Cool dance groups. History of the development of cheerleading

Girls differ from guys not only in their mentality, but also in their body movements.

While guys love to talk and show directly what they need, girls have such desires so veiled that it is often almost impossible to guess their intentions.

And, based on the logic and actions of a girl, how can you understand that she likes you and is interested in you as a man? This article will help you identify the signs in the behavior of a girl who likes you.

I like you!
- And I like to please you.
First love

1. She is always nearby

If you notice that wherever you and your friends go, and whatever you do, a girl is always somewhere nearby - this is one of the first signs that she is interested in you.

At the same time, she looks different in appearance. For example, if she used to slouch, now she walks with her shoulders back. With all her appearance, she tries to show that she is not indifferent to you, and wants to present herself only from the best side.

2. She twirls her hair

This is the second of the main signs that a girl is interested. When you start telling her something, she will consciously or unconsciously begin to twirl a strand of hair. This gesture is supposed to emphasize femininity.

3. Her toes point in your direction.

This is better seen in a large company. Sometimes you really want to approach some girl, but you don’t dare. Look at her legs! If, despite communicating with her friends, she turned her toes in your direction, you can safely walk towards her. This means that she is interested in you and will be happy to meet you.

4. She shows her neck or wrists

Women's neck and wrists are considered very sensual areas, which is why they like to show them off to men. The simple gesture of a girl throwing her hair to the side is intended to show her thin neck, unless, however, the reason for this is too hot the weather. In addition, a girl who likes you will involuntarily touch her wrist while talking to you.

5. She asks if you have a girlfriend

A girl who is interested in you will sooner or later ask you if you are seeing anyone. She can do this directly or indirectly through hints.

As for the latter case, it might look like this: You give her a compliment, and she responds: “I’m sure your friend wouldn’t like that very much.” A phrase like this suggests that she wants to find out if you are free. If not, then it’s not worth wasting time on you.

6. She leans closer to you to hear better.

A serious woman always respects her personal space and will not allow herself to violate it. If she is not indifferent to you, then she can take some liberties. So, instead of asking you to speak louder, she will simply lean over you or come closer to you. This shows that she wants to get to know you better.

7. She remembers little things

Perhaps you just chatted with her a couple of times or went on a tour, but she remembers all the phrases you said and other nuances that you no longer remember. For example, she can remember what kind of coffee you like and where you buy magazines.

8. When communicating with you, she does not pick up the phone and does not respond to SMS.

If the phone rings while she is talking to you, she will prefer to simply not pick up the phone or hang up the call. If she urgently needs to respond to emails, and she is busy with you, she will put off her affairs until later. This is very positive sign, buddy!

9. Accidental touches

Don't you think that in Lately Are you being touched too often? She won't miss a chance to put her head on your shoulder or touch your hair. She constantly tries to touch your arm, knee, thigh or chest. Such movements do not mean at all that she wants to be in your bed as quickly as possible. She just wants to communicate a little more.

10. She asks a lot of questions

If a girl is indifferent to you, she will not ask any unnecessary questions. But if she is interested in you, she will bombard you with a variety of questions. All her efforts are aimed at finding out whether it is worth continuing to meet you, or whether it is not worth her time and effort.

History of the development of cheerleading


Dance team"red foxes"


IN Ancient Greece spectators actively supported the runners during the Olympic Games. In the 1860s, it became fashionable among college students in Great Britain to cheer athletes during competitions, and the trend soon spread to the United States. The first cheerleading club was organized in New Jersey at Princeton University in 1865, where the first chants were performed. It is said that at one football game in Princeton, Thomas Peebler gathered six people who lined up in front of the stands with students and chanted chants throughout the game, encouraging the rest of the spectators to root for their favorite team.

But it is generally accepted that the year of the birth of cheerleading is 1898. This year football team The University of Minnesota's season was clearly not going well. And then one of the most proactive fans decided to complain to the Ariel. In his Official Letter from the University of Minnesota, he wrote: “Everyone shouted: Hold on, don’t lose heart, and we will win!” and “I’m telling you, give us a support group and we can’t be broken.”

Everyone unanimously decided that something had to be done, and before the game against Madison Wisconsin, a meeting was held at the University of Minnesota, attended by students from all departments. One of the university professors present there put forward a brilliant scientific thesis in favor of spectator support for athletes at competitions. He argued that the incentive of several hundred students focuses on positive energy, which is directed at the team and helps it win. His final line was: “Let's go to Madison! Let's go to Madison! Let’s apply the law of positive incentives!”

The game took place, but, contrary to all expectations, the Gophers team was defeated with a score of 28-0. Did such support really not work? It was necessary to come up with something else, and then Jack Campbell, a first-year medical student, appeared. He can be called the first cheerleader. Jack explained that someone had to lead the chant, and the chants had to be varied, not just "He's okay!" or “They’re okay!” Therefore, at the next game under the leadership of Campbell, the spectators chanted a chant that later went down in history:

“Rah, Rah, Rah!

Sku-u-mar, Hoo-Rah! Hoo-Rah!

Varsity! Varsity! Varsity, Minn-e-So-Tah!”

Thus, cheerleading was born in the United States. Believe it or not, in the beginning, cheerleading was more popular among men. However, when, in connection with the 2nd World War, they went to the front to fight great amount men, the situation changed dramatically, now more than 90% of the cheerleaders were women.

In 1920, cheerleading received two innovations: drums and pipes. As the popularity of football grew, so did the popularity of cheerleading.

Active participation in cheerleading for women began in the 20s of the last century. At the University of Minnesota, cheerleaders introduced elements of gymnastics and jumping into their programs, and the idea of ​​​​a special section for cheerleaders came from Lindley Bothwell from Oregon State University. In the 30s, universities and colleges began to actively use pompoms, an attribute that is still business card cheerleading In the 40s, when most men left to fight, women not only began to work more in the rear, but also began to actively create cheerleading teams. It was then that cheerleading became predominantly feminine look sports When the men returned from the front, elements such as turns and twists were added to cheerleading. Gymnastic elements, as a rule, were performed by men, while girls danced, this marked the beginning of the formation of dance teams.

In 1948, Lawrence Harkey Harkimer (founder of the cheerleading industry) organized the first cheerleading camp at Huntsville Sam Houston State University, where 52 girls attended. At the same time, the first cheerleading organization was founded - “ National Organization Cheerleading."

In the 1950s, cheerleaders began holding special seminars in colleges, where they taught everyone the basics of this sport.

The modern vinyl pom-pom was invented by Fred Gustoff in 1965 and introduced International Organization Cheerleading. The "Bruin High Step" style of pom-pom routine was perfected by UCLA cheerleaders and the International Cheerleading Organization.

In 1967, it was decided to compile an annual ranking of the "Top 10 Collegiate Cheerleading Teams" to determine candidates for participation in the "Cheerleader of All America" ​​competition, held on the initiative of the International Cheerleading Organization.

The first ever professional cheerleading team was founded by the Baltimore Colts. Since then, teams of high school girls have always competed to support their athletes. The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders created their own "Broadway style" of pom-pom dancing to entertain audiences.

In the early 70s, cheerleading became more and more popular. In addition to cheerleaders performing at football and basketball games, cheerleaders now appear at school sports, sometimes selecting several different teams to participate in wrestling, athletics and swimming competitions. The first telecast of the College Cheerleading Championship, organized by the International Cheerleading Organization, took place in the spring of 1978 on CBS-TV.

In 1976, the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders took the first step in their development with their performance at Super Bowl X. dance cheerleading. In 1970, cheerleading competitions began to be actively held among college and high school teams.

In 1980, official safety standards and regulations were established that prohibited some dangerous somersaults and pyramids. Cheerleading competitions among junior and adult teams have already been held throughout the United States. This sport began to develop on a national scale, and special courses and cheerleading coaches began to appear.

Cheerleading began in Russia simultaneously with the advent of American football. The first cheerleading team in Russia was created in 1996 at the Children's League of American Football (DLAF).

Today, cheerleading is a fast-growing segment of the sports and entertainment industry. Partly in response to the "internationalization" of basketball and American football, cheerleading came into its own international view sports: in countries such as Japan, Europe, Australia, Canada and Mexico it is actively developing and thriving.


Today we hear this word more and more often, but not everyone knows its meaning. After all, this trend in our country began to spread quite recently. So, cheerleading is a sport that combines elements of show and spectator sports (dancing, gymnastics and acrobatics). This term comes from the English cheerleading, where cheer is an approving, inviting exclamation and lead is to lead, manage.

Cheerleading originated in the United States in the late 1880s and became more widespread in the 1970s. As the name suggests, cheerleaders lead the team's cheerleading squad. Besides the fact that cheerleading acts as independent species sports, it successfully accompanies many sports competitions and enhances the spectacle of other sports. Cheerleading can be divided into two main areas

1. competitions between teams according to programs prepared according to special rules;

2. work with sports teams, clubs, federations to perform the following tasks:

1) attracting spectators (fans) to stadiums and Sport halls in order to popularize physical education and sports, healthy image life;

2) softening the aggressive mood of fans, creating an environment of “positive fanaticism” and managing the emotions of fans;

3) support of sports teams participating in the match;

Founded in 2001 International Federation cheerleading (ICF), and in 2001 the first world championship in this sport took place in Tokyo.

Cheerleading championships are held in several categories:

· Chir - elements artistic gymnastics and acrobatics, pyramid building and dance formations to sonorous chants;

· Dance - dance Sport with elements of gymnastics, with the presence of plasticity, good choreography and grace, amazing synchronicity;

· Cheer mix - performances of mixed teams (ladies and gentlemen);

· Group stunt - collective construction of pyramids;

· Individual cheerleader - solo performance from the main ringleader of the team;

· Cheer dance show;

· Corporate cheerleading.

Teams of girls support the boys with their incendiary exercises during various games and competitions, and at the same time lift the spirits of the audience. Their energetic dance moves, and acrobatic elements, performed under cheerful music, can boost everyone's morale!

Cheerleading teams operate according to established rules.

During breaks in sports competitions sports ground girls appear and show special dance and sports programs. But they need to be packed into just a few minutes of sports breaks, and often just a few tens of seconds! Constant appeals to fans to support their favorite team, thematic chants (popularly “chants”) in support of their idols - all this is part of the task of cheerleading teams. It is impossible to imagine professional cheerleaders without bright sports uniforms today. The uniform of the participating teams solves both aesthetic and advertising problems, like the uniform of any sports team. Professional teams sew new costumes for each performance. Sometimes costumes are changed up to 10 times per match. Long flowing hair is required. As a rule, all members of cheerleading teams famous clubs In terms of their sports level, they are not lower than a master of sports, tall, with good plasticity.


ReD Foxes is a dance team founded by Elena Rozhkova in 2001 in Kyiv (Ukraine). ReD Foxes is a bright, dynamic, colorful and emotional spectacle, a unique combination of rhythmic gymnastics and modern choreography. The team takes part in sports competitions, concert programs, TV shows, presentations, fashion shows and advertising shoots around the world. The dancers on the team are professional gymnasts, ballerinas and dancers who have passed a rigorous selection process. All Foxes are flexible, graceful and very charming girls. Average height teams 175 cm, average weight 57 kg. The entire repertoire includes 150 dance compositions and 500 kg of costumes. Team symbol - red fox, Slavic image of a plastic and intelligent creature.

2004 - Winners of the FIBA ​​competition to participate in the XXVIII Olympic Games. For the first time in the history of the Olympic movement, the International Olympic Committee decided on the participation of a dance team in the basketball games. This right competed against the 10 strongest teams in the world, both European and American. The competition lasted 5 months, during which, in creative collaboration with FIBA ​​and NBA-Entertainment, special compositions were staged for each country participating in the Olympic tournament.

To the question: "What does dance team mean to me?" answers Anna Chursinova, participant dance team NonStop Probably, first of all, for me the dance team is a family. It is very important for me that everyone in this family treats each other with love, trepidation, and care. Without respect for each other, the team will no longer be as strong as it could be. Can a team be strong in which people hate each other, who do not pay attention to the support of others, who cannot give up a place in the front row to their neighbor, and so on? I think not, and I think you think so too. After all, the most important thing is the attitude towards each other. If the attitude is respectful, then each person on the team will feel much more confident, he will understand that he is in a place where he is valued and will always be helped, and this person will try his best for the sake of this FAMILY! I remember a lot of outstanding teams who broke up precisely because of the relationship in the group. But this could have been avoided if every person for whom it was important what he was doing would take and overcome himself and make concessions. I remember very well the words that a very good man, he said: “If everyone on the team stood on the first line and danced just to show off oneself, then how would it turn out, then a graceful show? There will be no team without first, middle and back lines! Do you think the back lines are not important? And you are very mistaken in this; if you remove them, the whole picture will disappear, and you will become nothing.”

IN dance team In addition to the relationships between people, the attitude towards the dance itself is also very important. You must hone your skills with all your might, you must memorize the score so that it is remembered for a lifetime, you must endure fatigue and pain, you must dance not by itself, but dance with everyone as a single whole, you must understand that in a team, the most important thing is not to show yourself in the team, the most important thing is to show what your team means!...and you must, you simply must do this. Isn't it wonderful when you're already dancing with your team, you feel your heart and the heart of each member of the team, you feel how it beats to the beat of the music, you feel the movement of everyone who dances with you, you feel the energy of your team, you are torn with emotions, and in these moments you most happy man if you can feel it all.

I also have my own team, my own family and this "Non Stop". The name of our team is a complete reflection of us! We are not only we dance nonstop, but we don’t stop and don’t give up in the most difficult moments, we continue to fight with all our might, and it’s all for the sake of the FAMILY! I love, appreciate and respect my team very much. We really are family. We not only stupidly train and run off about our business, but we also celebrate all the holidays together, we go just to relax as a group, we help if anyone has any problems. I am very grateful to all of them, especially my coach. You taught me a lot, you didn’t let me go down the wrong path, you helped me in the most difficult moments of my life. And many thanks to coach Ulyana Mikoshina for helping me when my father died, you helped me more than anyone, I had no one to support me, and you just saved me. Now I think everyone understands what it is DANCE TEAM!

Dancing is popular among people of all ages, genders and nationalities. After all, they make it possible to keep yourself in excellent physical shape, improve flexibility, relax, lift your spirits and more. Those who have moved from amateurs to professionals or want to become professionals create dance classes.


Most of the already formed teams, sometimes training together for quite a long period, are faced with the problem of what name to come up with for the dance group. It would seem, what could be simpler? But in practice everything is more complicated. Let's figure out how to get out of this rather difficult situation. After all, be that as it may, each of them requires it - the name of the dance group.

First of all, the name needs to be invented not by one person, not even by the leader, but by involving the entire dance group in this venture. In other words, have a real brainstorming session. Write down and think about every idea that will be proposed during it. And even if at first it seems that they do not make sense, it later turns out that it was this idea that helped decide what to name the dance group. Therefore, it is worth writing down all the ideas that arose during the discussion.

The main thing to keep in mind is the fact that the name of the dance group should reflect its essence, style, mood, energy, personality, even age category. That is, the name of the group should reflect the very essence dance group. So it's careless to make a decision this issue cannot be treated. After all, as they say, as name the ship, so he will float.

Basic rules for naming a dance group

Of course, naming a dance group is a purely creative process, but even this requires adherence to certain rules. These little tricks will allow you to create exactly the option that will be able to reflect the essence of the dance group:

  • When choosing a name, take into account the genre style of the group, for example, a modern dance ensemble is one style. Accordingly, the name should suit this genre. Hip-hop dance groups should have a completely different name to suit this style.
  • Also consider the age category, because the name for children's group requires more simple words and their combinations, more understandable and easy to remember, especially by its participants.
  • The name should be euphonious, easy to pronounce, no need to use tricky words, even if you really like how interesting they sound. Avoid long words too.
  • Start from nationality dance that the group practices.
  • If you decide to come up with a name for a dance group that consists of several words, be sure to make sure that they fit well together and form a single whole. But don’t get carried away by the length of the name, otherwise it will be difficult to remember.
  • You should not choose names for your group that will overlap with existing ones, no matter how much you like them. The whole point is that, one way or another, people, having heard it, will draw analogies. And sometimes, without meaning to, they will compare your team with those who already have a similar name. And no one guarantees that this comparison will be in your favor.
  • Use familiar words that you understand, for example, some elements of dance, style, costume, country of origin dance direction, and so on.
  • Remember that the name is the first impression of the team. That is, the viewer, without even seeing the performance, after the announcement of the group of dancers, hearing its name, already draws a certain image for himself, and he has a certain impression in advance.
  • Don’t forget also about humor, because it often saves the most hopeless situation, including finding a name for a dance group. Of course, there is no need to step over the line; it is worth remembering moral standards. And a name with humor is not suitable for every team.
  • When looking for a name for a children's dance group, avoid difficult words and phrases, choose those that dance class participants can easily pronounce on their own and understand their essence.

Dance eras

An excellent solution for naming a dance group would be the time period. Especially if the dances are themed. Or the direction of dance, some of its basics, movements were invented in those days. For example, a team that deals with ancient dances, the name "Baroque" or "Renaissance" may be suitable. But be careful, a children's dance group does not go well with complex and tricky names. By the way, you can cut off some syllables from the names of eras, resulting in new words that will become sonorous name dance group.

For groups ballroom dance The names “Belle Epoque” and “Medival” may be suitable. Based on the name historical era or a temporary fragment, do not forget about the stylistic orientation of the team. After all, for example, for a group engaged in Latin American dances, the name "Decadence" is unlikely to be appropriate. But you shouldn’t be too zealous in historically linking the name of the group.

Dance group style

The genre direction of the dance group is another clue in the difficult task of choosing a name for it. For example, if you are engaged, it’s worth somehow incorporating this into the name of the group. The same applies to ballrooms: more sophisticated, slightly elevated, graceful names are suitable here. For hip-hop dance group and others modern dance there is room to turn around. By the way, if your repertoire contains some frequently performed numbers or dance calling card, then you can use their name as the team name. Choose unusual ones that have special meaning for your group names that can present you in the right way. Subsequently, the viewer will associate both the dance itself, regardless of its performer, and the word itself with your group.

Name and locality

It would be very interesting and original to use the names of rivers, lakes, mountains and other geographical objects as the name of a dance group. You can even call the group something architectural monuments, famous tourist spots. For example, the group "Versailles" or "Foggy Albion", or "Pyramid of Cheops". Or “Volga Patterns” - the name speaks of the area and hints at the style, reflects it, that is, it immediately becomes clear that the dance group is engaged in a folk movement.

Elements of dance

A good idea for a team name can also be the names of some dance steps or elements, movements that are specific to your stylistic direction. As a rule, they are euphonious, bright, and, after hearing them, you can immediately guess what genre the group performs in.

The name of the style itself can also serve as the name of the group. But keep in mind that in this case it is easy to end up with the same name as other groups, because this technique used by many. After all, it is quite simple.


Don’t forget that the name should be easy to pronounce, pleasant to the ear, and not jarring. Of course, some rely on originality and the fact that a harsh word will make a person remember the name faster. But, as practice shows, it is easier for people to remember what they liked. Try inserting the chosen name of the group into different phrases and sentences, inflecting it. Then you can understand how good it sounds.

Ease of perception

The age category of the groups is different, and even more so the audience. Therefore, the name must be selected taking into account that it is easily understandable both to young fans and to the parents and grandparents of the team members. Therefore, it is still worth avoiding cutting-edge expressions, the only exception being groups that choose the most latest trends in dance. Many call dance groups in foreign words. This is a good move, but make sure the word you choose is easy to pronounce even for those who foreign languages does not know.

Of course, coming up with a name for a dance group is a troublesome task, but it’s worth it. After all, having picked correct name group, you will thereby create about it best experience and the necessary reputation.