Customs of Asia. Unusual traditions in the countries of Central Asia

Traditions, like customs characteristic of Central Asia, have quite extensive roots going back centuries. And before touching on their content, you should pay some attention historical heritage, passed on to current descendants by the ancient states of Central Asia. The territory occupied by Central Asia is part of several countries. These include the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Turkmenistan, as well as the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan together with the Republic of Tajikistan. Today, the population of these regions together is approximately 70 million people. Their traditions and customs are largely the same, but there are also many differences. For example, Tajikistan, whose traditions are quite interesting in themselves, is widely known for its amazing, original wedding ceremonies. By the way, a wedding in Tajik lasts for 7 days. The very first of them, the bride and groom announce to everyone their decision to get married. Then both families take turns organizing ceremonies, which last three days each.

Composition of Central Asia

And in Uzbekistan, especially in villages, to this day in some houses there is a custom according to which women and men are required to sit at different dining tables. Also, when guests arrive at the house, the owner is obliged to seat them himself. And the most respected guests will receive seats located as far as possible from the entrance.

Turkmenistan is the most closed state in the entire Central Asian region. It is quite difficult to get there, and only recently the Internet was introduced into this country, making it publicly accessible. However, a number of well-known resources such as social networks Facebook and Twitter are still closed. It is difficult to say unequivocally how exactly people live in Turkmenistan. Thus, many of the avid tourists compare this state in terms of closedness with North Korea. It is also worth noting that Islamic principles here, as, in principle, in other countries from the Central Asian region, are not too strong. For example, married women They have not covered their faces with scarves for a long time, provided that their family allows such freedom. The culture of the countries of Central Asia is unusually rich. People have lived and worked here since ancient times famous poets, writers and publicists, as well as musicians. And the culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan stands out especially clearly among all. Not many people know that the first of the Kazakh films was called “Amangeldy”. It was filmed back in 1939. As for modern cinema this country, then he gave us such famous, widely recognized films as “Nomad” and “Mongol”.

Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

The culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan is indeed very rich, it includes a great variety theatrical productions and songs, as well as various literary works. They are highly valued and loved throughout the post-Soviet space, as well as beyond.

As for Kyrgyzstan, it has been known since ancient times for carpet weaving, that is, for making carpets. It has actually become the main element of the interior and evidence of the ancient history of the state. Since the Kyrgyz make carpets from natural material- sheep wool, the production process can be described as felting, not weaving. The national clothing characteristic of the Kyrgyz has remained virtually unchanged for 700 years. This is especially noticeable in rural areas. It is also interesting that the clothes worn by unmarried girls are usually decorated much more fancifully than those of married girls. It goes without saying that in cities it is rare to see traditionally dressed people.

Family traditions and values

Family, like all family values, is very, very important for the residents of Central Asia. This is especially true when it comes to raising children. The languages ​​of the nationalities of these countries have a great many aphorisms that are dedicated specifically to children. For example, “A child is as dear as a heart”, “A family will not be happy without children”, “ Native child- this is home decoration" and the like.

Birth of a child

Each of the families perceives such an event as the birth of a child with special joy and great trepidation. This is not only happiness, but also a turning point in the life of the entire family. And this event has its own special ritual that has become a tradition. According to custom, if everything happens in a village, then at the same time several good heralds must mount horses and rush through the streets to convey the happy news of the birth of a baby not only to relatives, but also to neighbors, friends and just acquaintances. And they all present various gifts and offerings for this, thereby expressing joy. Good parting words and speeches are also made. They say: “May your offspring multiply from generation to generation,” “We wish you to walk at your children’s wedding,” and the like.

Family relationships in the East have always been, and today are, very conservative. Traditional, as for the Central Asian region, the family is constructively quite large group people consisting of a father and his wife, as well as their sons with their wives and children, and at times with grandchildren. And they all live together in the same house. It is known that in the 19th century, mountainous Tajikistan was characterized by families with more than 100 people. These families, which by our standards were huge, were, in fact, communities with their own land plots and with the rule that “all income goes into the common treasury.” Even food was consumed by all relatives together. That is, everyone, from young to old, had to gather at one table. Such family communities, as a rule, lived very tightly and unitedly. Over time, their family relationships became relics of the past, although literally in the middle of the last century, many ethnographers noted that if a son left the family and set up his own home, this was considered an insult to his father and all his relatives.


The peoples of this region led a nomadic life, so they are well aware of everything related to the concept of “big family”. Although its members lived in different yurts, only one single, “father’s” yurt towered among the others.

Historical reference

At the end of the 20th century, the structure of the Central Asian family underwent significant changes. In particular, the eldest sons, when they got married, could, as they say, with the blessing of their father, go “to free bread” to create their own home. Only younger son, who inherited the entire fortune of his parents, had to remain to look after them in their old age. This principle, by the way, is considered one of the fundamental ones for a large number of peoples, including the peoples of the Caucasus.

Marriage in Central Asia

In Central Asian families there are 2 main options for marriage. In accordance with the first type - exogamous, a young man or girl is strictly forbidden to marry his paternal relatives. This rule extends up to the seventh generation. This model of marriage is typical for the Karakalpaks and Kazakhs and partially for the Kyrgyz. The second option for constructing marriages is endogamous. In accordance with it, children of close or relatively distant relatives marry. This applies to such nationalities as Turkmens, Tajiks and Uzbeks. However, it should be noted here that traditional relationships within the family in a certain way changed due to constant warfare, as well as from the redistribution of territory and due to frequent relocations. These factors especially affected the Turkmen people; there are not only exogamous, but also endogamous types of family structure.

Despite the differences in the principles of marriage, one aspect is still fundamental. The point is that the groom is obliged to pay the bride's family a bride price. Today, this payment, as a rule, represents a certain pre-agreed sum of money, although in some villages the tradition of transferring a certain number of heads of livestock as bride price is still alive. In turn, the bride's family traditionally must prepare her dowry. It usually consists of clothes or some kind of household items If we talk about nomads, then a dowry used to include a yurt.

Among peoples leading a nomadic lifestyle, there was also a custom of levirate. Its essence was that the widow was obliged to marry the brother of her deceased spouse. This act had a purely economic rationale, because all the property of the deceased person, which his wife inherited, had to remain in his family at any cost. For a woman, this form of marriage was sometimes like a tragedy.

Many have probably heard about outdated, that is, archaic customs like “marriage in the cradle.” This is when parents agreed to marry their own children while they were still in infancy. Another archaism is marriage, which involves abduction.

The holidays of the peoples inhabiting Central Asia included both basic, that is, ritual ceremonies, and a variety of games and even entertaining competitions. By the way, inter-tribal rivalry often manifested itself in them. Actors, poets and musicians performed at the festivities. The most revered and also ancient holidays among the peoples of Central Asia were Kurban Bayram and Eid al-Adha, as well as Novruz.

Oriental hospitality on average Asian countries Oh

Even those people who have never been to the states of Central Asia most likely have an approximate, even if superficial, understanding of Eastern hospitality. For example, the owner of the house has no right to leave his guests hungry, even if they come in for just five minutes. And the table will certainly be laden with various dishes and sweets, the guest will be seated and served with fragrant, aromatic tea.

Many historians are confident that the traditions of hospitality for Central Asia were introduced by Genghis Khan himself. It was under his rule that almost all of foreign Asia was located. In accordance with his order, it was decided that in every house a person seeking shelter should be received with special respect and friendliness, and guests should be treated with respect, even if this guest is completely stranger. In case of any violation of this instruction, terrible punishment awaited the inhospitable hosts. They were tied tightly to a pair of hot horses, which were then set loose in different directions.

It is likely that it was for this reason that the foundations of hospitality, which soon became not state, but moral laws, is an integral element, a fundamental part of culture for Central Asia. The hosts had the right to refuse shelter only if the guest behaved openly rudely.

It is also worth noting that today traditions of this kind have somewhat lost their relevance, although they have been partially preserved.

Family relationships among the peoples of Central Asia have at all times been extremely important. Due to belonging to a particular surname, a person was obliged to help “his own” in every possible way, even in a situation where a relative turned out to be wrong in something. If someone from the family occupies a high position, then he surrounds himself with relatives in the form of subordinates.

Ancestral ties play not just a big, but a huge role in the lives of all residents of Central Asia. There is even a custom that many Europeans find rather strange, partly even burdensome. The point is that after returning from a long trip, a person must bring gifts to all relatives. And some families number more than a hundred. In principle, in Central Asia, guests generally do not come empty-handed - this is not customary here.

The custom of respecting the older generation is considered one of the duties that every resident of the Central Asian region strictly observes. And this has been known since ancient times. Thus, respect should be shown to all elders, even if the age difference is only a few years. The younger one is obliged to fulfill the wishes of the older one, even if the latter asks him to go somewhere and bring something or needs to perform some action in his place. And it is extremely indecent to refuse here. In the presence of older people, others should speak exclusively with restraint. So it will be very easy for outsiders to determine who is the oldest in a group of people. Thanks to the strict age hierarchy, discipline is strictly and strictly maintained in Central Asia, even during crowded meetings. Here they always listen to their elders without interrupting. And they also get the best places.

Having many children is also an important characteristic feature for Central Asian society. So, in one family 5-7 or even more children can be born. It often happens that one family has more than 10 offspring. The fact is that the desire to have as many children as possible is considered one of the most ancient postulates of Central Asia. The relationships between children are generally very warm, and the older ones always try to help the younger ones in any way. It is also common for Central Asia that children are introduced to work very early.

Women in the countries of Central Asia have at all times been given not dominant, but secondary importance. This happened largely due to the emergence of a new religion in these parts. According to the concept of Islam, women were prescribed to always occupy a subordinate role. Whether it was meetings or holidays, funerals or other important events, women, by tradition, always retired separately, in their own circle. Again, according to religious canons, a man was forbidden to do women's work. And almost everything that was done around the house was considered such. So the women of the East worked hard and a lot.

Today, the position of representatives of both sexes in society, especially in cities, is almost equal. But in the vast majority of modern families, the dominant position of men can still be traced.

National customs and traditions of India

For modern state India is characterized by cultural as well as religious diversity. A lot depends on the area. Thus, the Southern and Northern, as well as the North-Eastern parts can boast of their own, distinctive features, while almost all states have developed their own niche of life and culture. Despite the unique diversity of cultures characteristic of this country, the entire state is united as a civilization. This can be explained by a common history, which helped preserve national culture and identity.

India is one of the few countries in the world that has preserved its civilization and customs and traditions since ancient times. Its people, like a sponge, absorbed all the best from their numerous conquerors, but at the same time managed to leave their original.

How do Indians greet?

In India, it is not customary to greet people the way we are used to, that is, by holding hands. Here the locals do this: they raise their joined palms to their chin, as if about to pray, and then shake their heads, saying “Namaste” or “Namaskar” if this happens in the southern states. Aboriginal people can meet tourists in different ways, even in the Western manner, saying “Hello”.

Street codes

You should not show your feelings with emotions in public. We are talking, for example, about hugs and kisses. A man and a woman should also not hold hands. This touching is only permissible in private. And instead of pointing at objects and directions with your index finger, you just need to nod your chin or make a gesture with your outstretched arm.


India is home to one of the most popular, modern religions- Buddhism.

National traditions and customs of Japan

The Japanese are a very secretive and closed nation. There was even a time when they did not allow Europeans into their territory. This country has a special style in raising children. Its role is to develop high self-discipline. For example, parents never take their children to school, even in first grade. The very first time they are shown the way to school by their older brother, friend, or high school neighbor. Crying, in accordance with Japanese concepts, is indecent, therefore in Japan it is extremely rare to see a crying child on the street.

The traditional art of Japan is origami. This is a specific folding of square sheets of paper from which animal figures and other objects are made.

In that country, two main religions coexist peacefully - Shintoism and Buddhism. Protestantism is more typical for Japanese Christians.

A distinctive feature of religious life in Japan is considered to be religious tolerance, supported by a mixture of beliefs and cults, as well as rituals that came from different religions. Buddhism here is professed in the form of Mahayana, which is represented by a great variety of sects.

National customs and traditions of China

Modern Chinese cities are gradually becoming more and more similar to European ones. However, in rural areas there is still a lot of originality and originality, inherited from ancient times.

Of all the animals, the Chinese revere the tiger most. This predator is considered a symbol of love and prosperity, and also embodies power and strength.

If we talk about religion, then in this country we can distinguish 2 traditionally Chinese religions - Confucianism and Taoism. Buddhism is also practiced, but in a highly transformed form. It is represented by a great variety different directions, each of which has its own school. In rural areas, traditional, national beliefs are very widespread, while in most of the western regions of the country Islam is preached. However, there are also Christian communities here.

Wedding traditions and the rituals of China are very different. They vary by region. One thing can be said - they are all very unique and even original. For example, in Sichuan province, during the wedding process, people with gifts are sent to the groom from the village where his bride is from. They all dress up, considering their mission honorable. The wedding lasts both day and night. The total duration of the fun is about 3-5 days.

The death of a person in China is not a deep grief or sadness. In accordance with folk beliefs, existing here, death does not interrupt the connection that exists between the soul of the deceased and his family. Even while in the afterlife, the soul continues to actively participate in the economic and ritual life of the family, helping relatives and protecting them from evil spirits, interceding for all its members before the Ruler of Heaven - Yuhuang. And the mourning color for China is white.

Traditions of meals

The etiquette rules regarding feasting are almost the same for all ethnic groups in this country. Before starting a meal and after finishing it, you must wash your hands thoroughly, and the same is done in between dishes. As a rule, for this purpose all guests are served a bowl filled with warm water with drops of lemon. The owner, or the eldest of all those present, is the first to start the treat. During the meal, you must maintain silence and not talk unless absolutely necessary. But it is not necessary to use devices here. Moreover, many Indian foods, such as bread and curry, are traditionally eaten with the hands. Although in northern India it is possible to use curry sauce only with the fingertips, in southern India it is possible to use the entire hand. If bread or flatbreads are served at the table, for example, chapati and roti or naan, then they can be used to take food or sauces. One of the most important rules relating to the feast is the exclusive use right hand. However, it is allowed to take food from a common dish with either hand, provided that it is clean. It is strictly forbidden to take food from someone else's plate either with your hands or with your own spoon. If the need arises, then you need to take a clean device. And, by the way, it is absolutely not necessary to try everything that was put on the table. But it’s good form to eat everything that’s on your plate.

Even when tea has already been poured for you, you should not regard this as a call to join the tea party. To proceed to this stage, you must wait for a clearly expressed invitation. When leaving, you need to empty the cup, leaving it standing empty on the table.

Gastronomic customs

Lunch break is sacred for residents of Central Asia. Thus, in Malaysia it is generally not customary to rush, therefore even bus drivers may well interrupt their route for a few minutes in order to have a snack. For the Malays, this will not be bad manners, since the driver is the same person as them. This means he also has the right to eat. Students who study in Indonesia and Malaysia will not be ashamed to open a box of food during a lecture, for example, and then eat with appetite while listening to the teacher. The curious thing is that this is not due to an acute feeling of hunger, but simply because listening to a lecture and chewing at the same time is much more pleasant and fun. Another amazing gastronomic feature of the inhabitants of Asia is considered to be something that no more or less sane European would even think of touching. The brave ones cook and eat the deadly, but seemingly very tasty fugu fish. And many restaurants serve dishes made from dog and cat meat. Not everyone will dare to try snacks or delicacies made from something that flew or crawled half an hour ago. Fried mice with sauce or live lobsters, as well as ant eggs wrapped in banana leaves, scorpion stewed with vegetables, fish genitals and fly larvae are just a small part of the unusual, local dishes. They are an integral part of national, oriental cuisine. So, help yourself to your health, slurp loudly, and don’t be ashamed of belching, since it is considered a sign that the guests have eaten well and tasty.

Unusual traditions

Religious traditions and superstitions

The most widespread religions in Southeast Asia are Islam and Buddhism. And therefore, all traditions associated with religious beliefs are observed here unusually strictly. For example, you should not drink alcohol during the holy months, just as you should not eat near a person who is fasting. When coming to the temple, you need to dress modestly and also take off your shoes. All shrines must be walked exclusively clockwise. The situation is similar in the area around temples. Women are forbidden to touch monks. And everyone, without exception, is prohibited from taking pictures near Buddha statues in some indecent pose, or hugging a statue. It is prohibited to talk or shout loudly inside shrines. In Vietnam, it is traditional to hang a mirror on the outside of the door. Local people firmly believe that an evil spirit and a dragon, trying to enter the house, will see the reflection and be afraid of it, so that it will leave. The lunar calendar introduced some oddities into the habits of indigenous Asians. In particular, when setting the table, you are not supposed to place cutlery for only one person. During some phases of the moon, certain foods are not consumed and important things do not even begin.

One of the ancient traditions that came from the distant past is considered to be growing a long nail on the little finger. This means that this person belongs to the aristocracy. Today this has become a kind of expression of image or a way to emphasize one’s own style. However, this is not as strange as the tradition of one Thai tribe - they put brass rings around women’s necks. In a civilized society appearance people, their attire is mainly regulated by religion. For example, girls and women in many countries decorate themselves with jewelry or wear talismans. Men prefer business suits. Different nationalities also have different attire, moreover, some of them are very unusual, like for Europeans. Outside the hotels where foreign tourists mainly stay, there is a special life of its own, and it can only be seen by talking with the indigenous people - the aborigines. They can tell you a lot of interesting things, and will also surprise you a lot with their oddities and, of course, special oriental flavor. Everything here is extraordinary, from everyday life to food. If you respect the culture of the local residents of the state where you are visiting, your impressions and memories of your vacation and communication will be not just vivid, but unique. But remember that politeness with courtesy is the key good attitude Asians.

Etiquette in Eastern culture

As guests, try to show respect for the traditions and way of life of the Asian people. Do not consider it difficult to take off your shoes when entering their house, and do not wear very revealing clothes when visiting temples. When greeting friends or acquaintances, Asians traditionally raise their hand, thus expressing friendly feelings. Alternatively, they sometimes nod their heads - this is enough to politely show attention. When meeting, it is customary here to say your first and last name, and immediately after that repeat the last name with the name of the new acquaintance 2-3 times in a row. This is done with the aim of memorizing hard-to-pronounce, oriental words. It is very important to address your interlocutor correctly. However, in the “land of smiles” - Thailand, it is customary to call people by their nicknames, usually received in childhood. Like, for example, “Noah” or “Deng”. Postures and gestures deserve the utmost attention; they may well be interpreted incorrectly. For example, by placing your fists on your sides, you show that you are aggressive and not at all friendly. But politeness and a smile are signs of a positive attitude towards the interlocutor. It is better to always smile than to make trouble and be rude, causing inconvenience to others. Smiling is also a sign of gratitude and a way to avoid conflict. This is such a generally accepted convention and way of apologizing. For Asia, decorating your own home, but at the same time forgetting about the rest, in particular about dirty streets or crooked houses, is the norm. So foreigners here will be misunderstood if they try to point out such a disorder. You must definitely apologize if, in the process of a friendly fight with a new acquaintance, you accidentally or jokingly touched him with your foot or touched his head. This is considered extremely impolite and is allowed only to the closest people. And the head is generally an inviolable part of the human body. But here it would be normal to ask unmarried girl when she is about to end her relationship with her boyfriend. At the same time, such a question for a married couple will not only be inappropriate, but offensive. If you want to please the Malay family, give each of them a separate gift - this will be a wonderful gesture of respect in return for the hospitality shown.


While relaxing, it is important to remember some rules. Central Asia has very strict anti-drug legislation. For example, in Indonesia there is a death penalty for possession of hard drugs, but for possession of marijuana you face up to 20 years in prison. Singapore is precisely the state in which a court sentences the death penalty to a person for 480 grams of marijuana. And it is especially important to know and remember that local authorities are extremely reluctant to extradite foreigners to their homeland. This means that the offender may well spend several years of his life in prison somewhere in the southeast of the continent for drug use. So tourists should not use drugs during their foreign holidays. Don't even touch them. Do not take anything for safekeeping from strangers.

Thailand, like Malaysia, is famous throughout the world for its huge number of beggars and swindlers who are constantly developing new, not yet proven schemes for extracting money and other crimes. So, for example, “students” who pitifully beg foreigners for some money in order to complete their studies are no longer misleading anyone. So, not so long ago, supposedly “businessmen” appeared, they offer “lucrative” deals related to sending jewelry abroad. Those who neglect caution, as a rule, return from a trip with a lot of penny trinkets for which they paid a lot of money, or are even detained with luggage containing heroin at the border.

It is impossible to remember and learn by heart absolutely all the rules. Only someone who has been living side by side with Asians for many years can do this. Therefore, the most sensible decision would be to try to remain calm in any situation and not do rash or hasty actions. You should be respectful of other people's culture and religion. You should never raise your voice to local residents. Of course, they will forgive you for some small mistakes, realizing that there was no malicious intent in your actions. Still, you shouldn’t hope for it too much.

Sexual traditions

On school grounds in Korea, first love is, of course, allowed, but not at all encouraged. And if teenagers still could not resist the pressure of feelings that surged over them, then they will have to hide their close relationships with the utmost care. By the way, in general they are extremely categorical in all matters relating to marriage before obtaining a higher education.

The familiar model of “civil marriage” is considered exotic for Korea. Despite the fact that many modern countries have long ceased to condemn unofficial cohabitation, the aborigines of this republic to this day are very wary of this new product. However, for every rule there is an exception. The point is that one apartment may well be shared by a couple consisting of the poor lower classes, or the bohemian upper classes who have decided to imitate the West in a fashionable way.

Connoisseurs of musical culture from the Republic of Korea know exactly what “skinship” is. This is such close contact that includes mandatory touching. In other words, Koreans are not at all embarrassed by mutual, light stroking of guys on the cheeks, or their tight hugs. In our country, such young people would immediately be labeled with some kind of “rainbow label,” while in Korea such a style of behavior is considered quite normal. But skinship in relation to representatives of the opposite sex is nonsense. For a supposedly accidental, easy “giving up”, it is quite possible to get a real prison term. Today, Korean criminology is literally teeming with cases of sexual harassment against members of the opposite sex. There are even more such cases than murders and robberies.

As for criminal cases, they are much more interesting than one might imagine. There is a certain set of articles devoted to the relationship between men and women. Some rules have now been successfully removed. A striking example It may be that one criminal article, which provided for severe punishment for men who promised to marry only after sex, was recently repealed. Previously, a would-be Casanova who committed such recklessness was sentenced to a fine of five million won. And the rule applied “to anyone who enters into an illicit relationship with a woman without first getting engaged to her and without the intention of subsequently marrying her.” Also provided for imprisonment for 2 years.

And in 1994, the article regulating the punishment for adultery was abolished. The perpetrator of the betrayal and his lover or mistress were equally punished for their deeds - this was punishable by several years in prison. Although, even after this law was adopted in 1980, it was almost never used in practice.

Asia is the part of the world where all the largest religions of our land appeared, such as Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity, as well as Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism and even Shintoism. It is worth noting that the fate of religions developed differently. Some spread very widely, becoming popular all over the world, like Christianity and Islam with Judaism, while others remained predominantly Asian religions. These include Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and Sikhism, as well as Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism and Shintoism.

Today, Islam is most widespread in the South-West Asia region. We are talking about countries such as Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The same applies to the Yemen Arab Republic, People's Democratic Republic Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.

In almost all of these states Islam has the form of Sunnism. And only in Iran does Shiism predominate globally. Shiites here make up more than half of all those living in Iraq and the Yemen Arab Republic. Only two countries in this area are considered non-Muslim - Cyprus, where the majority are Christians, and Israel, the majority of whose inhabitants profess Judaism. In addition, in Lebanon, approximately half of the believing population are Christians.

In the central part of South Asia, Hinduism completely dominates, and in the peripheral regions the population predominantly professes other religions. So, in the west and in the east - in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Republic of Maldives this is Islam. And in the south and north - in Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and partly in Nepal, Buddhism is popular. Although in Sri Lanka it is in the Theravada form, and in other states it is in the Mahayana form.

Buddhism and Christians

In the Southeast region of Asia, 2 subregions are conventionally distinguished. The first, which includes the Indochina peninsula without Malacca, is dominated by Buddhism in the Theravada form. It is this religion that is characteristic of Burma, Thailand, Laos and Kampuchea. Mahayana is also popular, although it is believed more in Vietnam. In the second sub-region, covering the entire Malacca Peninsula and the Malay Archipelago, mainly 2 religions are popular. Thus, in the Federation of Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as in Brunei, people worship Islam, and in the Philippines there are Christians.

In East and Central Asia, people profess several religions, and they are often very intricately intertwined. For example, Buddhism takes the form of Mahayana and this is typical for all countries - China, Mongolia, Korea and Japan. IN Lately Every year the number of people who share the atheistic worldview is growing more and more. And even though atheism has not yet become widespread in Central Asia, the number of atheists in the socialist states of Central and East Asia is very significant.

Unusual Asian holidays you can visit

For tourists who are planning a trip to this corner of our world, there are various opportunities to visit the most incredible autumn festivals. For example, in the “land of smiles” - Thailand, there is a vegetarian festival, where people literally torture themselves by walking on coals and other types of torture. Such a spectacle may seem quite cruel to a morally unprepared European guest. In accordance with the traditions of this state, such a step gives special favor from the gods.

Nepal begins preparations for a grand festival called Durga in the fall. There, in honor of one of the most powerful local goddesses, a mass of animal sacrifices will take place, followed by the preparation of consecrated meat. But this will all happen only after a magnificent military parade.

Then visits to relatives will begin with continued feasting, and with the blessings of the eldest member of the family. As for bright colors, there will be plenty of them here. What are they worth alone? kites in the sky, or mummers dancing on city streets. All this can be summed up in one word - fun.

The Maldives celebrates its “days of sacrifice” immediately after the end of Ramadan. This takes place in the form of a charity fair with the distribution of alms for the poor population of the state.

One of the most unique and amazing holidays takes place in Bali. Local people believe that the spirits of their ancestors descend to the living for just 1 day, during which time the streets of the island are decorated with bamboo poles and ears of rice, as well as palm leaves.

Such floral decoration, according to legend, attracts wealth and prosperity to the house, so every family strives in every possible way to ensure that their decoration is as rich as possible. Noisy, cheerful processions, accompanied by lion dancing and drumming, immerse tourists in an incomparable exotic atmosphere.

The Indian spectacular performance called Diwali literally amazes with the abundance of colorful lights and colors that are rich in local ritual rituals. They are held in honor of the eternal victory of good over evil. At the same time, Singaporean yogis organize a show of downright superhuman capabilities. You definitely won’t be bored here – the parade will leave an indelible impression.

Bright Indian holidays

This year, the 10-day celebration of the holiday with the strange name Dashahra will begin on October 13. This is such a solemn festival during which people perform dances and decorate everything around with flowers. They also offer prayers. Actually, the holiday itself is dedicated to the victory of the great god Rama over the demon Ravana. If you believe the ancient legend, then after 8 days spent in prayer, this god managed to defeat the enemy in battle and thereby returned his wife, who had been kidnapped by the demon. This event is celebrated in each region of India in its own way, but there are also common, characteristic features.

In particular, divine services are held throughout the country for 9 nights, and on its last day, all residents of the city or village gather in its central square to thank the heavenly patrons through songs and dances.

The holiday known as Diwali translates to “bunch of fire.” It can easily be considered one of the most exciting and most dangerous in all of India. Not hundreds or thousands, but millions of burning lights become symbols of the triumph of light over darkness, and this is also a kind of victory of good over evil. It seems as if on this day, which this year fell on November 3, the whole of India is literally illuminated with light. Light bulbs and candles, firecrackers and fireworks, as well as bonfires illuminate the whole country throughout the day. It is surprising that this holiday is celebrated, even by local Muslims.

From November 7 to November 13, the most unusual beauty pageant in the country is taking place in Pushkar. Its main participants are not the fair sex, but dressed up and decorated camels. For many centuries this fair was considered the most ordinary trading event, but in recent years it has turned into a full-fledged festival. By the way, not only the “ships of the desert” themselves participate in the competitions, but also their lucky owners. The drivers are also evaluated by a special, competent jury. Of all, they choose the owner of the most stylish and unusual mustache and, of course, the largest turban.

To be fair, Pushkar has a lot to see these days besides camels. For example, you can ride over the Thar Desert while sitting in a hot air balloon, or watch an air show and go to a circus, as well as watch performances by musicians and acrobats, or take part in numerous attractions - this will not leave anyone indifferent.

Since 1950, India has celebrated Republic Day. This is a public holiday that takes place on January 26th. Residents of the vast majority of settlements participate in it. It goes without saying that the parade taking place in Delhi can boast the greatest pomp and scale. However, other cities also have something to brag about. As a rule, it all begins with a ceremonial parade conducted by the country's military forces. Their procession is followed by an official speech by government representatives. It all ends with a festive procession of the Hindus themselves. Huge platforms, lavishly decorated with flowers and ribbons, as well as figures of national heroes, slowly move along the main streets of the city.

However, as evening approaches, the celebration not only stops, but even vice versa - it moves on to the next, more cheerful stage. Fireworks roar all night long here, and in the morning the festival begins folk dances and music, where they show different, theatrical performances. All this takes 2 days.

Carnival in Goa starting 40 days before Easter

Faced with the Portuguese traditions of organizing carnivals, Goans came to the conclusion that they were no worse. So they organized their own special holiday event. They truly relax with their souls, although for those who have at least once seen a real, European carnival, this holiday will seem nothing more than just cute. Funny, slightly strange people, dressed in self-made costumes, move on strange, if not ugly, carts. At the same time, for some reason they rejoice like children.

This madness lasts exactly three days. The official part of the holiday takes place in Panaji, but other villages in Goa also have fun, keeping up with the general fun. Numerous freaks living on the coast, as well as fire show masters and tourists simply on vacation, have fun, sing, and dance for 3 days in a row.

With the onset of spring, the holiday of “spring and 1000 colors” – Holi – begins in India. Initially it was dedicated to the victory over the evil goddess Holika, today for many it has turned into an excellent reason to simply have fun from the heart. By the way, foreigners eagerly go to Holi, buying tickets and booking hotel rooms in advance.

From early morning, the city goes into martial law, since all local residents have already stocked up on numerous and varied, bright colors that will be released using water cannons. They will douse or shower each other from any corner, or even from the balcony. Turning into a canvas for hundreds of colors, which happens closer to lunch, numerous participants in color battles acquire a bluish-black hue with a slight bluish tint. After that, with a sense of accomplishment, they go to wash themselves off. This is followed by a ceremonial feast. People pick up a little dry paint and use it to mark each other's faces, wishing Happy Holi at the same time.

For exactly 10 days, starting from September 16, Kerala celebrates the harvest festival. This is the Onam festival, which is dedicated not only to the fertile fertility of the local land, but also to one of the most ancient rulers of India - Mahabali. He was a very wise and rich king, so the gods saved him from the cycle of long rebirths. In other words, he managed to achieve supreme bliss. During the Onam festival, all the people of Kerala make a promise to be kind and behave meekly in order to be as similar as possible to the legendary predecessor.

beauty of this holiday lies, first of all, in the fact that for all 10 days huge carpets woven from fresh flowers are laid out in houses and at their thresholds. The family's task is to ensure that the carpet does not lose its freshness and fragrance. In addition to this beauty, at the festival you can watch elephant races or various sports competitions. As an option, you can take a boat ride, or try local holiday delicacies from the national cuisine. Having fully enjoyed the dances and music that does not stop during the entire period of the celebration, you will be charged with unforgettable impressions.


Traditions and all the cultural features of the peoples inhabiting Central Asia were divided into a large number of independently established schools. This applies not only to craftsmanship, but also to executive skills. Knowledge and skills, along with secrets, have been passed on from generation to generation for many years. There is a fully formed pedagogical process called “ustoz-shogird”. The term translates as “master-student”. Everyone knows that a young student must spend a fairly large amount of time with his teacher, most likely for many years. This is necessary for them to receive blessings on their own creative activity. Thanks to these well-established rules for transferring the skills of teachers to students, all the richness and amazing originality of the traditions and customs of Central Asia have, for the most part, been preserved to this day. As you know, this is precisely what can be considered a guarantor of prosperity and preservation of the identity of the people and the entire country. Asia can be called an amazing country without a twinge of conscience. This is a place of contrasts and radically opposing opinions, judgments, and also amazing traditions. At first, Korea may seem boring in terms of its buttoned-up mentality. But perhaps this is exactly what we, open Europeans, lack?

Ancient customs and traditions of the peoples of Central Asia

Despite the fact that Asia is located next to Europe , many believe that local people and traditions seem to have come to us from another planet. At the same time, Asians are unlikely to be happy if someone comes with their charter to their monastery...

Today we decided to tell you about the strangest, most incomprehensible and even cruel traditions of the inhabitants of Asian countries. At the same time, every country has something to hide, but, as they say, you can’t hide an awl in a bag!

Selling virginity in Cambodia

75% of local residents live in terrible poverty. At the same time, selling virginity has become something of a tradition here. Of course, there is no special market where you can take a closer look at the “product”. Everything is even more blasphemous.

The girl's parents or relatives find buyers themselves. It is worth mentioning that there are always clients. Rich residents of Singapore, China and Thailand are happy to use this service. Especially considering the fact that such pleasure does not cost that much: from 800 to 4,000 US dollars.

Virgin police officers in Indonesia

According to local traditions, only girls “without bad habits" The latter also includes sex.

So it is necessary for girls who want to become police officers to go to a doctor who, again according to tradition, will check with his fingers the presence of their hymen. Indeed, why not?

Dolphin hunting in Japan

Fishermen from the city of Taiji organize an annual dolphin hunt. This very cruel spectacle is officially permitted by the government. It is believed that this tradition is over 300 years old and there is no reason to cancel it.

Witch hunt in Saudi Arabia

The inquisitors would be pleased. Their cause lives on, albeit in a Muslim country. There is even a government anti-magic corps here, whose employees are looking for witches and sorcerers.

It is especially difficult for various labor migrants from Africa. They may be put on trial for a strange amulet or an item unknown to corps workers found in personal belongings.

Indian sex temples

It is known that India gave the world the Kama Sutra. And although local authorities do not like to associate the country with sex, it is still worth mentioning that in addition to this book, the country also has Khajuraho Temples. On the walls of these buildings you can see a huge number of bas-reliefs depicting various scenes of intercourse, as well as sexual orgies.

Adoration of death in Bhutan

Local residents believe in reincarnation. This means death for them is the beginning of a new path. Local authorities recommend that their citizens think about death at least five times a day. This is such positive thinking!

Death Squad in the Philippines

The city of Davao in the Philippines is virtually crime-free. And all because the so-called Death Squad operates here. His fighters, like comic book heroes, hunt criminals. Even if a member of their organization steps onto a slippery slope, there will be no mercy for him.

It is interesting that the former mayor of Davao, who is considered the creator of the squadron, recently became President of the Philippines. Do you think similar units will appear throughout the country?

Slavery in South Korea

In Sinan County, workers who are literally reduced to the status of slaves work to extract salt. They say that the local police are shutting down this business. Moreover, police officers even work as security guards. They make sure the workers don't run away.

Secret sterilization of women in Uzbekistan

The country's government denies the existence of a program that forces women to undergo sterilization to combat population growth. But other sources say that it really exists. They even say that doctors are given certain plans for the number of women sterilized...

Teenage brothels in Bangladesh

It is probably no secret to anyone that in many Asian countries prostitution is almost the only way to survive. Often parents themselves sell their daughters to brothels. In Bangladesh, girls begin this “career” at the age of 12. Every day they have to serve up to 15 clients. And the brothel owners force them to take various drugs that stimulate weight gain to make them look much older.


We hope that over time all these terrible things will sink into oblivion.

Singapore and the Philippines.

Most of these countries have long been among the most popular tourist routes for residents of our country. Russians go there all year round, but these trips are especially attractive in winter, since almost the entire region is located in the tropics, where it is always warm and good weather.

The beauty of nature, the mixture of religions and cultures, architectural monuments adjacent to fast food eateries - this is what attracts tourists and leaves an unforgettable imprint on everything.

And also - reasonable prices for accommodation and food. In most countries of Southeast Asia, you can have a hearty and tasty lunch in a cafe even for 1-2 dollars. Cafes for foreigners and tourists will cost a little more, but relative to Russia or the CIS countries it is still cheap.

And of course - the hospitality, cordiality and friendliness of the local residents.

However, the traveler should know that real hospitality can only be counted on when the tourist knows, respects and tries to comply with local rules, customs and traditions.

For example, in most countries in Southeast Asia, an innocent attempt to pat a child on the head will be perceived as a terrible insult. It is not customary here to touch the shoulders or heads of local residents (including small children). The explanation for this is quite simple. Asians believe that somewhere on the shoulder there is a good spirit protecting a person. If you touch him, you will definitely scare him away. Touching the head is associated with the fact that damage will be sent to the person. Therefore, only their close elderly relatives can touch the child’s head.

In the countries of the region, the head is considered the “clean” part of a person, and the feet are considered the “dirty” part. This is why Asians should never touch their feet. Moreover, a sitting person, especially one crossing his legs, should not point the soles of his feet towards people and Buddha statues. It is not allowed to cross your legs in the presence of monks.

In Southeast Asian countries they try to avoid disrespectful attitude towards others, noisy, familiar behavior. Here it is unacceptable to first assert or promise something and then refuse it (you cannot make empty promises and it is impossible to take your words back).

It is recommended to photograph and film local residents only with their consent. A common practice in markets is to make a small purchase and have some kind of conversation with the seller, after which he simply cannot refuse a photo.

All residents of the region, with rare exceptions, bow when greeting instead of shaking hands. At the same time, they cup their palms and, depending on the status of the interlocutor, touch them to the forehead or chin. Please note that the successful recommendation around the world to greet everyone the same way they greet you does not work here. For example, wait staff and children do not expect a return bow and may therefore feel awkward when doing so.

At the same time, our habit of shaking hands when meeting is not perceived adequately everywhere in the countries of the region. In Singapore, Cambodia and the Philippines this is acceptable to varying degrees. But an attempt to shake hands with a woman in Vietnam, especially in some remote village, can be regarded as nothing less than an insult.

There are many temples visited by tourists in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. When going on a temple tour, try to ensure that your trousers or skirt are long enough to cover your ankles. Be sure to take off your shoes when entering the temple. You can only enter the territory of most temples (not inside the temple, but specifically into the territory) with shoes that have a closed heel. Do not forget that all movements inside the temple, as well as walking around any shrines, should be carried out only clockwise. Photography is allowed in the temple, but mandatory condition: You must leave at least a small donation.

But there is no need to give alms to monks on the streets of Asian cities, because... Most of them are impostors. Donations can be made at the temple. There are also two prohibitions. Any statue of Buddha, no matter what condition or form it is in, is considered sacred. Therefore, do not try to hug them familiarly or try to climb on them when taking photographs (the punishment for such sacrilege is usually harsh - up to the confiscation and destruction of the memory card) or in any other form show disrespect towards them.

If you are a woman, you do not have the right to contact or even accidentally touch Buddhist monks. In turn, monks are forbidden to take anything from female hands. Therefore, if you want to make an offering to a monk, you must first give it to the man, and he, in turn, will offer it to the monk. You can also simply place the offering on the edge of a saffron scarf or cape, which the monk holds on the other side.

There is another unusual tradition in Vietnam. Here it is customary to hang mirrors on the doors outside. The Vietnamese have a belief that if a dragon comes to them, when it sees its reflection in the mirror, it will be afraid of itself and leave.

The Vietnamese are very superstitious people. Their superstitions are mainly associated with the lunar calendar, as well as with foods that are prohibited or allowed to be eaten during certain phases of the moon. For example, in July moon calendar“forbids” taking on important matters, otherwise there will be no luck. Lay out cutlery on the table for only one person - equally Bad sign, as well as being the first to meet a woman on the street when leaving the house in the morning.

If you are vacationing in Brunei or Indonesia, do not forget that the vast majority of the population of these countries professes Islam, and people live here who observe Muslim laws very strictly. Perhaps even stricter than in the United Arab Emirates. In BruneiThere is even a Ministry of Religious Affairs that monitors compliance with Islamic norms and promotes Islam in all aspects of the country's life.

Tourists from abroad need to remember that during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, during daylight hours you cannot eat or drink if someone is nearby observing ruza (fasting). In addition, it is not so easy to buy alcohol in these states. It is best if a visitor buys alcohol in bars located in hotels.

When purchasing a tour to Brunei, be aware that there is almost no nightlife here. However, even when having fun in Thailand, Singapore or Indonesia, where many discos and nightclubs are open until the early morning, everyone should remember the strict anti-drug legislation in force here.For example, in Indonesia, possession of marijuana is punishable by 20 years in prison, and possession of hard drugs is punishable by death.And in Singapore, a person can be sentenced to death for 480 grams of marijuana. At the same time, it must be emphasized that local authorities are very reluctant to extradite foreigners to their homeland. This means that an offender could spend several years in prison in the south-east of the continent for drug use. Travel tip: Don't do drugs or take anything for safekeeping from strangers.

It is impossible to learn all the rules of behavior. Experience comes with practice. Remember that in all Southeast Asian countries, local people are generally very friendly and tolerant, and forgive quite easily foreign tourists minor violations of local traditions and customs.However, compliance with local laws only emphasizes the guest’s respect for the customs and culture of this country, which significantly simplifies communication and mutual understanding.

Therefore, there can be only one piece of advice: in any situation, remain calm and do not act hastily. Don't show your anger. This means loss of face and puts everyone in an awkward position. Never raise your voice to local residents. They will forgive you for small mistakes if they see that there is no malicious intent in your actions.

Incredible facts

Asia- the largest and most populated part of the world our planet, part of the continent of Eurasia. The area of ​​Asia exceeds the entire total area of ​​the Moon: 37 versus 44.5 million square kilometers respectively.

Lives in India alone more people than in North, South and Central America combined! Lives in Asia 60 percent all people on Earth. More than half of Asia's total population lives in China and India. Today, Asian residents are moving to cities, so by 2025 it is predicted that 7 of the 10 largest cities in the world will be located in Asia.

Contrasts of Asia

One of the most unusual cities in the world - Istanbul in Turkey located partly in Asia and partly in Europe. The European and Asian parts are crossed by the famous Bosphorus, through which hundreds of ships sail every day. The city can rightfully be called "a city of contrasts", as it harbors the incredibly overlapping cultures of East and West.

Photo from the European part of Istanbul with a view of historical Center, Golden Horn and Sea of ​​Marmara

Bridge from Europe to Asia. One of the bridges over the Bosphorus in Istanbul - Sultan Mehmed Fatih Bridge

Asia has always been considered a world of contrasts, where you can find the poorest and richest people in the world. The richest and most luxurious cities and resorts on the planet, the poorest slums, the most technologically advanced countries and even countries where primitive tribes live - you will find all this in Asia.

Shanghai garbage man filmed at work

Taming nature with man: artificial Palm Islands in Dubai

Typical for the capital North Korea Pyongyang city public transport

One of the most luxurious hotels in the world, Marina Bay Sands in Singapore with a giant rooftop pool and the most expensive casino

Neighborhood cultural capital Pakistan, Islamabad city

Asian landscapes of incredible beauty, which became the inspiration for the creators of the world of Pandora in the movie "Avatar"

The most polluted cities in the world are in Asia, and more precisely in China. In some places people have to wear masks like this

Not all oriental women characterized by modesty. If in Muslim countries in the East a woman cannot even show her face, then in other countries sexual liberation breaks all records. In Thailand, for example, number of prostitutes per capita more than any other country in the world.

Cultural barrier: unusual eastern traditions

Residents of some European countries may feel the shock Having visited Asia, the culture, customs and traditions there are so different. However, Asians themselves are no less shocked when they come to Europe for the first time.

For example, some Japanese have been diagnosed with the so-called "Paris syndrome", a mental disorder that manifests itself after visiting France. The problem is mainly caused by mismatch of ideas Asians about Europeans. Coming to Europe, they expect hospitality and kind treatment, but are met with rudeness, arrogance and lack of culture.

Inemuri- a practice adopted at work in Japanese institutions that allows employees take a nap during the workday. If you sleep at work, no one will judge you or fire you; on the contrary, by doing so you will show that you work so hard that You don’t even have time to sleep at home. Moreover, it has been proven that short-term sleep during the day helps to relax and gain strength, therefore a person will work more efficiently.

It is known that in Asia certain animals are highly revered, and in some cultures they don't eat them at all. In the old days, due to the vegetarian diet, it was impossible even to use animal manure as fertilizer in agriculture, so in Japan they got the hang of using it for these purposes. human excrement. The feces of rich people were more valuable and worth more than the feces of poor people, since the rich ate a more varied diet.

Sacred cow in India

Moreover, in India, for example, in some places you can purchase cow urine in bottles- everything is sacred among cows. People buy it to drink, rub it on their skin like oil, and even bathe their children!

Cows on the streets of Indian cities and towns are as common as stray dogs and cats in our country.

Snake Charm

A very ancient profession in India - snake spell. However, the cobras that can often be seen in performances are completely don't hear the pipe snake charmer. The snake does not move in accordance with the music, but in time with the movements of the instrument. The caster hits the snake with a pipe, and it, afraid of receiving another blow, tries to be on the alert. Today, the profession of snake charmers is no less popular, since attracts a large number of tourists.

These cobras are completely safe, since their poison is removed in advance.

Famous Japanese dish sushi was born in South Asia, and it is prepared from the main ingredients of oriental cuisine - rice and fish. The Japanese have been so accustomed to this dish for many generations that they even there are unique microbes in the intestines, which process seaweed carbohydrates better than people of other nationalities.

The largest mosaic of sushi and rolls made by the Chinese...they love sushi too

Eastern festivals and holidays

In Japan every year you can get to the festival... of crying children. The festival is a competition among sumo athletes, who must take children in their arms and make them cry as quickly and loudly as possible. In Japan they believe that evil spirits They are afraid of a child's crying, so the child will be healthy and happy.

The Crying Children Festival has been held annually in Tokyo for over 400 years.

In February it is held in Japan Hadaka Matsuri festivalFestival naked men who want to attract good luck in the new year. Many rituals and fights are held, for example, in a cramped room you need to find a sacred incense stick thrown into the crowd and swim in the icy water of the Yesiya River.

U dwarfs of China there is a high chance of finding Good work- in an amusement park "Kingdom of the Little People". This theme park employs only dwarves who amuse and entertain the public. Some people criticize the organizers that they created a zoo of people, but if not for this park, more 100 dwarfs would remain unemployed.

The original tradition exists in Thailand. In one of the provinces, local residents annually throw a banquet for...monkeys. The tradition is associated with the legend that an army of monkeys helped the god Rama defeat his enemies. Monkeys are loved and revered here, so they organize a holiday in their honor. Monkeys don't complain.

In Japan, the coming of age day is 20 years.. The national holiday Coming of Age Day is celebrated on the second Monday of January. On this day, newly-minted adults wear traditional clothes, visit temples, where they pray and make wishes.

It's sad to say goodbye to childhood

New Year in China celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice, usually in late January - early February. In 2013, the New Year will be celebrated in China February 10.

Eastern bazaars

Oriental bazaars and street food- an integral part of the culture of Asian countries. They say that the best street food can be found in capital of Thailand Bangkok. The Thais are especially successful rice noodles with eggs, sauces and lemon. And although they say that Asians love all sorts of exotic dishes, like fried spiders and beetles, National cuisine nevertheless, it was created on the basis of products that are very familiar to us.

Worms and caterpillars are Asian delicacies. There are so many people, and everyone needs to be fed something...

Cat cafes

If Japanese homeowners they don't allow you to have a cat You can play, hold and stroke her in specially designated areas. Enterprising Japanese came up with the so-called "cat cafe", where cats interact freely with visitors.

Cats are allowed to do everything: beg food from guests, sleep on tables and in the kitchen, scratch furniture... as long as they attract visitors

In response to Japanese cat cafes in South Korea, Busan opened dog cafe, in which visitors are invited to interact with more than 20 dogs of different breeds and sizes.

For Busan residents, having a dog is a luxury; they work a lot and can only interact with dogs in such establishments

Some Asians are so devoted to their faith that they are willing to... prove it the most different ways , including very original ones. For example, a Hindu from the city of New Delhi named Mahant Amar Bharti Ji lives with his hand raised up and has not lowered it day or night since 1973. The monk became a saint for many followers who followed his example.

The Hindu dedicated his raised hand to the god Shiva; for 40 years it has not been lowered.

Eastern fashion

And here representatives of the Apatani tribe, which is also in India, mutilate themselves not at all out of religious convictions. Back in the first half of the 20th century, women of this tribe inserted wooden corks that they have worn all their lives. Ear piercings may seem cruel to some, but plugs that change the shape of the nose are too much! However, the women of this tribe were forced to do this because they were once beauties and could become victims of kidnappings, because the men of neighboring tribes wanted to get them.

In another Asian tribe that lives in Thailand and Myanmar, women wear brass rings around their necks, which artificially lengthen their necks. Rings begin to be worn at the age of 5 and continue for the rest of life. Many people believe that the rings cannot be removed and the poor woman is forced to wear such a collar all her life until the end of her days, but this is not so. Women can take off and put on rings whenever they want.

The Padug tribe believes that the longer the neck, the more beautiful woman. Such decorations also attract tourists who buy souvenirs on which the tribes live

Korean fashion 17-19 centuries allowed and even encouraged outfits that exposed women's breasts. This “squeak of fashion” existed until the beginning of the 20th century, after which, apparently, the Koreans decided to follow the fashion trends of the rest of the civilized world.

In New Guinea, men of some tribes do not wear loincloths or swimming trunks: they cover their penis with a special sheath - cat, which is made from the dried fruits of local trees. Already from the age of 4-5 years boys are starting to wear this accessory.

The size of the koteka can be any and does not depend on the person’s social status or the size of his organ

There are a great many in Asia various religious movements. One of the eastern religious and philosophical teachings - Jainism requires followers to renounce worldly life and do not harm any living creature. Some monks wear gauze bandages and filter the water, and also sweep the road in front of them so as not to step on anyone or kill small insects.

The most beautiful Jain temple in Palitana, northwestern India

Bhutan in the Himalayas is a poor and rather closed country that has preserved its age-old traditions. For example, local residents, and quite decent people, they paint on houses phalluses for... attracting good luck. There are even phalluses in churches, where they are used to hit childless women on the head during rituals so that they can become pregnant.

Some images of male penises on the walls of houses are very realistic

Features of the nature of Asia

The nature of Asia is incredibly beautiful, here you can find unique species of plants and animals. For example, in Asia it is growing tallest grass in the world, which reaches a length of up to 30 meters! This bamboo. The longest plant also grows in Asia - Indian rattan vine, the length of the stem can reach 300 meters. In the mountains of India there is vegetation even at unprecedented heights - 6400 meters above sea level.

Islands of Southeast Asia Java and Sumatra have similar natural conditions, but in Java 30 times the population than on Sumatra, although the latter island is much larger in size. This is primarily due to the fact that there are about 120 volcanoes in Java, and almost every fourth of them is active. The island's soils are very fertile due to volcanic activity. Residents of these places do not seem to be at all afraid of eruptions.

Many tourists come to Java solely to watch the eruptions

It is sometimes very difficult to survive in Asia, and not because there are too many people living here, and poverty is a common thing. Asian nature is often merciless: floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and others natural disasters not uncommon here.

Animals of Asia

The diversity of animals in Asia is simply amazing, and some representatives of the animal world have unusual features. For example, heikegani crabs, living off the coast of Japan, have special shells that look like...the faces of evil samurai. Apparently, the species developed such unusual appearance features not by chance. Many generations of fishermen released crabs with such an “emblem” on their shells back into the sea, and the “normal” ones were caught and eaten. Over time, crabs "human face" were more likely to produce offspring.

Sailors released these crabs because they believed that samurai who died in the 12th century were reborn into them.

In Asia you can also find spiders with unusual appearance . Their abdomen has the shape of a flat disk with an original pattern, which makes it similar to a seal. This structure of the abdomen helps the spider hide in the hole. The flat disk serves as a kind of “plug”, and the unusual pattern allows for good camouflage.

Spider of the species Cyclocosmia truncata from the genus Cyclocosmia

In Asia, fighting animals, such as fish, is a popular form of entertainment. Beautiful fish species Betta splendens very warlike and aggressive, so if 2 males are placed in one aquarium, a fight begins. The Thais use this feature to entertain the public.

Technologies and inventions

When the Japanese were asked a question about the most important, in their opinion, inventions of the 20th century, they replied that these were things such as karaoke, a mini video camera, a player and computer games. But in first place, oddly enough, it was not a technological miracle at all, but a culinary dish, or rather, instant noodles.

Robot restaurant

The world's first robot restaurant appeared in Asia. The convenience is that the cook receives all orders automatically, and robots take on the role of waiters, delivering orders and clearing dishes. Some restaurants even have their own robot chefs, saving on labor costs. However, it is not a fact that such innovations pay off very quickly. Similar restaurants already exist in China, Japan, Thailand, as well as in some Western countries.

The most high mountain railway is located in China. On the most high point passengers are at their best 5 thousand meters above sea level. Some passengers may have difficulty breathing, so the trains have special carriages that are supplied with oxygen. Each passenger can wear oxygen masks if desired.

Qinghai-Tibet Railway connects Xining and Lhasa

The first paper money in China

The first paper money, which began to be widely used, appeared in China in 1165, although there are suggestions that the invention took place 500 years earlier. Paper bills came into circulation during Sunn Empire. The money bore an official red seal confirming its authenticity and a design depicting the value of the bill in silver bullion.

An ancient Chinese paper bill measured 20 by 30 centimeters

Toothbrush, it turns out, was also invented by the Chinese. The first mention of this personal hygiene item was found in the Chinese encyclopedia 1498. Toothbrush was made from pig bristles inserted into bamboo stick. Toothbrushes came to Europe only 150-200 years later.

Yoga not only means a system of exercises and breathing techniques, is a concept in Indian culture that brings together a variety of practices, spiritual and physical. Yoga was invented and developed in ancient times during the Harappan civilization, who lived in the 4th-2nd millennia BC along the banks of the Indus River. Today, yoga has gained fame as simply a popular health-improving gymnastics.

Asians have always been good at building. The architecture of Asia is sometimes quite amazing. For example, in the city of Osaka, Japan, there is an unusual building, through which passes...urban expressway. The city authorities planned to build a road in 1983, but the land owners had other plans for this. As a result, both parties came to an agreement, and the highway had to be routed directly through some floors of the building (from the 4th to the 8th floors). Everyone was happy.

The Gate Tower building with the highway running underneath it

Another example of compromise: the owners of this building did not want to sell the land for road construction. The elderly couple who owned the building did not want to sign an agreement to demolish it, since the amount of compensation was not sufficient to build a new house. I had to get out... Later, the building was demolished when an agreement was reached for a higher amount of compensation.

Road near Wenling city, Zhejiang province, China with stubborn house

In the history of almost every nation there were unusual traditions, which today are perceived as out of the ordinary. Kaktakto offers the traditions of the peoples of Central Asia, which we found somewhat strange.

Birth of a child

Kazakh women gave birth standing, hanging on a lasso or on bow a tightly and beautifully woven ribbon. Often used for this kögen a special long tether for the offspring of livestock, which had a sacred meaning for the nomads.

When a pregnant woman labor began then one of the close relatives began to prepare one of the dishes that are quickly prepared. For example, kuyrdak.

To do this, she took a knife and sharpened it with a grinding sound on the edge of the cauldron, while loudly saying: “ Kara kazan buryn pise me, kara katyn buryn tua ma?- “What will happen first: the food in the black cauldron will be cooked sooner or the black woman will give birth sooner?” Besides, whatever she did, she tried to do it as loudly as possible. She stirred the squealing meat noisily and rattled the dishes.

After the child was safely born, everyone had to taste the prepared dish. In order for the child’s neck to become stronger quickly and for him to be able to hold his head, the gnawed cervical part of the sheep’s spine was hung from the highest place. The boy's umbilical cord was tied to the horse's mane, and the girls' umbilical cord was hidden in a chest.

In Kyrgyzstan, the first food for a newborn child was melted butter - sary mai. The child was put on the first shirt - it koinok, which was sewn from scraps of white fabric taken from the linen of an old man or an old woman with many children. This shirt was first put on the dog so that it came into contact with the dog's body, and then on the child. All this was done so that the child would live a long and happy life, was healthy and resilient.

Matchmaking and wedding

The Kyrgyz had early forms of matchmaking for unborn children - Bel Kuda, infants - Beshik Kuda. In the first case, devoted friends agreed on a future wedding. At the same time, they swore an oath to become related forever, performing ritual actions - sucking blood from each other’s ring finger or exchanging saliva.

Some eastern and northern Kazakhs in the past had such interesting custom, how to feed a dog in the bride's hem. This action allegedly contributed to her having many children: “The bride will give birth a lot, like a dog.”

The woman has always been to blame for childlessness in the family. Only if there is evidence male infertility the woman had the right to demand a divorce. In this case, the future husband had to pay the bride price to the unfortunate spouse who turned out to be infertile.

In northern Tajikistan, the newlywed is transported to her husband's house after sunset, by torchlight, and led three times around a fire lit in front of her husband's house. In southern Tajikistan, such crossings occur only during the day. Only widows or divorced people are transported at night.

If all of a Kazakh’s wives died in a row, bad rumors began to circulate around him. In order to marry another girl, such a person had to pay, in addition to the dowry, an additional dowry - a certain number of livestock and some property. That is, the bride’s relatives initially took compensation.

In Kazakhstan, there was still a ritual that tested women’s fidelity. According to legends, if a wife steps over a wounded man and he is healed, then she has remained faithful to her husband all this time. If the wounded man died, then the woman was considered a traitor.

Among peoples leading a nomadic lifestyle (Kyrgyz and Kazakhs), there was a custom of levirate. Its essence was that the widow was obliged to marry the brother of her deceased spouse. This act had a purely economic rationale, because all the property of the deceased person, which his wife inherited, had to remain in his family at any cost.

In Turkmenistan, there is a ritual called “kaytarma” - the return of a young wife to her father’s house after a honeymoon until the bride price is paid in full. In the presence of her mother-in-law, the bride was dressed in a different outfit - a red robe with a narrow longitudinal stripe. She returned to her husband's house wearing a dark green, olive-colored cape.


Many historians are confident that the traditions of hospitality for Central Asia were introduced by Genghis Khan himself. It was under his rule that almost all of foreign Asia was located. In accordance with his order, it was decided that in every home a person seeking shelter should be received with special respect and friendliness, and guests should be treated with respect, even if this guest is a complete stranger. In case of any violation of this instruction, terrible punishment awaited the inhospitable hosts. They were tied tightly to a pair of hot horses, which were then set loose in different directions.

In Uzbekistan there is a custom of “morning pilaf”. Only men take part in this meal. It is usually timed to coincide with major celebrations or memorial dates.

On the evening before the ritual, the organizer’s relatives gather and prepare the necessary products - cutting onions and carrots, roasting meat, sorting rice. Everything must be prepared in advance, because pilaf is prepared before the end of morning prayer. If the occasion is joyful, then the beginning of the ceremony is announced by karnais and surnais (wind instruments, which are long pipes). During the meal, artists sing and play for those gathered. folk orchestras. After the ceremony, guests of honor are given national robes (chapans) or other gifts. Funeral pilaf is distinguished by its modesty. Instead of fotiha, they read the appropriate suras from the Koran, remember the deceased and condole with relatives.