Open criticism. What is criticism

It is no secret that with constant consumption of alcohol, personality degradation occurs. In a state of binge drinking, a person is unable to think about his actions and does not realize that he is causing pain to the people around him. Conflict situations constantly arise that can lead to problems with other people and provoke the drinker to break the law.

Aggressive state of an alcoholic

Not only young people, but also adults can display aggressive behavior after drinking alcohol, regardless of gender and social status. The concepts of “alcohol” and “aggression” are inextricably linked, therefore, in order to get rid of aggressive behavior, it is first necessary to treat the addiction.

Causes of aggression

Causes of aggression in an alcoholic

Scientists found out the reasons for the aggressiveness of drunk people, and came to the conclusion that ethyl alcohol, which has a Negative influence on the psyche. The higher the stage of intoxication, the greater changes it undergoes mental condition person - he is not able to control speech, emotions, commits rash and illogical actions.

At first, a person feels elation, some euphoria, lightness and a cheerful mood. But, over time, positive emotions replaced by irritation and anger. At this moment, the drunk becomes dangerous for own family, and for people who are not at all familiar. Any action of loved ones can cause irritation, anger, and cause unmotivated aggression. In this state, accumulated grievances are remembered and jealousy awakens.

If a drunk has previously had head injuries, such as a concussion or mental disorders, then it is practically impossible to avoid threats to other people and conflict situations. Aggressive behavior in drunk people usually occurs in the third stage of intoxication.

Even if a person with alcoholism himself understands that it is time for him to stop drinking alcohol and start treatment, aggression does not go away due to the onset of withdrawal syndrome, which also changes the mental state. At this time, the desire to hangover is great, because the person is unfriendly, is in an aggressive state, and shows hostility. Moreover, even quiet people who do not show any signs of aggression in sobriety can be aggressive.

Types of aggression

What types of aggression do alcoholics have?

Not only narcologists, but also psychiatrists study the behavior of drunk people. They were able to identify several forms of behavior observed after an alcoholic takes a dose of alcohol, and also identify types of aggression:

  • Physical, which is the use of force against others.
  • Verbal aggressive behavior is an insult to the personality of others.
  • Straight. At the same time, a drunk person openly shows his anger and is capable of breaking things in the heat of the moment.
  • Indirect. A drunk person is aware of his actions and tries to take out his anger on a specific person or group of people.
  • Altruistic. A drunk person seeks to protect someone from a real or imaginary threat, and the sense of justice intensifies.
  • Auto-aggression. This type of aggression is directed against oneself, manifested by self-flagellation, often ending in a suicide attempt.

Psychiatrist from Germany Gunter Ammon considers the manifestation of each type of aggression in a drunken state as an attempt to protect oneself. After drinking a dose of alcohol, a person is unable to adequately perceive the situation and, in order to protect himself from others, chooses the tactic “the best defense is an attack.”

Aggressive behavior is more often manifested in people who have complexes due to:

  • lack of communication;
  • lack of a full-fledged family;
  • problems in your personal life and at work.

What to do with alcohol aggression?

The emergence of aggression after drinking alcohol

Aggression while intoxicated is extremely dangerous for others. Any person who is close to a drunk can become an object of venting anger and irritation. What will come into the head of a drunken person in the next minute is unknown even to him. For this reason, loved ones try in every possible way to protect themselves and their children by leaving own house, because often, in conflicts with an alcoholic, you have to call the police.

To cope with manifestations of aggression, it is recommended to follow some recommendations:

The most important thing is that the alcoholic himself wants to recover. Alcoholism causes strong attachment and craving for a drink. If you leave yourself without a glass, a person begins a kind of withdrawal, no different from withdrawal from drug addiction.

Drunk people think that they have no addiction to drinking alcohol, and they can easily stop drinking alcohol at any time. This is far from true, and it is useless to prove it to them. Any attempts to somehow influence an alcoholic and rein him in are pointless and can result in unpredictable consequences. No one can be immune from a new outbreak of aggression.

It makes sense to start talking about treatment only when the alcoholic is absolutely sober, able to understand the gravity of the situation, adequately respond to arguments and conduct a dialogue with loved ones. It may take more than one month to explain the situation to the patient, but calm persuasion is perceived by the alcoholic much better than screaming and swearing. In such cases, there is no way to avoid talking to a narcologist.

Treatment of alcohol aggression

Ways to cure a person from alcohol addiction

It is important to understand that without the help of medicine it is impossible to solve the problem of alcohol dependence and the manifestation of aggression as a result. The likelihood is too great that the patient will not want to make contact himself, understand his condition and find compromises. When talking with loved ones, peace can be concluded only for a short time, until the moment the alcoholic pours himself the first glass. Then the patient’s behavior after drinking alcohol will again fall into the mainstream of incessant scandals, insults, and manifestations of hostility. It is for this reason that it is important that a person clearly understands that in order to return to normal life can't do without treatment.

Aggression during alcohol intoxication occurs in approximately 20% of cases. There is a significant risk of being physically or verbally attacked when interacting with someone who is intoxicated. This phenomenon is directly related to the effect of strong drinks on the human central nervous system.

Psychologists and physiologists carefully study the evidence of aggression in the state that occurs after drinking alcohol. Attention to this problem is explained by the fact that the number of people suffering from alcohol addiction amounts to millions.

In the light of hostile behavior during intoxication, homicide cases in which either the killer or the victim were under the influence of alcohol are considered.

According to the World Health Organization, half of all rapes and more than 85% of murders are committed under the influence of intoxication, alcohol and drugs.

When physical aggression occurs, the dose of alcohol consumed and the strength of the drink play an important role.

The Aggression Pathway in Disinhibition Models

Two models of disinhibition have been seriously considered by researchers of aggressive behavior under the influence of alcohol.

The physiological model gives priority to the effect of alcohol on inhibition processes. Those areas of the brain that are responsible for controlling behavior are affected. As a result of suppression of processes occurring in the cortical layers, stimulation of deeper and more primitive parts of the brain occurs.
The psychodynamic model states that during alcohol intoxication, the censorship system is weakened and suppressed aggression appears.

Both theories are based on two postulates. First, alcohol directly affects the inhibitory nerve centers in the brain. Secondly, there is a force within a person that seeks to harm another individual. This force will certainly manifest itself if it is not controlled by nervous mechanisms.

Unfortunately, these models, which have many supporters among specialists, cannot answer a number of important questions. From experience it is clear that people do not always behave aggressively afterwards. Often, hostile behavior requires prior stimuli to occur.

Physiological arousal theory

Currently, a theory is gaining popularity in which the main emphasis is on the pharmacological effect on emerging states of strong emotional experience.
According to this model, after drinking alcohol, there is an increase in physiological arousal, which manifests itself in the form of an increase in blood pressure, blood sugar, and so on. Such arousal in a certain situation can be interpreted as dangerous behavior. This theory also does not provide comprehensive answers to the questions that arise when considering all aspects of hostile behavior after drinking alcoholic beverages. And this indicates that alcohol-aggression is a complex complex in which many variables interact.

Model of learned disinhibition

The theory of learned disinhibition states that the signaling significance of the very act of drinking intoxicating drinks is responsible for the increase in aggression. This model ignores the pharmacological manifestations of the effects of alcohol, and foreground social moments of learning appear. That is, people seem to profess the belief that they can behave more spontaneously when they are intoxicated. And this state interrupts the circle of norms of behavior in the social environment.
In experimental conditions, the subject is led to believe that he is drinking an alcoholic drink, but in fact he is offered a placebo. Nevertheless, after drinking a drink that did not contain a single gram of alcohol, he behaves more relaxed than in a state of complete sobriety.

In some subcultures, it is generally accepted that a person in a state of intoxication is partially released from responsibility for his actions. And this can become a way to evade compliance with regulations. social behavior. But this model also does not answer many questions. For example, why small amounts of alcohol are not able to increase the intensity of hostility.

An attempt to synthesize models of aggression

IN Lately Models have emerged that attempt to reconcile several aspects of the problem of the emergence of hostility after drinking alcohol into one theory.

These theories attempt to prove that aggression is a consequence of both the pharmacological state provoked by alcohol and situational motivators. It has been proven that aggressiveness appears when an altered state of consciousness is activated against the background of provoking factors.

So, why is there an increase in human hostile tendencies? It has long been established that intoxication, which occurs after drinking alcohol, is characterized by inhibition of nervous processes. This negatively affects thought processes, memory, speech skills and behavior. The resulting disturbances reduce the ability to adequately perceive external impressions, comprehend their meaning and consolidate them in memory. The reduced ability to see things clearly and carefully monitor the relationships between them alters cognitive processes.

Brain activity is controlled by motivating and restraining impulses. Threats or insults at elevated levels of arousal increase the possibility of an aggressive response.

The norms of social relationships and the physical strength of the enemy reduce the possibility of collisions, reducing excitement. Foresight negative consequences aggression leads to a revision of the meaning of the situation. Aggression will occur only if the provoking signals are stronger than the restraining motives.

Under the influence of intoxicating drinks, adequate processing of signals emanating from external environment, becomes impossible. The speed of switching attention between sources of information decreases. When the field of attention is reduced, the amount of information about the state of the object will be reduced. For this reason, an individual will evaluate the actions of others in the wrong way. The actions and words of the other will be interpreted randomly. This can cause aggression.

Alcohol addiction

When alcohol dependence appears, aggressive behavior may occur more often, since cognitive abilities are subject to severe suppression, therefore, the world becomes more and more situationally dangerous for an alcoholic. The stage of euphoria is reduced, but rudeness and irritability after drinking alcohol come to the fore and hostility towards other people appears. Signs of aggression may also occur when the patient decides to give up alcoholic beverages. In this case, the forces of withdrawal syndrome come into play.

The completion of the process of alcohol dependence is psychological and social degradation, which is accompanied by antisocial and criminal behavior.

Aggression in the family

The risk of experiencing domestic violence if there is an alcoholic living in the house is quite high. And everyone solves this problem in their own way. You can call the police and send the enraged spouse to places of forced isolation or leave home, taking the children with you.

Alcohol addiction, with its inherent aggressive behavior, is a developing disease that provokes illness and misfortune. But the alcoholic himself often does not understand that he is sick. He sincerely believes that he will stop drinking on his own any time he wants. An attempt by loved ones to convince an alcoholic to begin treatment can lead to an aggravation of the situation and new scandals.

You can only talk about the need to see a narcologist when a person is sober and can adequately assess the circumstances of his life. It makes sense to contact professional psychologist, which will help convince the alcoholic that there is a problem.

If meaningful consent to treatment is obtained from a sick person, then in this case it is necessary to decide on the methods and methods of treatment. A specialist narcologist will select the appropriate option taking into account the patient’s condition.

Alcoholism can be called the scourge of humanity, since at all times this terrible addiction has brought people a lot of tears and suffering. In a family where there is an addiction to alcohol, there is no need to try to look for normal human relationships, or love, or care. It often harbors anger, hatred, and aggression during alcohol intoxication.

Alcoholics are inadequate people. Their behavior is often impulsive, unpredictable, contradictory, and their mood changes sharply: from complacent to angry. Alcohol causes aggression.

On the degree of aggressiveness of users alcoholic drinks people are primarily affected by the amount of ethyl alcohol that enters the body. Drunkards acquire three main characteristics over time:

  1. A state of deep depression in the absence of the opportunity to drink another dose of strong drink;
  2. Untidy appearance: dirty clothes, puffy face, often bruised or infected with sores;
  3. Revival and joyful sparkle in the eyes at the slightest hint of the opportunity to drink.

A chronic alcoholic often suffers from binge drinking; the binge period lasts for weeks. It is difficult to relieve the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. The patient suffers from a hangover. Depression becomes his constant companion, his general condition worsens, and his performance decreases. Ethyl alcohol provokes deterioration of speech, which becomes incoherent and slurred. Alcohol affects brain cells, causing the alcoholic to experience decreased memory. He may get drunk to such a state that he will not be able to recognize even his family and friends, and may commit a crime against them. The wife and children are powerless to pacify a raging alcoholic. And the best way out in such a situation is to call the police.

Causes and stages of alcoholic aggression

Ethyl alcohol, which is part of alcohol, negatively affects the mental state of everyone without exception, regardless of gender, age, degree of mental development, level of culture, financial situation, health conditions. The body's reaction to alcohol is virtually the same for all people:

  1. The first stage of intoxication is a complacent, high spirits, when you want to smile at everyone, hug and kiss everyone;
  2. Drink more - dissatisfaction with some people around you appears, past, seemingly long-forgotten, grievances, large and small conflicts are remembered, unpleasant stories. The drunk begins to find fault with those around him, insult them, bully them, threaten revenge and reprisals. He can no longer restrain himself, control his behavior, he either laughs or bursts into tears;
  3. Stage severe intoxication achieved by drinking a large dose. It comes the faster the worse person snacks or when mixing various alcoholic drinks. A person who has had too much to drink is literally reborn before his eyes and reacts inadequately to requests from loved ones to no longer continue to abuse alcohol and to stop. He loses his shame, furiously shouts at everyone who seems to him an offender or an enemy, and rushes into a fight, although he himself often has difficulty standing on his feet due to disturbances in the functioning of the brain and loss of coordination. Drunken shouts, offensive gestures, grimaces change a person beyond recognition. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the husband grabs a knife, a gun, matches, believing that around him there are people who hate him, enemies. He completely loses control of himself and in this state easily commits a crime.

The dangers of alcohol aggression

The time it takes for a person to become a chronic alcoholic varies from person to person, but it is not that long. The timing depends on age, gender, physical and mental health, family atmosphere, immediate environment.

Women, children, and teenagers become alcoholics faster than men. Physically healthy people who go in for sports last longer, but they, too, over time can fall into the category of addicts if they get carried away in the pursuit of the “green snake.”

Symptoms by which one can judge whether a dependence on alcohol has formed in the body may first be the disappearance of the gag reflex after drinking alcohol, and later - swelling of the face, which cannot be eliminated without drug treatment. They do not disappear from the faces of chronic alcoholics until the end of their lives.

The aggressive behavior of a drunk person is offensive to others and very dangerous. Often, a wife is forced to contact the police to protect her children and herself: the family of a drinker alone cannot fight the misfortune that has befallen them. Frequent stress, fears, scandals, threats, beatings become unbearable, the family falls apart. Often a person who drinks too much or poisons himself with low-quality drinks dies early and can cause the death of other people.

Having sobered up, people can regret their aggression, ask for forgiveness, suffer and cry, seeking reconciliation with those with whom they had conflicted the day before. They are ready to make promises not to lay a finger on anyone, not to hit anyone, they swear that everything was in order. last time and will never happen again. But an opportunity arises - and the loss of a family no longer seems terrible to an alcoholic.

Alcohol aggression is very dangerous. In a drunken state, a person does not realize that he needs to stop and pull himself together. Give advice to start new life, it is useless to undergo treatment during drunkenness or a hangover. In most cases, the reaction to an offer will be refusal. The problem must be solved when not a drop of alcohol has been drunk, while sober.

The way to combat alcoholism and aggression

Alcoholism is a serious, difficult-to-treat disease that must be treated. Alcohol addiction does not go away on its own: to eliminate it, you need long-term and persistent treatment and medication.

It is important to persuade an alcoholic to seek help from a narcologist or psychologist, but not to force him to see a doctor. Success will come only when a person realizes that there is an abyss ahead, that he is standing on the edge of an abyss and that he needs to find the strength to return to a normal, sober life.

Having consulted a psychologist, there is no need to retreat. Today, in many large and small cities and district clinics, there are drug treatment centers where they will provide professional assistance to anyone who wishes to overcome their serious addiction to alcohol.

It is very important that next to a patient who is determined to recover, there are close people who will show their participation, monitor the progress of treatment, support, protect them from the temptation to drink, and help them return to their previous life.

Over time, through joint efforts, it is possible to achieve a state where a former alcoholic calmly refuses a glass offered to him, takes care of his family, and enjoys the positive manifestations of life. And perhaps it will help another lost person get rid of alcohol, which provokes aggression.

Life story

I can remember a lot sad stories related to the topic “Alcohol and aggression”. One young woman married a guy who drank periodically. He did not consider himself an alcoholic; he refused his wife’s entreaties to be more careful and avoid frequent drinking. The wife tried as best she could to convince her husband to lead healthy image life, I hoped that the birth of children would be an incentive for sobriety, but the miracle did not happen. My husband drank himself to death. He beat his wife and children. One of their five children died as an infant. The family broke up. A woman raised four children alone without receiving ex-husband no support: he continued to drink. In the cold winter night I couldn’t get home drunk and my hands were frozen. Lives alone. The eldest of the sons, having become an adult, followed the path of his father, got married, and a daughter was born into the young family. Just to rejoice in happiness. But in a state of severe intoxication, the young father voluntarily passed away. Such an incredible price was paid for addiction to alcohol...

Aggression during alcohol intoxication is more often observed in men. Among persons suffering from alcoholism of the 2nd and 3rd stages, the frequency of aggression increases to 55% and 85%, respectively. More than half of all cases of beatings and mutilations are committed under the influence of alcohol, so a drunk person is dangerous both for himself and for others. Prevention and treatment of such aggression is one of the main tasks of narcology.

Causes and types

Doctors have not come to a consensus about the causes of alcoholic aggression. The factors of anger after drinking alcohol can be divided into physiological and psychological.

  • genes;
  • Lifestyle;
  • head injury;
  • personal and psychological problems.

Individuals with a defect in the gene encoding the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase have a higher risk of alcoholism and inappropriate behavior when drinking alcohol. Genes responsible for a predisposition to impulsive behavior play an equally important role.

Overwork, poor nutrition, and lack of sleep lead to increased production of “stress hormones” (cortisol, adrenaline). Ethyl alcohol enhances their effect on the central nervous system, resulting in worsening mood (dysphoria) and aggression. The stages of alcoholism also matter - the higher it is, the greater the likelihood of aggression and bad behavior.

Drinking alcohol is especially dangerous for people who have had a traumatic brain injury or concussion - aggression is much easier for them. Psychological factors include personality disorders and poor upbringing. It has been found that children who grew up with a hot-tempered and domineering mother are more likely to show aggression after drinking. Lack of parental control in the family only makes things worse.

There are several subtypes of alcoholic aggressiveness. It is classified according to direction and methods of expression.

  1. Auto-aggression - an alcoholic unconsciously acts as if he wants to harm himself (driving drunk, violating safety rules).
  2. Straight. After drinking alcohol, a person openly begins to express aggression.
  3. Indirect. The drinker does not feel anger towards his target, but takes it out on him negative emotions received with others.
  4. Physical. Using brute force towards others.
  5. Verbal. Violence directed at others.

Why are alcoholics aggressive?

Alcohol intoxication occurs in several stages. At the first stage, increased mood, talkativeness, and freedom appear. The second stage is characterized by excitement, the appearance of unfounded judgments and thoughts (“you don’t respect me”), and the desire for unproductive activities. The second stage is most often accompanied by aggression.

The third stage is characterized by depression of the central nervous system. Severe drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and possible spontaneous urination appear. Ends with sleep, sometimes death from respiratory arrest.

With systematic alcohol abuse, intoxication of the nerve cells of the brain occurs. The cells responsible for coordination of movements, speech, self-control and willpower are the first to suffer. Due to the weakness of volitional restraint, a person begins to be guided by motives and momentary impulses from the subconscious. Normally they are under control.

Subsequently, alcoholism develops a complication such as alcoholic encephalopathy. It is characterized by irreversible damage to the cerebral cortex. An alcoholic has a complete lack of critical attitude towards himself, serious impairments in memory, and dexterity of movements. Possible attacks of epilepsy, aggression, loss of vision. This disease is treated by neurologists together with narcologists.

There is not always a direct connection between alcohol intake and aggression. Often anger develops when there is no opportunity to drink. This is how withdrawal syndrome develops. Without drinking, an alcoholic begins to feel a whole range of unpleasant sensations: from anxiety and palpitations to causeless aggression and chills. This aggression spills out onto others, especially if they are against drinking alcohol.

If a person already has an established addiction, then withdrawal symptoms can develop into delirium (“delirium tremens”). 1–3 days after abruptly quitting alcohol, the patient begins to experience threatening hallucinations. These may be voices giving orders, but more often they are small sinister figures (“gnomes”, “devils” or insects). Delusional ideas about others, ideas of persecution, aggression appear, the patient is extremely agitated and poses a danger to himself and loved ones. Urgent hospitalization is required.

What to do about alcohol aggression

If close person suffers from alcoholism and behaves aggressively, then it is necessary to assess the seriousness of the situation and try to exclude signs of psychosis: hallucinations, unrealistic or paranoid judgments. If there are signs, then an urgent call to a psychiatric team and hospitalization are necessary before the aggression reaches a critical level.

In other cases, more delicate tactics of behavior on the part of others are necessary. There is no need to provoke a drunkard, talk to him in a raised voice, it is better to be as friendly as possible with him, since a drunkard will react to harsh criticism with aggression. It is necessary to wait until the second phase of intoxication (aggressive) moves into the third (inhibited).

You should try to switch the drunken person’s attention to some kind of sight or activity (TV or talking on the phone are perfect). You can agree with a relative or acquaintance to call the alcoholic and distract him with long conversations until the aggression passes.

Treatment options

The further life of an alcoholic depends on the severity of the condition and the desire for treatment. Delirium and pathological aggression require hospitalization in a narcological hospital and treatment with tranquilizers and antipsychotics. In other cases, the services of a psychotherapist or narcologist will be needed.

Anti-alcohol drugs (Teturam, Antabuse) cause nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, palpitations if the patient takes alcohol during the course of treatment. The result is a reflexive aversion to it. Sedatives (Phenibut, Stresam) will help calm excessive aggression. Intradermal implants (Esperal) work the same way, but the drug comes from a reservoir inserted into the skin. Hypnosis affects the subconscious, perpetuating a person’s negative attitude toward drinking alcohol. Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis help the patient to find out the motives for which he drinks alcohol, and then eliminate them.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

It is unlikely that there will be a person who has not encountered someone who has been drinking heavily in the last few hours of their life. Those who suffer first are women whose husbands are addicted to drinking, and children.

Causes of alcohol aggression

Repeated studies have shown why a drinker behaves aggressively towards others and the world around him. There is no single reason for the change in behavior and attitude of a drunk. Three significant factors influence mood at once.

  • Poisoning and killing of nerve cells by influencing them with the consequences of ethyl alcohol in the body.
  • Oxygen starvation of body cells, in particular neurons, due to the hypoxic effects of alcohol.
  • Poisonous effects of ethanol decomposition products, in particular acetaldehyde. It is poorly soluble in water and increases osmotic pressure, causing swelling of the extremities and, as a result, compression of nerve endings.

These three factors cause oxygen starvation and neuronal death, which leads to an inappropriate perception of the world by an alcoholic. He becomes more aggressive towards the majority life situations. Theoretically, ethyl alcohol inhibits the activity of the area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for the simplest behavioral reactions, which includes alcoholic aggression. It follows that a drunk man shows aggression due to the physiology of his own brain, if this assumption of scientists is correct.

Another part of the scientific community believes that aggression was the norm in the behavior of great apes. And with the consumption of alcohol, a person becomes more like an animal than a civilized individual; his predatory instincts appear. Ethanol, it turns out, lowers the representative of the species Homo sapiens to lower species of mammals.

Additionally, alcohol increases testosterone levels and stimulates the nervous system, promoting more aggressive behavior. Being drunk often causes feelings of aggression and non-drinker, in particular, in relation to himself. A sane person, seeing what someone who has taken a fair amount of alcohol is doing, is inflamed with the desire to inflict physical injury on him.

Aggression during alcohol intoxication is divided into several types:

  • physical – violence towards surrounding people, animals and objects;
  • verbal – verbal humiliation and insult;
  • indirect - searching for something on whom/whom the alcoholic can take out his excited state;
  • altruistic – obsessive protection of oneself or others from perceived danger;
  • auto-aggression - the so-called “knee-deep sea” state, when a drunk seeks dangerous adventures on his own head, knowing that they are very likely to cause him damage (driving a car).

Based on statistical data, most manifestations of physical violence occur in people who are withdrawn, offended, harbor multiple problems, or suffer from something.

Let's get rid of this behavior

According to statistics, men are more likely to display a hostile attitude towards everyone and everything. This, combined with the much greater physical strength that increases after drinking, brings enormous trouble to the addict’s family, even if the alcoholic rarely returns home drunk.

Whatever one may say, aggressiveness only brings negativity to the family, and the drinker’s relatives are forced to endure physical and moral humiliation, lack of peace in the house, and sometimes leave it, taking the children, until the husband sobers up. Contacting law enforcement agencies similar cases, as a rule, does not bring much benefit, and sometimes aggravates the situation

What should you do if your husband often returns from work drunk, causing all family members to suffer? This is the most pressing problem of families where an alcoholic lives. If you need to get rid of the consequences of something, you should determine the cause of their occurrence and eliminate it. Considering that, if the theory is that aggression in alcoholism is a normal physiological phenomenon, here fighting the very hostility of a drunk is the worst possible solution.

In order for a husband to stop causing physical pain, verbal humiliation, looking for adventures with an outcome that does not bode well, or driving a car after a few drinks, you need to get rid of the source that puts him in such a state. These are alcoholic drinks and the conditions and reasons for their consumption.

Aggression after alcohol occurs due to... If you remove the pathogen, the problem will disappear. But getting rid of alcoholism is not so easy. This addiction is similar to drug addiction with the difference that ethyl alcohol is taken instead of narcotic substances.

Ethanol, by the way, a few decades ago, before the collapse of the USSR, was listed as a potent drug that causes excitement, then paralysis of the nervous system. Hence the corresponding addiction, which is accompanied by withdrawal symptoms.

We found that alcohol aggression is eliminated by refusing to take intoxicating drinks, and in any doses, reducing the volume or degree of alcohol consumed will not have a positive effect on the situation. And the narcotic effect of ethyl alcohol will not allow the drinker to quit so easily, despite the fact that the alcoholic himself firmly believes that he is able to stop drinking at any time, if he has the desire to do so. What to do in such cases?

First you need to have a conversation with the drinker. If the husband refuses the offer, combined-action medications sold on the Internet will help. They will not only reduce the craving for intoxicating drinks, but also speed up the removal of toxins from the body and relieve drug addiction to ethyl alcohol.

Under no circumstances should you start a conversation with an addict who is showing alcoholic aggression when he is drunk. It’s better to wait until the person comes away from drinking and comes to his senses and begins to think sensibly. Otherwise, such actions will certainly provoke a new family scandal. An excellent solution would be to call a psychologist at home: a man will not have to be forced to visit a specialist, and he is unlikely to be able to refuse a dialogue with him.

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