Beautiful English names for boys. English names for girls

In this article you will read about what beautiful and sonorous British sounds there are. male names. The list is quite long. It can be boring to read. Therefore, we have grouped the names according to their origin. First of all, it should be said that the British have a rather strange system of naming children. If in other nations surnames are formed from given names (Ivanov, Petrenko, Mikulsky, etc.), then in Britain a surname can turn into a given name. This may seem strange: as if some person’s name was Volkonsky, Nikolai Onegin.

All Englishmen have two names. The first they try to give is Christian. The second (middle name) often mentions the parent's name. But it doesn't have to be a middle name. Another oddity of British name creation is the inclusion of diminutive and children's names in passports. Tony (let's remember Blair) is adjacent to his complete analogue Anthony, and Bill is adjacent to William.

Names derived from surnames

Until the beginning of the nineteenth century, proud English feudal lords were very keen to emphasize the nobility of their origin. This was especially true for the lateral branches of the genus. Therefore, parents gave their sons the surname of their founding ancestor as a name. As an example, we can cite the main character of Pride and Prejudice, a novel by Jane Austen. His name is Fitzwilliam Darcy. Both names come from surnames. Fitzwilliam means "son of William" and alludes to English origin. Noble surname Darcy was first spelled d'Arcy. She showed that the family came from a Norman town. Darcy, Jefferson, Madison and Calvin are British male names derived from surnames. The latter glorifies the founder of the religious Protestant movement, Jacques Calvin.

A truly free country

Not only in Britain, but also in the USA, Canada and other English-speaking countries, along with full names Their diminutive variants can also be written into passports. In general, the legislation regarding registration is more than liberal. Parents can call their child not only by name, but also by any word. The extravagance of parents gives rise to quite unusual British names: men's Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ), Brooklyn (that's what the Beckhams named their son - after the area of ​​New York where the boy was born) and women's Pixie (elf) and even Vista Avalon, in honor of the computer Windows applications Vista. The Newborn Registration Law does not limit citizens not only in the quality, but also in the number of names for their children. The Oathway footballer, whose parents were keen Queen Park Rangers fans, named him after all eleven players.

Catholics and Puritans

Previously, until the eighteenth century, church calendars alone were the source from which parents could draw inspiration to name their offspring. But it must be said that even such widespread Christendom names like John, James, Peter, Matthew, Paul, etc., received their own pronunciation in England. They began to sound respectively like John, Jack, Peter, Matthew, Paul. taken from the New Testament, John, received in medieval England many variations. These are British male names such as John, Jonn, Jan and the diminutives Jakin and Jenkin. From the late sixteenth century, Protestants, called Puritans, turned to the Old Testament for inspiration. Names that were previously used only by Jews came into fashion: David, Samuel, Abraham, Benjamin, Enoch.

Huguenot virtues

The idea that a name “encodes” a person’s character and even destiny also existed in England. Puritan name-making immediately adopted Protestant virtues. It mainly affected girls. Mercy and Charity (mercy), Verity (truth), Chastity (purity) have become fashionable and still exist. Puritanical British male names were often long and not entirely euphonious. Prosper-se-Werk (Successful in Work), Jeremiah (Ordained by God) and Gotreward (God's Reward) are a few that are still used today. But female “godly” names are in great demand. Probably because of the euphony.

Vintage British male names

England gave the world its saints and great martyrs. Their names were included in the calendar of the local Church, and until the eighteenth century they were rarely used abroad. This, of course, is Eduard - the “Keeper of Happiness”. Now along with this full form The diminutive version is also used - Ted. William the Conqueror left his memory in his descendants. In Britain his name became William. The English did not forget that they were descended from the Celts, northern French and Germanic tribes. Here are some old British male names and their meanings. Alan - in Breton “beautiful”, Albert - in ancient German “bright”, “noble”, Archibald - “brave”, Arnold - “strong as an eagle”. But the name Arthur has Celtic roots. It, like the German Bernard, means “bear”. Bertrand is "fair", Brandon is "tall", Ernest is "zealous", and Brian is "one who is worthy of respect." Doric is "powerful" while Donald is "peaceful". The name Charles, very common in England, is of Old Germanic origin. It means "courageous."

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English popular male names

Aaron – Aaron

Adrian – Adrian

Adam - Adam

Aidan – Aidon

Alan - Alan

Andrew – Andrew

Angel – Angel

Anthony - Anthony

Austin - Austin

Ashley – Ashley

Barry - Barry

Blake - Blake

Brandon – Brandon

Benjamin - Benjamin

Brian – Brian

Cameron - Cameron

Carl – Carl

Carter - Carter

Charles – Charlie

Chase - Chase

Christian - Christian

Christopher – Christopher

Cody - Cody

Colin – Colin

Connor - Connor

Craig - Craig

Daniel – Daniel

David - David

Darren – Darren

Dean - Dean

Dennis – Dennis

Dylan – Dylan

Dominic – Dominic

Donald - Donald

Edward – Edward

Eric – Eric

Evan – Evan

Gary - Gary

Geoffrey - Geoffrey

Graham - Graham

Hew - Hugh

Hunter - Hunter

Ian – Ian

Jacob – Jacob

Jack - Jack

Jaden – Jaden

James – James

Jason – Jason

Jamie – Jamie

Jeremiah - Jeremy

John - John

Jonathan – Jonathan

Jordan – Jordan

Joseph – Joseph

Jose – Jos

Joshua – Joshua


Justin – Justin


Kyle – Kyle

Lee - Lee

Logan - Logan

Lucas – Lucas

Luis - Louis

Mason - Mason

Michael – Michael

Mark – Mark

Martin – Martin

Matthew – Matthew

Nathan - Nathan

Neil – Neil

Nicholas – Nicholas

Nigel – Nigel

Osvald - Oswald

Owen - Owen

Patrick - Patrick

Paul – Paul

Peter – Peter

Philip – Philip

Richard – Richard

Robert – Robert

Russell - Russell

Ryan - Ryan

Samuel - Samuel

Sebastian – Sebastian

Shaun – Sean

Simon - Simon

Stephen – Stephen

Stuart – Stuart

Timothy - Timothy

Thomas – Thomas

Timothy - Timothy

Tyler – Taylor

Wayne - Wayne

William - William

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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English popular male names


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Every parent thinks about choosing a name for their child. This is a necessary step. Some people want to give it to a baby, others sincerely want to surprise others. After all, it’s actually nice to be somewhat different from the masses. Names of girls and boys English language They sound original and unique. You can be sure in the group kindergarten they will not be repeated, your child will not lose his individuality. English names for boys and their meanings are presented in the first half of the article. Parents will be able to choose among them. If you have a daughter, then pay attention to the second part of the text.

English names for boys are accompanied by interpretation. It is extremely important for people who believe in astrology to know what the child's character will be like. Nobody claims it's easy English options may provide food for thought.


Enough It sounds very beautiful, and if you do not live in America, then those around you will always be surprised and ask again for the name of the child. If we turn to its meaning, then Brian is translated as “ worthy of respect" Such a person has been distinguished since childhood by his special nobility and desire for leadership. He is ready to show best qualities character to become independent and courageous. By demonstrating active actions to others, Brian often achieves success much faster than his peers.

If you are interested in for boys, then pay attention to this option. Have a child with unusual name- this is not only fashionable, but also makes you stand out in the eyes of others. Brian will always be special among the other children.


Beautiful English name. It is quite common abroad and is very popular. If you are interested in English names for boys, think perhaps John would be suitable for your little son? This sounds very original and unusual for Russian society. Since childhood, John has been distinguished by his determination and ability to easily get out of difficult situations. He does not need to be persuaded to do something; he himself will master many methods of action, including non-standard ones. John always strives to achieve his goals, so nothing is impossible for him. Such a person is more likely to achieve success than his sluggish peers.


beautiful and original name. Many people like it, that’s why they call children this way not only in European countries. Names for boys, especially English ones, are very popular today. Benjamin is generally balanced, calm, and highly sensitive. Such a person will never pass by someone in need of help, and will definitely try to console.

Benjamin himself is prone to getting emotional if there is a suitable occasion for this. He can easily listen, support his interlocutor, become good friend. When he is betrayed or pushed away, he gets upset and loses faith in people for a while.


There are names for boys, especially English ones, that attract attention just by their sound. Alan is one of them. Translated, this name means “beautiful.” The man named Alan is usually different high degree self-respect, ambition, self-esteem. He will never allow suffering, he will always find a way to get out of a difficult situation with dignity. Alan is moderately eloquent and knows the value of his own attractiveness and irresistibility. These guys take advantage great success girls and never find themselves alone.


A female name meaning purity, innocence. The girl, who was named Agnes, is usually modest and reserved. She sometimes suffers from isolation and finds it difficult to express her feelings. By nature she is non-conflict, friendly, and can be a good friend, since loyalty is her second nature.

Agnes easily makes contact with those who are sincerely interested in her, however, it is difficult for her to start relationships and get to know each other, since she is shy and indecisive.


Another variation of this name is Alison. The meaning is as follows: nobility, strength. Alice is growing up as a lively and active girl; she loves to be the center of attention since childhood. Everyone loves her for her amazing activity and cheerfulness, which she easily shares with others. This girl also has a lot of tenacity: she will achieve everything she wants. Alice is sometimes stubborn and capricious, but overall she is kind child, incapable of betrayal and gossip.


The meaning of the name is sweet, pleasant. He is kind and responsive. Such a person can never remain indifferent to the troubles of other people. Amanda has a soft heart. She is sensitive and has a subtle perception of reality. This name is suitable for creative personality who is truly passionate about the process of composing music, writing poetry or paintings. If your little one has been drawn to dancing since childhood or dreams of performing on stage, then this will also suit her perfectly. Amanda is very feminine by nature. In the future this wonderful mother and a caring wife, keeper of the family hearth.

If you are thinking about what to name your child, take a look at one of the suggested options. Eat beautiful names for boys, English and American. For girls, you can also choose them that are gentle, sonorous and amazing.