Timur Eremeev is an actor and the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin. Timur Eremeev son of Spartak Mishulin? Biography, photo, personal life of the actor

In October it became known that the late actor Spartak Mishulin had an illegitimate son. The young actor Timur Eremeev introduced himself to them. The young man told the media a tragic story about how he grew up without a father. The fact is that the actor’s dad is supposedly Spartak Mishulin.

Timur was told about this by his mother. The woman told viewers exactly what kind of relationship she had with Mishulin and how it happened that she had a child with a famous artist.

The only daughter and heir of Spartak Mishulin, Karina, is in shock. She is not ready to recognize Timur Eremeev as her brother. The young man himself suggested doing a DNA test. Find out what results the procedure showed in our article.

The young man spoke about his father himself in the “Let Them Talk” program. Dmitry Borisov is trying to understand the complicated history of the family of the late Mishulin. Timur decided to shed light on the truth only after the death of his father, which is quite strange. Karina Mishulina believes that Eremeev is a real impostor. The actress is not ready to recognize Timur as her brother.

Karina decided to sue Eremeev immediately after she read a publication in the media on behalf of the aspiring actor, which states that he is the heir of Spartak Mishulin. The woman wants the impostor to pay her financial compensation, since Karina is convinced that Timur is lying. After this, the young man was invited to take part in the filming of the “Let Them Talk” program; the topic of the illegitimate son of the legendary actor is now being discussed by the whole country.

That episode of the program was called “Son or Impostor?” Even the name itself offended Karina Mishulina. The woman believes that no one has the right to even assume that Timur is really the son of Spartak Vasilyevich.

Arriving at the program, Eremeev apologized to Karina and her mother. The young man said that he did not want to offend his “relatives.” Moreover, the young actor does not lay claim to the inheritance. He just wanted to become part of the Mishulin family. It is important for Timur that Karina and her mother recognize him as the son of Spartak Vasilyevich.

The “imposter” is convinced that Karina and Mishulin’s wife knew something about the artist’s affair with another woman. Timur suggests that now the woman is simply ashamed to admit the fact that her father was not an ideal man.

Evidence of paternity of Spartak Mishulin

Eremeev’s lawyer provided the “Let Them Talk” host with telegrams that Spartak Mishulin sent to Timur’s mother while filming in different cities. The dates actually coincide with the time when Spartak Vasilyevich went somewhere to film.

Timur said that he often communicated with his father. The young man boasted about his successes at school and told his dad how he spent his free time.

Karina Mishulina is sure that all these stories are lies and provocation. The actress is ready to provide evidence that Spartak Mishulin could not have children for medical reasons. The actor became infertile just at the moment when Timur was “born” to him.

The DNA test story

The administration of the “Let Them Talk” program conducted a DNA test, armed with the help of specialists. The hat of Spartak Mishulin, which was kept by Timur Eremeev’s mother, was used as a sample of the material.

The results of the study were quite contradictory. Experts are confident that it is necessary to conduct another DNA test. To do this, you will need to take a sample of Karina Mishulina’s material. Only in this case should you count on accurate results.

Karina refuses to give her biomaterial for a repeat test. The actress believes that she is the only daughter of Spartak Mishulin, and the late actor does not and never had any other children. The daughter of Spartak Vasilyevich emphasized that she agrees to undergo a DNA test only if the court directs her to do so.

TV viewers noted that Karina Mishulina behaves unworthily. During the filming of the program, the woman repeatedly insulted Timur and his mother. Viewers believe that Karina has no right to verbally humiliate her sworn brother. To avoid further conversations on the topic of Spartak Mishulin’s illegitimate children, Karina just needs to agree to take a test.

The other side of the personal life of Spartak Mishulin

A certain Alexey Markov came to the Let Them Talk studio. He also claims to be the son of Spartak Mishulin. For some reason, Karina reacted more calmly to this young man than to Timur Eremeev. Alexey is familiar to the actress. But Timur causes hostility.

Eduard Sorokin also appeared in the studio, claiming that he was the grandson of Spartak Mishulin. The man says that his family still keeps receipts for money transfers allegedly received from Spartak Mishulin.

Lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky was also present at the filming of the program. He said that he received a letter from a friend of his late mother, which said that Mishulin had an illegitimate daughter. This girl is younger than Timur. Alexander decided to investigate this case, since it seemed quite interesting to him.

Fans of Spartak Mishulin are confident that the story with his illegitimate children is only gaining momentum. Most likely, the scriptwriters of the “Let Them Talk” program specifically searched for potential children of the actor throughout the country in order to get fresh topics for discussion.

Let us remind you that the hearing on Karina Mishulina’s claim was supposed to take place on December 24. The actress accuses Timur Eremeev of public insult and slander in the media.

Young actor Timur Eremeev claims that his father is Spartak Mishulin, who died 12 years ago. Despite the long period of time since the death of the star, his descendant seems to have only now decided to reveal this secret and meet with his relatives. But Mishulin’s family is not so optimistic about their spontaneously showing up relative. The famous actor's relatives believe that Timur is an impostor and filed a lawsuit against him. Timur Eremeev came to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program to conduct a DNA test and find out the truth about his father.

The only daughter of Spartak Vasilyevich, Karina Mishulina, noted that she had read an article in which the young man declared himself a son. She filed a lawsuit to demand a retraction, an apology, and payment of moral damages.

“I thought this was complete nonsense. There’s a contradiction in every word,” said the actress. Karina said that she and her mother felt bad after reading the article and therefore they are trying to protect her father’s good name. She did not like the fact that Timur did not come to meet them, but began making statements in the press. Mishulina, among other things, criticized the title of the episode of the program “Let Them Talk”: “Son or impostor?” She believes that no one has the right to even entertain the idea that Timur is the child of Spartak Vasilyevich.

Timur Eremeev himself appeared in the studio and apologized to Karina and her mother. He noted that he did not want to offend them.

“I do not retract a single word, I am ready to answer for all my words. How can the story of my life offend and offend anyone at all,” the man said. Timur also told how an article appeared in the magazine, where he talks about his childhood and meeting with his father. As he notes, this material was collected from his small phrases that he had long spoken to the journalist.

“Karina or the family knew something. On the one hand, I understand it, but I did not get involved in reflection on this matter. Moreover, I did not refuse meetings,” Timur said. Eremeev said that he met Spartak Mishulin when he was 6 years old. The guests in the studio did not believe the young man, since Karina had worked in the theater since childhood and could not help but see Timur, who, according to him, was constantly behind the scenes.

Talk show host Dmitry Borisov said that this story is very confusing, and therefore only in the next program will the results of the DNA test be announced.

Let them talk. Did Spartak Mishulin have a secret son? Issue dated 10/05/2017

Spartak Mishulin biography

Spartak Mishulin is a well-known and beloved actor of Soviet theater and cinema. People's Artist of the RSFSR.

He is best known to viewers for the films “Zucchini of 13 Chairs” (the role of Pan Director), “White Sun of the Desert” (Said), “Property of the Republic” (Tarakanov), as well as for the performances of the Satire Theater.

The role of Said is generally considered the most important in the career of Spartak Mishulin; in its popularity, it eclipsed all his other works.

However, the life of this person itself deserves close attention.

The childhood of Spartak Mishulin

Spartak Mishulin was born on October 22, 1926 into a very wealthy family. His mother, Anna Vasilyevna Mishulina, served in the People's Commissariat of Industry not as someone else, but as a deputy people's commissar (that is, a minister), and therefore was among the highest government officials.

But the high post did not save the woman from party purges: in 1937 she was considered an “enemy of the people” and sent into exile in Tashkent. The future actor remained in the care of his uncle, the famous historian Alexander Vasilyevich Mishulin.

The uncle specialized in the uprising of Spartacus in Ancient Rome and was the very person who once came up with the name for his nephew. In the mid-twenties, such names were in vogue; with them, builders of a new life sought to replace the previous names based on Christian discourse. However, the name invented by my uncle was not only “fashionable and proletarian,” but also beautiful, and this was a rarity.

Artist? No, artilleryman!

When the Great Patriotic War began, the Mishulin family was forced to live in evacuation. Their refuge at this time was the city of Dzerzhinsk not far from Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). Spartak, who grew up as a restless child, continued his tricks there.

One day he and his friends wanted to go to the front. However, they were allowed out of the city only with passports. Spartak was immediately found - he stole the passport from his mother (who had by then been released) and wrote down his five friends in it as her sons.

The role of Said in the film White Sun of the Desert photo

Using his passport, they sold him tickets to Moscow, through which he could get to the scene of events. Spartak returned his passport and rushed to the capital with his friends. The guys got there successfully, but they weren’t taken to the front. I had to go back.

At this time, Spartak Mishulin seriously thought about becoming an artist. He found out that in Anzhero-Sudzhensk (more precisely, in the villages of Anzher and Sudzhenka that then existed in its place) there was a special art school, and he entered it - he thought that it was artistic; but it turned out to be an artillery school. So Spartak first learned to shoot, and only then tried to realize his acting plans.

Zucchini 13 chairs. S. Mishulin as director photo

He was actively involved in amateur performances, for which he once suffered. During the organization of one performance at the Angers club, it was necessary to obtain several electric light bulbs. Times were hard, and Spartak decided to unwind them for a while in the nearby Sudzhensk club, which was a little better equipped. The performance took place, but someone denounced Spartak as a “thief.”

In prison

The first theft did not lead to anything significant for the guy, but then it got worse. The fact is that since adolescence, Mishulin had been writing a novel about the revolution, and in order to make it more reliable, he decided to get a book from the library about the history of those events. They didn’t give him the book, and then he decided to steal it, sneaking into the library at night through the window. But there he was captured.

An investigation began, during which it was discovered that he wrote the novel on portraits of Stalin, since there was no writing paper. This threatened death, but investigators practically saved the guy, giving him only a year and a half in prison for hooliganism.

The passion for adventure did not fade even there, and Mishulin got into all sorts of troubles:

While working as a trailer operator on a tractor, he once fell asleep in a furrow and woke up when the tractor almost ran over him;
While serving in the fire department, he secretly smuggled grain in water barrels for prisoners, for which he was sentenced to another year and a half.

Acting career of Spartak Mishulin

In prison, however, he continued to engage in art, thanks to which he was noticed by the head of a local club. He was from the village of Busovo, and after serving his sentence, on his advice, Spartak Mishulin went there. There he became the head of a local club and organized a theater in it. Later, he worked in several more provincial theaters, and then decided to enter GITIS.

It was the beginning of the fifties, the country was returning to peaceful life. However, GITIS did not accept him, and then, not without the help of his uncle (who by that time found him almost by accident), he got a job at the theater in the city of Kalinin. For some time he worked at the Omsk Drama Theater. Mishulin stayed at the Kalinin Theater for a long time, played many roles in it and gained some fame even in Moscow.

In 1960, he was invited to three capital theaters at once: Lenkom, the Theater of the Soviet Army and the Theater of Satire. Mishulin, without hesitation, chose the latter. The Satire Theater became a real home for him, where he lived until 2005, when he died (07/17/2005) from heart failure.


Spartak Mishulin Here are the most famous films where Spartak Mishulin played: Zucchini “13 chairs” - Mr. Director;
White sun of the desert - Said;
There is a new prime minister in the Far Far Away Kingdom;
Yeralash, first issue (series “Why do we say this?”) – the boy’s neighbor;
Carnival - killer Arkady;
Chanita's Kiss - Prefect of Police.

Spartak Mishulin in the theater

The most famous theatrical role of Spartak Mishulin is, of course, the role of Carlson. He played it for more than forty years in a row. When he was asked if he was not tired of Carlson either, he replied that he was not at all, since he always wanted to give people childhood - especially to give it back to his peers, who, one might say, never had a real childhood.

Personal life of Spartak Mishulin

When Spartak was already 42 years old, he decided to fall in love and start a family. His chosen one was 27-year-old Valentina, an editor for the “Time” program. In those years, even news broadcasts were recorded so that the presenter would not say anything unnecessary on the air. Spartak and Valentina dated for several years and then got married. They had a daughter, Karina (by this time the artist was 54 years old), whom Spartak loved more than life itself. Subsequently, Karina became an actress.

Life in the nineties

The nineties became difficult for millions of Russians. They were the same for Mishulin. He stopped acting in theater and cinema, in addition, his dacha was burned down, on the restoration of which he spent all the remaining funds. In order to somehow survive, he was forced to take on any job, even selling vodka in a kiosk for some time. However, at the beginning of the 2000s, Mishulin’s life improved and he returned to the stage. He starred in several films, and also invariably continued to play Carlson.

Another sensation shook up the Russian media space, after the program “Let Them Talk” with a new presenter - Dmitry Borisov. The topic of the special issue was the statement of the young actor that his biological father is the legend of Soviet cinema Spartak Mishulin.

Thoughtful PR or childish grievances

Timur Eremeev, an aspiring film theater artist, became popular by starring in the serial film “Kitchen” and. Real passions around his person flared up after a frank interview with the glossy publication Caravan of Stories.

The guy admitted that his real father's name is Spartak Mishulin. He also shared his childhood memories of his first meeting with his father and fun walks together.

Timur first saw his eminent relative, Spartak Mishulin, at the age of five. This happened after another production at the Satire Theater, where his mother Tatyana Eremeeva brought him. The woman herself claims that since 1971 she had a romantic relationship with Spartak.

In her free time from work, she went on tour with him, to rehearsals, and brought hot food to the dressing room. Eremeev’s mother is completely sure that her Timur is Mishulin’s own son.

An article with sensational material went on sale on August 25, and on September 17, Mishulin’s legitimate daughter Karina sued Eremeev for libel and for the word “son,” which was repeatedly mentioned in his interview. For more than a month, both “affected” parties corresponded on social networks, trying to find a way out of this confusing story.

Scandalous releases of “Let Them Talk”

Having learned about the presence of a “brother,” Karina and Valentina Mishulin were perplexed and considered the words of their newly made relative absurd. The wife of the People's Artist of the RSFSR began to have health problems against the backdrop of such an unexpected event. In order to somehow reach Timur Eremeev, Karina agreed to participate in the popular project “Let Them Talk.”

It is noted on the Internet that in photo collages one can easily see the similarities between the famous Soviet artist Spartak Mishulin and actor Timur Eremeev.

In addition to Mishulin’s daughter, her husband and lawyer Maya, Spartak’s stage colleagues, cultural figures, as well as experts: physiognomists and psychoanalysts were present in the studio.

The audience was very skeptical of Karina. Dmitry Borisov opened the live broadcast with the words: “Son or impostor?”

She was the first to enter the studio with a package of documents, which she submitted to the court for further proceedings. She told those present in the hall that she had been playing in the Satire Theater since she was 4 years old. Her famous father brought her there and they spent all their working time together, including the segment from home to the stage.

The girl had two exciting questions that haunted her: “Why didn’t Timur come to Spartak 12 years ago while he was still alive” and “For what purpose does he allow himself to claim a blood relationship with her father throughout the whole country?” .

Most studio viewers attacked Karina, considering her claims inappropriate. Because in the photographs the similarity between the two men was noticeable to the naked eye.

At the same time, the similarity is observed only in photographs taken in adolescence, and in children's and adult photos, the “father” and “son” are absolutely not similar. Here the opinions of physiognomists differed. Mishulina specially lifted her father’s personal diaries from the archive to find some information about a possible relative, but there was no mention of him in them.

Interesting notes:

Timur’s statement that he kept an authentic copy of the last script for Spartacus, which he allegedly received just before the actor’s death, turned out to be contradictory. Karina’s husband brought to the show the same document with notes and phone numbers of the artists who were involved in the production.

Eremeev's uncertain exit

After the accusers spoke, Timur Eremeev, who considers himself the son of Spartak Mishulin, entered the studio. The actor immediately said that he would not argue with anyone or make excuses, he has his own truth in which he believes.

He continued to say that his mother introduced him to the famous artist and they often communicated. Moreover, he is sure that Karina and her mother Valentina knew about his existence.

Timur's mother supported him online via Skype. The woman's face was not shown at her request. Tatyana calmly answered all the questions from the studio guests and tried not to pay attention to the barbs.

On the second broadcast of the talk show “Let Them Talk,” Eremeev brought an impressive stack of telegrams from Spartak, which indicated the time to contact him. After a thorough analysis, experts were able to find out that the dates of the telegrams completely coincided with the artist’s tour.

Solution to the problem - DNA test

After much persuasion, Mishulina agreed to undergo a DNA test. For this purpose, a hat was taken - a theatrical prop from Spartak and Eremeev’s saliva. The result of the DNA study showed inaccurate information; the coincidence of the biological material was 50%. For Timur, this answer was encouraging, but Karina was furious.

After much ordeal, the girl came to the diagnostic center with her father’s concert costume, from which new microparticles were taken. She also donated blood from a finger prick to obtain more accurate data.

The third issue of “Let Them Talk” brought together specialized experts who had already participated in similar proceedings to analyze in detail all the intricacies of the genetic test.

While they were waiting for the results of the research to be announced, Eremeev’s lawyers provided one more piece of evidence - a joint photograph of Timur and Spartak dressed in Carlson’s suit. It was she who hung above Mishulin’s dressing table and repeatedly appeared in video interviews.

At the end of the third issue of “Let Them Talk,” Karina Mishulina came out and continued to stand her ground – she claimed that Timur was an impostor. Following her came an underlining expert who would have to compare the signatures in the Spartacus scripts available on both sides.

The long-awaited ending

The result of a story that lasted several months was a DNA examination. Karina Mishulina, the daughter of the famous artist, provided the theatrical costume of Spartak Vasilyevich for the examination.

According to the results of DNA testing, the probability that actor Timur Eremeev is the biological son of Spartak Mishulin was 99.9%.

Right in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, presenter Dmitry Borisov unwrapped the long-awaited envelope with DNA test data.

The outcome of the story, which worried all of Russia for months, became happy for Timur Eremeev. However, the actor said that he did not need the inheritance of his star father, he just wanted to prove to everyone that he really was the son of Spartak Mishulin.

The denouement of the loudest scandal of recent weeks: tonight only in the “Let Them Talk” program we will learn the secret of the family of the popularly beloved artist Spartak Mishulin.

Theater and film actor Timur Eremeev claims that he knew from childhood that Mishulin was his father. In the Let Them Talk studio, the man first met the artist’s only daughter, Karina. And to prove he was right, he agreed to take a DNA test. Experts took a hair that was miraculously preserved in the hat in which Spartak Mishulin himself appeared on the stage of the Satire Theater. What will the analysis show?

Timur became one of the heroes of the show “Let Them Talk,” the producers of which filmed and aired four episodes dedicated to this difficult story this week.

Eremeev passed the necessary tests to confirm his relationship with Mishulin, and at the end of the week it will become known whether Timur is really the son of a Soviet cinema star. 7days.ru has at its disposal a recording of an exclusive interview with Eremeev’s mother, which we are publishing on the eve of the publication of the DNA test.

“I gave birth at the age of 30,” says Tatyana Anatolyevna. - Spartak did not come to the maternity hospital, God forbid. He called. I remember saying: “Well, I’m already there!” Silent. "So, I'm waiting!" - "Boy!" - "Which?" - “Weight 3750, height 56 ​​centimeters.” - “Uuu, hero!” He wanted Shurik, but I named him Timur. I watched the film “Timur and his team.” In kindergarten, at school, everyone said: “Timur, where is your team? Take it and let's go."

According to Tatyana Anatolyevna, she was not tempted to give her son the middle name Spartakovich.

“I lived in a communal apartment,” she recalls. - If, as I do now, I lived in Moscow, and not in Vologda, I would do it. Of course, I wouldn’t give my last name, but my middle name, yes. And then I didn’t want it. I was very shy and very, very uptight. I was afraid that he would get into trouble. A friend said: “If I were impudent, I would go to the trade union committee, the local committee, the party committee, I would raise my eyebrows, reports the portal Rosregistr.ru. I say, what are you saying, I’m 30 years old, why, everything is for love, why do I need this ... "

“Why is all this necessary?” - a question that some viewers ask after the release of a popular TV show.

The behavior of many of the subjects in the shooting is truly surprising. But the fact that Timur Eremeev wants his beloved daughter Nika to know who her grandfather was seems to leave no one indifferent.

Timur Eremeev was born on November 17, 1983 in the village of Pervomaisky in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region. According to the actor, his mother, who worked as an engineer, met Mishulin in Vologda. Spartak came there to film the film “Property of the Republic” (1971). Since then, he allegedly had a relationship with his mother; she even accompanied him on tour. Thirteen years later Timur himself appeared.

In the family archive there is a cigarette pack with a portrait of the late actor, drawn by Timur’s mother from life on the Novosibirsk-Moscow train. The actor also has a photograph with Mishulin himself. Eremeev says that he and his mother constantly attended his father’s concerts, and after them all three of them went for a walk.

With him, his parents never quarreled. Mother was always amazed at Timur’s similarity to his father. He even knew how to copy Mishulin’s gait and other behavior patterns.

Timur Eremeev, latest news: Timur is actively acting in films and TV series

Since 2004, Timur Eremeev has been actively acting in films and TV series. He is known for his role in the TV series "Kitchen". From the 10th grade he studied in a theater club and generally followed in Mishulin’s footsteps.

She said that after reading the article she could not believe a single word of the young man, since there were many contradictions in every sentence. Plus, she didn’t like that Timur didn’t come to meet them first, but immediately went to the press.

Eremeev stated in response that he was not going to renounce his words, and the journalists wrote an article based on his individual phrases, so the article contains a huge number of contradictions.

The actor claims that he met Spartak Mishulin at the age of 6. Karina says that she was always with her father during his concerts and could not help but notice the boy who was supposedly always waiting for the artist backstage.

The story seems overly complicated. They promised to announce the results of the DNA test in the next issue of “Let Them Talk.”

Spartak Mishulin is a well-known and beloved actor of Soviet theater and cinema. People's Artist of the RSFSR.

He is best known to viewers for the films “Zucchini of 13 Chairs” (the role of Pan Director), “White Sun of the Desert” (Said), “Property of the Republic” (Tarakanov), as well as for the performances of the Satire Theater.

The role of Said is generally considered the most important in the career of Spartak Mishulin; in its popularity, it eclipsed all his other works.

However, the life of this person itself deserves close attention.

Spartak Mishulin was born on October 22, 1926 into a very wealthy family. His mother, Anna Vasilyevna Mishulina, served in the People's Commissariat of Industry not as someone else, but as a deputy people's commissar (that is, a minister), and therefore was among the highest government officials.

But the high post did not save the woman from party purges: in 1937 she was considered an “enemy of the people” and sent into exile in Tashkent. The future actor remained in the care of his uncle, the famous historian Alexander Vasilyevich Mishulin.

The uncle specialized in the uprising of Spartacus in Ancient Rome and was the very person who once came up with the name for his nephew.

In the mid-twenties, such names were in vogue; with them, builders of a new life sought to replace the previous names based on Christian discourse. However, the name invented by my uncle was not only “fashionable and proletarian,” but also beautiful, and this was a rarity.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the Mishulin family was forced to live in evacuation. Their refuge at this time was the city of Dzerzhinsk not far from Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). Spartak, who grew up as a restless child, continued his tricks there.

One day he and his friends wanted to go to the front. However, they were allowed out of the city only with passports. Spartak was immediately found - he stole the passport from his mother (who had by then been released) and wrote down his five friends in it as her sons.

The first theft did not lead to anything significant for the guy, but then it got worse. The fact is that since adolescence, Mishulin had been writing a novel about the revolution, and in order to make it more reliable, he decided to get a book from the library about the history of those events. They didn’t give him the book, and then he decided to steal it, sneaking into the library at night through the window. But there he was captured.

An investigation began, during which it was discovered that he wrote the novel on portraits of Stalin, since there was no writing paper. This threatened death, but investigators practically saved the guy, giving him only a year and a half in prison for hooliganism.

In prison, however, he continued to engage in art, thanks to which he was noticed by the head of a local club.

He was from the village of Busovo, and after serving his sentence, on his advice, Spartak Mishulin went there. There he became the head of a local club and organized a theater in it. Later, he worked in several more provincial theaters, and then decided to enter GITIS.

It was the beginning of the fifties, the country was returning to peaceful life. However, GITIS did not accept him, and then, not without the help of his uncle (who by that time found him almost by accident), he got a job at the theater in the city of Kalinin. For some time he worked at the Omsk Drama Theater. Mishulin stayed at the Kalinin Theater for a long time, played many roles in it and gained some fame even in Moscow.

In contact with

December 04, 2017

Timur Eremeev became a guest of the talk show “Let Them Talk” with Dmitry Borisov. The young man not only met with Spartak Mishulin’s daughter Karina, but also received the results of a DNA test.

Photo: official website of the theater

For several months now, the media has been discussing a loud family conflict between, who several months ago announced on television that Spartak Mishulin, and the artist’s daughter Karina. The girl stated to the young man that she wrote several public letters to her alleged brother, and also to protect her father’s good name..

At the moment, Timur Eremeev and his mother continue to insist on their own and claim that Spartak Mishulin really had a son. To prove this, they appeared in the studio of the talk show “Let Them Talk” with Dmitry Borisov, where today they announced the results of the DNA test. I came to the program and... Until the last minutes of the broadcast, the actress did not dare to go into the studio; she watched what was happening from behind the scenes.

Timur Eremeev came to find out the results of the DNA test/Photo: frame from the program

International expert Pavel Ivanov also joined the conversation, who had previously worked with Spartak Mishulin’s theatrical costume to understand whether the artist’s biomaterial was there or not. During a previous study, the obvious was revealed: 99.99% Karina Mishulina is the daughter of Spartak Mishulina.

In the next episode, Timur Eremeev’s mother, who appeared on television for the first time, said that she loved Spartak Vasilyevich very much. “He was a simple man, but at the same time very interesting. I always listened to him with my mouth open. He was in my life for 35 years. It seems to me that Mishulin’s wife Valentina Konstantinovna knew about my existence. I didn’t consider it necessary to defend my rights; everything suited me. With him, I felt like a happy person,” said Tatyana Anatolyevna and added that she refused to give her son his father’s middle name.

Timur Eremeeva’s mother Tatyana Anatolyevna first appeared on television / Photo: frame from the program

At the end of the broadcast, Dmitry Borisov opened the treasured envelope with the results of the DNA test. “Based on the research, we come to the following conclusions: the probability that Timur Eremeev is the son of Spartak Mishulin is 99.99%,” the TV presenter announced the results of the examination. To the deafening applause of the audience, those gathered in the studio congratulated Timur Eremeev. Karina Mishulina also spoke out about what was happening. “I feel very sorry for my mother. During this story, all her teeth fell out and she turned grey. Can a human life really be worth this joy?<…>According to our Y chromosome result, he is 99.99% not a son. If people want to believe this, I congratulate Timur and wish him happiness,” concluded Karina Mishulina.