Drawing a butterfly step by step. Draw a butterfly

Walk 7

Observing the work of a janitor


Continue monitoring the work of the janitor;

Promote speech development by enriching vocabulary

cultivate interest and respect for the work of a janitor;

To instill a love for nature, a careful and caring attitude towards environment.

Progress of observation

September covered all the paths

The leaves are yellow, as always.

And thin cobwebs

Hung up like wires.

  • What time of year is it outside?
By what signs did you determine this?

Look how many leaves there are on the paths and clearings. Who

removes these leaves? What does a janitor do? Who needs his work?
Labor activity

Collection of waste from the site specific place.


Develop the ability to collect garbage in a specific place;

Foster a desire to help adults;

Consider the janitor's tools individually.
Outdoor games

“Leaf Fall”, “Birds and Rain”.


Support children's games together;

Develop the ability to interact with playing partners;

Encourage the desire to reflect in play activity knowledge gained during familiarization with the work of a janitor.
Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: improve orientation in space and time, sense of balance, rhythm, eye.
Walk 8

Magpie watching
Target: enrich knowledge about bird life in early autumn.

Progress of observation

Foster a sense of camaraderie.
Individual work

"Brave guys."

Target: practice running fast, develop agility.

Walk 13

Watching autumn leaves

Target: show the variety of colors of golden autumn.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children riddles.

The ever darker face of nature:

The gardens have turned black,

The bear fell into hibernation.

What month did he come to us? (October.)

Sits - turns green,

If it falls, it will turn yellow,

It lies there and turns black.

When does this happen? (In autumn.)

The leaves turn yellow because big changes occur in them in the fall. In summer, green leaves contain a special substance, chlorophyll, which gives the leaf its green color. And when the leaf falls, this substance is destroyed. But in the cells of the leaf there are other coloring substances - yellow. Only in summer do lush greenery drown them out, and when the green substances are destroyed, they appear brighter. The leaves are turning yellow. And they don’t even just turn yellow, but turn purple, because another coloring substance is added. All this happens in nature in the fall. This is why the leaves change color.

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • Why do the leaves turn yellow?

  • What other color can they be?

  • What happened to them and why?

Labor activity

Raking fallen leaves.

Target: learn to work together.
Outdoor games

“Hit the target”, “From track to track.”


Learn to throw the ball at a target, develop accuracy;

Continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game.
Individual work “Understand me.”

Target: teach how to create an image using body movements.

Walk 14

Walk in the autumn forest

Goals: _ to form knowledge about the autumn months (September, October,

November), seasonal changes;

Consolidate knowledge folk signs;

Cultivate a love for nature.

Progress of observation

Autumn will approach silently,

He will stand quietly at the gate,

Cherry leaf in the garden

It will fall onto the path.

This is the first sign

That summer is leaving us.

And the second is a raspberry bush

In the threads of the white web.

The clouds will darken

As if a shadow will cover them,

The river will become cloudy

The third true sign.

Autumn is wandering nearby somewhere.

Early morning in the clearings

White mists will fall,

And then don't wait


The blue is covered with a veil.

So, autumn has come.
The teacher asks the children riddles and asks them to answer questions.
The gentleman flew, fell on the water, and did not drown himself.

And it doesn’t muddy the waters. (Sheet.)
Without a path and without a road

The one with the longest legs walks.

Hiding in the clouds in the darkness,

Only feet on the ground. (Rain.)
Flies without wings and sings,

It hurts passers-by.

Doesn't allow one to pass,

He drives others away. (Wind.)

  • What is autumn called?

  • What do they call early autumn?

  • What is mid-autumn called?

  • What do they call late autumn?

  • What signs of autumn do you know?

  • What changes have occurred in nature?

Labor activity

Collection of autumn leaves.


Develop imagination;

Cultivate hard work.
Outdoor games

“Hide and seek”, “Who is faster?”

Target: teach to run fast, act on the teacher’s signal,

follow the rules of the game.
Individual work

"They're flying autumn leaves».

Target: develop plastic movements.

Walk 15

Cat watching

Target: consolidate the idea of ​​​​the characteristic features of a cat.

Progress of observation

Pointy ears

There are pillows on the paws.

Mustache like bristles

Arched back.

During the day he sleeps, lies in the sun,

At night he wanders and goes hunting.
The teacher asks the children questions.

  • Where does the cat live?

  • Who is looking after her?

  • What does a cat look like, what are its habits?
What does it eat?

A cat lives next to a person. He looks after her. The cat is big and fluffy. She has ears on her head, big eyes long mustaches that glow in the dark. She has four paws with soft pads. Therefore, she can walk very quietly and sneak up silently. The cat can climb fences and trees with the help of sharp claws. The cat also has a long beautiful tail. She loves milk and eats fish and meat.
Labor activity

Sweeping paths, collecting garbage.

Target: cultivate hard work.
Outdoor game

"Cat and Mouse."

Target: learn to run easily, without bumping into each other, and navigate in space.
Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: consolidate skills in jumping on two legs while moving forward.

Walk 16

Observation of birch and mountain ash in autumn


Learn to conduct comparative analysis appearance of trees (similarities and differences);

To consolidate ideas about the characteristic features of trees, the conditions necessary for tree growth.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • What trees are you already familiar with?

  • Which characteristics do you know birch trees?

  • What characteristic features of mountain ash do you know?

  • What do these trees have in common?
What conditions are necessary for their growth?
Labor activity

Collecting leaves on the site.

Target: teach joint labor actions, work together,

helping each other.
Outdoor games

"Catch up with the plane."

Target: learn to run quickly at the teacher’s signal, without looking back.

"Giants are dwarfs."

Target: learn to alternate walking with small and wide steps.
Individual work

Development of movements.


Improve running technique;

Form naturalness, lightness, energetic movements.


Continue monitoring the work of the janitor;

Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary;

Foster love and respect for the work of a janitor;

Instill a love for nature caring attitude to the environment.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦What does a janitor do on the territory of a kindergarten in winter?

♦What tools does he use for work?

♦ How can a janitor help trees withstand cold and frost?

♦ Is the work of a janitor necessary for people and nature?

Labor activity

Construction of a snow slide for dolls.

Learn to work together;

Cultivate hard work.

Outdoor games

“Two Frosts”, “Burners”.

Goals: practice running;

Strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Individual work


Goals: practice walking on ski tracks;

Develop agility and endurance.

Observation #11

Observation of tracks in the snow: animals, people, birds, skis, sleds, cars (learn to determine whether a track is fresh or left a long time ago). Compare bird tracks on loose snow and trampled.

Poem by N. Golinovskaya “Writing in the Snow”:

Snow is embroidered with a beautiful stitch,

Like a white shirt.

I call dad into the yard:

Look at the pattern!

Dad looks down:

Here is a letter for you, Denis!

Birds and animals write:

“Make us, Denis, some feeders!”

Exercise “Name it correctly” - develop grammatical structure of speech :

· Trail of a hare – hare

· Fox trail – fox

· Bird's trail – avian.

· Ski marks – ski

· Sled tracks – toboggan

Observation #12

Watching Hooded and Carrion Crows


Learn to compare the gray and black crow;

Find features (appearance, voice, habits).

Progress of observation

Everyone recognizes the raven's voice. “Kru-kru-kru...” echoes throughout the forest. The raven himself sits somewhere on a high tree and looks around like the owner. Crows are solitary creatures and it is rare to see a group of six or more birds. The raven is very proud of his black, glossy feathers and strong beak. So he carries himself importantly, strides along the ground like some kind of prince, and his flight is beautiful and smooth.

But when it comes to food, the raven is not picky. He eats literally everything that catches his eye: fruits, seeds, insects, snails and worms, and even small animals and birds. After all, the raven is a feathered predator.

The gray crow foretells the imminent arrival of spring with its song. Her simple, quiet, melodic song does not at all resemble a croak, but rather resembles the purring of a kitten. The gray crow spends the winter with us and, of course, is looking forward to spring.

Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​snow.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to work in a team.

Outdoor game

“One, two, three - run!”

Goal: to develop running speed, agility, attention.

Individual work

Consolidating skiing skills.

Goal: develop strength, endurance

Experience. Protective properties snow. Place jars with the same amount of water:

On the surface of a snowdrift,

· Bury shallowly in the snow,

· Bury deep in the snow.

Observe the condition of the water in the jars.

Discuss with the children the importance of snow cover for plant life (it is warmer in a snowdrift, so you need to cover the roots of trees and shrubs with snow).

Observation No. 13

Pine tree observation.

Poem by A. Blinov “Compass in the Forest”:

It's elastic in the wind

The pine tree is swaying.

Thick needles to the south

She is converted.

And to the north there are no branches,

Gnarled bitches

There are not enough branches here,

Continuous breezes.

In the forest, like a compass, a tree

He will show you, friend,

The road is due north

And the right way to the south.

Suggest taking a compass and exploring the tree. Can it serve as a kind of compass? If not, why not? (for example, in an open place the crown of a pine tree can be equally lush).

Outdoor games"Homeless Hare."

Goal: to teach how to act on a signal from the teacher, following the rules of the game.


Goal: to develop attention and observation.

Individual work Development of movements.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to navigate the kindergarten area and find an object according to its description.

Observation No. 14

Public transport surveillance

Goals: - consolidate knowledge about public transport, know the rules traffic;

Cultivate an interest in technology and the work of adults.

Progress of observation

Buses, trolleybuses, cars and trams

They run and run through the streets, overtaking each other.

A traffic controller is a traffic light, like a conductor in an orchestra,

He will indicate who to go and who to stand still.

A collision can be avoided and a collision can also be avoided -

Our traffic light will help at the intersections of all roads.

I am friends with traffic lights, I am attentive,

I don’t go to red lights, I wait for green lights. V. Miryasova


  • continue to foster respect for the work of adults;
  • learn to come to the aid of others.

Progress of observation

Draw children's attention to the cleaned area. Tell them about the features of the janitor’s work and its necessity for people. Encourage children to want to be clean.

Labor activity

Clearing areas of freshly fallen snow.


  • teach children to help adults;
  • teach proper skills for working with blades;

Strengthen the ability to put equipment away after work in its original place.

Outdoor games

“Horses”, “Find yourself a mate”.

Target: exercise running, develop endurance and agility.

Remote material

Shovels, scrapers, sleds, reins, signets, pencils, flags, brooms.

Junior group. March. Walk 12 Observation of nature Purpose : When getting to know trees, learn to gradually memorize them, find distinctive features, and name individual parts. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children a riddle and invites them to answer questions. The girlfriends scattered along the edge of the forest in white dresses. (Birches.)
  • Why do you think that these are birch trees?
  • What color is the trunk of a birch tree?
  • How do the branches of a birch tree hang?
  • What benefits does birch bring?
Labor activity: Putting the site in order. Target: teach accuracy. Outdoor games “Catch up with the couple.” Target: exercise children in fast running. "Snowballs." Target: practice throwing at a distance. Removable material: Brooms, shovels, scrapers, sleds, oilcloths.
Junior group. March. Walk 13 Observation of bullfinches and waxwings Objectives :
  • deepen and expand knowledge about bird life in winter period;
  • make you want to take care of them.
Progress of observation Red-breasted bullfinches and waxwings appeared on the trees. They fly in flocks. Taiga residents, they slowly peel ash seeds and rowan fruits. Examine and find differences in birds. (Male bullfinches are bright, females are gray and inconspicuous.) Black-winged, clear-chested And will find shelter in winter. He is not afraid of a cold, With the first snow it’s right there. Labor activity Construction of a snow bank. Target: learn to shovel snow using shovels to a certain place. Outdoor games “Migration of birds”. Goals:
  • practice climbing;
  • develop motor activity. “Find where it’s hidden.”
Target: learn to navigate in space. Removable material: Shovels, brooms, buckets, stretchers.
Junior group. March. Walk 14 Observing trees on a frosty day Objectives :
  • expand knowledge about flora;
  • cultivate a love for nature.
Observation progress: Approach the willow and fir tree. Explain to children that frosty days The branches of bushes and trees are very fragile and break easily, so they must be protected: do not hit the trunk with a shovel, do not run over them with a sled, do not play close to the trunk. Invite the children to see if there is green grass under the snow? Dig out the snow. Remind that if there is a lot of snow on tree branches, it needs to be shaken off, otherwise the branches may break off. The bushes and the garden sleep under the snow, and the pond and the vegetable garden. Labor activity Construction snow slide for dolls. Target: consolidate correct skills in working with shoulder blades. Outdoor games “Planes”, “Who’s next?” Goals:
  • exercise children in running;
  • develop agility and endurance.
Take-out material: Shovels, buckets, dolls dressed for the season, sleds.

Junior group. April.

Walk 1

Observing the swelling of buds on trees


Strengthen the ability to understand the dependence of objects and phenomena
in nature;

Evoke joyful feelings.

Progress of observation

Watch the buds swell on the trees. Smell them, carefully touch them with your hands.

The buds are swelling

The leaves are breaking through,

The ants are starting

Fix your palaces. G. Ladonshchikov

Labor activity

Removing damaged and dry branches.

Target: cultivate love and caring attitude towards nature.

Outdoor games


Target: practice running fast and dodging. "In an even circle."

Target: continue to learn to coordinate your movements with the movements of your comrades.

Remote material

Stretchers, rakes, buckets, scoops, sand molds.

Junior group. April. Walk 2 Bird watching in spring Objectives :
  • introduce the life of birds in spring;
  • cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds.
Progress of observation As spring approaches, titmice no longer fly to the feeder; only sparrows and pigeons remain. Watch for the appearance of the rook. The rook is large, black, and has a light beak. He shouts "gra-gra", hence his name. Compare with a crow. Drops are falling from the roof, the smell of spring is everywhere. The sky seems higher, the forest air is louder. There is bluish snow in the field. Water washes away. The rook - a winged scout - is fiddling with the wires. Labor activity: Cleaning up waste on site. Goals:
  • learn to use a rake;
  • bring up careful attitude to nature;
  • strengthen the ability to work in a team.
Outdoor games “Migration of birds”. Target: practice climbing. "Who left?" Target: develop attention. Individual work Development of movements. Removable material Rakes, buckets, stretchers, brooms, balls.
Junior group. April. Walk 3 Observation of thawed patches and green grass Goal : consolidate the ability to understand the dependence of phenomena in nature. Progress of observation Observe the appearance of thawed patches and green grass (where the heating main runs). Examine the sprouts; they are tender and light green. Examine the fluffy silvery willow buds, cut off a few branches and place them in a corner of nature. Guess the riddle “White sheep jumping on a candle.” (Willow branch with flower buds.) The fluffy willow has spread all around. Again the fragrant spring blew its wings. A. Fet Labor activity Collecting broken branches on the site. Goals:- cultivate hard work and a desire to help adults;
  • develop teamwork skills;
  • accustom to independently carry out assignments.
Outdoor games "Homeless Hare". Target: practice running. "Obedient leaves." Target: teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s commands. “Find where it’s hidden.” Target: learn to navigate in space. Removable material Buckets, rakes, brooms.
Junior group. April. Walk 4 Observation of plants and shrubs Objectives : - reinforce the idea that any tree and shrub - Living being; - cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Progress of observation Check how the trees overwintered. The teacher asks the children questions.
  • What is the condition of the tree canopy on the site?
  • What other changes have occurred?
  • How do trees suffer from air pollution? (The branches at the edges of the crown die.)
Labor activity: Pruning and tying branches of trees and shrubs. Target: instill respect for nature. Outdoor games “My favorite tree.” Target: develop memory by remembering the characteristic details of your favorite tree in order to draw it and talk about it. "The Winding Path" Target: learn to move in a column behind the leader, repeating his movements. Remote materials: Shovels, brooms, sleds, oilcloths for downhill skiing.

Junior group. April.

Walk 5

Observation of poplar in spring

Target: expand knowledge that trees and shrubs are alive, in the spring the buds awaken from the heat and the leaves bloom.

Progress of observation

Examine the thick branches of the poplar, its large buds and cylindrical earrings. Remind the children that in the group they already have leaves that smell good. Ask: “Why did leaves appear on the branches in the room, but only buds outside?”

These little buds

Spring will print.

In the meantime, the leaves are sleeping in them

And they grow during sleep.

Labor activity

Removing snow from the area.

Target: learn to work in a team, to achieve the goal achieved through common efforts.

Outdoor games



  • practice walking while maintaining balance;
  • develop speed, agility, coordination of movements.


Exercise in fast running, climbing;

Develop self-control and organization in collective activities.

Remote material

Stretchers, shovels, snow molds.

Junior group. April. Walk 6 Observation of the Christmas tree Objectives :
  • consolidate the ability to find and describe a given tree;
  • learn to distinguish a tree from a group of others based on external features.
Progress of observation Consider the beautiful Christmas tree while walking. Sing her a good song, read poetry, dance in circles. They ate at the edge of the forest - the tops of their heads reach the sky - They listen, remain silent, and look at their grandchildren. And the grandchildren, the Christmas trees, thin needles, dance in circles at the forest gates. I. Tokmakova Labor activity Construction of a house for a bear. Target: learn to shovel snow using shovels to a certain place. Outdoor games "Hares and wolves". Goals: ~ practice jumping; - develop motor activity. "By the bear in the forest." Target: practice running while dodging. Remote materials: Shovels, sleds, brooms, oilcloths for downhill skiing.
Junior group. April. Walk 7 Insect watching Purpose : form realistic ideas about nature. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks questions. With a trunk, not an elephant. It's not a bird, but it flies. No one teaches, but sits on the nose. (Fly.)
  • What does a fly look like?
  • How do flies walk on the ceiling? (Flies have sticky, hairy pads on their legs; since the fly is light and the adhesion force of the pads to any surface is very high, the fly is able to stay on almost anywhere.)
  • Why are flies called pests?
  • What harm do flies cause? (Spread germs.)
  • How do flies reproduce? (They lay eggs.)
  • Where do flies lay their eggs? (In manure, garbage.)
  • What enemies do flies have? (Spiders, dragonflies.)
  • What does the proboscis serve for flies? (For grabbing food.)
  • How many eyes does a fly have? (Two kinds of eyes - simple and complex: they can see in front, behind and below at the same time.)
Labor activity Teamwork for cleaning the area. Target: consolidate the ability to concentrate attention on certain objects, combine strength and speed. Outdoor games “Who is faster?”, “Stream”. Target: teach them to run freely without bumping into each other, to respond to a signal by returning to their place. Removable material: Shovels, scrapers, brooms, sleds, snow molds, colored circles.
Junior group. April. Walk 8 Observation of transport Purpose : expand knowledge about transport. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children questions.
  • What types of cars do you know? (Cars, trucks, truck cranes, timber truck, bus.)
  • How are passenger cars different from trucks? (On passenger cars Both buses transport people, and trucks carry various loads.) What are the similarities between cars and trucks? (They have headlights, steering wheel, motor, seat, front and rear wheels.)
We're going, we're going home in a passenger car. Labor activity (by subgroups) Sowing winter wheat. Goals:
  • learn to recognize wheat seeds;
  • develop seed planting skills.
Outdoor game "Colored Cars". Goals:
  • learn to move quickly on a signal and stop without bumping into each other;
  • fix the primary colors.
Remote material Rakes, buckets, flags different color, cars, hoops, steering wheels, jump ropes.

Junior group. April.

Walk 9

Bird watching

Target: expand knowledge about birds flying to the kindergarten site.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • How is a sparrow different from a dove? (The sparrow is smaller, the color is gray; the dove is larger, the color is white and blue-winged.)
  • What is the difference between the cry of a sparrow and the cry of a dove? (The sparrow chirps “chirp-chirp”, and the dove coos “gurg-gul-gul”.)
  • What benefits do sparrows bring? (They eat harmful insects, mosquitoes and midges.)

Note that pigeons walk on the ground, fly, sit on the roof (sometimes in the trees). Sparrows jump - as if on springs, fly, sit in trees. Invite children to jump like sparrows, and it is important to walk, shaking their heads and often stepping with their feet, like pigeons.

Labor activity

Restoring order in the area.


  • teach children to care for seedlings and water the soil
    tree circle;
  • Make sure that children from other groups do not break tree branches.

Outdoor games

"Migration of Birds"


  • train children in climbing stairs, jumping, running;
  • learn to move from one action to another;

Develop dexterity and the ability to navigate in space.
“Find the same leaf.”


  • learn to distinguish the leaves of birch, rowan, maple;
  • act quickly on the teacher’s signal.

Remote material

Balls, scoops, buckets, watering cans, jump ropes, bicycles, hoops, gymnastic benches.

Junior group. April. Walk 10 Watching the dog Purpose : expand knowledge about the animal world. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer questions. He is friends with the owner, guards the house, lives under the porch, and has a tail like a ring. (Dog.)
  • Who is this? (Dog.)
  • What is the largest? (Big, small.)
  • What kind of hair does a dog have? (Smooth, gray, short.)
  • Who takes care of the dog? (Master.)
Read the story “Playing Dogs” by K. Ushinsky to the children and discuss it. Labor activity Restoring order in the territory. Goals:
  • teach how to rake fallen leaves and carry them on a stretcher to a compost pit;
  • explain that the leaves will rot in the hole over the winter and fertilizer will be obtained.
Outdoor games “Shaggy Dog”. Target: practice running on a signal, spatial orientation, and agility. "Catch deer." Goals:
  • practice running, catching players (deer);
  • learn to act quickly on a signal and navigate in space.
Removable material Rakes, scoops, stretchers, scooters, cars, jump ropes, balls, reins.
Junior group. May. Walk 1 Observation of the state of nature Objectives : ~ to form an idea of ​​the state of nature in spring (warmth, a lot of green grass, flowers; butterflies and beetles fly; children are lightly dressed and play with sand and water);
  • evoke joyful experiences from communicating with nature.
Progress of observation Very kind, very bright. On a golden, clear day we will go to visit the summer, we will go to visit the sun. The forest and the meadow will greet us with strawberries and flowers, Birds will sing around us with our songs. Early in the morning a bright ray will ring in the thick foliage, The river will teach us to swim, The wind will teach us to run along the river. K. Ibraev Labor activity: Harvesting dry strawberry leaves. Target: learn to work as a subgroup, to achieve the goal achieved through common efforts. Outdoor games “Bird in the nest”. Target: practice running randomly. "On a level path." Target: practice jumping on two legs while moving forward. Removable material Rakes, brooms.
Junior group. May. Walk 2 Excursion to the forest of Goals :
  • introduce the spring natural phenomena in the forest (leaves bloom on the trees, anthills come to life, the first flowers appear);
  • show that the forest is " multi-storey building", in which plants and animals live on different floors, needed friend to a friend;
  • teach how to behave correctly in the forest, not to disturb its life;
  • to develop an interest in nature, the ability to see its beauty, a desire to preserve all living things;
  • to instill a sense of “home”: the forest is a home for a person, where he rests, gains strength and beauty, and collects the gifts of the forest (mushrooms, berries, nuts).
Progress of observation The teacher asks the children riddles. Home from everyone sides open, It is covered with a carved roof... Come into the green house - you will see miracles in it. (Forest.) The house is open on all sides. There are a thousand columns in the house. Above the columns there are tents, Under the columns there are carpets. Here they live on carpets, and in columns, and in tents. (Forest.) Labor activity: Collecting cones and dry twigs. Target: develop interest in the environment, observation, the desire to recognize the properties of objects and natural materials. Outdoor games "Tram". Target: practice running randomly. "The Mother Hen and the Chicks." Target: practice crawling under the cord without touching the floor with your hands. Removable material Baskets, buckets.

Junior group. May.

Walk 3

Watching the sun


Form the idea that when the sun is shining, it is warm outside;

Maintain a joyful mood.

Progress of observation

On a sunny day, invite the children to look out the window.

The sun is looking out the window, looking into our room. We will clap our hands, We are very happy about the sun.

Going out to the site, draw the children’s attention to the warm weather, the sun and warmth. The sun is huge and hot. Heats the entire earth, sending it rays. Take a small mirror out for a walk and say that the sun sent its ray to the children so that they could play with it. Point the beam at the wall. Sunny bunnies play

on the wall. Bend them with your finger, let them run to you. Here it is, a bright circle, here, here, to the left, to the left. He ran to the ceiling. At the command “Catch the bunny!” the children are trying to catch him.

Labor activity

Collecting stones on the site.

Target: continue to instill in children a desire to participate in work.

Outdoor games

"Mice in the Pantry." Goals:

  • learn to run easily without bumping into each other;
  • move in accordance with the text;
  • quickly change direction of movement.
    "Get in the circle."


  • improve the ability to operate with objects;
  • learn to hit the target;
  • develop eye and dexterity.

Remote material

Sandbags, balls, hoops, small toys, molds, signets, pencils, buckets, scoops.

Junior group. May. Walk 4 Spring in the life of forest animals "Goal : expand ideas about how life comes to life in the forest in spring: trees begin to grow, animals (a bear, a hedgehog), insects that slept in winter wake up; everyone makes their own nests, burrows, and breeds offspring. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children questions.
  • How does a bear spend the winter?
  • Who is born in a den?
  • What do bears eat in the spring?
  • How do bears have fun?
Without worries and without worries, the bear slept in his den. I slept all winter until spring and probably saw dreams. Suddenly the clubfoot woke up and heard: drips - what a disaster! He groped in the darkness with his paw and jumped up - there was water all around. The bear hurried outside: It’s flooding - no time for sleep! He got out and saw puddles, the snow was melting... Spring has come. G. Ladonshchikov Labor activity Sowing flower seeds (aster, chamomile). Goals:
  • develop planting skills (place seeds in furrows, sprinkle with soil, water);
  • enrich and activate the vocabulary;
  • cultivate interest in work.
Outdoor games "Hen and Chicks". Target: practice crawling under the cord. "Stream." Target: strengthen the ability to move in pairs. Remote, material Scoops, seeds, rakes.
Junior group. May. Walk 5 What does a ladybug eat? Target : talk about the fact that the bug is a predator and eats very small insects (aphids). Progress of observation The teacher organizes observation different ways. For example, he invites children to find plants that have aphids and ladybugs, or places part of the plant in a transparent vessel and lets one or two bugs into it. During the conversation, he clarifies that a predator is any animal (large or small) that feeds on other animals. Labor activity Cleaning the territory. Target: teach to work in a team, to achieve through efforts the set goal. Outdoor games “Find your color”. Goals:
  • exercise in running;
  • consolidate knowledge about the main colors of the spectrum. "Mice in the Pantry."
Target: practice running and climbing through low gates without touching the floor with your hands. Removable material Brooms, rakes, buckets, stretchers.
Junior group. May. Walk b Excursion “Green” kindergarten" Goals :
  • develop a caring attitude towards plants;
  • consolidate ideas about plants.
Course of the excursion It is advisable to plan the excursion when the first sprouts of vegetables and flowers appear. One or two children from senior group. They are prepared in advance for the meeting with the kids (they come up with a story and questions for the kids). The teacher says that not only kids take care of their green friends, but older children also help plants and try to grow new ones. Thanks to this, the “Green Kindergarten” was opened - a special place where baby plants live and grow. The teacher suggests visiting the “Green Kindergarten”. Children tell what plants (vegetables and flowers) they decided to grow, showing pictures of adult plants; explain that any plant can be grown from seeds; show the seeds of planted plants. Everyone is looking at escapes. Older children ask the kids what vegetables they know, what flowers they have in their group, how they help their plants. Finally, the older children invite the little ones to visit their “Green Kindergarten.” Labor activity Weeding a flower bed. Target: generate interest in work. Outdoor games “Who is faster?” Goals:
  • practice running, develop speed;
  • learn to overcome an obstacle course. "Find your place."
Target: learn to navigate in space. Removable material Watering can, ball.

Junior group. May.

Ulanova L. A., Jordan S. O. Guidelines on organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old.

Target- continue to monitor the work of the janitor. Teach to respect the work of adults.

Progress of the walk

Observation: Pay attention to the fact that the janitor is cleaning the lawns. Why is he doing this? What tools does a janitor have? With older children, watch how a janitor trims the bushes. Explain why he is doing this. Invite the children to help clear the area of ​​cut branches.

Poems on the topic:

The janitor will get up at dawn,
Will clean everything in the yard
And he will trim the bushes himself.
Beauty is our joy!


Standing in one row
Sharp fingers
Pick up armfuls.

Gnawing quickly
Chews finely
But she doesn’t swallow.

Iron sister
Toothy and sharp:
Even the maple tree is afraid of her,
And poplar and pine...
And even the oak is afraid
Get in trouble with your sister.


The crab made a rake for the crab.
The crab gave the rake to the crab:
"Hay rake, crab, rake!"

Didactic game "Who needs what for work?"

The goal is to consolidate children’s knowledge that different things help people in their work - tools, to cultivate an interest in the work of adults, and a desire to work.

Exercise "Say it in one word."

The goal> is to consolidate generalizing words.

Exercise to develop fine motor skills of the hands

“Make a broom from twigs.”

Work and individual physical exercises

Help the janitor clean the area.
Hitting the ball with the right and left hand.

Outdoor game "Slippers".

The goal is to practice hitting the ball. How to play: Children stand in a circle. They choose a driver, count to five: the fifth is the driver. He goes to the center of the circle, calls one of the players by name and throws the ball on the ground in his direction. The one whose name was called catches the ball and hits it while standing still. The number of ball hits is by agreement, but not more than five. After beating, the player throws it to the driver. If the player drops the ball, he becomes the driver.

Winter: Watching the janitor at work

Target - consolidate children’s knowledge that different things and tools help people in their work. To cultivate an interest in the work of adults and a desire to work.

Progress of the walk

Observation: Draw the children’s attention to the work of the janitor. His shovel is wide, why? Invite children to help clear the sidewalk and area of ​​the playground from snow. Invite older children to watch how a snow blower removes snow.

Poems on the topic:

There has been a lot of snow,

And everyone goes and goes...

The wipers are tired

Sweeping, sweeping, sweeping.

They rattle with shovels

Under the shaggy clouds,

Whisks rustle.

On the streets, on the streets,

In courtyards and alleys

They are in a hurry to get things done. (E. Blaginina)

What does our janitor do? ... (clears snow from paths)

What's in his hands? ... (shovel)

Let's carefully observe the work of the janitor. (children watch the activities of the janitor)

What else does a janitor use besides a shovel? ... (broom, dustpan)

What is the difference between working with a shovel and working with a broom? ... (we remove large snow with a shovel, sweep away light snow with a broom).

Let's try to make our own brooms for removing snow and debris. They must be strong and neat.

Development exercise fine motor skills hands "VENICHEK"

Together with the teacher, collect brooms from twigs and tie them.

Sweep the snow from the benches and from the house.

And look what interesting car helps the janitor remove snow? This is a snowblower. (We watch the operation of a snowblower)

A difficult job as a janitor? ... (difficult)

Let's also take shovels and help the janitor remove the snow. But first, let's stretch our hands:

Finger gymnastics "Snowfall".

White flakes, white fluff, smoothly and calmly - Rotate the hand.

It circles over the trees and over the bell tower. -Hands up.

Every house and every bush is warmed, dressed, and the roof of the house is shown.

Snow coat and snow hat. - Show the fur coat and hat.

White flakes, white fluff, are falling from the sky in droves, - They show how snow is falling.

Covering White light with a white blanket, -Stroke one palm with the other.

To left, ahead, behind and right Show directions.

The trees and grass slept sweetly until spring. - They show how they sleep.

That's a lot of snow to cover overnight! - Hands on cheeks, shaking head.

It’s like a sled will fly down a hill! - The left palm is drawn from top to bottom along the right hand.

Now you can get to work! (Children work with shovels)

Lots of snow, no place to run,

There is also snow on the path,

Here are the shovels for you guys,

We will work for everyone

Do you think people need the job of a janitor? ... (needed)

Why? ... (to keep everything clean, beautiful and safe around)

Listen poem about a janitor:

Our janitor with a broom and shovel,

In frost, leaf fall and snowstorm.

Rakes, sprinkles sand on the paths,

Children are taught to work.

Let's thank the janitor for his important and hard work. Let's thank him for keeping our kindergarten clean...

And I suggest you play:

Didactic game: “Whose tools?” (showing cards with pictures of tools)

Outdoor games : “Frost-Red Nose”, “The Bear Woke Up”

Guys, did you like watching the janitor at work? And this necessary profession? Why do we need wipers? Why should the paths be clean?