates a change of place of residence. Periods of long solitude are difficult to endure.


an active area, saturated with metallurgical industrial enterprises, sports facilities, military institutions, and defense industry enterprises. Developed transport network. Initially, the area could have been built up for military personnel / this is often reflected in the names of the streets - Malinovsky, Vasilevsky /. The house in the past may have belonged to the military department. In terms of architecture - modest decoration, but with sharp lines contour. May be red /brick or painted/. Located separately from other houses, not merging with them, at the beginning of the street or on the corner. There is a parking lot or a transport stop near the house. There may be a butcher, hunting or sporting goods store nearby. Quick exit from the yard to the main highway. The social composition of the residents of the house are entrepreneurs, athletes, and military personnel. The apartment is oriented with windows facing south. High ceilings, wide corridor or large hall. It is possible to have walk-through rooms. Floor - the top half of the building. Furniture - with metal frames or metal trim, color - red, scarlet, carmine.

end of life

active, intense, conflicting.

Ruler of the 4th house in Aries

a person defends his place of restoration of strength ardently and furiously, is capable of going to great lengths for the sake of his family nest open application physical strength. In his home, he strives to take a leading position and does not tolerate any restrictions on freedom, so the house can turn into a battlefield. Actively implements his usual style of family life. He takes on household chores with ardor, but little is completed.

ruler of the 4th house in the 1st house

a person’s personality, his character and way of activity influence relationships with parents and the situation in the family. Often establishes order in the house that is different from the parents'. /+/ A good owner, he can do a lot himself, he knows how to create a good atmosphere in the house.

Difficult relationships with parents limit personal development; personal initiative is constrained by pressure from home and family problems.

IV house in Taurus

daily life

can be called stable and built on a reliable foundation. A person usually understands a reliable existence as material security.


prefers passive, likes to restore his strength by “doing nothing.”


area of ​​old buildings, low-rise mansion-type houses with external stucco decorations. Good chain of grocery stores. Perhaps there is a meat processing plant nearby. Street names - food /Bread, Canteen, etc./. When choosing housing, a person is guided by the convenience and quality of the housing itself. The house is durable, thick walls, leak-proof roofs. In the yard there is a flower bed, a sandbox for children, trees, bushes. The social composition of the residents of the house is businessmen, food workers, singers, sculptors. The apartment should give the impression of strength and solidity. Wooden doors, parquet, good sound insulation, fresh flowers. Floor two - third. Finishing color - light green, light blue. The furniture is massive, soft, with beautiful colored upholstery. Pictures - views of nature. The size of the apartment may be small, all rooms are isolated.

end of life

wealthy, well-fed, calm.

Ruler of the 4th house in Taurus

a person defends his place of restoration of strength good-naturedly, but firmly, sometimes falling into stubbornness, avoiding any changes in the once established order. He protects the house with hospitality and a warm welcome, does not strive to take a leading position there, preferring a state of peace to all other conquests. He cannot stand any restrictions on his love for sweet home pleasures - eating well, sleeping sweetly, indulging in long periods of inactivity and laziness. Thoroughly introduces his usual style of family life, which is almost always based on the rules and laws accepted in society. He takes on household chores slowly, swaying for a long time, but if he takes it up, he always finishes what he starts. She loves comfort and strives to furnish her home not only comfortably, but also luxuriously. Enjoys periods of solitude.

ruler of the 4th house in the 2nd house

home and family depend on a person’s financial capabilities and his personal value system. Material aid parents.

is under the influence difficult aspects

excessive material expenses on parents and household, a tendency to spend money, inheritance of debts, loss of family fortune.

IV house in Gemini

everyday life

filled with many events and impressions. A person cannot tolerate any restrictions on his freedom, so a person’s house often resembles a passage yard.


prefers intellectual - having an intelligent conversation, or solving some logic problems and puzzles.


The area is saturated with transport communications. Wide, open street layout. In the area there may be parking lots, transport service companies, an auto shop, as well as libraries, bookstores, a post office, a telegraph office, and markets. The choice of area can be influenced by brothers, sisters, and relatives. The architecture of the house is light and open. High-rise building. Materials - glass, concrete. Wide, open loggias. The social composition of the residents of the house is entrepreneurs, trade workers, teachers, librarians, writers, software engineers, drivers, freight forwarders. The apartment is located on the upper floors with a large hall or wide corridor. Glass doors, large common room, possibly a walk-through room. Lightweight partitions between rooms, allowing for the possibility of redevelopment. Finishing color - light gray with bright elements, colored lamps, variegation is allowed - combination different colors. The furniture is light, easily rearranged, perhaps on wheels. In the interior - bookshelves, cabinets, racks.

end of life

crowded, hectic, on wheels.

Ruler of the 4th house in Gemini

in his home, a person does not strive to take a leading position, but he can easily lose his temper if his rights are infringed. Has an extensive family archive and intense intellectual home life. He never imposes his usual style of family life, especially since the idea of ​​home life can constantly change. He tries to avoid housework, but he can do a lot himself, having very talented hands. Tends to frequently change his place of recuperation, without becoming attached to anything for a long time. It is possible to live in two houses, for two families. In order to protect his “nest” he is capable of deception and cunning. He has a generally positive attitude towards comfort, but he will not lay down his life for it. Can't stand periods of solitude at all.

ruler of the 4th house in the 3rd house

Relatives, especially brothers and sisters, play an important role in a person's home. Life as one family with brothers and sisters. One of the brothers will take on the role of parent. The end of life is likely to be spent surrounded by or under the care of siblings, cousins ​​and other relatives.

is influenced by difficult aspects

a house on wheels, infantile parents who cannot teach anything.

IV house in Cancer

daily life

tries to furnish it with the greatest coziness and comfort, but chooses safety between beauty, and replaces harmony with a delicious dinner. The home environment is filled with frequent mood changes and rearrangement of furniture. The emotional connection with the mother can last a lifetime.


prefers to be with his family.


old area of ​​low-rise buildings, without wide highways. Small ancient alleys, the presence of small squares, parks, and ponds are desirable. There may be architectural monuments antiquities, cemeteries. When choosing an area, parents, childhood memories, and the availability of childcare facilities can all influence. This could be the area where you spent your childhood. The house is low-rise, brick. A closed courtyard formed by several small houses is desirable. In the yard there is a small garden with flower beds and a children's playground. Nearby there is a grocery store and a dairy store. The microdistrict should not be cut off from transport, and should not give the impression of stagnation /cardinal sign/. The social composition of the residents of the house - catering workers, child care institutions, social institutions, politicians. There may be an apartment in which you spent your childhood, where your parents live, or a similar layout. Large kitchen where the whole family can gather. Household appliances that create comfort and convenience, a good bathroom. The apartment is located on the lower floors, maybe even on the first floor, if there is a garden or lawn under the windows. The decoration of the apartment is white, light chestnut, silver, sea green, light green, opal. Furniture of calm forms, soft, massive.

end of life

in the circle of his family, in his homeland.

Ruler of the 4th house in Cancer

a person defends his place of restoration of strength aggressively, and is capable of self-sacrifice, intrigue and deceit for the sake of the family nest. In his home he strives to play a role caring mother, the keeper of the hearth, while he himself can remain in the shadows. A person feels all the undercurrents of his patrimony with his stomach. Inheritance family traditions is of great importance, a person often remains to live in the old family house. He firmly defends his usual style of family life, unconsciously choosing the right moves in establishing relationships between family members. He has a positive attitude towards household chores, but due to energy fluctuations he gets little done. He leads a rather secluded lifestyle and avoids letting strangers and unfamiliar people into his home. Very sensitive to criticism of his home and family members.

ruler of the 4th house in the 4th house

a strong sense of clan or clan affiliation, a solid foundation under one’s feet, stability. Home will always occupy an important place in a person’s life. Even if it is a hotel room, he will arrange it in accordance with his tastes. Wherever he is, wherever fate takes him, from time to time he will return to his own or, perhaps, to his parents’ house to “replenish the batteries.” One of the parents usually plays an important role in fate. Living with old people. The end of life takes place in one's own home. The possibility of inheriting some property and, above all, the house in which he lives.

is influenced by difficult aspects

overload with household problems and relationships with parents, “chained” to the family and home, not always everything is smooth in the family, a restless home environment, poor heredity.

IV house in Leo

daily life

not knowing how to limit himself, he furnishes it luxuriously and festively. Both peace and tranquility are always associated with the concepts of play and some kind of performance.


prefers active, likes to recuperate through play or entertainment.


an area rich in cultural enterprises and sports facilities. Museums, exhibitions, cafes, stadiums, sports complexes are desirable. Wide highways, tall buildings. The general appearance of the area is representative and prestigious. An indicative area, the desire to “show off”, but it can only be the facades of houses facing the main highway. The choice of area may be influenced by issues of prestige, as well as by children - the availability of favorable opportunities for their development. The house is elite, "Stalinist" type. The first floor contains shops, mostly branded ones. There should be no nearby houses shading or obstructing. Taller buildings should be further away. Convenient, wide entrance to the house, lobby with concierge. Given the same height of the surrounding houses, the house should stand out with its decoration. The social composition of the residents of the house is teachers, writers, actors, executives /nomenklatura/, organizers of entertainment events - managers, producers. The apartment is large with high ceilings, a large hall, many rooms. Stucco and expensive wallpaper can be used in interior decoration. The color of the interior decoration is golden, orange, yellow. Brightly lit rooms. Floor three - fourth. There is not much furniture, but it is expensive and prestigious. The paintings are in bright colors.

end of life

honorable, bright, leaving a mark.

Ruler of the 4th house in Leo

a person defends his place of recuperation with authority and generosity, trying to bring there a lot of light, fire and brilliance. In his home he strives to occupy a central position. This is the king and leading actor of any family. Does not tolerate any restrictions on personal freedom. He energetically implements his usual style of family life, striving to maintain fair relationships. He approaches household chores creatively, trying to complete them, but quite rarely, especially since it is much more interesting for a person to organize another theatrical performance at home than to change the battery. He loves comfort very much, however, given Leo’s hard work, he can hardly provide it for himself. He does not tolerate periods of solitude well; without a retinue he ceases to feel his own worth.

ruler of the 4th house in the 5th house

children and loved ones, a person's creative abilities have a great influence on the home environment. The end of life near children, with an increase in creative energy or in creative atmosphere. Living with your own children.

is influenced by difficult aspects

the bad influence of children or lovers on the family environment, ruin of the home due to dissolute life, gambling, and adventures.

IV house in Virgo

everyday life

ordered. It may not always have enough emotions, but the ways to achieve peace and tranquility are properly calculated.


occurs when performing some painstaking work.


The main thing in the planning of the area is a reasonable functional combination of all elements, from the layout of streets to the placement of public service enterprises. There may be sports and fitness centers, diet stores, research institutes, medical institutions research orientation, pharmacy. Bookstores and second-hand bookshops are also possible. The choice of area may be determined by proximity to work or the availability of convenient transportation to work. The architecture of the house is without unnecessary decorations, but the details that make life easier are essential - a properly working elevator (preferably freight and passenger), intercom, a clear layout of the yard dividing it into functional zones - a playground, a parking lot, a garbage area, etc. The house is typical for the area and does not stand out. The social composition of the residents of the house is medical workers, pharmacists, nutritionists, scientific programmers or those associated with computers, officials in government agencies, directors of small shops. The layout of the apartment should have rooms with a clearly defined functional purpose. The apartment is small, the number of floors is insignificant. The predominant color is gray, but with individual eye-catching details in bright colors and motley. Folding furniture, combined, multifunctional. Glass decorations are possible.

end of life

in incessant small worries and affairs.

Ruler of the 4th house in Virgo

a person defends his place of restoration of strength clearly, without any emotional sentiments or digressions. He sees the main protection of the home in maintaining order and hygiene. In the house he is quite satisfied with second roles, he knows how to consciously limit his desires and needs, avoiding competition and any competition. Relations with relatives are smooth, even cool. Quite easily changes the usual style of family life, carefully protecting his home from random people. He handles household chores responsibly, but there is a desire to redo everything, striving for ideal perfection. He treats periods of solitude calmly.

ruler of the 4th house in the 6th house

health, daily work, personal obligations affect the home environment. Work, one way or another, can be connected with home and parents. Housing that a person can receive in connection with work, office space. /+/ Indication of your own business, your own workshop, firm, store, private business, possibly building your own house, cottage.

is influenced by difficult aspects

becoming dependent on parents, unfavorable living conditions, lack of comfort, lack of any amenities.

IV house in Libra

everyday life

filled with creative meetings and acquaintances, cultural events. Much attention is paid to the comfort and beauty of the home environment.


the person prefers to be active and likes to organize intimate social parties at home.


The area is elite, highly comfortable, harmoniously planned. The architecture of the buildings contains elements of artistic decoration, but without frills, with a sense of proportion. The area is well-groomed, with many ornamental shrubs and lawns. There may be theaters in the area, art galleries, diplomatic and legal institutions, courts. The criterion for choosing an area is beauty, harmony, and the presence of cultural institutions. The choice of area may be influenced by your spouse. The yard can have a beautiful cast iron fence. The building should not merge with others, there should be distance. It is not advisable to pass near a noisy highway. The social composition of the residents of the house is doctors, lawyers, artists, performers, musicians, show businessmen, diplomats. The apartment should give the impression of lightness, openness, with beautiful interior decoration, but it may have cool tones. The general impression is comfort and harmony, conducive to relaxation. Sharp corners and turns in the hallway or corridor are undesirable. The apartment floor is the top half of the building. Light green and light blue trim. The furniture is comfortable, comfortable, soft. Floor lamps, paintings, flowers /may be artificial/.

end of life

comfortable, “prestigious”, in marriage.

Ruler of the 4th house in Libra

a person in his home does not strive for a leading position, trying to create and maintain equal relationships between all family members. Able to submit to general family interests. His usual style of family life never imposes force, trying to convince tactfully and kindly. Doesn't like doing housework. He loves beautiful things, organizes the space around himself so that it can be admired. He does not tolerate periods of solitude, as well as noisy companies, preferring one-on-one communication.

ruler of the 4th house in the 7th house

The family is dependent on a person’s external relationships; marriage and business contracts affect the home environment. /+/ Favorable indications for marriage and family, happy marriage, good harmonious relationships in the family, home, solving housing issues through marriage.

is influenced by difficult aspects

the desire to present your household affairs in a favorable light to others, disputes and courts are possible over the division of home and property, litigation with parents.

IV house in Scorpio

everyday life

full of passions, suspicions, jealousy and emotionality. Peace and tranquility are subject to periodic shocks as a result of frequent mood swings or promiscuity in sexual relations.


people most often prefer to be alone.


old, inhabited areas, but undergoing reconstruction, near metro stations. The area must have some element of prestige. New highways may pass near the house. It’s good if there is a small artificial pond nearby. There may be research institutes in the area. The area may have revolutionary traditions or was built to be settled by the military. When choosing an area, environmental issues are of great importance. The architecture of the house is strong, solid, thick walls, brickwork, strong doors - a fortress house. The yard may be large, but closed. The house is often new, built on the site of an old one, demolished, or reconstructed. External decorations are minimal. Metal doors, intercom. The house should not be obscured by other houses, it should be visible. The social composition of the residents of the house is mainly people with a position in society, wealthy, there may be senior metro workers, employees of mining ministries. Separate isolated rooms. The number of rooms should be sufficient to allocate one of them as an office. If there are loggias or balconies, it is better to glaze them. The color finish is mainly red, not bright. Furniture - soft sets with large armchairs and sofas that can accommodate several people, maybe leather, expensive.

end of life

wealthy, secretive, filled with emotions.

Ruler of the 4th house in Scorpio

a person defends his place of recuperation ruthlessly and harshly. In the house he strives to take an independent position, since he cannot stand any pressure and does not obey discipline well. Thanks to his excellent intuition, he has a good sense of all the undercurrents and moods among family members, being able to manipulate them unnoticed. He quickly recognizes the plans of those around him, their deepest secrets, and detects the slightest changes in mood. He tries to keep his home away from prying eyes. Knows how to adapt to a wide variety of home environments. He is quite indifferent to household chores and can turn his home into a warehouse for a wide variety of unnecessary things. From time to time he likes to be alone.

ruler of the 4th house in the 8th house

crisis situations, a person’s ability to change, fatal circumstances, working with other people’s finances affect the atmosphere at home. Help from deceased ancestors in moments of danger through prophetic dreams and signs. Occult abilities. A person receives an inheritance, family money, as a result of someone’s death. //+/ Availability of large property.

is influenced by difficult aspects

difficult relationships with parents, even to the point of breaking up, a difficult end to life.

IV house in Sagittarius

everyday life

often has the character of a student dormitory, in which peace is only a dream.


prefers active fresh air, loves to restore his strength on hikes and travels.


a developing area or one that has a tendency to develop due to the demolition of old buildings and the development of new territories. An area of ​​prestigious, intelligent orientation, perhaps a scientific town formed near a large university. In the area there may be publishing enterprises /printing houses/, equestrian facilities, libraries of foreign literature, religious buildings /churches, mosques/. There may be a highway in the area leading to other cities. The development of the area may initially be intended for scientists, senior engineering and technical personnel, industry leaders (especially aviation - long-distance travel), deputies, and ideological workers. The house is brick, light brick. A yard can be formed by several houses - a microdistrict. The house is large in size, the architecture is pompous, representative, even with excesses. The apartment is located on the middle floors of the building, spacious, many rooms, it is possible to have adjacent ones /for example, the entrance to the dining room from several rooms/. The predominant finishing colors are blue (not blue), burgundy, purple, indigo. Furniture with velvet trim, curtains - brocade.

end of life

generous, intellectual, often far from home.

Ruler of the 4th house in Sagittarius

a person firmly defends his place of recuperation, but always tries to solve any problem legally and peacefully. In the house he strives to take the place of a benevolent mentor and teacher, and does not tolerate any restrictions on personal freedom. He actively implements his usual style of family life and avoids drastic changes in the arrangement of his home. He approaches household chores with enthusiasm, but quite rarely, preferring to spend his energy away from his native nest. He is generous with his loved ones and is always ready to share with them what he has. Does not break with relatives, even living abroad. Comfort can be quickly abandoned if necessary. Periods of solitude can be tolerated quite easily.

ruler of the 4th house in the 9th house

distant countries, passion for travel, ideology, and a person’s philosophical quest greatly influence the home atmosphere. It is possible that the parents are citizens of different states. Emigration. /+/ Favorable court decisions regarding real estate, inheritance from distant relatives. Life abroad.

is influenced by difficult aspects

ideological confusion and ideological confusion, a tendency to vagrancy, forced relocation, loss of property in court.

IV house in Capricorn

everyday life

quite monotonous and subject to a once established order. All innovations are being introduced very carefully.


comfortably and in silence, preferably alone. Therefore, in a common living room, watching TV, a person will feel quite uncomfortable, as well as in the bedroom or kitchen. Any space where another person might suddenly appear is not suitable for him. Therefore, the ideal place to relax is your own room, or better yet, an office. While relaxing, people like to think and philosophize, and this requires an appropriate environment. He is indifferent to comfort, to coziness too - this is the comfort of a hermit or ascetic.


the location of the house is desirable near the administrative center of the district, the presence of administrative institutions nearby. The layout of the area is regular, with a clearly defined street structure. When choosing an area, the main attention is paid to the quality of the housing itself and career issues - possible connections at the place of residence. The architecture of the house is strict, most suitable classic style. The house is preferably brick, not mass-produced. Entrance with intercom, closed yard, not accessible. Initially, the house could have been built for responsible workers, not a typical one. This also applies to the social composition of the residents of the house - management employees. The apartment is located in the lower half of the building. Internal layout - general impression rigor and seriousness. Isolated rooms, wooden doors. The colors of the apartment's decoration are dark green, dark brown, purple, shades with a lead tint. The furniture is dark; the office may be black, trimmed with wood. Upholstered furniture can be covered. The famous "House on the Embankment" - typical representative Capricorn with a strong admixture of Scorpio - was built for the old Bolsheviks, many NKVD workers lived there, many residents were repressed.

end of life

lonely, honorable, stable.

Ruler of the 4th house in Capricorn

a person firmly defends his place of recuperation, using power and administrative levers, avoiding unnecessary emotions and sentimentality. He is proud of his origins and studies family history. In his home he knows how to establish the necessary hierarchy and, if necessary, obey it. He firmly adheres to the usual style of family life, which is almost always built according to generally accepted rules. Often forced to take responsibility for his family members. He is very attentive to household chores and always finishes what he starts.

ruler of the 4th house in the 10th house

career, following one’s goal, and a person’s organizational skills greatly influence the home environment. Great importance is attached to the concept of the prestige of your home. The solution to housing problems is associated with a career or profession, as well as with one of the parents.

is influenced by difficult aspects

imposing one's life goals on the family and defining priorities, a break with the traditions of ancestors, contradictions that arise between home, family, work and profession, divorce of parents.

IV house in Aquarius

everyday life

filled with the search for new knowledge, new relationships and mastering modern technology.


a person prefers to be with his friends or reading books.


new areas with a free, wide street layout and higher number of storeys. There may be very tall buildings in the area - towers. New construction technology - cast concrete. There may be enterprises related to radio, television, and aviation in the area. The area may be formed near the airfield and space and aviation technology enterprises. Scientific towns of new technologies enterprises. In the area there may be clubs, cultural centers, exchanges of various directions. Friends can have a big influence when choosing where to live. The architecture of the house is modern, maybe modernist. Large windows, wide loggias. The social composition of the residents of the house is television, science, aviation, public and party workers. The apartment is on the upper floors of the building. The internal layout is open, with a large hall. Glass doors in rooms. The apartment can be decorated with new materials and have technical innovations, rich in electronics. The color of the apartment's decoration is using purple tones, as well as the intersection of multi-colored stripes and stains with a metallic tint. The furniture is light, of original design.

end of life

may be marked by unexpected events.

Ruler of the 4th house in Aquarius

a person defends his place of recuperation with imagination, trying to be based on the principles of democracy and in every possible way avoiding any military action. He always strives to take a separate and independent position in the house and does not tolerate any restrictions on personal freedom. Communication with family can be unpredictable. The usual style of family life is usually stable, but may periodically change suddenly. He approaches household chores with imagination, but usually does not pay any attention to them. Needs periods of solitude.

ruler of the 4th house in the 11th house

Friends and group activities have a great influence on the family environment and relationships with parents.

is influenced by difficult aspects

strange, unstable relationships with parents, loss of real estate as a result of natural disasters, social unrest, revolutions, in childhood - running away from home.

IV house in Pisces

everyday life

filled with fantasies, mysticism, pessimism, sad thoughts, pity for oneself and others. Idealization of one's parents. Adoptive or step-family possible. Often a strange, confusing and incomprehensible family environment.


a person prefers to be passive, in an atmosphere of silence and loneliness. The love of laziness, bliss and idleness can lead to complete parasitism.


there should be quiet places in the area for calm, secluded walks - parks, forests, ponds. There may be hospitals, monasteries, even prisons in the vicinity. They often choose the area where they were born and where they spent their childhood. There may be a cinema, a conservatory in the area, School of Music. The house has a small number of floors, quiet architecture, not on the roadway, in the depths of the microdistrict. Green spaces are desirable - not young plantings, but old trees. Social composition of the residents of the house - creative workers, musicians, medical workers, clergy. The apartment must have its own entrance from the landing; a common vestibule is undesirable. The internal layout is isolated rooms, the doors are not glass. Large bathroom. Soft linoleum, not parquet. Finish color - matte, light, pearlescent, sea wave, smoky blue. The furniture is soft and cozy.

end of life

merciful, mysterious, solitary, perhaps together with a cripple or disabled person. The end of life may be associated with difficult trials, isolated from the world.

Ruler of the 4th house in Pisces

a person tries to defend his place of restoration of strength peacefully and humanely. Own house seems to be a refuge in which one can replenish spent energy and where a person never strives to take a leading position. Emotionally, he is very strongly attached to his family and parents, he subtly feels all the moods of the family nest and often falls under them. He is tolerant of a wide variety of family structures and never imposes his point of view on home improvement. Given the powerful emissions of energy, he is able to periodically redo a mountain of household chores, but in general he does little housekeeping. To achieve peace, he may sometimes escape into the world of dreams, fantasies, or alcohol.

ruler of the 4th house in the 12th house

secret activities, being in the hospital, one’s own mental state will affect the home environment in the family. A person takes on some responsibility related to the home, for example, he will take care of a parent. Sometimes he hides his origin. Perhaps there is some kind of secret connected with parents, family, clan. Forced emigration. /+/ Favorable secret circumstances, or secret support, or patronage that allow you to resolve issues at home. Favorable psychological situation in family.

is influenced by difficult aspects

homelessness, unfavorable living conditions, a tendency to “flight into illness”, which allows one to escape from real problems, and possibly a long stay in places of isolation.

This house represents the beginning and the end, those personality traits that are inherited, and philosophical basis attitude to life. Some astrologers, including Robert Genda, even believe that the beginning of the horoscope should be the fourth house, and not the first, as is traditional. Many arguments have been put forward in favor of this theory, of which the most suitable for us would be that Cancer, personifying protection and caution, corresponds to the fourth house in the symbolic horoscope, and the Moon - instinctuality - is the symbolic ruler of the fourth house and, representing the mother in the horoscope, indicates on the difficulties of the stage associated with the presence in the mother's womb of what can be considered the true beginning of the human body represented by the first house.

The fourth house is also the house of completion and, as such, it is general outline indicates the nature of the changes, which are described in more detail by each of the water signs. The fourth house also indicates last years life and the end of our physical existence. From this point of view, the eighth house is considered the house of spiritual transformation and liberation, and the twelfth house is the house in which your restless thoughts, fussy mind should be pacified. The fourth house is associated with your private life, how you would like to arrange your home. Here you need to look for the roots of your origin. This is a maternity and child care home. It also describes property, housing, real estate, etc.

Ruler of the fourth house in the first house.

Indicates the growth of property and well-being thanks to one’s own efforts, a person’s interest in household affairs, property, and land; to its origin, to family traditions, on attachment to parents.

One of your parents will have a strong influence on you, or perhaps you will inherit the family estate and property. Whatever you do in life, relatives will play an important role in it. If the aspects of the ruler are harmonious, they will help you in both joy and trouble. President Jimmy Carter has Cancer on the cusp of his fourth house and his Moon in Scorpio in the first house. His case can serve as a good example of how the love for his homeland, for its traditions, so inherent in him, prompted him to become president, and he was able to achieve this because his Moon forms a Grand Trine with Uranus and Pluto.

Margaret Mead, who works in the field of anthropology, is another example. In her horoscope, Taurus is on the cusp of the fourth house, and Venus is in Aquarius in the first house. The Moon is also here, but, however, not in conjunction. Since both the Moon and Venus represent the feminine principle in the horoscope, including the mother, then, in accordance with what was said earlier, it was the mother who had to have a special influence on her and play a significant role in the formation of the independent Margaret that those around her knew. Her mother fought for women's emancipation and Margaret Mead recalled that as a child she held pamphlets dedicated to the protection of women's rights. Venus, the ruler of both the fourth and ninth houses, is in trine with Pluto in Gemini - and so we see that Margaret Mead spends a significant part of her life traveling and moving and not only speaks seven European languages, but uses them in teaching. Her horoscope can be found in this book.

The ruler of the fourth house is in the second house.

Profit from real estate transactions, income due to affairs related to land, property or parental wealth. Work in agriculture is shown. It is possible to buy a house or cottage in a rural area.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

People with this situation in the horoscope can create very different value systems, but it is clear that the planet is the ruler and its aspects play a decisive role in what the outcome will be. We had to deal with clients whose horoscopes showed this situation - they were especially careful when it came to money. In these cases, Saturn with its disharmonious aspects to the ruler of the fourth house also had an additional influence, or Capricorn was at the top of the fourth house. This position may also mean that you will earn money from home or real estate, but perhaps from other activities such as agriculture or geology.

The example of the English Queen Elizabeth II well confirms what we have said about inheritance and relatives as the main factors influencing the formation of a value system, and in this case they helped her develop and manifest her own qualities. She has Taurus on the cusp of the fourth house and Venus in Pisces in the second house. The trine of Venus with Pluto manifested itself in the fact that she “earned very good money” without leaving home, and she had two of them - a castle in Windsor and Buckingham Palace. However, her Venus quincunx with the Moon indicates that in early childhood she must have had problems with her mother that required some kind of solution. Since the Moon represents people, the public, society, and since she has it in the seventh house, the house of "society", she should have been expected to adapt her values, inclinations and her public role to various circumstances, or perhaps she just thought that society expected this of her.

Ruler of the fourth house in the third house.

An indication of numerous changes of residence, moving, life on wheels. Living (or traveling) with relatives is possible.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

How you interact with people depends greatly on where you come from and what you think about yourself. Perhaps your home was a place where you absorbed many ideas as a child. Relatives, especially brothers and sisters, had an important role to play in the parental home. Whether you accepted it freely or whether it was forced upon you depends on the aspects of the ruler. For example, in the case of Ted Kennedy, his siblings undoubtedly played an important role in his development and in shaping the foundation of his personality. Venus in Aries in the third house rules the fourth house, which is in Taurus, and forms a quincunx with the Moon. This can also be understood as the fact that the mother needed not only him - but besides him, she had eight more children. Venus here is at the top of the iodine configuration, which includes not only the Moon, but also Neptune and Zenith. This is why Kennedy was able to use his heritage and family name to become a senator and a presidential candidate. Magnetic attractiveness and fateful influence on people is characteristic a feature of the Kennedy family, and in this atmosphere his childhood passed. Of course, his father had a great influence on him - he was a role model for him in many ways, including courting women, which, in particular, is indicated by Venus in conjunction with Uranus. In many cases, when the ruler of the fourth house is in the third house, you will be in the care of a relative or he will live in your family.

Ruler of the fourth house in the fourth house.

Indicates good heredity, success in the place where the person was born, help from parents, profit in property and real estate. This position of the ruler means death in old age from old age or illness in native land, in your own home.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

For you, home will always occupy an important place in life. Even if it is a hotel room, you will arrange it according to your tastes. Wherever you are, wherever fate takes you, from time to time you will return to your home or, perhaps, to your parent’s house to “replenish your batteries.” Depending on the planet that will be the ruler, your attitude towards home and childhood will change. Saturn in this case indicates a rather harsh childhood with many worries and responsibilities, or a very strict parent who will exert pressure on you from an early age. bad influence. Mars as a ruler means drastic changes in the home environment or difficult showdowns between parents. For many people, this situation is associated with the need or possibility of inheriting some property and, above all, the house in which they live.

Former President Richard Nixon had Jupiter on the cusp of the fourth house, and it is known that he liked to live whenever possible and when there was a suitable excuse, in big houses, but it was important for him that they also looked good, and this is quite typical for Jupiter with his expansiveness. Jawaharlal Nehru has Libra on the cusp of his fourth house and Venus in his fourth house. This situation often occurs among many patriots, national heroes and leaders who have come to power. They sincerely believe that they can serve their country, however, with negative aspects, everything turns out the other way around, and they believe that the country should serve them. The characteristic feature of Libra - to fluctuate and balance - was reflected in the fact that Nehru, during the difficult times of the struggle for independence and the death of Gandhi, tried to look for a fair solution. His horoscope can be found in the second book. The characteristic of the situation under consideration is that one of the parents usually plays an important role in your life, and if the ruling planet forms harmonious aspects, then you will prosper in your homeland. This situation may also mean that you will be living in the same house with old people - this is all the more likely when the Moon or Saturn is the ruler.

Ruler of the fourth house in the fifth house.

Means happiness and love in the family. a lot of children. Successful transactions and speculation with property, real estate. The property passes to the children.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

Love and romance are an important part of your love life, but if Uranus is your ruler, your partners won't stick around for long. Children will have a large place in your home, but even if you don’t have children of your own, you will invite strangers to liven it up. If Saturn is the ruler, then children will be more of a duty for you than entertainment. One of the things that can give you satisfaction is all sorts of resale, and you will do it either privately or it will be related to your responsibilities at work, as was the case with the American financial advisor Bernard Baruch, whose horoscope shows The cusp of the fourth house is Pisces, and Neptune is in Aries in the fifth house.

In your home you find a sanctuary where you can relax and unwind. It may also happen that in your house you will have a sauna or bathhouse and even something similar to a gym, or maybe a bicycle, which you never use, but dream of riding on it; here a lot will depend on the position of Mars. Former beauty queen Marlene Dietrich, with her Sagittarius in the fourth house and Jupiter in Capricorn in the fifth house, had several hobbies that she could pursue without leaving home. Sex and men are one of them. She also loved to cook. Since Jupiter was next to Saturn and Mars, and they were all in Capricorn, she did not cook ordinary, everyday dishes - for her it was a very serious task, and therefore everyone who came to visit her could be sure that you will receive a magnificent treat without any competition.

Ruler of the fourth house in the sixth house.

Profit through service, through work at home, as well as crafts at home. If damaged - loss of property through illness, servants, subordinates. Hereditary diseases.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

You may not be the type of person who constantly works your ass off at your job, but you enjoy housework. Perhaps you were raised to be brave and courageous, and you always rushed to help a person in need, and later, at a different age, it will not be easy for you to accept money for the help you offer. As a child you lived in a house with servants, and you naturally expect this to be the case when you grow up.

Commandant Windsor had Gemini on the cusp of his fourth house and Mercury in his sixth house. Brought up in strict standards of morality and devotional service (Mercury in Cancer), he lived his entire life surrounded by servants.

Nelson Rockefeller has Aries on the cusp of his fourth house and Saturn in Aries in his sixth house. But Saturn is rarely satisfied with this state of affairs, when nothing changes, and therefore Rockefeller had to prove that he was not serving the people because he was elected to do so. It wasn't always easy for him. He has Saturn as the middle planet of a T-square along with Mercury, Venus, Neptune and the Sun in Cancer and Uranus in Capricorn, all of which put pressure on Saturn, which forces the person to succeed against any obstacle. Rockefeller was surrounded by servants all his life and carried out his official duties without leaving home - government agency near New York and the secretariat in Washington. His Saturn trine Jupiter and sextile his Ascendant is one of the reasons for his partial success. However, he did not become president, although he longed for it.

Ruler of the fourth house in the seventh house.

Often foreshadows a successful marriage, wealth, property acquired with the help of a spouse, partner or through successful cooperation. if damaged - loss of property through marriage or partnership.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

A partner, whether in marriage or at work, is important to you - without this you lack confidence, but if the ruler of the fourth house has strong aspects, then the situation can change so much that you will be able to work, solving your own problems on your own. You can take an active part in public life - whether by choice or by inheritance. Or you will always have the need to live your life, and few people will truly know what is happening behind the closed doors of your home.

Actor Charles Boyer was the symbol of a lover for millions of movie lovers, although few of them knew that he lived with one woman his whole life - his wife - which is quite unheard of in Hollywood, and that he committed suicide when, after 44 years life together she died. Venus ruled his fourth house and was in the seventh in conjunction with the Sun.

Composer George Gershwin, with Pisces on the cusp of the fourth house and Neptune in Gemini in the seventh house conjunct Pluto, worked with his brother for most of his short but fruitful life. He had Neptune and Pluto in a Grand Air Trine with Jupiter in Libra in the tenth house and Mars in Aquarius in the third house. He also had the Sun in Libra in the tenth house, but, however, outside the orb - this classic situation success, especially when it comes to interacting with society using the art form that is music. But Gershwin needed a partner who could inspire him, since Neptune was in a very diffuse, wide square with Mercury, and this was not enough for him to be inspired on his own. Both brothers worked at home and lived together most of their lives. His horoscope can be found in this book.

Ruler of the fourth house in the eighth house.

Indicates an increase in material well-being due to inheritance or investment, banking transactions. If damaged - loss of inheritance, danger to the mother during childbirth.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

You probably live a secluded and modest life, absorbed in your problems. You may appear simple-minded and approachable depending on your Ascendant, but few will know what you really think or do. Perhaps the death of a relative made an impression on you at a young age, and you began to take life and death seriously before many others. It is possible that you will have an exceptional ability to persuade, and perhaps over the years you will turn to exploring the occult world. The notorious Jim Jones, who convinced 900 people to commit suicide with him, had Mars (fire!) as the ruler of the fourth house, the cusp of which was Aries (fire!!), and Mars was in Leo (fire!!!) in eighth house.

In order for you to feel confident or to live up to what your parents expect of you, you may have to go through a phase of spiritual transformation. If there is confirmation from other parts of the horoscope, it will be important for you to lead or manage the means and opportunities of other people, but perhaps the situation in question will manifest itself in the fact that you will seek and achieve support from other people. This situation exists in the horoscopes of many political figures.

American evangelist Bill Sandy had exactly this situation in his horoscope. He had Aquarius on the cusp of the fourth house, and the ruler Uranus was in the eighth house. He grew up an orphan, and when he was older he chose to become a baseball player. However, he soon fell in love with a narrow-minded religious fanatic and, as a result, ceased to be interested in anything at all and also lost his athletic form - he has the Moon in the fourth house in Pisces. He later became as famous as many movie stars for his slogan "let's treat God with respect." The astronaut Aldrin, who tried to establish telepathic contact from outer space with people on Earth, Virgo was in the fourth house, where Neptune was in conjunction with Nadir (the point opposite the Zenith), and the ruler Mercury was in Aquarius in the eighth house in conjunction with the Sun.

Ruler of the fourth house in the ninth house.

Income is possible through science, religion, long trips and in-laws. Acquiring property far from home. Presages the end of life and death far from the place of birth. If damaged - loss of property abroad.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

Perhaps your parents tried to give you a solid education that emphasized religion and philosophy. A university education can be very important to you. It is possible that your parents come from another country. Another possibility is that you experienced something strange or were exposed to unusual cultural influences as a child. The situation in question may also mean that you will live far from your place of birth, or will be interested in life in distant countries, or collect art from different countries. You may inherit a plot of land or some other property, but this will also be associated with a place remote from your homeland.

Dessie Arnaz came to the United States from Cuba when he was seventeen years old. In his horoscope, Virgo is on the cusp of the fourth house, and the fourth house is ruled by Mercury, which is in Aquarius in the ninth house. In addition, he has Mercury in conjunction with Uranus and Venus, which gives special importance to his ninth house. This is further enhanced by the fact that the Sun and Mars are located there, in the ninth house. Mercury in quincunx with Saturn suggests that he will have to adapt - adapt his mind and behavior. It goes without saying that he had to do this after moving with his parents to another country, but he had to do it before, when they lived in Cuba and when he had to behave as his parents (especially his father) expected of him. If the ruler has many aspects that create tension, this may indicate that it will be difficult for you to live up to the ambitious impulses instilled in you by your parents (or one of them, more often your father) from early childhood.

Ruler of the fourth house in the tenth house.

Portends an increase in property through work, profession, high social status. It portends prosperity, even wealth, honors, awards, just fame or even popularity.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

Both parents occupy an important place in your life as the fourth and tenth houses form the parental axis. If you come from a patriarchal family in which the father acted as the unquestioned authority, and if the ruler has many disharmonious aspects, then as you get older, you can rebel against all sorts of authorities. In Angela Davis's horoscope, Cancer is on the cusp of the fourth house, and the Moon in Aquarius is in the tenth house.

Petty Hearst's parents (especially her father) and the inheritance she was to receive certainly played a crucial role in her upbringing and her subsequent... kidnapping. In her horoscope, Sagittarius is on the cusp of the fourth house, and the ruler Jupiter is in Gemini in the tenth house and forms an exact square with Mercury in Pisces. Very often, when the ruler is in the tenth house, one of your parents, or maybe both, can become a source of stability and confidence for you. As for Petty, she may yet gain confidence based on money, but with Mars in the fourth house and a T-square, it remains to be seen whether she will ever be able to settle down. Her horoscope can be found in the second book.

Both Robert and John Kennedy (his horoscope can be found in the second book) both have such a situation with their ruler. Their father greatly influenced their lives. We know many people who have neglected their careers in favor of family life and despite the strong influence of the tenth house. Such people may work from time to time to earn a living, but in essence they are happy not to have to go anywhere and thereby avoid competition and open criticism. At the same time, in the family circle, within four walls, they can be very open and display an excellent knowledge of life, which, however, does not exclude their aggressiveness.

Ruler of the fourth house in the eleventh house.

Indicates an increase in income through loyal friends and devoted like-minded people, through sponsors and philanthropists who provide the necessary assistance. Many hopes and desires come true in old age.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

Perhaps you grew up in a home where the door was always wide open for friends. They could stay there all night to sing songs together, and sometimes even live with you for a while. Perhaps you were raised in such a way that already in childhood you were focused on some goal, and your life priorities were predetermined already in your parents' home. Indira Gandhi, who became President of India twice, realized very early on her desire to follow in the footsteps of her father, Jawaharlal Nehru. In her horoscope, Scorpio is on the cusp of the fourth house, and Pluto, the ruler of the fourth house, is in the eleventh house. Her horoscope can be found in this book. Sometimes this situation may indicate the absence of one of the parents, no matter for what reason, death, divorce or anything else, but it is possible that in this case a family friend will replace him.

You may be raising stepchildren or adopted children in your home, but if you fail to use the influence of a steward positively, your daily life may become full of petty worries. In Sally Strathers's horoscope, for example, Capricorn is on the cusp of the fourth house, and the ruler Saturn in Leo is in the eleventh house in conjunction with Pluto. Sally takes an active part in the work international organizations involved in housing homeless children and orphans. Perhaps you have ever seen a photograph in some magazine in which she appeals to everyone to join her in this noble work.

Ruler of the fourth house in the twelfth house.

Possible loss of property through betrayal. The last period and death are possible in solitude, exile or emigration, or in places of isolation. This position of the ruler also indicates the occult activities of the person.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

You have great hidden powers, and can use them when necessary, which may be completely unexpected for people who do not know you well. If you use the planetary aspects correctly, you can become as solid and impregnable as a wall. Otherwise, you will waste your energy in vain, and the lack of focused work can lead you to illness, which can be seen as one of the opportunities to escape from real problems. Your home will always occupy an important place in your life, including as a refuge to which you will return, if necessary, to “replenish spent energy batteries.”

You need to have some place inaccessible to the eyes of others, it doesn’t matter - small or large, but one that you can consider yours, and where you can hide so that no one can disturb you. The outside world may think it knows you, but what people see when communicating with you is not your real at all - only your family, only your closest people know your innermost, your essence. Your life may be connected with some secret that you encountered as a child and which no one knows about. This could be, for example, some kind of family shame, perhaps someone in the family was a drug addict or a drunkard, and you hope that no one will ever find out about it.

Sometimes in such situations people try to hide their origin or, at least, not talk about it too much. Something close to this happened in the case of Adolf Hitler, in whose horoscope there was Aquarius at the top of the fourth house, and the ruler Uranus in Libra in the twelfth house. Venus and Mars are in quincunx with the ruler, and in opposition with Mercury. This planetary arrangement was not easy for him because there were no other factors to help him adjust and create a more positive image of his relatives and himself. Uranus could not provide him with such an opportunity.

In the online voting dedicated to the choice of the position of the Ruler of the IC, the Third House won, which was quite natural and predictable. Apparently those who voted were those with Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces on the cusp of the Fourth House. Statistically, the rulers of these signs are most often located in the Third House, at least for people born after 1970.

The connection between the Fourth and Third houses is integral part formulas for moving, but moving to a more or less close distance from the parental home. Usually the parents live nearby (not necessarily in the same house, they can live in the next area), or at least they can be reached by car. There is no need to fly by plane or travel by train to see relatives.

Depending on what sign the IC is in and what sign its Ruler is located in, the presence of the Ruler of the Fourth House in the Third often indicates renting housing, for example, a room (and, accordingly, the need to live with roommates). If the Ruler is afflicted or is a weak planet, then the native may change his place of residence in order to simply move away from his unfortunate neighbors, although he may be completely satisfied with the housing itself. For example, if the IC Ruler - Mars in Libra is in the Third House and has tense aspects, then the native may encounter conflicting neighbors, and in order to protect his nervous system It’s easier to change your place of residence.

There was a case in practice when a girl with the Ruler of the Fourth House - Pluto in Scorpio in the Third - had a neighbor in a rented apartment constantly having sex and interfering with her studies. In the end, the girl got tired of it and moved away.

The position of the Ruler of the Fourth House in the Third may also indicate that the native will receive a car from his parents. Either as a gift, or he will simply be able to use his parents’ car as if it were his own. The choice of the desired interpretation depends on the signs and connections of the houses in the horoscope.

If the signs of Taurus and Scorpio appear, then the issue of dividing property inherited from parents with a brother or sister may also be relevant. Again, you need to look at the connections of the houses, since if, for example, there is an aspect of opposition from the Ruler of the Seventh House (especially if it is Saturn in the Ninth House with the IC in Scorpio), then there may be several options for the development of events:

1. The native is in conflict with his brother/sister regarding the inheritance, which leads to the will being contested in court.
2. The native teams up with a brother/sister and they fight together for inherited property against other people or one person.

There was a case (though only one) when, due to the connection of the Fourth House with the Third, the native received school education at home. Not all 10 years, but only the last 2 or 3 years, but still. As far as I remember, the initiator of the choice of this form of education was the parent.

Also, with the position of the Ruler of the Fourth House in the Third, the native usually receives a traditional primary education (or the parents instill traditional values, raise them the way they were raised in their time). This is not experimental training, which some of us fell under (cancellation of 4th grade, stars and flowers instead of normal 5 and 2, training in the format “we study for a month - we rest for a week,” etc.). Although experiments can still take place if Uranus is involved. But if Uranus, as the Ruler of the Fourth, is in the Third, then this usually means that because of the parent/parents you have to move, change school, circle of friends, acquaintances, etc.

The connection between the Fourth and Third houses (with the Fifth house involved) is often played out through the native’s child’s visit to a private kindergarten. If the native is relatively young, then he could visit such an institution himself, but still, the fashion for private gardens in our country appeared relatively recently. This was not the case 20-25 years ago.

If the Fifth House does not appear in the formula, then in the house where the native lives there may simply be a private kindergarten or some other educational institution(this could be foreign language courses, for example). Or the house is located near a school, both general education and music (it all depends on the signs and planets involved).

Let's do a little analysis of the astrological significance of the ruler of the 4th house (home, family, origin) in the 3rd house of the horoscope (brothers and sisters, short trips, way of perceiving information).

If the ruler of the 4th house is in the 3rd house of the horoscope

Ruler of the 4th house in the 3rd house is negative:

“home on wheels”, frequent changes of residence and constant moving and considerable hassle associated with the exchange of housing.

Ruler of the 4th house in the 3rd house - positive:

friendly relations with parents, many relatives, living with brothers and sisters in the parental home while receiving significant help from them.

How this person interacts with people depends greatly on his background and what he thinks about himself. As a child in his parents' home, he absorbed many valuable ideas.

Brothers and sisters and relatives played an important role in his upbringing. They could do this freely or forcefully, but the activity of their participation is beyond doubt. If the lord of the 4th house is in the 3rd house of the horoscope, such people find themselves under the care of a close relative who may live in their own house.

People who have the ruler of the 4th house in the 3rd house of the horoscope

Relatives, especially brothers and sisters, play an important role. For example, in the case of Ted Kennedy, his siblings undoubtedly played an important role in his development and in shaping the foundation of his personality. Its ruler of the 4th house in the 3rd house of the horoscope: Venus in Aries in the third house rules the fourth house, located in Taurus, and forms a quincunx with the Moon.

This can also be understood as the fact that the mother needed not only him - but besides him, she had eight more children. Venus here is at the top of the iodine configuration, which includes not only the Moon, but also Neptune and Zenith. This is why Kennedy was able to use his heritage and family name to become a senator and a presidential candidate.

Magnetic attraction and fateful influence on people - characteristic feature Kennedy family, and in this atmosphere he spent his childhood. Of course, his father had a great influence on him - he was a role model for him in many ways, including courting women, which, in particular, is indicated by Venus in conjunction with Uranus.

In many cases, when the ruler of the fourth house is in the third house, you will be in the care of a relative or he will live in your family.