Alexander Tairov lectures on art. Alexander Tairov: “Glamour is a grimace of beauty”

Art meetings with Alexander Tairov. An artist about artists!

Alexander Tairov a person who can surprise, inspire, excite our hearts to discover new emotions and knowledge, immerse us headlong into the life of the artist Gustav Klimt.

Alexander Tairov- famous artist, art critic, Member of the Union of Artists since 1985, host of art meetings in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg!

Dear friends, the main thing is not to pass by such storytellers as Alexander Tairov. His words, like a bullet flying accurately at the target, will pierce your heart, changing your worldview in a split second and putting into it something new, initially unknown.

The personality of the artist that Alexander is talking about is revealed layer by layer and resembles a canvas onto which paints from the same palette are applied step by step and by the end of the evening you can clearly see the artist’s handwriting.

Art meetings are taking place in format exhibitions of reproductions and this is unique, because many have not seen, and maybe will never see, all of Klimt’s paintings in one place - they are scattered in museums around the world or are in private collections.

"Sensual Art Nouveau by Gustav Klimt"

Gustav Klimt outstanding Austrian artist of the 20th century. Founder of the Art Nouveau style.

Ornamental painting Gustav Klimt in the most whimsical way he weaves in realistic images of the heroes of his paintings.

The picturesque landscapes of Gustav Klimt are a celebration of unusually stylized nature, painted brightly, mosaically, and graphically.

In his work, the artist often turned to the theme of allegory, painted lyrical images of women and flowers, glorifying sensual beauty and trying to capture fleeting moments of harmony. By creating custom portraits of women, Gustav Klimt “saved” the beauty and youth of his models, making their images immortal.

Strangers had a hard time believing that Gustav Klimt was an artist. The external resemblance to a simple peasant, powerful figure, tall stature and strong hands did not fit in with the image of a sophisticated connoisseur of beauty, whose work abounds in tender feelings and golden shades.

It's happening before our eyes one-man show charismatic, artistic and emotional Alexander Tairov (artist, Member of the Union of Artists since 1985. Chief artist of the Novosibirsk State Technical University. Participant of regional, republican and international exhibitions).

Listeners are immersed in the story about the artist, they are imbued with it, and the paintings are revealed in their full sense.

Do you want to know what was hidden behind the scandalous and passionate personality of Gustav Klimt?

How were sensual female portraits created?

Do you want to feel the special, emotionally dazzling style of the founder of Art Nouveau?

On art meeting with Alexander Tairov Along with well-known facts, you will hear about Gustav Klimt something that art critics and biographers sometimes don’t realize, but what his paintings speak about in a veiled way, hiding the hidden corners of the soul of the person who created them...

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I think everyone knows this painting - “Portrait of the Arnolfini Couple” by the Dutch artist Jan Van Eyck. A painfully familiar face - the London National Gallery even moved this painting to the central hall, to the most accessible place. Everyone wants to look at Putin)

And I attended Alexander Tairov’s lecture at the Fine Arts Center (when they come up with a catchy name for themselves). It’s difficult to call Alexander Tairov a lecture at the meeting, he talks about the work of different artists in such an inspiring, interesting and emotional way. Emotionally and very technically detailed about the artistic component, about the historical and economic background of each painting. Such a voluminous look is simply mesmerizing. I haven’t been to a drama theater for a hundred years, and somehow it doesn’t appeal to me - everything there seems too false and boring.

But for this lecture, 300 rubles is not a pity, no doubt. I highly recommend going live or watching the video. But it’s more interesting live.

What do we see here? It takes place at the beginning of the 15th century. Wealthy people decided to get married legally. It seems that everything is simple - but the symbols are all around.
For example, a window. It’s not for nothing that we see some leaves and the sky there - no, life is not confined to this rich interior, and marriage is not a reason to hunker down in the family nest. There are temptations and pleasures outside the window; they are and will be present in life.
The sly faces of the characters also indicate that you shouldn’t put your finger in their mouth; the woman’s downcast gaze is very ambiguous.
But there is a dog nearby - a symbol of fidelity.
A burning candle is a symbol of the presence of God. A mirror is a lens, what is there in this distorted consciousness, is there someone reflected in it, some guests?
The color red is a symbol of passion, and fruit speaks of pleasure. Green is a sign of beauty and integrity. Although, we don’t know for sure whether it’s his wife.
A man and a woman shake hands with each other - they enter into marriage. In those years, you didn’t have to go to church to call yourself husband and wife.

Of course, I’m not going to retell the entire lecture here; I’m writing what I remember about the hard life in the 1420s.

The meeting takes place in such a cozy atmosphere. Thanks for the many quality reproductions.

The Belgian artist Jan Van Eyck stood at the origins of the Northern Renaissance. What was going on there at the beginning of the 15th century? The times were wild, the people lived poorly, coldly, and dimly. After sunset, everyone locked themselves in their houses and sat by the fire. And life itself was seen as an intermediate state on the path to something bright.

And everything was literally gray. Paints were expensive, and oil paints were even more expensive.
Now it’s hard for us to imagine that there are millions of visual stimuli around us - information oversaturation and flashing bright pictures. And in those years, even colored clothing was a rarity and the privilege of very rich citizens. Most dressed in gray and brown clothes. Gray houses, gray autumn and winter, without electricity or public heating.

The film best illustrates that hopelessness. Everything is gray, cold, who knows what kind of surgical operations, and only the blue eyes of the main character somehow do not allow you to leave the cinema hall in order to forget this darkness. I recommend it, it's a great movie.

So. And in this wretched life, where there was a crop failure, then a war, then some kind of cholera, faith in God was indestructible.

Portrait of a man in a red turban. There is an opinion that this is a self-portrait. There is very little information about Van Eyck. Even the date of birth is blurry - either 1390 or 1400.
This man was superbly educated - he spoke several languages, however, for Europeans of that time this was a common thing. He served at the court of Duke Philip of Burgnuda, also known as Philip the Good. Indeed, he was a kind man, he tried to avoid armed conflicts as much as possible.

Van Eyck, in addition to painting, which was considered an extremely important matter, was also engaged in diplomatic assignments, to which he devoted many years. He also designed interiors and organized ceremonies.

Speaking of visual effects. Back then there was a problem with glass, there were no rhinestones or jewelry either. And real bright jewelry was valued even more than it is now, so to speak. For example, the same Philip of Burgundy could take a chest with his jewelry into the square to show the people. Marvel, citizens, how rich I am.
However, centuries go by, but people still love decorating themselves with stones)

The artist's wife is Margaret. They had ten children.

Graphic artist, designer, member of the Union of Artists of Russia Alexander Tairov told VOLNA magazine readers about contemporary art, the cultural environment of Novosibirsk and attempts to change it for the better.

I met Alexander at the “Night of Museums” event held at the City Center for Fine Arts. In a large hall where reproductions of Frida Kahlo's paintings were exhibited, a handsome male voice was talking about one of them.

- Alexander, tell us how the idea of ​​holding art meetings came about?

The format of art meetings taking place at the Arts Center arose completely unexpectedly. The “Night of Museums” took place, where one of Rembrandt’s paintings was exhibited. Another lecturer talked about it, but I saw everything differently. But I must say that I have long had a desire to share my artistic knowledge with people. The problem was that people came into the hall, listened for literally two minutes and left. At that moment I realized that many simply do not understand the meaning of the picture. People see only what is depicted, without thinking or feeling more broadly. Later, my students from the fine arts studio asked me to talk about this painting - about its composition and meaning. Already in the process, I noticed that there were people standing behind me, listening to me attentively. The main factor in creating art meetings was the positive feedback from our guests who wanted to know more about the artists and their works.

The following year, at the Night of Museums, there was a lecture on Botticelli, and we dedicated the entire hall to his paintings. Three sessions were held, and quite successfully. And two years ago this project began to exist in the format of meetings held every first Saturday of the month.

This is a rather unusual phenomenon for Novosibirsk, so it is interesting to people.

We have already covered seventeen artists. At the moment, we have a stable audience - more than a hundred people attend our meetings, it probably won’t work out on a larger scale, the capacity of the hall does not allow it.

- That there are Novosibirsk residents interested in painting and Are you ready to get enlightened?

Yes, and not only Novosibirsk residents. If we had the opportunity to travel to other cities, for example, to Tomsk, then people would be interested. People are drawn to art. Visitors to galleries most often do not understand the meaning of paintings: not only the history of their creation plays a role, but also the biography of the author, compositional content and color scheme. And if all this is conveyed to the audience against the backdrop of an exhibition of the artist’s works... The internal content, the mysterious and hidden meaning of the paintings become visible to people.

- Let's touch on an interesting and a sore subject for our city. After one of art meetings you they said that in Novosibirsk does not have a single cultural space. Is this really true?

I believe this is true. All areas of art, be it musical, visual or dramatic, live separately from each other. Art must be interpenetrating. Much has changed, and now are no longer the times when Russian patrons of the arts organized meetings of poets, musicians, artists and writers. Of course, this does not exist in our city. And it is not surprising, because Novosibirsk does not have any serious cultural basis - the history of the city goes back a little over a hundred years, which is very little for the formation of a high-quality cultural environment.

Of course, Novosibirsk is growing rapidly, the number of city residents is approaching two million, but most of them are cut off from the cultural life of the city.

The reason for this is that the city is scattered over vast areas, and the cultural core is located on the right bank, in the very center - from Sverdlov Square to Lenin Square. Many people simply do not have the opportunity to touch beauty. Moreover, almost all events take place in the evening.

- Art meetings held in Are the Arts Center partly solving this problem?

Meetings are just a drop in the sea. There are one and a half million people in the city, thousands of people pass by our banner hanging in the metro at the Lenin Square station, but at art meetings there are a maximum of one hundred and fifty people. The percentage is obvious. This is the answer to the question of whether we are solving the problem or not. Some people are simply not interested in developing in this direction; others may not even know that such a format exists in the city. Nowadays, nothing worthwhile is shown on television - no performances, no plays, no concerts of symphony orchestras. In this sense, Novosibirsk will continue to follow the path of inclusion in culture for a very long time.

- But it's a matter of V people too? IN their interest?

First of all, in people. Now completely different things are coming to the fore, the value system is deformed. Changes in people's heads always affect the cultural situation in a city or country. Children nowadays do not dream of becoming pilots; for example, this also applies to professions such as artist or writer. Probably because many people understand that in this area it is hardly possible to earn enough to live without needing absolutely nothing. Money is the driving mechanism of this age. Most people do not see happiness in creation and immersion in culture, forgetting that a person, without experiencing experiences, without understanding deep things, lives incompletely.

- Once there was a conversation about money, then at me to The next question for you is: is it possible? whether, being an artist, doing art, feel comfortable in modern world?

Let's turn to what has been said a long time ago: everything beautiful is within us. For an artist who can rightfully be called one, the truth is this. The reason is that the true meanings of a mature person are within himself. Having gained life experience and understood what value is, a person takes pleasure in what he creates. There is very little talent in the world. A person who can accumulate in himself everything essential and valuable is rare.

- Alexander, if you remember the beginning of the last century, then on mind the names of famous artists immediately come and writers: Dali, Picasso, Hemingway. They will remember in a hundred years will any of our time?

Undoubtedly. I like to repeat Yesenin’s famous phrase: “Face to face you cannot see a face. Big things are seen from a distance.” Over time, talented people will crystallize, and society will learn to perceive their art and understand that their ancestors left a rich cultural heritage.

- IN Novosibirsk does not have the conditions to fully engage in art?

This is what we are talking about. To create the conditions, you first need, for example, a greenhouse. But no one will invest in this. Perhaps someone buys works by two or three opportunistic Novosibirsk artists, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no common interest and desire. The rise of culture arises on the wave of demand for works of art. This is an interdependent process. Novosibirsk is a place where nothing will “grow” for a long time. And people who are trying to change something immediately leave for where it is more comfortable and easier. The tragedy of our city is also that worthy people or those who feel they have potential understand that they cannot fully realize it here. People from small towns, most often poorly educated, come here. The city is turning into a transit point. Nothing can happen just like that, and art needs fertile, high-quality soil.

Photos courtesy of Alexander Tairov.

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Alexander Yakovlevich Tairov is a Russian Soviet director, founder and director of the Chamber Theater. Performances “Famira the Kifared” (1916), “Salome” (1917), “Phaedra” (1922), “Love under the Elms” (1926), “Optimistic Tragedy” (1933), “Madame Bovary” (1940), “ The Seagull" (1944), "Guilty Without Guilt" (1944), etc.

Alexander Yakovlevich Tairov was born on July 6 (June 24), 1885 in the city of Romny, Poltava province, into the family of a teacher. His first theatrical impressions were associated with the performances of the Adelname brothers, tragedians who traveled around the Russian provinces. Tairov began playing in amateur performances.

After graduating from high school, Alexander entered the Faculty of Law of Kyiv University. During these years, he directly encountered the provincial theater, playing on stage and watching the performance of good provincial actors. In the 1906-1907 season, Tairov performed at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. Here, in Meyerhold's performances, he became acquainted with the skill of auteur directing, but rejected once and for all the aesthetics of conventional theater. Then - the Mobile Theater of the Moscow Art Theater member P.P. Gaideburova, St. Petersburg New Drama Theater. Already at the Mobile Theater Tairov acts as a director. However, the unshakable routine of the New Theater, added to previous theatrical disappointments, served as a catalyst for Tairov’s decision to break with the theater.

In 1913, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University and joined the Moscow Bar. It seems to Tairov that he has become disillusioned with the theater. But when K.A. appears Mardzhanov with his fantastic idea of ​​the Free Theater, which was supposed to combine tragedy and operetta, drama and farce, opera and pantomime - Tairov accepts the offer to enter this theater as a director.

It was the pantomime “Pierrette’s Veil” by Schnitzler and the Chinese fairy tale “The Yellow Jacket” staged by Tairov that brought fame to the Free Theater and turned out to be unexpected, interesting discoveries. In these performances, Tairov proclaimed the “theatricalization of theater” and put forward the principle of “emotional gesture” instead of a pictorial or everyday authentic gesture.

The premiere of "Pierrette's Veils" took place on November 4, 1913. Tairov, of course, guessed the mood of the time, the plot, and the young twenty-four-year-old actress with the sonorous name Alisa Koonen. Arrogant fatalism, impulse and break, the excitement of unabandoned hopes... All this was in his first performance on the stage of the Free Theater. And on December 25, 1914, Tairov opened a new theater in Moscow - the Chamber Theater, which became a symbol of new art for the younger generation of 1910-1920.

Of course, circumstances favored Tairov. He will not forget to list them: devoted like-minded actors, loyal friends, excellent premises - an 18th-century mansion on Tverskoy Boulevard, money obtained almost miraculously. But this would not have been enough if not for Tairov’s faith, if not for his courage, if, finally, not for his love for Alisa Koonen, who embodied a very special type on stage (perhaps Koonen is the only tragic actress of the Soviet theater). The chamber theater was erected in the name of this love. The director and actress got married in 1914. The theater took everything from them, leaving no room for children or particularly friendly affections.

1914 The First World War is going on. And Tairov is rehearsing the drama of the ancient Indian classic Kalidasa “Sakuntala”. What prompted him to choose this particular play Probably his love for the East, the wonderful translation by K. Balmont, a winning role for Koonen, the steppe and Bukhara paintings of Pavel Kuznetsov, which Tairov liked at the World of Art exhibition with its exquisite simplicity of lines and colors.

Pessimism prevailed in the mood of that time. Tairov affirmed on stage the possibility of another, beautiful world, in which beauty, wisdom, and the fullness of spiritual life reign. At first, Tairov was forced to show more than a dozen premieres per season. But one trend emerged immediately: it cleared and freed up the space of the stage. He strove to create a three-dimensional stage space as the only one corresponding to the actor’s three-dimensional body. The director was assisted in this by the artist Alexandra Ekster. She designed the decorations in the style of cubism. This idea, in particular, was embodied in the play “Famira-Kifared”. Pyramids, cubes, inclined platforms along which the actors moved created a certain associative image of ancient Greece. Famira was played by the oriental handsome Nikolai Tsereteli, “spotted” by Tairov in the midst of the Moscow Art Theater crowd.

After “Famira,” Tairov turned to Oscar Wilde’s “Salome.” When designing the performance, Exter, in addition to fabrics, used thin metal frames, hoops, and even plywood.

An impressive description of how Alisa Koonen played Salome was left by Leonid Grossman: “But with an almost sacramental gesture, Salome raises her hands to her eyes in reverence before the deity presented to her. “I am in love with your body,” the princess says prayerfully, as if blinded by the appearance of God. And then, in confusion and horror, her hands begin to wriggle like snakes, ready to entangle and squeeze the intended victim in their coils to death."

In 1917, the Chamber Theater was expelled from the mansion on Tverskoy Boulevard, as there was no money to pay the rent. The new premises - the actors' exchange at the Nikitsky Gate - were not suitable for showing performances. Truly titanic efforts were spent to raise the temperature on stage and in the hall from four degrees to at least six...

To open the 191920 season on the stage returned by the People's Commissariat for Education, Tairov chose the old melodrama by E. Scribe "Adrienne Lecouvreur". This performance will become one of the most sold-out performances in the capital and will remain in the repertoire of the Chamber Theater until its closure. After the 750th performance, French writer Jean-Richard Bloch will say that Tairov and Koonen raised Scribe's melodrama to the level of tragedy.

On May 4, 1920, another premiere took place at the Chamber Theater - a capriccio performance based on E.A. Hoffmann "Princess Brambilla". “Live laughter and living joy - this is the task of the performance,” explained the director. A wastefully generous interweaving of reality and fantasy, eccentricity and grotesque, circus and acrobatic acts - this was the kingdom of “Princess Brambilla” created by Tairov and artist G. Yakulov.

In 1922, Tairov, together with Yakulov, staged another cheerful performance - “Giroflé-Giroflya” based on Lecoq’s operetta. The corps de ballet was present here, as expected in the show, and, of course, the “stars” Koonen, who played both heroines, as prescribed by the libretto, and Tsereteli, who played the role of one of the suitors. Tairov affirmed in the play the most important aesthetic principles of his theater; here a culture of movement, a culture of words were developed, and, of course, the basis of everything was emotional inner fullness.

Tairov believed that the first stage of his quest at the Chamber Theater ended with the production of Racine’s Phèdre (1922). Many scenes from this performance have gone down in the history of world theater. The first exit of Koonen-Phaedra became a legend, as if breaking under the weight of her disastrous passion, she walked very slowly, and the purple cloak trailed behind her like a huge fiery trail.

The premieres of 1922 - “Phaedra” and “Girofle-Girofle” brought the Chamber Theater to unprecedented heights. They are proud of it, they take foreigners to it, they send it on tours abroad. The celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Chamber Theater is held at the Bolshoi Theater.

Tours in 1923 and 1925 in France and Germany were remembered by many. Doxology and abuse in the press; bribed clackers who failed to disrupt “Phaedra”, and a responsible reception given by the emigrant elite in honor of the actors of the Chamber Theater; delights of Cocteau, Picasso, Léger... At the International Exhibition in Paris in 1925, the Chamber Theater won the Grand Prize. Tairov returned from the trip as a winner. “What kind of Bolsheviks they are,” exclaimed the famous French critic Alfred Deblin, “they are 200 percent bourgeois, artists producing luxury goods.”

Tairov was looking for ways to revive the classical tragedy, trying to make it close to the modern audience. He rejected the false-classical manner of performing tragedy, which had taken root on both the French and Russian stages. As Alisa Koonen recalled, Tairov wanted to present the kings and queens from Racine’s play as ordinary people “Don’t Play Tsars!” - he repeated at rehearsals to Tsereteli and Eggert, who played Hippolytus and Theseus. However, these ordinary people were possessed by disastrous passions and were involved in a cruel struggle. Koonen-Fedra embodied Tairov's plan most fully. The tragic concentration of passion, which cannot be quenched, constituted the main content of this image.

In Tairov's plans, the task of creating a modern tragedy still comes first. Along this path, the director returned several times to Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm.” He is less and less captivated by external beauty and more and more strives to comprehend the tragic foundations of existence.

In the mid-1920s, Tairov found “his” author, the American playwright O’Neill, who believed that only tragedy can express the processes of modern life. On November 11, 1926, the premiere of the play “Love under the Elms” took place, which was destined to go down in the history of world theater.

The simple plot of O’Neill’s drama from the life of American farmers of the 19th century had for Tairov the ambiguity of a myth: “I believe that in this play O’Neill rose to great heights, resurrecting the best traditions of ancient tragedy in modern literature.” The play showed the story of the tragic love of a stepmother (A. Koonen) for her stepson (N. Tsereteli) and their fierce rivalry over the farm. A maximum of everyday persuasiveness, a maximum of authenticity of passions - and a minimum of everyday details.

In the play “The Negro,” based on O’Neill’s play (1929), the love story of Ella and the Negro Jim appeared on stage. Koonen-Ella, who lives the entire life of her heroine in the play, from a childish girl to a suffering mad woman, rose to tragic heights in her performance. O’Neill’s own reaction to the performances “The Negro” and “Love Under the Elms” is noteworthy: “How great was my admiration and gratitude when I saw your performances... They completely conveyed the inner meaning of my work. The theater of creative fantasy has always been my ideal. The Chamber Theater made this dream come true.”

Meanwhile, modernity persistently demanded that the theater create a performance “in tune with the revolution” and show a modern positive hero. Tairov reworked and adapted either S. Semenov’s novel “Natalya Tarpova” (1929), or N. Nikitin’s script “Firing Line” (1931), or M. Kulish’s romantic tragedy “Pathetic Sonata” (1931), or L. Pervomaisky’s play “ Unknown Soldiers" (1932). But the production of these very imperfect plays was largely forced.

The meeting of the Chamber Theater with Vsevolod Vishnevsky was notable for the fact that the playwright and the creative team were very close in art. Both the writer and the theater sought to find monumental, epic, romantic forms of stage creativity. Vishnevsky's "Optimistic Tragedy" is an emotional story about how an anarchic detachment of sailors, under the influence of a female commissar (A. Koonen), becomes a united revolutionary regiment. “The entire emotional, plastic and rhythmic line of the production,” said Tairov, “must be built on a kind of curve leading from negation to affirmation, from death to life, from chaos to harmony, from anarchy to conscious discipline.” The culmination of the upward spiral was the death of the Commissioner, illuminated by the victory of her idea. “Heaven, Earth, Man” - a short motto for the performance, invented by its artist V. Ryndin, accurately formulates Tairov’s plan. The performance spoke about the victory of the human spirit, glorified man and believed in him.

In the premiere of the next season - "Egyptian Nights" - Tairov planned to combine in one performance "Caesar and Cleopatra" by Bernard Shaw, "Egyptian Nights" by Pushkin, and "Antony and Cleopatra" by Shakespeare. The risky experiment relied mainly on the courage and acting ambition of Koonen, who had long been attracted by the image of the great Egyptian woman. However, after this performance, the Chamber Theater began to be called formalistic in the press and in discussions, which was how Tairov’s philosophical generalizations were perceived, who spoke about the connection between the fate of a person and the fate of the era.

Following the tragedy “Egyptian Nights,” the theater staged A. Borodin’s comic opera “Bogatyrs” (1936) with a new text by Demyan Bedny. The spectacle turned out to be bright, colorful, slightly stylized to resemble Palekh miniatures. Accusations of distorting the historical past of the Russian people soon followed. The performance was filmed.

Criticism fell on the Chamber Theater and its director from all sides. It was argued that in the practice of the theater there was a whole “system of disguised attacks against our party, the Soviet system and the October Revolution.” Work on Prokofiev's opera Eugene Onegin had to be stopped. In August 1937, by a strong-willed decision, the Tairov Chamber Theater and the Okhlopkov Realistic Theater were merged. This went on for two years. Chaos reigned in the artificially united troupe.

In 1940, another great performance by Tairov appeared, where the tragic talent of Alice Koonen again sounded powerfully - “Madame Bovary” according to Flaubert. The director did not stage Flaubert in the traditional sense - he revealed the drama of this novel, peering into the very depths of the human soul.

The war found the theater on tour in Leningrad. Hasty departure to Moscow. At the beginning of September, the premiere of the play “The Battalion Goes to the West” by G. Mdivani took place.

The chamber theater gave more than 500 performances only in the evacuation of Balkhash and Barnaul. Among the premieres of this period are “Front” by A. Korneychuk, “Sky of Moscow” by G. Mdivani, “Until the Heart Stops” by K. Paustovsky, “The Sea Spreads Wide” and “At the Walls of Leningrad” by Vs. Vishnevsky.

In 1944, The Seagull was staged at the Chamber Theater. The main principle of the production was Chekhov’s words “No need for theatricality. It’s all just necessary, very simple.” Explaining the choice of the play, Tairov said that “The Seagull” sounds “like a play created now, showing how a person conquers everything and goes into life, because Nina Zarechnaya will be a great actress. “The Seagull is a play of great faith in a person, in his star, in his future, in his possibilities.”

The director took only fragments of Chekhov's text. The actors played without makeup - they read the text according to their roles, occasionally changing the mise-en-scène on a practically empty stage. The speech of “The Seagull” sounded like music, merging with Tchaikovsky’s melodies.

Another performance by Tairov in 1944, “Guilty Without Guilt,” with the help of the artist V. Ryndin, returned A.N. Ostrovsky brings to life the colorfulness, sweetness and sadness of the ancient theater. “There was something of the loneliness of Baudelaire’s albatross in this Koonen Kruchinina, in her detached gaze, directed into the distance, over the heads of the people around her, in her movements, involuntarily fast and sharp, disproportionate to the rhythms and tempos in which the crowd of other characters moved.” , - B. Alpers will write on the days of the premiere.

The last years of the Chamber Theater were very dramatic. The so-called “struggle against sycophancy to the West” has unfolded in the country. Soviet drama of the 1940s did not offer much choice for Tairov. To this we must add the difficulties experienced within the collective itself by poor training camps, the closure of the acting school at the theater, a dilapidated building that required repairs...

Of course, Tairov fought. He argued, defended, went to the authorities, admitted his mistakes. I also hoped to save the theater. He faced a fruitless search for new authors and plays. And an empty hall awaited him. And chaos behind the scenes. And commissions examining the state of affairs in the theater. And on May 19, 1949, by resolution of the Committee on Arts, Tairov was dismissed from the Chamber Theater.

On May 29, “Adrienne Lecouvreur” was performed for the last time. Alisa Koonen played with inspiration and selflessness. “Theater, my heart will no longer beat with the excitement of success. Oh, how I loved the theater... Art! And there will be nothing left of me, nothing but memories...” Adrienne’s last words became the farewell of the creators of the Chamber Theater to the audience.

After the curtain closed - applause, cries of gratitude, tears. The curtain came up countless times, but the audience still did not leave. Finally, by order of Tairov, the iron curtain was lowered. It was all over.

The Arts Committee transferred Koonen and Tairov (as another director) to the Vakhtangov Theater. They did not stay there long, they were not offered work and were not promised in the future. Soon Tairov and Koonen received a paper where, on behalf of the government, they were thanked for their many years of work and offered to go on “an honorable rest, an old-age pension” (Tairov was then about 65 years old, Koonen - 59). This was the last blow that Alexander Yakovlevich had to endure.

On August 9, 1950, the Chamber Theater was renamed the Moscow Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin and thereby virtually liquidated.

In September, Alexander Yakovlevich’s health noticeably deteriorated. Tairov died on September 25, 1950 in the Solovyov hospital...