Does Russia need such friends and allies?

Such friends...for eggs and to a museum

Expression of dissatisfaction and disappointment with friends.

Burning verb: Dictionary of folk phraseology. - Green Age. V. Kuzmich. 2000.

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President of the Middle East Institute Yevgeny Satanovsky commented on recent statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about the involvement of Russians in the terrorist attack in Istanbul. On the evening of June 28, three explosions occurred at the entrance, exit and parking lot of the international terminal of Istanbul Ataturk Airport. As a result of the terrorist attack, 43 people were killed and more than a hundred were injured. As Erdogan stated, the terrorist attack at Istanbul airport was carried out by people from Dagestan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.

Evgeny Satanovsky. Photo: A.Savin/Wikimedia Commons

According to Yevgeny Satanovsky, despite the significant improvement in Russian-Turkish relations in recent days, there is no need to delude yourself about Erdogan.

Evgeniy Yanovich, doesn’t it seem strange to you that after the “thaw” in Russian-Turkish relations, Erdogan suddenly started making accusations against Russian citizens who were allegedly found among terrorists?

Why not? We are to blame for everything! Remember when dinosaurs went extinct? This is us too! The ring around Saturn is very suspicious, I believe that this is a purely Russian operation! What do you want? Why should we pay attention to Erdogan? It is completely useless to be offended by people with such character and sick imagination. You just have to take this into account. Erdogan is inadequate: his remarks, his words regarding anyone - the Israelis, us, the Europeans, the Syrian president... He just has that kind of character. What more do you want from Erdogan? Well, he is such a special person. For some reason, some ideas about him arose that he turned in our direction. Just as he turned around, he will turn away. Do you want Erdogan to be Konrad Adenauer or Margaret Thatcher? Unfortunately, this will not work. He is a different person, completely bruised by power. Erdogan's statements are the same nonsense as those of his foster brother Saakashvili, both are Georgians, Saakashvili is a Georgian Georgian, and Erdogan is Turkish. But the characters, logic are about the same, and the words are just as smart. So what of this?

How do you feel about Ramzan Kadyrov’s statement that The alleged bomber of the Istanbul airport, a native of Chechnya, Akhmed Chataev, left Russia as an ordinary bandit, and was made a terrorist in Austria, Georgia and Turkey, which should bear responsibility for the terrorist attack?

Throughout the Chechen war - the first and second - Turkey was a front-line state and a rear for militants from the North Caucasus. Tens of thousands of people connected with the Russian Federation settled in Turkey, some of them probably even retained Russian citizenship. From these people, intelligence was recruited in both Chechen wars, who worked for the Turks, militants who were recruited for special operations, incl. on the territory of Syria. If these people are meant as “Russians” - well, then, probably, Basayev or Udugov are also Russians. But what do these people have to do with Russia? A bandit and terrorist who is warmed up in Turkey and used against Russia, even if he has 20 Russian passports, has nothing to do with Russia.

And Ramzan Kadyrov kindly hinted to Erdogan that he could hand over his bandits who had been holed up in Russia. Ramzan Akhmatovich is a very specific person.

And we are not the first to hear any nonsense addressed to us from the Turkish president. Erdogan was once again carried away somewhere. OK then! He is not the president of Russia, this is not my headache. Let Turkish voters figure out who rules them, what this person says and how this will affect Russian-Turkish relations tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Otherwise, when he needs something economic or tourists from us, everything is sweet and sweet. And when he has some kind of situation, and he needs to explain where all his problems come from, it’s clear that the Russians are to blame. Well, okay, we took it into account, we understood.

In general, I don’t really pay attention to everything that is said about us. Apparently, having eaten their fill of meldonium and received direct instructions from Putin on what to blow up, Russian citizens are blowing up Turkey. Okay, so what next? Kashchenko is ready to accept one more patient.

Erdogan will not be accepted into Kashchenko, he is not a citizen of Russia!

Then it's not our problem at all!

But still, do you personally believe that some of our fugitive former fellow citizens could blow up something in Turkey?

Yes, I believe in everything! Whatever I hear, I believe in everything. I'm so gullible - you can't even imagine! I am unpredictable and trusting, like a child.

I repeat once again, there may be Dagestanis and Chechens there. There are people from dozens of countries roaming through Turkey, every terrorist you can think of is roaming back and forth in Turkey. And when you breed rats for your neighbor, who told you that they won’t get into your barn? Erdogan dispersed a crowd of terrorists, including from the post-Soviet space and Central Asia. And who said that they will not do the same with regard to Turkey? And who is to blame for this, except the Turkish authorities?

How should Russia react to Erdogan?

Why should Russia react to Erdogan? The dog barks, the caravan moves on. What is there to react to? For every sneeze you can't say hello. I personally have a calm position, like the boa constrictor Kaa, who sits, and banderlogs throw dry droppings at him from a branch. Let them rush, they are Banderlogs! What should I expect from them? That they will begin to behave like British lords? And I don’t understand why there is any need to react to this differently. "Oh, Erdogan said something." And what he carries - he always carries it.

Does Russia need such friends and allies?

Russia has no friends or allies. And Erdogan is not our friend or ally. Such friends are worth a trunk and a museum. What the hell kind of friend is he to us, much less an ally?

The Turks themselves, at least many of them, would like friendly relations with Russia; on both sides there is an understanding that Russia and Turkey have something to discuss further...

There is certainly something to discuss further! We have been discussing everything for 500 years, we have had either 13 or 14 wars, half of southern Russia is the former Turkey. And nothing, we discuss this all the time. Once again we will continue to discuss - maybe we will have to take Istanbul, although I don’t want to die! "Istanbul, Istanbul, the carnations are withering." Why should we bother about this? What friends? For us, Ukraine was not even a friend or an ally, but a fraternal socialist republic. So that such brothers... Cain and Abel were such brothers. And here Erdogan... What are you talking about? Don't be clinical idiots!

In this situation, I simply cannot be happy that if you are punched in the face, you turn the other cheek, because I am a Jew, this is not in my tradition. With us, if you receive anything, you must repay the debt, with interest, linked to the price index and, preferably, at double the amount.

And how can Russia repay its debt to Erdogan, who constantly offends us?

And let specially trained people think about this, this is not a question for my salary.

At the box office in Irkutsk and the region - “Night at the Museum: The Secret of the Tomb”, the third part of a family comedy with Ben Stiller that is worse than a bitter radish.

“Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb” (6+). Director: Shawn Levy. USA, UK, 2014

New York Museum of Natural History security guard Larry (Ben Stiller) is in a panic: it turns out that his fellow exhibits will soon stop coming to life at night, as the golden Egyptian plate for some reason begins to lose its magical power. The young pharaoh Ahkmenrah is the first to figure out what can be done here: it’s worth trying to take the plate to the British Museum, where the old and experienced pharaoh Marenkare (Ben Kingsley) can restore its power. Larry manages to remove the plate from his native museum (and at the same time several of the exhibits closest to him as assistants) and even safely fly with all this stuff across the ocean. Serious problems befall museum friends only in London...

The “night museums” will certainly never perform with this lineup again, since Robin Williams (first from left) is no longer with us or with them

The general opinion about the first “Night at the Museum” (2006) was, I remember, complacent: they say, it’s nothing, it’s cool and even educational. Although the film, absolutely all the content of which is exhausted by one short phrase (“At night in the museum, all the figures come to life”), it was ashamed to call it a full-fledged film work back in the days of the Lumiere brothers.

The second part (2009) turned out to be the most empty of all the films with Stiller. Against her background, Ben could be forgiven for anything, even the third “Meet the Fockers.” But we will never forgive him for the third “Night at the Museum”: no, no, don’t beg, Ben, you ruined your karma forever, just know that.

There is absolutely nothing to write about the third “Night”, so critics completely turn reviews of this film into an obituary for Robin Williams, as in the first two parts, who played the wax figure of President Roosevelt here. And at least one would think that Williams probably committed suicide primarily because he had long ago stopped being invited to films whose level in any way exceeded the “museum” trilogy.

Met by the heroes at the British Museum, Sir Lancelot turns out to be a phenomenal idiot

Among the positive aspects of the threequel, it is permissible to note only the funny cameo of Hugh Jackman, whom one of the wax idiots renames “Oink Jackman”. Is there anything else? Yes, and this, of course, is Stiller's face. It was always rightly believed that this comedian had absolutely no need to tell jokes - just put him in the center of the frame and make him mutter something under his breath. It would also be useful to provide Stiller with an antagonist - a disgusting, smug laugher with a superiority complex who will make fun of poor Ben. All this is also present in the third “Museum Night” - the jovial antagonist here is Sir Lancelot, who gives Larry the offensive clownish nickname “Jingle Bells”. But, firstly, this Lancelot came out too stupid and antipathetic, and secondly, “Night 3” seems to be the first Stiller comedy in which Ben really didn’t get a single joke. That is, not just a single funny one, but not a single one at all. Stiller has no jokes here - only that same ridiculous muttering.

One of the few innovations of this spare threequel: Ben Stiller now also plays a revived Neanderthal

It seems that the functions of the joker this time were taken on by a capuchin monkey nicknamed Dexter, also a regular participant in this franchise (and several other stupid children's comedies). Throughout the entire film, Dexter incessantly and randomly jumps around the frame, lifts his tail, chirps something in his monkey dialect, and for the sake of enlivening, he begins to urinate on one of the other characters.

The apotheosis of this “one-monkey circus” is the sentimental final scene, in which Ben Stiller merges with Dexter in a natural, passionate kiss. The moment is quite disgusting (albeit not reaching the nauseatingness of a similar episode in “Minor People” by Kira Muratova). However, there’s already not a lot of anything disgusting in the film.