Works where humanity is manifested. Examples from fiction in a review of the Unified State Exam in Russian

  1. (49 words) In Turgenev’s story “Asya,” Gagin showed humanity when he took into his care his illegitimate sister. He called his friend for a frank conversation about Asya’s feelings. He understood that the hero would not marry her, and did not insist. The caring brother only tried to get out of the situation so that the girl would not be hurt.
  2. (47 words) In Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor,” the hero saves an entire family from starvation. Doctor Pirogov accidentally meets Mertsalov and learns that his wife and children are slowly dying in a damp basement. Then the doctor gave them medicine and money. This act shows the highest manifestation of humanity - mercy.
  3. (50 words) In Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” (chapter “Two Soldiers”), the hero consoles two old men and helps them with the housework. Although life is harder for him, because Vasily is fighting at the front, he does not complain or miss, but helps older people in word and deed. In war, he still remains a respectful and well-mannered person.
  4. (48 words) In Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” the hero is not likened to a cruel enemy, but remains the same kind and sympathetic Andrei Sokolov. After the trials of captivity and the loss of his family, he adopts an orphan and begins a new life. In this readiness to revive the peaceful sky above my head and in my soul, I see a manifestation of humanity.
  5. (44 words) In Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter,” Pugachev saves the life of his opponent for reasons of humanity. He sees that Peter is worthy of this mercy, because he is kind, brave and devoted to his fatherland. The chieftain judges fairly, giving credit even to the enemy. This skill is the characteristic of a decent person.
  6. (42 words) In Gorky’s story “Chelkash” the thief turns out to be more humane than the peasant. Gavrila was ready to kill his accomplice for the sake of money, but Chelkash did not stoop to this baseness, even though he traded in theft. He throws his prey and leaves, since the main thing in a person is dignity.
  7. (42 words) In Griboedov’s play “Woe from Wit,” Chatsky expresses his humanity when he stands up for the rights of serfs. He understands that owning people is immoral and cruel. In his monologue he denounces serfdom. It is because of such conscientious nobles that the situation of the common people will subsequently improve significantly.
  8. (43 words) In Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog,” the professor makes a fateful decision for humanity: he stops his experiment, recognizing that we do not have the right to interfere so radically in the affairs of nature. He repented of his mistake and corrected it. His humanity is the suppression of pride for the sake of the common good.
  9. (53 words) In Platonov’s work “Yushka,” the main character saved all his money to help an orphan get an education. His entourage did not know this, but regularly mocked the dumb victim. After his death, people found out why Yushka looked so bad and what he did with the pennies he earned. But it's' too late. But the memory of his humanity is alive in the heart of the blessed girl.
  10. (57 words) In Pushkin’s story “The Station Warden,” Samson Vyrin treated everyone passing through as a human being, even though they took out all their anger on him. One day he sheltered a sick officer and treated him as best he could. But he responded with black ingratitude and took his daughter away, deceiving the old man. Thus, he deprived his sons of their grandfather. So humanity should be valued, not betrayed.
  11. Examples from life, cinema, media

    1. (48 words) Recently I read a whole article in the newspaper about how young people rescue girls in trouble. They rush to the aid of a stranger without expecting a reward. This is humanity in action. Criminals are put behind bars, but women remain alive, and all thanks to selfless intercessors.
    2. (57 words) I can remember examples of humanity from my personal life. The teacher helped my friend get back on his feet. His mother drank, and his father was not there at all. The boy himself could have gone down the wrong path, but his class teacher found his grandmother and ensured that the student lived with her. Years have passed, but he still remembers and visits her.
    3. (39 words) In my family, humanity is taken as a rule. My parents feed the birds in winter, donate money for operations for sick children, help an old neighbor with heavy bags and pay for utilities. When I grow up, I will also continue these glorious traditions.
    4. (52 words) My grandmother taught me humanity since childhood. When people turned to her for help, she always did everything in her power. For example, she gave a job to a man without a fixed place of residence, thereby bringing him back to life. He was given official housing, and soon he was visiting his grandmother with gifts and gifts.
    5. (57 words) I read in a magazine how a girl with a popular account on a social network posted an advertisement for a stranger there, where she was looking for a job. The woman was over 50, she was already desperate to find a place, when suddenly an excellent offer arrived. Thanks to this example, many people were inspired and began to do good deeds. This is true humanity, when a person changes society for the better.
    6. (56 words) My older friend is studying at the institute, where he signed up for a volunteer club. He went to an orphanage and organized a matinee there in honor of the New Year. As a result, the abandoned children received gifts and performances, and my friend received indescribable emotions. I believe that in any university this is how people should be taught humanity, giving them a chance to prove themselves.
    7. (44 words) In Steven Spielberg's film Schindler's List, the hero, despite the policies of Nazi Germany, hires Jews, thereby saving them from martyrdom. His actions are guided by humanity, because he believes that all people are equal, everyone deserves to live, and no one can dispute this.
    8. (47 words) In the film “Les Miserables” by Tom Hooper, the criminal and villain turns out to be a humane and merciful man who takes custody of an unknown orphan girl. He manages to raise a child and run from the police at the same time. For her sake, he takes mortal risks. Only man can achieve such selfless love.
    9. (43 words) In Henry Hathaway's Call Northside 777, the innocent hero goes to prison. His mother tries in vain to find the real criminals. And the journalist completely disinterestedly decided to help her by getting involved in the investigation. In this case, he demonstrated his humanity, because he did not ignore someone else’s misfortune.
    10. (44 words) My favorite actor Konstantin Khabensky spends most of his fees on charity. With these actions, he inspires viewers to act according to their conscience and help each other in trouble not only in word, but also in deed. I respect him immensely for this and believe that he is driven by his humanity.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Humanity is one of the most important and at the same time complex concepts. It is impossible to give it an unambiguous definition, because it manifests itself in a variety of human qualities. This is the desire for justice, honesty, and respect. Someone who can be called humane is capable of caring for others, helping and patronizing. He can see the good in people and emphasize their main advantages. All this can be confidently attributed to the main manifestations of this quality.

What is humanity?

There are a large number of examples of humanity from life. These are the heroic actions of people in wartime, and very insignificant, seemingly insignificant actions in everyday life. Humanity and kindness are manifestations of compassion for one's neighbor. Motherhood is also synonymous with this quality. After all, every mother actually sacrifices the most precious thing she has - her own life - as a sacrifice to her baby. The brutal cruelty of the fascists can be called a quality opposite to humanity. A person only has the right to be called a person if he is capable of doing good.

Dog Rescue

An example of humanity from life is the act of a man who saved a dog in the subway. Once upon a time, a stray dog ​​found itself in the lobby of the Kurskaya station of the Moscow metro. She ran along the platform. Maybe she was looking for someone, or maybe she was just chasing a departing train. But it so happened that the animal fell on the rails.

There were many passengers at the station then. People were scared - after all, there was less than a minute left before the next train arrived. The situation was saved by a brave police officer. He jumped onto the tracks, picked up the unlucky dog ​​under his paws and carried him to the station. This story is a good example of humanity from life.

Action of a teenager from New York

This quality is not complete without compassion and goodwill. There is a lot of evil in real life these days and people need to show each other compassion. An indicative example from life on the topic of humanity is the action of a 13-year-old New Yorker named Nach Elpstein. For his bar mitzvah (or coming of age in Judaism), he received a gift of 300 thousand shekels. The boy decided to donate all this money to Israeli children. It's not every day that you hear about such an act, which is a true example of humanity from life. The amount went towards the construction of a new generation bus for the work of young scientists on the periphery of Israel. This vehicle is a mobile classroom that will help young students become real scientists in the future.

An example of humanity from life: donation

There is no nobler act than giving your blood to someone else. This is real charity, and everyone who takes this step can be called a real citizen and a person with a capital “P.” Donors are strong-willed people who have a kind heart. An example of the manifestation of humanity in life is Australian resident James Harrison. He donates blood plasma almost every week. For a very long time he was awarded a unique nickname - “The Man with the Golden Arm.” After all, blood was taken from Harrison's right hand more than a thousand times. And in all the years that he has been donating, Harrison has managed to save more than 2 million people.

In his youth, the hero donor underwent a complex operation, as a result of which he had to have his lung removed. His life was saved only thanks to donors who donated 6.5 liters of blood. Harrison never knew the saviors, but decided that he would donate blood for the rest of his life. After talking with doctors, James learned that his blood type was unusual and could be used to save the lives of newborn babies. His blood contained very rare antibodies that can solve the problem of incompatibility of the Rh factor of the mother’s blood and the embryo. Because Harrison donated blood every week, doctors were able to constantly produce new batches of the vaccine for such cases.

An example of humanity from life, from literature: Professor Preobrazhensky

One of the most striking literary examples of possessing this quality is Professor Preobrazhensky from Bulgakov’s work “The Heart of a Dog.” He dared to challenge the forces of nature and turn a street dog into a man. His attempts failed. However, Preobrazhensky feels responsible for his actions, and tries with all his might to turn Sharikov into a worthy member of society. This shows the highest qualities of the professor, his humanity.

1. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign."

Prince Igor, his brother Vsevolod, Yaroslavna, the Kiev prince Svyatoslav and his “golden word” about the need to unite the Russian principalities for protection against external enemies.

Issues: the valor and courage of Russian soldiers, the defense of their land, the tragic consequences of civil strife between Russian princes, loyalty, tenderness of Russian women, the predetermination of events (an eclipse of the sun), the help of nature to the Russian people.

2. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

Ode "On the day of Elizabeth Petrovna's accession to the throne", 1747

Issues: science, comprehension of the secrets of nature by the mind, human ability to creatively transform the world.

3. Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin

"To Rulers and Judges"

Issues: satirical denunciation of vicious nobles, creation of an image of a worthy citizen, affirmation of the ideal of a wise, enlightened ruler.

4. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin


Mrs. Prostakova, her husband, son Mitrofan, brother Skotinin, teachers, nurse, tailor Trishka, Sophia, Milon, Starodum, Pravdin.

Issues: serfdom, the confrontation between progressive-minded nobles and reactionary serf-owning nobles, the upbringing and education of children, service to their Fatherland, ignorance, inhumanity, the ability to commit a vile, dishonorable act, the wisdom and justice of the ruler.

5. Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov

Comedy "Woe from Wit"

Famusov, Chatsky, Sofya, Molchalin, Skalozub, Lisa, Gorichi, Tugoukhovsky, Khryumin, Khlestova, Zagoretsky, Repetilov.

Issues : the struggle of the new with the old, the opposition of freedom-loving, progressive-minded nobles to the reactionary camp of the serf-owners, the attitude towards serfdom, careerism, admiration for public opinion, the assessment of personality depending on wealth, rank, position in society, adherence to external forms of life, despite their content, careerism, pettiness of interests, spiritual emptiness, the ideal of an idle life, attitude towards upbringing, education of youth, the meaning of life, a person’s moral choice.

6. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Novel "Eugene Onegin"

Onegin, Tatyana Larina, Lensky, Olga

Issues: upbringing, education of a person, social environment as the basis for the formation of character, the paths of the enlightened advanced noble intelligentsia, the contrast between the romantic and realistic perception of life, the external and internal beauty of a person, the depth, strength and sincerity of feelings, the idle life and spiritual emptiness of representatives of the local nobility, as well as the Moscow nobility, attitude to secular prejudices, human life and death, choice between love and duty, Russian national character..

"Belkin's Tales"

"The young lady-peasant" - Liza Muromskaya, Alexey Berestov, their fathers.

Issues: relationships between fathers and children, the love of heroes despite imaginary social barriers, deception ending in happiness.

"Station Warden" - Samson Vyrin, daughter of Dunya, hussar.

Issues: relationships between fathers and children, social inequality, the fate of the “little man,” repentance, forgiveness.


Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, son Vladimir, Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov, daughter Masha, Prince Vereisky.

Issues: peasant uprising, intra-estate conflict, arbitrariness of landowners, bureaucratic abuses of local authorities, love of a “noble” robber-avenger.

"Queen of Spades"

Officer Hermann, old countess, pupil of Lizaveta Ivanovna.

Issues: an insatiable thirst for money, profit, enrichment as a desire for personal independence and power, the penetration of monetary relations into all spheres of social life, exposure of cruel, predatory egoism and extraordinary ambition.

"Bronze Horseman"

Poor official Evgeny, St. Petersburg flood, monument to Peter I.

Issues: the tragedy of the relationship between state power and the “little man”, the ruthlessness of the elements, St. Petersburg as a “man-made” monument to Peter I, “Idol on a bronze horse” as the embodiment of inhuman power, punishing even timid protest.

"Captain's daughter"

Pyotr Grinev, Pugachev, captain Mironov, Masha, Shvabrin.

Issues: the Mironov and Grinev families as the embodiment of honesty, directness, simplicity in everyday life, and self-esteem

“Take care of your dress again, and honor from your youth,” the contrast of the old “indigenous” nobility (Grinevs) with the “new nobility” (Shvabrin), national character traits in the image of Savelich, loyalty, devotion, love, mercy, forgiveness, causes, consequences of the people’s war under leadership of Pugachev.

7. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

"Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov"

Tsar Ivan the Terrible, oprichnik Kiribeevich, Kalashnikov, Alena Dmitrievna.

Issues : conflict between justice, mother truth (Kalashnikov) and selfishness, unbridled passions (Kiribeevich), protection of honor, law, human dignity in conditions of autocratic power.

Poem "Mtsyri"

Issues : protest against the stuffy bondage that enslaves a person, poeticization of the struggle, a call for freedom, affirmation of love for the homeland and heroic service to it, a passionate thirst for life.

Novel "Hero of Our Time"

Pechorin, Maxim Maksimych, Bela, Kazbich, undine, Yanko, blind boy, old woman, Grushnitsky, Princess Mary, dragoon captain, Werner, Vulich.

Issues : hero and society, “an extra person”, “a portrait, but not of one person, but a portrait made up of the vices of an entire generation”, tragic attitude and philosophical quests of the individual, awareness of one’s place in the world, active or passive life position, successful or unsuccessful attempts to realize one's desires and talents, problems of existence - death, good - evil, choosing the purpose of life, a person's attitude towards people around him, love and friendship, meanness and betrayal, a person's responsibility for his actions..

8. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

Collection "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"

Issues : the beauty of the spiritual essence of the people, characters, spiritual properties, moral rules, morals, customs, way of life, beliefs of the Ukrainian peasantry, the victory of good over evil, generosity over greed, humanism over selfishness, courage over cowardice, energy over laziness and idleness, nobility over baseness and meanness, inspired by love over rough sensuality; the power of money is destructive, happiness is achieved not by crime, but by goodness, human, earthly forces defeat the devil, violation of natural, folk and moral laws, betrayal of the homeland deserves the heaviest punishment.

The story "Taras Bulba"

Taras, Ostap, Andriy, Zaporozhye Sich

Issues : the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for their national liberation, the freedom-loving character of the Cossacks, the establishment of the democratic foundations of the Zaporozhye Sich, its glorification, feelings of camaraderie and collectivism, the desire of the Cossacks for will and freedom, their devotion to the fatherland, a person’s moral choice between duty and love.

The story "The Overcoat"

Akakiy Akakievich Bashmachkin, Significant person

Issues: the life of a “little man”, spiritual and physical suppression, the crushing of the human personality in an antagonistic society.

Comedy "The Inspector General"

The mayor, his wife, daughter, judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, trustee of charitable institutions Zemlyanika, superintendent of schools Khlopov, postmaster, Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky, Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov.

Issues : the social essence, customs and life of the nobility, shown in the conditions of a county town: abuses of officials (bribery, embezzlement, gross tyranny), the idle life of landowners, oppression of merchants by the authorities and their own deception of buyers, the hard life of the townspeople, denunciation of idlers, gossips, liars, the comic nature of the love affair.

Poem "Dead Souls"

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, landowners Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdryov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, officials governor, prosecutor. Chairman of the chamber, chief of police, clerk of the office Ivan Antonovich Kuvshinnoe Rylo, “a pleasant lady” and “a pleasant lady in all respects.”

9. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

Drama "Thunderstorm"

Kabanova (Kabanikha), Tikhon, Katerina, Varvara, Boris, Dikoy, Kuligin, Kudryash.

Issues : contradictions between old social and everyday principles and progressive aspirations for equality, for the freedom of the human person, a world of tyranny based on family and property tyranny, wild tyranny and despotism, denunciation of the deadening conditions of the “dark kingdom”, awakening of an original, integral personality, moral purity , the spiritual beauty of a Russian woman.

Drama "Dowry"

Larisa Ogudalova, Paratov, Knurov, Vozhevatov

Issues : assertion of the power of a heartless purist, who turns a poor person, dependent on him, into an object of purchase and sale, into a thing, and a possessed person into one obsessed with an insatiable thirst for profit, enrichment, the tragedy of an exalted, spiritualized soul in a world of acquisitiveness and cold selfishness.

10. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Novel "Fathers and Sons"

Evgeny Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich, Nikolai Petrovich and Arkady Kirsanov, Odintsova and Katya, Sitnikov and Kukshina, Bazarov’s parents

Issues : relationships between “fathers” and “children”, disputes about the attitude towards cultural heritage, about art and science, about the system of human behavior, about moral principles, about education, public duty, the question of the fate of Russia, the Russian people, about the ways of its further development , the danger of a nihilistic attitude towards life, the progressiveness of scientific thinking, the desire for practical activity, etc.

11. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov

Roman "Oblomov"

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, Andrey Stolts, Olga Ilinskaya

Issues : social inertia and inertia, apathy and lack of will as a result of the influence of landowner life, the extinction of the best qualities of character in a person: a lively mind, kindness, truthfulness, meekness, a tendency to introspection, true friendship and love, true happiness, equality of women, narrowness of practicality, aspiration to active happiness.

12. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Lyrics

Issues: the homeland and the Russian people, the spiritual world of the peasant, his needs, aspirations, the share of the Russian woman, the height of her moral principles, spiritual simplicity, talent, the purpose of the poet and poetry, citizenship, national creativity, denunciation of those in power, the shame of serfdom,

the ideal of a public figure, faith in the mighty forces of the people..

13. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov

"The Enchanted Wanderer"

Ivan Severyanich Flyagin, Prince, Grusha.

Issues : rebellious spirit, tirelessness in the search for truth, unique features of the Russian national character, wandering as an element of Russian self-awareness, faith in the mighty forces of the people.

14. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

"The Story of a City", "Fairy Tales"

Issues : a generalization of the vicious essence of representatives of state power, the imperfection of the system of monarchical rule, the ulcers of public life, a gallery of moral monsters (Intercept-Zalikhvatsky ": rode into the city on a white horse, burned the gymnasium, abolished the sciences", Major Pyshch - the owner of a stuffed head, campaigner Brudasty with an “organ” instead of a head, playing only two phrases: “I’ll ruin you!” and “I won’t tolerate it!”).

15. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Novel "Crime and Punishment"

Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, his mother, sister Dunya, old pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna, her sister Lizaveta, Razumikhin, Luzhin, Marmeladov, Sonya, Katerina Ivanovna, Polenka, Porfiry Petrovich, Svidrigailov, Mikolka.

Issues: individualistic rebellion against the order of the surrounding life, the life of the “humiliated and insulted”, social injustice, hopelessness, the desire to become “superior”, “the mighty of this world”, to whom “everything is permitted”, pangs of conscience as punishment for a crime, the failure of the “Napoleonic theory”, suffering, mercy, faith in God as the main values, striving for goodness and humanity..

16. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Epic novel "War and Peace"

Rostovs: Natasha, Nikolai, Petya, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Princess Marya, Pierre Bezukhov, Helen, Anatole, Vasily Kuragin, Kutuzov, Napoleon, Alexander I, Boris Drubetskoy, Anna Pavlovna Scherer, Lisa Bolkonskaya, Berg, Dolokhov, Vasily Denisov, captain Tushin, captain Timokhin, Tikhon Shcherbaty, merchant Ferapontov, Platon Karataev and others.

Issues: the image of war in hard work, blood, suffering, death, the justice of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian people as a single, indivisible whole, the readiness of the Russian people to defend their Motherland, the people’s love for their Fatherland, the contribution to the victory of the “club of the people’s war” - the partisan movement, the heroism of the participants in the Battle of Borodino, the unity of the Russian army, the feeling of "soldier's brotherhood", the moral victory of Russian soldiers, the spirit of the army as the main engine of war, the role of the people's commander Kutuzov in the incredibly difficult victory of the Russian army over a treacherous and strong enemy, the unity of different layers population in the face of a common danger, moral criteria for events in the private and historical life of society (goodness, selflessness, spiritual clarity, simplicity, spiritual connection with the people), Kutuzov and Napoleon as the psychological and moral-philosophical poles of the novel, love, work, beauty as the foundations of the family , the true beauty of a person, the ability to “love life in its countless, never-exhaustible manifestations”, moral categories: selflessness, fidelity to duty, pride, humanity, dignity, responsibility, patriotism, modesty, conscience, camaraderie, honor, courage, love, mercy , as well as posturing, rivalry, individualism, hatred, cowardice, vanity, hypocrisy, ambition, selfishness, arrogance, careerism, false patriotism, hypocrisy.

17. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Early stories

Issues: features of the image of the “little man”("Thin and Fat", "Death of an Official" - Ivan Dmitrievich Chervyakov), funny and serious in Chekhov's short stories("Chameleon", "Unter Prishibeev") - Chekhov's humor is based on the comedy of situations, but also on exposing the stupidity, lack of culture of people, and the vulgarity of the surrounding life.

The story "Ionych"

Dmitry Ionych Startsev, Ivan Petrovich Turkins, Vera Iosifovna, Ekaterina Ivanovna (Kotik)

Issues: spiritual degradation of the individual, the monotony of life of the Turkin family, the environment as a factor forcing the hero to live according to the laws of the county town, the terrible evil of the death of human souls, immersed in the mire of philistinism.

The story "The Man in the Case"

Greek teacher Belikov, storyteller Ivan Ivanovich Burkin, Varenka

Issues: “caseness” of the individual, fear “Whatever happens,” social consequences of “Belikovism.”

Story "Lady with a Dog"

Dmitry Gurov, Anna Sergeevna

Issues: real love (“What we experience when we are in love is perhaps the normal state of a person. Falling in love shows a person what he should be "), the collision of shy love with the world of intolerable vulgarity (" Sturgeon has some flavor ")

The story "The Jumper"

Olga, her husband, doctor Dymov, the heroine’s artistic entourage

Issues : true and false values ​​of life, hard work, dedication of a man of action and idleness and spiritual degradation of a bored lady, belated repentance.

The story "The Bride"

Nadya Shumina, her fiance, Sasha

Issues: spiritual emptiness, insignificance of people's interests, the heroine's desire to escape from the stuffy world of philistinism.

Play "The Cherry Orchard"

Lyubov Andreevna Raevskaya, daughters Anya, Varya, her brother Gaev, merchant Lopakhin, Petya Trofimov, Epikhodov, Yasha, Firs.

Issues: the atmosphere of general trouble, the feeling of loneliness of the heroes, the drama of life, the alignment of social forces in Russian society: the departing nobility, the rising bourgeoisie and new revolutionary forces, the disintegration of the old foundations of life, the expectation of an impending fatal end, a vague premonition of a better future for the young heroes.

18. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

"Mr. from San Francisco"

Steamship Atlantis, sir.

Issues: Life and death, their relentless, great confrontation, the catastrophic nature of human existence, the model of the civilized capitalist world, the web of hypocrisy and lies, true and false values, a critical attitude towards the lack of spirituality of capitalist society, towards the exaltation of technical progress to the detriment of internal improvement.

19. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

The story "Olesya"

Ivan Timofeevich, Olesya, grandmother

Issues: love and separation, happiness in unity with nature, the inevitability of the tragic end of the short happiness of the heroes, the consonance of nature with human feelings.

20. Maksim Gorky

The story "Makar Chudra"

Loiko Zobar, Rada

Issues: the maximalist desire for freedom, the highest, exclusive manifestation of pride, the conflict between love and pride.

The story "Old Woman Izergil"

Issues: the heroes of the legends embody a single trait: Larra - extreme individualism, Danko - an extreme degree of self-sacrifice for the sake of love for people. Izergil herself is a life for herself. Selfless service to people is contrasted with Larra’s individualism and expresses the ideal of the writer himself.

The play "At the Bottom"

Satin, Luka, Actor, nobleman, Baron, Kleshch, Anna, Bubnov, Nastya, Vaska Ash, Kostylev, Vasilisa, Natasha.

Issues: social conflict between shelter owners and night shelter residents. Anti-human conditions cripple a person and even love does not save him, but leads to tragedy: death, injury, murder, hard labor. The relationship between truth and lies. The truth is the truth and the truth is a dream.

21. Evgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin

Novel "We"

Benefactor, Guardian Bureau, Green Wall,

D - 503, O - 90

Issues: the responsibility of science and scientists to society, human intervention in the structure of the individual, in the course of his creative activity, the subordination of the social sphere. What will happen to a person and humanity if he is forcibly driven into a happy future?

22. Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

The story "Heart of a Dog"

Professor Preobrazhensky, Bormental, Klim Chugunkin, Shvonder.

Issues: the idea of ​​​​creating a new person, the responsibility of science to society, the motive of transformation and the motive of werewolf. Intelligentsia and revolution.

Novel "The Master and Margarita"

Woland, Berlioz, Homeless, Azazello, Koroviev, Cat Behemoth, Pontius Pilate, Yeshua Ga - Notsri, Master, Margarita, Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy, Aloisy Mogarych, Baron Maigel, Styopa Likhodeev.

Issues: the meaning of life, what is truth, the problem of conscience, the problem of power, love and devotion, the problem of creativity, good and evil, forgiveness, understanding, responsibility, true harmony, creativity.

23. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

Poem "Requiem"

Issues: memory, the bitterness of oblivion, the unthinkability of life and the impossibility of death, the motif of the crucifixion, the gospel sacrifice, the cross. The idea of ​​great intercession for people.

24. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov

Epic novel "Quiet Don"

Grigory Melekhov, Aksinya, Natalya, Peter, Dunyasha, Daria, Ilyinichna and Panteley, Mikhail Koshevoy, Mitka Korshunov, Listnitsky, Podtelkov.

Issues: an epic novel, an epic embodiment of the life of the people, their culture, the Cossacks as a special class, distinguished by the desire for independence, isolation, discipline, hard work, reverence for elders, the depiction of the Civil War as a tragedy of the entire people, truthfully, without embellishment, in all its inhumanity, tragic search for truth, universal human values.

Essays on the topic “What is humanity”

Humanity is a figurative concept that highlights the best aspects of human qualities. These include the ability to love and understand the people around you.
The humanity of man is widely described in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. The author describes the difficult life of the population in the second half of the 19th century, when disappointment and oppression grew among people.
The main character, student Rodion Raskolnikov, observing the unjust oppression of some and the carelessness of others, asks himself questions about his own belonging. Does he belong to an uncomplaining caste or can he be superior to others and administer justice to them? Dostoevsky in his novel describes the state of mind of the main character, her experiences. After committing the murder, Rodion Raskolnikov withdraws into himself, and severe mental anguish awaits him. Thanks to his love for Sonya, he returns to people and confesses to the crime, after which relief awaits him.
“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is one of the most humane works in world literature. It contains a large number of strong and exciting feelings. Reading the author’s lines, you can feel his grief and perception of someone else’s grief.
The humanity in the work is strongly evident in various forms. It is shown between the characters in their relationships with each other. Igor and Vsevolod are brothers, between whom there is a feeling of mutual respect. In relation to their father Svyatoslav, the relationship is paternally warm. The author placed the greatest emphasis on the relationship between Igor and Olga, which is based on mutual love feelings and respect.
In every person there is a certain share of humanity, which, to one degree or another, has developed or decreased during life. The reason for this was the people around him and the actions he performed. That is why in order to increase kind and compassionate people, you need to start with your personal humanity. By doing good deeds, set an example for others.

Humanity has always been one of the most important phenomena of literature - an essay based on the stories of V. Shukshin.

About thirty years ago, the man who glorified life with all its sounds, colors, and smells passed away.
This is Vasily Makarovich Shukshin.
Shukshin made 5 films, published 7 books, played two dozen roles - in general, enough to go down in the history of Russian culture.
But he didn't know this. He knew one thing - work. They talked about him as a “village” writer, critics looked for the origins of the power of his talent and forgot about Shukshin the man, about his heart - nervous, filled with blood and truly suffering, which could not bear its burden... Shukshin did not stop fighting for a minute with evil - neither in literature nor in cinema. “We shouldn’t forget about the soul,” he said. The characters in his books often talk about the soul. What is the soul in Shukshin’s understanding? Kindness, humanity, mercy, understanding of one's neighbor, conscience, thinking about the meaning of life. Analyzing traditional conflicts - poverty and wealth, good and evil, Shukshin resolves them based on the laws of morality: he rejects evil, regardless of who is its bearer. The writer sees that the main test today is not poverty, but wealth and satiety. In one of Shukshin's best stories - "The Hunt to Live" - ​​good and evil are shown in direct combat. The old hunter Nikitich, a man of extraordinary kindness, an open soul, sheltered a criminal, actually saved his life and received a bullet from him in the back. In a story filled with terrible dramatic power, the old hunter says to the fugitive criminal: “The great hunger drove you to steal? Are you mad, you damned ones.” These simple words show both the source of evil and its uncompromising denial. Shukshin expressed his indignation, his denial of evil, his hatred of the terrible vices of people - selfishness, selfishness, consumerism towards life, demagoguery - with extraordinary artistic power in the story "Wolves". When reading Shukshin, you need to immediately understand that in his works there is no “high style” and pompous phrases that touch the soul with their floweriness.
Shukshin did not like to repeat common truths, but each story has its own zest, its own philosophical lesson. What philosophical lesson does the story "Boots" contain? At first glance, we have before us an ordinary everyday story, a history of family relationships. But it is written in such a kind and warm language that one remembers folk tales with their melodiousness and melody. It seems that there are no major events or moral upheavals in this work, but a small episode from the life of driver Sergei Dukhanin (buying his wife new, unusual boots) changed the internal state of not only Sergei, but also his wife. A rude person at first, Sergei becomes kind and sensitive. He realized that it was not about the gift, but about the attitude towards the closest person - his wife.
It is no coincidence that Sergei Dukhanin is 45 years old. At this point in life, many people reassess their values, rethink the world around them and their place in it. Sergei felt that the small good he did resonated with great happiness and warmth in the house. He came to the idea that trying to understand a person and do something bright for him is the greatest happiness. The meaning of this story is contained in the following lines: “You live like this, you think that someday you will live better...” But this is a manifestation of the moral strength of the individual! Vasily Makarovich encourages us to love Man, to love the “weirdness” in people, not to measure everyone with the same standard. The truth, Shukshin believed, is a manifestation of the human soul, it cannot be ostentatious. Shukshin writes in a very original, interesting way, he has his own Shukshin style, his own composition. Love for the Motherland, father, mother... The writer does not speak loud words about it, fearing to disturb something very trembling in our hearts. Love for the elderly is the highest manifestation of moral strength. So the main character of the story “How the Old Man Died” is old man Stepan, who lived a long, difficult life. The writer tells us about the last day and death of Stepan and touches on many common human issues. For example, we see how Stepan’s wife, who at first glance seemed unkind and even grumpy, becomes sensitive and kind, her true soul is revealed, the old woman’s heart “thaws.” She asks her husband for forgiveness: “Well, then forgive me, old man, if I’m guilty of anything.” The fear of being alone, of losing the dearest person with whom she has lived her whole life, does not leave her. The old woman understands that she loves the old man and that her life without her husband will lose all meaning. The old man also becomes softer and kinder. He says: “Agnusha... forgive me... I was a little worried... And the bread is so rich!..” Two thoughts haunt Stepan before his death: the thought of his wife and the thought of bread. What more can be said about this? A person who grew up on the land, loved and worked on it, eventually goes to the same land. The old man is not thinking about himself in his last minutes; he bequeaths to us bread, that is, his native land, his favorite business. In simple, awkward words, he tries to talk about the meaning of life, about how beautiful it is... But there are other, less global, but no less pressing problems in this short story. In particular, the problem of relationships between children and parents. The old man dies alone, only his wife remains with him until the end. Where are the children? Mishka abandoned them, Manka is far away, Petka “barely makes ends meet.” Everyone is loved and understood by their father and mother, everyone is forgiven and pitied by the elderly. But do children feel sorry for their parents? Morality is also an attitude towards old people, especially those who raised you and gave you their soul and heart. Parents always make excuses for their children and see only good traits in them. But should children abuse it? Black ingratitude grows from the slightest inattention, the slightest insensitivity. You must have a lot of strength and patience to fulfill your filial duty. But that’s why we are people, not only to take, but also to repay debts. In 1967, Shukshin wrote an amazing article “Morality is Truth.” It contains the following lines: “I have a cultured aunt in my village, she’s always indignant: “Just swearing! Writer... “There are aunties in pants: “rude man.” But little do they know: if my men weren’t rude, they wouldn’t be gentle...”
The heroes of Shukshin's stories, however, sometimes shock us with their outward rudeness and uncouthness.
But the reader’s talent lies in seeing a spark of kindness and light in the most unattractive person.
Shukshin said: “As an artist, I cannot deceive my people - show life only as happy, for example.
The truth can also be bitter... I believe in the strength of my people, I love my Motherland very much - and I do not despair. Against".
The writer does not for a moment separate himself from Russia, the Russian village, its nature. His heroes are looking for the basics of life in their native land. In particular, in the story “Alyosha Beskonvoyny” the main character found himself in love for everything that surrounds him. He found “peace in his soul,” but by no means complacency. The greatest Russian writers were worried about the mysterious relationship between the earth and human conscience. It is not without reason that in “Crime and Punishment” Raskolnikov kisses the ground, the hero of “War and Peace” Andrei Bolkonsky comes to a philosophical understanding of life, looking into the bottomless sky of Austerlitz. Egor Prokudin (the hero of "Red Kalina" by V. Shukshin) in the scene after a meeting with his mother falls to the ground, wants to stay on it, looks for support and support in it, the highest moral court. Art should teach goodness.
V. Shukshin sees the most precious wealth in the ability of a pure human heart to do good.
“If we are strong and truly smart in anything, it is in doing a good deed,” he said.
Vasily Makarovich Shukshin lived with this, believed in it.