Brain ring for adults health saving. Brain ring in kindergarten "world health day"

MBOU " Education Centre No. 11"


Compiled by:
Russian language teacher and

year 2014
Nomination: Development of extracurricular activities.

Audience: students in grades 5-6

Title of the work: “Etymology of words on the topic: “Health. Healthy image

Goal of the event: developing a culture of student health
by studying the etymology of words on relevant topics.

draw students' attention to the etymology of words related to the topic of health and healthy lifestyle;
to form a correct idea of ​​human health and healthy way life;
promote the development of associative and creative thinking, long-term memory;
develop the ability to work in a group.

Conditions for an effective event:
Shansky N.M., Bobrova T.A. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language: Origin of words. M.: “Bustard”, 2003 (for homework).
Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. M.: “AZ”, 1992
Nuraliev Yu. Medicinal plants. Nizhny Novgorod: “IKPA”, 1991
Electronic presentation with questions and tasks for the brain ring.
Rules for working in a group (Appendix 1).

The game takes place in the form of a brain ring between teams of 6 people.
Homework is given in advance:
determine the composition of the teams and choose a captain;
come up with a name and make an emblem;
get acquainted with the content of school etymological dictionary on a given topic (words about human health).

Technological map of the event:

Event stages
Teacher activities
Student activities

Formulation of the theme of the event
The teacher’s word: “Brain-ring is a Russian game “in origin”, the name is English! How many of you know how it is translated?
So, let's start a “brain battle” between teams of 5 “A”, 5 “B” and 5 “C” classes!
Let us immediately warn you that today’s competition, although linguistic, is closely related to the topic of health!”

Students try to determine the origin of the name: “brain battle ground”, “brain battle association”, “brain battle circle”
Make informed choices linguistic means depending on the purpose, topic, main idea, addressee, situation and conditions of communication, they are able to replace terms with definitions;

Setting the goals and objectives of the event
The teacher suggests formulating the goal of the event and the tasks with which the goal will be achieved.
Students formulate the purpose and objectives of the event.

They independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it.

Work in groups to solve etymological problems
Question 1. What is etymology?

Question 2. Guess the word based on the following features:
firstly, it came to us from French and literally translates as “cowpox”, and secondly, it is a synonym for the word vaccination.
What is the importance of a vaccine in a person's life?

Question 3. Think and say which medicinal plant name comes from Latin word, literally meaning “to be healthy.” Hint: the mixture of this medicine helps a person calm his nerves.

Question 4. The next word is the name of the profession. How often do we turn to people of this specialization in Hard time! But the original meaning of this word is “speaking,

Question 5. In Latin, this word sounds like “pathogenic poison.” Vaccination can defeat it.
How can you prevent a viral disease?

Question 6. This word is in modern understanding– a profession that is very necessary for us people. If we turn to its etymology, we find out amazing fact: V Latin it means “teacher”. As a hint, both professions in our country belong to budgetary sphere.

Question 7. Do you believe that polite people When meeting, do they always wish each other health?
Question 8. Etymological puzzle: the ancient Slavs called one person “like a tree.” What would we call this person?
What kind of person would you call healthy?

Question 9. This word names a medicine that is in all first aid kits. Its name comes from the Greek for “purple.”
Why is iodine used in medicine?

Question 10. Do you believe that by eating fatty and carbohydrate foods we get not only additional calories, but also heat? Let us remind you that the game is linguistic!
Is it useful to count your calorie intake?

Question 11. What is onomatopoeia? The name of which healthy berry goes back to onomatopoeia? Hint: the place where it can be found sounds like “klyuchevina” in dialects, that is, a swamp.
What are the benefits of cranberries? What methods of storing cranberries do you know? Which berries retain the healing qualities of berries better?

Question 12. And this word means a semi-finished product and a ready-made dish. In Greek it is called “barley flour food”, and in Italian it is called “bliss”. Hint: The birthplace of this dish is Italy.
Is it healthy to eat pasta every day?

Question 13. Etymological problem. There are two words in the dictionary, say A and B. Both of them come from the word B. Of these, A is English and means a household appliance needed in the kitchen. B is Latin and refers to liquid medicine.
B – “I mix.” Guess what A and B sound like.

Question 14: Do you think we eat “unripe” vegetables? We remind you that the game is linguistic!
What are the benefits of cucumber?

Question 15. Translated from Italian, this word sounds like “golden apples.” What do Russian people call this vegetable?
What are the benefits of tomatoes?

Question 16. We all love salads. We make them from vegetables, herbs and even fruits... How do you think this word is translated from Italian?

Question 17. Diseases of this organ are very common in modern society. This is caused by smoking, alcohol, overeating, and an inactive lifestyle. And the name of this human organ is associated with its location in the body.

Question 18. What do your mothers cook cabbage soup from? What do you think they were originally made from?
Sorrel - not only delicious product nutritional, but also healthy. What is its use?
The branch of language science that studies the origins of words

The vaccine was originally produced from cowpox.

Help prevent infectious diseases. There are influenza, diphtheria, rubella, hepatitis, etc.


Get vaccinated on time, maintain good personal hygiene, avoid crowds, take vitamins.

Yes. Hello - this is the original Russian form of “be healthy!”
This is a literal translation modern word- "healthy ".

Healthy man- this is a prosperous person physically and mentally.
Iodine. Named after the color of the vapor chemical experiments J.-L. Gay-Lussac.

Iodine is used in medicine to disinfect wounds, as a drug that promotes the resorption of compactions under the skin.
Yes. Calorie literally means “heat” in Latin.
Counting calories is useful in order not to gain excess weight and not become obese.

Cranberries contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. You can make jam, marmalade, and fruit drinks from cranberries, but they best retain their healing qualities. fresh berry(it can be kept well in a cool place).


It's better to buy pasta durum varieties wheat and eat with vegetables, not meat.

Mixer and potion.

Yes, cucumbers. Literally translated from Greek as “unripe.”
Cucumber is widely used in dietetics and cosmetology.
Tomato is useful for normalizing metabolism and is used as a thirst quencher.
Salad is an Italian word in origin and literally means “salted greens.”

From sorrel. The common Slavic “cabbage soup” is sorrel.
Eating sorrel strengthens the heart and liver, treats anemia, and serves as a hemostatic agent.
Select sign-symbolic means to build a model;
search and select the necessary information;
establish working relationships, learn to collaborate effectively and promote productive cooperation;
the ability to conduct dialogue on the basis of equal relations and mutual respect and acceptance;
carry out search, analysis, transformation of information extracted from various sources, represent and transmit it taking into account the specified communication conditions;
consciously construct speech utterances in oral and writing; express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; appropriately use the rules of speech behavior in educational activities.

Summing up the game
The teacher offers to summarize the game
Groups count the number of points earned and announce to the teacher.

The teacher asks you to answer the questions:
Have you achieved the goal of the event?
Did you meet the objectives of the event? To what extent?
How was the event useful?
What new things did you learn while playing?

analyze the feasibility of the game goal
note whether they coped with the objectives of the event,
allocate positive sides and disadvantages of their work in a group
They focus on what was useful and interesting to them, what they learned new.
Evaluate the achieved result
realize the quality and level of learning,
highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, realize the quality and level of assimilation; participate in collective discussion of problems, learn to master monologue and dialogic forms of speech.


Rules for working in a group
[Download the file to see the picture]
Be kind to your comrades. Remember that you are doing a common cause.
State clearly the proposed solution.
Learn to listen to others.
If you don’t agree with the opinions of others: DON’T SHOUT, DON’T INTERRUPT. Use polite phrases.
If you are wrong, apologize, admit your mistake, don’t be stubborn. Don't laugh at other people's mistakes. Remember that you may find yourself in the same position.
Do not talk while comrades from other groups are speaking, do not be distracted from the topic of the lesson.

To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
Linguistic brain-ringEtymology of words on the topic: “Health. Healthy lifestyle" Teacher: Aleshina O.N. What is etymology? Question 1. Etymology is a branch of the science of language that studies the origin of words Answer: Guess the word based on the following features: firstly, it came to us from French and literally translates as “cowpox” and secondly, it is a synonym for the word vaccination Question 2. Vaccine Answer: Think and say which medicinal plant name comes from the Latin word meaning literally “to be healthy.” Hint: the mixture of this medicine helps a person calm his nerves Question 3. Valerian Answer: The next word is profession. How often do we turn to people of this specialization in difficult times! But the original meaning of this word is “bewitcher, wizard.” Question 4. Doctor Answer: In Latin, this word sounds like “pathogenic poison.” A vaccine can defeat it Question 5. Virus Answer: This word in the modern sense is a profession that is very necessary for us people. If we turn to its etymology, we learn a striking fact: in Latin it means “teacher.” A clue may be that both professions in our country belong to the public sector Question 6. Doctor Answer: Do you believe that polite people, when meeting, always wish each other health? Justify your opinion Question 7. Yes. Hello - this is the original Russian form of “be healthy!” Answer: Etymological problem: the ancient Slavs called one person “like a tree.” What would we call this person? Question 8. Answer: Healthy person This word is a medicine that is in all first aid kits. Its name goes back to the Greek “purple” Question 9. Iodine (the name is given by the color of the vapors in the chemical experiments of J.-L. Gay-Lussac) Answer: Do you believe that by eating fatty and carbohydrate foods we get not only additional calories, but also warm? Let us remind you that the game is linguistic! Question 10. Yes. Calorie in Latin literally means “heat.” Answer: What is onomatopoeia? The name of which healthy berry goes back to onomatopoeia? Hint: the place where it can be found sounds like “klyuchevina” in dialects, i.e. a swamp. Question 11. Cranberry Answer: And this word means a semi-finished product and a ready-made dish. In Greek it is called “a dish made from barley flour,” and in Italian it is called “bliss.” Question 12. Pasta Answer: Etymological problem. There are two words in the dictionary, say A and B. Both of them come from the word B. Of these, A is English and means a household appliance needed in the kitchen. B is Latin and refers to liquid medicine. B – “I mix.” Guess what A and B sound like Question 13. Mixer and mixture Answer: Do you think we eat “unripe” vegetables? We remind you that the game is linguistic! Question 14. Yes, cucumbers. From Greek it is literally translated as “unripe.” Answer: Translated from Italian, this word sounds like “golden apples.” What do Russian people call this vegetable? Question 15. Tomato Answer: We all love salads... We make them from vegetables, herbs and even fruits... How do you think this word is translated from Italian? Question 16: Salad is an Italian word in origin and literally means “salted greens.” Answer: Diseases of this organ are very common in modern society. This is caused by smoking, alcohol, overeating, and an inactive lifestyle. And the name of this human organ is associated with its location in the body Question 17. Heart Answer: What do your mothers cook cabbage soup from? What do you think they were originally made from? Question 18. Answer: From sorrel. The common Slavic “cabbage soup” is sorrel. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

“Health Lessons” - Caring for your hands and feet. Posture - slender back. Dental care. First aid for foreign bodies in the eye, ear, nose. What is health? How to avoid poisoning. Lesson topics in primary school on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: How to preserve vision. First aid for poisoning.

"Health Center" - Health Center. Interaction of system levels. Information flows. Automated complex of dispersed surveys AKDO. Contact the Health Center. Survey results. Assessments and conclusions expert systems. Printable form healthy lifestyle passports. Result of the patient's request. Medical card of the Health Center.

“Health at School” - Our social partners: Results project activities: School Health Zone. Expected Result. Diagnosis of students. Legitimacy of the project. Interviews with competent specialists. School project. Argumentation of the problem. Our own solution to the problem of preventing psychoactive substances and introducing a healthy lifestyle.

“Health School” - Concept. Zone psychological relief. OU Development Program. Changes planned throughout the year. Changing the quality of education. Expected results. Medical services. Implementation of the concept. Active mobility zone. Creation of new medical offices. Gym. The educational institution development program as a tool for managing the quality of education.

“Human life and health” - Extracurricular activity“If you are strong and healthy, you are ready for serious matters.” Mass media. Project objectives: School administration. Relevance of the project. Creating health-preserving conditions at school. Bos health office. RANKING (in order of importance for students). We choose a healthy lifestyle. We play together and learn new things.

“Students’ health” - Questionnaire “Me and the meaning of my life.” Varied. No rush. Move more! “We are building the house of our health.” “Schoolchildren’s attitude towards alcohol” For students. 8-11 grades Healthy lifestyle. For students 9-11 grades Combine work and rest correctly. Ministry of Health and Sports. Cool watch on the topic: The main rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Zakiryanova Marina Pavlovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU boarding school No. 3
Locality: city ​​of Poronaysk, Sakhalin region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Extracurricular event for students in grades 3-4. Brain ring "If you want to be healthy, be healthy!"
Publication date: 31.10.2017
Chapter: elementary education

Extracurricular event for students in grades 3-4.

Brain ring “If you want to be healthy, be healthy!”

Target: summarize and systematize children's knowledge of

rules of a healthy lifestyle.





burdock, wormwood, celandine, nettle.


All people on earth want to be healthy. No one

I want to be sick, lie in bed, swallow pills.

And in order not to get sick, every person should

know your body well. Know how yours work

eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle. In that

Books help us. In them we learn about everything in the world

and also about health.




rules that are good for our health.

What should you do to be healthy?

Answer in unison YES or NO

Brush your teeth regularly?

Watch more TV?

Keep a daily routine?

Do exercises in the morning?

Eat a lot of sweets?

To walk outside?

Eat vegetables and fruits?

Wash your hands before eating?

Drinking from the same glass with a friend?

Drink alcohol and smoke?

Let's do a little warm-up and start the game.

"Brain-Ring" slide 1

If my advice is good

Clap your hands!

On the wrong advice

Say no, no, no

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

Don't bite the cabbage leaf

It's really, really tasteless

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

Always remember

Dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Have you brushed your teeth?

And go to bed.

Grab a bun

Sweets for bed.

Is this the right advice?

To strengthen teeth,

It's good to chew nails.

Is this the right advice?

Remember this useful advice:

You cannot chew on an iron object.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

We split into 2 teams. Each team

comes up with a name for himself. Let's meet the jury.

Round 1. “Did you know?” slide 2

Questions for the first team:

Which human organ is compared to a pump?

what function does the skin perform? (protective)

what human organ is both a filter and

stove? (Nose)

Why is alcohol harmful to humans?

They spend their whole lives racing, but they can’t overtake

I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they have (hair)

Questions for the second team:

Which human organ is compared to a computer?

What security posts do not allow entry into your body?

invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and

dirt? (skin, nose, tonsils)

What human organs are affected by smoking?

(lungs. Heart, brain)

Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears?

(for eye protection)

My brother lives behind the mountain, but he won’t meet him

me? (eyes)

Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow it? (language)

Round 2. “Hygiene is the basis of health” slide 3

For children who do the opposite, writer G.

Oster came up with " Bad advice"(student says)

“Never wash your hands, neck or face. This is a stupid thing to do

leads to nothing. Hands, neck, ears will get dirty again

and face. So why waste energy? Time to waste.

Getting a haircut is also useless. There's no point. TO

In old age the head will go bald on its own.

Questions for the first team:

Why is it necessary to cleanse twice a day?

Why should you cover your nose when coughing and sneezing?

mouth with a handkerchief or at least with your hand?

What do you think is more correct: wash the floor

with a wet rag or sweep the floor with a broom?

Questions for the second team:

Why is it important to wash your hands before eating?

What can a bad habit of gnawing lead to?

Why does a person daily, at least 1-2 times a

should wash in a shower or bathhouse for a week, or in


Round 3. " Proper nutrition» slide 4

Food should be healthy and varied.

Buckwheat, raisins, butter - give the body energy,

help you move and think.

Fish, meat, nuts - help to grow and become

Vegetables, fruits, dairy products - supply

body with vitamins and minerals


But not all foods are healthy.

Competition for captains

“Guess the healthy foods” (2 minutes)

Round 4. “Sport and movement are the key to health”

slide 5

Sport strengthens and develops human muscles,

makes him strong and healthy.

Game "Hit the Target"

4 people from each team are called. They

must throw all the balls exactly at the target.

The jury's word.

Sports riddles

Ribbon, ball, log and parallel bars,

The rings are next to them.

I don’t dare to list

Lots of shells.

Beauty and plasticity

Gives us... (gymnastics)

Let's gather a team at school

And we will find a large field.

Taking a corner -

Let's score with our heads!

And the fifth goal is in the goal!

We love very much... (football)

The team wins here

If the ball doesn't drop.

He flies accurately from the serve

Not into the goal - through the net.

And the playground, not the field

Athletes in... (volleyball)

Very difficult in hot summer

Athletes should run it

Many long kilometers

Fly faster than the wind.

The path is not easy, it is named

In an ancient word... (marathon)

In this sport the players

Everyone is agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly,

So this is... (basketball)

I see - the champion

A quarter ton barbell.

I want to become the same

To protect my sister!

I'll be in the apartment now

Lift big... (weights)

Two planks on the legs

And two sticks in his hands.

If we lubricate the boards -

We'll show you snow extra class!

Winter records are closer

For those who really love...(skiing)

Round 5. “Green pharmacy – health pantry”

slide 6


a bunch of










some plants.

(guys are called with messages one at a time)

Round 6. "Ambulance"

Anything can happen to any person: suddenly you

fell, injured your leg, or someone bit you. You need to be able to

perform a first aid.

Questions for the first team:

What to do if you injured your leg and

Are you bleeding from your wound?

What should you do in case of a burn?


Questions for the second team:

What to do if your nose bleeds?

What to do if a person seriously hurt his knee?

What to do if a person has a frostbitten nose or

Competition "Orphans"

(2 people from each team are called and each



P er v a l i n g

g o l o v u

to the victim). Quality and speed are assessed.

The jury sums up the results.

Guys, you are GREAT!!!

Be always healthy and cheerful!!!

The one who rises with the sun

Does exercises

Brushes teeth in the morning

And plays hide and seek, -

That sports man

And quite cheerful.

Stay like this

At school or at home. (Anastasia Polyubash)

I offer all participants of the game and guests of our

competition, sit back, relax and unwind.

Color therapy (Watch a video that





improve performance)

Brain - ring

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Target: Introducing students to a healthy lifestyle and instilling a sense of responsibility for their physical and moral health


1. Stimulation of cognitive activity by competition, the competitive nature of the game.

2. Activation of students’ mental activity.

3. Improving the skills needed to increase creativity.

The game is called "Bray-ring". Divide into teams and choose a captain, and also come up with team names. The rules of the game are very strict. A question and an immediate answer, no time to think. Players on the team who know the answer to the question raise their hands, and the captain chooses who will answer. Remember: the correct answer will bring the team victory, but a mistake can set them back. For unsportsmanlike behavior - shouting, noise, remarks - teams will pay a fine. The points they earn will be taken away from them. The game consists of 8 games.

  1. Coming up with team names
  2. we determine the captains.

To determine who will answer first - task


Disassemble the picket fence, starting from the highest letter to the smallest and read useful advice.


First game “Race for the Leader”

Each team is asked 8 questions. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If within 3 seconds after reading the question the team does not give any answer, the opposing team gets the right.

Questions for 1 team

1. For human health there is a (pharmacy) on the corner

2.One leg here, the other there (split)

3.Specialist in the field physical culture, athlete mentor (coach)

4. A golden Russian lantern burned in the grass, then dimmed, went out and turned into fluff. What is this? (dandelion)

5. Winner's prize (reward)

6.What plant is used to make a medicine that improves appetite? (dandelion root)

7. Organ that does not obey orders (heart)

8.An athlete who can rise to the occasion in a fall (goalkeeper)

Questions for team 2

1. Finished the job, go for a walk (feel free)

2. A man who is up to his neck in the sea (swimmer)

3. Ski race with shooting (biathlon)

4. Covered in dust, at least he has little strength, he sticks out by the road, his legs are bent, he is inconspicuous in appearance. What is this? (plantain)

5.An athlete lifting an elephant with one hand (chess player)

6.Which plant juice stops bleeding? (shepherd's purse)

7. It’s not the harp, but it’s played on; it’s not flax, but it’s frayed (nerves)

8.Everyday sport for most of humanity (walking)

The second game “Did you know?”

Questions for the first team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a pump? (heart)

2. What is the function of the skin? (protective)

3. Which human organ is both a filter and a stove? (nose)

4. Why is alcohol harmful to humans?

5. All their lives they have been racing, but they can’t overtake each other (legs)

6. I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they have (hair)

Questions for the second team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a computer? (brain)

2. What security posts prevent invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and dirt - from entering your body? (skin, nose, tonsils)

3. What human organs are affected by smoking? (lungs, heart, brain)

4. Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears? (for eye protection)

5. My brother lives behind the mountain, but may not meet me (eyes).

6. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow (tongue).

Third game " Hygiene is the basis of health"

There are children in the world who do the opposite. When they are told: “Wash yourself!” - they don’t wash themselves. When they are told: “Don’t climb the tree!” - they are climbing. For such children, the writer G. Oster came up with “Bad Advice.”

Never wash your hands. Neck, ears and face. This stupid activity leads to nothing. Your hands will get dirty again. Neck, ears and face. So why waste energy? Time to waste. Getting a haircut is also useless. There's no point. As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

Questions for the first team:

1. Why must we brush our teeth twice a day?

2. Why should you cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or at least your hand when coughing and sneezing?

3. What do you think is more correct: to wash the floor with a wet mop, or to sweep it with a dry broom?

Questions for the second team:

1. Why is it necessary to wash your hands before eating?

2. What can the bad habit of biting your nails lead to?

3. Why should a person wash himself daily, or at least 1-2 times a week, in the shower or in the bathhouse, or in the bathroom?

Fourth game “Captains Competition”

Now let's look at this Magic word"HEALTH". Think of words related to health for each letter of this word. (Z – exercise, D – diet, O – rest, R – daily routine, O – glasses, B – vitamins, E – food).

Fifth game “Troubles from a Barrel”

If a team answers a question correctly, it receives 2 points; if the answer is incorrect, then the right to answer is transferred to another team.

1.What is the body’s increased sensitivity to factors called? environment(allergy)

2. Name the branch of preventive medicine that studies the effects external environment on the human body (hygiene)

3. The state of mental well-being, characterized by the absence of painful manifestations, is called ... (health)

4. What is a violation of the normal functioning of the body called? (disease)

5. The emotional expression of a person’s need for food is... (appetite)

Sixth game “Proper nutrition is the key to health”

Food should be healthy and varied. Some foods give the body energy to move, think a lot, and not get tired (for example: buckwheat, raisins, butter). Others help the body grow and become strong (fish, meat, nuts). And still others supply the body with vitamins and minerals, helping to grow and develop (vegetables, fruits, dairy products). But not all the foods a person eats are healthy. Proper nutrition is a condition for health, incorrect nutrition leads to illness.

Which foods do you think are healthy and which are harmful? Why?

One player from each team participates in the “Guess the Healthy Products” competition and is given 2 minutes to think. Arrange the cards with the names of the products according to their usefulness. In one pile - useful, in the other - harmful. Explain why.

(In front of the children there are cards with pictures of products: apple, kiwi, orange, pear, tangerine, banana, cucumber, chips, potatoes, candy, kirieshki, lemonade, etc.).

Seventh game " . The Green Pharmacy is a pantry of health.”

A long time ago, people learned that many plants improve health and even heal. Some plants are used to make decoctions and we gargle sore throats; others are used to make healing infusions and rubs to treat joints, etc. Today we must name what healing properties possesses this or that plant. So, now, by drawing lots, you will receive the names of the plants, consult with the team and tell them how this plant helps a person in treatment.

Plants: 1. Nettle, Mother and stepmother, Celandine.

2. Chamomile, Plantain, Raspberry.

Eighth game "Guessing - ka"

(On the board there is a note: “49,69,0,56,0,90,1,43 – 85,55,0 32,4,71,90,20,0,43 16,19,49,20,43," J. Korczak.)
Children work as a team. Each team has a task on the sheet.

Children solve examples and translate the answers into letters. I open the poster on the board:
“Health is the main benefit of life.” J. Korczak.How can you explain the meaning of this proverb?

The jury counts the points. Announcement of the winner.

Brain - ring"Who wins, or a teenager in the kingdom bad habits»

Goal: promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing bad habits

1. Create conditions for the formation of a persistent negative attitude towards the use of alcohol and drugs.

2. To promote the development of a critical attitude towards people who harm their health and the health of others.

3. Instill in students the skills of independent thinking.

4. Develop the ability to analyze situations, as well as the ability to draw conclusions based on the material presented.

Design: posters, children's drawings, tape recorder, TV, flash drive, chips, flags.

1. Welcome speech from the presenter.

Good afternoon, dear teams. Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you within the walls of our club. Today we will play a brain ring game. All questions will be devoted to the prevention of bad habits.

Let's get to know our teams: Conditions of the game: participating teams will be asked questions on the topic: “Bad habits.” 1 minute is given for discussion. The captain of the team that is ready to answer calls the name of the person who will answer. If the answer to a question is incorrect, the floor is given to the other team. If the second team cannot answer, I give the correct answer.

Leading. We would like to start our event with a parable. A certain young man was walking along a muddy road and suddenly saw in the mud gold coin. He bent down and picked it up. I went further in search of other coins. And indeed, they sometimes came under his feet. This is how his life passed. When he was dying, he, a very old man, was asked what life was. He replied: “Life is a dirt road where sometimes you come across gold coins.” This is how the man said sadly about life.

Let's try to answer this question.

Question 1. What is life? We all know that human life– this is the most precious thing given to a person. And we also know that no amount of money can buy health. Today we will touch on one of the main topics of human life safety - the problem of bad habits. It was not by chance that this topic became a topic. After all, in the life of any person there comes a time when you want to figure everything out yourself and, despite the assurances of adults, you need to check everything from your own experience.


Question 2. What vices and bad habits prevent a person from living long, happily and beautifully? (Tobacco, alcohol, drugs.)

Question 3: Where does tobacco come from? (From America.)

Question 4: When smoking, a person inhales the same poisonous gas that is contained in the exhaust gases of a car engine. What is this gas called? (Carbon monoxide

Question 5: If a person smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, every day for a year, how much tar is deposited in his lungs? (About 1 liter.)

Question 6. How many cigarettes must be smoked in order to disrupt the normal balance of air and blood in the lungs? (One cigarette is enough to increase your heart rate, raise your blood pressure and interfere with normal blood circulation and gas exchange in the lungs.)

Question 7. Why is smoking dangerous for girls? (disease of the reproductive system, infertility).

Question 8. What punishment were the “worst” smokers subjected to during the persecution of smoking in England? ( the death penalty)

Musical pause.

Scene (tobacco, alcohol, drugs)

Characters :

Tobacco(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Tobacco”)

Alcohol(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Alcohol”)

Drug(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Drug”)

Brain(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Brain”)

Stomach(boy, on his chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Stomach”)

Liver(girl, on her chest there is a bright sign with the inscription “Liver”)

Lungs(two boys or girls in an embrace, with one sign for two “Lungs”)


A cheerful, noisy trio comes out in an embrace Nicotine, Alcohol and Drugs. Introduced to the audience.

Nicotine: Look at me, kids, how good I am - just a drop

I'm killing a horse! Come see me off to the light! After all no smoke without


Sings: "Come on let's smoke, comrade, one at a time, come on let's smoke,

my comrade! (or other more modern strings)

Alcohol: I am Alcohol, I am Alcohol, be friends with me, brother, please!

matching bottles with bright labels): Beer “Let’s get started

little by little", Vodka "Farewell to youth", Brandy (cognac) "Who


Well, who wants to brandy huh?

My favorite toast:

“The first cup of wine belongs to thirst,
The second cup is fun,
The third is pleasure,
The fourth is madness."

Drug: Friends call me Heroinich. They curl around me joint. I

I approach all of them without questions on wheels.

Guess my favorite sport! AIDS wey! And here's another


If you smoke straws, I guarantee you... What? Breaking! Well done!

Well, let's unwind AIDS meter?

Appear Brain, Liver, Lungs And Heart. They joyfully head towards the harmful trio, waving their hands at them.

Alcohol: Hello, Liver! Now I want you I'll lay it out! Hugs the Liver,

kisses her.

Hello, Brain! Let me give you I'll dry you up! Why do you need so much

Nicotine: Hello, brothers! I’m very glad to see you, I have gifts for you, as always. (One by one, he takes bags with easy-to-read inscriptions out of the bag and begins to hand them over).

To the heart: It is for you Angina pectoris. And here Myocardial infarction, vast, vast.

(The heart reacts negatively with facial expressions and pantomime to gifts being given.)

Stomach: It is for you Nausea, Vomit, Ulcer, fresh, gaping. (Praises.)

(The stomach reacts negatively with facial expressions, pantomime, to gifts being given.)

Brain: It is for you Sclerosis, Dementia, rest, darling!

(The brain reacts with facial expressions, a negative pantomime, to the gifts being presented, and then reads a confession poem.)

The vile villain dried me up,
There are no more bright ideas here,

No attention, no memory -
Cigarette smoke killed me!

Light: And to you, my beloved darlings, all the best - Cough, loud, tearful, protracted. Here's another Tuberculosis supply And finally - Cancer!!!

(The lungs react with facial expressions and pantomime to gifts being given. And when

at the presentation of Cancer they fall dead.)

Heart, Stomach and Brain run up to the Lungs and help them rise.

Brain:(using his last convolutions, he advises his friends) We probably won’t

we must accept these gifts. We'll give them back as soon as possible! Not needed

we are such friends!!!

Friends take the advice and throw away the gift bags.

Here Alcohol, Nicotine and Drugs sing a song:

I love you life

Without a bottle, without a glass, without a shot glass...

Our sober life -

So, we give health to our descendants...

Let it make us happy

Life without bad habits from now on...

After all, we only live once


There is probably no person who has not encountered drunk people in one way or another. And not everyone is spared this misfortune...

poem (about alcohol)

Whether at sea or on land So that there is no war

Do not drink under any circumstances You are “fire war”

Hung with stickers and luring weaklings

Mixed with misfortune and grief From the depths of the eyelid

An utter poison for the body and soul

They don't see the bright side of life. Killers are drunks.

Half liters and shot glasses Measured by year

The path, a drunken path that always leads to the edge

It will take a long time to eradicate evil

If only we could consign everything to oblivion, we can live without vodka

Whom do we all want to hold accountable?

And where is the way out of the drunken darkness to the light?

Question 11. What is alcoholism? (Alcoholism is a disease caused by long-term abuse of alcoholic beverages. It is characterized by the formation of first mental, then physical dependence on alcohol.)

Question 12. What alcohol serves as the basis for vodka? Name it chemical formula. (Ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH.)

Question 13. Why does a drunk person freeze in the cold faster than a sober person? (Alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases heat transfer.)

Question Trying to replace vodka with beer is the same as replacing a demon... Finish the sentence. (with the devil)

Question. Johann Goethe was confident that humanity could achieve incredible success if it were more... Finish the sentence. (sober)

Question. Bismarck believed that this drink “makes a person lazy, stupid, and powerless.” (Beer).

Question for the audience.1 Complete the proverb “you take the first glass, and the second...(you have enough)

2. Finish the proverb “the sea is knee-deep for a drunk, and the puddle... (up to your ears)

Question. A woman chopping wood would not be offensive - it’s war;
Husband at the front - you are alone.
But the epidemic is to blame for all this... Finish the sentence. (Guilt

We were born to live in this world for a long time:

Sad and sing, laugh and love.

But so that all dreams become possible,

Ask yourself: are you ready for work?

Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?

Throw away the cigarette? Stomp on drugs?

Look around the beautiful nature

She calls us to live with her in revenge

Give me your hand, friend! Let's help you

Leading.Now the questions will be about one more bad habit

Question 15. What is drug addiction? (This is a disease caused by the systematic use of substances included in the list of drugs, manifested by dependence on these substances and leading to mental disorders, profound personality changes and dysfunction internal organs).

Question 16. What is withdrawal? (Hangover, withdrawal symptoms, as a result of stopping the use of substances that caused physical dependence, it is accompanied by terrible physical pain.)

Question 17. Drug addiction is inextricably linked with one more thing, no less dangerous disease. Its signs:

1. Enlarged lymph nodes, in several places at once: on the neck, in the elbow, under the arms, in the groin.

2. Long-term – more than a month – temperature (37–38 degrees) without an established cause.

3. Progressive weight loss, despite maintaining the same diet.

4. Frequent purulent and inflammatory lesions of the genital organs and skin.

5. Long-term stool disorder.

– Based on the above signs, determine what disease you are talking about we're talking about. (AIDS.)

Question 18. What is AIDS? (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.)

Question 19. What is the difference between human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome? (HIV is the causative agent of HIV infection, and AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection.)

Question 20. How dangerous is AIDS for humans? (It destroys the human defense system and the human body cannot fight various infections, and most importantly, AIDS is incurable.)

Question 21. What routes of transmission of HIV infection do you know? (Epidemiologists have identified three routes of transmission of HIV infection: sexual; through blood - parenteral; from mother to child - vertical

Thank you very much to the participating teams. It was a pleasure talking with you. Let's summarize today's game...

Team awards.

Parable. Once upon a time, a long time ago, in one eastern country, near the big one noisy city there lived a sage respected by all. People very often turned to him for advice on the most complex issues, and he always helped them solve their problems. The sage was very smart and kind: he did not refuse help to anyone.
And then one day an ambitious young man appeared in the city who wanted to become famous for his abilities. He decided to assist in solving various problems residents big city. But for some reason people did not go to him, but continued to go to the old sage for advice.
The young man decided to prove to everyone that the sage is not so smart, that he does not know everything in this world. And he came up with the following test for him: “I will catch a butterfly and hold it in my fist, go up to the sage and ask him what is in my hand? If he answers correctly, then I will ask: is she dead or alive? If he says - alive, then I will quietly clench my fist and crush the butterfly, and if he says - dead, then I will let it go, and it will fly away, and everyone will think that I am smarter than the old sage and will honor me more than him.”
The young man called the inhabitants of the city, and they went to the sage. Approaching the sage’s home, he showed a butterfly clutched in his fist and asked: “Do you know what I have in my hand?”
“Butterfly,” the sage answered calmly.
“Which one is she, dead or alive?” asked the young man.
“Everything is in your hands,” answered the sage.

- And I tell you: All in your hands! Do right choice!

I wanted to end our game with the words of Veresaev:

“As long as he’s healthy, there’s nothing scary with him, no trials; to lose it means to lose everything, without it there is no freedom, no independence, a person becomes a slave of the people around him and the environment; it is the highest and necessary good.”


I really want everyone to be happy!
Let the bell ring with cheerful laughter!
Let's become a little more patient!
Let's become a little kinder!
Let's live in peace and harmony!
Let the light of the earth illuminate our path!
We will work creatively and joyfully, but so
To maintain a healthy lifestyle!

A song about a healthy lifestyle.