Why did Picasso paint like that? Pablo Picasso - biography, facts, paintings - the great Spanish painter

Today we will talk about friendship and friendly love.

There are four types of love: parental, friendly, self-love and partner. The deep differences between these types of love are determined by how the basic interaction is carried out - giving and taking. There is a big difference between how children and parents give and take, how people give and take in partnerships, and how we give and take in relationships with ourselves. And how we give and take in friendship.

The order of how I give and take is base element devices of our psyche, which dates back to ancient times. This is how relationships were built between the first people, relationships in the community, tribe.

What is friendship?

Friendship is a relationship based on the principle “I give you, you give me.” We keep a kind of accounting within ourselves, keeping records of how much we give and how much we receive. Of course, this happens subconsciously, at the level of emotions and sensations. If they helped me in trouble, then I also want to help in trouble. If someone lent me money, I also want to lend money later. This is how friendship is built. And friendship falls apart if I suddenly begin to give more in friendship than the person can return to me. Or vice versa, I receive more than I can give.

Many will be outraged by this statement, they will say: “Roman, you are wrong. Is it possible to reduce friendship to dry calculation and mutually beneficial exploitation of each other?!” Yes and no.

Our survival is evolutionarily linked to the extent to which we are able to share resources, exchange and repay debts. Survival depended on this primitive society, this is what everything is still based on today. If someone helped me with food, I also want to help him with food in the future, I feel an internal need to repay the debt, responsibility for repaying the debt. Sometimes this feeling is associated with guilt. It is not right. This is exactly debt.

In friendship, the balance between “giving” and “taking” is important.

In friendship, you need to maintain a balance between give and take. Let's imagine a situation where I am more wealthy than my friend, and I began to give more, for example, paying for lunches in a cafe, or buying tickets for the two of us to a concert or even a vacation trip. If my friend doesn't start giving me more in return, it will lead to the destruction of the friendship. The balance between giving and taking must be balanced.

Of course, it is not necessary to repay the debt in the same “currency”. For example, a friend in this situation may provide more support, more emotion, help, or whatever else I need. But if the two of us do not have an inner feeling that we give and take in equal quantities, friendship will end sooner or later.

I'll bring you real case from my practice. There are two friends, they have been friends since childhood, their names are, say, Marina and Katya. Marina had a child, and then her husband loses his job, and they have a mortgage on their apartment. And a small child in her arms. Marina with a child, does not work, her husband is unemployed. Therefore, Katya, who has an older child, takes children's things, two large bags and brings them to her friend. She is incredibly happy about this gift. And he says: “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” And this “thank you,” backed by very strong emotions, is the first time she repays Katya’s debt. As I already said, it is not necessary to return material things if they gave you material things. Then Marina goes to the kitchen, takes oranges and gives them to her friend with the words: “Here, you can treat your little one.” But Katya refuses and says: “No need, you don’t have money now, you need these oranges more.”

Of course, these oranges are disproportionately less expensive than those two huge bags of children's things that she brought to Marina. But for Marina, oranges were like a symbolic return of a material debt; she received something from Katya and wanted to give something in return. If Katya took the oranges, the balance between give and take in the relationships of her friends would again come into balance. But since Katya rejected what her friend wanted to give her, Marina feels humiliated, obliged, disappointed, and angry. We don’t want to be burdened with debt; we don’t like being in debt to someone. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance between giving and taking. And therefore anger at virtue is a very common phenomenon.

Is it possible to strengthen friendship?

If we want friendship to grow, we need to learn to give and take and gradually increase the “volume of friendship.” For example, a friend gave me something, in some situations I give him back, according to my inner feelings, the same amount, and sometimes a little more. And there is no need to keep any statistics on paper, we are inside, on emotional level, we all feel it. And if a friend supports “expanding the friendship,” we move to the next level.

The ancient Greeks had for such cases special terms: “philia” is love between friends, and “storge”. The second word meant love between spouses, which is constantly developing and growing. But the word “storge” was also used to describe friendship, which develops throughout one’s life when it comes to the point that a friend is ready to risk his life for the sake of a friend. And it turns out that “philia” can gradually develop into “storg,” but this does not happen in one day.

How to find new friends?

Sometimes my clients ask me how to find new friends in mature age, and is this possible in principle? Maybe. For example, you had friends at school, university. But you finished your studies, and the friendship ended, everyone moved away, school friends became uninteresting, your company broke up.

It is important to understand here that in childhood and adolescence we almost always found friends on the basis of belonging to some group that we did not voluntarily choose. Our parents sent us to kindergarten, some children lived in our yard, then we went to school. Each time we found ourselves in a closed space with a limited number of people, even if there were 30 of them. And we had to choose one of these people and decide with whom we would exchange, with whom we would enter into a relationship of give and take. For example, at school it could be a friendship based on the principle “I’m smart - he’s strong” or “I’m beautiful - she’s smart.”

If you want to make friends as an adult, the first thing you need to do is think about what your interests are. Perhaps you like to ride a bike, hike, go to the mountains or take courses personal growth. And now when you go to these places, you look for people there who you like. You start communicating, go hiking, ride bicycles, spend time together. And gradually, from among your acquaintances, from your comrades, these people will become closer to you and friendship will begin between you. Don't forget that building friendship is... Long procces. Building friendships is difficult, but as an adult you build them consciously with the people you choose.

Friends for different purposes

Since friendship is a mutually beneficial balance between give and take, there are friends for different purposes. What does it mean? For example, you can come to one friend and cry into your vest, but you cannot tell the same friend about joy, for example, that you were promoted and your salary was tripled. There is a friend from whom you can borrow money, and there is a friend from whom you will never ask for a loan. There is a friend who is ideal for hiking; in the mountains you feel with him as if behind a stone wall. But you can’t just come to him in the evening and drink beer. Different peopledifferent friendships. And we cannot demand from all friends that they be friends with us in the same way. Although, by gradually increasing the “volume of friendship,” we can eventually move with some of them to a deeper friendship, “storge.”

What to do if the friendship ends?

It is important to remember that friendships can end, and you need to be able to let go of old friends. Every relationship ends, and friendship is no exception. It very rarely happens that we can maintain a friendship with someone for life. Exactly the same as happy marriage for life is also rare. We need to internally let go of classmates, classmates with whom we no longer have the same interests, a friend with whom life has separated us. Say mentally former friend: "Thank you. Our friendship was pleasant, but our paths diverged. For all the time we were friends, thank you. Everything I gave you, I gave sincerely. Everything you gave me sincerely, I keep for myself. Thank you. Goodbye".

The better you are at giving and taking, the easier it is for you to make friends. Therefore, you need to develop a willingness to give, be aware of your needs and interests, and also be able to set boundaries so that you can timely end a friendship in which they only take from you, but do not give anything in return.

There is also the level of teacher-student and brother-sister relationships. These are also levels of friendship, but there the process of giving and taking occurs differently. We'll talk about this next time.

Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima was born 135 years ago. Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz and Picasso - the founder of Cubism and an artist who is recognized not only as the most expensive, but also the most “popular” among thieves. These stories will tell you a little about how he managed to achieve such success.

Picasso’s beloved dog once fell ill - the poor thing’s throat became swollen and festered. The artist invited the famous laryngologist professor to visit him. After examining the sick dog, the professor prescribed medicine and prescribed a treatment program.
Picasso thanked him cordially and explained in parting:
- You know, I wanted to turn to an outstanding specialist in this field. My dog ​​is worth it.
A few days later, Picasso was invited to see this laryngologist professor.
“I would like,” he said, “to paint my kitchen.” Could you fulfill my order?
Picasso’s hot Spanish blood immediately boiled. But when the artist cooled down a little after this proposal, the professor said peacefully:
- You see, I wanted to address this question to the most knowledgeable specialist. Because my kitchen deserves it.

When Pablo Picasso first flew an airplane, he stated:
- The world from above is similar to some of my canvases.

A certain acquaintance of Pablo Picasso, having examined his new paintings, sincerely told him:
- Excuse me, but I can’t understand this. Such things simply don't exist.
To which Picasso replied:
- A Chinese you understand?
- Of course not.
- Here you see! And yet it exists.

Pablo Picasso invited his friend, the Russian writer Ehrenburg, to paint his portrait. He happily agreed, but before he had time to sit properly in his chair, Picasso had already shouted:
- All is ready!
- So fast? After all, not even five minutes have passed! - the friend was surprised.
“But you seem to have forgotten that I have known you for almost forty years,” Picasso replied. - And all my life I learned to paint portraits in five minutes.

Pablo Picasso once took guests around the house and showed them his creations.
- This is my self-portrait.
The guests looked at the completely “cubic” canvas with completely distorted facial features.
“And this is a portrait of my wife,” Pablo Picasso explained.
Even worse.
One of the guests muttered in confusion:
- I hope you don’t have children?

Pablo Picasso. Self-portrait

One persistent “art connoisseur” pestered Pablo Picasso with his criticism.
“You write terribly,” he said. “Your people are not at all like they are in life: completely unreal, twisted, broken.”
“Suppose,” Picasso answered, “can you give an example of what people should really look like?”
“Of course,” the “connoisseur” immediately declared and took out a photo card. - This is my wife.
- Just like in reality? - Picasso clarified. - How really?
- Absolutely so.
- Do you want to say that yours is so tiny and so flat?

Picasso ordered a cabinetmaker to create a set of furniture for country house. For clarity, he quickly sketched a sketch and asked:
- How much is it?
- Not at all! Just sign the sketch.

One famous doctor approached Picasso and said importantly:
- I know human anatomy quite well. So, I can say that the people in your paintings evoke some regret and bewilderment.
“It’s quite possible,” Picasso agreed. - But I can assure you that they will live much longer than your patients.

Once, after visiting an exhibition of children's drawings, Picasso said:
- When I was their age, but it took whole life to learn how to draw like them.

“The Old Fisherman” (1895) - painting painted by 13-year-old Picasso

Once Picasso visited a French school. The artist was greeted with great solemnity and cordiality at the school. And to show Pablo Picasso how deep the knowledge is visual arts for children, one of the teachers asked the students to name the names of great artists around the world. One little girl immediately raised her hand, volunteering to answer, and said:
- Goya, Cezanne, Degas... and Picasso.
- Why exactly Pablo Picasso? - asked the teacher, wanting to please the famous guest.
But the girl didn’t know what to answer. Tears immediately flowed down her cheeks. Then Pablo Picasso came up to her, patted her affectionately on the shoulder and said:
- Don’t cry, girl, I don’t know either.

A millionaire came to Pablo Picasso's studio. She looked around and became interested in one painting, painted in a cubic manner:
- What is drawn here? - she asked.
“Two hundred thousand dollars,” the artist answered immediately.

Once, in the presence of Pablo Picasso, a dispute broke out about modern youth - that they were not like the previous, much better generation.
“Yes, it’s true,” said Pablo Picasso, “the youth of today are so terrible.” However, the worst thing is that we no longer belong to it!

Pablo Picasso was a particularly talented artist and a rather eccentric person. His life was filled with incredible events that still amaze admirers of the artist’s talent. Below are ten facts that reveal a completely different perspective on Picasso's life.

Uncle's bad habit saved Picasso's life

Pablo was born very weak and did not make a single cry when he was born. The midwife who delivered the baby thought that the baby was dead and left him on the table in order to convey the sad news to the family and document it this fact. At this time, the uncle of the future artist, who looked into the room, saw a baby lying on the table and approached him. At the same time, the man was smoking a cigar and accidentally blew smoke into the baby’s face, causing him to first cough and then cry. This is how the smoking uncle saved the life of his little nephew.

"Pencil" - little Pablo's first word

If for ordinary children the first word is “mom” or “dad,” then for little Pablo it became “ pencil" It was this object that the baby learned to hold in his hands, earlier than a spoon. In addition, young Picasso began drawing from the cradle, which was encouraged by his father, a professional artist.

It is worth noting that Father Pablo, having seen the progress in the work little son, was so amazed that he promised to quit painting if his son surpassed him in skill. After some time it happened. Young artist surpassed his parent in many ways, which aroused genuine pride in him.

Picasso was a naughty child

The artist often recalled that as a student, he was constantly punished. At school there was special room, where they put the guilty guys and left them there for a while so that they carefully consider their behavior.

During punishments, Pablo drew, and admitted that this time of his training was the most enjoyable. Moreover, sometimes he deliberately provoked scandals with teachers in order to end up in the punishment room. The artist's talent grew along with his eccentricity, the more unpredictable his behavior became. young master, the more successful works he was able to create.

"Picador" - the artist's first masterpiece

Pablo Picasso painted his first painting at the age of 9. It was a painting depicting a rider riding a horse. The artist’s first “real” or academic painting was “First Communion,” a painting so unlike the well-known “cubic” style, depicting his relatives during a church ceremony.

Picasso beats Casanova in breaking women's hearts

Not a single artist, or any ordinary man in general, had as many mistresses as Picasso had. In most cases, these were beautiful and stormy, but not long-lasting romances.

Picasso always left his wives himself as soon as the wave of feelings faded. Françoise Gilot became the only woman to leave Pablo first. The artist said that communication with the fair sex requires more oxygen; it is from this that he draws his inspiration and ideas for paintings. His first official wife was Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova, and his last, with whom he lived until his death, was Jacqueline Rock. Subsequently, she could not survive the death of her husband and committed suicide.

Picasso was talented in many areas of art

Despite the fact that everyone remembers Pablo Picasso as talented artist However, he created beautiful sculptures and tried his hand at working with graphics and ceramics. In addition, he became the author of several plays, for which he personally designed the curtain.

Picasso had a car made in his style

The artist was eccentric in all aspects of his life. Even his car was customized specifically for his personality. It was a small Citroen, the design of which completely repeated the cubic style of the artist’s paintings. This car was simply impossible not to notice.

How Picasso invented Cubism

The paintings painted by Picasso belong to the “cubism” style, which, by the way, was invented by the artist himself together with his friend. In fact, the term "Cubism" was invented by the French critic Vaucel, who noticed that almost all the images in the artist's canvases consisted of small cubes. However, without Picasso there would be no cubism in painting.

Picasso was the richest artist in the history of painting

Thanks to his extraordinary talent, Picasso was able to become the richest artist during his lifetime. His paintings were valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars. At the same time, the artist preferred to live “largely”; he denied himself little. After his death, he left not only a rich heritage consisting of paintings, but also real estate worth a total of more than $1.5 billion.

The artist's favorite dachshund

Picasso loved animals. He had a boxer, Ian, and a goat, Esmeralda, but he had no sentimental feelings towards them. The dachshund Lump occupied a special place in his life: he loved her more than all his women. Especially for the pet, the artist painted a porcelain plate, depicting his pet on it, from which Lump ate from the same table as his owner. The dachshund accompanied Pablo everywhere - when the artist worked in the workshop, only Lump had the right to be with the creator at that moment.

Despite the fact that Picasso was an eccentric artist, nevertheless, he was not devoid of ordinary human weaknesses. He lived a very long time and rich life, filled with a variety of events and emotions. In the master's biography one can find many very interesting stories, which speak eloquently about what Pablo was like during his lifetime.

Painting by Pablo Picasso “Dead Birds”, 1912

1. By Spanish tradition Pablo received two surnames from the first surnames of his parents: his father - Ruiz and his mother - Picasso. His full name, received at baptism, sounds like Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz and Picasso.

The first painting "Picador"

2. Pablo began to get involved in drawing with early childhood. He received his first painting lessons from his father, Jose Ruiz Blasco, who was an art teacher. Already at the age of 8, he painted his first high-quality oil painting, called “Picador”.

3. The term “Cubism”, the founders of which were Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and Juan Gris, was introduced by art critic and art critic Louis Vauxcelles. In one of his articles, he noted that the works of Picasso and Georges Braque are full of “bizarre cubes.”

4. Picasso's first wife was the Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova, whom he met while preparing for the production of the surrealist ballet Parade by Sergei Diaghilev. In their marriage they had a son, Paulo.

5. Pablo Picasso was not just an artist, he was also a sculptor, ceramicist, set designer, poet, playwright, writer and designer.

6. Picasso was accepted into the School fine arts La Lonja when he was 14 years old. He was too young to enter, but at the insistence of his father he was allowed to take the exam. entrance exams. While most students passed their exams in a month, Pablo passed his entrance exams in just a week.


7. After a Nazi officer saw a photograph of Pablo Picasso's painting Guernica, he asked the artist if he had done it. Picasso replied: “No, you did it.”

8. Reason for creation famous painting"Guernica" was the bombing of the Spanish city of Guernica by the Luftwaffe Air Force, part of Nazi Germany. In 3 hours, several thousand bombs were dropped on Guernica, as a result of which the city of 6,000 people was destroyed. Picasso was so amazed by what happened that he expressed his emotions on canvas. Guernica was written in just a month.

9. The Picasso name was used on several commercial products, including a car (Citroen Xsara Picasso), perfume (Cognac Hennessy Picasso) and lighters (ST Dupont Picasso). Picasso's heirs continually battle intellectual property laws surrounding his name.

« Avignon girls»

10. From 1917 to 1924, Picasso created curtains, sets and costumes for several ballets. His works were poorly received at the time, but are now considered symbols of the progress in art of the time.

11. Because Picasso was so weak at birth, the midwife thought he was stillborn and placed him on the table. His uncle, smoking a large cigar, walked up to him and blew smoke from the cigar into the baby's face. Picasso immediately reacted by grimacing and crying.

12. Picasso once noted: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” This phrase has become famous saying artist.

13. Based on data on stolen paintings from London's Art Loss Register, Pablo Picasso tops the list of artists whose paintings are most popular among thieves.

14. Picasso believed that American writer Gertrude Stein was his only friend. Her friendship and support had a significant impact on him.

"Algerian Women (Version O)"

15. 2015, at Christie's auction, a new absolute record was set for works of art sold with open bidding- painting by Pablo Picasso “Algerian women (version O)”.

16. In 2009 the most famous newspaper The The Times conducted a survey among 1.4 million readers, according to which Picasso was recognized the best artist among those who lived over the past 100 years.

17. Pablo's second wife was Jacqueline Roque; their marriage lasted 11 years. Pablo Picasso first saw Jacqueline in 1953, when she was 26 years old and he was 72 years old. Every day he gave her one rose, until six months later Jacqueline agreed to date him. They got married only 6 years after the death of Picasso's first wife Olga Khokhlova in 1955.

18. Pablo Picasso had three illegitimate children: daughter Maya with Marie-Thérèse Walter; son Claude and daughter Paloma from Françoise Gilot.

19. Picasso's first word was "piz, piz", short for lápis, which means "pencil" in Spanish.

20. According to the 1998 Guinness Book of World Records, Picasso is one of the most prolific artists in the world. During his 78-year career, he created more than 13,500 paintings, 100,000 prints, 34,000 book illustrations, 300 ceramic and sculptural works—more than 147,800 works of art in total.

21. Since 1973 (the year of the artist's death), Pablo's mistress, Françoise Gilot, fought with the artist's second wife, Jacqueline Roque, over the division of Picasso's property. Even before Pablo's death, the mistress and her two children (Claude and Paloma) unsuccessfully tried to challenge his will on the grounds that Picasso was mentally ill. Ultimately, the parties agreed to create the Picasso Museum in Paris, which opened in 1985.

"Still life with fruit on the table"

22. Since the artist’s burial took place on private territory that belonged to his castle, Jacqueline Roque did not allow Picasso’s two illegitimate children, Claude and Paloma, to attend his funeral, since they had tried to divide the artist’s property even before Picasso’s death.

23. In 1927, Picasso met 17-year-old Marie-Thérèse Walter and began dating her secretly. The artist's marriage to his first wife ended in separation rather than divorce, since French law required an even division of property in the event of divorce, and Picasso did not want Khokhlova to receive half of his wealth. Marie-Thérèse Walter lived her whole life in the vain hope that Picasso would one day marry her. Four years after Picasso's death, she hanged herself.

24. Although Pablo was baptized as a child catholic church, later he became an atheist.

25. As of 2012, the world's largest art loss register (ALR) lists 1,147 works by Pablo Picasso as stolen.

Pablo Picasso

1 en.wikipedia.org
2 Kelley, True. Who Was Pablo Picasso? New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2009.
3 en.wikipedia.org
4 korrespondent.net
5 en.wikipedia.org
6 en.wikipedia.org

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Pablo Picasso: a little amazing facts.

"Whenever I want to say something, I say it in the manner in which I
I feel like this should be said." Pablo Picasso.

When he was born, the midwife thought he was stillborn.
Picasso was saved by his uncle. “Doctors at that time smoked big cigars, and my uncle
was no exception. When he saw me lying motionless,
he blew smoke in my face Why me, with a grimace, let out a roar of rage."
Above: Pablo Picasso in Spain
Photo: LP / Roger-Viollet / Rex Features

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in the city of Malaga, Anadalusian
provinces of Spain.
At baptism, Picasso received the full name Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula
Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Crispin Crispignano de la Santisima
Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso - which, according to Spanish custom, was a series of names
revered saints and family relatives.
Picasso is the mother's surname, which Pablo took, since his father's surname
seemed too ordinary to him, besides, Picasso’s father, José Ruiz,
he was an artist himself.
Top: Artist Pablo Picasso in Mougins, France in 1971
two years before his death.
Photo: AFP/Getty Images

Picasso's first word was "Piz" - which is short for "La piz"
which means pencil in Spanish.

Picasso's first painting was called "Picador"
man riding a horse in a bullfight.
Picasso's first exhibition took place when he was 13.
in the back room of the umbrella shop.
At the age of 13, Pablo Picasso brilliantly entered the
Barcelona Academy of Fine Arts.
But in 1897, at the age of 16, he came to Madrid to study at the School of Arts.

"First Communion" 1896 The painting was created by 15-year-old Picasso

"Self-portrait". 1896
Technique: Oil on canvas. Collection: Barcelona, ​​Picasso Museum

"Knowledge and mercy." 1897 The painting was painted by 16-year-old Pablo Picasso.

Already as an adult and once visiting an exhibition of children's drawings, Picasso said:
"At their age I drew like Raphael, but it took me a whole life
to learn to draw like them."

Pablo Picasso painted his masterpiece in 1901,
when the artist was only 20 years old.

Picasso was once questioned by the police for stealing the Mona Lisa.
After the painting disappeared from the Louvre in Paris in 1911, the poet and "friend"
Guillaume Apollinaire pointed his finger at Picasso.
Child and Dove, 1901. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
currently on display as part of the Courtauld Gallery's Becoming Picasso exhibition.
Picture: Private collection.

Picasso burned several of his paintings when he was an aspiring artist in Paris.
in order to keep warm.
Above: Absinthe drinker 1901. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Photo: State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg

Pablo Picasso. Ironing Woman. 1904
Allegedly, this work contains a disguised self-portrait of Picasso!

Picasso's sister Conchita died of diphtheria in 1895.

Picasso met French artist Henri Matisse in 1905
at the home of writer Gertrude Stein.
Top: Gnome-Dancer, 1901 Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
currently on display as part of the Courtauld Gallery's Becoming Picasso exhibition.
Photo: Picasso Museum, Barcelona (gasull Fotografia)

Pablo Picasso.Woman with a Crow.1904

Picasso had many mistresses.
Women of Picasso - Fernanda Olivier, Marcel Humbert, Olga Khokhlova,
Marie Therese Walter, Françoise Gilot, Dora Maar, Jacqueline Roque...

Pablo Picasso's first wife was Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova.
In the spring of 1917, the poet Jean Cocteau, who collaborated with Sergei Diaghilev,
invited Picasso to make sketches of costumes and scenery for the future ballet.
The artist went to work in Rome, where he fell in love with one of the dancers of the Diaghilev troupe -
Olga Khokhlova. Diaghilev, noticing Picasso’s interest in the ballerina, considered it his duty
warn the hot Spanish rake that Russian girls are not easy -
you should marry them...
They got married in 1918. The wedding took place in the Paris Orthodox Cathedral
Alexander Nevsky, among the guests and witnesses were Diaghilev, Apollinaire, Cocteau,
Gertrude Stein, Matisse.
Picasso was convinced that he would marry for life, and therefore his marriage contract
included an article stating that their property is common.
In case of divorce, this meant dividing it equally, including all the paintings.
And in 1921 their son Paul was born.
However, the life of the married couple did not work out...
but this was Pablo's only official wife,
they were not divorced.

Pablo Picasso and Olga Khokhlova.

Pablo Picasso.Olga.

Picasso painted her a lot in a purely realistic manner, which she herself insisted on
a ballerina who did not like experiments in painting that she did not understand.
“I want,” she said, “to recognize my face.”

Pablo Picasso. Portrait of Olga Khokhlova.

Francoise Gilot.
This amazing woman managed to fill Picasso with strength without wasting hers.
She gave him two children and managed to prove that a family idyll is not a utopia,
but a reality that exists for free and loving people.
The children of Françoise and Pablo received the surname Picasso and after the artist’s death they became
owners of part of his fortune.
Françoise herself put an end to her relationship with the artist after learning about his infidelity.
Unlike many of the master’s lovers, Françoise Gilot did not go crazy and did not commit suicide.

Feeling that love story came to an end, she herself left Picasso,
without giving him the opportunity to join the list of abandoned and devastated women.
Having published the book “My Life with Picasso,” Françoise Gilot largely went against the will of the artist,
but gained worldwide fame.

Francoise Gilot and Picasso.

With Françoise and children.

Picasso had four children from three women.
Above: Pablo Picasso with two children of his mistress Françoise Gilot,
Claude Picasso (left) and Paloma Picasso.
Photo: REX

Children Picasso. Claude and Paloma. Paris.

Marie-Therese Walter gave birth to his daughter Maya.

He married his second wife, Jacqueline Rock, when he was 79 (she was 27).

Jacqueline is the last one left faithful woman Picasso and takes care of him,
already sick, blind and hard of hearing, until his death.

Picasso. Jacqueline with crossed arms, 1954

One of Picasso's many muses was the dachshund Lump.
(exactly so, in the German manner. Lump in German is “canal”).
The dog belonged to photographer David Douglas Duncan.
She died a week before Picasso.

There are several periods in Pablo Picasso's work: blue, pink, African...

The "blue" period (1901-1904) includes works created between 1901 and 1904.
Gray-blue and blue-green deep cold colors, colors of sadness and despondency, constantly
are present in them. Picasso called blue “the color of all colors.”
Frequent subjects of these paintings are emaciated mothers with children, tramps, beggars, and the blind.

“Beggar Old Man with a Boy” (1903) Museum of Fine Arts. Moscow.

"Mother and Child" (1904, Fogg Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)

The Blind Man's Breakfast." 1903 Collection: New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art

The “Rose Period” (1904 - 1906) is characterized by more cheerful tones - ocher
and pink, as well as stable themes of images - harlequins, wandering actors,
Fascinated by the comedians who became the models for his paintings, he often visited the Medrano Circus;
at this time the harlequin was Picasso's favorite character.

Pablo Picasso, two Acrobats with a dog, 1905

Pablo Picasso, Boy with a Pipe, 1905

"African" period (1907 - 1909)
In 1907, the famous "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" appeared. The artist worked on them more than a year -
long and carefully, as he had not worked on his other paintings before.
The public's first reaction is shock. Matisse was furious. Even most of my friends did not accept this job.
“It feels like you wanted to feed us oakum or give us gasoline to drink,” -
said the artist Georges Braque, new friend Picasso. Scandalous picture, whose name was given by
poet A. Salmon, was the first step of painting on the path to cubism, and many art historians believe
her Starting point contemporary art.

Queen Isabella. 1908. cubism Museum of Fine Arts. Moscow.

Picasso was also a writer. He wrote about 300 poems and two plays.
Above: Harlequin and Companion, 1901. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
currently on display as part of the Courtauld Gallery's Becoming Picasso exhibition.
Photo: © State Museum A. S. Pushkin, Moscow

Acrobats.Mother and son.1905

Pablo Picasso.Lovers.1923

Picasso's painting "Nude, Green Leaves and Bust", which depicts him
mistress Marie-Thérèse Walter, was sold at auction for $106.5 million.
This broke the record for paintings sold at auction,
which was set by Munch's painting "The Scream".

Picasso's paintings were stolen more often than any other artist.
550 of his works are missing.
Up: Crying woman 1937 Pablo Picasso
Photo: Guy Bell/Alamy

Together with Georges Braque, Picasso founded Cubism.
He also worked in the following styles:
Neoclassicism (1918 - 1925)
Surrealism (1925 - 1936), etc.

Pablo Picasso.Two reading girls.

Picasso donated his sculptures to the society in Chicago, USA in 1967.
He gave unsigned paintings to his friends.
He said: otherwise you will sell them when I die.

Olga Khokhlova in last years lived in Cannes completely alone.
She was painfully ill for a long time and died of cancer on February 11, 1955.
at the city hospital. Only her son and a few friends attended the funeral.
Picasso was finishing the painting “Women of Algeria” in Paris at that time and did not come.

Picasso's two mistresses, Marie-Thérèse Walter and Jacqueline Roque (who became his wife)
committed suicide. Marie-Theresa hanged herself four years after his death.
Rock shot herself in 1986, 13 years after Picasso's death.

Pablo Picasso's mother said: “With my son, who was created only for himself
and for no one else, no woman can be happy."

Top: Seated Harlequin, 1901. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
currently on display as part of the Courtauld Gallery's Becoming Picasso exhibition.
Photo: Metropolitan Museum of Art © Metropolitan Museum of Art / Art Resource / Scala, Florence

According to the proverb, Spain is a country where men despise sex,
but they live for him. “In the morning – church, in the afternoon – bullfighting, in the evening – brothel” -
Picasso religiously adhered to this credo of the Spanish machos.
The artist himself said that art and sexuality are one and the same thing.

Pablo Picasso and Jean Cacteau at a bullfight in Vallauris. 1955

Above: Pablo Picasso's Guernica, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid.

Picasso's painting "Guernica" (1937). Guernica is a small Basque town in northern Spain, practically wiped off the face of the earth by German aircraft on May 1, 1937.

One day the Gestapo raided Picasso's house. A Nazi officer, seeing a photograph of Guernica on the table, asked: “Did you do this?” “No,” the artist replied, “you did it.”

During the Second World War, Picasso lives in France, where he becomes close to the communists -
members of the Resistance (in 1944 Picasso even joined the French Communist Party).

In 1949, Picasso paints his famous "Dove of Peace" on a poster
World Peace Congress in Paris.

In the photo: Picasso paints a dove on the wall of his house in Mougins. August 1955.

Picasso's last words were "Drink for me, drink for my health,
you know I can't drink anymore."
He died while he and his wife, Jacqueline Rock, were entertaining friends over dinner.

Picasso was buried in the grounds of the castle he bought in 1958
in Vauvenargues, in the south of France.
He was 91 years old. Shortly before his death, he was distinguished by his prophetic gift
the artist said:
“My death will be a shipwreck.
When a large ship dies, everything around it is sucked into the crater.”

And so it happened. His grandson Pablito asked to be allowed to attend the funeral,
But last wife artist Jacqueline Rock refused.
On the day of the funeral, Pablito drank a bottle of decoloran, a bleaching chemical.
liquid. Pablito could not be saved.
He was buried in the same grave in the cemetery in Cannes where Olga's ashes rest.

On June 6, 1975, 54-year-old Paul Picasso died of cirrhosis of the liver.
His two children are Marina and Bernard, Pablo Picasso's last wife Jacqueline
and three more illegitimate children - Maya (daughter of Marie-Therese Walter),
Claude and Paloma (children of Françoise Gilot) were recognized as the artist’s heirs.
Long battles for inheritance began

Marina Picasso, who inherited her grandfather’s famous mansion “The Residence of the King” in Cannes,
lives there with an adult daughter and son and three adopted Vietnamese children.
She makes no distinction between them and has already made a will according to which
after her death, her entire huge fortune will be divided into five equal parts.
Marina created a foundation bearing her name, which was built in the suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City
a village of 24 houses for 360 Vietnamese orphans.

“I inherited my love for children,” Marina emphasizes, “from my grandmother.
Olga was the only person from the entire Picasso clan who treated us, grandchildren,
with tenderness and attention. And my book “Children Living at the End of the World” is largely
wrote in order to restore her good name.