How old is the pelage from the voice now? Singer Pelageya

Pelageya is an original Russian vocalist who performs compositions in the folk-rock genre. The singer began performing back in early childhood and became the winner of many popular vocal competitions. Now the girl has own group, and tickets to her concerts are instantly sold out. The singer is known for her cheerful disposition and colorful stage outfits in folk style. Over the past years, the artist has also been a member of the jury of the show “The Voice”. Contestants love the singer for her sincere emotions and soulful approach to music.

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Biography of Pelageya

The future singer Pelageya was born in 1986 in the city of Novosibirsk. At the time of registering the birth certificate, the registry office staff made a mistake and registered the girl as Polina. Only at the age of 16, when she received a passport, the singer was able to regain the name that her parents had originally given her. By the way, this is a family name: the child was named after his grandmother.

The artist also did not bear the surname Khanova from birth; She received it from her stepfather, who raised her as his own daughter. The little girl practically didn’t know her own father – she and her mother broke up very early. Mother future star She was once a famous jazz vocalist, but after a long illness she lost her voice. Svetlana had to start working in the theater. Now she is a director and teaches acting, and is also a producer for her daughter.

Pelageya Khanova's career began in early childhood. At the age of four, the girl took part in a kindergarten production. The child really enjoyed performing on stage, and four years later the mother enrolled her daughter in music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. It is noteworthy that by that time the school had been operating for 25 years, but only instrumentalists, not vocalists, studied there. At one of the performances at the conservatory, the girl was noticed by Dmitry Revyakin, lead singer of the Kalinov Most group. He invited the young vocalist to go to Moscow and become a participant in the program “ morning Star" The girl managed to win this competition, and in 1996 the 10-year-old performer was recognized as the best folk vocalist of Russia.

After this, the artist competed in some other prestigious music competitions. In addition, the girl began to play in KVN for the university team of her native Novosibirsk. During the same period, Pelageya was lucky enough to sing in front of the presidents of Russia, France and Germany at a trilateral summit of the heads of these states.

At the age of 14, the girl graduated from school early and settled in the capital, entering the Academy theatrical arts. That same year, the singer became the lead singer of the group of the same name, which soon released its first album, “Lyubo!” The group sang in a very unusual style, but perhaps it was thanks to this that the disc quickly became popular.

Thus, from the age of 14, the singer began touring and recording compositions in the studio. The artist managed to work in several directions at once, and with constant success. For example, in 2003, the vocalist graduated with honors and simultaneously recorded her second album. In 2006-2009, Pelageya Khanova actively performed at concerts in Russia and other countries former USSR, took part in many competitions and famous festivals. During this period, she released two more studio albums, which found a response in the hearts of many listeners and experts.

In 2009, the singer's fifth album was released. She got unusual name- “Siberian Drive”. In the same year, the girl took part in the television program “Two Stars”, where famous singers performed compositions in duets with non-professional vocalists. Actress Daria Moroz became the singer’s partner. After this, the performer took part in other musical television projects, including the show “Property of the Republic”.

Today Pelageya Sergeevna actively performs at concerts, festivals and works in the theater. In addition, she has been a permanent mentor in the show “The Voice” for several years now. Children". The audience fell in love with the mentor’s sincere emotions and her feelings for all the contestants without exception. Being the only populist among all the mentors, the singer often gives folk songs to her wards.

Previously, the artist was also on the jury of the adult “Voice”, but recently she was replaced by Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Pelageya

In 1997, during the KVN games in Novosibirsk, Pelageya met Dmitry Efimovich, who later became the director of the television project “ Comedy Woman" At that time, Dmitry played for one of the teams, but the guys did not become friends.

Many years later, the singer and the director met by chance in Moscow, and a relationship arose between them. tender feelings. In 2010, the couple legalized their relationship. This was the girl’s first serious novel, since in her youth she was not particularly popular with young people. Fans sincerely hoped that the marriage with Efimovich would be successful.

After the wedding, the singer took the surname of her husband, who, by the way, is 11 years older than her. However, after 2 years, the vocalist again began to appear in the world as Pelageya Khanova. Soon the public learned that the singer and her husband were officially divorced. According to one version, the reason for the separation was Dmitry’s betrayal. According to another version, the husband already wanted a child at that time, and the singer threw herself into work and was in no hurry to have a baby.

The artist was very worried about the divorce. She found salvation in active work and in searching for new material for musical creativity. Gradually, the pain from the failed marriage passed, and the singer again began to believe that she would meet her true love.

In the second season of the show “The Voice,” one of the members of her team, Dmitry Sorochenkov, drew the attention of Pelageya. It is noteworthy that the young man is not only the namesake ex-husband singer, but also looks like him. Dmitry publicly stated that the mentor turned his heart, and the singer also admitted more than once that she was not indifferent to her ward. However, rumors about their romance were not confirmed.

Pelageya Khanova was also credited with another romance on the “Voice” project - this time with colleague Dima Bilan. The basis for such guesses was a photograph in which the singers tenderly embrace in one of the bars. As in the case of Dmitry Sorochenkov, the rumors turned out to be groundless.

In the summer of 2016, it became known that Pelageya was dating the famous hockey player Ivan Telegin. During one of Telegin’s matches, the paparazzi caught the “Voice” mentor on the podium, who had an engagement ring on her ring finger. Then the athlete’s relatives confirmed: there will be a wedding! It would seem worth rejoicing for Pelageya. However, following the news about the new boyfriend, information appeared that Khanova had taken the guy away from the family. In February, Ivan and his girlfriend Evgenia had a son, Mark, but the child did not save the union from collapse.

Pelageya refused to comment on this shocking statement. But after some time, a message from a representative of the group (presumably Svetlana Gennadievna Khanova) appeared on its official website under numerous questions from fans.

"First and last time I’ll answer here,” the comment reads. - Vanya was not married. When they met Polya, he was no longer in a relationship. All. I suggest we end here."

On June 16, 2016, Pelageya and Ivan Telegin played a secret wedding. Their wedding took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office, and the banquet took place in one of the Rublevsky restaurants. Among the guests of the event were only the closest relatives and friends. Among the star people are Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov.

A month after the wedding, everyone noticed that Pelageya was in an interesting position. On January 21, 2017, she gave birth to a girl, whom she and Ivan named Taisiya.

Victory in the competition

Many years ago, when she was nine years old, she met the vocalist of the Kalinov Most band, Dmitry Revyakin, who was impressed by her beautiful voice. He sent a recording of Pelageya’s song to the capital for the “Morning Star” program, but at that time there was no folklore category there. But Yuri Nikolaev solved this problem simply: he invited the girl to take part in the competition for the winners of the project. As a result, she won the competition and was named "Best Performer" folk song" She was also awarded cash prize- gave 1000 dollars.

First hit and participation in the concert

And at this time hastily written down in hometown and somehow Pelageya’s song “Love, brothers, love!” ended up in the backpack of one riot policeman! became incredibly popular in Chechnya. And soon the performer, on behalf of the capital's Patriarchate, was invited to participate in the Kremlin concert - she was supposed to become the presenter. There she met Alexy II, who blessed her and wished her good luck. Then the celebrity was very small. And now many people want to know how old the singer Pelageya is now. It's no secret - she's 27.

Participation in KVN and performance on Red Square

But what happened to the singer next? After some time, a nine-year-old girl from Novosibirsk became acquainted with famous people, for example, with Joseph Kobzon, Hilary Clinton, Nikita Mikhalkov, Naina Yeltsina. Before the singer had time to look back, 1997 came, which brought her a lot important events. The girl was accepted into the Novosibirsk KVN team, and she became the youngest member of the club of all time. Then the singer Pelageya received an invitation to perform at a large-scale performance dedicated to the 850th anniversary of the capital. Sent it to her famous director by the surname Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky. The girl, who performed her famous song “Lyubo, brothers, lyubo!”, attracted everyone’s attention, her performance was filmed, after which it was watched by spectators in many countries around the world. From now on the funds mass media they began to call it the “Symbol of Perestroika”, as well as the “National Treasure”. Many at this time began to wonder what the name of the singer Pelageya was, not assuming that she had her real name.

Entering music school and recording the first album

Soon the performer and her mother began to live in the capital, in a rented apartment. The young singer entered a music school in the piano department. After some time it was recorded debut album, called “Lyubo!”

Speech at the summit

In the early spring of 1998, Pelageya became a guest of the “Anthropology” program, hosted by Dmitry Dibrov. It was then that the President of Russia saw her and made her a very tempting offer. For the first time in long years A summit was held in which the heads of several countries took part: Russia, Germany and France. And at this meeting there was supposed to be a small cultural program, namely a concert of a young singer. After this speech, it was trumpeted throughout all countries: he compared the young celebrity with Edith Piaf, and the Russian President even cried and called the girl “a symbol of a resurgent country”! People were surprised when they found out how old Pelageya was. The singer was only 12.

Performance in a rock club, recording a cover

Seven days later, Pelageya performed at a rock club, delighting guests and journalists with the performance of her hits. The group “Va-Bank” also appeared on stage with her. At the end of autumn 1998, Pelageya contributed to the recording of an album with cover versions of Depeche Mode compositions. The girl sang the song Home. Soon the publication FUZZ recognized her cover as the best. At the beginning of the summer of 1999, Mstislav Rostropovich invited the singer to participate in the prestigious Swiss music festival, held in Evian.

Performance in Edinburgh

August 1999 was successful for Pelageya - she was lucky enough to take part in the Fringe Edinburgh Festival. The young singer went there with another talented girl from Ukraine - Katya Chili, they united into a group and called themselves Prodigies, so they performed together. Edinburgh audiences really liked their compositions.

Singer Pelageya, together with the musicians who arrived with her, performed in front of foreign audiences as many as 18 times.

Recording two songs

In 1999, in the fall, the performer recorded two new songs in the capital of Ukraine: Mary Magdalene’s aria from the famous opera called “Jesus Christ - Superstar” and “Evening Sacrifice” (so-called orthodox prayer). The compositions, as expected, turned out great.

Performances in Israel

At the beginning of winter 2000, the anniversary of Christianity was celebrated, and the singer, together with the Osipov Orchestra and vocalists Bolshoi Theater performed at the Theater of Nations, located in the capital of Israel. And then she sang in Bethlehem, in the square near the Cathedral of the Nativity. In addition to many fans, all Orthodox Patriarchs, including Alexy II, also heard it. Again, people began to look for information about the name of the singer Pelageya and, when they found out that it was her real name, were glad that her parents named her so beautifully. In general, 2000 became a very fruitful year for the singer. Having stopped recording compositions for the album, she begins to prepare for the next performances. Only one thing was upsetting: the singer never found a producer to realize her main creative goal - to determine a musical style that would help present authentic and famous folk compositions to a wide range of listeners.

Team formation

So, Pelageya recruited a group of young people who were as passionate about music as herself, whose ages ranged from 16 to 20 years old, and began preparing a concert program.

Moreover, the singer did not puzzle over who it was intended for. The compositions turned out to be very light and sincere, the guys played on acoustic guitars, percussion, accordion and ethnic

Performances in clubs and concerts

Initially, singer Pelageya planned to perform in various clubs, for example, in “ Chinese pilot Zhao Da.” However, it was decided to perform some compositions from this program at national Kremlin pop concerts. Of course, most of the singers there simply opened their mouths to the soundtrack. And the team, which is now called “Pelageya,” does not even want to hear anything about her - this is not their prerogative.

This acoustic program was included in the subsequent part of the album. It contains seven compositions and is notable for its concert sound, which is so loved by the singer’s fans.

Performance at the Theater Olympics and the next summit, release of an album with romances

In 2001, the Pelageya team performed excellently at the Theater Olympics, which was organized by V. Polunin. And at the end of summer, the singer performed her compositions at another meeting of eleven presidents of the former republics Soviet Union. There she performed together with Alla Pugacheva. In the autumn of the same year, an album was released with romances performed by domestic singers. These compositions were to be used in the film “Azazel”. The media announced two best singers: Pelageya and Grebenshchikov. At the end of autumn, he arrived in the capital, he accidentally heard Pelageya’s composition and invited her to perform the soundtrack to his new film.

Singer Pelageya: personal life

In 2010, the wedding of the performer and Dmitry, the guy with whom she performed together in KVN, took place. And after a couple of years, the couple decided to divorce. None of them commented on this in any way, but there is an opinion that the reason was the singer’s reluctance to give birth to a child and her husband’s infidelity.

Now, apparently, Pelageya has found a new guy. Recently she began to be noticed in the company of an unknown man. They constantly hold hands and beam with happiness.

Do you know that…

  • For many years the girl did not bear her own name. The registry office workers were a little mistaken. They wrote down another name - Polina. Pelageya is not a secretive singer, and she told reporters this amazing incident. Only at the age of 16, upon receiving a passport, the girl regained her real name.
  • In 2008, the singer was awarded the Triumph Prize - she was awarded it for her contribution to culture.
  • Pelagia - four and a half octaves.

Sixteen-year-old Pelageya Khanova is the owner of one of best votes countries. She has a range of three and a half octaves and there is no vocal teacher - no one takes on her because they are afraid of ruining it. Pelageya sings Russian folk songs - an amazing choice for a young lady: it’s not fashionable now.

Pelageya Khanova was born in Novosibirsk, in 1986, on July 14. In infancy, she already showed herself to be an extraordinary musical person, repeating entire phrases after her mother’s lullabies. Thus, she extremely surprised those around her, especially children’s doctors. At the age of three she learned to read (her first book was “Gargantua and Pantagruel”). At three and a half I was typing stories. own composition. Harmoniously and slowly developing as a “humanitarian prodigy,” she one day found herself on stage. This historical event happened in St. Petersburg, at one of the many avant-garde exhibitions in which Pelageya’s mother, Svetlana Khanova, participated - professional theater director, former singer. From this moment it is customary to keep a report stage life artist Pelageya.

It should be noted that “Pelageya” is not a pseudonym, as many people think, but a real name, given to the girl at birth (the name day of this name is celebrated on October 21). At the age of 8, Pelageya entered a special school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory without exams and became the first student vocalist in the 25-year history of the school. As a scholarship recipient of the Young Talents of Siberia Foundation and a participant in the UN International Program New Names of the Planet, she increasingly performs at the most prestigious venues in the country - such as the Variety Theater, the State Concert Hall of Russia, Vasilievsky Spusk of Red Square, and the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. The singer's repertoire consists of romances and popular Russian songs.

At the age of 9, she meets the leader of the Kalinov Most group, Dima Revyakin, and he sends Pelageya’s videotape to Moscow for the Morning Star, but since at that time there is no folklore block there yet, Yuri Nikolaev invites her to participate in the competition Winners of the “Morning Star”, where she safely takes first place and becomes the owner of the honorary title “ Best Performer folk song in Russia 1996” and a prize of $1000. Meanwhile, recorded hastily in Novosibirsk, and accidentally ended up in the duffel bag of one of the Novosibirsk riot police soldiers, performed by Pelageya as a Hymn to a warrior, the song “Love, brothers, love!” becomes a hit in Chechnya... Having received an invitation from the Moscow Patriarchate to participate in and host one of the concerts in the Kremlin, Pelageya meets Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II and receives his blessing for creativity.

Among the high-ranking people whom the 9-year-old girl from Siberia met during this time were Joseph Kobzon, Nikita Mikhalkov, Hilary Clinton, Naina Yeltsina... 1997 becomes a turning point in the singer’s fate: several important events happen at once... Pelageya becomes a member of the KVN team of Novosibirsk State University and the youngest KVN participant in its entire history. Hollywood director Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky invites her to participate in a grand show on Red Square dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow! Pelageya, who performed her hit “Lyubo, brothers, lyubo!”, becomes the main tragic figure of the performance, which is broadcast by the BBC to the whole world. From now on, the media will begin to call her “National Treasure” and “Symbol of Perestroika.” And finally, there is an acquaintance with the General Director of the recording company “Fili Recording Company” Igor Tonkikh. After short negotiations, Pelageya signs an exclusive contract with this company to record 3 albums.

Together with her mother, the girl moves to Moscow, rents an apartment, studies at the music school at the Gnessin College in the piano department and records her first album with the working title “Lyubo!”. A variety of musicians take part in the recording: Russian Orchestra folk instruments them. Osipova and Alexey Zubarev (guitarist of “Aquarium”), Academic Choir named after. Sveshnikova and Max Golovin (project “Eclecticism”), guitarist Leontyev Valery Dolgin, Transbaikal Cossack ensemble “Zabuzory”, winner of the Tchaikovsky Prize, cellist Borya Andriyanov, guitarist “Megapolis” Max Leonov...

Pelageya studies vocals with her mother, developing and strengthening her traditional Siberian style - with the so-called “hard vocal delivery”. Having a range of four octaves, she gradually masters cantilena and bel cante singing. Living in Moscow, Pelageya actively participates in various official events, such as the ceremony of presenting the National Cinematography Award NIKA and the All-Russian Theater - “ Golden mask”, concerts (“Easter in the Kremlin”, etc.), charity events... In March 1998, after Dibrov’s “Anthropology” aired with her participation, the 11-year-old singer received an incredible offer from the President of Russia himself...

For the first time since World War II, the heads of three powers are meeting at once: France, Germany and Russia. And at this summit the only cultural program The protocol provides for a small solo concert Pelagia. News agencies spread it all over the world: Jacques Chirac called the girl “Russian Edith Piaf!”, and Yeltsin, tearing up, called her “a symbol of a resurgent Russia.”

A week later, in one of the rock and roll clubs, the “symbol” delighted journalists and visitors by performing his songs in a duet with Alexander F. Sklyar to the immodest accompaniment of “Va-Banka”... The collaboration with Sklyar did not end there - Pelageya participated in the Festival “ Learn to swim” in the summer of 1998 and for some reason had big success and among the Estonian local population. In November 1998, she participated in the recording of the Depeche Mode tribute album “Depesha for Depeche Mode”, which is published by “FILI”, with the composition “Home”, and “FUZZ” magazine calls this cover version the most successful. At the same time, prominent figures Russian culture They petition the Moscow Mayor to improve the singer’s living conditions, and by decision of the Moscow Government, Pelageya becomes a Muscovite. True, despite this fact, journalists both in Russia and abroad continue to call her “the girl from Siberia.” In July 1999, at the invitation of Mstislav Rostropovich, she participated in one of the most prestigious music festivals in Evian (Switzerland), along with such world figures as Leo Marcus, Evgeny Kissin, Ravi Shankar, Paata Burchiladze, B.B. King... Galina Vishnevskaya in an interview the French press calls Pelageya “the future of the World opera stage”…

And finally, in August 1999, the singer participated in the world’s largest theatrical and folklore international festival- FRINGE EDINBURGH FESTIVAL. A project that combines concert programs Pelageya and the young Ukrainian performer Katya Chili, was called PRODIGIES, and was a worthy success among the sophisticated Edinburgh audience. Pelageya, together with the musicians who came with her to Scotland (Mikhail Sokolov - percussion, Vladimir Lukashenya - keys, Max Leonov - guitar), gave 18 concerts. The result of this trip was not only numerous filming and interviews on the BBC, the broadcast of her performance on a huge television screen in London's central park, an offer from the Deputy Mayor of Edinburgh for Culture to record an album in Scotland, but also an acquaintance with the manager of the legendary Italian tenor Jose Carreras, who made an official proposal Pelageya to participate in the world premiere of the opera star, which will take place in England in 2000. Now the artist is on the threshold of a new stage in her work - in parallel with the formation of a fundamentally new repertoire and a different performing style and stage image, a competitive selection of musicians is underway for the group under the working name “Pelageya”. This project will form the basis of the second album, where only live music and authentic singing. Work on the third, on the contrary, electronic album, has already begun.

Name: Pelageya (Pelageya Telegina)

Age: 32 years

Height: 163

Activity: singer, TV presenter

Pelageya: biography

Pelageya is a famous Russian folk singer, known for her unique deep voice and wide repertoire of romances, folk and original songs.

Childhood and youth

A singer with an amazing voice, Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova, is a native Siberian. She was born in the summer of 1986 in Novosibirsk. Together with her birth, a bright star, amazing and unlike all others, flashed in the horizon of Russian culture.

Everything about this girl was initially unusual: her name, her rapid growth, the amazing timbre of her voice. At first Pelageya received the name Polina. This is what the registry office employees decided, considering that Polina is a derivative of the “outdated” name Pelageya. Later, when it was time to receive a passport, Pelageya corrected the mistake. She values ​​her old name very much, because that was her grandmother’s name. And the surname Khanova came from her stepfather; the girl does not remember her own father.

Pelageya Khanova inherited her musical abilities and stunning voice from her mother, a jazz singer. Meanwhile, mother, whose singing career turned out tragically (Svetlana Khanova lost her voice after a long illness), she put her whole soul into her daughter. Seeing that the girl from the cradle began to show extraordinary musical abilities, the woman did her best to develop her talent.

Already in infancy, Pelageya tried to repeat after her mother singing a lullaby to her, whole musical phrases. At the age of 3, the girl surprised everyone around her by the fact that she already knew how to read. Her first book read was the satirical novel Gargantua and Pantagruel.

The singer’s creative biography began even before school. Pelageya Khanova became acquainted with the stage at the age of 4. This happened in St. Petersburg. Mom took her little daughter to an exhibition of avant-garde artists. The debut made an impression on everyone present, including the young singer. She fell in love with the stage forever. Performances continued in the kindergarten of her native Novosibirsk, where little Polina regularly gave “concerts” at all matinees.

At the age of 8, Khanova entered the music special school in Novosibirsk, which operated at the conservatory. Pelageya turned out to be the first vocalist in the history of the institution. Here the 9-year-old star was first heard by the leader of the Kalinov Most musical group, Dmitry Revyakin. The musician invited the parents to bring their daughter to the capital, where the girl could participate in the Morning Star competition.

Revyakin’s advice turned out to be correct: Pelageya received the title “Best folk song performer in Russia in 1996.” Participation in “Morning Star” was a turning point in the life of the little performer. From that moment on, Pelageya Khanova made a rapid career takeoff. Soon, not only her compatriots heard the unique voice of the Siberian woman. called the young singer “Russian”. Pelageya applauded, and, having shed tears, called her “a symbol of a resurgent Russia.”

Pelageya and Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II

At the age of 9, Pelageya Khanova is a scholarship recipient of the Young Talents of Siberia Foundation. The singer participates in the UN International Program “New Names of the Planet”. Russian romances performed by Siberian women are applauded in the Kremlin Palace and the State concert hall"Russia". During her speech in the Kremlin, Pelageya met the Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II and received his blessing for further creativity. Many people talk about this Russian performers could only dream. The young singer meets and many others.

In 1997, an 11-year-old girl appeared on the KVN stage. Pelageya competed for the Novosibirsk team state university and created a sensation. Pelageya becomes not only a performer of musical numbers, but also a full member of the team. We can safely say that KVN discovered a starlet named Pelageya for the audience.

Pelageya in KVN (NSU 1997)

At the same time, Pelageya signed a contract for the release of several albums with the Fili recording studio, which is known for its collaboration with the groups TekkilaJazz, Chaif, and Kolibri. Among Fili’s projects is a tribute album to the British band “Depesha for Depeche Mode,” for which Pelageya performs the track “Home.” According to the authoritative magazine FUZZ and the members of Depeche Mode themselves, the cover was recognized as the best musical composition album.


Demand and constant participation in concerts and competitions become the reason for Pelageya’s relocation to the capital. The girl moves to Moscow with her mother. Here they rent an apartment. Khanova goes to study at the music school at the Gnessin School. At this time, Pelageya recorded her debut music album“Any!”

Pelageya in the program " Old TV"

The girl's vocals are handled by her mother. An amazing range of 4 octaves turns out to be an obstacle even for eminent teachers: teachers are afraid to work with young talent, so as not to spoil Pelageya’s unique natural abilities. Under the guidance of Svetlana Khanova, the young singer mastered complex bell canto singing.

Living in the capital, Pelageya Khanova becomes a regular participant in official events. The young singer’s songs are applauded at the Nika and Golden Mask awards ceremony, at the Easter in the Kremlin concert and at the summit of the heads of France, Germany and Russia. It is noteworthy that at the last event, which had national significance, Pelageya's solo concert was the only one cultural event provided by the protocol.

With the participation of Pelageya, a concert took place on Red Square on the occasion of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, directed by. Performance by the young star and Kubansky Cossack choir with the song “Love, brothers, love!” was seen by residents of the whole planet thanks to the international broadcast by the BBC television channel.

In the spring of 1998, an episode of “Anthropology” was aired with the participation of Pelageya. The girl was then 11 years old. And in next year the singer participated in a prestigious music festival in Evian, Switzerland. The girl received an invitation to the festival from . did not skimp on praise for the Russian starlet, calling the young singer “the future of the world opera stage.”

Pelageya on Dmitry Dibrov's program "Anthropology"

In the same 1999, Pelageya Khanova sang at the international folklore festival in Scotland, amazing the sophisticated audience in Edinburgh. The singer's performances were broadcast on a huge screen in a London park. The artist's tour took place from incredible success, 18 sold-out concerts took place. The girl received an offer to record new album in Switzerland and met the manager of the legendary. The manager invited Khanova to participate in the world premiere opera singer in 2000, Pelageya accepted the offer.

At the age of 14, Pelageya Khanova became a student at RATI. While studying in 2003, the singer released the retrospective album “Pelageya”. It includes popular songs by the performer, with which the girl performed from the age of ten: “Cossack”, “Vanya was sitting on the sofa”, “Party” and others.

Pelageya - "I was on my way home"

In 2005, Pelageya graduated from the pop department and received a red diploma. In the same year, the Siberian performer founded her own music group, which was named "Pelageya". According to the musicians of the group, they used ethno-rock as a genre of music and relied on the ideas of Inna Zhelannaya, Angela Manukyan, Sergei Starostin, and the Kalinov Most group. Together with her colleagues, Pelageya strives to recreate authentic Russian songs and introduce elements of modern rock music.

Pelageya - "Cossack"

In 2009, Pelageya released an online release, and a year later on physical media, a new double album, “Paths,” which included Russian folk, Cossack and original songs. Recorded on two discs famous songs, performed by Pelageya: “Oh, it’s not evening”, “Roses”, “Midnight Rider”, “Bylinka”, “Steppe”, “Werewolf-Prince” and others. Performed by the singer, these works became real hits, which still become an integral part of the artist’s concerts. The group's first performance took place at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg and was warmly received by the audience.

To date, Pelageya has recorded 6 albums. The performer is working on the 7th, which will be called “The Cherry Orchard.” In addition, the singer’s repertoire includes dozens of popular romances and folk songs, which Pelageya performed only on stage, without recording on discs. Among these compositions: “Spring will not come for me”, “In the Upper Room”, “Horse”, “Black Raven”, “Under the Green Rocket” and other compositions loved by the inhabitants of the country for generations.

Pelageya - "In the Upper Room"

In 2004, the girl made her debut as an actress in the TV series “Yesenin”, and since 2009 she became a participant in the 3rd season of the popular show “Two Stars”, where she sang in a duet with. Then a misunderstanding occurred between the project management and Pelageya, which was discussed in the media.

According to the organizers of the show, the singer refused to go on stage for no reason after several programs, allegedly “letting Daria and the project down.” Pelageya replied that in fact the temporary contract was concluded for a couple of issues due to health problems, but after the Pelageya-Moroz couple became the leader, the organizers decided to leave the singer in the project, but the performer was not ready.

In 2012, fans talented singer saw Pelageya in the show "". Pelageya appeared in the role of a mentor. Khanova worked as a mentor in three seasons of “The Voice”; the singer’s numbers were distinguished by amazing arrangements, costumes and the depth of her works. Polya, as the singer was called by her colleagues on the show, and, gained the love of millions of television viewers, becoming one of the best and emotional mentors of the project. In 2014, the singer became a coach-mentor in a branch of the “Voice” project, the musical competition show"Voice. Children".

Alisa Ignatieva, Pelageya - "White Snow"

In 2014, viewers noted that Pelageya, whose height is 163 cm, had lost weight. Some had difficulty recognizing the 29-year-old folk singer, noting the unusual and somewhat sickly look performers. Khanova admitted that she had indeed radically lost weight. But the singer did not disclose the exact figures of her anthropometric data, so it is unknown what specific figure the scales of the famous artist showed.

Group "Pelageya" - "Snow White Cherry"

Fans noted that along with the kilograms, the singer’s charm also went away. After some time, Pelageya found “her” weight, gaining a couple of kg. The singer is not ready to change her appearance that much anymore. However, during the process of stabilizing her weight, the artist studied all possible diets and revised her diet. Pelageya generously shared her experience with her fans. Besides proper nutrition, the artist devoted time to sports activities, massage sessions and visiting the bathhouse. According to the singer, thanks to this comprehensive approach, she was able to lose up to 7 kg per week.

Personal life

Pelageya openly shares her creative plans on her official website, where detailed posters of the singer, galleries with photographs from concerts and videos are posted: filming of performances, fragments of concerts and presentations - and the latest news. There are no clips on the site for compositions performed by the singer.

Pelageya in the show "The Voice"

Pelageya does not often appear in studio videos, because this type of video is not very suitable for the genre of folk song, beloved by the musician. In addition, from the pages of the site, the singer reports that she does not have official accounts on social networks, except “ Instagram ».

Pelageya’s personal life rarely becomes the subject of discussion in the press: the singer does not like scandals and never appears in them. In 2010, Pelageya Khanova got married. Pelageya’s chosen one was the director of “Comedy Woman” Dmitry Efimovich. The folk singer even took her husband's last name. But after 2 years this marriage broke up.

In 2016, the press became aware of the romance between Pelageya and the hockey player. Rumors and gossip fueled the couple's joint appearances in public. The singer was noticed at the 2016 World Hockey Championship in Russia among the wives and girlfriends of the national team's hockey players.

Note that Ivan Telegin broke up with his common-law wife, who gave him a son. Three months after the birth of the boy, the athlete left the family, giving vent to rumors about Pelageya’s role in family drama.

June 16, 2016 Pelageya and Ivan Telegin at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. The ceremony was attended only by relatives and friends of the couple. The wedding of Pelageya and Telegin was not advertised. The newlyweds went to a restaurant after the wedding and then flew to Greece.

Pregnant Pelagia

The singer hid her pregnancy while she had the opportunity. Fans learned that the family was expecting a new addition when the singer was in her final stages. On January 21, 2017, Ivan Telegin and Pelageya became parents. Singer Taisiyu.

A year later, rumors about Pelageya’s husband appeared in the media. Reporters' speculations were based on photographs in which Ivan Telegin appeared hugging unknown girl. But the couple denied the rumors by appearing together at a performance by Cirque du Soleil artists. The couple Pelageya and Ivan arrived at the performance in excellent spirits, and besides, the husband did not leave his beloved for a minute.

According to Pelageya, her daughter is growing up as a “severe” child. The singer suggests that with her seriousness, Taya took after her dad, who as a child amazed those around him with his discipline and responsibility. Parents try to give everything free time daughters, but sometimes they leave the girl with a nanny or grandmothers.

Pelageya now

A month after being discharged from the maternity hospital, Pelageya went on stage, the singer appeared at the Crocus City Hall at the anniversary. Pelageya performed a duet with the birthday boy. Also in 2017, Pelageya, together with her, held a concert in honor of the fifth anniversary of the show “The Voice”.

In the same year, the creators music competition pleased fans with the “golden composition” of the jury. The return of Pelageya and Alexander Gradsky to the project was greeted with enthusiasm by the audience. A year later, the singer triumphantly returned to the judge’s chair of the “Voice. Children". The finalist of the fifth season, Pelageya’s ward took first place in the competition.

Now the Pelageya group continues touring, regularly visiting concerts big cities Russia. In the summer of 2018, the singer attended the Shukshin Days in Altai music festival, performing in the finale of the gala event. The artist performed the tracks “Horse” and “Bird”, which were greeted by the audience with thunderous applause.

Pelyageya at the World of Siberia festival

At the end of spring 2018, Forbes magazine published a list of the 50 most famous stars pop and athletes, where Pelageya was in 39th place thanks to her annual income of $ 1.7 million.


  • 1999 - “Love!” (single)
  • 2003 - “Pelageya”
  • 2006 - “Single” (single)
  • 2007 - “Girl Songs”
  • 2009 - “Siberian Drive”
  • 2010 - “Trails”

A charming, sincere and smiling girl, Pelageya is a famous folk singer in Russia and abroad. She has a unique deep voice and incredible charisma. You can hear romances, folk and original songs performed by her. In her biography and personal life there is no dark spots. She open man and is happy to share with her fans photographs of her husband and child, and talks about her experiences and achievements.

Pelageya Khanova in her young years achieved great heights in show business. But with her perseverance, hard work, vocal and external abilities, this is not at all surprising.


In 1986, Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova was born into a family of musicians in Novosibirsk. This name was given to the girl by her own grandmother, but the registry office thought differently and decided that the newborn’s name would be Polina. In fact, the workers simply assumed that Pelageya and Polina are the same name, only the first is outdated, but the second is modern and sonorous. Pelageya was able to officially return her name only when it was time to apply for a passport. Pelageya's surname is Khanova and she got it from her stepfather; she never communicated with her father and does not know him.

Pelageya’s mother was a fairly popular and famous jazz singer. But, unfortunately, she lost her voice due to illness. She continued to build her career on the theater stage. She worked as a director and taught acting.

Little Pelageya with her mother

A native Siberian, Pelageya grew up as a very gifted child. The girl learned to read very early, when she was only three years old, she read her first novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel” by Rabelais, and at the age of ten she was already carried away by “The Master and Margarita” and mastered reading it from cover to cover. Developed in creative direction the future singer from a very young age, and this was primarily facilitated by her mother.

My mother taught vocals to her daughter; she can safely be called her first teacher. And all because the voice future singer they were afraid to harm, to spoil its wide range.

The beginning of a creative journey

Pelageya began to take her first steps to Olympus of glory at the age of 4. But it was just a performance staged by the teachers kindergarten. The first appearance on stage was successful. The young talent Pelageya fell in love with the stage with all her heart, 4 years after her first appearance on the stage, she was enrolled in a special music school at the city conservatory in her hometown, Novosibirsk.

Pelageya began performing at the age of 4

Pelageya felt comfortable on stage and gave high-quality and colorful performances. Soon, this attracted the attention of the famous musician Dmitry Revyakin. Having heard the performance of the little singer, the artist immediately approached her with an offer to participate in the very popular “Morning Star” project, famous in those years. He made the right decision; Pelageya became the owner of the title of “best folk song performer in Russia in 1996” and a laureate of a prestigious competition.

Then the career of the little girl Pelageya, whose talent no one doubted, quickly took off. She performed at the competition “Young Talents of Siberia”, “New Names of the Planet”, and also became a member of the KVN team from NSU University. Pelagia was entrusted with singing at the trilateral summit for the presidents of Russia, France and Germany. When the concert was over, the head of France, Jacques Chérac, praised the girl and said that she was undoubtedly worthy of the title of Russian Edith Piaf.

Pelageya in her youth and now

Pelageya, despite her achievements, which are associated with creative activity, never put school studies in the background. She even managed to graduate as an external student; at the age of 14 she graduated and received a certificate. Then she entered the Russian Academy of Theater Arts in Moscow. And in the same 1999, Pelageya became the lead singer of the group, which was named after her.

Group "Pelageya"

With the advent of 2000, changes took place in Pelageya’s life; her measured life, which consisted mainly of studying, changed. The singer started real life performers, at a very lively pace. Touring gave way to studio work, recording new songs, searching for lyrics and music for those same songs, vocal lessons, and so on in a circle.

In 2003, the debut retrospective album was released with same name. It included the most recognizable songs: “Lyubo, brothers, lyubo”, “Cossack”, and others. In 2004, Pelageya tried herself in an unusual role as an actress and starred in a series called “Yesenin”. Two years after the release of the first album, Pelageya graduated from the academy with excellent marks and received a honors diploma.

Singer in the group "Pelageya"

In 2006, an autobiography film about the singer was published, it told about her life and creative path, it was called “Wunderkinds”. To date, Pelageya has released 6 albums, and the seventh is on the way. Not all of her works were published on media; Pelageya’s repertoire includes dozens of romances. But she fulfills them only at a price.

But not all of the singer’s work was greeted with open arms by her fans and critics. For example studio album“Girl Songs,” which included 12 compositions, evoked very mixed emotions among the public. One of the most read and authoritative Rolling magazines Stones rated Pelageya’s work as a singer 4 out of 5, and critics were not at all complimentary about the performance, calling it “discolored and withered.”


In 2012, Pelageya joined the jury vocal show talents called "Voice". She sat in the judges' chair, and her partners were Agutin, Gradsky and Bilan. Over the three seasons of the project, Pelageya was able to win honorable 2nd and 3rd places together with her protégés.

Personal life

It is very rare to see at least some information in the media with a negative connotation about Pelageya’s personal life, husband and child. Her biography is very measured, and Pelageya herself does not look like a person with a quarrelsome character. There were two official marriages in her life.

With her first husband, Dmitry Efimovich, her marriage was officially registered in 2010. Pelageya took her husband's surname. But the family idyll between the singer and the director of “Comedy Woman” did not last long, only 2 years.

The artist with her husband

4 years after the divorce from her first husband, information appeared in the media that Pelageya had a man; at that time it was about Ivan Telegin. Gossip and rumors were constantly fueled, the couple was often seen together at various events. Everyone’s doubts disappeared when Pelageya was spotted at the 2016 World Hockey Championship along with the wives and lovers of the national team’s hockey players. The singer was accused of taking Ivan away from the family where there was a newborn child.

But despite gossips On June 16, 2016, Pelageya and Ivan Telegin got married. The wedding was hidden behind seven locks. Only the closest and dearest couples were invited to the celebration and celebration. Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds went on their honeymoon to Greece.

Yours interesting situation Pelageya hid it almost until the very end. And only in recent months, fans declassified it, but the singer’s rounded belly was already clearly visible there. On January 21, 2017, Ivan and Pelageya became parents. A daughter was born, who was called rare and beautiful name Taisiya.

Pelageya with her tiny daughter

Despite the fact that Pelageya recently became a mother, everything is wonderful in her personal life, she has a husband and a child, she does not leave the stage.

Just 1 month after she was sent home with her child from the maternity hospital, the singer was already performing on stage. She appeared at Crocus City Hall at the anniversary of Nikolai Rastorguev and sang with him.

Also in the same year, together with famous actor Nagiyev, Pelageya hosted the concert. It was dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the show “The Voice”.

Social media

IN in social networks Pelageya is not active, although she is registered in almost all the most popular ones. She has only 4 thousand subscribers on Instagram, she does not spoil her fans with photographs, only 11 posts have been published. One gets the impression that the page is not hers personally, but a group of the same name.

In the Facebook group about Pelageya you can see more information. There are videos and photos and a lot interesting articles about her. The situation is exactly the same on VKontakte.