David Gvinianidze talents. Singer David Gvinianidze: biography, personal life

President and artistic director of the charitable foundation for creative initiatives “Talents of the World”, famous tenor, laureate of all-Russian and international competitions David Gvinianidze, author of more than 80 projects, holder of the “Man of the Millennium” memorial sign, singer, whose name is included in the encyclopedic publication “People” XXIcentury”, talks about the tenth anniversary of the foundation, its achievements and new projects.

- David, I congratulate you and all men in your person on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I know that you have prepared another gift for them.

On February 23, I invite not only men, but also women who serve our Fatherland to the Palace on the Yauza (Moscow, Zhuravleva Square, 1), where a stunning gala concert “Divas, or Rivalry between Soprano and Mezzo-Soprano” will take place. conducted by our foundation. You will hear the beautiful voices of leading soloists opera houses Russia, performing all over the world: three sopranos - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Elvira Khokhlova (MT " New Opera"), Ekaterina Nesheva (Moscow State Academic Philharmonic), Oksana Lesnichaya (Bolshoi Theater) and three mezzo-sopranos - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Irina Ramishevskaya (MT "New Opera"), Irina Bossini (Prague State Opera, Czech Republic) and Larisa Andreeva (MAMT named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko). In the first part, the competition participants will perform opera arias that you can call them " business cards" And in the second, a real lyrical performance awaits you. The concert will end with the performance of popular duets from the world treasury of vocal classics. On December 10, 2011, the Prima Donna concert was held with great triumph in the beautiful hall of the new Belgorod Philharmonic.

My sister lives in Belgorod, my father lived there. There I venerated for the first time the relics of St. Joasaph of Belgorod, through whose intercession I found interesting work in the newspaper "Moskovskaya Pravda". One of my first publications talked about you as the winner of the first prize in the Romansiada competition. Did you like Belgorod?

Belgorod, where we were many times in 2010-2011, was especially memorable among other cities (at the end of last year we performed in Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Ufa, Kazan, Izhevsk, Kirov, Orel, Ramenskoye, Podolsk, etc. ). This is an unusual, stylish, well-built European city with incredibly beautiful architecture. The hand of the person leading the city, who allocates money for culture, is visible. I’m glad that we started cooperation with the Belgorod Philharmonic, where everything is very beautifully done, amazing acoustics. It is very pleasant to sing in such halls. In this concert season - from September 2011 to the end of August 2012 - four of our projects will take place in Belgorod.

Are you planning to cooperate with the Belgorod diocese? As far as I know, Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol plays the piano beautifully.

We are thinking about it. This year we are planning to start a new project “Talents of the World - to the Most August Benefactors of the House of Romanov”, dedicated to two anniversaries: the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov, which will be celebrated in 2013, and the 150th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of Mercy Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova (celebration will take place in 2014). Both the family of Nicholas II and Elizaveta Fedorovna visited Belgorod in connection with the glorification of St. Joasaph of Belgorod, whom they deeply revered. It is known that representatives of the House of Romanov not only played music, but also staged amateur musical performances.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna helped soldiers, children, the sick, musicians, artists, artists. She held more than 150 positions in various organizations, patronized theaters, the Synodal Choir, and other cultural institutions. Being musically gifted, she was an Honorary Member of the Moscow Branch of the Imperial Russian musical society.

In the book by I.K Kuchmaeva “Culture of Charity of Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna” it is written that on January 28, 1917 in the Imperial Moscow Bolshoi Theater At her request, a performance was held with outstanding success in favor of her Hostel for Young Volunteers. In 2013, it will be 135 years since the founding of the Moscow Philharmonic Society. Elizaveta Feodorovna was an Honorary Trustee. I hope that our foundation will make its contribution to the celebration of these anniversaries.

- What is the goal of your new project?

Since our foundation is a charity, our goal is to attract people's attention to representatives of the Romanov dynasty as philanthropists. This can become an incentive for widespread charity in a variety of segments of the population, because we perform for both adults and children. We will remind our viewers that both the family of Emperor Nicholas II and the Grand Ducal couple have been engaged in acts of mercy all their lives - they held charity bazaars, concerts, performances, thanks to their initiative, the “White Flower” charity festival was held throughout Russia to help tuberculosis patients. Not everyone knows that not only Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, but also her younger sister, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, and her older daughters were sisters of mercy. They were not afraid of blood, terrible wounds and severed limbs of soldiers and officers. During the concerts, with the help of sponsors, we are going to distribute literature and films about the last representatives of the Romanov dynasty. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, in addition to the cultural and educational goal, there is also the task of specific assistance to specific people. Since we tour throughout Russia and different countries of the world, we have the opportunity to visit the places where the last Romanovs visited during their lifetime, and the places where societies, sisterhoods and foundations that bear their names operate. At our charity concerts we will raise funds for those in need living in this region. I hope that fundraising for them will continue after our departure, because the main thing is to start a business and draw attention to a specific person. And finally, our third goal is support young talents who don't yet have big name, but there is a gift from God. Elizaveta Fedorovna patronized many cultural figures individually and creative groups, for example, the Philharmonic Society.

- David, have you held charity concerts before? What's new in this project?

Now such concerts will be held more regularly. In addition, we will include in the repertoire works that the Most August Persons loved to listen to. The Hessian princesses Ella and Alix, who later became Russian saints, grew up in a family where they loved the music of Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahms, and other composers. This music sounded in Darmstadt, and in their Ilyinskoye estate, and in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow. We will pay special attention to working with children and youth, so that by 2013-2014 these holy names will be on everyone’s lips and in their hearts. We are going to announce a competition for young vocalists, dedicating it to anniversaries, inviting such outstanding opera singers, like Elena Obraztsova and Zurab Sotkilava, and based on the results of the competition we will hold International festival. We hope that, despite dozens of our previous projects, with God's help will be able to implement and new project. We are ready to help both children with cancer and children suffering from other diseases if we are approached with such requests. We will be happy to sing for them for free. But I believe that charity is an opportunity to raise funds for necessary medications and treatment. I am sure that many organizations, sponsors and authorities will support us in this.

One of the organizations that became interested in your activities was the charitable foundation of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna ( http:// www. fund- olga. ru/ ), which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. The foundation is led by Olga Nikolaevna Kulikovskaya-Romanova, who said after your concerts at the House of Music and the House of Scientists that she was delighted.

I am touched by such a high assessment of our activities and thank the Lord for meeting the daughter-in-law of the sister of Tsar Nicholas II. In the near future, we agreed to meet with Olga Nikolaevna and her closest assistant Irina Vladimirovna Bugaeva to discuss cooperation in preparation for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov.

David, 11 years ago you came from Georgia to Moscow and became “ godfather"my journalistic activity. All my first articles for Obshchaya Gazeta, Moskovskaya Pravda, Trud, Parliamentary Gazette and the Student Meridian magazine were dedicated to your work. Before my eyes, your Talents of the World Foundation was born. How will you celebrate the anniversary?

We will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the foundation throughout the year, but the culmination will be the concert of the twelve kings musical Olympus- the best opera singers of our time - which will take place, I hope, on December 12, 2012. I am sure that this grandiose holiday will be remembered by all lovers of classical music. Over the years, the fund has taken its rightful place in cultural life Russia and began to collaborate with leading concert halls in almost all major cities of Russia. We also perform all over the world. World stars of opera Olympus take part in our concerts, a large number of amazing singers, premiers who are having phenomenal careers. Thanks to their participation, the foundation manages, on the one hand, to raise operatic (and generally vocal) art to a decent level, and this is a colossal undertaking, and on the other hand, the foundation gives the opportunity to a huge number of people to meet the beautiful. What the foundation does is a great thing. This is a worthy propaganda for classical music. After our concerts, people go to opera houses, change their lifestyle, becoming familiar with the lofty and beautiful. But this is the most important thing in life. It is impossible to live without spiritual food. The foundation is also engaged in extensive charitable activities, helping the disabled, blind children, and large families. We took part in a large charity concert of the Moscow Government, which took place on December 3, 2009. All funds raised were transferred to the Center for the Rehabilitation of Disabled People with Spinal Diseases. And after our concerts, many patients got up and began to walk. What could be better when you have the opportunity to help those who need help?! In Russia it is no longer possible not to notice us. We are already known everywhere, because the foundation’s projects are taking place in all concert halls of all cities.

You live under constant time pressure, but find time to participate in such small school events as the charity concert “On the Road of Good. With hope in life." For example, on February 9, despite being busy and having traffic jams, you still came to Moscow school No. 717 for the sixth charity event in support of a child with cancer. What is this need of the soul?

Although I don’t have a minute of free time when I’m invited to take part in charity events, I consider it my duty to perform there, especially when it comes to helping sick children. I am sure that every person capable of doing what he can do will do this. During the event, which took place at Moscow school No. 717 on the eve of the International Day of Children with Cancer, which is celebrated on February 15, it was necessary to collect about 200 thousand rubles, but a little less than 330 thousand were collected. They were immediately handed over to 15-year-old Gleb Yagovdik, who came with his mother from Tajikistan. He suffers from a brain tumor and has already undergone complex treatment, but the tumor continues to grow. Money was collected for repeated radiation therapy in the Russian scientific center X-ray radiology. We ourselves are going to hold a big concert to help children with cancer, inviting representatives of the Moscow Government, various organizations and foundations to participate.

- Did you sing for the first time at school No. 717?

No. In 2011, the fifth charity concert to help cancer patient Vadim Sorokin was held at this school, also with my participation. That day, almost 250 thousand rubles were collected and delivered to Vadik’s mother. But I couldn't visit the boy that day. On December 30, 2011, the staff of our foundation and I visited Vadik and his mother Lyubov for the first time. They live with two other children, patients of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, in an apartment paid for by the Podari Zhizn fund. We did not expect Vadik to be so sociable, smart and reasonable. Arriving to see him immediately after the “New Year’s Ball” concert at the House of Scientists, we brought Vadim small gifts, colorful Balloons and enjoyed playing with him. They found out about his plans for the future (“I will be a scientist”) and asked if he believed in the Deeds of Frost (“no,” was the answer). “Do you believe in God?” I asked. Vadik thought for a long time, and then said: “God is very difficult.” But he knows prayers and takes communion. As a farewell gift, we gave him our CDs. I hope that both he and Gleb will come with their mothers to our concerts “Images of Russia”, “Images of Italy”, “Duets of Love”, “That’s how opera stars joke”, “Music of Pushkin’s verse”, “Vivat, operetta”, “ Romance, romance”, “Evening of musical and jazz”, “Take care of the world”, “Wait for me and I will return”, “Constellation of tenors”, “Parade of basses”, “Duel of baritones and basses”, “Royal tournament, or Competition of tenors , baritones and basses" and many others

- David, how did your collaboration with school No. 717 begin?

Masha Brandler studied at this school, with whom we went to visit Vadik. I remember her as a very little girl. Her parents wanted her to study vocals with me. The training didn’t work out, but we made friends with Maria’s family. When in the hospital Burdenko, I sang for the wounded soldiers along with Masha’s classmates, she was a spectator. And at a charity concert to help children with AIDS, she was the presenter. Since then, I have been participating in the events of school No. 717, where since 2005 there has been a children's charitable society in the name of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

In 2000, you taught vocals to children. You also know how to work with young people. Would you like to organize a vocal festival for children and teenagers together with the school?

A large number of young singers turn to me, and I was able to raise several amazing performers who, I hope, will soon take part not only in the projects of the Talents of the World Foundation, but also sing on many stages around the world. They are very talented, they really want to sing, and, of course, it is also a great happiness when there is an opportunity to teach someone. Unfortunately, I have very little time for this. For example, in October 2011 alone we completed 48 projects. A little less in November. The next concert season has already been scheduled. I’m practically not at home for months, but when I have at least 2-3 hours, I study with the guys who turned to me for help. Our foundation considers one of its main tasks to be helping young people who have good voices, but they don’t know how to sing because they haven’t met good teachers. I believe that children need to instill a taste for classical music in the family, during joint trips to the conservatory and musical theaters. You need to think about a youth festival. We already have more than 80 projects.

- Who supports you, who do you help?

We are often supported by the Ministry of Culture and city authorities. We cooperate with everyone who wants to cooperate with us. In Saransk we took part in the opening of a new opera house. We are frequent guests of many Russian festivals. In the summer we were in Dagestan - in a not very calm country, where everything went great. We will be happy to help their philharmonic society, which does not have its own building, and in the spring we will take part in their festival. In Pskov, we were approached with a request to give a charity concert in order to restore the burnt Philharmonic Hall - this temple of art.

The host of your concerts, Mariana Galanina, said during the Three Tenors concert: “And let the molten gold of their voices make you believe in immortality.” Do you yourself believe in immortality?

The most important thing is that each of us - the speakers - believes in God, and therefore in immortality, in our immortal soul. Personally, this faith helps me a lot. As before, before a performance I always go into the temple and light a candle. I believe that God is always with me, that He helps me. And after every success I say “thank you” to Him. I am incredibly happy that in 2011, when I was 33 years old (the age of Christ), I was able to visit the Holy Land twice. Both times we were there on tour. After I visited Israel for the first time and touched the Holy Places, my life completely changed for the better, and I directly felt it. Before that, I felt like I was at some kind of dead end, I didn’t know what to do... But when I venerated the Stone of Confirmation, the Holy Sepulcher, I experienced something that defies description. I cried and flew at the same time. It was something unimaginable. I prayed, and everything I asked for in the Holy Land absolutely came true. And the same thing happened the second time. Moreover, due to four concerts in four cities, we practically did not have time for a pilgrimage, but by some miracle we managed to enter the Church of the Holy Sepulcher literally a minute before it closed, and again I experienced catharsis. I can’t calmly talk about this. This is indescribable...

It was the trip to the Holy Land that became decisive for Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, who was a Protestant, to convert to Orthodoxy, although she did not receive her father’s blessing for this.

I learned this holy name due to the fact that I more than once participated in charity concerts dedicated to Elizabeth Feodorovna, who helped the army and children. By the way, for the first time I was invited to participate in such a concert by employees of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation.

- How closely do you work with this foundation?

We have been cooperating with the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation for a very long time, thanks to which many joint projects. After my participation in the concert organized by the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation at the hospital. Burdenko, I spoke at the opening and closing of the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” at greek island Rhodes, where opera star Patricia Miller (Georgian and African-American!) and I sang “Kalinka” and other works in Russian - this was the “dialogue of cultures.” Then, with the delegation of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, I sailed on a ship, congratulated the laureates of the international St. Andrew the First-Called Award “For Faith and Loyalty,” and participated in the “Children’s Mite” program at school No. 717, where the “By the Road of Good” concert raised funds for the treatment of Vadim Sorokin. I hope that our cooperation will continue within the framework of such foundation projects as “The Sanctity of Motherhood” and “Russian World”. We have many grandiose plans.

Are you ready to continue to participate in the “Children’s Mite” program, the presentation of which took place in November 2009 as part of the Christmas educational readings at the Russian Drama Theater “Chamber Stage” with the blessing of Archbishop Alexander of Kostroma and Galich (now Metropolitan of Astana and Kazakhstan)?

I think it's wonderful when some children help others. Many young performers with whom we work, who are just learning to sing, taking their first steps in the art of opera, will gladly and happily take part in charity concerts held to help sick children, large families, and children in orphanages and orphanages.

- In which countries is the Talents of the World Foundation known?

It’s easier to name countries where we haven’t been yet. These are Germany, China, France, Japan. They performed in Azerbaijan, England, Armenia, the United Arab Emirates, Greece, Georgia, Israel, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Finland, the Czech Republic, the USA, and in the spring of 2011 they visited Taiwan and all the Baltic countries. And there was a great reception everywhere. We recently returned from the wonderful city of Baku, where I had never been before, although I was born and raised in neighboring Georgia. I was happy to visit Baku. Its beauty came as a surprise to me. There we performed in the Philharmonic, which bears the name of Muslim Magamaev’s grandfather. The Three Tenors concert was dedicated to Mario Lanza - American singer with Italian roots. But the poster said that the concert would also be held in honor of Muslim Magamaev. When we sang the song he wrote about Azerbaijan, people were shocked. I don’t remember such applause. We were absolutely happy. The concert took place on my birthday - December 3, when I turned 34 years old. And the whole hall sang for me “Happy birthday to you!” Imagine, all 600 or 700 people! The concert went off with a bang, each number evoked a flurry of emotions. In March 2012, we planned our next visit to Baku.

On March 29, my father was born in the small Azerbaijani town of Ganja (formerly Kirovabad). Muslim Magamaev was his favorite singer. My father is no longer alive, but his reverence for Magamaev was passed on to me.

Magomayev is an idol for many singers, and I am among them. Therefore, it was very important for me to visit Baku and visit the grave of Magomayev and other great cultural figures. Before Azerbaijan there were amazing tours in Israel, the USA, and many European countries. We performed at the Riga Opera House, in Great hall Conservatory in Kyiv. We are fortunate that we are artists, and we have the opportunity to sing for audiences from different countries, introduce them to Russian culture and get acquainted with different cultures ourselves. In the Netherlands they were expecting us for Maslenitsa, but we didn’t have time to apply for grants, and for 10 years we haven’t received a single penny from anyone. But our projects correspond to the goals and objectives of the Russkiy Mir Foundation - the popularization of Russian culture and the Russian language abroad. We are ready for any cooperation in promoting Russian culture abroad, we are ready to go to any countries where they will listen to us. We are happy to support cultural events because it is impossible to live without it. The foundation is part of Russian culture. Nowadays there are few organizations in Russia that would do so much and on such a scale for Russian culture, and therefore for world culture, because Russian culture- part of it.

Advisor on international relations of Five Continents, Mr. Alexis Hatzis invites four of your singers to take part in the “First-Ever Pilgrimage Cruise to the Shrines of Greece.”

If the Lord wills, concert program The Talents of the World Foundation will decorate this grandiose project, and it can become the best cultural, educational and pilgrimage project of 2012.

Mr. Alexis Hatzis also allocates a four-bed cabin for children under the care of the abbot of the Greek monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord - Sagmata, Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos), who for many years, at the expense of the Greeks, has been inviting disadvantaged children from Russia and Ukraine to vacation in Greece. But in 2011, he did not have the funds to continue his charity program “Bridge of Love”.

We will be happy to hold a series of charity concerts in support of the Orthodox Church. children's camp on Mount Parnassus, led by Father Nektarios. We hope that in the summer of 2012, Russian children from large and low-income families will again be able to come to fabulous Greece, where I have already been and would like to visit more than once. I repeat that we are ready for any cooperation. Both people, organizations, and various foundations should combine their efforts, and not stew in their own juice, because we are doing a common cause - we are trying to increase national glory Russia and through high art to unite our society.

Interviewed Irina Akhundova

Gvinianidze (baritone) is the president and artistic director of the Talents of the World Foundation.

Born on December 3, 1977 in Georgia. Graduated with honors from the Tbilisi Music Academy named after. M.Paniashvili. As a second-year student, he becomes a presenter on Georgian television and hosts his own weekly program “Tenor,” which tells a wide audience about classical music, opera stars, composers, performances... The program had such a wide public response that after just a few episodes it began to be broadcast not only on national but also international cable television.

Third-year student David Gvinianidze is invited to be a soloist at the Batumi State Opera and Ballet Theater.

After graduation Music Academy was invited to the Newport Opera House (Great Britain), and a number of other opera houses in Europe.

Rejecting these offers, in 2000 the young singer came to Moscow, where immediately after the first round of auditions he became a soloist at the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater.

In the period from 2000 to 2003. David actively combines work at the Novaya Opera Theater with participation in international competitions: 2001 and 2002 brought him laureates at the Festival. S. Rachmaninov “White Lilac” (Moscow), 2002 he became the winner of the 1st prize at the International Competition of Russian Romance Performers “Romansiada” (Moscow), in 2004 - laureate of the International Vocal Competition named after. N. Sabitova (Ufa). In June 2006, David Gvinianidze became a laureate of the international vocal competition “Valsesia-Music” (chairman of the jury - Fiorenza Cossoto) (Milan, Italy). At the same time, he founded the “Talents of the World” foundation and continued his active concert activities.

In January 2003, at the invitation of the management, David Gvinianidze became a soloist of the Moscow Musical Theater Helikon-Opera.

Until 2011, David Gvinianidze, as the owner of a velvety “intoxicating” lyric tenor with a wide range and a textured appearance of a romantic “macho”, embodied such diverse roles on the stage of opera houses as: the Duke of Mantua (G. Verdi, “Rigoletto”); Prince Sinodal (A. Rubinstein, “The Demon”); Berendey (N. Rimsky-Korsakov, “The Snow Maiden”); Turiddu (P. Mascagni, “Rural Honor”); Lensky (P. Tchaikovsky, “Eugene Onegin”); Alfred (G. Verdi, La Traviata); Macduff (G. Verdi, “Macbeth”); Harlequin (R. Leoncovallo, “Pagliacci”); Kote (V. Dolidze, “Keto and Kote”); Malkhaz (Z. Paliashvili, “Daisi”); Alfred (I. Strauss, “ Bat"); Ernesto (G. Donizetti, “Don Pasquale”); Don José (J. Bizet, “Carmen”), Poponel Skosvodmonit (L. Minotti, “The Boy Who Grew Up Too Fast”), etc.

Since 2012, the singer has made a revolutionary decision for himself and changed his tenor role to baritone. In a new vocal capacity, David Gvinianidze brilliantly performs arias from operas by P.I. Tchaikovsky (Roberto from the opera “Iolanta”, Gremin from the opera “The Queen of Spades”), G. Verdi (Rodrigo from the opera “Don Carlos”),

J. Bizet (Escamillo from the opera “Carmen”), as well as bright arias from classical operettas by I. Kalman (Mr. X from the operetta “Mr. X”, Tassilo from the operetta “Maritza”).

In addition, the singer’s concert repertoire includes more than a hundred arias from world vocal classics, as well as romances by Russian and foreign composers.

As the author of all concert programs and artistic director of the Talents of the World Foundation, he brought to life on stage in Russia such projects as “Constellation of Tenors”, “Constellation of Bass”, “Duel of Tenors and Bass”, “Royal Tournament, or Competition of Tenors, Baritones and Bass” "," "Constellation of the mezzo-soprano", "Girl Trouble, or the rivalry between the soprano and the mezzo-soprano", a concert performance of J. Bizet's opera "Carmen" (in which artists from Moscow opera houses, recognized the best performers for each of the roles), original performances “Anthology of Romance”, “Love Triangle”, “Poetry of Pushkin’s Verse”, and many others. As part of the author’s cycle “Idols for all times,” he organized concerts with the participation of People’s Artist of the USSR Maria Biesu, People’s Artist of the USSR Nani Bregvadze, and US opera prima donna Patricia Miller (Metropolitan Opera).

And these megastars of the domestic and foreign stage are not his only famous stage partners. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation L. Magomedova, National artist USSR V. Piavko, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation A. Volochkova, People's Artist of Russia Gerard Vasiliev, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Vedeneev, People's Artist Russia Svetlana Varguzova, People's Artist of Georgia A. Khomeriki, People's Artist of the USSR M. Kasrashvili, soloist of the Israeli national opera Mila Edelman, diva of the Bucharest National Opera Ecaterina Tutu, opera diva Italy Gabriela Morigi, world famous Italian tenor Francesco Anile, US tenor Alejandro Almedo, and this is far from full list star names with whom he shared his success.

The singer has already given many concerts in countries near and far: Austria, Armenia, Great Britain, Israel, Greece, Georgia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Moldova, United United Arab Emirates, the United States of America, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and tours the cities of Russia with constant success.

In recognition of his achievements in the field of culture, on July 17, 2005, the opening ceremony of D. Gvinianidze’s star took place on the symphonic stage of the Sokolniki Culture and Recreation Park. A few months earlier, the Society theatrical figures Russia awarded him the gold medal “For Patronage”.

David Gvinianidze has received awards from many festivals, for example, such as: Pushkin festival “Boldino Autumn” (Novgorod), “Musical Kharkov” (Kharkov, Ukraine), “Moscow. Pushkin. Musical evenings on Arbat”, festivals of Russian music in Veliky Novgorod and Pskov, festival “Maria Bieshu invites...” (Chisinau, Moldova), etc. As one of the organizers, as president of the Talents of the World Foundation, he participated in the revival of the opera festival in Georgia.

As an honorary guest in 2006, David Gvinianidze was invited to a session of the world public forum “Dialogue of Civilizations”, held annually on the island of Rhodes (Greece). State and public figures, representatives of science and culture, and religious figures from many countries of the world take part in the Forum sessions. In the same year, the Talents of the World Charitable Foundation, founded and headed by him, became a full member international association“Knowledge”, heading the department of culture and art in this widely known educational organization.

In 2007, the name of David Gvinianidze was included in the encyclopedia “People of Our Millennium”, and in December of the same year he was awarded the UN medal “For Contribution to the Development of Culture”.
In 2008, in the Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House of Music, a ceremonial presentation of one of the highest public orders of Russia, the “Ruby Cross of Glory”, awarded to the performer for a significant contribution to the development of science, culture and art, took place.

In 2012, David Gvinianidze was awarded certificate of honor Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation “For his great contribution to the preservation of the traditions of the performing arts of the Russian vocal school and many years of fruitful work”

In 2013, the name of David Gvinianidze was included in the encyclopedic publication Russian Academy sciences “Who is who” and in the Swiss encyclopedic publication “Who is who”
Davide Gvinianidze is a frequent guest on television programs and a participant in concerts. television programs. His activities as an opera performer are widely covered by the media: newspapers Trud, Moskovskaya Pravda, Novaya Gazeta, Leisure in Moscow, Moskvichka, regional press, ITAR TASS, magazines Meridian, Antenna , “Russian Open Spaces”, etc., radio stations “Orpheus”, “Voice of Russia”, “Echo of Moscow”, “Moscow Speaks”, “Mayak”, television and radio channel “Culture”, “Domashny”, TV Center, “Capital”, “Trust”, “Family”, “VKT”, “NTV of America”, RTVI, RTN, as well as many online publications.

If everything is bad for you and there are signs of impending depression, go to any of the concerts organized by the Talents of the World charity foundation for creative initiatives, and not a trace will remain of your blues. I, all my relatives and friends have been convinced of this for more than ten years.

On December 11, 2011, we attended a wonderful concert “Three Tenors” with the participation of David Gvinianidze, Alejandro Olmedo from Mexico and Georg Ennaris, a singer with Ukrainian roots, but living in Argentina. And, as always, not a single person left disappointed. Once again the concert ended with a standing ovation and an encore performance of the works. On December 30, 2011, the “Diva” concert will take place in the House of Scientists, and on January 6, 2012, in the Svetlanov Hall of the International House of Music, the “Christmas Royal Tournament” will take place with the participation of the best basses, baritones and tenors of Russia and foreign countries.

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, the president and artistic director of the charitable foundation for creative initiatives “Talents of the World”, laureate of the All-Russian and international competitions David Gvinianidze congratulates everyone on the upcoming holidays and talks about the achievements of the foundation, about new projects dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov and the 10th anniversary of the foundation, about its readiness to support the charitable program of Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos) “Bridge of Love” and about how the trip to Israel changed his consciousness and his whole life.

– David, 11 years ago, when you arrived from Georgia to Moscow, my collaboration with Obshchaya Gazeta, the Student Meridian magazine, the Moskovskaya Pravda, Trud, Parlamentskaya Gazeta and other publications began with articles dedicated to your work. I still keep the first publications about you and videos of your first concerts in the capital. Before my eyes, your charitable foundation “Talents of the World” was born. When will you celebrate your anniversary?

– We will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the foundation throughout 2012 in the All-Russian and even internationally. Twelve kings of musical Olympus - the best opera singers of our time - will perform in many cities in different countries, including, we hope, in New York at the Carnegie Hall concert hall. But the culmination of the celebrations will be a concert, which will take place on December 12, 2012. I'm sure it will be a grand celebration.

– What has changed in the fund over the years?

– A lot has changed. The foundation took its rightful place in the cultural life of Russia and began to cooperate with leading concert halls in almost all major cities of the country. We also perform all over the world. Our concerts involve the participation of world stars of opera Olympus, a large number of amazing singers, leading premieres who are making a phenomenal career. Thanks to their participation, the foundation manages, on the one hand, to raise operatic (and vocal) art in general to a decent level, and on the other hand, the foundation gives the opportunity to a huge number of people to meet the beautiful.

What the foundation does is a great, colossal thing. This is worthy propaganda of classical music and vocal art. Thanks to these concerts, people then go to opera houses, change their lifestyle, becoming familiar with the lofty and beautiful. But this is the most important thing in life. It is impossible to live without spiritual food. The foundation is also involved in extensive charitable activities. In many of our projects we help disabled people, blind children, and large families. We took part in a large charity concert of the Moscow Government, which took place on December 3, 2009, my birthday.

All funds raised were transferred to the Center for the Rehabilitation of Disabled People with Spinal Diseases. And after our concerts, many patients got up and began to walk. What could be better when you have the opportunity to help someone who needs help?! In Russia it is no longer possible not to notice us. We are already known everywhere, because the foundation’s projects are taking place in all concert halls of all cities. We are often supported by the Ministry of Culture and city authorities.

We are open to everyone who wants to cooperate with us. In Saransk we took part in the opening of a new opera house. We are frequent guests of many Russian festivals. In the summer we were in Dagestan - in a not very calm country, where everything went great. We will be happy to help their philharmonic society, which does not have its own building, and in the spring we will take part in their festival. In Pskov, we were approached with a request to give a charity concert in order to restore the burned-out Philharmonic.

– The host of your concerts, Mariana Galanina, said during the “Three Tenors” concert: “And let the molten gold of their voices make you believe in immortality.” Do you yourself believe in immortality?

– The most important thing is that each of us – the speakers – believes in God, and therefore in immortality, in our immortal soul. Personally, this faith helps me a lot. As before, before a performance I always go into the temple and light a candle. I believe that God is always with me, that He helps me. And after every success I say “thank you” to Him. I am incredibly happy that in 2011, when I was 33 years old (the age of Christ), I was able to visit the Holy Land twice. Both times we were there on tour.

After I visited Israel for the first time and touched the Holy Places, my life completely changed for the better, and I directly felt that it had turned my entire consciousness upside down. Before that, I felt like I was in some kind of dead end, there were problems, depression, some kind of stagnation, because I didn’t know what to do - whether to give up what had been done over the years or not...

And it was when I got there, venerating the Stone of Confirmation, the Holy Sepulcher, that I experienced something that defies description. It feels crazy. Tears flowed naturally when I touched these places. I cried and flew at the same time. It was something unimaginable. This changes everything in life. It's amazing. I prayed, and everything I asked for in the Holy Land was absolutely fulfilled. I was shocked. Everything began to straighten out and move forward. These were our first concerts for Russian-speaking audiences in Israel. The first baritone concert was dedicated to Muslim Magamaev.

The same thing happened the second time when we brought the “Three Tenors” program. Besides me, there were soloists of the La Scala opera house in Milan and the leading US opera house, the Metropolitan Opera. We lived in Tel Aviv. And we had 4 concerts in 4 days. By some miracle, we managed to slip into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher literally a minute before it closed, and again I experienced catharsis by touching the shrines. And the guys were shocked too. What it is? I can’t calmly talk about this. This is amazing, indescribable... I really want to see the descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher...

– Do you know that it was the trip to the Holy Land that was decisive for her, who was a Protestant, to convert to Orthodoxy, although she did not receive her father’s blessing for this?

- No, I haven’t heard about that. But I know this holy name thanks to the fact that I have repeatedly participated in charity concerts dedicated to Elizabeth Feodorovna, who helped soldiers and children. I remember how several years ago, on the eve of Elizabeth Feodorovna’s birthday, in the hospital named after. Burdenko, I sang for wounded soldiers on the same stage with the students of school No. 717, where since 2005 there has been a children's charitable society named after Elizaveta Fedorovna. In 2011, the fifth charity concert to help a child with cancer was held here with my participation. Although I don’t have a minute of free time, when I’m invited to such events, I always agree and know that every person capable of doing what he can do would do the same. By the way, I took part in these concerts at the invitation of the staff of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation.

– How closely do you cooperate with this foundation?

– We have been cooperating with the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation for a very long time, thanks to which many joint projects have taken place. After my participation in the concert organized by the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation at the hospital. Burdenko, I spoke at the opening and closing of the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” on the Greek island of Rhodes, where opera star Patricia Miller (a Georgian with an African-American!) and I sang “Kalinka” and other works in Russian - this was the “dialogue” cultures." Then, with the delegation of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, I sailed on a ship, congratulated the laureates of the international St. Andrew the First-Called Award “For Faith and Loyalty,” and participated in the “Children’s Mite” program at school No. 717, where the “By the Road of Good” concert raised funds for the treatment of Vadim Sorokin. I hope that our cooperation will continue within the framework of such foundation projects as “The Sanctity of Motherhood” and “Russian World”. We have many grandiose plans.

– Are you ready to continue to participate in the “Children’s Mite” program, the presentation of which took place in November 2009 as part of the Christmas educational readings at the Russian drama theater “Chamber Stage” with the blessing of Archbishop Alexander of Kostroma and Galich (now Metropolitan of Astana and Kazakhstan)?

– I think it’s wonderful when some children help others. Many young performers with whom we work, who are just learning to sing, taking their first steps in the art of opera, will gladly and happily take part in charity concerts held to help sick children, large families, and children in orphanages and orphanages.

– In 2000, you gave vocal lessons to Anechka Zelik, Rita Galanina, and other children. Do you continue to teach young people to sing?

– Yes, a large number of singers turn to me, and I was able to raise several amazing performers who, I hope, will soon take part not only in the projects of the Talents of the World Foundation, but also sing on many stages around the world. They are very talented, they really want to sing, and, of course, it is also a great happiness when there is an opportunity to teach someone. Unfortunately, I have very little time for this. For example, in October of this year alone we completed 48 projects. A little less in November. There are also a huge number of concerts in December-January. The next concert season has already been scheduled. I’m practically not at home for months, but when I have at least 2-3 hours to work with the guys who turned to me for help, I help. Our foundation considers one of its main tasks to be helping young people who have good voices, but cannot sing because they have not met good teachers. Soon you will see new interesting young singers, whose names are already written on the fund’s posters.

– Could cooperation with the “Family of Russia” film festival interest you? Festival President Galina Alekseeva, at an evening dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Foundation of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, which is headed by Olga Nikolaevna Kulikovskaya-Romanova, recently said that in 2013 the X Festival will be dedicated to celebrating the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov. Galina Alekseeva expressed her readiness to cooperate with you.

– I’ll definitely contact her, because family values- This is the basis of the foundations for any society. And children need to instill a taste for classical music in the family, during joint trips to the conservatory and musical theaters. Regarding the anniversary you mentioned, which we will celebrate in 2013, I note that our foundation will also not remain aloof from the celebration of such a significant date for Russia. And in 2014 we will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova. Therefore, our foundation is starting a new project “Talents of the World - to the Most August Benefactors of the House of Romanov,” which will be implemented during 2012-2014.

- A wonderful initiative. After all, it is known that Elizaveta Feodorovna helped not only soldiers, children, sick and disadvantaged people, but also people of art - musicians, actors, artists. The Grand Duchess held more than 150 positions in various organizations. Being musically gifted, she was an Honorary Member of the Moscow Branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society. Under her patronage there were both theaters and Synodal Choir, and other cultural institutions that took part in her charitable activities. For example, on January 28, 1917, at the Imperial Moscow Bolshoi Theater, at her request, great success a performance was held in favor of her Dormitory for Young Volunteers. What is the goal of your new project?

– Since our foundation is a charity, our goal is to attract people’s attention to representatives of the Romanov dynasty, first of all, as philanthropists. And this can be an incentive for widespread charity in various segments of the population, because we perform for both adults and children. We will not encourage people of different ages and incomes to do good deeds. We will remind them that the family of Emperor Nicholas II and the Grand Duchess spent their entire lives doing charity work - holding charity bazaars, concerts, and performances. On their initiative, the “White Flower” holiday was held throughout Russia in favor of tuberculosis patients. Not everyone knows that not only Elizaveta Feodorovna, but also her younger sister, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, and her older daughters were sisters of mercy. They were not afraid of blood, pus, lice, or the severed limbs of soldiers and officers. During the concerts we will distribute literature and films about the Romanovs. But in addition to the cultural and educational goal, there is also the task of helping specific people. Since we tour throughout Russia and different countries of the world, we have the opportunity to visit all the places where the last Romanovs visited during their lifetime, or places where societies, sisterhoods and foundations that bear their names operate. At our charity concerts we will raise funds for those in need living in the region. I hope that fundraising for them will continue after we leave, because the main thing is to start a business and draw attention to a specific person. And finally, our third goal is to support young talents who do not yet have a big name, but have a gift from God. Elizaveta Fedorovna patronized many cultural figures and creative teams, for example, the Philharmonic Society. Professor I.K. Kuchmaeva writes about this in her book “The Culture of Charity of Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna.”

– David, you’ve held charity concerts before, haven’t you? What's new in this project?

– Now such concerts will be held more regularly. In addition, we will include in the repertoire works that the Most August Persons loved to listen to. The Hessian princesses Ella and Alix, who later became Russian saints, grew up in a family where they loved the music of Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahms, and other composers. This music was heard in Darmstadt, and on the Ilinskoye estate, and in St. Petersburg, and Moscow. We will pay special attention to working with children and youth, so that by 2013-2014 these holy names will be on everyone’s lips and in their hearts. We are going to announce a competition for young vocalists, dedicating it to anniversaries, inviting such outstanding opera singers as Elena Obraztsova and Zurab Sotkilava to the jury, and based on the results of the competition we will hold an International Festival. We have already scheduled events for 2012, and we hope that, despite dozens of our previous projects, with God’s help we will be able to implement a new project. We are ready to help children from different regions Russia: both children with cancer, and children with diabetes or cerebral palsy, or other diseases, if we are contacted with such requests. We will be happy to sing for them for free. But I believe that charity is an opportunity to implement a project for such children in order to raise funds for the necessary medications and treatment. I am sure that many organizations, sponsors and authorities will support us in this.

– David, you were very warmly received by the public in Smolensk, where for five years in a row the St. Elizabeth’s readings for children and youth have been held, initiated by the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation. And the good news is that the readings resulted in a children's charity - children are raising funds for a sick girl Nadya from the village of Glinka.

- This means that God Himself ordered our musicians to go to the village with that name. In general, 2011 was rich in travel and ended with a big tour of cities such as Ivanovo, Vladimir, Ufa, Kazan and others. On December 10, in Belgorod, the Prima Donna concert was held with great triumph in the beautiful hall of the new Philharmonic - this temple of culture. This is an amazing project in which leading soloists of Russian opera houses take part - prima donnas who sing all over the world. We have begun cooperation with the Belgorod Philharmonic, where 4 projects will take place this concert season - from September 2011 to the end of August 2012. We visited Belgorod many times in 2010. This is an unusual, stylish European city, with incredibly beautiful architecture, a well-built city. The hand of the person who heads the city, who allocates money for culture, is visible. The Philharmonic has amazing acoustics, everything is very beautifully done. And, of course, it is very pleasant to sing in such halls.

– When you perform Federico’s Lament from the opera Fr. Chilea "Arlesiana", Cavaradossi's aria from G. Puccini's opera "Tosca", "Spanish Bolero" by V. Chiara, "A Soldier in Love" by Canio, Neapolitan songs or "Bells" by A. Bakaleinikov, the heart skips a beat with delight. And after R. Falvo’s song “Say, Girls,” performed by three tenors, Russian listeners shout for a long time: “Bravo!” Which foreign countries has the Talents of the World Foundation visited?

– It’s easier to name countries where we haven’t been yet. These are Germany, China, France, Japan. They performed in Azerbaijan, England, Armenia, the United Arab Emirates, Greece, Georgia, Israel, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Finland, the Czech Republic, the USA, and in the spring of 2011 they visited Taiwan and all the Baltic countries. And there was a great reception everywhere. We recently returned from the wonderful city of Baku, where I had never been before, although I was born and raised in neighboring Georgia. I was happy to visit Baku. Its beauty came as a surprise to me. There we performed in the Philharmonic, which bears the name of Muslim Magamaev’s grandfather. The Three Tenors concert was dedicated to Mario Lanza, an American singer with Italian roots. But the poster said that the concert would also be held in honor of Muslim Magamaev. When we sang the song he wrote about Azerbaijan, people were shocked. I don’t remember such applause. We were absolutely happy. The concert took place on my birthday - December 3, when I turned 34 years old. And the whole hall sang for me “Happy Birthday to You!” Imagine, all 600 or 700 people wished me happy birthday! This has never happened in my life before! The concert went off with a bang, each number evoked a flurry of emotions. In March 2012, we planned our next visit to Baku.

– David, on March 29, my father was born in the small Azerbaijani town of Ganja (formerly Kirovabad). Muslim Magamaev was his favorite singer. My father is no longer alive, but his reverence for Magamaev was passed on to me.

– Magomayev is an idol for many singers, and I am among them. Therefore, it was very important for me to visit Baku and visit the grave of Magomayev and other great cultural figures. Before Azerbaijan there were amazing tours in Israel, the USA, and many European countries. We performed at the Riga Opera House, in the Great Hall of the Conservatory in Kyiv. We are fortunate that we are artists, and we have the opportunity to sing for audiences from different countries, introduce them to Russian culture and get acquainted with different cultures ourselves. In the Netherlands they were expecting us for Maslenitsa, but we didn’t have time to apply for grants, and for 10 years we haven’t received a single penny from anyone. But our projects correspond to the goals and objectives of the Russkiy Mir Foundation - the popularization of Russian culture and the Russian language abroad. We are ready for any cooperation in promoting Russian culture abroad, we are ready to go to any countries where they will listen to us. We are happy to support cultural events, because it is impossible to live without it. The Foundation is part of Russian culture. Now in Russia there are few organizations that would do so much good and on such a scale for world culture, because Russian culture is part of it.

– Maybe you will be able to become a participant in the “First-ever pilgrimage cruise to the shrines of Greece.” This “Orthodox Journey” will take place on the initiative of the company’s International Relations Advisor, Alexis Hatzis, who is ready to discuss this possibility with you. And his decision will be supported by the Consul General of Greece in Moscow Ioannis Plotas, the director of the cruise Egor Evdokimov, the official representative of the cruise in Russia Theodore Tsatsanidis and the head of the international press club Central House journalist Nina Lesina.

– If the Lord wills, the concert program of the Talents of the World Foundation will decorate this grandiose project, which can become the best cultural, educational and pilgrimage project of 2012.

– You could also take part in organizing a fundraiser in support of the “Bridge of Love” charity program of Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos), who for many years, at the expense of the Greek side, has been inviting disadvantaged children from Russia and Ukraine to vacation in Greece. But in 2011, the Greeks did not have the funds for this. The only Russian organization that showed interest in Father Nektary’s program was the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

– We will be happy to hold charity concerts, raising funds for an Orthodox children’s camp on Mount Parnassus, led by Father Nektary. We hope that in the summer of 2012, Russian children from large and low-income families will again be able to come to fabulous Greece, where we have already performed and would like to visit more than once. I repeat that we are ready for any cooperation. In my opinion, people, organizations, a variety of foundations should unite their efforts, and not stew in their own juices, because we are doing a common cause - we are trying to increase the national glory of Russia and unite our society through high art or in other ways available to us.

– What concerts of yours can Muscovites attend?

– December 30, 2011 in Moscow in Central house scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (http://www.cdu-art.ru/) The Talents of the World Foundation will hold a concert “New Year’s Ball”, and on January 12, 2012 - “Old New Year with the Talents of the World Foundation. On January 6, the “Christmas Royal Tournament, or Competition of Tenors, Baritones and Basses” with the participation of the best opera singers of Russia and foreign countries will take place in the Svetlanov Hall of the International House of Music (MMDM) (http://talents-of-world.com/anons). February 11 “Parade of the best basses in Russia”, dedicated to the day birth of the great Russian bass Fyodor Chaliapin, will be held in the Pavel Slobodkin Center, and on February 23, the audience will be treated to a concert of “Primadonna”.

– What is the “Christmas Royal Tournament”?

– This breathtaking spectacle will take you back to the era of knights and troubadours, when for the sake of beautiful ladies they not only sang love, plucking the strings of a mandolin, but also drew their swords. Opera singers from different theaters masterpieces of Russian and foreign vocal classics will be performed around the world. Come with the whole family, don’t be afraid that the children won’t understand the opera. Beautiful voices, brilliant acting, sparkling humor and all-conquering love transform a vocal competition accompanied by the virtuoso playing of the symphony orchestra of the Talents of the World Foundation (conductor Sergei Kiss) into a luxurious enchanting performance. At the "Royal Tournament" even the funny looks majestic, causing amazement and delight of the audience.

– Who, besides you, will take part in this unusual competition?

– Tenors Alejandro Olmedo (premier of the Mexico City Opera House, Spain) and Georg Ennaris (soloist of the opera houses of Argentina and Brazil), baritones Sergei Plyusnin (soloist of the Bolshoi Theater), Andrey Baturkin (soloist of the Bolshoi Theater and MAMT named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko), Konstantin Brzhinsky (soloist of MMT "Helikon Opera"), basses Otar Kunchulia (soloist of the Bolshoi Theater and Tbilisi State academic theater opera and ballet named after Z. Paliashvili), Vladimir Kudashev (soloist of the MT “New Opera”) and Mikhail Guzhov (soloist of the Bolshoi Theater and MMT “Helikon-Opera”). We promise to give you a real holiday.

- Thank you, David! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Interviewed by Irina Akhundova

Photo by Maria Brandler and from the archives of the Talents of the World Foundation

Before the interview, I’ll say this: once, while in the city of Krasnodar at the house of the parents of the famous opera singer Anna Netrebko, I was holding in my hands the family collection of records - recordings by Ivan Kozlovsky, Sergei Lemeshev, Maria Maksakova, Nadezhda Obukhova, Fyodor Chaliapin, Maxim Mikhailov ... These are the records that the future opera star listened to, on which she grew up, as they say. In your childhood, what was decisive in your choice of profession? Maybe also recordings or radio, television, or perhaps family traditions?

After I clearly realized that I wanted to sing, I often and a lot listened to records with recordings of the voices of opera performers. We had a record player and a lot of records in our house. And so, listening to wonderful tenors, my passion for opera grew and my desire to seriously study opera vocals grew. And I started collecting records myself. Now they are all in my house in Georgia. Of course, there is no way to bring them to Moscow. And, besides, now all music is on the Internet, so even CDs have already faded into the background.

You're talking about a collection of tenor voices. And what Georgian artists’ recordings were collected? Fans of opera and ancient romance probably remember the records of Mary Nakashidze, Tamara Tsereteli, Keto Japaridze, Zurab Andzhaparidze, Zurab Sotkilava...

Of course, among my records there are recordings by Georgian artists - the opera “The Queen of Spades”, in which Zurab Andzhaparidze, the famous tenor, sang; “Abesalom and Eteri” with Zurab Sotkilava. There are also records by Medea Amiranashvili, David Gamrekeli, Peter Amiranashvili, David Anguladze, Nodar Anguladze... And I had a great opportunity to listen to their voices!

I've been singing since I was six years old. But when at that time my mother called me to watch Luciano Pavarotti’s performance on TV, or when the “Concert of the Three Tenors” was shown, for example, every time I said: “Mom, let’s switch the TV”... At a young age I did not feel the art of opera. I sang pop songs and didn’t understand why in opera the actors “scream” so much and sing with such “big voices.”

Later, I came to the realization that it is necessary to seriously study my voice: I must definitely learn to sing complex works In order for the lungs to be excellent, you need to have a professional voice. And this opportunity only comes from academic singing. And with this understanding I came to training courses conservatory.

I fell in love with the art of opera and realized that I would never serve only the pop genre. And it was during this period that I began to enthusiastically listen to recordings of great performers - the incredibly beautiful voice of Sergei Yakovlevich Lemeshev, his wonderful Lensky and Russian romances and songs; listened to many foreign singers: Mario Del Monaco, Aureliano Pertile, Beniamino Gigli, Enrico Caruso and, of course, the great Maria Callas. I'm a Maria Callas fan. She is perhaps the only singer of this caliber in the twentieth century; her work is a whole era in the art of opera!

And so, when I entered the conservatory, I fell in love with classical singing so much that I wanted not only to sing myself, but also to do some social work - to try to attract the Georgian public to opera houses. This, after all, was the 90s, a criminal country...

- It wasn’t only in Georgia that chaos was happening...

Not only in Georgia, yes. In general, this situation existed everywhere after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But in Georgia, somehow “very talented” and quickly brought the country into desolation. Nobody needed anything. And the opera, especially, was not needed. But I wanted to return people to real art. And I began to make my own television programs in Kutaisi, Tbilisi, and Batumi. We just came to the rescue with recordings from our own audio library. At the same time, I began to purposefully collect a video library of opera artists’ performances.

The show had a good resonance. At that time, I was invited by the President of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Aslan Abashidze, thanks to whom my author’s programs also took place on Adjara television.

On the one hand, there was my love for opera, and on the other, a kind of demonstration of my capabilities to my parents, who at that time were against my studying at the conservatory. Because in the terrible nineties, opera was absolutely not in demand, and in general, how could my son have a voice when no one in our family had ever sung professionally...

This is now a huge propaganda of opera art. Came from different countries of the world Georgian singers, create funds, help children, hold telethons. And today, believe me, every person in the country loves opera. It's amazing! I am incredibly glad that in Russia there is a return of real art to the stage.

It happens that show business stars cancel concerts where our foundation successfully holds evenings dedicated to Muslim Magomayev, Georg Ots, Mario Lanza... - names that will forever remain in the annals of the world musical art. I am happy and glad that audiences are striving for real art. And there are a large number of artists who want to sing in such musical evenings!

And yet, alas, it is not often that show business stars show due respect for the work of the idols of previous generations. If they participate in such, first of all, television projects and try to perform a repertoire that is more vocally complex, then, on the contrary, they deliberately simplify the arrangements, adjusting the work to their own vocal capabilities(often very modest). And, knowing how the piece sounded in the original, all these rehashes, to put it mildly, are not very pleasant to listen to...

But, nevertheless, we must pay tribute to the stars of show business for striving to sing something else...

- For trying, perhaps, yes...

By this they once again emphasize that, after all, classics are classics and we must strive for the high. This is how I see it.

Is it more pleasant to listen to opera singers when they perform some pop song? Let's say Luciano Pavarotti did this very well. It was immediately clear whose voice was better: the pop singer’s or the divine timbre of Pavarotti, with which he began to create amazing beauty musical drawing even in a simple pop song. The wonderful Montserrat Caballe also did phenomenal work with Freddie Mercury... On Soviet stage these are, of course, Muslim Magomaev, Georg Ots, Yuri Gulyaev, Rashid Behbudov... - singers who sang masterfully and opera parts, and performed pop songs wonderfully. Why? Yes, because it is impossible to hide a beautiful voice and the ability to master it flawlessly! But there is one trend. Unfortunately, many opera singers, when they take up the stage, overload this genre.

- “Heavy” they sing...

At different times, the public showed interest in opera in different ways: there were full houses and half-empty halls. Everything, naturally, depends on how prepared the viewer is to perceive the art of opera. And in this regard, I recall the observations of artists who often perform abroad, as they say, “post-Soviet space”: they say, in the halls of opera houses you can often see young people who are clearly adherents of other genres and directions of music. In your opinion, does this indicate that such viewers are interested in opera from the point of view of expanding their musical horizons? Or did simple curiosity bring them to the opera house one time?

It's not a matter of curiosity. Because, as has long been known, opera is an elitist art. And for your education you need to go to the opera, well, in any case, at least to “light opera performances”, such as Verdi’s La Traviata or Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin.

Of course, everything depends on the state - how much money it allocates and how much attention it pays to this genre. In the United States of America, for example, the Metropolitan Opera Theater has enormous opportunities - the best airtime is allocated for broadcasting performances on television. In the summer, artists perform performances right in the parks.

I was in Brooklyn Park at the concert of Roberto Alagna and Angela Georgiou and always remembered this show. Real show! A stage was built and a huge number of spectators came. Police helicopters guarded the park. Everything was done to ensure that the concert took place on top level. The television broadcast on several channels at once. The concert was free for the public, but, naturally, not free for the artists. I'm sure the artists were paid handsome fees.

This was the Metropolitan Opera performance. This is the real propaganda of opera - the opportunity to make elite art more accessible.

You and I come from the Soviet Union. Agree that during the Soviet era, classical music was heard much more often on state radio and television channels. There was a greater variety of music heard... Yes, the nineties were a failure in this regard, and a generation has already grown up that practically did not hear the classics in childhood.

More than one generation has grown up without an interest in classical music...

- And in what forms do you see instilling interest in the classics today?

We have a huge number talented people, most interesting musical groups, which simply do not have the ability to access central channels. Because all the airtime has been bought and divided. This is business. Sorry, but speaking on American television I get paid. Here I want to go on air, but they tell me: pay money. Do you understand the difference? This system needs to be changed completely, because you can’t make money from art. This is the gene pool of the state and we must support it so that normal, educated, intellectual people grow up in our country. We need to open up more opportunities for the development of art.

- Apparently, the “Talents of the World” charitable foundation was established for this purpose?

Certainly. The Foundation supports many projects promoting classical music. This is the main task of the fund. We give people the opportunity to listen to real voices. These are top-class singers. And people who come to our concerts admit that they did not even expect such an impact on the public. We, after all, not only perform opera. Among the projects are the performance-concerts “Broadway Melodies”, “Variety Night at the Opera”, as well as evenings in which opera, operetta, and Russian romance are performed...

Among the artists supported by the foundation is Irina Krutova. In my opinion, this is one of the best romance performers in Russia in our time.

Irina and I have been collaborating for a long time. Together they became laureates of the Russian romance competition. Yes, critics call this singer a continuer of the traditions of the luminaries of Russian romance, whom we remember and love...

Which other young artists could you name? Let the audience, seeing their names on the posters, as they say, not pass by...

Our foundation works with many artists who are undoubtedly stars in their genres. Mostly, of course, these are opera performers. It will not be easy for me to list them - more than two hundred names. And these are only those artists with whom we actively collaborate. Well, for example, baritone Evgeny Lieberman. Now the artist performs in many countries around the world; I just returned from France, where I took part in an opera production. And there are many singers like him, whom the foundation helps to find their niche in the art of opera.

The fund gives performers the opportunity to grow creatively so that their voices are heard both in Russia and abroad. We have a large number of concerts in different countries, starting from Israel and to the United States of America...

We also organize and conduct concerts in which established opera performers and even stars participate musical theaters peace. Every Russian city has the opportunity to hear a gala concert of three tenors - soloists of the La Scala and Metropolitan Opera theaters. These concerts are always a great success.

New creative seasons are also being actively planned. For example, we intend to conduct different cities Russian festivals and music competitions for young artists with the participation of a prestigious international jury.

When you invite world-famous stars - be it on the jury of a competition or with solo concerts - then, undoubtedly, for young talents this is not just an opportunity to hear wonderful voices, but also to receive a master class through communication with artists.

Thanks to the support of the foundation, we were again in Russia able to hear the Moldovan stage performer Maria Biesu, repeatedly in Russian cities concerts of Nani Bregvadze took place... For you personally, how significant are joint performances with these brilliant singers?

Every artist has important milestones in life that have had an impact big influence on his creative development, have their own idols. I have always adored and was madly in love with Maria Biesa. I had many of her recordings, including, of course, the famous production of “Cio-Cio-San”.

IN Soviet time Not a single singer had such an “Italian school” as Maria Lukyanovna had. Her beautiful timbre, very warm style of singing is something that has always been accepted abroad and this is precisely the difference from the traditional Soviet opera school.

I'll explain why. The fact is that Soviet Union fenced himself off with an “iron curtain” from other countries, including in the art of opera. And the famous Italian school of bel canto became inaccessible to our artists. While the vocal school was developing abroad, in the USSR it remained approximately at the level of the 1930s. Over the years, the tendency to sing in resonance, with a short breath, with a “glassy” manner of sounding the voice, has persisted. And Bieshu had amazing bel canto skills and was absolutely different from all the performers in the Soviet Union! That's why she has always been my idol.

And then, time passes, and now I sing together with Maria Biesu on the same stage. This, of course, is incredibly pleasant and, in general, the fulfillment of my dream!

I can say the same about the great Nani Bregvadze. When I was still very young, Nani’s voice sounded literally everywhere - on the radio, television, from records... Every time I listened to the singer as if spellbound...

Nani Bregvadze is a multi-genre singer: she sang pop in the Orera ensemble and then solo, and performed Russian romance beautifully...

She is a great performer of Russian romances! Perhaps now, among the luminaries of the genre, she is the only singer who still performs on stage.

Always, when I heard Nani Bregvadze’s voice, I dropped everything I was doing at that moment and sat like a “zombie” in front of the TV, listening to her sing... Just a month ago we had several concerts in which the “queen of Russian romance” participated . And so, at the very end of one of the concerts, right on stage, I told a story about how the singer’s voice influenced me since childhood. Nani smiled and said: “What wonderful taste you had even as a child!”

I sincerely admitted to the public that I adored Nani Bregvadze madly, that the singer was my idol, and now, after a while, we perform Russian romances together as partners. This is very nice, of course. Already backstage Nani said: “This is what life is! Once upon a time you listened to me, admired me, and now we stand on the same stage together...”

Of course, it’s nice when you have the opportunity to sing with such artists! But, unfortunately, not all singers with whom I would like to perform in the same concert still sing. As they say, in different time we were born...we made solo concert Maria Bieshu in Moscow. Now the singer is not feeling very well and no longer gives solo concerts...

- And yet, who would you like to sing with?

I really wanted to sing with Muslim Magomayev at least in one concert. But, unfortunately... We had to sing in Yekaterinburg at the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Yekaterinburg diocese. But Muslim Magomayev, for good reason, could not come to the concert then. It was at this concert that I met Maria Biesu.

I would probably die of happiness if I stood on the same stage with Maria Callas. But this is impossible, because the singer died the year I was born... So, alas, many things are impossible. But when you have the opportunity to perform what you dream of, it’s great and I’m incredibly glad that I meet a huge number of musicians and singers with whom I look forward to continuing cooperation.

It’s gratifying that we have the opportunity to listen to Nani Bregvadze from the stage. I believe that new meetings with the singer will take place soon.

Certainly! When a singer first steps on stage, the audience usually applauds for about ten minutes, simply welcoming her, not allowing her to start the concert. How can we not take this into account! The audience loves her.

- I know that the foundation has projects planned with pop artists who want to try themselves in a new role...

A wonderful singer who became an absolute discovery for me is Stas Kostyushkin from the duet “Tea for Two”. Stas started studying opera vocals two years ago with a very good teacher Irina Bozhedomova. And, I must say, he has made great progress: Stas began to truly control his voice.

We are now preparing a concert together for two, combining my capabilities as an opera performer and the capabilities of a person from show business. This may be completely unexpected project, both for me and for Stas - restoration of hits of the 1930s - 1940s - songs from the repertoire of Frank Sinatra, Broadway music, Soviet pre-war and post-war hits by Leonid Utesov, Rashid Behbudov and other singers - songs on which ours grew up ancestors.

The first concert will take place in the city of Serpukhov, and then - Ryazan, Sochi, and other cities of Russia, European cities, we also plan to join in America. As you can see, I repeat, show business stars don’t just turn to the classics or repertoire recognized masters, but at the same time they strive to improve their vocals. It is very nice.

Positive trend. In this regard, I remember the words spoken several years ago by Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya: “On our stage there is only one young artist with a well-trained voice. This is Nikolai Baskov...”

Yes. On the stage we have mostly singers without vocal training. That is, they don't know the basics of vocals, you know. And, after all, these are the basics...

Yes, we almost always hear amazing vocal technique! Because what Whitney Houston or Celine Dion do, for example, is excellent. When I'm driving in the car, I often listen to Whitney Houston records. And I’m just blown away by her voice!

- As I understand it, you are an omnivore in music. You know and love not only the art of opera...

I love good music.

- What do you mean by “good music”?

Good music is music that has harmony that can be enjoyed. And, of course, when the melody is complemented by a pleasant, beautiful, expressive voice. Good music can be of any genre. There is opera singing, there is operetta, rock opera, for example, there are many other genres and musical movements. In the art of opera alone, there are different directions: the Baroque era, the era of Bellini, Rossini - bel canto, opera buffo - comic opera...

I love rock and I love jazz, I love good stage, even in “chanson”, which has nothing in common with French chanson, there is interesting songs... In a word, I accept everything good that happens.

You just can’t follow the lead of the crowd and, you know, taste needs to be cultivated. It is impossible, for example, to compose and perform very simple music just so that this music is “understood by the majority of listeners.” This is a very easy path, instant success. But tomorrow no one will remember such an artist. We must write beautiful, harmonious music and try to ensure that this music remains forever. Many singers strived for this, whose recordings became classics.

– And yet your parents contributed to the development of your vocal abilities?- They didn’t interfere. For this I am very grateful to them. My parents gave me the opportunity to try everything: I was interested in music, dancing, and swimming. But they never wanted me to study vocals professionally. My mother is a candidate of medical sciences, my father is an academician, and they hoped that I would follow in their footsteps. I think that now they understand that they were mistaken when they forbade me to enter the conservatory.

– Are you afraid of losing your beautiful voice?

- No, this is the least thing I fear in life. I will be able to live without him, and for humanity the loss is small. But I have a fear of losing the pleasure of singing and the opportunity to convey my talent to people. The voice expresses mine internal state, this is a kind of instrument - I use it to draw, hone my skills, like an artist. I use my voice only to create, and never to conquer or seduce. If this happens, then somehow by itself.

For a duel?
With pleasure!

– David Temurovich, you are the president and artistic director Talents of the World Foundation. Is the famous phrase of Lev Ozerov still relevant: “Talents must be helped, mediocrity will find its way on its own”?

- Absolutely. After all, there are many talented people, but they do not always have the opportunity to realize themselves, sometimes they lack luck. I try to do everything in my power to find them and give them a start in life.

– Do you yourself think that you do more as a singer or as a patron of beginning performers?

– For me it’s 50x50. If I had to choose between the two, I would prefer to help others. Because it is in this capacity that I bring more benefit. The Talents of the World Foundation has the opportunity to invite great people, with their help we promote the art of opera and improve spiritual level Russia. After the concerts, people will no longer destroy anything.

– Last year in Naberezhnye Chelny you successfully presented the project “Duel of Tenors and Baritones”. A duel is, first of all, a matter of honor. Have you ever had to use your fists to defend your honor or your lady’s honor?

“I think that fists are the last resort, but I have had the opportunity to fight. The fact is that I am a person with a hot southern temperament, I can be provoked into a fight.

– If you were challenged to a real duel, would you accept the challenge?

- With pleasure. I always prove that I am right in life. Even if I know that this will shorten the life span allotted by fate.

– Do you give or receive more on stage?

- I’ll give it away, of course. It happens that sometimes I just hate myself after a concert, I’m dissatisfied with it. I understand that I somehow deceived the audience - I could not give 100% on stage. Sometimes I even want to just erase some concert from my life.

- And finally. When the tours and concerts are over...

- …never! (Laughs).

– ... when the time comes for a well-deserved rest, what do you plan to do?

“I secretly hope that death will overtake me right on stage.” This is, of course, a joke. I think I’ll find something to do, because I simply can’t sit idle. Right now my life is not my own. But such is fate, and there is no hiding from it.