What is Verka Serduchka's real name? Biography and personal life of Andrey Danilko

Danilko and Serduchka - living together in one body

October 7, 2013 - 13 comments

The most humble genius I know.
(Producer Andrey Danilko, Yuri Nikitin)

Verka Serduchka is loved by viewers from all over the CIS, funny and frank, close to the people, always a hotly-discussed female fighter. Or rather, not she herself, but her creator. Andrey Danilko is a pioneer of drag queen shows on the Ukrainian stage. What is his orientation, what is going on in the personal life of a man who dresses up as a woman and behaves on stage like a woman, talented and realistic, perfectly getting along with female image?

There are increasingly reports in the press that the noisy conductor has begun to irritate her creator. It’s been 22 years since Andrei Danilko first tried on the image of conductor Verka. And he still goes on stage in it and plays out his tired role with fervor. It's like two different people– one on stage, the other in life.

short biography Andrey Danilko

Andrey was born in Poltava. He was the captain of the school KVN team, thanks to him it took first place. Played in school theater. I wanted to study at a music school or pedagogical institute, but I never did.

He received the profession of a cashier-seller, together with his stage “mother” Inna Belokon. Before becoming an artist and touring with Andrey, Ira sold kvass in Poltava. Danilko says that the improvisation and courage in their work make him very happy; the artists have been doing great work in one project for many years. “We know each other so well, we have a dialogue already at eye level,” Andrey says about her. However, they are just friends and colleagues.

– Verka Serduchka often touches on the topic of “strong drinks.” It looks like you yourself don’t mind knocking back the glass one more time...

– I don’t like it at all. Surprisingly. I had such a difficult childhood that I was discouraged from drinking alcohol, probably for the rest of my life. My father drank a little, and I remember all these scandals...

The artist did not have a rosy childhood. In 1980, at the age of seven, Andrei was orphaned - his father died from an illness associated with alcohol abuse. His mother worked as a painter in three shifts to feed his family and treat his sick husband; Andrei clearly did not get enough attention from her. Our hero rarely goes to his mother’s homeland; she herself comes to her son.

Danilko did poorly at school. But back in first grade I went to art school.

– His drawings were quite good. In the old apartment there is my favorite one - “The Crucifixion of Christ,” says Svetlana Ivanovna.

– And even now, when he’s in a bad mood, he makes sketches with a felt-tip pen.
(O. Kucherenko. Mother of Andrei Danilko: “My son is embarrassed by me and doesn’t like the village.” Komsomolskaya Pravda, 2009)

In 1990, Verka Serduchka was born. In no other role (policeman, ballerina, teacher, soldier) did Danilko have such a sensation. Such successful shows as Danilko does with just his image of Verka still need to be found. Even if he went on stage in a simple conductor’s uniform without any extras, the hall exploded with laughter.

Why did Verka Serduchka appear in Andrei Danilko’s thoughts? What lies behind this image? Is there a place for homosexuality when a man tries on the image of a bright holiday woman, becoming a travesty? The answers to these questions are given by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Vectors of Andrey Danilko and the origin of the image of Verka Serduchka

The largest emotional amplitude is in the visual vector. There are only spectators on stage. The ability to work on stage for people, to get used to the character, to play a role - Andrei Danilko has all this thanks to the visual vector. Andrey began to develop his visual imaginative thinking while still at school - he went to learn to draw.

Motor skills, activity on stage, flexibility of thinking and the ability to quickly navigate and improvise - all this is thanks to the artist’s skin vector. Skinners have flexible fast body, and the same flexible psyche.

Andrey Danilko has other vectors. But it was the cutaneous-visual connection of vectors that made itself felt in the image of Verka. For a number of reasons... originating from childhood. Let's try to figure out where and why Andrey got a funny guide who spent 22 long years in his life.

Skin vector under stress

“I learned the hard way that everything comes back.” I am not ashamed to admit that as a child I could steal something. My childhood was poor, but cool – yellow and sunny. I was a very independent boy: I was involved in everything - theater, music... So, I stole - someone in the camp would forget something, and I would take it for myself... And when I went on the first tour of the troupe, we were robbed. Various circus performers were recruited into the troupe, and we, in turn, did parody. When we were returning from tour, I was robbed on the train. I’m going on my second tour - the same thing... I just realized that I need to pay for what I’ve done. All my deceptions came back.
(Interview with A. Danilko to the TV channel “1+1”, 2001)

Theft is an early program of the skin person, that is, the one that he performed in the primitive pack. Early leather people were thieves in in a good way- in this way they obtained food for everyone, if what they had previously obtained from the hunt was not enough.

All children, regardless of the set of vectors, are born with an early program specified in these vectors. Parents create conditions for the properties of the vector to develop and sublimate. If this does not happen, the child loses his sense of security and slides into an archetype, protecting himself from a threat to his survival. The fact that Andrei's skin vector was under stress is evidenced by cases of theft in his childhood.

People with a visual vector in the primitive pack played the role of daytime guards. Their task was to notice the danger in time and communicate it with their fear.

Visual children always go through a period when they begin to develop unreasonable fears. Imaginative thinking visual vector, they draw terrible dangers in the room and ask mommy to turn on the light. The darkness - where the visual sensor does not work - is a lair for creatures and monsters and childhood nightmares.

A strong emotional connection with their mother is especially important for such children. There is no emotional connection with the mother - the child is looking for a replacement in the form of a hamster or a dog. When a strong emotional connection with the mother is established, the child feels safe. If at the same time the development of his sensuality and emotionality is correctly directed, then the child will say goodbye to fears once and for all, otherwise fears will migrate to adult life. The viewer’s “native” fears are everything that can lead to death.

In the case of a skin-visual boy, these are very special fears, behind which there is a fear of being eaten.

The roots of dressing up as a woman...

The skin-visual boy, unlike the girl, had no place in the primitive pack; he did not have a specific role. Lowly, whiny, sickly, unable to kill, he could not be useful as a man: he could not bring prey, could not kill game (in principle, could not kill), go to war for new territories, like other leather workers.

In harsh primitive times, he was ballast for the pack, while the rest of the visual men carried out their tasks. And to this day, skin-visual men cannot even kill a spider with a slipper.

It was the skin-visual little boys who became victims of ritual cannibalism and did not survive. But girls with this combination of vectors had their own specific role (the only ones of all women, along with men).

“OK”: So, planting potatoes is not for you?
A.D.: I hate planting potatoes, it was torture for me. Or collect bugs. Have you ever collected beetles?
"OK": No.
A.D.: You see, I collected it. And then they had to be thrown into kerosene and set on fire. Such a crematorium for beetles (laughs).

Why does Andrey Danilko need Verka Serduchka

More recently, skin-visual boys still got their place in the sun thanks to cultural ban on cannibalism and the development of medicine. At the same time, they have not yet had time to develop their behavioral program, learn to adapt the landscape high level, as developed skin-visual women successfully do. They still have everything ahead.

In the meantime, some skin-visual boys in certain conditions displace their fear of death from the primitive pack, trying to deceive nature - pretending to be a skin-visual girl, so as not to become a victim of a cannibal. These are all transvestites, travesty divas. The same manifestation of the same fear of death in all these people. The feigned mannerisms of “feminine” metrosexuals are of the same nature.

2005 "Doll"
Music - Andrey Danilko. Director - Alan Badoev. Cameraman - Alexey Stepanov.

Thus, Verka Serduchka became not just creativity, but a way to displace fears in a form acceptable to society. That’s why the image was a great success; it has coexisted with its creator for so many years and has not lost its relevance.

Skin-visual friend

Most best friend Andrey Danilko - singer Philip Kirkorov. Here's what the artist says about their relationship:

- This is my best friend. You know, in general, happiness is when people coincide, feel each other, but at the same time do not interfere with each other.
(Yana Lepkova. Interview with A. Danilko. OK! Magazine No. 26 (35))

Two close friends in in this case really “coincide” and “feel each other.” Kirkorov has the same cutaneous-visual bundle of vectors, the same properties inherent in this bundle. So Philip Bedrosovich never tires of surprising the audience with his visual antics, but in a slightly different form. Every now and then he throws hysterics at journalists, with only one goal - to attract attention to himself in order to cope with his fear.

Gay or not gay Andrey Danilko?

For the time being, skin-visual men are unusual, not “men” in the classical sense of the word. More recently, they have received a chance to survive and have become noticeable, often causing confusion with their behavior. Their clothing fashion is unique, their appearance is unique, their images are travesty, and for some, their emotionality goes beyond the supposed norm, everything is not like a “man”... But these are men. And they are not gay.

– I wonder, how do you feel about homosexuals?
– I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals. This is a personal matter for everyone. But it’s unpleasant for me to see men who wear fitted blouses, apply eyeliner, grow their nails... At first I was terribly annoyed that I was sometimes mistaken for a transvestite, sometimes for a gay man. I wanted to justify myself at all costs, to prove something... Then I realized that it was better not to pay attention to all this talk.

(O. Shtepina. Interview with Andrey Danilko. Weekly "MK-Boulevard", No.13, 2000)

Endless homo rumors regarding the male half of the stage, among which there are a lot of men with the cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors, are confirmed in in rare cases. In the conditions of Russian mental homophobia, society is in a hurry to register skin-visual men with an undeveloped behavioral program as gay. They are simply not used to them, such sensual and gentle MEN.

True homosexuality, as an attraction to a man, is possible only in the anal vector. Skin-visuals become false homosexuals without being them. In their fears and phobias, they seek protection and are forced to enter into an alliance with homosexually frustrated anal men - true gays who really have such an attraction to skin-visual boys who remind them of a girl. Such a natural deception.

The travesty image of the artist, the reasons for the appearance of which were described above, is not evidence gay. Andrei Danilko is not gay, does not give any reason to think so about himself, and has no affairs with men who would be noticed. Moreover, using the knowledge system-vector psychology, we can say that Andrey Danilko is sufficiently developed and implemented for his vector copula and successfully applies his properties to the landscape.

The article was written based on the training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Photo: Personal life of Andrey Danilko
Andrey with Inna Belokon, Verka Serduchka’s constant stage “mother”

Born on October 2, 1973, in the city of Poltava in the family of a driver and a worker. He studied at Poltava school No. 27. He was the captain of the school KVN team, which always took first place. Since 1983 he played in school theater studio“Grotesque” under the direction of director Anatoly Tregub.

In 1984 he entered the art school of Poltava. After the Grotesque Theater disbanded in 1989, it began independent creativity: for his number “Saleswoman” he received his first fee - five rubles.

After school I tried to enroll in School of Music and a pedagogical institute, but it didn’t work out. Therefore, he studied at a vocational school for one year, specializing in “cashier-seller of food products.”

In 1990 he created his own bright character- conductor Verka Serduchka, while still studying at high school № 27.

On April 1, 1993, at Humorin in Poltava, his debut took place in the image of Serduchka. Vivid image creates a sensation, after which he goes on his first tour around the Stavropol Territory. In the same year, Andrey received the first prize for the best acting work at the “Kursk Anomaly” competition in Kursk with the number “Conductor” and became a laureate of the “Vsesmikh-93” competition in Kyiv. Andrey also participated in “Kharkovskaya Humorine”, where he also performed brilliantly and received the Grand Prix.

Since April 1994 - worked in Kharkov with Privat TV in the Cheese program. In March 1995, the international festival “Sea of ​​Laughter”, where Andrei received the Grand Prix as a performer.

On December 10, 1995, he participated in the “Vybryki” program. After this program there are concerts in Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, which are sold out.

The artist also creates other characters: he acts as a policeman, a teacher, a soldier, a ballerina.

200px)Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Freddie Mercury

In 1995, he entered the variety and circus school in the conversation department.

Graduated from Kyiv National University culture and arts.

In January 2013, at the Coys Of Kensington auction, Andrei Danilko bought a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow car, which previously belonged to the former vocalist of the group Queen Freddie Mercury to donate it to the Museum legendary group Queen.


Russian journalists learned about the sons of Andrei Danilko. His close friends let it slip that the famous Ukrainian artist Andrei Danilko (Verka Serduchka) has children.

The unexpected news that people close to Andrei Danilko say that he has two children - sons Misha and Vanya, is reported by the Paparazzi publication.

The singer and showman himself does not give any comments on this matter. However, this is not surprising, because Andrei is one of the most mysterious people in modern show business: almost nothing is known about his family and personal life.

Precisely because Danilko had never been seen with a girl before, and, moreover, in serious relationship, journalists gave rise to rumors that he is gay. However, if the news about his sons is true, then the rumors are false.


"Verka" and "Mama"

Andrei Danilko’s romance with dancer Inna Belokon lasted almost 13 years.

Serduchka’s personal life is rarely discussed in the press. Rumor has it that Andrei Danilko is a representative of the gay community. Few people know that the artist had several affairs in his life until he met Inna Yaremenko. They came up with the image of Serduchka together.

She was with him for many years (viewers know Inna as Serduchka’s stupid mother), but she believed that she needed a completely different man. Having met him, Yaremenko immediately got married, promising Danilko that she would give him true friend. Together with Inna they created the Andrey Danilko Parody Theater. By that time, Inna had taken her husband’s surname - Belokon. And soon, according to rumors, Inna again became close to Danilko.

Danilko always carefully hid his affair with Belokon, because Inna has a husband and a son. However, a year ago, at a banquet after a concert by singer Lyubasha, Danilko, after drinking, openly began kissing Inna.

There were rumors that Belokon decided to leave her husband. But everything turned out the other way around: Inna decided to end her secret affair with Andrey. Danilko had no choice but to resign himself. By the way, their relationship is still very warm to this day.

At vocational school I treated the stage without reverence, I had my own interests... One day Andrei and another girl came to my home: “We want to make a theater, there is a director, he agrees to watch us.” To be honest, I treated it negligently: I was capricious, didn’t come to rehearsals, didn’t know if I was ready to work on stage all my life. It was only when we went on tour for the first time that I realized: this is more than a hobby. And off we go. The three of us formed the Kompot Theater. Moreover, we rarely developed plans, strategies, everything was spontaneous: we sat, fooled around, and... a number was born, - Inna Belokon

Private bussiness

Verka and mom

Verka Serdiuchka - stage image and the pseudonym of Andrei Mikhailovich Danilko, invented by him in 1989 and actively used since 1993. Verka Serduchka has become widely famous character after the release of the Ukrainian talk show “SV-show” on the RTR television channel (then TV-6 and STS) (initially on 1+1), where Serduchka acted as a conductor of a sleeping car. She is a plump, busty woman with a harsh voice and rude manners. Speaks Surzhik.

On December 13, 1997, the concert “Christmas Meetings of Verka Serduchka” took place in the largest concert hall Kyiv – National Palace"Ukraine". In May-June 1999 in Kyiv, on the stages of the leading theaters of Ukraine named after Lesya Ukrainka and named after Ivan Frank, 10 premiere show performances “Titanic or the Floating Country” took place to sold-out audiences. In the summer of 1999, active tours began in Russia and other CIS countries.

In 2001, after terrorist attack On September 11, which occurred in New York, Andrei Danilko gave 2 solo performances in the USA (New York, Millennium (theater)) in support of his compatriots who live in America. In 2002 she toured the CIS and Baltic countries. Throughout the year, the Danilko Theater showed the program “I am a revolution.”

2003 - 2004 – All-Russian concert tour “Only Hits” in the CIS countries (140 cities).

Until 2004, the character’s main sounding board was her mute assistant Gel, played by actress Radmila Shchegoleva. Since 2002 - one-time, and since 2004 - constantly in many rooms, Verka Serduchka is accompanied by “mother” performed by actress Inna Belokon.

Since the fall of 2008, “The Verka Serduchka Show” has been aired weekly on the Ukraine TV channel. Since 2012, he has hosted the “Saturday Evening” program on the Russia-1 TV channel.

Reference: Danilko had a girlfriend - Anya Serdyuk, whose name at school was Serdyuchka. According to the newspaper, it was her school nickname that Danilko took as his pseudonym. Several times, at the very beginning of his career, he even called a classmate on stage.

Anya Serdyuk graduated from school with a silver medal and easily entered the pedagogical institute. Andrei Danilko did not get points in the music school, although he had already shone with improvisations on the stage of the amateur theater-studio “Grotesque” and entered a culinary vocational school.

The second attempt to learn music also ended in failure, and then the artist went to work as a cashier-seller in a store. In 1995, Danilko entered the variety and circus school in Kyiv. Then the stage image of Verka Serduchka appeared. Now Andrei and Anya see each other infrequently, they communicate by phone. Anya got married and gave birth to a daughter; Andrey is still not married.

They say that it was Andrei Danilko who at one time advised Philip Kirkorov on surrogacy, and now he himself is thinking about the same.

Danilko tries not to talk about his personal life, but this line of behavior undoubtedly makes him think about the artist’s sexual orientation, and he is asked questions on this topic quite often.

When they ask me: “Andrey, well...Are you “the one” or “the wrong one?” “I basically don’t want to please or upset anyone,” Danilko admits, “after all, if I say that I am of a non-traditional sexual orientation, some will clap their hands , and others will be upset. And so - everyone is blissfully unaware

In 2007, Verka Serduchka won the Ukrainian national qualifying competition for Eurovision 2007 with the song Danzing (later renamed Dancing Lasha Tumbai). Despite the song's confident victory in the audience vote, many public figures and organizations in Ukraine and Russia spoke out against sending Serduchka to the International Competition. For Eurovision, a song was chosen that supposedly contained words similar to “Russia, goodbye!”, although the song was officially called “Dancing Lasha Tumbai”. According to Verka, the phrase “Lasha Tumbai” translated from Mongolian has a mega-positive meaning, although people who know the Mongolian language deny the fact that there is a translation for the specified phrase [source not specified 645 days]. On May 12, 2007, Danilko performed at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki and took second place there, scoring 235 points.

In July 2007, Andrei Danilko announced his intention to take part in the parliamentary elections in Ukraine at the head of the “Against Everyone” bloc. Then the block was renamed “For Our Own.” It included the Liberal Democratic Party of Ukraine, the Women of Ukraine party, the Workers' Party for Verka Serduchka (the previous name was the Communist Party of Workers), as well as the virtual party For Verka. In 2009, Andrei Danilko made his debut as the author of original music for the film “Veselchaki”

In 2013, for the first time in ten years, the artist gave two solo concerts Verka Serduchka in Moscow, which was held in front of a full hall

The same year there was a tour of Far East(8 cities).


Russia gutbay

Verka Serduchka - Rasha goodbye

Andrei Danilko admitted that he was deeply saddened and upset by the scandal that occurred at international competition Eurovision in Helsinki.

“I’m ready to cry because everyone is lynching me now,” Andrei admits with sadness in his voice. “It’s strange who needed to set me up like that and start this scandal.” I have already repeated a thousand times that I did not sing “Russia Goodbye”, and, to be honest, I even got tired of repeating it constantly over the past few weeks.”

The favorite of many in Russia, the busty Verka Serduchka, by chance, turned out to be an outcast in a country that just a couple of months ago considered the Ukrainian “conductor” its folk singer.

“The qualifying round for Eurovision was very difficult for me,” Danilko says with a sigh. - It was like my hands were tied. Numerous threats and calls from ill-wishers literally vampirized all my energy. I lost ten kilograms. Realizing that they just wanted to dump me, I sat down and said to myself mentally: “Guys, fools.” Now I’m gradually coming out of this state, but there’s still a residue left.”

According to Andrey, the scandal associated with his song “Lasha Tumbay” unsettled him, but still the singer says that he has subconsciously become accustomed to such blows of fate for a long time.

“Ten years ago I probably would have felt bad, but now I’m already accustomed to the rules of the game,” says Andrey. - In the end, I did not represent Ukraine, but its culture. For me, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are one whole. In addition, I wanted to show that Ukraine is not only revolution and Maidan. I wanted to convey that there are funny people there.

Titles, ranks, regalia

On August 19, 2008, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Andrey Danilko the title people's artist Ukraine "for a significant personal contribution to cultural development of the Ukrainian state, significant labor achievements and on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence

The city of Poltava, the eighties - it was there and then that it suffered from unrequited love young Andrey Danilko. Its source data (poor single-parent family, unimportant academic success and ordinary appearance) did not allow one to hope for reciprocity from his desk neighbor, excellent student Anya Serdyuk.

He had no hope. But one day he promised her and himself that he would make her name famous.


It was his calling to amuse and entertain people, but Andrei did not immediately understand this. Therefore, after school there was a vocational school, where he not only studied, but participated in KVN and “Humorina”. Then the miniature was painted, which became the first step towards the image that made him famous - “The Conductor”.

With this number Danilko went on tour and collected awards. Two years later, it became clear that his life’s work had been found - and Andrei entered the variety and circus school in the conversation department. He didn’t plan to sing then.

His heroine - eccentric, loud, not very well-mannered, but very sincere Verka Serduchka (hello to her classmate) was immediately loved by the audience. Everyone was sure that she was played by a woman! Danilko himself hid the truth for the time being. And only when Serduchka became truly famous did he decide to expose him in one of the TV shows.

“When I entered the studio, there was deathly silence. No one understood, looking at me, what kind of teenager this was. I was very thin and was so ashamed of it that I specially wore it under denim shirt sweater People who found out that I was Verka Serduchka were shocked.”

Soon “Verka” already had its own show on Ukrainian television, which after a year of existence moved to Russia. Under the guise of the sleeping car conductor Serduchka, he communicated with legendary artists - Lyudmila Gurchenko, Semyon Farada, Alexander Demyanenko... And gradually formulated his own simple mission: to entertain people, give them the opportunity to relax.

“I know that many artists hate corporate parties as a format and even consider it humiliating. But it seems to me the other way around: if you know how to work at a corporate event, you can concentrate attention on yourself, organize these millionaires so that they forget that they are millionaires, and remember that they also once ate potatoes and eggs, and start dancing and turn into children - this is a super task,” says Danilko.

Hits from Serduchka

At some point, it became clear to Andrey: for Verka’s popularity to continue to grow, the conversational genre alone was not enough. And he (or rather she) began to sing.

Serduchka's concerts attracted full houses; not a single “Song of the Year” or “Blue Light” was complete without her participation. Danilko had doubles: with his own eyes he saw posters of impostors inviting people to a concert supposedly of Verka Serduchka. By that time, the real one had stage partners: actress Inna Belokon played Verka’s mother, Olga Litskevich and Radmila Shchegoleva played the silent Gel.

The personality of Andrei Danilko himself began to become overgrown with myths in the 2000s.

He was, in turn, credited with having affairs with all his stage colleagues, illegitimate sons and at the same time - unconventional sexual orientation. There was little truth in this, so the artist refused to comment on the rumors.

After the triumph at Eurovision in 2007 (Verka Serduchka took 2nd place with the song “Dancing Lasha Tumbai”) Andrei felt that he was tired. Going on stage no longer pleased him as much as before; he wanted to stop and change his role. The attempt was not very successful: the lyrical album “After You”, released in 2015, was received coolly by fans.

Verka didn’t let go - and Andrei had to come to terms with it. He did it with difficulty.

“Before the concerts, I started to really shake - I didn’t want to go on stage so much, I started sleeping poorly, gaining weight... At such a moment, it is advisable to take a break. But there is a responsibility to the people who work with you. After all, this is their main income."

In 2017, Danilko finally made up his mind: the artist announced to fans that he was beginning preparations for a farewell tour, which would begin in 2019 and last two years. Andrey himself does not fully understand what will happen after.

He only admits that he really just wants to relax: to travel around the world as an ordinary tourist, and not as a visiting star, to walk the streets, to be alone. Danilko has gotten used to his loneliness and is no longer going to fight it.

“I never dreamed of becoming Verka Serduchka,” he admitted in an interview. However, it was this odious woman who helped him achieve what Poltava schoolboy Andrei Danilko could not even dream of.


Megatalent, incredible hard work, constant self-improvement, the desire to be ahead of time in creativity and the desire to always give people a holiday - nature has awarded these qualities to the famous Andrey Danilko. Whatever he undertakes, his projects leave no one indifferent, and even his colleagues bow their heads before his successes.

Modest schoolboy

He cannot boast of a carefree childhood. He was born in 1973 and was the second child in an ordinary Poltava family that lived in a communal apartment. At school, the boy did not have the best grades and was shy, so none of the teachers could imagine I couldn’t imagine the heights that Andrei Danilko would later achieve. At the age of seven he was left without a father, who died of cancer. Andrei’s mother had to work three shifts to feed the children, so the problem of lack of money was very well known to young Danilko.

Despite his natural modesty, Andrei performed in school team KVN, moreover, was even its captain, for which he earned the respect of teachers and classmates. The guys won first places in various creative competitions, and Andrey Danilko The love for the stage was awakening more and more. He was not deprived of artistic talent - he was often asked to draw posters and wall newspapers for the school.

Andrey Danilko's first obstacles

Having received a certificate, Andrei went to a music school, where, based on the results entrance exams I didn't find myself on the lists students. And all because some examiners didn’t think he was very attractive for the stage, so he wasn’t given a chance to prove otherwise. The young man's dreams were literally trampled by people who did not even try to take a closer look at young talent. In desperation, Andrei goes to study to become a cashier-seller.

In 1991, at the next review of educational institutions in the region, he presented two of his miniatures, “Conductor” and “Dining Room.” Both numbers had big success from the Poltava public, and from young man the first fans appeared.

Journalist career

Soon he was able to get a job as a freelance correspondent for the newspaper “Komsomolets Poltava” and interview celebrities in the early 1990s. Andrey had been striving for this for a long time; he absolutely loved communicating with the stars of those years, write about the groups “Mirage”, “ Tender May" and "Kar-Man", interview participants in Alla Pugacheva's "Christmas Meetings", which he also managed to attend. For the ability to get behind the scenes of various events and concerts, as well as persuade stars to give interviews Andrey Danilko was greatly appreciated by the editors. He later admitted that he learned to write competently thanks to his work in the newspaper - Andrei rewrote each material several times to make it as interesting as possible, placed punctuation marks, filled in bumps, studied and continued to work, tirelessly with his pen and notebook. In the same way, in practice, he learned to compose music, play the musical instruments and sing.

Birth of Verka Serduchka

But the dream of a big stage did not leave the talented guy. Andrey and his friends often went to perform at various festivals. Sometimes we even had to hand over bottles to raise money for a train to a particular city. The next creative competition took place in Kyiv. It was the “Bcecmix” festival, of which he became a laureate. A 1993 was the real birthday of Verka Serduchka. In this image, Andrey first appeared on the stage of the Poltava “Humorina”, received a prize for the best acting work and was able to qualify for a competitive place in the capital’s festival. Since then, the most popular guide Verka Serduchka became his alter ego.

The April 1994 humor in Kharkov brought Andrey the Grand Prix, and in next year he won an award at the Young Performers Competition as part of international festival"A sea of ​​laughter." Since then he has become a national star on an all-Ukrainian scale. Cassettes with recordings of his performances spread at the same speed as once upon a time cassettes with songs of the group “Tender May”. His phrases, or rather the biting expressions of Verka Serduchka, were instantly understood by the people as quotes and aphorisms. Andrey managed not only to catch luck by the tail, but to feel and understand the public’s need for a holiday, which was so lacking in the difficult 1990s.

Persistent student

Already having considerable experience of performing behind him, he entered the Kiev Variety and Circus School. In one of the interviews, the artist noted that he had not met within the walls educational institution untalented guys, but, unfortunately, the teachers’ approach to each student was standard. By forcing aspiring artists to perform roles that were uncharacteristic for them, they formed complexes in students and did not allow their talent to truly reveal itself. Perhaps it was precisely for his loyalty to the image of Verka Serduchka that Andrei Danilko was expelled from the school, not seeing him as a promising artist. But the persistent and self-confident young man did not change himself and his chosen path, making Verka the most stellar guide in the whole world.

In 1996, his collaboration with the famous music producer Yuri Nikitin. Soon he recorded the first song “Simply Vera”, and then accepted the offer to host the television program “SV-show” in the image of Verka Serduchka. Working on television became a good school for him - recording programs with various celebrities, no scripts, complete improvisation, a sea of ​​witty humor and the eternal positivity that Andrei, in the image of Verka, gave to viewers from the TV screen.

Founder of a new genre

Some critics and many reputable artists predicted quick creative oblivion for the conductor with lush foam breasts, but this did not happen, and all because intuition never failed Andrey Danilko– he constantly developed this image, blew up the audience with new themes and fresh jokes. Some called Andrei’s work a new genre, others considered it mediocre humor and a “redneck” show. But time and the audience put everything in its place.

After Danilko’s successful tour in Moscow, the masters of the pop conversational genre admitted that young talents have their finger on the pulse, they now know better what to joke about and how to maintain audience interest and not become boring and monotonous. Andrey himself says that there are so many people around interesting topics, ideas and events, that he simply does not physically have time to develop them all and would be happy to share his ideas with the authors. Once upon a time, the great Arkady Raikin collaborated with Mikhail Zhvanetsky, who was the author of many of his miniatures.

Hits of Andrey Danilko

In the early 2000s, a new round of creativity Andrey Danilko became music. He released several successful albums, hit songs appeared in his repertoire (“Pie”, “I was born for love”, “Gop, gop ...”, “Chita-drita”, “I didn’t understand”, “I wanted a groom” and others) , which organically fit into the image of Verka Serduchka. The artist’s concerts were always sold out; he toured many cities with performances and toured the United States of America. His Verka won the hearts of millions of fans.

Andrei Danilko's compositions became national hits.

Andrei earned his first film experience while filming a New Year's musical. Then there were musicals, “Chasing Two Hares” and other projects, the success of which was largely due to Andrei Danilko’s participation in them.

Eurovision 2007 star

Significant event in creative life The artist became involved in an international competition. Before this, Andrei, as Verka, tried in vain for three years to win the national selection of the competition. What kind of statements he had to listen to during this time, but Andrei did not stray from the intended path and with the composition “Dancing Lasha Tumbai” he went to a competition in Helsinki. Having heard the simple melody of this song, one of the foreign journalists noted that it could easily be tapped on the table with a spoon.

At the same time, he repeatedly said that he wanted to clearly show how his country knows how to have fun and play the fool. He understood perfectly well that European viewers had previously high scores rated the performance ethnic style, then the vocals of a pop singer, and now it’s his turn to defend the musical honor of the state. And no matter what the skeptics say, Andrei succeeded at a high level. He took second place, but the image of Verka Serduchka conquered the whole of Europe. Newspapers wrote about her, BBC journalists came to Kyiv to do material about the artist. It was a real confession. And when famous illusionist David Copperfield was asked to name several associations that arise when he mentions Ukraine, he replied that these are President Leonid Kuchma, the Ukrainian vodka and Verka Serduchka.


I didn’t become a hostage to one image. He runs his own theater, where guests can see their favorite artist in different roles. Now he took a creative break and said that for some time the audience they won’t see Verka Serduchka in the media space, although Andrei continues to work, updates his repertoire and shoots a film. The artist traditionally does not talk about his personal life and carefully protects himself from unnecessary press attention. It is only known that he still has not started a family, lives in Kyiv, avoids social gatherings, spends the money he earns on charity and good deeds, without ever advertising it. Perhaps we will soon see something special, because Andrei Danilko’s calling is to bring joy to people, to give a charge of vivacity and good mood.


Andrey tried on the image of a rude but unusually charming conductor more than 25 years ago. Verka Serduchka was born in his head during visiting school theater studio. And the surname of this “heroine” was borrowed from Andrei Danilko’s classmate, Anna Serdyuk. He once promised a girl that he would glorify her surname.

Became the author of the album instrumental music“After You,” which he calls a collection of serious compositions for the soul. There is not a single happy song on this album. The artist once mentioned that the disc embodied his experiences of the late 1990s, so it is lyrical and thoroughly permeated with notes of light sadness.

September 10, 2015 No comments

Many fans of the artist are interested in where Verka Serduchka (Andrey Danilko) is now and what she is doing. Without watching the usual performances, many questions arose. Clarity was brought by journalists who reported that the Ukrainian star had left Kyiv. Now the artist is in Germany. The period of residence has been determined, but Andrey has not yet officially announced his emigration. The generally accepted version of moving is health concerns. According to the artist, in Lately serious problems arose.

In Berlin, Danilko feels quite comfortable: he is not recognized on the streets, so he can relax. Events in the homeland caused a serious depression, which turned out to be protracted. As a result, it became known not only where Verka Serduchka (Andrei Danilko) is now, but information also appeared about the condition of the famous actor.

Andrey believes that now is not the time for fun in his homeland, so a timeout has been taken. The break is used to relax and improve your health. The artist also wants to overcome moral fatigue. That's why New Year's corporate parties, most likely, will take place without Verka Serduchka. Refusal is also received TV channels, in which the artist does not intend to star, regardless of whether invitations are received from Russia or Ukraine.

However, the star is not going to say goodbye to creativity completely. Planned tours in Germany, where many Russian-speaking citizens live. For example, Ukrainian star They are warmly welcomed not only in Berlin, but also in Hamburg. Looking at the repertoire taking into account local conditions, Serduchka’s songs undergo changes, this is what Verka Serduchka (Andrey Danilko) is doing now.

German-language inserts are professionally added, so viewers better understand the star from Ukraine.